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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer


KEVIN CHRISTOPHER ROBLES, Retrospect Host Emeritus

Kevin Christopher Robles, Fordham College at Lincoln Center ’20, is the Retrospect host emeritus for The Observer. Though his main role has been hosting Retrospect, the official podcast of The Observer, he has in the past been an asst. arts & culture editor. He has also written for opinions, features and news — though still always searching for that sports & health article to write so that he can claim he’s written for every section. Kevin’s other interests include theology, filmmaking and spending too much time writing his staff profile.

Dinosaur Fossil Discovered Underneath Lincoln Center Campus

Dinosaur Fossil Discovered Underneath Lincoln Center Campus

October 30, 2019
The fossil was discovered when Archibald Karphoozi, a paleontologist on his way home from a symposium at Columbia University, stopped to use the bathroom at FLC.
Acclaimed television show, "The West Wing" turns 20 this year.

‘The West Wing’ at 20: The Political Show Every College Student Should Watch

September 17, 2019
20 years ago, “The West Wing” took the world by storm by portraying the first successful television series set in the White House. Kevin Christopher Robles explains why it’s important for college students to keep watching this show, even after two decades.
The altar in the chapel on the second floor of Lowenstein. Campus Ministry's office, the heart of spiritual development at Fordham at Lincoln Center, is also located on the second floor.

How Fordham Serves Its Faith Community

May 1, 2019
Young Catholics are seemingly moving away from the Church. But at Fordham Lincoln Center, Campus Ministry provides many ways for students to grow in their faith, regardless if they’re Catholic or not.
Big name schools give low-income students a chance to succeed

Prestige Is the Way Out

April 30, 2019
So, you have to imagine there’s a certain sense of thrill and hullabaloo to getting those college acceptance letters in the mail — not just because someone really, for sure, definitely wants to go to Yale, but because it’s a way out for them.
All the heroes from the last 22 films come together in "Avengers: Endgame"

‘Avengers: Endgame’ Closes Doors and Opens New Ones

April 30, 2019

Mild “Avengers: Endgame” spoilers follow. Does anyone remember how we got here? I think we tend to forget, with all this talk of cinematic universes, just how bizarre this filmic reality we’ve...

Wertz is the interim dean of FCLC while the search committee finds a successor for Grimes.

UPDATED: Search for FCLC Dean Nearing Conclusion

April 20, 2019
At a College Council meeting on April 4, attendees discussed an end of April deadline.
Much of 'Eternal Sunshine' was not shot right in Manhattan, allowing other New York locales like Montauk time on the silver screen.

‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ at 15: Meet Me in Montauk

March 31, 2019
Fifteen years after its release, 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' continues to be the best example of how to handle both loving and losing.
Lincoln Center Needs a Student-Exclusive Space

Lincoln Center Needs a Student-Exclusive Space

March 6, 2019
There is no space where people can just have fun, a place where the university doesn’t have any say as to what goes on and what people do.
According to Special Advisor Michael Cohen, "Mr. Trump truly enjoyed his two years at Fordham and has great respect for the University.”

UPDATED: Michael Cohen Threatened McShane Over Trump Transcripts

February 27, 2019
During testimony before the House Committee on Oversight & Reform, Michael Cohen, provided was a letter addressed to University President Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J. threatening Fordham University with criminal action should the institution release Trump’s college transcripts.
USG President Demetrios Stratis proudly presents The Battle of Fordham.

USG Launches The Battle of Fordham

February 21, 2019
On Thursday, Feb. 21, Fordham Lincoln Center’s United Student Government (USG) will officially launch The Battle of Fordham, a month-long cross-campus game that will engage 71 Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) students.
Every year, only one movie can stand supreme at the Academy Awards. This year, will it be Black Panther?

Black Panther Will Win Best Picture

February 19, 2019
It is also not an inconceivable notion that, after having so much controversy surrounding the Oscars’ fairness towards the race of nominees, it might just be a much-needed shot in the arm of the Academy if they let a film as black as “Black Panther” take home the biggest win of the night.
Breakups can be rough, especially at such a small campus.

