Anti-Res Life Fliers Prompt RHA to Hold Town Hall Meetings
November 7, 2011

On Nov. 2, the Residence Hall Association (RHA) held a town hall meeting where students from Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) openly discussed their complaints about McMahon Hall rules and regulations. A large topic of concern at this meeting was the 24-hour guest pass policy’s effect on students.
This meeting was prompted by Residential Life (Res Life)’s decision to remove overnight guest passes the weekend of Sept. 17-18, after they discovered anonymous anti-Res Life flyers posted on the walls of McMahon Hall on Sept. 16. RHA responded and decided to hold a two-part town hall meeting to gather students of the community to voice their opinions. Part one only included student opinions, but part two on Nov. 7 will include members of Res Life.
RHA said that the purpose of the town hall meetings are to learn why residents are upset and how they could help make the situation better.
Meaghan McLeod, FCLC ’15 and a resident of McMahon Hall, said, “Commuters should have more privileges, too. Everyone has to pay tuition and it would be nice to bring up other Fordham [commuters] without having to go through the check-in process”
During the meeting a student said that one of her commuter friends was supposed to come over to study, but Res Life suspended all guest passes the weekend of Sept. 17-18 and she was unable to stay over.
In addition, Michelle Panzironi, FCLC ’12 and vice president of RHA, said, “The guest pass policy as it stands is not conducive to meeting new people.”
Some of the residents present at the meeting complained that Res Life acts in totalitarian ways and their reaction to the posters only reinforces this fact. In defense, one of the Residents Assistants (RAs) who chose to remain anonymous said that while it was not the correct response, the reason Res Life reacted severely was because people have treated them poorly in the past. The RA also said that it is important to treat Res Life with respect and to try to work with them instead of screaming at them.
Rebecca Decker, FCLC ’12 and president of RHA, wanted to make sure that everyone knew where to go if they needed help. Decker said, “Leslie [Timoney], who is the facilities manager, has her office on the first floor where you can ask for help. Also there is an RA on duty at all hours of the night.” It was also brought up during the meeting that you can call security at any time if you need help.
Another topic of discussion was the state of the eighth floor lounge. Recently, Timoney installed some new mirrors in the lounge creating a practice space, but RHA is looking for more suggestions. Residents said that things like a pool table, a card table, a pinball machine, a piano, video games for rent and a new paint job would be nice.
However, Mohammad Rahman, FCLC ’13, said, “We used to have a pingpong table in here, but people abused it. Students have to show they are responsible before they get these privileges back.”
“We don’t know what you want until you tell us,” Decker said. She said that she encourages everyone to come to the second part of RHA’s town hall meeting, especially commuters, so that they can voice their opinions about the guest pass policy.
Part two will be on Nov. 7 in McMahon room 205/206 from 9 p.m. until 10 p.m. “[Part two of] the town hall will include some members of the Res Life staff and people from the first town hall who will discuss the major issues and concerns from that meeting in a more moderated environment,” Panzironi said.
anonymous • Nov 17, 2011 at 1:40 pm
The meeting time for Part 2 is not commuter-friendly at all, being a commuter myself. Also, the guest policy is very strict in that you have to be with your resident at all times when you would like to go in and out of the building (and not even that, If I want to just go to the library or my locker). I understand that this is for safety precautions, but what real benefit dog guest passes then have over signing you in and signing you out each time other than being able to be in the dorms from 320 am to about 6/630am? Especially if you are a Fordham student and a commuter, we are not some outside guest staying at the University. If I want to go to the library or am staying over to study with someone else, I have to get the resident I am staying with to let me in and out. This is problematic when the resident and the guest have conflicting schedules or things to do that they are not doing together. There should be a separate sign in sheet for over night guest passes where the resident and guest signs them in to show that they are in fact staying over that night (because some guests don’t end up staying over or don’t end up coming period) so that Fordham does know who is in the building. If I want to go to the cafeteria I cannot, if i want to shower I cannot, If i want to nap, I cannot without the resident. It’s a little absurd and definitely not commuter-friendly.