Student Pledges Lawsuit Against University Disputing Disciplinary Actions

Austin Tong, GSBLC ’21, has threatened to take legal action against the university for sanctions imposed in response to two Instagram posts from early June. In a letter he posted to Father McShane and the Board of Trustees, he accused the university of “treading on the fundamental freedoms of this country.”
July 17, 2020
A student has threatened legal action against Fordham after the university took disciplinary action in response to two Instagram posts that it found to be a violation of the university’s code of conduct.
The information became public on July 14 when Austin Tong, Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center ’21, posted a letter to University President Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., and the Fordham Board of Trustees to his Instagram. In the letter, he claimed that Fordham was “breaching its own code of conduct, and treading on the fundamental freedoms of this country.”
Tong had previously posted a photo on June 3 of the retired police captain David Dorn, who died while responding to a looting in St. Louis, Missouri. “Y’all a bunch of hypocrites,” the caption reads, expressing his disapproval that Dorn was not given as much widespread attention as the deaths of other Black people whose deaths sparked protests.
The next day, Tong shared a photo of himself holding a gun with the caption, “Don’t tread on me. #198964.” The hashtag references the date of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, in which troops fired into a student-led, pro-democracy demonstration, wounding and killing thousands.
After receiving immediate backlash from students, Tong issued a follow-up comment that read: “To everyone and @fordhamuniversity: this post or my mentality is SOLELY for the memory of the thousands of armless students who had no method of defense and were massacred in 6.4.1989, and in no way advocating violence to anyone.
“This post is my appreciation toward the United States and the priviledge in this country to have the right to bear arms, to have a populace that can defend itself from tyranny. Tiananmen Incident is a huge deal in my motherland and to my ethnicity, and so is civil rights in America, but this post is solely my belief that freedom comes from a strong and armed populace. Violence against any citizen should not be tolerated, and the Second Amendment protects us from that.”
In a letter dated July 14, Keith Eldredge, assistant vice president and dean of students at Lincoln Center, found Tong guilty of violating the university regulations relating to bias and/or hate crime and threatening or intimidating behavior.
Tong defended his posts in his letter, stating, “I expressed my appreciation of the 2nd Amendment and mourning of the anniversary of a Chinese Democratic movement by posting a picture of my legally purchased rifle in my home, and my sympathetic feeling toward Black Police Officer David Dorn.
“The content of both posts are fully by my love for this country, fully within the boundaries of law and university code, and in no way expressing threatening or hateful thoughts – yet the University subjectively and maliciously assumed my intentions as hate crime and threat.”
Numerous users expressed support for Tong, commenting that the university infringed on his right to free speech without reasonable cause. Conservative news outlets Campus Reform, The Epoch Times and The Glenn Beck Program have also reported on Tong’s case, which Tong praised on July 16 on Instagram.
An equally large number of users opposed Tong, commenting that the posts provoked fear and were insensitive amid the Black Lives Matter movement, which has led and amplified a widespread outcry against violence.
“Austin, I am extremely disappointed that you are actively utilizing your platform to invalidate the BLM movement rather than using your time to facilitate conversations about the issues at hand/trying to raise awareness,” Carrie Kinui, Fordham College at Lincoln Center ’21, commented on Tong’s post of Dorn.
Many users also tagged the university’s official Instagram account in the comments of the June 4 post. Soon afterward, @fordhamuniversity commented, “Hi all. The University is aware of this post. Thanks for the mentions.” The comment received 145 likes, and over 20 students requesting that disciplinary action be taken. The post has received 553 total comments as of July 17.
The University Code of Conduct prohibits “threats, intimidation, coercion, and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.” However, it also includes a clause prohibiting behavior “which prevents or limits the free expression of the ideas of others,” which Tong also noted in his letter. The university states elsewhere on its website that students are expected to adhere to the code of conduct both on and off campus, and social media is included under the off-campus category.
This isn’t the first social media incident that Fordham has investigated. In 2018, a photo of 10 Fordham Rose Hill students posing with an alt-right symbol on Murphy Field began circulating around social media.