Breakups at Lincoln Center: The Woes, the Throes and How to Handle Them

February 12, 2019
Breakups can be rough, especially on a campus as small as Lincoln Center. Students share some tips and tricks to get around the awkwardness.
Cafe Lalo, an iconic locale from "You've Got Mail," is just a few blocks away. (JOE ROVEGNO/THE OBSERVER)

‘You’ve Got Mail’ at 20: The Ultimate Upper West Side Movie

January 23, 2019
"You've Got Mail" makes you feel like you're walking through a dream and, soon enough, your daily life begins to feel like a movie.
Soulja Boy to Perform at Spring Weekend

Soulja Boy to Perform at Spring Weekend

January 20, 2019
Soulja Boy is set to perform at Fordham College at Rose Hill (FCRH) for its annual Spring Weekend concert on Apr. 27.
Demetrios Stratis (right) led the first town hall of the 2018-2019 school year with record attendance.

USG Town Hall Addresses Student Frustration

December 6, 2018
Students gathered around the conference room, quickly consumed the drinks and snacks off to the side and voiced their issues regarding the state of Fordham Lincoln Center.
Acting Associate Dean of Fordham Lincoln Center, Mary Bly, hosts students at her home every Sunday for dinner.

Dinner with the Dean

December 5, 2018
Asst. Arts & Culture Editor, Kevin Christopher Robles, dined with Acting Associate Dean of Fordham Lincoln Center, Mary Bly, at her apartment with her family and other students.
Austin Tong, Gabelli School of Business ’21, failed to attend United Student Government inauguration because he "he deemed the Inauguration unimportant," according to a USG statement.

USG VP of Operations Resigns Amid Internal Disputes

November 20, 2018
On Monday, Nov. 19, the executive board of the Fordham Lincoln Center United Student Government (USG) met with Vice President of Operations Austin Tong, Gabelli School of Business ’21, to discuss his performance. Instead, Tong resigned from USG during the meeting.
The United Student Government office in the garden level of the 140 W building during budget packet season.

USG VP of Operations Triggers Budget Freeze, Sparks Internal Conflict

November 15, 2018
For two days, the budget for Lincoln Center’s United Student Government (USG) was frozen due to missing documentation from Vice President of Operations Austin Tong, GSB '21, of the USG executive board.
Mary Bly is one advisor working with President Joseph M. McShane on the task force. (COURTESY OF FORDHAM NEWS AND MEDIA RELATIONS)

Retention Task Force Tackles Recurring Issues

November 14, 2018
On Oct. 18, the Arts and Sciences Council met to speak on various issues facing Fordham University. The council, which is responsible for generating academic recommendations for the whole of the university, raised concerns regarding the retention rates among undergraduate freshmen.
Reclaim the Ram – root for Fordham. (SARAH TAKASH/THE OBSERVER)

Fordham Is Better Than You Think It Is

November 7, 2018
Outside of our echo chamber, people actually see Fordham as a good school.
A defaced poster advertising the Rally for Trans Rights was discovered in a bathroom stalls on Nov. 1. (KEVIN CHRISTOPHER ROBLES/THE OBSERVER)

Rally for Trans Rights Poster Defaced in Bathroom Stall

November 2, 2018
On Nov. 1, Jack Bugbee, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) ’19, discovered a poster advertising the Rally for Trans Rights vandalized in a stall in one of the men’s restrooms in the Leon Lowenstein building.
On Oct. 28, University President Joseph M. McShane, S.J, responded to the recent shootings in Pittsburgh and Jeffersontown.

McShane Responds to Pittsburgh and Jeffersontown Shootings

October 28, 2018
On the morning of Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018, the Office of the President responded with anger and frustration to the recent shootings that have exploded across the country in a university-wide email.
Fordham's first ever drag show was met with criticism from conservative forces outside the university. (COLIN SHEELEY/THE OBSERVER)

Petitions Duke It Out Over Drag Show

October 24, 2018

On Wednesday, Oct. 10, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) launched a petition, which reached over 13,000 signatures, to stop the drag show hosted by the Rainbow...

Nicole Shapiro, FCLC '19 (left), and Jack Bugbee, FCLC '19 (right), are presidents of Fashion for Philanthropy and Rainbow Alliance, respectively. (LENA ROSE/THE OBSERVER)

Petition Targets Student Drag Show

October 11, 2018

On Wednesday, Oct. 10, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), launched a petition condemning a drag show event co-hosted by Rainbow Alliance and Fashion for Philanthropy...

