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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer



Catholic University, Secular Policies?

December 7, 2011
Recently, Fordham was featured on Jezebel, a popular blog site, in an article titled, “Fordham Students Protest Hidden Anti-Birth-Control Policy.”

Don’t Lose Sight of Victims in Scandal

November 16, 2011
Information about the alleged abuses at Penn State that have come to light over the last few weeks have left many shocked and angry. Riots ensued over the subsequent firing of university president Graham Spanier and head coach Joe Paterno, leaving behind a campus torn by the controversy.

Registration Woes

November 2, 2011
It’s that time of year again when we have to register for spring classes. While liberating for some seniors, it’s mainly a hassle that leaves many of us wondering how our perfect schedules never seem to work out.

Thankful to Be Heard

October 19, 2011
Concerned with the current state of our economy, students increasingly fear the difficult search for jobs that will face them after graduation. Some students, especially those in liberal arts, wonder whether they even chose the right major.

Students Must Take Action

October 5, 2011
Students must take action. Lately it seems everyone is protesting.

Dialogue Joins Faith and Learning

September 21, 2011
As Fordham continues to distinguish itself as a university that places great emphasis on academics, evidenced by the recent ranking of our schools as 53rd in the nation by U.S. News and World report, we must determine how we will balance our intellectual pursuits with the principles of faith upon which we established our Jesuit school.

Bin Laden’s Death a Tempered Victory

July 24, 2011

Published: May 5, 2011 As the school year draws to an end and finals begin tightening their grip on our lives, recent events have distracted Fordham students from our studies. The death of Osama bin...

Coping With the Construction

July 23, 2011

Published: April 20, 2011 Jackhammers over the library. Fifteen-minute-long elevator lines. Half our usual Plaza space. Right now, Fordham students are bearing the brunt of a host of changes meant...

The Monologues Must Go On

July 23, 2011

Published: April 13, 2011 Every year, a “Little Coochie Snorcher” makes a big splash at Fordham. This now-infamous act of “The Vagina Monologues” tells the story of a 16-year-old girl who...

Picking Up the Pace of Disaster Relief

July 23, 2011

Published: March 30, 2011 In the weeks following the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan on March 11, Fordham students have been vocal about their support for the relief efforts. As Laura Chang...

Communication is Key in Emergencies

July 23, 2011

Published: March 2, 2011 Reporting on the circumstances surrounding the death of Hayden Hartnett, FCLC ’12, has been the most difficult task the Observer board has undertaken this academic year. It...

Breaking Free from the Bookstore

July 23, 2011

Published: February 16, 2011 Every new semester brings about the same routines for Fordham students. We feel out our first couple of classes, get to know our professors and buy the books we’ll be...

The Quiet Generation Speaks Out

July 23, 2011

Published: February 2, 2011 A month after the class of 2011 began their freshman year, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman labeled us Generation Q- the quiet generation. Although the title hasn't...

Redefining The Ethics of Information

July 23, 2011

Published: December 09, 2010 Bringing up WikiLeaks in a room full of college journalists is only slightly less dangerous than walking into a room full of starving pit bulls with a T-bone steak in your...

Speak Up for Change at Fordham

July 19, 2011

Published: November 17, 2010 Whatever way you slice it, college is expensive. While you can’t really put a price tag on knowledge, that’s exactly what every university does. As a result, some of...

Enthusiasm Beyond Election Season

July 19, 2011

Published: November 03, 2010 This fall has been an exciting time to be an American. In the past week alone, reports of widespread political fervor have attained media spotlight as the recent “Rally...

Don’t Be Silent This Voting Season

July 19, 2011

Published: October 20, 2010 As the two-week midterm season wanes (finally!), it’s official: we’re halfway through the semester. It’s an easy time to feel burned out, apathetic and ready for that...

Times of Tragedy Call for Honesty

July 16, 2011

Published: October 5, 2010 Shocking news struck the Fordham community last week when we learned of the untimely death of a fellow classmate, Jacob Miller, Fordham College at Rose Hill ’14. With each...

