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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

CHRISTINA FRASCA, News Editor Emerita


Si Se Puede: Building a Foundation in Fonseca

August 3, 2011

This past spring break, I traded in margaritas and white sand beaches for bat-infested latrines and no running water. Along with nine other girls from my Global Outreach team, I traveled to the northeast...

LGBT Students Reflect on Growing Community at FCLC

July 25, 2011

Published: October 21, 2010 The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community at Fordham has gained visibility in recent months through a number of University policy changes. Last spring,...

Political Science Professor Speaks About Future of U.S. National Security

July 13, 2011

Published: May 4, 2011 After confirmation from a press conference with President Obama on May 1, the U.S. learned that army troops entered Pakistan and assassinated Osama bin Laden. Mixed reactions...

Unreliable Elevators Cause Concern

July 13, 2011

Published: April 20, 2011 The elevators in McMahon Hall have been under modernization since the beginning of the semester. Since then, students have been subject to random dispatcher malfunctions,...

Ads Emphasize “Monologues” Ban

July 13, 2011

Published: April 13, 2011 “WARNING: Not supported by Student Affairs”—this was the disclaimer emblazoned in bold at the bottom of each poster advertising this year’s production of “The...

Relief Efforts for Japan Underway

July 12, 2011

Published: March 30, 2011 After a powerful earthquake shook the island of Japan on March 11, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) students joined together in an effort to raise money to help rebuild...

NBC’s Brian Williams to Deliver 2011 Commencement Speech

July 12, 2011

Published: March 30, 2011 Brian Williams, anchor of “NBC Nightly News,” will deliver Fordham’s 166th commencement speech on May 21. Two years after becoming anchor of America’s most-watched...

Fordham Remembers FCLC Junior, Hayden Hartnett

July 12, 2011

Published: March 2, 2011 “Hayden was a shooting star,” Tanner Hartnett said about her younger sister, Hayden Hartnett, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) ’12, who died in her dorm room on...

EMS Called For Student Thought To Be OD Risk

July 12, 2011

Published: March 2, 2011 As the Fordham community now knows via a recent university mass e-mail, Hayden Hartnett, FCLC ’12,  died of an apparent overdose on the morning of Sunday, Feb. 20 in her...

Faculty View Pope’s Comments Through Theological Lens

July 12, 2011

Published: December 10, 2010 Pope Benedict XVI, a known conservative in the Catholic community, has turned heads with recent comments on contraception made to German journalist, Peter Seewald, in the...

Sodexo Explains Inconsistent Prices

July 12, 2011

Published: November 3, 2010 A bottle of Coca-Cola from the vending machine next to the bookstore costs $1.50; a bottle from the vending machine in the cafeteria is $1.65; that same bottle from the coolers...

USG Discusses Concerns with Enrollment Services

July 12, 2011

Published: October 5, 2010 On Monday, Sept. 20, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC)’s United Student Government (USG) met with Peter Stace, vice president of Enrollment Services, Patricia Peek,...

Alvin Ailey Director Dies at 65

July 12, 2011

Published: August 25, 2010 Denise Jefferson, director of the Ailey School and co-founder of the Ailey/Fordham B.F.A. Program in Dance, died July 18 of ovarian cancer. She was 65. Jefferson danced...

Fordham Faculty Wins Equal Benefits After Four-Year Fig

July 10, 2011

Published: May 5, 2010 Arnaldo Cruz-Malavé has worked at Fordham University for 23 years as a professor of Spanish and comparative literature and is the chair of department of modern languages...

The New Grading System: Trading Letters for Experience Points

July 10, 2011

Published: April 22, 2010 Every semester we turn the syllabus over to see the percentage that each dreaded assignment contributes to our final grade. Doing the math ahead of time, we try to find out...

Get a New “Do” on a Budget at Maria’s Hair Salon!

July 9, 2011

Published: April 15, 2010 Looking for a way to spice up your spring look without breaking the bank? Well, look no further! Fordham student turned entrepreneur, Maria Vasaturo, has the answer, and it...

Fordham Raises $44,359 For Haiti

July 9, 2011

Published:April 15, 2010 Since January 12, Fordham University has collected $44,359 in donations for Haiti relief. Over half of that amount, $22,503.81, was raised by student clubs. The student club...

Relay for Life Under Fundraising Targets

July 8, 2011

Published: April 1, 2010 The Relay for Life team has been consistently fundraising for its event on April 17. Efforts have been strong with numerous ‘Pasta Nights’ and the new McMahon-door and Lowenstein-locker...

Mama’s Boys and Tomboys: Who They Hang With May Affect Their Romance

July 5, 2011

Published: April 1, 2010 How often does your boyfriend call his mom? Everyday or once a week tops? What about your girlfriend? How many guy friends does she have? You may not consider the other...

Movin’ On Out! Is There Life After McMahon?

July 5, 2011

Published: March 4, 2010 College: four years of independent bliss... minus all that work we’re supposed to be doing. What happens, though, when the fun is over? Come graduation, many students...

Flash For Cash! Whip Out That Student ID For Discounts

June 28, 2011

Published February 18, 2010 Now that we’ve handed over our entire winter breaks’ salaries to the bookstore and have already had to replace our printer cartridge from the first month of...

Fordham’s Haiti Relief Effort: All Talk and No Action

June 28, 2011

Published February 4, 2010 Walking by the escalator in Lowenstein, one can’t help but notice the Hope for Haiti sign.  Beside it stands a podium with a prayer book filled with students’ and faculty’s...

No Problems Reported During H1N1 Vaccine Distribution, Turnout “Lower Than Expected”

June 28, 2011

Published: December 10, 2009 Andreina Laucet, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) ’13, was one of the students who received the H1N1 vaccination, provided by Fordham’s Student Health Services...

Fordham Welcomes Ecumenical Patriarch

June 27, 2011

Published: November 5, 2009 On Oct. 27, His All Holiness Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch visited Fordham University.  His All Holiness received an honorary...

USG Announces Newest Members

June 25, 2011

Published: October 8, 2009 Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) held its United Student Government (USG) elections during the last week of September, electing freshman senators Kimberly Kraft and...

USG Proposes Aesthetic Changes to Facilities

June 19, 2011

Published: November 17, 2010 “We don’t look like a college. We’re sick of feeling like we don’t go to a ‘college,’” Brandi D’Esposito, president of United Student Government (USG) said....

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