I Hate Dogs and I Am Not a Horrible Human Being
November 8, 2018
2018 is almost over, and with it will come the end of the year of the dog. Halle-freakin-lujah. These furry creatures already get enough attention without an official 365-day period of dedication. From the endless Instagram dog accounts to the bulldogs stopping traffic on the streets, they’re everywhere I turn. You will not catch me cooing every time a furry four-legged beast comes my way. Here’s the thing: I hate dogs.
Cue the inevitable cries of shock, disgust, and terror. “How can that be possible?” friends and strangers alike always ask me. “Are you even human?” they’ll ponder after watching me remain indifferent in the presence of a palm-sized pooch.
Supposedly, humanity rests in pet adoration. Those that are decidedly disinterested in four legged-friends are stigmatized outsiders. I’m tired of having to apologize for my opinions or mitigate the intensity of my feelings just to appease the puppy-crazed masses. No, I do not like dogs, and no, I am not a cold-blooded monster.
My disdain for dogs comes from how I grew up. My family attempted to adopt a Bernese Mountain Dog when I was eight. “Attempted” is the key word. Her name was Romy and she quickly became the family chore as opposed to the family friend. She required time and energy constantly. Quite frankly, we Gallardos are simply not pet people. It’s in our genes.
Instead of adoration, I felt excessive apathy. I didn’t care for Romy at all. Hearing her aggressive howl mid-morning to be taken outside for a walk didn’t exactly motivate me to feel love and affection. Standing outside in the freezing cold every morning with a doggie bag in my hand while awaiting some fresh, warm animal poo didn’t give me a rush of excitement that an owner might feel. Quite frankly, Romy needed way too much attention, which I simply did not have enough to give. I was — and am — in a state of my life in which I would rather interact with real humans than play fetch with furry neighbors at the dog park. Romy required way too much work, and she stripped me of my independence.
After owning her for two years, I realized the undeniable: Most dogs are dirty and smelly. You can literally smell when someone owns a furry creature. Maintenance of their hygiene requires time and money that I do not have. On top of that, dogs never leave you alone. Maybe it’s my inner introvert talking, but I don’t want to come home to a dog sticking its nose in my business and begging for attention. I want peace, quiet and solitude.
The thought of having to care for a creature that can’t even hold a conversation with me is not enticing. It is a colossal waste of my money and energy. This is where I feel like I need to make a promise: I swear I am not a cold-hearted freak. I just have different priorities than dog-lovers do. I think dogs are smelly, unclean, annoying and, ultimately, too much work. I shouldn’t have to apologize for this.
Puppy bait doesn’t work on me. The number of Tinder profiles I’ve come across with the cringe-inducing “That’s my dog” bios referencing dog-owner personality shots has made me realize even more emphatically how rare I am to not be interested in swiping right.
One time on a first date (after listening to 20 minutes of stories about his little Brewster’s obedience class updates), a guy got very serious with me as he whispered, “You just can’t trust a dog hater.” I sipped my drink with a smirk and quipped, “But what if they like doggy style?” He nearly choked. I didn’t see him again.
It’s not just potential romantic prospects that don’t trust someone who doesn’t like dogs. It seems like it’s everyone. Dog disdain is met with stigmatization and shock. A quick Google search on disliking dogs leads to a downward spiral into the inner workings of online forums where people opine with zero restraints under the disguise of an internet persona. One Quora member wrote that finding out someone he knows doesn’t like dogs “is a warning signal that something is wrong with this person, and I would avoid them.”
One of the things that makes humanity so beautiful is the difference in opinions and backgrounds amongst people everywhere. Do we not believe in diversity anymore? Dog haters are the rare group that isn’t encouraged to embrace its “difference.” Instead, the entire collective is deemed appalling.
This is entirely unfair and my indignation cannot be kept quiet. It appears that we live in a society in which our personalities and distastes are warning signs. Not a fan of chocolate? You’re inhuman. Dislike music? You’re insane. Don’t want a pet? Goodbye.
These judgments and denouncements are ridiculous, especially considering we are in an age that champions inclusion and acceptance. Inclusion isn’t applied to us canine condemners. We’re just “not human.” This can’t continue because our personal preferences are exactly that: personal. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, whether they stem from family traditions, personal experience or simply a developed feeling.
Don’t get me wrong; I get the appeal of dogs. They can be someone’s best friend. They fill an emotional void with genuine unconditional love. As companions, they’re loyal, obedient and kind. They can even help those with a medical impairment. I think that’s amazing and I respect it — from a very far, very necessary distance. This respect now needs to come from both ends. I’ll respect the woof if you respect my opinion.
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Lillie • Jan 14, 2025 at 4:14 am
Absolutely love this and feel the same way. Thank you for not letting me and others be alone in this <3
Also I wanna add, does lickings faces. DISGUSTING. the crap, literally, they get into. No their saliva isn't cleaning. Otherwise they wouldn't need dental care. Just saying.
Wen • Sep 12, 2024 at 4:41 pm
seems like a lot of you didnt read the article and are judging the author based on the title alone. funnily enough, you’re also proving their point.
My Opinion • Sep 7, 2024 at 11:09 pm
I dislike them and see no use for them. They don’t make society better. They just make narcissists more covert. Dogs belong on farms. They are filthy animals. No need to be abusive or unlike them but I think people should stop breeding and adopting them. People who own mutts (not all but most, from my experience) tend to be covert narcissistic and passive aggressive. They tend to be so narcisissistic that they fail to realize THEY are the selfish, arrogant, territorial, uncompromising and annoying people they hate. the dog nuts I’ve been in the vicinity of narcissistically use their dogs to snoop on neighbors, weaponizing their mutts against people, virtue signal that they’re good because they “care” about something they keep on a leash in an apartment and feed meat flavored crackers to and the dog is utilized in displaying their owner’s spiteful, sociopathic behavior, using their mutts to crap and piss on the property of people they “don’t like” aka are gang stalking, allow their nasty mutts to sniff your door and subject their communities/neighbors that throaty, inbred, infernal shrieking, yipping and barking. Dogs are for people too arrogant or ignorant to just get therapy, deluded that dogs are emotional trash compactors, taking on more and more of their owners’ lack of conscience and lack of self-awareness. Dogs, from my observation are smelly money pits, constantly slobbering on hands and face (after eating other dogs’ asses and walking in wads of phlegm on the street) and begging for food. some people are “dog worshippers” putting their own wellbeing on a back burner for a dog. It is a form of insanity for many. Dogs have noticeably stunk up my NYC streets, noise polluting as well with their barking while their pretentious owners get their Starbucks coffee, tugging maniacally on leashes, like overgrown rats and it looks not like “love” but cruelty. A LOT of dog owners need to love themselves, get REAL, substantial mental health treatment, stop lying to themselves that a dog they have to feed and eats for its survival is “loyal” to them or loves them. passive-aggressively, covertly terrorize entire communities because they “hate people.” Yeah, we know you hate people, dog nuts, it’s kinda obvious and it’s also self-fulfilling and once many obnoxious dog “lovers” become self-aware they’ll soon see why people “hate” them too, failing to see the irony in “hating people” while also repeatedly, passive-aggressively finding their way around more people than they’d have to be around had they not had a dog, constantly walking their dogs around people, in NYC….passive-aggressively.
Deitra P • Sep 20, 2024 at 5:27 am
So been reading the comments all the way back to 2022. It’s interesting how some comments are saying the author is a horrible person just because they don’t like dogs. I think it’s ridiculous that people get judged just because they don’t like a disgusting smelly animal and don’t want to be around one. Not liking dogs doesn’t make you a serial killer and liking dogs doesn’t make you a Saint either . Someone’s entire personality should not be judged by whether or not they like dogs . I don’t like dogs even though we had a dog growing up luckily the dog stayed outside and I have been around dogs (neighbors had dogs family member has dogs) yet I still don’t like dogs never have never will and I’m not going to pretend I like them either.
Garwatch • Jul 25, 2024 at 5:30 pm
It’s odd how these animals are in homes. They evolved from wolves and people have turned them into these weaklings living indoors. It just seems unnatural. Breeding the tiny version is very unhealthy for them as well. I love birds but that doesn’t mean I want to cage one for my amusement indoors. Just because a dog has a bond with the owner doesn’t mean the owner should expect everyone else to get it. It doesn’t mean that certain dogs wouldn’t attack a stranger. It’s also rude when people take their dogs hiking unleased and it’s illegal in all National Parks. These dogs startle people and can chase children off a cliff for goodness’ sake. Dogs typically want to sniff and get attention but not all of them. How does a stranger know? I was chased up a tree by a dog in the neighborhood as a kid. My childhood friend had to run to my parent’s house only to get her leg chewed before my parents could open the door and help. I agree with the dog smell. It seems permanent. Children do not smell like dogs. I think there is something wrong with people that like dogs more than humans. It’s easy for them to love dogs. These people aren’t the humanitarians of the world. There are levels of obsession over dogs. A lot of men just use dogs to get attention from women. I know people that love their dogs but have disowned their own children. Liking or not liking a dog doesn’t determine the character of a person. Selfish and unselfish traits exist in dog lovers and dog haters alike. You can’t judge just based on that.
Bruce • Jun 14, 2024 at 11:31 pm
I assume that you are long gone from Fordham, and that is a very good thing, because our new president is the loving owner of a beautiful golden retriever named Archie. Archie comes with President Tetlow to football games, comes to campus after exams to help students destress, and has his own Facebook account with over 1000 followers. You may not be a horrible human being, but you are not someone that I care to know, as I am someone that I suspect you would want to know.
Jess • May 10, 2024 at 3:52 am
TastyPete • Mar 16, 2024 at 6:11 am
I love how you started out with “I am not a horrible person” then proceeded to dismantle your own assertion with the most smug, aloof, arrogant, self-assured nonsense I’ve read in quite some time. Honestly, the bitterness and arrogance in this entire article makes my skin crawl. You COULD have said, “I don’t like dogs, and that’s OK, because we’re all allowed to be different” but instead you chose to write a lengthy diatribe spewing vitriol about dogs for their heinous crime of simply existing, peppered throughout with a sense that you believe yourself superior for not liking them.
Absolutely rancid article.
Ned Cunningham • Feb 16, 2024 at 7:56 am
Hopefully you don’t have kids. They too are demanding and smelly, just like you were when you were a kid. One day you will be old and will be demanding and smelly.
Jerma985 • Feb 1, 2024 at 1:01 pm
I don’t know who you are but I don’t like you.
Zidders Roofurry • Jan 27, 2024 at 2:17 pm
I mean you might not be a horrible person but you’re not anyone I’d want to be friends with.
Steve • Jan 7, 2024 at 4:28 pm
To he honest, I just don’t like the dogs who only got them black beady eyes, weiner dogs, and the midget ones. Alright I’m asking for like a wolf dog or something. Chihuahua bit me after showing it kindness, I will cook it someday as revenge. One huge dog is all I need, not 3 or 4 smurf looking ones, c’mon now. Also, poodles look like they’re die any second when snapped. They look like a twig.
