From the Candidates: Robert Stryczek
April 12, 2020
Dear Members of the Fordham community,
My name is Robert Anthony Melli Stryczek, or RAMS for those of you who enjoy coincidences. I’m a rising senior in the Gabelli School of Business with a major, minor and concentration with too many words. I’m highly involved, and I love Fordham more than almost anyone does. I help the community be the best it can be, as evidenced by my experiences as treasurer of United Student Government (USG), vice president of USG, a Lincoln Center Society ambassador, a BeWellLC wellness educator, an orientation leader, etc., I’m the best person for the job. If you don’t believe that’s enough, then please continue reading.
Next year, I will accomplish three things: I will 1. Make USG easier to connect with and show that we are not some looming body; 2. Have more members in the community happy to call Fordham home; 3. Launch intramural sports leagues at Lincoln Center, which I’ve wanted to implement since my freshman year. The reason why I’m able to say that I will get these done, instead of saying “I’ll look into” or “I hope to” or “I pledge,” or I’ll make a promise that may or may not fall to the wayside, is because these are things that I do every day.
As a USG E-Board member, I have made USG less frightening. As a member of this community, I have shown my love for Fordham and what students can do to love it as much as I do. If not for the quarantine, I would have had the field for Lincoln Center’s intramural sports leagues open on April 15. As president, I will continue to do each of these with more vigor granted by the vitality that accompanies the role.
I’m not here with 50 unrealistic goals; I’m here to accomplish my goals, and I have already planned how to get them done. I understand every last detail and am ready to move any obstacle that’s in my way. I take things head-on, and I make sure it’s taken care of with efficiency. I have seen the underlying mechanics of Fordham University, and I understand how it operates. I understand the effort that needs to be put into accomplishing goals.
But most importantly, I understand the needs of the Fordham community. I’m not here to embellish the truth and win your vote with flashy ideas. I’m one of you. I go to every event, I support every club, and I do every job I need to do, no matter how big or how small. I am one of the proud members of this community, and I am honored to call myself a Ram. I understand every person I talk to, and I do whatever I can to help them achieve their goals. I make promises that I know I can keep, and I intend to keep them no matter the election’s result.
I’m here for the Fordham community, and I always will be.
Robert Anthony Melli Stryczek