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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer


ESMÉ BLEECKER-ADAMS, Fun & Games Editor and Assistant Photo Editor

Esmé Bleecker-Adams, FCLC 21, is a visual arts major and (oh-so-jaded) New Yorker who is incredibly grateful for her time at The Observer and for all the lovely people she has met there! Favorite hobbies include sewing, playing table tennis and ignoring her alarm clock.

the outside of the Leon Lowenstein Center viewed from the Outdoor Plaza

[Photo] University Announces Free Courses for Summer 2021

By MICHELLE AGARON and GRACE GETMAN September 30, 2020

All students enrolled at Fordham this academic year will be able to take up to two online courses this summer for free, either in-person or remotely.

Picture of empty Turnstyle Underground Market

[Photo] Reopening the Underground Market

By GABRIEL GARCIA October 4, 2020

The Turnstyle Underground Market is in the process of reopening its restaurants and stores after being deserted since March.

Customers sitting outside dining at Nobu restaurant

[Photo] New York: Putting the ‘in’ in Dining

By AASTHA AGGARWAL September 30, 2020

Nobu, a Japanese restaurant, is expected to begin indoor dining following the New York City guidelines on Sept. 30.

Crossword Issue 16: Fortune’s Fools

Crossword Issue 16: Fortune’s Fools

September 29, 2020
Hint: The circled letters (in order) reveal the theme of the puzzle.
Mini Crossword: Vice Versa

Mini Crossword: Vice Versa

September 22, 2020

Crossword Issue 15: Off to See Wizardconsin

Crossword Issue 15: Off to See Wizardconsin

September 17, 2020
Play The Observer's interactive crossword puzzle from Issue 15, "Off to See Wizardconsin." Powered by PuzzleMe.
Van Cortlandt Park is the third largest in the city and a frequent host of track and field events.
The park is also home to a golf course, playgrounds, nature centers and more.

[Photo] Parks With Possibilities

By KRISTEN SKINNER September 16, 2020

Van Cortlandt Park is the third largest in the city and a frequent host of track and field events. The park is also home to a golf course, playgrounds, nature centers and more.

a laptop amongst art supplies at a visual arts student's desk

[Photo] Fordham Visual Arts: From Classroom to ‘Class-Zoom’

By KEVIN STOLL September 17, 2020

Though most students have elected to take their classes online, studio spaces still remain open to students.

All students enrolled at Fordham this academic year will be able to take up to two online courses this summer for free, either in-person or remotely.

[Photo] University Announces Pro-Rated Room and Board and Free Summer Courses

By GRACE GETMAN September 15, 2020

All students enrolled at Fordham this academic year will be able to take up to two online courses this summer for free, either in-person or remotely.

two dancers dressed in white in front of a fountain for table of silence

A Reimagined Memorial: Table of Silence Photo Gallery

September 11, 2020
The 9/11 Table of Silence Project, presented by Buglisi Dance Theatre and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, featured socially-distanced choreography this year.
dimly lit image of a book about sex and sexuality

[Photo] Life Lessons I Learned From Not Discussing Sex With My Indian Parents

By RASHMI SINGH September 9, 2020

In India, there is still shame and guilt surrounding sexuality, but many first-generation Indian Americans find themselves caught between those ideas and a more open, American view.

Massawa is a vegan-friendly Eritrean and Ethiopian restaurant at 1239 Amsterdam Ave. It was founded by the parents of the current manager, Yohanes Tekeste.

[Photo] Cakes, Takeout and Bakes: Grab Your Next Meal From a Black-Owned Restaurant

By SAMANTHA MATTHEWS September 4, 2020

Massawa is a vegan-friendly Eritrean and Ethiopian restaurant at 1239 Amsterdam Ave. It was founded by the parents of the current manager, Yohanes Tekeste.

Burrito Box on 9th Ave. near 57th St. is a favorite of many Fordham students. They are open for takeout and delivery, and have outdoor seating set up on the sidewalk.

[Photo] Hungry for Business: UWS Restaurants Still Troubled by COVID-19 Measures

By ALYSSA MACALUSO August 19, 2020

Burrito Box on 9th Ave. near 57th St. is a favorite of many Fordham students. They are open for takeout and delivery, and have outdoor seating set up on the sidewalk.

Auricchio spoke with Rebecca Stark-Gendrano and Mica McKnight, Assistant Dean for Juniors and Transfer Students and Assistant Dean for Sophomores, respectively. Both assured listeners that they are available and working hard to answer students’ questions. They also noted that the add-drop period will proceed as usual until Sep. 3.

Town Hall Part 2: Changes to Instruction Within FCLC and Gabelli

August 7, 2020
Deans from FCLC and Gabelli discussed in detail how their respective schools would adapt to a hybrid learning environment.
screenshot of mcshane and buckley at the town hall

Town Hall Part 1: Fordham Details University-Wide Reopening Protocols

August 7, 2020
Faculty and administration discussed modifications to classes, campus life and student conduct and provided new information from the Fordham Forward reopening plan in a university-wide town hall.
folklore album cover; taylor swift standing in the woods in black and white

Ram Jams: ‘folklore’

July 30, 2020
Less than a year after the release of “Lover,” Taylor Swift is back and her newest album has old and new fans reeling.
Crossword Issue 13: On the House

Crossword Issue 13: On the House

July 29, 2020
Play the Issue 13 crossword here.
Individuals resuming summer activities

[Photo] How to Keep Your COVID-19 Guard Up While Enjoying Summer

By LUKE OSBORN July 7, 2020

The risk of COVID-19 transmission is reduced outdoors in comparison to enclosed spaces. Those spending time outside this summer should still be sure to adhere to proper precautions, including social distancing...