Eve • Dec 27, 2023 at 6:23 pm
I can’t stand these filthy animals. Why the obsession with them? They are everywhere. In restaurants, supermarkets, malls. Pushing them in carriages.. They disgust me. Some years ago a neighbor across the street had a dog that would bark day and night nonstop. I would call the cops and nothing done. How could this owner stand to have a nonstop barking dog? It went on for a whole year. I literally felt I was losing my mind. After a year it stopped. Don’t know if the owner gave it away or what. And when you tell someone you don’t like dogs they can’t believe it. WHAT THE HELL! Aren’t we entitled to like and not like? You will hear them say “I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs.” How stupid. They absolutely gross me out.
Liberty • Nov 30, 2023 at 4:44 pm
It is hilarious to see all of the triggered dog slaves in the comments. “oh how immature”, “you’re so awful”, etc etc. It figures that would be the reaction seeing as how most people can’t form any opinion past their own nose. I grew up with a couple of dogs but ours were very well trained. They were never allowed to hover in the kitchen or dinner table. We had a dog run outside, fully fenced, so our yard was not filled with disgusting mounds if uncleaned dog crap waiting to be stepped on. I’m sure my mother hated dealing with them though, as the majority of everything fell on her to deal with. My step dad didn’t ask before bringing the dogs into the home. I would never allow that in my own. I despise dogs. Those used for hunting, police work, military and service are of course exceptions, but again, they are heavily trained and actually serve a purpose. Those saying it’s immature to dislike dogs clearly have issues. Either you can’t connect with human beings on a deep enough level so you have to fill it with that kind of companionship, a robotic one that is solely instinctual. They literally would attach themselves to you even if you molest children for your past time. They follow alphas; they have no real capacity to love you. Your weak emotional state lies to you and your ego makes you blind to reality. But sure, go ahead and insult those that don’t need the empty headed space of a dog to give their life meaning. If I want something high maintenance, expensive and messy, I’ll have a child.
A • Nov 8, 2023 at 8:32 am
Ditto that! Everything you said. My health has rapidly declined over the years, just from hearing incessant neighbour’s dogs. They’re in every single household. I don’t even bother telling people anymore that I’m not fond of them, because I don’t feel like hearing their big spill of “but not my dog, not my dog”. Main reasoning, next to the noise, drool, and smelly a** licking bacteria.. A dog (any dog) can also snap and attack, even the long-life family pet! – because it is a known fact that dogs brain chemistry can suddenly change to cause such (all dogs are on that list, just some are higher on the ladder of being prone to snapping). I’ve known people’s lives who have been ruined by dogs, attacks, deaths, sickness, chronic pain etc. much like myself, that is literally caused from the daily stress of neighbourhood dogs! One should be able to live in peace and a stress free, or clean environment. I have loads I could say about dogs.. but I won’t continue. Especially not regarding people who dress them in clothing, carry them in hand bags, let them sleep in their bed with them; filthy hairy drool feces etc. on blankets and sheets…. to dog lovers who think there’s nothing gross about French kissing their dog, after it’s just had a good date and nut licking frenzy. How can none of the above, not be seen for what it actually is? It’s like dog lovers (and let’s face it, most are over the top obsessively treating them and feeding them even better than their kids) have beer giggles on, but instead of beer it’s “their dog”. Grotesque, mental,.. I also have noticed, that most dog lovers have controlling personality types too, do they get dogs they can say yes, no, sit, etc. to, to satisfy their own need for this. They are treated like kings……. yet are more DNA and temperament related, to vermin. See the human follower society’s issues there. I don’t believe they should be allowed to be just pets majority of households.. They should only be allowed as helper animals; sheep herding, blind or PTSD companions, sled pulling, security dogs, police, drug sniffers, etc. Not just done sh!t stained mop looking yapping incessant vicious, peace disturbing things that they are, sitting around a house stinking and filthimg it up. SIT dog-lovers, sit – *good dog!
Ella • Oct 22, 2023 at 6:24 pm
Dogs have evolved to cater to human losers. Humans who can’t converse with or relate to other humans. Losers.
Right now, I’m planning to leave my apartment of two decades because the neighbour next door has gotten a new dog that endlessly and tirelessly yaps, squeals, shrieks, barks, howls, whines and opines, as a form of mental torture opera, something that it’s evolved to do because dogs are the manifestation of selfish human losers. The bark is a human parent call.
My life is ruined by dogs and their codependent humans. It’s about time that someone sued a dog owner for mental distress. Enough of the barking, the attacks, the turds on the street. I hate dogs.
Flarbin • Oct 21, 2023 at 12:26 am
I also don’t have a dog on purpose because I agree with most of your premise. However, somebody that doesn’t like music is in fact probably a psychopath lol
Kae • Nov 13, 2023 at 6:57 am
I agree and don’t like dogs, their continuous barking, growling, invasive slobbering noses where they don’t belong, jumping, biting, tripping, stench, allergies…. not anything really likable and yes they do snap and kill people Every year there are hundreds, thousands of attacks, injuries needing multiple surgeries and deaths of infants to elderly helpless people strangers to owners it doesn’t matter…. So WHY ARE THEY ALLOWED IN PUBLIC. Why are they crammed down our throats & in our faces every where we go? In large part I blame TV? You can not watch tv or listen to radio without dogs crammed in your face every other minute… with their adopt one now… NO!! Even commercials and so many adds are for products to clean up after them and their shedding shitting and destruction and mask their stench so were not wrong about any of it! I was born & raised out in the peaceful country… destroyed now by overpopulation and what sounds like THOUSANDS of sick howling yapping barking dogs. It is Enough to drive anyone nuts…. Seriously, sometimes I think they are an alien invasion?
Xavier • Oct 14, 2023 at 5:38 am
I’m so glad I’m not the only person who hates dogs, I seriously have no idea why a lot of people love dogs so much.
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 2:12 pm
I know!
Anthony • Oct 9, 2023 at 10:26 pm
Tatiana, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I hate dogs, too, and you are not a horrible human being for that. There is nothing wrong with you, it’s something wrong with people. It’s society that something is wrong with them. I just don’t understand how can these people stand these animals. It’s like they just don’t care what their dogs do. They don’t care if they bark at people for no reason or any of that. And yes, when you say you hate dogs, people wanna be so quick to judge you for that, and it is very frustrating, I know. I agree that you shouldn’t have to apologize because what you said about dogs is obviously true. They are annoying, loud, obnoxious, and they are nasty. Cats are nothing like that. They are calm and quiet animals, they don’t even bother people. Like, when a cat sees a person passing by, it doesn’t do anything to that person. It just leaves him/her alone, unlike dogs, that are always barking at innocent people when they’re not even doing anything and they knock people on the ground as well. Cats also hate dirtiness just as much as I do, and those are the things that a lot of people just don’t get. It’s like people keep assuming that dogs are the only best pets to have, and then they wanna put that onto you and expect you to like dogs and to have one, or maybe more than one dog. It seems like people who love dogs and hate cats have no common sense. Like, they think it’s okay for dogs to do unnecessary things to people (like barking at them) but it’s not for cats, so they expect you to see unnecessary things that dogs do like they’re nothing and to be okay with these things, which is downright ridiculous. I’m really glad I found this article, and I don’t regret seeing this because I can totally relate, and I’m pretty sure there are some people who can relate to this article, too. Sure, some people are going to hate it and criticize you for posting this like it’s a crime to express your feelings and thoughts and make people feel like they’re not alone, but you know what, you just ignore what they got to say because who are they to tell you what you should like, what you should say, what you should wear, and all that jazz? People don’t take control over your life, only you take control over your life. You are also not responsible for anybody’s happiness but yours. I hope you read this comment, and I hope you have a great day and stay safe.
Gordon • Oct 18, 2023 at 8:38 pm
What heck Titina Dog are royal
Dorothy Vernon • Nov 9, 2023 at 10:58 am
Whut? Do you even English?
Andy • Sep 24, 2023 at 2:34 am
I disagree….. I think you’ve been getting bad advice from others…. You are in fact a horrible person..!
Dorothy Vernon • Nov 9, 2023 at 11:01 am
Advice from others? What do you mean? Tatiana made up her won mind about this.
And she’s right – dogs are awful and I avoid them as much as I can.
Gia • Sep 17, 2023 at 3:31 am
You are not nearly as bad to dogs as some dog lovers are. You realize the responsibilities and consciously choose not to have them. Thereby, you save the dogs from being hated by you and you also save yourself from misery.
There are much worse dog owners, who claim to love dogs, yet don’t realize the responsibilities of being a pet owner nor care for their dogs in any proper way. As a result,their pet is neglected to the point of utter abuse. Some people abandon dogs, after giving them temporary love, which is just as bad. Your actions are not even cruel. So, it’s okay.
Personally, I love dogs. They are my favorite animal. But I know they require time, hygiene care, food and space, which demand certain finances, grooming, and even veterinary services(=more financial responsibility). And I can’t provide all that, given the fact that I live alone and have to go to work to earn a minimum wage. After work, when I come home tired, I barely have energy to care for myself. So, I know having a dog would add more stress to me. And I don’t want to be a stressed-out pet owner. I want to be a happy and satisfied pet owner, or have no pets. Thus, I have no pets since I can’t afford to provide proper care for them. But that’s is exactly why I LOVE dogs. I love them so much that I understand having them would not be the best for them, and so, I shouldn’t own any.
Frankly, for exact same reason I don’t have children. I don’t hate human babies. I know cuddling them might feel amazing. But it’s not just that. Babies come with tons of care, financial assistance, space, food, and will demand my life energy. But again, I live alone and barely support myself. If I get pregnant and bring a child, I’ll end up homeless on the streets. And I don’t want to be a homeless single mother, or a parent relying on government assistance for my child. Nor do I want to live my life, working three jobs like a slave, so that me and my child are not homeless. I understand that responsibility and therefore, I avoid it because I know I can’t afford it.
Jesuslovesyou • Sep 13, 2023 at 9:57 pm
God made animals, it’s not mature to hate any sorts of animals.
human hater • Sep 21, 2023 at 6:36 pm
Exactly! People who claim that animal lovers are idiots are idiots themselves.
Mathew • Sep 22, 2023 at 12:24 am
God also said to mind your own sh*t, as it likely smells as bad or worse than the other’s. Shhhh.
Liberty • Nov 30, 2023 at 4:25 pm
It’s not mature? Lol what is immature about knowing what you want or not want to deal with? God does not state we must love all creatures. We are stewards of the earth, but that doesn’t mean we have to subject ourselves to misery by owning smelly, loud, obnoxious and high maintenance animals that never ever change and only ever believe the world revolves around them. The very fact you’re stating hating any animal is somehow immature, is, in fact, immature. If you were able to objectively acknowledge the differences human being have based on life circumstances and preferences, you wouldn’t be so triggered by this woman’s opinion or anyone else’s. If you had a traumatic experience that involved a certain type of animal, you’d probably end up hating it. That’s not immature, that’s called the result of experience.
Mary Wilson • Sep 2, 2023 at 5:04 pm
Wow. Hate is a very strong emotion. Crying, screaming children are not my favorite part of life, but I cannot say I hate children. If a person loves a dog, they are fulfilling a need in their life and providing a home for another of Earth’s creatures. Your intolerance for the love of others only reinforces my belief that humans are an evolutionary mistake.