Taking a Look at the Class of 2022

Taking a Look at the Class of 2022

September 12, 2018

The beginning of the school year brings with it a lot of change, but perhaps the most exciting of which is the introduction of new Rams to Fordham Lincoln Center (FLC). The Observer took some time this...

As Gunn’s old tweets resurfaced in July, scandal thrust his future with the Disney franchise into jeopardy. (GAGE SKIDMORE VIA FLICKR)

James Gunn Deserves Forgiveness

August 23, 2018
Gunn absolutely does not deserve to have been raked over the coals the way he has been.
Chloe Rice, FCLC ’21, performs in off-Broadway's "Comfort Women: A New Musical" at the Peter Jay Sharp Theater. (Courtesy of Dimo Kim Factory)

A Risky Business: Chloe Rice’s Journey Off-Broadway

August 23, 2018
A Fordham sophomore's sojourn to an off-Broadway musical is filled to the brim with risk and reward.
"Fortnite" borrowed much from "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds," but it's a knockoff we need. (BagoGames VIA FLICKR)

“Fortnite” is Here to Stay

May 12, 2018
How much ownership does a developer have over the mechanics that they created?
Steven Spielberg speaking about "Ready Player One" at the 2017 San Diego Comic Con International. (GAGE SKIDMORE VIA FLICKR)

“Ready Player One:” Spielberg In His Element

April 18, 2018

Over the five decades that Steven Spielberg has spent making movies, one theme has been prevalent in all of them: hope—whether that means hope for a better future, hope for those imprisoned in concentration...

The Walt Disney Company owns a wide variety of intellectual properties. (JON BJORNSON/THE OBSERVER)

All Hail Disney?

February 15, 2018
The Disney-Fox deal is a testament to American media and a show of strength that Hollywood is just as strong as ever.
"Marie Antoinette" was directed by Sofia Coppola. (COURTESY OF LEIGH JOHNSON)

S.A.D. Movies for Singles

February 15, 2018

As Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.) approaches, it becomes important to remember the flip side of Valentine’s Day. There are many individuals out there who are sadly missing a partner or have no one to...

"The Rafa Play" closes on Saturday, December 16. (COURTESY OF DANIEL RADER)

“The Rafa Play:” A Fordham Professor’s Absurdist Romance

December 11, 2017

Peter Gil-Sheridan, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) ’98, hedges quite a few bets on the idea that the audience will be laughing too hard at the absurdity of “The Rafa Play” to notice the...

Microtransactions, a hotly debated topic among gamers lately, could mean the difference between paying a few dollars and paying a few hundred dollars for a game. (COURTESY OF PEXELS)

The Rise and Fall of Microtransactions

December 9, 2017
Games are expensive, but sacrificing the essential things that made them great in the first place will only drive people away from them.
(Jon Bjornson/THE OBSERVER)

Broadway Springs to Life in 2018

November 16, 2017

New shows on Broadway are always something to pay attention to, but the upcoming spring season holds a particularly large number of highly-anticipated productions that deserve special consideration.   “Carousel”...

"Frankenweenie" is directed by Tim Burton, known for his Halloween films. (COURTESY OF DISNEY)

Spooky Frights for Movie Nights

October 26, 2017

As October comes to a close, Halloween’s presence becomes nearly unavoidable. Harried parents rush to Party City, engulfed by frenzied consumerism, purchasing costumes for overexcited children. Candy...

"Magnolia" was created by Dr. Regina Taylor, this year's Denzel Washington chair. (JON BJORNSON/THE OBSERVER)

“Magnolia” Blossoms on the Fordham Stage

October 12, 2017

The characters of the latest play to grace the stage of Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC), Regina Taylor’s “Magnolia,” are a rowdy bunch, unsatisfied with their lot in life and yearning to...

One of King's most popular novels "IT" recently received a cinematic reboot in September. (COURTESY OF IMDB)

Movie Studios Find Marvels In Stephen King

October 2, 2017

Movie studios have always been enamored with the immense library of Stephen King, but there has been an unusual resurgence of interest in his works over the past few years. While the shift started sometime...

Stove’s Cabin Crew performs at their End of the Semester show last Fall. (PHOTO COURTESY OF STOVE'S CABIN CREW)

An Ambitious Summer With Stove’s Cabin Crew

September 21, 2017

When Chandler Dean, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) ’18, was in elementary school, he fell in love with “The Simpsons.” “When I was done watching the episodes, then I would watch them...

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