The university conducted an investigation into the picture, and Christopher Rodgers, dean of students at Rose Hill, assured that the university had addressed the situation with the students involved.
In a short statement, Rodgers said, “Fordham University neither condones nor allows hate speech. After researching the background, symbolism and context of the University took steps to address the situation with the students involved.”
It is not apparent whether the students received disciplinary action.
As of July 17, Tong will be disallowed from entering campus without advance permission, may not participate in extracurricular activities and must complete implicit bias training.
Tong said he would pursue litigation as far as the Supreme Court if Fordham upholds its decision without providing a “just and reasonable answer.” On July 17, he launched a GoFundMe to raise funds to begin the process, reaffirming his intent to sue the university.
The Supreme Court is set to hear another free speech case in its next term, filed by students barred from distributing Christian leaflets on the Georgia Gwinett College campus in 2016. The last court case students leveled against Fordham began in 2017, when members of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) sued the university for being disallowed club status. In 2019, The New York Supreme Court approved SJP’s status as a club, a decision that Fordham has since appealed.
The Observer reached out to Tong for further comments, but he declined to be interviewed at the time. Eldredge and Assistant Vice President for Communications Bob Howe also declined The Observer’s requests for comment.
Hear more about Tong’s case from Lindsie Rank, program officer for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, on Retrospect:
Summer Report: Austin Tong and Free Speech on College Campuses
Manuel the immigrant • Jan 26, 2021 at 6:54 pm
It is clear to me that “liberals” are becoming more and more fascists and don’t realize that they are changing. I neither support republicans nor democrats but I’m shocked to see how intolerant and Hypocrite the Democrats have become. Especially since they consider themselves to be “the good guys”. In the 30 years I have lived in the US I have never seen the democratic party and their supporters behave worse than in the last 4 years. They need to realize how terrible they have become.
Tammy J • Dec 7, 2020 at 6:07 pm
Why didn’t you link the GoFundMe?
It just seems a little biased if you ask me….
GregE • Dec 6, 2020 at 8:34 am
BLM is a neo marxist domestic terrorist organization .. and if you can’t see that you are really, really ignorant.
Ben H • Nov 25, 2020 at 1:10 am
I find it deliciously ironic that their response to him saying “Crying racism was just a way to silence others in 2020” was to silence him and try to force him to accept a very specific ideological viewpoint.
Austin Elkins • Nov 10, 2020 at 7:38 pm
How is the college going to put him in Bias Class or whatever you call it, when they’re the ones being bias!? Is it ok to bias towards a certain side? Is that what they’re trying to say, cause that’s what they’re doing. And having an AR-15 is not threatening, I’m 14 and I have an AR-15 and so so many other people round where I live. I think in big liberal cities they forgot what freedom is. Don’t Tread on Me! 🇺🇸
Dave C • Sep 16, 2020 at 1:43 am
The ignorance of the conservative comments on this article is truly amazing.
Austin Tong’s Instagram post regarding Dorn was simply an attempt to delegitimize the BLM movement as is ‘All Lives Matter’ and “Blue Lives Matter’. It is the unpunished killings of black men who did not deserve to be killed (whether done by police officers or George Zimmerman types ) that was the impetus of the Black Lives Movement. So no, ‘they’ are not hypocrites and Dorn is not going to get the focus of the BLM . Why would he ? He was not a victim of excessive force or shot by police. His murder was reportedly committed by Stephan Cannon who is in custody and up on multiple charges including 1st degree murder. Dorn’s death, while tragic, is not a travesty of justice. Walter Scott was shot 9 times in the back while running away from an officer and if there wasn’t a scared kid who was brave enough to make a video of it on his phone and turn it in, Scott’s murderer Michael Slager would no doubt still be on the job with a badge. Racism isn’t new, but everyone being able to film it and share with the world is…
As for the AR-15 post that is threatening as hell. I live in an open carry state, but if i see a guy with an AR15 slung over his back, I’m calling the cops. If a guy with an AR-15 cuts in line in Home Depot, how many people are going to tell him off ? You want to carry a gun because your scared of the world we all live in ? Fine. Get a concealed permit. You strap a handgun to your leg or sling a long gun over your shoulder and you are not wearing any uniform or identification as law enforcement, it doesn’t matter how much training you may have had or what your intentions are, you are going to scare a lot of people. It is obvious Tong’s intention for these posts was to scare people and get attention. He did both and the University said ‘No’. Good for them.