Kiona • Sep 9, 2023 at 11:12 pm
I rather deal with a screaming child than a barking dog that never stfu whenever you tell him too ,🤦🏾♀️
Jen • Oct 19, 2023 at 2:49 pm
as someone who used be a ” screaming child” (and lets face it we all used to be kids) the tantrum kids we are talking about are VERY young like 1-6 yrs old and they are just learning at this time and can’t their feelings communicate very well.
all I’m asking is just Please! give them patients and time and LOVE and set boundaries to them like a normal human being and before you know it, Poof!
Most young people will eventually grow out of it by the time they are older and become an functioning person like you and me.
Also I’m really tired of this crap on “screaming kids” and also humans are the ONLY animal that hates themselves and can go on the internet, no dog can XD
Kiona • Sep 9, 2023 at 11:16 pm
I also love how you scream at them for hating dogs then proceed, like literally proceed to call them a Revolutionary misTakE 🥺🥺🥺 they hate dogs, that’s their opinion. Can’t respect that? Then you clearly aren’t human to think everyone needs your opinion on a animal.
Liberty • Nov 30, 2023 at 4:30 pm
Yet another triggered human being that likely finds affirmation and self worth in the meaningless attachment of a drooling, smelly pack animal whose instinct is to attach themselves to an alpha figure. What is it with you dog lovers and your sour attitude of humanity? You are proving the author’s point perfectly. Children learn and grow into humans, whereas dogs are annoying their entire existence.
Juan • Sep 1, 2023 at 1:22 pm
I hate to see people spoiling there dogs and baby talking to them, I have a friend she puts ice cubes in the dogs water, the dog waits all day to drink water I don’t think the dog likes that in his water, dogs are not your kids they’re animals. After I found out that my friend feeds her dog in same plates she uses. I don’t eat there anymore. I guess I do hate her dog she is very ugly
Keith G. • Aug 30, 2023 at 4:11 pm
The title itself is an oxymoron.
Darshan • Aug 27, 2023 at 5:57 am
If you dogs , you are a horrible person. How could you say all of this about a dog , ITS AN ANIMAL. Like grow up , it has no idea what personal space is and stuff like that . You must be insane to hate them . They mean good 😊.
You are so mean to talk about a pet like that ,
Kiona • Sep 9, 2023 at 11:23 pm
But apparently it’s 100% ok to hate other animals.
C armstrong • Aug 4, 2023 at 8:19 pm
you are a very sad human being it speaks volume aboyt who you are
Igor • Aug 9, 2023 at 10:02 am
Seems like you read but you didn’t understand the word. Did you exchanged brain with your dog?
Jitka Ferstová • Jul 30, 2023 at 4:50 am
Nechápu, proč si Vaše rodina adoptovala psa, když jste s ním k sobě navzájem necítili od začátku necítili příchylnost a lásku. To by mělo být pro adopci zvířete či člověka snad prvotní. Nějak tě asi nechápu.
TChapman • Jul 25, 2023 at 7:32 pm
I’m so glad someone else out there feels like I do. People who have dogs don’t seem to care about respecting others. Unless you put up with their dog being all over you and in your space, they think you’re a horrible person. Most dog owners don’t seem to have any control over their dogs either, they don’t train or discipline them and let them bark that godawful loud bark indoors, or they let them bark at you when you’re the neighbor or a friend. Ever see a friendly, smiling person who has a dog with them that is barking at you? They look as unfriendly as their evil dogs are.
Bombastic Bilious • Jul 23, 2023 at 4:06 am
Up until your final paragraph I classified you among the sane. What ridiculous nonsense. The most vile beast I could ever imagine. I’m glad they help so many people seeing that they put thousands in the emergency room and kill a couple of people per state per year. The only cure for it is strict criminal liability for the owners where every act of someone’s dog is treated as if the owner itself had done it. That includes crapping and peeing on people’s lawns and cramming their noses into people’s private parts.
Sunny J • Jul 22, 2023 at 3:51 pm
Look at the levels of hate and this is just about a Dog. I can only imagine what you would do if you had Bill Gates money, He’s only trying to wipe out the human race except for his Globalist Friends
Matt • Jul 9, 2023 at 5:08 pm
I think I just fell in love with you. AGREE …disgusting creatures.
Gorgo • Jul 5, 2023 at 9:45 pm
Dogs are a stinking annoying busy body nuisances all by themselves even without bad owners. Such a disgusting animal.
John Annereau • Jul 5, 2023 at 8:08 pm
I’ve hated dogs as long as I can remember. I’ve given them a chance, my friend’s dog actually liked me, laying at my feet when I visited, rather than his master’s feet. I just do not feel that dogs are something to pet. For me they do not have that attraction to hold and pet like cats do. Cats spend most the day when awake washing and grooming. They are wonderfully soft to touch, do not smell or feel dirty. Dogs are the opposite to all those cat charms, they stink, can’t keep their mouth closed at all, panting and drooling germ ridden syliva everywhere. They don’t care where they poo or pee. Cats have a sweet meow noise and purr, dogs a horrible bark or yap. Fact: dogs eat poop, they love to roll in it or anything else that stinks horrible. I hear so many stories of babies, toddlers and children being bitten, mauled and even killed by dogs. Can’t blame God or nature for the existence of dogs. Man began domesticating wolves 15,000 years ago and thus we have dogs. Dogs are a mutant wolf.
Bob • Jul 3, 2023 at 4:00 am
How refreshing! I totally agree with the author 100%. That’s my type of woman and I would date her no doubt regardless if she likes it doggy-style. The girl I’ve been contemplating to stop dating is ridiculous about her dog. I don’t want that smelly dirty thing near me.
Anthony • Oct 9, 2023 at 9:14 pm
I feel you. I would like to date a woman like that, too.
Peter Page • Jun 19, 2023 at 8:33 am
A curious, seemingly paradoxical relationship, is the fact many of the most inhumane tyrants have been enthusiastic dog lovers. Putin, Hitler and Goebbels all loved dogs. When the Nazis came to power in 1933 they passed some of the most stringent animal protection laws. How can people who love animals be so inhumane?
If you consider the more abstract epistemological, psychological and social aspects of human interaction with dogs, it becomes understandable. As a philosophy major I am most familiar with the epistemology point of view. People indulge in some of our most impulsive and flawed forms of reasoning when interacting with dogs: anthropomorphism, idealism and romantic primitivism. They project human characteristics onto dogs they do not have the cognitive capacity to understand. A dog does not have the cognitive capacity to understand the ethical differences between identifying the smell of a person’s socks or explosive materials. Dog lovers like to project idealized affection onto animals merely showing authority ranking deference. As more primitive forms of life dogs benefit from people’e vulnerability to romantic primitivism.
Psychologically, and socially, the most despotic tyrants find the deference of authority ranking social relationships satisfying. They enjoy social relationships with beings who will play “fetch” more satisfying than those that require mutual respect. As people mature psychologically and socially from authority ranking to market pricing relationships they should find dominance and deference less satisfying, and eventually offensive.
Considering these aspects of human, dog relationships, not liking dogs may be evidence a person has matured philosophically, psychologically and socially to a point where anthropomorphism and authority ranking are not only not satisfying, but offensive.
Melvin • Jun 15, 2023 at 10:25 pm
I hate dogs with the burning passion of a thousand suns
Bob • Jul 3, 2023 at 4:09 am
Bianca • Jul 5, 2023 at 7:32 pm
That makes 2 of us 🐕 🔫
Josie • Jun 9, 2023 at 9:38 am
All dogs are different. I’m a huge dog lover. My dogs would die protecting me.
Cats are okay. But I.love all animals. I don’t like any abuse of animals.
I try never to say I HATE about anything or anybody.
It’s too strong of a word, and when ppl say about anything….. ppl
look at them a little different even if they kind agree.
Hating something just because it exists, is really a psychological
disorder. I can see hating a rapist, Pedophiles, murderer etc….
But a animal…..no, there is something wrong. Something has
happened in these ppls lives to hate a innocent animal.
They help humans in disasters, children get lost in woods, protect owners
from robbers and kidnapping etc….
Yes a neighbor had a yapping dog. They lived up on a slight hill.
Woods between us. That dog barked 24/7.
I got up a 3 a.m
Walked to edge of woods and screamed SHUT-UP!!!!!
IT DID, FOR DAYS. I WAS SHOCKED. Come to find out the owners,
a lot of land , beautiful home, kept dog in a fence kennel out back.
When dogs consistently bark like that it’s for love, attention.
They never spent time with it. It was bored out of its mind. And it was a work dog, worst to pen-up.
So majority of the time it’s the owners fault when dogs are a nuisance.
Ppl shouldn’t get dogs if they are just going to put them out back.
That’s abuse.
Nobody • May 31, 2023 at 9:42 pm
I used to somewhat like dogs. I work early in the morning and go to bed around 9 p.m. Newer neighbor leaves the dog outside early in the morning and until 10 or 11 at night. I was granted work from home prior to COVID to accommodate being disabled. It made life easier and my work production did not take a hit. I was happy, my employer was happy. 3 years later I have this dog barking incessantly when it is outside. Now because of a neighbor I must go back to commuting to work. I’m not going to fight my employer over it, because that is close to 50 hours of week of not hearing the dog.
The part that is bad is now I am losing sleep as I cannot get to bed any earlier, and I have to get up earlier. When you have a permanent headache the dog constantly barking is painful enough, and then losing about two hours of sleep a night does not help. Neighbors are in their early 20s and talking to them wont do anything. Filing noise complaints in my area is a revolving door of stupidity. County police say file a noise complaint with the village. You contact the village and they say contact the police. Contacting the mayor wont do anything because the problem neighbor is his niece. I have lived here for 35 year, they have lived here for 1 1/2 years almost.
I will probably just relocate to salvage my sanity.
Tatum • May 17, 2023 at 5:20 pm
I found your article here because I too hate dogs. With. A. Passion.
Scott Harris • May 14, 2023 at 9:55 pm
You can know that you hate dogs, but very few people know if they are horrible people. So, you can only be absolutely sure of one of your opening statements.
You have a great journalistic voice, and I like your writing style, let’s hope you find something a little less pedestrian to write about.
G Cook • Jul 30, 2023 at 6:00 am
Scott comin’ in hot with the facts!! tyvm 🙏
Kiona • Sep 9, 2023 at 11:37 pm
Okay? They hate dogs, you got a problem with that?
Sally • May 10, 2023 at 12:00 am
I have level one autism and sensory processing disorder and dogs are THE WORST for me. From their incessant barking, to their claws on the hardwood, to their smell, their drool, their whining, how much they cost to keep properly healthy & cared for, how invasive they are with space…. It’s too much. It makes me so angry and I feel bad but I can’t help it. My heart rate goes up and I will have physical reactions like meltdowns when they are around. They idea of humans “owning” & domesticating an animal continues to elude me as well. I am a lover of all other animals and have been vegan for a decade so I don’t know why I am bothered by them to the point of such uncontrollable rage.
Hannah • May 4, 2023 at 11:39 pm
I understand your opinion on dogs but i love them because they made the world a better place with their loyalty their company their jobs they do and being a volunteer walking dogs in the shelter. I feel the same way about children as you feel about dogs. Even a child can disturb your peace and quiet because when you are enjoying your peace and quiet at a plane church or movie theater or store they complain or whine that’s why not everyone likes children non stop crying and distracting when they keep looking at me i find that annoying too this is my own opinion.
