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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

GABRIELLE LINZER, Features Editor Emerita


Put Down a Pickup and Keep Creepers at Bay

June 22, 2011

Published: April 9, 2009 One of the first things a lady learns when she moves to New York City is that, just like pigeons and subway rats, creepy men are a token part of the landscape. Back at home...

A Tribute: The Life and Times of Dollar Beers

June 22, 2011

Published: April 9, 2009 A Fordham tradition for a nearly decade, students from all walks of life converged every Wednesday night at The Lincoln Park Grill. They would migrate down Ninth Avenue to the...

Prevalence of Dating Violence Publicized After Celebrity Ordeal

June 20, 2011

Published: April 2, 2009 “My boyfriend was drunk and supposedly tried to cheat on me with my equally drunk friend,” said an anonymous Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) student....

Central Park Carriage Rides to Halt?

June 19, 2011

Published: March 12, 2009 It’s your one-year anniversary, and you’ve planned a classic, romantic evening for your significant other, who will be astronomically impressed by your meticulous...

Do FCLC Students Fear a Rumble in the Bronx?

June 8, 2011

Published: February 12, 2009 Security Alert: On Feb. 2, a student was robbed while stumbling back from Howl on Arthur Avenue at 3 a.m. The assailant was tall and wore a hoodie, so the victim...

Desperate Times Stymie Green Measures

June 6, 2011

Published: January 29, 2009 Our society is an overwhelmingly materialistic one where worth is weighed in Louis Vuitton handbags and Hummers. This summer, however, something unusual occurred....

Critic and Author Laura Shapiro Serves Up Feminism and Food at Writing Wednesday

June 5, 2011

Published: November 20, 2008 Fordham College at Lincoln Center’s (FCLC) Writing Wednesdays series hosted food critic, columnist and author Laura Shapiro for a seminar called “Writing About...

Remembering Zander Toulouse

June 3, 2011

Published: October 2, 2008 How many eight year olds do you know who are eager to share their favorite snack, are concerned for the well being of others and are deeply invested in politics? These unique,...

Back to School Shopping: McMahon Hall Style

June 3, 2011

Published: August 28, 2008 In high school, your big back-to-school shopping adventure probably centered around Staples, where you would stock up on notebooks and beg your mom to shell out a few extra...

Internet Pirates Plunder Educational Material

June 3, 2011

Published: August 28, 2008 The death of the old model of the music industry was quick and inevitable. Once Napster, the all-encompassing predator, took to the scene, record stores were doomed. With...

Valentine’s Day is All About the Sweet Stuff

June 1, 2011

Published: Febrary 14, 2008 You can try ignoring the endless stream of dating commercials, the red hearts plastered everywhere or the holiday section of Duane Reade that’s been strewn with cupids...

Laptops in the Classroom—A Blessing or an Annoyance?

June 1, 2011

Published: January 31, 2008 Ah, the good old days, when class was all about sketching elaborate doodles, passing notes full of gossip, and playing corny games on your graphing calculator. Students...

Alternative Journalism: Student Publications Stray from the Norm

May 30, 2011

Published: November 15, 2007 Have you ever found yourself refraining from publicly cursing ResLife, your respective dean and the rigid Jesuit policies that govern Fordham University with an...

Delicious Do-it-Yourself Dinners

May 30, 2011

Published: November 8, 2007 It’s Friday night—everyone is hyped up on going out, but your mind is fixated on your growling stomach and you know another cheeseburger from The Flame just...

Out of Sight, Out of Your Hometown Bedroom?

May 28, 2011

Published: October 25, 2007 Elissa Dauria, FCLC ’10, returned home to visit her father during her freshman year of college with the expectation of a relaxing weekend in her room. Instead,...

College Students Prone to Identity Theft

May 27, 2011

Published: September 27, 2007 There are many dangers that cross the minds of a student in New York City on a daily basis—robbery, terrorist attacks, even being murdered by one of the crazies...

Traffic Law Violators Beware! Hidden Cameras are Watching…

May 27, 2011

Published: September 27, 2007 When Liam Cline, FCLC ’09, checked his mail on his 20th birthday, the last thing he expected was a ticket from the New York City Department of Finance for a traffic...

My Boyfriend and his Animal House

May 26, 2011

Published: August 30, 2007 I step out of the bathroom to find a BB gun pointed straight between my eyes. The shirtless, tattooed bandit lowers his weapon and shrugs disappointedly when he recognizes...

Food Finds in the City That Never Sleeps

Food Finds in the City That Never Sleeps

May 26, 2011

Published: August 30, 2007 As another year at Fordham rolls around, hours of research papers, reflection papers and just about any other kind of papers that prevent you from getting your eight hours...

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