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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer


CLARA GERLACH, Former Opinions Editor

Clara Gerlach, FCLC ’22, is the opinions editor for The Observer. As an economics major with a minor in German, she enjoys reading anything and everything. When she hasn’t got her nose in a book, Clara enjoys hiking, experimenting with gluten-free recipes and making way too specific Spotify playlists.

All content by CLARA GERLACH
Cracked egg holding a coffee cup

[Photo] Fordham Hosts Annual Egged or Mugged Day

By LAURA OLDFATHER, Anti-Social Social Club Leader April 1, 2022


[Photo] Fordham Institutes Classics Requirement

By JILL RICE, Nlineoay ditoreay April 1, 2022

letter mailbox blue at rose hill outside dealy hall

A Letter to Those Who Don’t Write Them

February 24, 2022
Why should you send a hand-written letter? It can help you reflect and slow down, plus, you can support the USPS with your message!
a cartoon drawing of earth and mars, with a tesla flag on mars along with stacks of money, and a dollar sign on earth, farther away in space

Move Over, Student Loans; Space Loans Are Calling!

February 4, 2022
As uncertainty over the way we can go beyond the confines of our planet grows, a looming threat of debt-based labor in space creeps into view.
living room set on theater stage for a production of Footloose

[Photo] Rose Hill Theater Club Performs Unmasked

By CHLOE ZELCH October 28, 2021

The theatre in collins Auditorium where Mimes and Mummers held their production of "Footloose" without any cast members wearing masks.

for a satire piece on psychology, drawing of a couch with a sign reading "the doctor is in"

Fordham Spearheads New Couch Psychology Practice

October 6, 2021
You can go to any bathroom in Lowenstein to meet with a psychology major, pre-med student, or a mom friend for some advice and hugs.
A street sign with the words "Don't Honk" and "Subject to Sliding Scale Fees" in blue and red rounded rectangles

Sliding Scale Fines and Why Criminal Justice Reform Needs To Adjust to Civil Law

September 21, 2021
Civil law reforms, such as the implementation of sliding scale fines, are necessary step in creating a more equitable and fair government.
the candidates for the primary of the NYC mayoral race

Primary Preview: A Handy Starter to Your Mayoral Research

June 21, 2021
The winner of the Democratic primary is most likely to be elected in November because of the city’s overwhelmingly Democratic population.
Bo Burnham performs holding a microphone

Bo Burnham’s ‘Inside’: A Comedy Special That Might Make You Cry

June 9, 2021
The announcement of Bo Burnham's new comedy special “Inside” on Netflix came as a bit of a shock after he publicly spoke about the frequent panic attacks he experienced on stage.
graphic of greenwashing with polluting factory in the back and instagram photo of a tree in the foreground

Don’t Fall for Greenwashing This Earth Day

April 22, 2021
This Earth Day, greenwashing messages are distributed tenfold to seem like it is a “greener” purchase, but the reality may not be so simple.
multiple headlines collaged on a black background

Some of the Best Headlines in Observer History

March 26, 2021
From poorly concealed sex jokes to complaints about FCLC’s elevators, these headlines don’t just show how Fordham has changed. More than anything, they show all the ways in which Fordham has stayed the same.
Coca Cola trucks parked in a lot

Why Is It My Fault? The Shifting of Personal Responsibility in Environmental Policy

February 20, 2021
Even when accessible, and it works, recycling isn’t the solution we have been conditioned to believe it is.
a gold copy of "pride and prejudice" with a gold crown on top of it, in front of a copy of "the hunger games," which is supposedly less worthy to read

Let People Read What They Enjoy

October 10, 2020
People should be able to read what they enjoy without feeling embarrassed to consume it. We don’t need to read to feel smart; we should be able to read for pleasure without the appended guilt.
a bike lane next to the sidewalk with a barrier of parked cars separating it from the street

NYC Needs More Protected Bike Lanes

October 2, 2020
Protected or not, we need to safeguard these lanes not only with barriers but also with legislation and fines.
a graphic of a laptop that has on the screen a large maroon F and a loading bar underneath

Fordham Needs to Keep Online Summer Classes Available Next Summer

September 17, 2020
A wider selection of summer courses also opens up the possibility of a diverse range of asynchronous classes.
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