Ceelo • Jul 26, 2023 at 8:24 am
They made who’s world a better place? Privileged folks in the west? That statement is so idiotic to me. Dog People have been force feeding us dogs for decades and some of us didn’t ask for me, honestly. Also, stop bringing children into this.
Bianca • Jul 30, 2023 at 8:25 am
Children do NOT constantly cry. And babies do tend to cry more than older children but they grow out of it. Dogs do not grow out of their whining, growling, barking or invading people’s space. Children are human beings like we are. Dogs are a mutant species getting more and more mutated by all of the mixing breeds being done. A baby will never kill a person but dogs will and have many more times than are ever reported in the news. There is a huge difference between human children and dogs. However I can understand why some people may not like kids and that is fine, we are all entitled to our own opinions. But I’ve never heard anyone (including the parents of children) say that people who don’t like kids are evil or should not be trusted or verbally abuse the child haters. Why is it that dog owners are allowed to be verbally abusive to us non dog lovers then? Why do they care so much if you don’t like their fUrBaBy (which is a term I hate more than the dogs themselves) that they feel the need to put down and even on occasion threaten those of us who don’t like these animals?
RJ • Aug 1, 2023 at 11:32 pm
Freedom is messy. You are free to dislike dogs. I am free to want nothing to do with you personally or professionally due to that. I am Jewish. There are people who hate me for only that. As long as they do not act on it I could care less. We are not all going to get along or like one another. We simply need to tolerate those we dislike.
victor floyd • Apr 29, 2023 at 11:02 am
I understand where you are coming from , I’m a dog person however not one of these judgmental A HOLES on here . It’s your right to like or not like dogs cats hell people 😂
timmy • Apr 28, 2023 at 2:21 pm
Ugh dogs. I hate them so much. Preach girl.
Lorenz • Jul 3, 2023 at 9:10 am
I love dogs. That is why I have 2 of them. Both chained with iron chains and prong collar. They don‘t bark unless I allow it and don’t disturb anyone. They live a happy life with enough attention. But they have their own space in the garden only not inside. I guess you would like my dogs
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 2:20 pm
iron chains????? You sure they happy???? (no offense but CHAINS???)
Vafty • Apr 25, 2023 at 8:29 am
As a dog lover, I respect your opinion. I love dogs but I’m okay with people not liking them.
Joe • Apr 27, 2023 at 7:01 am
Dog haters are not people
Nick • Jun 9, 2023 at 8:09 pm
And pet owners are mentally ill. Just because you gave up on human interaction for whatever reason and need to have some loud, smelly, dirty intrusive animal who has no emotion or cognitive thought. Your dog’s obsession with you is not loyalty. All you are is food and shelter. There is no affection present. Just preservation of life. All the behavior and mannerisms you equate with feelings boils down to, “I lick your face because you feed and shelter me, not because I love you.” You project humanity onto an animal who cannot reciprocate the attribute. You are not a saint for owning a pet. Canines have thrived and flourished for thousands of years without human interaction. Why do you think they need you to proliferate? Human arrogance is why. I need some furry, four-legged, mangie slobbering beast whose very survival depends solely on me to dote over me so that I can feel special and be it’s unmitigated master!…I’ll put clothing on him and treat him like an actual child and then call everyone ELSE crazy when I’m the one who needs therapy.
Heaven • Dec 9, 2023 at 9:46 pm
“Pet owners are mentally ill”
So just because you meant some insane or few insane pet owners you have to put us in the same group. Not all pet owners like the pet culture and worship their pets. The fact you think someone is mentally ill just because they have a pet shows me how mess up your world view is. Not some pet owners have social anxiety or issues but not all of them. I see my pets as family. No I don’t see them as children or furry humans, but I do see them as creatures with emotions and personalities under my care. Why do people have a problem with pets being part of the family as long as the people don’t see them as people. If you think seeing pets as family is mental illness and the family isn’t treating them like a human then that is mess up worldview you have.
Kolekalanth • Jul 15, 2023 at 7:54 am
Friend,by keeping a dog, you literally keep paying money to pick up poop.
Bianca • Jul 30, 2023 at 8:33 am
Why are you allowed to say that? That is verbal abuse which is nowhere near the same thing as saying I don’t like dogs. I honestly don’t understand this because I thought that everyone is allowed to like or not like whatever they want to. I don’t care if people don’t like something that I do because everyone is different. What makes it so wrong to not like dogs? I wouldn’t ever harm one but I just don’t like them and it shouldn’t affect you or anyone else that I do not
Just Me • Apr 20, 2023 at 7:52 am
Dogs are vile, nasty smelly, loud, intrusive animals. They are the only animal I’m aware of that will s*xually assault people. This behavior is not tolerated in humans but is for some reason tolerated from dogs. They sniff the *sshole of every animal they encounter, then stick their dirty nose in your plate of food. That’s another thing, dogs think they’re entitled to every plate of food they smell. Also, they eat their own crap, never shut up, and look grotesque. I HATE HATE HATE dogs so much
Dan • Apr 21, 2023 at 3:47 am
You can tell by your response that you are indeed a horrible person. I hope you don’t have children.
Davi • Jul 30, 2023 at 8:36 am
What do children have to do with this? He isn’t wrong
Amanda Kirkman • May 2, 2023 at 2:55 am
LOVE U !!! Couldn’t agree more. Ty !!!!
TeamCat • Apr 18, 2023 at 12:25 pm
I resonate with every word of this! I totally get the appeal of dogs (I adore cats and all other animals) but I personally find them obnoxious and the doggy smell in houses just doesn’t do it for me. Thanks for writing – it’s a bold opinion!
Chet • Apr 23, 2023 at 5:41 pm
I can smell the scent cats in a house from the sidewalk but cat owners seem to think they don’t smell. They are just nasty.
Billy H Moore • Apr 17, 2023 at 9:32 am
You hate dogs you are a big dumb ass because you should have been taught not to hate grow up you are a peace of dog craps
Forever a Cat Person • Apr 15, 2023 at 8:03 am
Thank you for sharing this and for making me feel like a normal human being. We recently got a puppy and I truly HATE it! My boyfriend is crazy about dogs whilst I don’t care about them. Most of our friends have dogs, but I never pet them and just ignore them or push them away whenever they get in my zone. I prefer my personal space as well.
So, back to our puppy… My life turned into a hell since the past 2 months 😫. My boyfriend used to have a dog when he was a kid and mentioned many times how he wanted to adopt a dog whenever time’s ready. I didn’t expect it to happen this year though and I was not ready at all. Yet I said “Okay, I want you to have your dog.”, since many people told me that it’s nice and fun to have a dog. I feel like we made a bad decision and have been experiencing breakdown after breakdown. The monster is draining my energy! I don’t even feel like playing or cuddling with this weird looking creature, as it will bite in your face or hands, jump on you like ALL the freaking time and is annoyingly hyperactive. Oh, and YES , dogs are freaking disgusting, smelly and nasty. My home is dirty all the time and it’s making me so sad 😭.
I also hate that this growling creature chases my cats all the time, which results in me being angry and frustrated with the dog. I am, and will always be, a cat person.
Returning the dog is not an option, but fortunately my boyfriend is very understanding about my feelings and tries to do the most.
And this might be the worst part of my comments, but I sooooo enjoy it when my boyfriend leaves with the monster. My cats and I are truly enjoying every moment when the dog is away. It’s like a temporary moment of “no stress” for the 3 of us.
Sanam • Apr 12, 2023 at 7:37 pm
Thank YOU for having the courage to share your opinion! And I wholeheartedly agree with you that dogs are disgusting and I don’t want anything to do with them. And frankly it’s so disrespectful for a dog owner to allow their dog to come close to other people…how do they know whether the other person likes being touched/smelled by a dog…if I’ve told a dog owner that I hate dogs and yet they insist that their dog is friendly then I have to be harsher with my insistence that I don’t want their animal anywhere near me and if they still don’t get it, then I will do what I need to in order to protect myself from that dog. And I’m not at all sorry for how I feel. My opinion of someone who doesn’t understand where I’m coming from and that I’m entitled to my opinions is that there is something wrong with them!
Kuro • Apr 12, 2023 at 10:52 am
I dislike dogs and its nice to be able to say it freely. Even if it is just on the internet.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 1:56 pm
Thank you so much for posting this article. My husband and I are not dog people because we value having a clean home and extra time to ourselves. Having a dog is a constant amount of work and it is impossible to keep a clean, smell-free home if you have a dog. I have yet to see a dog owner who has been able to accomplish that. There is always a smell. We have two house rabbits that are incredibly clean, do not smell, and do not contain the host of bacteria and parasites that dogs can transfer to humans. Not to mention the germs, chemicals, and pesticides that dogs track into your home after they have been outside. It’s the same reason that we don’t wear shoes in our house. I prefer a clean home without pets that need constant attention and I shouldn’t be shamed for that. We also have a daughter and do not want a dog that acts like a perpetual child. One child is enough. Our society is incredibly intolerant with people who have different beliefs and it really needs to stop. If a person enjoys their bacteria laden and smelly four legged friend, that’s fine. But not everyone wants that in their home and in their life and that needs to be respected.
Joanne Leone • Mar 28, 2023 at 6:16 pm
Honestly who give a heck what you think you simpleton freak .if your mommie or daddy or kitty was buried alive I hope you don’t call on the vile dog to help .if hopefully you go blind sometime you don’t call on that “smelly” dog . If your spawn has wondered off in the woods remember dumb a
Dum don’t call on man’s best friend . You sound like a brat who never grew up . And truthfully the thought of you walking amongst us sickens me !!
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 1:39 pm
And here come the infatuated dog lovers that she talked about. People are allowed to not like dogs. Dogs are gross, dirty, and annoying. That’s just a fact. If you like gross, dirty, and annoying things, that is fine, but don’t shame others for not wanting to deal with a dirty animal that needs constant attention. I’m a rabbit owner and do you know how much grief I get for having two house rabbits? Dog people make jokes about eating my pets all of the time. It’s offensive and disgusting. Dog people are the worst and they expect everyone else to love their obnoxious and smelly pets. I don’t expect everyone to love my rabbits, because that would be incredibly childish of me to do so. Respecting other people’s opinions and beliefs is part of being a mature and healthy adult. If you are incapable of doing that, you should not be posting online. I’ll take my independent, clean, and non-invasive bunnies over a dog any day.
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 2:25 pm
Joanne Leone • Mar 28, 2023 at 6:06 pm
Honestly who give a fuck what you think you simpleton freak .if your mommie or daddy or kitty was buried alive I hope you don’t call on the vile dog to help .if hopefully you go blind sometime you don’t call on that “smelly” dog . If your spawn has wondered off in the woods remember dumb ass don’t call on man’s best friend . You sound like a brat who never grew up . And truthfully the thought of you walking amongst us sickens me !!