Fordham classroom with students sitting at desks facing a whiteboard, photographed from the back

A Higher Standard of Justice

July 7, 2020
When it comes to building trust and credibility, tangible changes to the workings of the system go hand-in-hand with adjusting the mindset of its architects.
Absentee Ballots

[Photo] Late Absentee Ballots Leave New York Voters Disenfranchised


More than 1.7 million voters in New York state, compared to the 157,885 in 2016, requested to vote by mail in the primary on June 23.

Crossword Issue 12: Crossed Linens

Crossword Issue 12: Crossed Linens

July 7, 2020
Play the Issue 12 crossword here.
Artwork of person with face mask and gloves protesting with a BLM sign

[Photo] Protesting in Light of COVID-19


As millions of Americans take to the streets to protest, they should also remain vigilant in protecting themselves and others from COVID-19.

a student walks out of the doors of McMahon Hall while dragging two suitcases behind her

[Photo] Students Frustrated With Silent ResLife as Semester Draws Closer

By MICHELLE AGARON June 17, 2020

After getting past the hurdle of retrieving belongings left on campus, many students now feel left in the dark about the fall housing situation.

A door with crossword puzzle pattern that says "keep out"

Boxed Out

June 16, 2020
The modern mainstream crossword puzzle has an extensive record of excluding the voices of people of color, women and the LGBTQ community.
At protest in New York City, which is Fordham's community, students exemplify the Jesuit value of being "men and women for others."

[Photo] Dancing Queen: Courtney Celeste Spears


At protest in New York City, which is Fordham's community, students exemplify the Jesuit value of being "men and women for others."

News Quiz Cover Art

All the News Fit to Quiz: May 29, 2020

May 27, 2020
Test your knowledge of recent headlines with this week's news quiz.
logic puzzle answer key

Logic Puzzle: Campus Visitors

May 14, 2020
The Lincoln Center campus has some unexpected visitors. Can you determine where and when they arrived?
Crossword Issue 10: Make or Break

Crossword Issue 10: Make or Break

May 13, 2020
Play the Issue 10 crossword puzzle here.
graduation cap and gown coloring page

Color a Graduation Gown

May 13, 2020
Color this cap and gown and post a picture of your design. Tag @fordhamobserver as well as a senior who has made your time at Fordham special.
A colorful celebration in the streets of New York City during Pride March 2019. Flags from all over the world can be seen.

[Photo] NYC’s Pride Month Prepares for Digital Celebrations


Participants took to the streets for the 2019 Pride March in New York City. This year, the usual celebrations will be replaced by a virtual Global Pride event on June 27.

Making Brownies with Esmé Bleecker-Adams and Jill Rice

May 8, 2020
Learn to make Bon Appétit’s Camouflage Chocolate Fudge Brownies in the second video of The Observer's cooking series.
colorful flowers on a tree in New York

Spring in New York Jigsaw Puzzles

May 7, 2020
How quickly can you complete these jigsaw puzzles to reveal the floral images?
Household and municipal waste have increased during the pandemic, according to a report from UNCTAD.

[Photo] Coronavirus: Environmental Savior or Devastator?


Household and municipal waste have increased during the pandemic, according to a report from UNCTAD.

screenshot of the full cast from the YouTube livestream

A Successful End of Zoomester Show

May 5, 2020
Stove's Comedy Club performed their End of Semester Show on Zoom and livestreamed it on YouTube, raising over $5,000 to support health care workers.
News Quiz Cover Art

All the News Fit to Quiz: May 2, 2020

May 1, 2020

[wp_quiz id="46271"]

A graphic displaying the pitfalls of a commute to your computer

Advice on Commuting to Your Zoom Class

April 29, 2020
You may have been used to sometimes-daily train delays in your past life, but nowadays you’re up against a host of even more frustrating holdups en route to Zoom school: delays in motivation and coordination.
Crossword Issue 9: Food for Thought

Crossword Issue 9: Food for Thought

April 28, 2020
Digest some food and cooking puns in this issue's crossword.
Student looking at computer

[Photo] Stop Expecting Students to Function Normally During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By EVELYN SIMS April 28, 2020

The stress of striving for academic success has put extra pressure on many students at this time. "I simply do not have the emotional energy to participate in class when I know I am living during one of...

eggs on a grocery store shelf

[Photo] Cracking the Code: What the Labels on Your Eggs Really Mean

By MAGGIE MCNAMARA April 28, 2020

The broad range of options in the egg aisle can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t know what their labels mean.

graphic of healthy habits to practice for immune health

[Photo] Four Ways to Maintain a Healthy Immune System

By LUKE OSBORN April 21, 2020

Graphic Illustration by Esmé Bleecker-Adams

a thank you sign appears in the window of a building for health care images

[Photo] Fordham STEM Students Past and Present Reflect on COVID-19 and Health Care Careers

By COURTNEY BROGLE April 21, 2020

New Yorkers display their gratitude to those on the front lines, including some Fordham students and graduates.

Crossword Issue 7: Iquids

Crossword Issue 7: Iquids

April 15, 2020
Play the Issue 7 crossword here. Hint: Take an L.
Tell Us About Yourself and We’ll Tell You Your Perfect Zoom Virtual Background

Tell Us About Yourself and We’ll Tell You Your Perfect Zoom Virtual Background

April 9, 2020
Learn which Zoom background is perfect for you.
As internships and jobs are cancelled it leaves students without experience that could have furthered their future careers.

[Photo] Fordham Students Lose Internships and Jobs as Global Crisis Continues


As internships and jobs are cancelled it leaves students without experience that could have furthered their future careers.

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