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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer


ALICE MORENO, Former Multimedia Editor

Alice Moreno (she/her), FCLC ’23, is a former multimedia editor at The Observer. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, to Colombian parents, she is now majoring in journalism at Fordham. She loves photography, thrifting clothes while simultaneously filling up her closet, playing video games and starting new collections (right now, it’s retro consoles and games).

All content by ALICE MORENO
This academic year, Fordham ranked 165th in the College Free Speech Rankings Survey.

[Photo] Fordham’s Free Speech Ranking Remains Low

By MARIAH LOPEZ October 13, 2022

This academic year, Fordham ranked 165th in the College Free Speech Rankings Survey.

Groundbreaking Hispanic Songs

Groundbreaking Hispanic Songs: Rock en Español Edition

October 6, 2022
This playlist explores Rock en Español music, a genre with over 60 years of history
Tim DeMorat

[Photo] Fordham Football Pulls Off Homecoming Victory

By AURELIEN CLAVAUD September 20, 2022

Tim DeMorat threw for over 450 yards and five touchdowns in Fordham's emphatic win.

An April 2022 email from the McKeon Hall RDs detailed the harm that racial microaggressions may bring to the community and emphasized the importance of tolerance.

[Photo] Residents Feel Unsupported by ResLife’s Response to Microaggressions

By MARYAM BESHARA and INSIYA GANDHI September 19, 2022

An April 2022 email from the McKeon Hall RDs detailed the harm that racial microaggressions may bring to the community and emphasized the importance of tolerance.

Band of Royal Regiment of Scotland walking

The 2022 Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

September 16, 2022
The United Kingdom, made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, is filled to the brim with culture.
Carriage horses withstand challenging conditions to take riders around New York City.

[Photo] The Fight to Ban Carriage Horses in NYC

By AVERY GRAFELD September 14, 2022

Carriage horses withstand challenging conditions to take riders around New York City.

Surveillance and return-to-campus testing are no longer required to be admitted on campus.

[Photo] Guest and Visitor Policies Change, Campuses Open to Public

By MARYAM BESHARA August 27, 2022

Surveillance and return-to-campus testing are no longer required to be admitted on campus.

Women in Music: ’90s Alternative

Women in Music: ’90s Alternative

August 3, 2022
This playlist is a throwback to the 90s, featuring female artists who entered the limelight, showing they can be rockstars too.
Spectators viewing the commencement ceremony

Moments of Fordham University’s 2022 Commencement Ceremony.

May 26, 2022
The extremely hot weather, with a high of 88 degrees, didn’t stop anyone — not even Fordham University’s graduating class of 2022.
The Enid A. Haupt Conservatory was transformed into a display of rare and beautiful flowers by Jeff Leatham.

[Photo] New York Botanical Gardens Hosts Annual Orchid Show

By CHRISTINA IOANNIDES, Staff Writer May 6, 2022

The Enid A. Haupt Conservatory was transformed into a display of rare and beautiful flowers by Jeff Leatham.

winners of Fordham's Got Talent

[Photo] Does Fordham Got Talent?

By CHAISE JONES May 2, 2022

The winner's of the competition show that Fordham's really got talent.

Graphic by Alexa Stegmuller

Meet the Contestants of Fordham’s Got Talent!

April 27, 2022
Read about the inspiration behind some of the star-studded performances of the event.
A Viola — much like its name — dons a bright violet appearance, mixed in with yellow. These plants do not survive during the summer.

Bronx in Bloom

April 27, 2022
Flowers of all shapes and colors return to the garden this season at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx.
for an article on reslife, the front of mcmahon hall

[Photo] ResLife Expects Fewer Residents Following Decrease in Class Size

By OLIVIA LEDUC April 10, 2022

The number of residents on campus next year is expected to be close to maximum capacity for the residence halls.

students walking outside lowenstein not wearing masks

[Photo] Anti-Mask: An Open-Faced Prerogative

By AASTHA AGGARWAL March 23, 2022

Masks should no longer be required because we are at a much lower risk now than ever before in the pandemic.

students wearing masks outside elevators at fordham lincoln center

[Photo] Pro-Mask: Proceeding With Caution

By ANGELA LOCASCIO March 23, 2022

Students should continue wearing masks for the sake of immunocompromised peers and their family members, and because the pandemic is not over.

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