Shabretha Jennings • Apr 5, 2023 at 8:42 pm
Lol dog worshippers are crazy your subspecies mutt is too dumb to help anyone out. You can enjoy living with your parasitic disease carrying mutt. Keep enjoying those gross licks in the mouth after they have eaten their on shit and piss. Keep living in your delusional because you’re incapable of having meaningful relationship with people. Keep being delusional about the worthless mutt who doesn’t care about you but the food you provide it.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 1:48 pm
Not to mention the host of illnesses that dogs transfer to humans on a regular basis. The most common being noroviruses, pasteurella, salmonella, brucella, campylobacter, capnocytophaga, as well as certain types of staph infections. Dog worshipers are in denial about this, as most other things involving dogs. Not only are dogs natural carriers of a lot of different bacteria that can be transferred to humans, they also track in a lot of bacteria, pesticides, chemicals, and viruses from being outside and then coming into the house. It’s the same concept of wearing your shoes indoors: it tracks in a host of different chemicals and bacteria. The dog owners that I know are sick a lot more often than I am from having a dirty animal in their home. If you don’t mind being sick, get a dog. I value my health way more than that. Going on year 4 of not having a single illness, not even a cold.
meow meow😻 • Jul 11, 2023 at 6:33 pm
my religion completely forbids dogs because they are “dirty.” my newly bought kitten agrees, when she sees a dog, she walks away.
Connie Lockhart • Mar 26, 2023 at 8:24 pm
I too, hate dogs! By the looks of my yard, on a daily basis, you would think I owned a kennel! NOT a fan!!
Ro. Billing • Mar 23, 2023 at 10:40 am
So, I’ve read alot of the opinions stirred by the editors original post about “not liking dogs”, and I respect everyone’s right to voice that opinion, (when done so respectfully).
I too am one who does not desire ownership of a dog, however, I love my cats… (love may be a bit strong, but I do consider them my animal family).
We recently brought 2 puppies into our home and my lifestyle has been completely upended. The cost, the time, the destruction has solidified my dislike for owning a dog. My family refuses to let me return them to the breeder, there is tension between us now.
I’m not saying I hate dogs, I’m simply saying that a person should know their limitations, and I am not a dog person, and that does not make me bad.
Elizabeth Ratcliff • Mar 5, 2023 at 12:29 am
No, you are a piece of shit female instead. #FuckYouSorryNotSorry
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:20 pm
Do you fuck your dog? Weirdo.
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:21 pm
People who hate people have the problem, love. Try a real relationship.
Tessie • Mar 15, 2023 at 10:41 am
I have an better question. Do you?
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:23 pm
I would class this as hate speech. Very narcissistic indeed. Not adoring dogs does not make you a ‘piece of shit’. Some of us love our fellow human beings, warts and all. You should give it a try one day?
Tessie • Mar 15, 2023 at 10:44 am
Some of us love our dogs…warts and all.
Dupe • Apr 5, 2023 at 1:27 pm
The problem is you want us to love your dogs too.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 1:58 pm
Preach, Dupe! I love my rabbits but I do not expect other people to love them. I keep them in their room when people visit and only let them out if my company says it’s OK. I respect that not everyone may be “into” rabbits. If only dog people could be the same way instead of allowing them to slobber, jump up, and get all over us without out consent. Not everyone likes dirty germ laden animals that smell, and that’s OK!
Reese • Mar 10, 2023 at 4:30 pm
I don’t like to own dogs. I don’t like their exposed buttholes all over my house. I don’t like how some of them literally try to eat your house. Which to me is a sign that they belong outdoors. Not a fan of drool. Not a fan of the way my hand smells when I pet them. I think some are cute, even adorable and some are useful for certain things. But I don’t want or need one myself.
climaglobal2000 • Feb 24, 2023 at 10:18 am
I don’t hate dogs. They are God’s creature after all. What I hate is how humans ended up domesticating these stinky and noisy creatures. I live in the Philippines and the smell and the noise of these animals are everywhere.
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 2:27 pm
just because “god” spelled backwards is “dog” doesn’t mean its made by god
JenAgainstDogsAsPets • Feb 22, 2023 at 10:06 am
I’m so glad I found this article. I cannot stand dogs. Never have, never will like them – and I’m far from a monster. I’m a very helpful and loving person who simply sees absolutely no point in dogs as pets. I don’t mind a service animal of any kind, but I have never understood or related to people wanting to have a dog live amongst them just for the sake of having it live there. I don’t find them enjoyable in any way. They’re obnoxious and annoying. People mistake their neediness for love. I hate the stupidity of a wagging tail of excitement. Dogs were meant to serve a purpose (to hunt, herd sheep, etc) which humans have stripped them of by breeding them only for meaningless ownership. Their owners think the animal loves them because of their servility and desire to please them, but actually the dog is eager to fulfill some genuine purpose. Sorry pooch, “go fetch”. The question I have for dog lovers is, what do you love about dogs? Is it that they lick you? Is it that they bark? Is it their smell? Is it that it’s your responsibility to feed them and pick up their poop? But wait! Before you answer, there’s one rule: you cannot say it’s because they “love” you unconditionally. (The most common response, which I don’t accept for two reasons. 1 – it’s selfish. Apply that same logic to human relationships if you don’t think so. 2 – it’s not true anyway. Dogs’ servile nature doesn’t mean they love you.) I’m asking WHY you love the dog itself – apart from anything IT ‘does’ for YOU.
Parker • Feb 23, 2023 at 8:01 pm
I agree! With every single point. Dogs are endlessly needy and smelly and gross. End of story!
Sabi • Feb 22, 2023 at 4:47 am
I despise dogs. Not to a point that I would hurt them. I firmly believe in harm none and do as ye will. But dogs have irritated me in my soul for as long as I can remember. I’m a cat fanatic. But dogs are just disgusting, ugly, vile creatures in my opinion. The smell bad, they are dirty, they invade your personal space, they have an anxious energy about them, the “loyal” thing comes off more mindless and less endearing to me, they’re incredibly ugly and unpleasant to look at, they drool, they stick their yucky wet nose all over you and your stuff, and they’re loud af with incessant barking that makes me want to rip my hair out. It’s infuriating. Nothing they do is cute to me. But what sucks even more is how people EXPECT you to interact with their dog. Their like “they just wanna smell you” ya and I DONT WANNA BE SMELLED. Like why don’t I get a say in my own personal body and space. Their dog gets all up in your business and if you move away, they look at you like you’re horrible. Like bruh, I’m not hurting your dog, I just don’t want to have to interact. Why is that so bad?? Why can’t I just be like, um, hey your dog is annoying tf out of me and making me extremely uncomfortable right now, get your freakin dog. And also my cat doesn’t bother my guests or neighbors but my neighbors dogs bother me all the time with their dumb barking. What an obnoxious noise. Dogs are pure nuisances.
macpro • Feb 19, 2023 at 10:28 pm
I’m not a fan of dogs and have never owned any type of pet in my entire life. Dogs smell and animals in general are an added, unnecessary expense except for those that end up on my lunch and dinner table.
Mimi • Mar 3, 2023 at 3:13 pm
I think he worst waste of time are people like you, not animals…
Nick • Jun 9, 2023 at 8:22 pm
And here come the weirdos …Seek help lady. Animals are not meant to cohabitate with humans. That’s why they are a separate species. Animal and domesticate have no business in the same sentence. You stripped away an entire species ability to survive on its own. This is a perversion of nature. What you people do isn’t noble. It’s egomaniacal posturing. You are all clinically disturbed.
M. Jay • Feb 17, 2023 at 6:56 pm
This is true. The more people humanize dogs and put them even at the sme level as humans, make me dislike dogs even more. The poop, the stink and the 24/7 barking, jumping… I wonder if those dog lovers would accept a human with dirty genitalia and dirty butts rubbing them at the sofa, bed or pillows. I have seen people using masks the last 3 years, who kissed their furries and even let them lick their mouths. But there is clearly a difference between a responsible dog owner who educates his animal and those irreponsible dog owners who let their dogs do whatever they want. Disgusting to hear people saying “my son/daughter”, even more if they actually have human children. All those dog lovers are utterly extremistic when it comes about thier poopers. I like to go out for a running. I don’t know how often I have been attacked by dogs and how often I almost fell over one of these stinkers. But their owner generally tell ME it was MY fault.
Omar Samir Hameen • Feb 17, 2023 at 12:20 pm
This article speaks to my soul. God, which is dog spelled backwards btw, I feel the exact same way. People who love dogs be irritating af lol. That dog only like you cause you feed it. Dogs would much rather be with other dogs im sure. And if they dont, domestication has f*cked their brains up.
Rachel • Feb 15, 2023 at 8:41 pm
I could have written this entire article. I came across it after googling ‘why do I hate dogs?’ Of course I know why, but I wanted to know the psychology behind it. This was very well written and summarizes quite well the feelings I share with you towards dogs. My entire life I have hated them and have been told I’m a bad person because of it. I considered getting one because my husband loves them but I know that I would actually be miserable with one. The worst part of hating dogs is not being able to tell people, I have to pretend to be friendly to the dog or they assume you’re either a monster or incredibly self-absorbed, neither which are true of me. Dog lovers simply will never understand.
Diva4Jesus • Feb 13, 2023 at 11:57 am
Dog lovers are narcissists?? Really??? Have you even stopped to remind yourself of the definition of f a narcissist?? It’s a person who is stuck up on themselves and idolizes and lauds themselves as the best thing since cottage cheese, and looks down on everyone else. Dog lovers, however, love dogs because dogs do the opposite of what narcissistic people do – they love unconditionally, they are selfless, loyal, and non-judgmental.
Your article is mean-spirited and full of vitriolic hatred for the dogs and those that love them. Judging on your vomit of demonic hatred that your so-called “article” is, my dog Lassie has more humanity than you do. You’re the vicious one here. Where’s the muzzle? I need to mail one to you.
Pissed of even more with bloody minded dog owners • Feb 17, 2023 at 12:24 am
Do you seriously believe this crap you’re spruiking.? Little wonder people hate such dog owners & their blinkered inflexible minded owners.
Omar Samir Hameen • Feb 17, 2023 at 12:16 pm
You need a leash. You dont love dogs. If you did you wouldnt have cut their nuts off
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:32 pm
A narcissist has a fragile ego that cannot feed itself. They rely on those around them to make them feel validated and ‘special’. A dog that ‘loves’ you (actually it doesn’t. It just needs you for food and shelter) will perfectly fulfil that role. Classic narcissism on the owner’s part. And I’m deeply suspicious of people who hate people. Your dog has more humanity than me? How dare you. That’s an insult to your dog according to your warped logic. A dog is a dog. Respect it for being just that.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 2:26 pm
Do you own a rabbit? Did you know that domestic rabbits are one of the most abandoned pets because irresponsible people buy or adopt bunnies without doing any research on how to properly care for them? Did you also know that a rabbit will bond for life? Once you form a bond with your rabbit, they will be bonded with you until they die. If you do not understand this and dislike rabbits or do not want to own one personally, you are a ragging narcissist. If you do not allow me to shove my rabbit in your face and show it love, even if you are allergic, you are a hate-filled horrible person. I demand that you love rabbits as much as I do because they are unique, loving, extremely clean pets. My rabbits bring me so much joy and happiness and I can’t possibly fathom how anyone else could have a different opinion that doesn’t align with my own.