Fordham Fosters Open Dialogue

July 16, 2011

Published: September 22, 2010 One month into the school year, as students are finally settling into their routines, it is hard not to notice a number of recently tumultuous social debates infiltrating...

Late Fee Letter Stresses Students

July 16, 2011

Published: August 25, 2010 Back-to-school time is often a frenzy. With the stresses of having to move, begin classes and say goodbye to summer, the start of the fall semester can be chaotic even without...

Expanding the Fordham Family

July 15, 2011

Published: May 5, 2010 For many of us, the waning hours of the academic year signify anything but a winding down. Of course, there are the usual papers, finals and graduation-related panic attacks,...

Legality of Unpaid Internships

July 10, 2011

Published: April 22, 2010 At Fordham College at Lincoln Center, we’re a busy bunch. From classes to extracurricular activities, many of us also manage to squeeze in multiple internships during our...

Speak Up for Sustainability

July 9, 2011

Published: April 15, 2010 Fordham University has green fever. From planting trees to retrofitting university buildings to be more environmentally friendly, Fordham is well on its way to cutting its...

Stay Healthy: Know Your Coverage

July 8, 2011

Published: April 1, 2010 With the recent passing of the new health care bill and the secondary fixes, it is more important than ever for students to understand their personal health coverage. To further...

Tenure Transparency

July 5, 2011

Published: March 4, 2010 In the complex institutional structure of the American university, there is no relationship of greater importance than the one between professor and student. At Fordham, there...

Finding A Lost Generation

June 28, 2011

Published February 18, 2010 That’s great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane”—it’s the end of the world as we know it. Another aftershock shook Haiti on Feb. 15, knocking...

Halted Hopes for Haiti

June 28, 2011

Published February 4, 2010 The earthquake and subsequent aftershocks that rocked Haiti on Jan. 12 brought out the best in people from all over the world. Doctors and good Samaritans mobilized quickly...

Elitism—At What Expense?

June 28, 2011

Published: December 10, 2009 It’s mid-December in the midst of tough economic times, and more than ever, money is on everyone’s mind. Whether it’s wondering how we’ll scrape up enough to buy...

The Price of Safety is Worth It

June 28, 2011

Published: November 19, 2009 On Nov. 12, a man was arrested for attempting to trespass on the second floor plaza entrance into McMahon Hall.  “He attempted to accost the guard on duty… the guard...

Take Care of Yourself and Others

June 27, 2011

Published: October 22, 2009 This time of year is often difficult. Summer has segued into a soggy, windy fall, midterms seem to be lingering for weeks on end and registration is around the corner. All...

Contagious? Stay Away from Class

June 27, 2011

Published: November 5, 2009 We’re in the thick of it. Midterms have just finished, finals seem to be just minutes away, and the paper crunch is on. On top of it all, the weather seems to finally have...

Take Care with Health Care

June 27, 2011

Published: October 8, 2009 College goes by quickly and is relatively carefree. Four years pass in a blink, the last consisting of a blur of classes, internships, grad school applications and graduation...

Students Seek Budget Transparency

June 25, 2011

Published: September 24, 2009 Some Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) students are angry, and rightfully so. More and more problems with the financial aid services offered by the school are coming...

Frustrations with Financial Aid

June 22, 2011

Published: August 27, 2009 Living in New York City is expensive, but the cost of attending college in Manhattan is astronomical.  In the current economic climate, many students are finding it increasingly...

Reevaluating Student Rights

June 22, 2011

Published: April 30, 2009 Progress at Fordham seems suspended, wrapped up in bureaucracy, lacking adaptation to contemporary need. From problems starting a club (Eugene Kontratov’s Feb. 25 article,...

Remember the Students

June 22, 2011

Published: April 9, 2009 Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., president of Fordham, recently delivered his annual State of the University address, in which he announced a campaign to raise $500 million for...

Success Requires Good Health

June 20, 2011

Published: April 2, 2009 According to the National Coalition on Healthcare, 28.1 percent of Americans ages 18-24 were uninsured in 2007. As layoffs and benefit cuts continue day after day, even students...

FCLC Has an Identity Crisis

June 19, 2011

Published: March 12, 2009 Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) is suffering from an identity crisis. From controversial performances of “The Vagina Monologues” to flyers that urge students to...

