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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

BRIAN MANGAN, Staff Writer

All content by BRIAN MANGAN
Hellogoodbye perform at CAB's first Winterfest. (Ayer Chan/The Observer)

Hellogoodbye Perform at FCLC’s First Winterfest Concert

December 6, 2012
FCLC hosted its first ever Winterfest this semester, which culminated in a performance by the band Hellogoodbye on Nov. 30.
Director John Bezark, FCLC  ’14, gives the audience members a chance to reorganize the scenes of “39 of 70 Scenes of Halloween” in any manner they choose. (Ian McKenna/The Observer)

Students Get Scary With “39 of 70 Scenes” in FCLC’s White Box

November 6, 2012
Staff writer Brian Mangan goes behind the scenes of fall studio show, "39 of 70 Scenes of Halloween".
Stand-Up That Stands Out

Stand-Up That Stands Out

October 17, 2012
If you’re looking to find the next generation of comedians, whether stand-up, improv or any other kind, New York City is as good a place to start as any.

This Is Just a Picture

March 28, 2012
Between blue shirts, white cuffs, gray bars, he takes our hands, our faces, our names. “…all of which feed into this control center housed in a secret location.”
Glockenmeier has established herself as one of Fordham’s top runners. (Courtesy of Fordham sports)

Glockenmeier Doubles Up on Weekly Awards

November 2, 2011
Six weeks into her first cross country season, Fordham runner Sarah Glockenmeier, Fordham College at Rose Hill (FCRH) ’15, has already started piling up accolades, winning back-to-back Atlantic 10 (A-10) Rookie of the week awards.
Last year marked the first year in their history that the sailing team went to nationals. (Courtesy of Coach Joe Sullivan)

Sailing Team Looks to Build on Historic Season

September 21, 2011
Last year marked the 60th anniversary of the founding of the sailing club, and the first time in team history that the women’s squad qualified for the ICSA Women’s National Dinghy Championship.

Sounding Off

July 28, 2011

Published: November 4, 2010   Skreeeeeeeeeemff… And everyone loads off A Bell rings: Stand clear of the closing doors please Chi-chi-chi-ka Chi-chi-ka Chi-ka Chi-chi-ka Chi-chi-ka   On...

Replacing Skelton: Who Fills the Ram Void at QB?

July 23, 2011

Published: May 5, 2010 Recently John Skelton, College of Business Administration (CBA) ’10, one of the most celebrated athletes in recent Fordham history moved on from the Atlantic 10, where he played...

Rams Softball Star Up for National Award

July 10, 2011

Published: April 22, 2010 Up on Rose Hill’s Murphy Field, a team is putting on a show. Many of the girls on the team have great parts, but even amongst all of the stars in the cast, one shines a bit...

Fordham Softball Trying to Crack the Top 25 for First Time in School History

July 9, 2011

Published: April 15, 2010 From the looks of the Fordham University softball team before its double header against Manhattan College on April 6, you’d have no idea that the Rams had just ended an eight-game...

Rams Fall Short in Nineteenth Straight Loss

July 5, 2011

Published: March 4, 2010 The snowstorm that hit New York on Feb. 24 matched the white out that took place inside the Rose Hill Gym the previous night. Fordham handed out white basketball jerseys before...

Fordham Drops Thirteenth Game in a Row

June 28, 2011

Published February 18, 2010 Brenton Butler woke up on Dec. 6 with 982 Fordham career points. The guard hoped to reach 1,000 in the team’s game against Charlotte that afternoon. Of course, when he...

From the Pool to the Gridiron, “Fordham’s Family of Saints” Adds Six

June 28, 2011

Published February 4, 2010 On Jan. 23, six new members were welcomed into “Fordham’s family of saints” as University President Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J. put it. McShane, along with Fordham...

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