See how stupid that sounds? Expecting everyone else to love your smelly, dirty, germ-filled obnoxious canines is incredibly narcissistic because you are expecting everyone else to think like YOU. We are all entitled to our own preferences and beliefs, especially when it comes to pet ownership. Dogs are dirty, annoying, and carry a real risk of diseases that can be passed to humans. They track dirt, germs, poop, and sometimes insects into your home every time they are outside and come back in. Did you know that the majority of homes in America contain trace amounts of dog feces on every single surface of their home, even if they don’t own a dog themselves? They track in dog shit when they wear shoes in the house because so many people own dogs that their shit (and traces of it) is literally everywhere. As someone that values my health and a clean home, I will never own a dog (or wear shoes inside). My house rabbits stay inside, are incredibly clean, and pose a much lower threat to my health than a dog does. And yet when someone visits my home, I do not push my pets in their face. I don’t even let my rabbits out of their room unless my guests want to see them. A narcissist would be allowing their dog to invade their guest’s personal space because they view their dog as an extension of themselves. I respect that not everyone will be into my rabbits as much as I am, and that’s OK. Not everyone has to think exactly like I do about rabbits. Dog owners should do that same and not expect the world to love their dogs just because they love dogs themselves. Expecting everyone else to think just like you do is a form of narcissism. I’m a rabbit owner for life and will never, EVER own a dog, just like you will probably never own two house rabbits. And guess what? That’s OK.
rat • Feb 10, 2023 at 1:25 am
Click. Bait. Badly written click bait at that.
Jerry Turner • Feb 5, 2023 at 8:03 am
I believe in an old school way of life. Cows and horses stay in the fields and if they are lucky have some form of shelter or barn. Chickens live in Chicken houses. Pigs live in pig pens. You get where I’m going with this. Dogs and cats belong in the outdoors. Dogs with whatever comforts is fitting for the freeloader ! After taking care nurturing all these dependencies and needs. In my old age I don’t want anything with a hungry mouth or stinking butt. This includes any type of species of dead beat spoiled rotten flesh ! To each his own. I Love all of Gods creatures! Man has got limitations.
Mimi • Mar 3, 2023 at 3:09 pm
Someone might not want your dirty butt as well…
Dee Uk • Feb 1, 2023 at 9:07 pm
Seriously you have issues that cannot be helped! I imagine your relationships with humans may also be complicated. Wish you luck anyway.
Parker • Feb 23, 2023 at 8:09 pm
Haha! So agree with all of it! Dogs are the WORST.
Lou • Jan 30, 2023 at 1:29 am
Dogs are a massive pain in the arse. I think there’s been a radical change in the way people breed and bring up dogs that means many are now obnoxious jumpy, neurotic or aggressive canine brats.
Every day I pass an elderly owner being pulled down the path by a barely controlled Springer that has never learnt to walk at heel and a nervous looking girl who hasn’t a hope of controlling her menacing looking German Shepherd with a dangling muzzle it’s not wearing even though it’s blatantly harbouring some latent homicidal tendencies towards any dog it can see.
Don’t even start me on pit bulls and the mutated looking Bully XLs that seem to be the mutt of choice for anyone with testosterone issues who doesn’t care if someone gets mauled.
L • Jan 27, 2023 at 4:51 pm
bla bla bla I hate children , so what?
Sal Marino • Jan 27, 2023 at 8:41 am
I recently published a funny book called, “Why I Hate Dogs-Confessions of a Grump” (Amazon books) and ever since there have been groups gathering calling for my crucifixion. It seems that the haters of dog haters have zero tolerance for those who don’t share their point of view. It is my belief that if am expected to accept the pyramid remnants of dogs in the deep treads of my sneakers, then the opposing side of the argument should, at the least, accept my disdain for their poop factories. Besides, cruciixions are still illegal. Aren’t they?
Sal Marino, Author
David • Jan 25, 2023 at 3:39 pm
I don’t like dogs never have. The entire dog experience is not for me. They are dirty, smelly and unsanitary. They consume all the attention. I had a Liver Transplant and am on immunosuppressants, which means I have practically no immune system. Dogs and other animals carry lots of disease and other insects that also carry disease. The friendly animal is a loaded gun of disease.
Mimi • Mar 3, 2023 at 3:10 pm
People also carry diseases, so…
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:35 pm
Yes, but they don’t generally try to lick your face after licking their own balls or eating shit.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 2:39 pm
People do not rub their butt holes on your furniture, jump up on you with dirty shoes, or invade your personal space by touching and licking you without consent. They also do not rub their exposed butt holes all over your house, leaving trace amounts of feces everywhere. Dogs are carriers of disease with absolutely no hygiene whatsoever, making them a very real threat to your health. Dog owners get sick a few times a year on average from their pets and do not even realize it. I haven’t been sick in 4 years despite being around humans because humans have a least a little hygiene awareness. Dogs are not capable of that.
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 5:27 pm
Dogs are a nuisance. There are more people that dislike them than many of us realize. You have to kind of be in the closet about it. Their incessant barking. The stink. The waste everywhere. The staring. The lunging. Non stop jumping on you and invading your personal space. I don’t care if “he’s friendly!”. That is completely irrelevant. Dogs serve no purpose unless they are actually service dogs and not part of this ESA scam. They fill a gap for the insecure.
Sal Marino • Jan 19, 2023 at 11:00 pm
I just published a funny book called, “Why I Hate Dogs-Confessions of a Grump”
If you hate dogs, you’ll love me. If you love dogs, you’ll hate me. Either way, it’s full of funny stuff. You can find free sample chapters by searching the title. Have fun!
Sal Marino, Author
joe • Jan 14, 2023 at 9:42 am
just another form if collective insanity. pet worship.
Idc • Jan 12, 2023 at 1:25 am
Dogs are disgusting and anyone arguing that they aren’t probably has poor hygiene themselves. They’re actually pointless pets, just something else for weirdos to enslave and control. They were used for hunting, fishing, partners to explore with. Tell me what one would need or want a dog now for unless just to fill their own loneliness with something dumber than them that they can let obsess over them. Weirddddd.
dogh8ter • Jan 8, 2023 at 10:55 am
nah i understand , my hatred roots from my childhood as well i cant be near them without getting upset they are some of the most annoying things to exist
GC • Jan 5, 2023 at 1:22 pm
You know who else was an animal lover? A certain German dude who orchestrated a well known world war and killed thousands of people.
So yeah. Think twice before saying you hate someone and think they are a horrible human being because they dislike your stupid furball.
To be honest, I dislike pet owners more than the critters themselves. Animals are overall innocent – it’s dumbass humans that make them larger than life.
I find that extreme pet lovers are extremely insecure people. Animals are easy to please – give them some modicum of care and food, and they’ll pretty much never leave your side and love you “unconditionally” even as you deep down are downright horribly unpleasant to be with.
Mimi • Mar 3, 2023 at 3:20 pm
The most secure people are these who pose with imagined nicknames (even the first letters, not full names) on the internet 😀 Plus spit on others. Security and well-being as hell!
Oldbitchwho loves all animals • Jan 5, 2023 at 3:04 am
Do you consider yourself narcissistic?
Amber • Mar 13, 2023 at 9:15 pm
I’ve noticed that the dog nutters are the narcissists. Yall hate other humans because we can talk back, tell you your faults and when you’re in the wrong and yall can’t stand it. Dogs can’t do any of that. You can be as shitty of a person you want to be and your shit beasts will stay by your side because you feed and shelter it. Humans won’t put up with your narcissistic shit.
Shabazz • Jan 2, 2023 at 8:51 am
Most people that go gaga over dogs and treat them like humans have no problem treating an entire group of people like animals. They love the stink of dog and loud, obtrusive barking. They should be grouped and sent to mars, or some abandoned island somewhere, yet they would still find a way to spread and infest the rest of the world.
Shabazz • Jan 2, 2023 at 8:37 am
Well, they are SMELLY and LOUD. They smell horrible, and if anyone wants to play obtuse and pretend they don’t stink says alot about their own personal hygiene.
Ally • Jan 1, 2023 at 2:24 pm
I’d say, in 99.99% the dog owners is the problem, not the dog. Just imagine somebody puts smth disgusting for you right under your nose, and says ‘isnt that beautiful?’ No, it’s not! Just leave us alone, you and your dogs. Stop insulting us, calling mental and psycho for being sensitive to smell and noise. Or, don’t got offended, when we mirror your rude behaviour. It’s not us who bark and try to touch you against your will.
CoCo • Dec 25, 2022 at 11:15 pm
Well, I HATE people who hate dogs. So there!
No one cares • Jan 12, 2023 at 1:22 am
Good, because we don’t want you or your gross creatures near us.
Lisa • Feb 19, 2023 at 6:53 am
Sociopaths/ psychopaths do not like dogs/ animals,all of you should be culled. God hates you,we do not want you to share our space. Find your own planet. Get spayed & neutered also while you are at it.
Chase • Feb 21, 2023 at 5:33 pm
God is a very ugly filthy dog altogether.
climaglobal2000 • Feb 24, 2023 at 11:28 am
Hahahhah Lisa must be as filthy as her noisy, pesky, disgusting barking animals 😄
Amber • Mar 13, 2023 at 9:28 pm
Or how about you dog nutters move to a deserted island with your filthy mutants and see how long it takes for it to turn on you and eat you lmao
The Annunaki • Dec 25, 2022 at 9:58 pm
I respect that people don’t like dogs or animals in general, as long as they respect that I can’t relate to them and would rather not be around them. And who doesn’t like music? That person WOULD be insane in my opinion. What a horrible boring life that person would live!
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:43 pm
Trouble is that people don’t respect the people who would rather not have a
strange pooch invade their space. I’d rather not be forced to pretend to think your dog is cute when I am trying to enjoy a meal in a restaurant. It’s just plain rude on the owner’s part.
Debra R. Simons • Dec 25, 2022 at 12:08 am
Good if you feel it necessary too express your feelings about hating something that is innocent and hasn’t harmed you. I personally hate child abusers and animal abusers. And I disdain those who adopt animals and then regard them as nothing but nuisances.
So therefore if I have to choose something to hate it will be standing upright and walking with two legs and called a human being who does not have empathy and affection.
Larry E Harmon • Jan 4, 2023 at 3:13 pm
I take it you have empathy for rats as well maam? Oh it’s just dogs you want to treat as humans. Yeah, well we dog haters choose to hate you to. Thanks for the heads up.
Amber • Mar 13, 2023 at 9:34 pm
They (mainly shitbulls) have harmed way too many innocent children, adults and other animals to justify liking them. They’re opportunistic predators who kill out of pure enjoyment. The world would be a million times better off without these mutants.
Sofi • Dec 24, 2022 at 12:04 pm
My dogs are truly my fam, the thought of them not being there when I get home is heartbreaking. You don’t understand real love if you have never loved an animal unconditionally.
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:47 pm
Funny…I felt the same way about my late husband. Breaks my heart that he’s not here when I come home now, and how DARE you say I don’t understand real love.
DiamondPr0 • Dec 24, 2022 at 3:39 am
I simply hate dogs. Cats are definitely my type. I think dogs are way to overrated.
