McKeon to Close Over Winter Break
November 26, 2014
According to Jenifer Campbell, director of Residential Life at Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC), McKeon Hall will be officially shut down for winter break and freshmen will be able to stay in McMahon Hall free of charge.

Rumors circulated last week that freshmen would have to pay over $1000 to stay on campus over break. “The rumors started because we were still trying to figure out whether there was going to be a charge associated,” with freshmen winter housing, Campbell said. Contributing factors to the decision were meal plan costs and the fact that, “meals are not available during the break period,” Campbell said.
Shilpa Basu FCLC ’18, McKeon resident, would prefer to stay in McKeon over break. “That is all that we know and where we are comfortable,” Basu said. “I personally haven’t ever seen a McMahon room and wouldn’t feel at home or comfortable if I had to stay there.”
According to Campbell, there are too few students staying to accommodate a meal plan and therefore, consolidating students in McMahon was the better option. McMahon’s kitchen access allows students to prepare their own meals and takes the pressure off the school.
Some freshmen residents were more understanding. Ninett Rodriguez, FCLC ’18, said, “I’m sure Res Life has their reasons to move freshmen into McMahon. It must be easier to keep track of people and it’s one less building to maintain.”
If students have not filled out the winter housing form, they must be out of their rooms 24 hours after their last final. Finals end Monday, Dec. 22. The campus will re-open for spring semester on Monday, Jan. 12.
Additional reporting by Justin Rebollo