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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

Owen Roche

OWEN ROCHE, Business Manager

Owen, Fordham College at Lincoln Center ’21, is editor-in-chief emeritus of The Fordham Observer. He has written for The Observer since September 2017. Serving as assistant opinions editor from January to April 2018, he assumed full editorial duties for the section until April 2019. After serving as editor-in-chief for a year, he now heads up The Observer’s advertising team.

All content by OWEN ROCHE
Lowenstein II building on Minecraft, a realistic sandstone structure like the real Lowenstein Center

University Unveils Plans for Lowenstein II

April 25, 2021
According to newly released plans for Lowenstein II, FLC’s perennial space headache may be in its last days — and not a moment too soon.
multiple versions of the observer nameplate on a paper background

40 Years of the Observer Nameplate

March 22, 2021
Through graphic trends and changing times, the nameplate of The Observer has evolved, developing its own history alongside the newspaper it so faithfully represented.
for an article about march 2020 in emails, a graphic of a phone coming out of an envelope with a calendar in the background

March, In Emails

March 16, 2021
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus Owen Roche looks back on the onset of the pandemic and virtual production through his inbox.
Rocky, from the family of Business Manager Owen Roche, FCLC ’21, is not as big a fan of his coat as we are (he likes his two sweaters better), but it keeps him both warm and chic.

[Photo] Dressed to the Ca-Nines


Rocky, from the family of Business Manager Owen Roche, FCLC ’21, is not as big a fan of his coat as we are (he likes his two sweaters better), but it keeps him both warm and chic.

the blocked punt that resulted in Fordham scoring

The 1942 Sugar Bowl and the Tragedy of Fordham Football

August 19, 2020
The lowest possible scoring combination in American football isn’t usually grounds for classification as “the outstanding triumph of Fordham athletic history,” in the words of one Fordham Ram reporter. But it was.
Owen Roche, FCLC ’21, knows Rocky is much cuter than his boxer namesake.

[Photo] Students Share the Perks of Pets During the Pandemic

By GILLIAN RUSSO May 7, 2020

Owen Roche, FCLC ’21, knows Rocky is much cuter than his boxer namesake.

An empty shelf formerly holding hand sanitizer with a sign that limits hand sanitizer and antibacterial products to 3 per customer

Fordham Assures No Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus on Campus

March 7, 2020
In an email to the Fordham community sent on March 7, University President Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., addressed health and safety concerns.
former president of Fordham SJP, Batool Abdelhafez, speaks at a rally for Palestine

120 Faculty Sign Petition to Support Students for Justice in Palestine

February 5, 2020
On Thursday, Jan. 30, a faculty petition was emailed to top Fordham administration, urging them to rescind the university’s appeal of the August 2019 New York Supreme Court ruling requiring the university recognize Fordham Lincoln Center’s chapter of SJP.
This Was the Worst Spirit Week Ever

This Was the Worst Spirit Week Ever

April 30, 2019
When I saw a McMahon bulletin board advertising an upcoming spirit week, I thought things would be different this time. Each day promised new events. It was the culmination of a whole month of “giving it up” for something, apparently.
The plethora of publications at Fordham University allow students to tailor their news sources.

Choose Your News: Student Publications at Fordham

April 10, 2019
There is a student publication at Fordham to represent every point of view.
As high school students try to navigate the world of college admissions, the allure of prestige can be a dangerous distraction.

Prestige Is a Losing Game

April 9, 2019
It’s so tantalizingly easy to scoff at the people who say your money can’t buy you happiness. But it won’t.
This may be the last thing Owen Roche ever saw.

We’ve All Bin Fooled: Recycling a Hoax

March 28, 2019
RecycleMania and its baseless statistics threaten to reveal a truth the banners know well, but it is a revelation we’ve never suspected: Recycling. Isn’t. Real.
The black Audi entered the Rose Hill campus at the main entrance and stopped near Martyr's Lawn. Six police cars arrived at the scene and apprehended the three men on foot.

Bronx Car Chase Culminates on Martyrs’ Court

March 1, 2019
At 11:50 a.m. on March 1, a car drove through Fordham University’s Rose Hill campus with NYPD officers in pursuit. Three men were arrested, and 20 bags of heroin were recovered from the suspects.
Left: the writer at 16. Right: Asa Butterfield, 22, masquerading as a 16-year-old in "Sex Education" (2018).