failsafe • Sep 7, 2020 at 12:19 pm
@Mary Roberts. Im pretty sure its not “dont tHread on me ” its “dont tread on me” ok hun? Make sure you get it right. You said ” imagine if he walked around campus with that” Me and millions of other people can easily see that. Imagine walking around campus with a winey whimpy cowardly communist attitude like yours? Thats what i cant imagine! I support Austin 110% & this “school” is morally and ethically corrupt at best.
J. B. • Sep 4, 2020 at 6:02 pm
It isn’t an assault rifle. It has a pistol grip and a long magazine, but semiautomatic (not automatic, it isn’t automatic) guns exist without those features. Those features are useful for shooting though, so the military adopted them into actual assault rifles. The uneducated don’t recognize the difference internally of the rifles. So they yell “assault rifle!” AR in AR-15 stands for “ArmaLite Rifle” one of the original manufacturers.
Chigurhs CattleGun • Aug 8, 2020 at 2:54 pm
If Fordham doesn’t believe in free speech then it should remove any support for free speech in its mission statement and tear down any campus dedications to “science,” “open inquiry,” “freedom of thought,” etc. Be proud of being exclusionary and intolerant snowflakes!
Ryan • Aug 5, 2020 at 11:28 am
Hi! I am a senior at Fordham. I know this kid from online and my friends know him. He is not fooling any of us with his little “free speech” argument. In fact, this kid is very pro Chinese government (you know, the communist government that is currently has no freedom for its people, and is putting minorities like the Uighur people in concentration camps, but that’s none of my business.) Anyway, do not be fooled. This guy wants “his rights” and “to not be silenced”, but I literally criticized his stupid and racist posts (there were 2, one where he mocked BLM too) and he blocked me LOL! So much for free speech and “not being silenced”. How is he going to expect “to not be silenced” when he is posting stupid stuff and silencing the majority of us.
Also important, this kid has edited his posts many times before he ran on over to the media, so he’s full of shit really. Also important, he argued that racism (and he put the word in double quotes) was an agenda used by BLM to savagely protest. Yeah, we should not be supporting this kid. He will stay of campus and that is all. Fordham has a billion dollars and is in the right on this one and a majority agree, so I do not understand why he is running to the conservative side of the internet to try and fight the school. Also ironic, a kid who is very pro-china (aka pro-communism) running to U.S. conservative trump fans who despise china for the most part.. LOL. Luckily for him they can easily be manipulated, as we’ve seen when he changed his whole story to “fordham did not like me because I posed with a gun, give me money to help save our 2nd amendment right!” LMAO its such a joke because this kid posted the date of a mass-massacre of a once PEACEFUL protest in China where thousands were slaughtered by the government, and he thinks it makes sense to pose with an assault rifle and say “don’t tread on me” lmao it makes NO SENSE. “Oh well we want to be armed, so it does not happen” um NO the people of that protest were all for peace and freedom to express themselves separate from the government, not a freedom to carry an assault rifle around in their yard like an idiot. lol. it’s such a clown show.
Robney • Aug 2, 2020 at 12:22 pm
He violated the university code of conduct though. The university has the right to band what they don’t want associated with the university. It’s all in the application process. Plus he’s holding a gun that’s illegal in the state of NY. Not a good move on his part.
Typical Citizen • Jul 28, 2020 at 6:11 pm
Time for federal funds of any kind be withheld from all universities across the nation.
If they want to court China, have them move their indoctrination centers,
Miseducated by Jesuits • Jul 25, 2020 at 8:30 pm
Otis, today’s Jesuits do NOT represent true Catholicism. Protestants educated on true Catholicism are entering full Communion with the Church by the thousands every year, on fire with the Holy Spirit in the Faith. Princeton University’s numbers are insane each Easter.
