PHOTO ESSAY: DACA Protest in Columbus Circle
New Yorkers gathered in Columbus Circle on September 9 to protest Trump’s decision to end DACA. (SOPHIE KOZUB/THE OBSERVER)
September 9, 2017
Following President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, New Yorkers gathered in Columbus Circle today to demonstrate their support for DACA recipients and all immigrants.
The Facebook page for the event had 6,000 people indicating that they would be “going,” with another 23,000 indicating interest. Fordham students were among those who indicated interest and attended.
“There are so many people here who are immigrants, who are recipients of the DACA program, so it’s important to go out and show your resistance and be an activist to stand up for these people,” said Alexis Chapin, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) ’21, who was there with other Fordham students.
Among the other students was Katherine Kuemerle, FCLC ’21.
“We’re so close to this area that it’s easy for us to come and protest and stand up for the people who can’t have their voices heard,” Kuemerle said.
Other members of the Fordham community could be spotted throughout the assembled crowd, sporting Fordham hats and sweatshirts. One student with a Fordham tote bag was among a small group of Antifa protesters, but they declined to provide their name to The Observer.