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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer


MADDIE SANDHOLM, Former Managing Editor

Maddie Sandholm (she/her), FCLC ’23, is the former managing editor at The Observer. She is a new media and digital design and visual arts double major. If she’s not in The Observer office, you might find her drawing, playing guitar or playing Stardew Valley with her sisters. Previously, she worked as a layout editor.

All content by MADDIE SANDHOLM
Giving Tuesday 2022 Crossword

Giving Tuesday 2022 Crossword

December 2, 2022
If you love crosswords as much as we do and want to support The Observer this holiday season, consider donating to our Giving Tuesday campaign or getting crossword merch from our Redbubble shop (where you can find a sticker with this very crossword grid!).
Staff Diversity Report: Fall 2022

Staff Diversity Report: Fall 2022

November 28, 2022
In this report, you will find an examination of the diversity of our staff — examined along lines of ethnicity, sexuality, financial need and other factors.

Women in Music: Laufey and Matilda Mann

October 14, 2022
Laufey’s performance at the Bowery Ballroom was “Like the Movies” with a crowd of fans singing passionately along to every song.
batter and catcher

Fordham Baseball Drops Crucial Series to St. Joe’s

May 4, 2022
The Fordham baseball team couldn't secure a series win against St. Joseph's University. The Rams effort failed to meet what was needed to win.
advisng infographic describing three modes of advising, the three modes are listed in the article

[Photo] Fordham Deans Address Problems With Advising

By CHLOE ZELCH April 10, 2022

The university may follow one of these three models for advising, or it may be a slightly different version of one.

for an article about getting back with an ex, a graphic of rose and heartbreak

[Photo] Ask Em: Should I Get Back With My Ex?

By EMILY ELLIS March 24, 2022

Should I get back with my ex? Emily answers a reader's question.

for an article on relationships and talking to three guys, a dating app screen with three matches

[Photo] Ask Em: Three Guys and No Lies

By EMILY ELLIS February 17, 2022

Is it OK to talk to three people at once? Em answers any relationship questions you might have.

black culture celebration sign with students in front of it

[Photo] Fordham Hosts Black Culture Celebration

By NOLAN RODRIGUEZ February 16, 2022

More students than expected attended this Black History Month event hosted by the BIPOC committee.

black history month bhm event with students in front of a sign

[Photo] Office of Multicultural Affairs Hosts Events for Black History Month

By OLIVIA LEDUC February 15, 2022

Many cultural clubs at Lincoln Center are hosting events in celebration of Black History Month.

ways to help graphic explaining how to help tremont fire victims

[Photo] Fordham Community Responds to Bronx Fire

By LAURA OLDFATHER February 4, 2022

There are many options for ways that students can donate to those affected by the Tremont fire, including donating to organizations or to verified GoFundMe campaigns.

number of students nervous about return to campus spring with covid

[Photo] Fordham Community At Odds Over Fully In-Person Spring Semester

By ALLIE STOFER February 2, 2022

The respondents were nearly equally separated into class years, with seniors outnumbering juniors.

diversity report findings diverse faculty in a pie chart

[Photo] Fordham Admin Outlines Initiatives to Improve Recruitment and Retention Among Diverse Faculty

By INSIYA GANDHI January 30, 2022

The university aims to use diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to give students a more well-rounded education.

environment image with car and recycle symbol and words ecoguilt ecological grief eco anxiety

[Photo] Individuals Shouldn’t Be Held Responsible for Protecting the Environment

By ALYSSA MACALUSO December 31, 2021

Ecological guilt should belong to corporations, not individuals.

astrology signs on a blue background

[Photo] Astrology and How the Stars Made Me Smarter

By MYA ABDELWAHAB December 31, 2021

Astrology has been marketed toward teens as something fun, but it can have an actual impact on your life.

for video games article, blue background and red and black text stating: "73% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that 'video games have helped me maintain social contact with friends and family during the pandemic'"

[Photo] Fordham Gamers and Streamers Stay Connected During the Pandemic


Almost three quarters of survey respondents in the Fordham community linked their use of video games to maintaining social contact during the pandemic.

fordham budget for fiscal year fy 2023

[Photo] Fordham Dean Predicts ‘Necessity for Tuition Raise’

By OLIVIA LEDUC December 14, 2021

The operating revenue at the end of the fall 2021 semester is above that of the spring semester.

fordham flirts logo is a kissing face emoji with green background

[Photo] Creator of Fordham Flirts Speaks About Nature of Submissions

By CHLOE ZELCH and MARYAM BESHARA December 9, 2021

The account @fordham_flirts posts anonymous messages from students to others on campus. If someone messages the account asking to take down a message, the owner will remove the post.

Revolutionary IV bag that forms a perfect square with italicized font.