Average Joe • Jul 25, 2020 at 3:25 pm
Well this university is about to pay big-time. This lawsuit is going to cut through them like butter, there’s already thousands of people backing him. The NRA has taking up arms in this you guys are royally screwed. I suggest this university drop all charges and try to settle with this student. Rather than sucking on the proverbial BLM tete. But a part of me would like to see this go to court and this kid just get straight up paid. Either way this university is completely screwed, universities all over the lower 48 should take a big look at themselves after this disaster.
Fed Up • Jul 25, 2020 at 12:40 pm
Fordham University and the pathetic excuses of human scum that defend their actions are gonna lose this battle. He will win in a court battle and he will win in the public opinion battle. You can’t be such hypocrites. Liberal left wings are so ashamed of everything that they hate themselves more than anything in the world, well then do something about it. End it.
Too pal • Jul 24, 2020 at 8:49 pm
didn’t trump transfer out of Fordham to Penn. he’s a wily one that trump.
Otis Needleman • Jul 24, 2020 at 6:10 pm
I stand with Austin Tong. He was merely exercising his First and Second Amendment rights. It’s scary to see the snowflakes bashing this young man for merely expressing an opinion. And university “administrators” who come uninvited to someone;s house at 10 p.m. to tell them they have committed some sort of “offense” against the “university” are acting straight out of the Gestapo handbook.
And snowflakes…who will defend YOU when it is YOUR turn to be savaged for some imagined offense? The bell tolls, and it tolls for YOU.
If this is Catholicism in action, thank God I have long since escaped that joke of a religion. Didn’t raise my kids Catholic, either.
Derek James • Jul 24, 2020 at 3:52 pm
This article was written nicely and does not paint the narrative favorably for Fordham.
This op-ed, however, tells us specifically why Fordham’s decision was outrageous.
Doug Collins • Jul 24, 2020 at 3:41 pm
Regardless of the story, there are ALWAYS two sides to it. It has also ALWAYS been a very thin line between who reports what and why and their agenda or reasons for doing so. I don’t know this young man. I don’t know the motivation, his or Fordham’s, for the actions we have seen played out here. All I know, is that tolerance for anyone just speaking their mind is not just a right in our country BUT a very important release valve for those who are passionate in their beliefs. We do nothing good by shutting people out or down as they attempt to speak their mind…..HOWEVER much we agree or disagree with their sentiments. Our institutions, including those of learning, are too important and far too much blood has been shed to protect them. By not giving the speaker the benefit of the doubt, I think we dishonor those who have shed that blood to protect the rights of all of us to speak and not be afraid of retaliation (and political remediation). We put at risk our cherished institutions, including Fordham, by silencing those with which we may disagree. I stand with one’s right to free speech and against Fordham for their own foolhardy decisions in this case that may eventually render the institution useless.
Ayan • Jul 24, 2020 at 9:22 am
This exemplary young man, Mr. Tong, gives me hope. In an era of group think and mindless collectivism, the current generation of college kids are doomed. Whereas Universities were created to foster critical thinking, open expression and (classical) liberal values; today they work actively to squash those things as Mr. Tong’s experience shows. I studied Political Science at Rutgers. I was astonished to find that many of my peers in Senior year could not tell you the logic behind the electoral college, few could tell you the number of people in congress, even fewer could tell you how a bill becomes a law and none could find Rwanda on a map. Yet they all had strong leftist opinions about a whole range of issues. I remember arguing with someone about “assault weapons”, and the person could not even define the term. You now go to college not to get the facts and learn, but to become a follower. This young man chose to take a different view and different path. That is because he knows what true socialism leads to, mass killings. And in order to prevent millions of gun deaths, our founding fathers were smart enough to give citizens the right to own guns, to keep the thugs in check. I too am an immigrant from a dictatorial country, and love the 2nd Amendment because it allows people to defend their most valuable possession,(life), from state sponsored genocides. If only every American student could spend a semester studying abroad in a totalitarian country, they would truly learn to appreciate the Constitution and particularly the 2nd Amendment. Its a real loss when even private, religious institutions have been influenced by leftist culture to a point where they don’t know what they value or stand for.
