JESSICA VITOVITCH, Literary Editor Emerita
February 22, 2016
Three blood orange martinis,
And a sunset drive down Broadway
Saccharine taste on the tongue and eyes perched with gold,
A beating heart that swells with a ruby red that looks like the bottom...
December 1, 2015
Like the majority of women and men on my mother’s side, Joanne is a woman steeply grounded in her Italian grit.
October 27, 2015
The bone crypt that cages my veins feels of something rotten.
October 1, 2015
I have always been single. I’m not particularly bothered by this fact.
September 9, 2015
I am immersed in a culture that holds the predisposed belief that I am not healthy, despite the fact that I workout nearly everyday and eat a healthy.
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