[Photo] The Benefits of IV Treatment for Aerobic Exercise

By GABRIELLA BERMUDEZ November 12, 2021

IV Infusion therapies are becoming more common as a niche form of nourishment and athletic training.

graph showing number of people wearing masks at garden lounge, people not wearing them while eating, people not wearing them without eating

[Photo] Fordham Begins Stronger Enforcement of Mask Policy on Campus

By JOE KOTTKE October 29, 2021

Nearly one-third of people seen in the survey were not wearing masks while not eating.

Local firefighters sit on their truck for a peek at Fordham’s game against Wagner.

[Photo] Fordham Football Dominates Wagner 56-7 in Homecoming Game

By PATRICK MOQUIN October 9, 2021

Local firefighters sit on their truck for a peek at Fordham’s game against Wagner.

a graphic showing a daily cumulative COVID-19 case count at Fordham's Lincoln Center and Rose Hill campuses

[Photo] Lincoln Center COVID-19 Case Count Rises to Highest Number Yet

By ALLIE STOFER and MARYAM BESHARA September 24, 2021

The vast majority of students and faculty on campus are vaccinated, adhering to the schoolwide vaccination mandate.

graphic rose hill map with colored buildings

[Photo] A Rose Hill Survival Guide

By GRACE GETMAN August 31, 2021

You'll need this map to navigate the grass, trees and wildlife found outside your concrete comfort zone.

graphic of a book of customer service competency. text reads: Customer Service Competency, Introduction, Unit 1: The Basics, conversation skills, behaviors, vocab, practice test; Unit 2: Grocery Stores; Unit 3: Restaurant Etiquette; Unit 4: Clothing Stores.

[Photo] Customer Service Competency Class Now a Requirement for Fordham Admission


Fordham now requires all incoming students to take a course in basic human decency and hopes that other schools will soon follow suit.

graphic of power plant with nfts

[Photo] The NFTea on NFTs: The Well-Being of the Environment Is Nonfungible

By AVA PEABODY April 22, 2021

NFTs seem like the newest in digital art and ways for people to show off wealth, but they are extremely harmful to the environment.

graphic of greenwashing with polluting factory in the back and instagram photo of a tree in the foreground

[Photo] Don’t Fall for Greenwashing This Earth Day

By CLARA GERLACH April 22, 2021

This Earth Day, remember to be mindful of companies that are greenwashing, meaning that they change the narrative around environmental health for their own self-image.

person thinks about what news source to consume , favoring social media over newspapers, to accompany an article about instagram meme pages becoming news sources

[Photo] Meme News at Fordham: Troubling Trend or Trusted Trolls?

By CHLOE ZELCH and STEPHEN BRAGALE November 27, 2020

Students are increasingly turning to Fordham meme accounts as a way to receive updates about the university.

a graphic illustration of faculty member at fordham looking at their computer and finding out they will have no retirement contributions

[Photo] Faculty Troubled by University’s Decision to Cut Retirement Contributions


On Oct. 28, the university announced a suspension to its retirement contribution for employees. This was met by immediate backlash from many faculty members who had accepted a salary freeze.

a graphic illustration of a survey and a 2020 ballot

Breaking Down Fordham’s Ballot

October 29, 2020
The Observer conducted an anonymous survey of 211 Fordham students to study their values and analyze opinions of the political system of the United States.
text message exchange that reads "who are you voting for? i'm voting for biden" and "i'd prefer not to say..." to show the reluctance of conservative students to discuss their beliefs

[Photo] Conservative Students Hesitate to Share Political Views On Campus

By STEPHEN BRAGALE October 28, 2020

Many conservatives on campus do not feel comfortable sharing their political views with others. Similarly, professors often abstain from expressing their political beliefs due to professional concerns.

graphic of a calendar on a laptop screen with a "protest tomorrow" reminder to demonstrate online and social media activism

[Photo] Social Media Takes Center Stage for Political Activism

By KATRINA LAMBERT October 27, 2020

With social media being the No. 1 source of young voters’ political information, activist groups and candidates can use it to reach supporters very easily.

a graphic depicting the word "#ScholarStrike" being held up by a hand against a red background

[Photo] Nationwide #ScholarStrike Against Racial Injustice

By ANDREW BEECHER September 9, 2020

An estimated 400 members of the Fordham community will have joined the online protest over the course of two days. Lectures and discussions on racial inequality, policing, and mass incarceration are being...

Fordham students that are spread out across the country are protesting in their hometowns to fight against racial injustice.

[Photo] Fordham Students Protesting Across the Country for BLM


Fordham students that are spread out across the country are protesting in their hometowns to fight against racial injustice.

An infographic showing $117,390 raised, 559 donors, of which came 67% from alumni, 10% faculty/staff, 11% parents, 4% student, 2% friends, and 6% other. If you need aid, contact any staff member you feel comfortable talking to. There is no application process or deadline, requests are granted on a rolling basis.

[Photo] Fordham Raises Over $100,000 for Student Relief

By JOE KOTTKE May 13, 2020

Fordham is offering emergency funds to students during the pandemic.

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