Mary Robert • Jul 23, 2020 at 4:24 pm
Once Austin Tong posted that picture with a rifle and the statement don’t thread on me he took his actions to another level. We are living in the time of gun violence at school and Fordham University did the right thing. He could have posted the same comments without the gun. The gun was used for intimidation. Arguing otherwise is disingenuous. Imagine if he walked around campus with that rifle.
D.A. from Scranton Prep/U of S • Jul 23, 2020 at 12:28 am
Fr. Walter Ciszek, S.J. likewise is spinning in his grave! Shame on all of you, Jesuits! Your preference for Communism over Christ will send you all to hell! And exactly how much money are we beholden to the CCP for, Fr. McShame?
Millennials’ total ignorance of the truth about Marxism will be accounted for you before our Almighty Judge. Why do your students know nothing about the inhuman Gulag your brother Fr. Ciszek spent 23 years slave laboring in, til 1963?
Students, you must educate yourselves about Communism. Start by reading Fr. Walter Ciszek, S.J.’s memoirs, “With God in Russia” and “He Leadeth Me.” Austin, “those who do evil shall perish.” Psalm 37. God is with you, and our prayers.
Colin Steele • Jul 22, 2020 at 11:44 pm
Not sure why my previous entry did not show, but here it is again. Evidently CIVICS 101, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 101, U.S. GOVERNMENT 101, U.S. HISTORY 101, WORLD HISTORY 101 or ETHICS 101 are not offered at Fordham. Or perhaps there are no competent teachers to teach the courses.
Colin Steele • Jul 22, 2020 at 11:35 pm
Evidently, CIVICS 101, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 101, U.S. GOVERNMENT 101, and ETHICS 101 are not offered at Fordham. Or perhaps, they have no competent professors to teach the courses.
Glen wilson • Jul 22, 2020 at 11:01 pm
I just saw the interview with Austin Tong on The Ingraham Angle. Marxism is alive and well at Fordham University.
Robert G. Gannon • Jul 22, 2020 at 5:01 pm
My family has supplied more than its fair share of priests to the “Jebbies” and I have learned from, and loved, all of them. That being said I KNOW that my Great-Uncle, “Robert I. Gannon, S.J.” (a past President of Fordham), would spin in their graves if they were somehow aware of what has happened to free and open discourse at this beautiful and once-wonderful university.
Mordechai • Jul 22, 2020 at 5:05 am
Hint leftists calling a minoroty racist because leftistd support the Chinese comminist oppression of the people of China is the heoght of left wing rwcism . Yes you have proved he ianeight for stating th3 lefts cry of rscism is about silencing those that disagree with the left
Andrej Colovic • Jul 22, 2020 at 3:01 am
As an immigrant myself and a victim of communism, my deepest sympathies go out to Austin. May he long uphold the American Dream.
G27 • Jul 22, 2020 at 1:25 am
You’re all Communist Sheep if you’re against what Austin did. You rich little video gamers who won’t ever work for anything, just handed it to you, and 5 feet tall still on Mama’s tit!
G27 • Jul 22, 2020 at 1:21 am
Way to go kid! You came here the right way with your family to peruse the American dream and you’re standing up for it! Glad to have you on our team.
LeeRoy • Jul 22, 2020 at 12:08 am
Nice fair article. Kudos. When I saw Austin’s story on the NRA Instagram page I felt a need to look at other sources. I fully expected to find a very slanted article in Fordham’s paper. Instead I found facts, facts, and more facts.
I stand with Austin. Kudos to his parents for escaping communism and raising a true patriot. His treatment by the administration and his peers reinforces that free speech is dead in our education system. Fordham is a private institution but if they accept government money at all the first amendment should apply to them and as a matter of principle they should be fighting rather than embracing the mob’s demands.