Oldbitchwho loves all animals • Jan 5, 2023 at 3:01 am
Cats are independent and low maintenance emotionally. They poop and pee in a box in you’re house so if you’re chill with that I guess you can be happy. My dog rushes to me every morning like I’m some amazing thing. Cats will eat you if you die lol. I love cats too but dogs have a naive love and devotion cats could never have. I had a cat who “loved me the most” out of everyone and I was always afraid of that mfer. One minute he’s purring and nussling the next minute he’s biting the shit out of me! My dog has never done that! Dogs can read people. I’ve always believed if a nice dog, who gets along with everyone is tripping on someone there is something very wrong with that person.
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 5:37 pm
They “love” you because you are the food dispenser and know they’ll get food and treats when you get home. That’s it. Any time I go to a dog owner’s home I bring treats to show my friends that I can keep the dog by my side the whole time I am there and even lead it out of the house with treats, because obviously it “loves” me. LOL
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 2:45 pm
Dogs will also eat you if you die. They also track in dirt, germs, and trace amounts of feces into your home. They have a perpetual smell and the intelligence of a 2 year old. If you’re cool with that, good for you. I value my health and a clean home.
Janella • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:57 am
There are a lot of simpleminded people lingers around here. If you hate them or just simply don’t want them please don’t do anything that can harm them. Humans can think and decide what’s right and improper, they don’t but they do have feelings too so, can’t we all just be understanding enough. I am also an intovert and is kind of busy but it’s fine by me whenever they enter the house then come running towards me while I am doing something and there are times that I’ll be annoyed for a moment but it won’t last long for I just can’t be mad at them nor simply hate them. Calling them smelly and needy, seriously?! Well I can tell the same for humans.
jesse soloman evans tai • Jan 31, 2023 at 6:25 am
we’ll we still hate dog’s…
J. Bright • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:26 am
There are a lot of simpleminded people lingers around here. If you hate them or just simply don’t want them please don’t do anything that can harm them. Humans can think and decide what’s right and improper, they don’t but they also have feelings so, can’t we all just be understanding enough. Calling them smelly and needy? I can tell the same for humans.
Shabazz • Jan 2, 2023 at 8:39 am
They smell disgusting.
GG • Dec 11, 2022 at 10:40 pm
I am so glad to have found this article. People think I’m insane because I don’t like dogs. It’s not as much anything against the dogs themselves, they’re just animals. It’s dog PEOPLE that treat dogs like more than what they are, and expect others to do the same. They think that a dog has every right to bark and then stick their nose in my crotch, which is apparently okay because it’s just the dog “saying hi.” No, no, no!!!! And I want to know how people deal with the smell of dog. I simply cannot understand it! Bagh! I needed to find a place to vent because I’m sick of the dog people forcing their smelly dogs on me. Thank you for providing that hahah
Alex • Dec 15, 2022 at 9:17 pm
Dog lovers are narcissists, period. They hate you if you don’t worship their dogs. They don’t love dogs, dogs are props for them to make them feel they are wonderful people for imprisoning an animal in their home and their lives. They like it when their pet frightens or bites you, and blame it on you. Avoid these people, they are the ones who can’t be trusted.
Debra Simons • Dec 25, 2022 at 12:11 am
That is very ridiculous to say most people are thrilled when their own dog would bite someone. In fact it is silly and completely erroneous unless you’re talking about some sort of violent Criminal. No one wants their own dog to bite someone else. This is really too silly to address.
Dogs not allowed • Dec 7, 2022 at 1:15 am
My boyfriend had bought an English Bulldog that is just disgusting, entitled, and sneaky. She is a completely butch of a dog and I no longer want to take care of her because she continues to soil her cage even if I had intentions on taking her out. Not much time will pass by and she will still pee and poop in her cage. I have three young children and am very anxious when it comes to dog urine. It’s very hazardous and can be extremely hazardous when it comes to small children (which I have: 6,5,&1) When it comes to my health I am BIG on it. I am also very big on my Children’s health as well obviously and smelling dog urine from a bitchy dog who consistently pees in her cage is just — I hate it. We have tried everything and nothing seems to work. It’s as if these dogs are truly retarded. They say that they are stubborn but I really just think they are as retarded as their droopy eyes look. I hate when she’s outside the cage because she dirty’s the floor and shakes obsessively which gets hair all over the house. I even got a few of her hairs stuck in my foot that I thought were small pieces of glass but no, it was her hair. Stuck in my foot. It felt as sharp as glass or a splinter— I enjoy walking around my house barefoot. Not anymore. Now I’m disgusted by it. Because I’m a busy Mom of three I barely get out and I feel like this dog just takes the last little bit of joy that I have left in the world which is my time, sense of smell, and walking barefoot in a clean floor. English bulldogs or bulldogs in general have beenped up. They’re cute when they’re small but they are straight up BITCHES! Like they legit feel that humans are their servant not to mention they constant blow their noses which means yeah.. they’re blowing not on you and everywhere else. They’re obnoxious when they hear the door or anyone at it or anyone coming in the house they do a weird back and for to scoot in the cage when guests are in the house just to get out and pry for a pet from someone they don’t even KNOW! Our is always scrounging for food left on the floor by the kids after just having ate so they’re also str8 up pigs.. The list goes on. Our is also right by our room so anytime she soils her cage, the smell seeps into our bedroom and it’s just got damn annoying. There’s nowhere else for her to be either because she has destroyed the corner she is in right now. We’ll be moving soon and all I’m thinking about is where in the house is she going to go. I don’t want her by the kitchen, or our bedrooms, by the laundry room, or the dining room which she is already in currently, no dining room table exists here because just EW! And I don’t want her to have to go through the entire house just to go on a walk to use the bathroom and she’d fur everywhere and poop and pee trails from the grass… it give me anxiety to be honest. So far I’ve found no house that will seclude her from all the things I want poop pee and fur-free. I hate dogs they’re loud they stink they’re pathetic they’re useless they’re free loaders they smack loud af but ppl get annoyed when other ppl smack ?????? Make it make sense!!! They’re attention whores and they’re fucking disgusting. I hate picking up warm dog shit and smelling it on the way up, just dog lovers your guys are they’ll crazy ones who willingly wants to do that??? An insane mf – that’s right. A nasty mf at that! You guys like filth and the smell of pee and dog poop. And shit and poop and fur all over your clothes feet and food and mouth.
Laura • Dec 13, 2022 at 10:22 am
Jesus, that poor dog. I hope you’ve found her a real home, free from you. Maybe she’s anxious because you keep her in a fucking cage? Maybe she picks up in your hyper personality and it’s too much??? You’ve mentioned you’re a ” mom of three” several times. I feel for your poor kids too.
Maybe try a little empathy? Maybe relax a bit?
You seem like a lot.
The BatDan • Dec 15, 2022 at 1:34 pm
Seriously!!! It boggles the mind how many people out there abuse the shit out of their pets and wonder why their pets are so ill behaved. Sadly, you could swap “pets” for “kids” and the statement would ring equally true.
Ms. Marvel – Oops, I mean Ms. Must Not Love Dogs over here is all “paranoia, paranoia, everybody’s coming to GET me” (thank God I haven’t met her) and I’m just (flagpole) sittin here like… I haven’t been around the world, but sometimes it sure seems like only stupid people are breeding. I mean I don’t care who does or doesn’t like animals, kids, the word galoshes, cars of a certain colour or whatever, but DAMN. The amount of hate being levelled at pets as opposed to their owners is just plain sad.
Thanks for reminding me that intelligent (and compassionate) life still exists in this galaxy, Laura. If you have a preferred deity that you venerate, may they smile upon you. If you don’t, then hopefully you at least get some warm & fuzzies from giving some agnostic internet stranger with a rapidly deteriorating sense of hope for humanity a little bit more hope.
Alex • Dec 15, 2022 at 9:29 pm
What is wrong with you? Your BOYFRIEND brought the dog and you and your CHILDREN are putting up with this animal he brought home? Um, how about “This dog has to GO!” Why are YOU cleaning up the filth and not the boyfriend? Yes, dogs are filthy animals but its the stupid, selfish humans that breed them and trap them inside human homes, which isn’t “loving” the animal, it’s just plain selfish cruelty. Blame your boyfriend, he brought the dog in the house, and make him responsible.
Christy • Dec 2, 2022 at 8:18 pm
Can I just say thank you for speaking the absolute truth about what it is to have a dog or two, this has really touch a string in my heart that nobody else has gotten in my house. The benefits other then my 9 year olds idea of owning a pet are zero. The work and constant attention when you are at full time work not to mention the destruction you have to maintain after your day is just not in my opinion worth any affection they may give wether it’s love or your finger smells like dinner which is nothing at all. I am not a bad person maybe just see past the bull shit, who knows
Anon • Nov 20, 2022 at 1:10 pm
Why are people still commenting on a blog post from 4 years ago? Jesus Christ let it go already!
LOL • Jan 21, 2023 at 5:42 pm
Why are you?
Dogs stink • Jan 31, 2023 at 5:02 pm
Yet here you are, ironic.
Simon • Nov 19, 2022 at 4:16 am
Well, this article shows some proofs for what it tries to object to.
J decarl • Nov 26, 2022 at 11:09 pm
What a piece of human shit?what’s your problem maybe someone just came across your disgusting lil tirade there and had to tell the person or you ,what a stupid moron you are,you f—
Joanna • Nov 12, 2022 at 12:26 pm
Thank you! I believe in God and that Jesus and Buddha are brothers. I never see dogs attempt to go to church or pray like cats do. I had a Siamese that would try to play instruments and would literally go around and hug loved ones when they would come over to my house after they sat down. Show me one dog that does that. Show me a dog that cuddles in the laps of religious figures made by saints and people that believe in the right things like birds and cats do.
Kim Byrd • Nov 30, 2022 at 5:52 pm
Thank you. I hate dogs. They are needy, disgusting, smelly and not to mention their breath. They smell everything including our genitals. They make me sick. And dog lovers let them run around to jump up on those of us who just pretend to be ok with it, while they attempt to eat from our plates. Every chance I get I kick them off so I can find peace and try to enjoy my friends. So keep your fucking dogs away from guests believe me they don’t like it. Even though they put up with your nasty dogs.
S • Nov 9, 2022 at 9:27 am
Thank you for being my voice. I’m stuck with a dog, and resentment for it and the spouse that wants it, who is a trucker so I’m really stuck all day with this actual hate for this smelly stupid destroyer of things money pit of a dumb ass dog. When I just want to be free. But alas, I can’t afford to live alone alone.
Dave • Nov 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm
I entirely agree. I see all these triggered comments, like someone is forced to like those loud night barkers, road sh*tters, crazy maulers (like pibulls, yes stats don’t lie and there’s a reason all family insurances laugh at your face when you own such a demon). We’re entitled to not like your smelly fleabag. You can keep it, really, for us it’s enough that it stays your problem and doesn’t become mine, this implies:
-not barking to the point that neighbours can hear that (especially at night),
-make the sh*tteer sh*t under your control, so you can grab with your hands his warm love without leaving it in the streets,
-ALWAYS have the leash on the sh*tter, they’re animals, unpredictable, nobody wants to see a dog running after cars or attacking other people or other animals,
-don’t drag us into conversations about dogs, we don’t give a flying f about your childfree love surrogate.
David • Nov 6, 2022 at 4:34 am
I just need to say with all seriousness. Can I very strongly and with compassion suggest you seek mental health support. The writer of this articles is literally just ranting and reading it is actually very concerning. No accurate information, no scientific evidence to support anything being said. Literally just someone ranting and not like dogs.
