This timeline chronicles major milestones in Observer history, from going online for the first time to major anniversaries. (THE OBSERVER ARCHIVES)
This timeline chronicles major milestones in Observer history, from going online for the first time to major anniversaries.


Pages for the Ages

A timeline of The Observer’s history at Fordham Lincoln Center

April 18, 2021


November 1981

The first issue of The CLC Observer is published. 



May 12, 1994

The Observer reports that the university is restructuring its campus system to create university-wide departments with a standardized undergraduate core curriculum. The undergraduate school at Lincoln Center is officially designated Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC). 



Oct. 5, 1994

the observer nameplate from 1994 for the timeline entry, showing the word observer in white text on a black box

The Observer nameplate first displays its “student voice” slogan (“The Student Voice of Fordham College at Lincoln Center,” at that time). 




February 2000

for a timeline of the observer's history, a screenshot of an article from 2000 with the headline "the observer goes online for the millennium"

The Observer launches its website, originally The Feb. 9, 2000, issue of the paper was “the first ever to be publicly available on the web.”



August 2005

ad for the observer's new website from 2006 that reads "the best just got better, visit us at"

The Observer acquires the website domain it still has today,



April 12, 2006

for the observer history timeline, two ads congratulating the observer on its 25th anniversary in 2006

The Observer publishes its 25th anniversary issue.




The Casey Feldman Memorial Foundation is established in honor of Casey Feldman, former news editor for The Observer, by her parents after she was killed by a distracted driver. The scholarship provides funds for communications students working at unpaid internships. 



Feb. 21, 2013

The inaugural issue of The Comma is published by The Observer’s literary section. 



March 25, 2015

The Observer announces a website redesign and the launch of a weekly newsletter. You can subscribe to our current newsletter here.



January 2016

After making the announcement in the fall 2015 semester, Professor Elizabeth Stone steps down as The Observer’s faculty adviser after serving as a consultant since the newspaper’s founding.



April 21, 2016

The communication and media studies department at Fordham cuts ties with The Observer, as reported by then-News Editors Sophie Kozub, FCLC ’19, and Cecile Neidig, FCLC ’17. 



February 2019

The Comma literary publication becomes independent from The Observer. You can visit the club’s website here.



March 31, 2020

The Observer publishes its first digital-only issue. Print operations ceased due to the coronavirus pandemic, and The Observer continued to publish “print” issues solely on Issuu until March 17, 2021.




The Observer celebrates its 40th anniversary.

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About the Contributor
ESMÉ BLEECKER-ADAMS, Fun & Games Editor and Assistant Photo Editor

Esmé Bleecker-Adams, FCLC ’21, is a visual arts major and (oh-so-jaded) New Yorker who is incredibly grateful for her time at The Observer and for all the lovely people she has met there! Favorite hobbies include sewing, playing table tennis and ignoring her alarm clock.

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