Dave Chapelle says it best. “The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn’t work out.”
Michael Anthony P. • Jul 21, 2020 at 10:20 pm
Fordham is a liberal cess pool. Typical reaction by a bunch of cowards. These little college snowflakes are hilarious. Afraid of statues,mascots,paintings,now a photo. Probably afraid of their own shadow too. He was within his right to have the gun,and pose with the gun. Did not violate any law. For this overreaching indoctrination center to be able to infringe in his personal life is outrageous and disgusting. I hope he continues his lawsuit and wins. The school is a joke.
Jack Courtney • Jul 21, 2020 at 9:19 pm
The lad is not being punished by the school. Austin is being educated. He has been awarded classes and assignments to address the social upheaval he caused all by himself. Though his situation did not arise because he is unaware, rather he is merely instigating.
Matt Raschke • Jul 21, 2020 at 6:52 pm
I stand with Austin Tong.
Isadora B • Jul 21, 2020 at 5:22 pm
I for one am glad about the school’s decision. Perhaps they have avoided another mass shooting at a school. This year has been a rough one. The students were concerned and reported him. Proactive!
Jason L • Jul 21, 2020 at 4:00 pm
Shame on you Fordham University. I stand with Austin
Mike Strevor • Jul 21, 2020 at 3:27 pm
The fact that a college can regulate what you do off campus is appauling. Great way to indoctrinate in a 1984 culture. He has a legit case and I hope he wins. This is another reason why I tell younger people to avoid going to college.
Mason Millard • Jul 20, 2020 at 10:09 pm
With millionaire parents lining your pockets you can do whatever you want. Those of you feeling sorry for him… don’t. Even if he gets expelled he will live a life of luxury and leisure. This is just fun and games for him. And that, friends, is a huge flex
Pat Chewning • Jul 20, 2020 at 8:37 pm
Austin Tong should be charging Fordham University tuition for the class on the 1st and 2nd Amendments. The student has become the teacher. Good job Austin Tong.
Jody Fangman • Jul 20, 2020 at 2:18 pm
I stand with this young man and will be following this case closely.
Ken Ament • Jul 20, 2020 at 6:59 am
First, I fully agree with Darren’s initial posting: “I wish this style of factual reporting was on mainstream media.” Hear hear!
Second, I find Austin’s arguements and opinions, and his calm and reasoned defense of same, to be quite compelling. I fully support his efforts.
And finally, I think talk is cheap, and even though I am retired and on a minuscule income, I’m going to do what I can on GoFundMe in his support.
Arturo Napolitano • Jul 19, 2020 at 11:50 pm
It is pretty clear Fordham University no longer even pretends to support the free exchange of ideas and civil discord. Students beware – those who express opinions against the mob will be silenced and cast out in a cult-like inquisition.
Austin Tong is the embodiment of the American dream. An immigrant from China, his family escaped the oppression of communism, only to be persecuted for expressing personal opinions that are heroic and nested in both American and Catholic values.
Since when has it become controversial to oppose the evil and oppression of communism? Our own John Paul II played a pivotal role in ending totalitarian and communism across Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Austin Tong is being punished for paying tribute to pro-democracy students massacred in Tiananmen Square by the Chinese Communist Party. The murder by rioters of black St. Louis police officer Captain David Dorn was horrific. By all accounts Captain Dorn was a career public servant, beloved in his community.
Thank you for your courage to stand up against this tyranny Austin Tong.
Shame on you Fordham University!
Arturo Napolitano
FCRH Class of 2003
Killer Marmot • Jul 19, 2020 at 10:52 pm
The FIRE (Foundation for Indiviual Rights in Education) has taken a big interest in this story, and may well assist Tong in his legal battle.
That’s bad news for Fordham, and Christopher Rodgers in particular. The FIRE is highly experienced and successful at this sort of thing. Unless Rodgers wants to spend the next couple of years talking to lawyers, he should sound the retreat.
And then McShane should recommit the university to freedom of speech.