Show Us the Money

June 13, 2011

Published: February 26, 2009 With the economy struggling, it has become much more difficult to pay for the things we need, including education. Many students rely on loans to finance college, but much...

Choose an Open Mind

June 9, 2011

Published: February 12, 2009 Fordham College at Lincoln Center is a school with thriving arts and media programs, situated in the heart of New York City. We attend a school that demands creativity and...

Putting Fordham Media to Use

June 6, 2011

Published: January 29, 2009 When we walked on campus on Jan. 20, it was impossible not to notice that the televisions that have been suspended overheard for several semesters were making noise. Rather...

Share the Holiday Love

June 6, 2011

Published: December 11, 2008 We are nearing the end of another semester. A quick glance around Columbus Circle indicates that we are already knee-deep in the holiday season. There is much talk of scaling...

One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

June 5, 2011

Published: November 20, 2008 This election marks a milestone in history. We have taken a huge step in moving beyond the racial injustices that have plagued this nation since its inception. But there...

Change Has Come, But is it Enough?

June 5, 2011

Published: November 13, 2008 The ballots have been counted and the verdict is in: Barack Obama will be our next president. But something else happened last week. We, the people of the United States,...

There’s No “Us” in Amethyst

June 4, 2011

Published: October 2, 2008 Heavy drinking has long been associated with college students. Films such as “Animal House” and “Old School” have popularized the idea that college is all about leaving...

FCLC Improves Despite Challenges

June 3, 2011

Published: August 28, 2008 It is no secret that we begin this academic year in tumultuous times. Our nation is entrenched in a war with no clear resolution, oil is sending the prices of everything sky-high,...

Erase the Stigma

June 3, 2011

Published: April 17, 2008 In this issue of The Observer, there are several articles dealing with one overarching issue: that of the health resources, both mental and physical, available to Fordham...

Students Should Keep Low Profiles

June 2, 2011

Published: April 3, 2008 In our salad days—those days when the sound of AOL dialing up was an almost-essential beginning to our online experience—the Internet seemed to be a place where young people...

Are Gossip Blogs Necessary at FCLC?

June 1, 2011

Published: Febrary 14, 2008 The word “blog” is not easily defined. It’s short for “weblog,” but what is a weblog?  What exactly is appropriate material for a blog?  If you can come up with...

HIV Rise Calls for Action

June 1, 2011

Published: January 31, 2008 A quite common criticism of Ronald Reagan’s reign as United States President is that The Gipper did not publicly mention the word “AIDS” until 1987, six years after...

Get the Story Straight

May 31, 2011

Published: December 13, 2007 The major New York-area newspapers misrepresented Anastasiya Andreyeva, FCLC ’08—the student who has been charged with the murder of 30-year-old Aleksey Kats. The coverage...

Why Only Provide a Vaccine?

May 30, 2011

Published: November 15, 2007 If the Fordham College at Lincoln Center’s health center offers Gardisil, the new human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine that prevents four of the strains of the virus that...

Fordham Doesn’t Need to Fit In

May 29, 2011

Published: November 8, 2007 An article in the November issue of “U.S. Catholic” stated that Catholic universities in America fall into one of four categories.  But Fordham is a pragmatic school,...

Prepared for an Emergency?

May 28, 2011

Published: October 25, 2007 Fordham University is equipped with the necessary technology to let everyone in the community know that there is an emergency situation. As the plan exists on paper, in the...

The Numbers Don’t Lie

May 27, 2011

Published: October 11, 2007 New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer chose Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) to discuss his new children’s healthcare policy and his policy to give driver’s licenses...

The ‘Fortress’ is Coming

May 27, 2011

Published: September 27, 2007 A public hearing held by the city’s Department of City Planning on Sept. 10 made it clear that the community surrounding the Lincoln Center campus is not pleased with...

Not Just Maroon Anymore

May 26, 2011

Published: August 30, 2007 The Ram Vans that transport students between the Lincoln Center and the Rose Hill campuses are maroon.  The backpacks given out during freshman orientation are maroon. ...

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