Free the Pimple: Puberty Chic Going Through Changes

February 19, 2019
Being American and going through puberty is a unique tradition of ours. The depiction of high school life on screens big and small is perhaps an equally American tradition. But has America been crushing on puberty chic too hard?
Greyhound owns my soul. A girl in Boston has my heart. My days are full; my wallet is empty. Is it worth it? Depends on how you measure.

Going the Distance

February 12, 2019
She’s the cutest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, the kind of person who could get that bust of Leon Lowenstein to crack a smile. Oh, and she’s six hours away by bus.
Lest we forget.

Satire – Millennials are Ruining Award Shows

January 23, 2019
If millennials have their way, award shows as we know it will cease to exist.
Owen Roche, opinions editor and vegan foodie, tried IKEA's new veggie dog.

The IKEA Veggie Dog: An Odyssey

December 5, 2018
Opinions Editor and vegan, Owen Roche, made the pilgrimage to Brooklyn to try IKEA's new veggie dog.
Gather 'round the table for a heaping helping of humility.

Thanksgiving: The Holiday of Moral Qualms

November 14, 2018
The holiday, sufficiently dreadful on its own, continues to find ways to absorb other weaker sources of gloom, much like an imploding star.
Old Quinn Library’s empty space holds potential for a multitude of (still undecided) uses in the future.

Administration Inactive as Old Quinn Languishes

November 14, 2018
For the indefinite future, the best view students will get of the old Quinn Library space will continue to be through its locked doors.
I knew Swift was trouble when she presented an opposing view from mine. Now we've got bad blood.

Celebrities Should Not Have Opinions

November 7, 2018
I’m sorry — the old, apolitical Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, because she’s a Democrat.
This extremist protester has the right idea.

Fighting Extremism with Extremism

September 26, 2018
Bringing fresh, new extremist values to fruition in America does not stop with simply the economy and healthcare — no, there is much more work to be done if extremism is to be repealed and replaced.
The Olympic mountains above Puget Sound, Russell’s picturesque view from his commandeered plane.

Out with a Bang: Richard Russell’s Barrel Roll

August 23, 2018
Richard Russell's life became a statistic: one of the 123 suicides committed each day in the United States in an ever-increasing yearly tally.
Don't be fooled: that's not meat. It's an affront to human dignity.

Evil Meatless Impossible Slider Must Be Stopped

May 12, 2018
In the game of carnivorous chess, the vegans are always one move ahead.
The 2018-2019 Editorial Board of the Observer

Something More: The Importance of Student Journalism

April 26, 2018
Nobody is paid at The Fordham Observer. There is no academic credit associated with participation. They do it for something more.
Women compose 23 percent of Google tech workers, while five percent are Hispanic, Latinx and black.

Silicon Valley Diversity Crisis: Don’t Blame Google

March 14, 2018
The inequality in Silicon Valley is not enforced nor perpetuated by Google; it’s born and raised in the American system that allows certain groups to adapt and specialize to the industry while leaving others behind.
The green and blue hues seen throughout the new sixth floor of the Lowenstein building have been a major disappointment to loyal Rams.

SATIRE: Fordham’s War on Color

February 15, 2018
Fordham has a color problem. Maroon, to be exact.
Natural disasters have become alarmingly commonplace... and we're paying for it.

Irrational Disasters: Unwise Simply to Weather the Storm

January 25, 2018
As natural disasters are made into talking points and ammunition against another group of people who live on the same Earth as everyone else, the implications of 2017’s $306 billion slap in the face get lost in the details.
For many, Thanksgiving is a time to reunite with family. For all, though, family reunions inevitably mean family arguments and debates.

Thanksgiving 2017: A Debate Primer

November 16, 2017

For some, the word “Thanksgiving” conjures rosy memories of food, friends and family. But we all know the unavoidable, uncomfortable main course to any true family Thanksgiving: no-holds-barred political...

Plates are always empty during the No Meal Period as no one can feel hungry between 10:30 and 11 a.m.

A Brunch with Death: Student Caught in Meal Limbo

October 26, 2017

UNDERGRADUATE DINING HALL—In the aftermath of what has been described by witnesses as “the greatest dining blunder in the past 10 years,” a local student has been taken into school custody, reportedly...

Riding the Ram can make anyone's day better.

Newest Ram Statue Sparks Never-Before-Seen School Spirit

October 2, 2017

Top university officials dropped a 500-pound bombshell on the student body just weeks ago—what has been described as a “giant metal ram” by onlookers has been installed on Fordham’s singular stronghold...

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