Bob Boberson • Jul 19, 2020 at 10:47 pm
Lily, according to your public profile you “love feminist theory”, “love astrology”, and “moonlight as a tarot card reader”. I think any allegations of yours can be dismissed without further thought.
Also, as a minor in Jewish Studies you of all people should recognize the importance of a citizen’s ability to defend against tyranny. Let me guess, you think Trump is a fascist and also want this same fascist to be able to oppress his population without any means of resistance?
Joseph Bruscino • Jul 19, 2020 at 6:53 pm
I support Mr Tong 100% and am ashamed of my college, CRH’68. What happened to the free exchange of ideas.
Kyle K • Jul 19, 2020 at 6:51 pm
I stand with Austin Tong.
Kyle K • Jul 19, 2020 at 6:50 pm
I stand with Austin Tong and believe that you should not be suspended for speaking out against your home country in this case China. Also Darren, this guy isn’t looking for attention. The school gave it to him. Also, I think Lily might be trying to commit slander.
Carma • Jul 19, 2020 at 6:43 pm
Fordham has caved to the Soros supported BLM which was founded and is run by Marxist anarchists, not people interested in helping Black Lives. Their mission is wholly political, not at all concerned about the average Black person’s well-being or they’d be working diligently in Chicago and Detroit and every other inner city community to improve quality of life, schools, jobs, businesses, etc. This is a farce and what Fordham has done in its obvious abuse of this young man expressing his love of country and freedom, reflect extremely poorly on Fordham, not on Mr. Austin Tong. What a disappointment to see that even Fordham can be bought and paid for by the Soros treasonous mob. You know better, Fordham!
Laura O'Neil • Jul 19, 2020 at 5:27 pm
This kid has it right, you educator’s have sold out your morals and should not hold any position involving education. You like having power over your students, it makes you feel important. We know you are weak, with no integrity.
Ryan C • Jul 19, 2020 at 4:30 pm
On a side note, how is the BLM movement not advocating violence? That’s ALL they seem to advocate. Looting, destroying property, assaulting people, everywhere they go. Yet standing up for a fallen police officer is racist…give me a break. You really are a bunch of hypocrites.
Ryan C • Jul 19, 2020 at 4:27 pm
So the same university that was sued all the way to the Supreme Court for oppressing a Jewish club wants him to attend diversity training? The same university that lost said case and APPEALED because they still want to oppress them. This university, it’s faculty, and apparently a large portion of the student body are un-American.
It’s truly disgusting what’s happening in our society when it’s no longer ok to have an opinion of your own. Universities that behave this way need to have their non profit status stripped away. If you aren’t going to abide by the law and the constitution you shouldn’t be afford any luxuries those laws provide.
Liz Taylor • Jul 19, 2020 at 3:51 pm
What Fordham did to Austin Tong is absolutely disgusting and shameful. Liberal universities across the country are destroying free-speech, promoting anti-american rhetoric and brainwashing our children. The “silent majority” are behind Austin Tong 100% and the time has come for us to stand up against the radical left agenda, for we will not remain silent any longer.. Fordham will literally pay the price for their tyrannical actions against this student.
George Henry • Jul 19, 2020 at 3:36 pm
Mr. Tong is more of an American than Keith Eldredge and the rest of the communists in the Fordham administration will ever be. His family fled communism only for him to have communist tactics and methods imposed upon him for exercising his Constitutional rights. BLM is nothing more than a communist organization that disguises itself as a civil rights organization for African Americans. I guess that the communists at Fordham don’t like it when someone points out the atrocities committed by communist regimes. Communism has murdered more people for the so called “common good” than any other totalitarian ideology in history. It’s time to wake up.
Alex Ho • Jul 19, 2020 at 3:00 pm
Austin, you are a true American.
We support you 100%.
Soilders and people died in wars to protect our 2nd Amendment and Freedom of Speech rights.
We’re not going to loose it because of these lunatics that are true racist.
Kevin • Jul 19, 2020 at 2:13 am
Apparently, Fordham University is not part of America. There was a time in this country, especially on American college campuses, that we valued the free exchange of ideas. We protected speech, not the frail psyches of coddled rich kids. Austin Tong did nothing wrong with his posts on June 3 and 4. No one except non-English speakers could possibly construe his comments as aggressive, intimidating, or hateful. But even if they were, especially if they were and particularly in a university setting, his right and opportunity to express those sentiments and ideas should be sacrosanct and unassailable. Austin, if you get tired of defending America in the liberal northeast, you’re welcome to bring your patriotic ideals and your rifle and join us here in Texas.
Brutha V • Jul 18, 2020 at 11:33 pm
Hey Lily, this “dude” (Mr. Tong) isn’t “nuts” and apparently knows more about freedom and liberty than you. Mr Tong evokes Mao Zedong because his family, and native country, was effected by the Communist murderer. Mr. Tong is warning Americans of the similarities between what is happening in this country, and his native country, China. You remember the old adage about those not learning from history, right? Your historical ineptitude is exactly what George Santayana warned us about. Perhaps you should reread (assuming you have already read) what happened to the Jews in Germany circa 1933-1945. Maybe start with the Nuremberg Laws, and the suspension of Jewish rights. Mass searches and seizures for guns and dissident publications followed. Police revoked gun licenses of all those who were deemed not “politically reliable” to Nazism. In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Jews were prohibited from the firearms industry. This was done in order to render German Jews defenseless so that their “ill-gotten” property could be redistributed as an entitlement to the German “Volk.” German Jews were ordered to surrender all weapons, and the police had the records on all who had registered them. The fact that the Jews were almost completely disarmed before Kristallnacht (The night of the broken glass) in November 1938 is the strongest evidence that the pogrom was planned in advance, and that disarming the Jews was intended to minimize their resistance.
Finally, what I find “nuts”, Lily, is that a Fordham educated student doesn’t know that an AR-15 isn’t an “assault rifle”, since it is only a semiautomatic weapon. The correct term is “sporting rifle”. But I guess that doesn’t comport to your Progressive narrative.
Marc Johnson • Jul 18, 2020 at 8:31 pm
Poor kid. The punishment is too harsh for what he did.
Vasquez • Jul 18, 2020 at 1:33 pm
Thank you all. I was thinking of applying to this university. I am glad I read this article.
RTUT • Jul 18, 2020 at 1:22 pm
“Fordham University Students Kicked Out Of Campus Coffee Shop For Wearing A Maga Hat.”
No Free Speech at University. How sad, what has become an environment of politically correct speech control in our Land of the Free. This young man is more American than many born here it seems.
He's Right • Jul 18, 2020 at 4:14 am
Darren, he’s right.
John • Jul 18, 2020 at 4:13 am
Oops, it seems you have a hard time understanding what he meant by the tweet. ”“Racism” is just a way of silencing others in 2020.”. It seems that you are the type that is well acquainted with crying racism towards any view that challenges your own when intellectually outmatched.
Also oops, you CAN in fact own an AR in the state of New York. Check your facts twittard.
Lily Keiley • Jul 17, 2020 at 10:59 pm
This guy again?!!! This is the same dude who was somehow VP of USG @ LC during and had to be removed (he resigned before the official action) by then president Demetrios Stratis FCLC 19′ since he was trying to invoke the Chinese Communist Party through his infamous budget freeze and election tactics, going so far to use a famous Mao Zedong slogan. I’m glad this is being reported about since the dude is nuts, especially since he’s pairing assault rifles with New Jersey barbeque attire.
Darren Hirschey • Jul 17, 2020 at 6:38 pm
Oops, missed the part where you failed to address his tweet on March 23: “”“Racism” is just a way of silencing others in 2020.”
Looks like Austin Tong is just looking for attention and knew exactly how to get it. Posting himself with a weapon that’s illegal in NY State definitely achieved his goal. Good luck with the GoFundMe and future career playing a martyr for “free speech” on right wing media!
Darren Hirschey • Jul 17, 2020 at 2:54 pm
Very nice article. I wish this style of factual reporting was on mainstream media. Thank you for your professionalism