Please seek help.
Jazzy Bell • Dec 13, 2022 at 1:48 am
So… someone expressing an opinion about not liking dogs requires therapy? That’s stunningly ridiculous! People are allowed to not like dogs. And it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them. Where is it written that liking dogs is a requirement for life. Stupid and ridiculous opinion. And yes, it’s your opinion, not fact.
Parsnip • Dec 31, 2022 at 7:24 pm
Lol David. You absolute moron. People don’t need to provide scientific evidence to support their personal opinions.
Alis • Jan 1, 2023 at 2:04 pm
David, I just need to say with all seriousness. Can I very strongly and with compassion suggest you seek mental health support. blah-blah, no scientific evidence, just attempt to humiliate a person who has a well based (unlike yours) opinion that dog is a smelly and noisy animal, which demands a lot time but cant even speak or be independent. We have reasons, and all you have is insult
Jaynip • Oct 23, 2022 at 10:17 am
I GUARANTEE this person voted for Biden
Cc • Nov 18, 2022 at 5:36 pm
I voted trump and I hate dogs
Laura • Dec 13, 2022 at 10:25 am
Voted for Biden. I prefer dogs to almost every human. Biden has beloved pets. Trump seems to hate and fear them at the same time.
Pharah • Oct 18, 2022 at 6:24 pm
Considering your argument is built upon the belief that dogs don’t grow out of their puppy phase, I would like to say your whole point is invalid. I understand how you would see that, but dogs grow with their owner, and if their owner is content to sit around not telling their pet what’s wrong or right(as you would a c h i l d) and just consider the fact that the d o g is meant to be t a u g h t. Like the fact that you were taught to write(definitely) and if someone sees you as dumb because you don’t know how to write I’m sure you’d say its not your fault because no one taught you. You don’t have to try hard to take care of a pet, and you definitely don’t have to go on the internet spreading mis-information, hate, and trying to convince children who love to be validated to learn to be extremists. It’s not all or nothing, you can dislike something yet be civil about it. Personally if you are going to be supporting some fanatical article which is less of an informational subject and more of a persuasive crusade I feel like no matter what you say your opinion will not be as validated as a positive or neutral inclined response.
Zeeshan Mahmud • Oct 29, 2022 at 6:57 am
You do realize it is her opinion? Only thing fantatical about this is your entitlement and lack of respect for her opinion. Point no fingers.
Pharah • Oct 31, 2022 at 4:18 pm
I don’t feel like it being an opinion really matters at this point. Really, a opinion more emotionally charged can do so much more harm than a fact. If the author really wanted to express her opinion maybe she shouldn’t have used excessively violent wording. All I’m doing is reciprocating. I never once said the opinion was wrong; just that it can be dangerous and is vile. If you looked through this whole comment section it wouldn’t take long to realize that the article written has expanded some petulant feelings. I agree I might have been a little harsh with my points, buuut it is still important to explain it in a way that more expressively shows what I am saying because online conversation can be difficult to decipher. Once again, I don’t lack respect for her opinion it is just based wrongly, so I’m trying to give perspective(a wider view.)
Say What • Nov 5, 2022 at 12:45 pm
Jesus Christ, you are a deluded fool that proved the author’s point smh
Nah • Nov 3, 2022 at 11:51 am
Its their “opinion” and to say who’s is fair and who’s isn’t is a paradox. My opinion is you need to practice what you preach and YES the OP is a terrible person. That’s my opinion.
richard • Oct 7, 2022 at 7:21 pm
dogs are great, in soups stews and burritos…
filthy, noisy, vicious, unstable mentally, extreme disease carriers, on and on and on…
dogs have hated me all my life; now why i have no idea…
all other critters love me…
i can walk up to any other creature and they come to me and want to be with me…
dogs go absolutely bat s*** insane at the sight of me…
i am sick of some dips****s dog going insane and trying to get at me or throwing itself against the window of the car its in…
i gave up on dogs a long time ago…
Pharah • Oct 31, 2022 at 5:57 pm
Thanks for the copypasta lol
CM • Oct 3, 2022 at 12:33 pm
OMG! I feel like you are describing my emotions. I came across your article as i am looking for ideas how to live with dogs. My Adult SD will be moving in with us in order to save money and hopefully go to school. In short we will be helping her with food and lodging.
Before i married his father he already knows i do not want any pets at all, that time his kids didn’t have any. This was a deal breaker for me, i have stopped dating men that had pets, because i just can’t see myself living with one.
Now I understand how to dog owners, they value them as family. I really try to be ok with it, to the point we stayed at SD’s apartment one time to see if i can live with a dog. The answer is just NO!, hairs are everywhere .. EVERYWHERE!!! and that little dog, keeps jumping around and slobbering everywhere. I just cant do it.
Here’s the problem, we welcome her in our home, but not the dog. I understand she can’t give up her dog, but i can’t also give up my sanity. Anybody have a solution or a better compromise? No one wants to take the dog, and me and my husband just know I can’t live with a dog.
Sharad Sharma • Sep 24, 2022 at 10:14 am
Thanks for putting in words so effectively, I literally felt you are reading it out what’s in my heart.
R J Mays • Sep 23, 2022 at 7:21 pm
You don’t have to like dogs. It’s your right. People should except it as your freedom of choice.
Mike • Sep 2, 2022 at 10:46 am
People who hate anything as a generalization, unless it’s objectively considered taboo within the prevailing cultural mores, are not of sound and healthy mind. Obsessive hate, which is clearly the motivation behind this article, is not healthy and is the prime contributor to poor values such as racism, sexism, and homophobia. You whine about diversity, equity, and inclusion and in the same breath malign an entire group of people, based on no other dimension but their tolerance of dogs. You position yourself as superior by questioning the intelligence, dependency, and even hygiene of dog owners. Dogs are not natural, they are the product of thousands of years of human interference in normal breeding, their needyness a product of that same interference. Humans have a responsibility to provide care for an entire species that they handcrafted to be lame and ill-equipped to deal with the rigors of life. You’re clearly a victim, but one of choice and opinion, certainly not a martyr of society. Finally, the beauty of free speech and public forums is that unpopular, dangerous, or obscene beliefs, thoughts, and ideas can be appropriately challenged, condemned, and dismissed according to the values of society. I would argue that your opinion is one that meets the requirements of defensibility, and should have to be defended when you express it. If you expect to be able to say “Gee, I sure hate something you really like,” and expect the other person to just be like “Oh, that’s completely valid and I respect you even more now,” then you’re a child. That’s not how discourse and argument work. If you don’t want to explain yourself, keep your mouth shut. I’m very tired of the idea that all opinions are equally valid, it’s simply not true and is a driving force behind completely mindless nonsense in self-entitled op-eds like these today
Romulus • Sep 16, 2022 at 11:09 pm
Such hateful vigor. The article expressed respect towards dog ownership yet a desire not to be participant of it. It’s main issue being with the widespread ideas that villify these sentiments as unnatural. You should re-read from the beginning.
Andrew • Sep 19, 2022 at 2:16 pm
What a terrible reading comprehension
Mikael • Apr 10, 2023 at 5:34 am
Must be a mentally stunted dog owner that wrote that, completely missing OP’s point.
Say What • Nov 5, 2022 at 12:46 pm
Jesus Christ, you are another deluded fool that proved the author’s point smh
Ally • Jan 1, 2023 at 2:13 pm
But… But your speech is full of hate
Chelsea • Feb 15, 2023 at 1:16 pm
Exactly, their neediness, neuroticism, and inability to take care of themselves is the fault of humans because we continue to breed them so lonely and socially inept people don’t have to interact with other humans to get their needs met. It’s a horrible thing that we bred out all the independence and dignity of the wolf to meet the selfish, narcissistic needs of man. You just proved the authors point.
Mary • Aug 31, 2022 at 3:02 am
I hate dogs! I hate that I can’t sleep outside in rural country side without hearing someone’s GD dog barking at 2am for 2 hours. Or that at Stanley Idaho where they mark “ no dogs allowed on beach” at red fish lake, there was about 15 dogs and 7 if them constantly barking. Walking in the woods in Montana and you come upon 4 dogs running loose on trails chasing f****** wildlife. Jumping at you and their owners saying ~ don’t worry it’s friendly- like we all love your dog jumping on us… one more … dog crap on any mentioned trail because some lazy ass owner won’t pick it up. If you wanna get pissy and say it’s the dogs owners, no I’m past that… it’s dogs, dogs that bark , dogs that chase, dogs that poop. If you have a well behaved dog? Then get on other non well behaved dog people and call them out cause not enough people do…
Dave • Nov 8, 2022 at 4:38 pm
I feel you, I share exactly the same feelings
Bil MacIntosh • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:59 am
I think you may have misjudged the likelihood you just might be a horrible human.
Jimbo Jenson • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:24 am
Crazy how most of these issues that are bought up here and in the comments all just have to do with people being lazy and shitty pet owners and then blaming it on the dog. A dog that is well looked after should not stink, should not eat poo, should not bark and whine all the time, or do many of the other things that have been bought up. A lot of this seems to be people basically saying “I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to look after a dog properly, and I hate responsibility, therefore dogs are evil and disgusting”. If people could just be logical and leave it at “I am too lazy to look after an animal, and I don’t like the responsibility, so pets aren’t for me”, that would be one thing, but no, instead people have to bring it to “I hate dogs and they are evil and disgusting”.
Chaser • Aug 30, 2022 at 5:47 am
Well Jimbo, you may be correct in some instances but you can’t categorise everyone who hates dogs, as lazy pet owners. I have a dog who listens to my (almost) every command and doesn’t eat faeces nor smell. However, do I like him? No I do not. He isn’t loyal, he is subservient to me as I’m the dominant ‘pack leader’. He follows my every move with his gaze and sits waiting for my command. It’s irritating and quite frankly, pathetic. If a human acted this way, we’d all think them insane. Dogs cannot survive without their human owner, so they may wag their tail and prance happily when you’re home, but ask yourself; is this because they are genuinely happy to see you or because they know they’ve not been abandoned and will now be fed/watered/walked?? In all honesty, for the most part, dogs are dumb, incapable of self sufficiency and for me personally, annoying as hell.
Bob • Sep 15, 2022 at 2:55 am
sounds like you are dumb and insufficient
Say What • Nov 5, 2022 at 12:47 pm
No that’s you
Max • Nov 5, 2022 at 3:56 pm
No, it’s a valid point, and your comment has no value.
Rain • Oct 1, 2022 at 8:26 am
Dogs, like most animals, are highly intelligent. When properly trained and cared for, they help us much more than we help them (i.e., seeing eye dogs, rescue dogs, police and service dogs, therapy dogs just to make a few). Humans are to blame for their tendency toward ‘neediness.’ Wolves, their ancestors, have no need for our interest in us, but humans weren’t satisfied with that. They wanted loyal, helpful, easily controlled companions. As is the case in most situations, humans are to blame; not dogs.
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 6:04 pm
You claim dogs “are highly intelligent” then you make two statements that counter that claim. The first was “properly trained and cared for”. If you can train something easily it has nothing to do with intelligence. Dogs have to trained to not be dog like just to make them tolerable. So you are training it to be something not even resembling a dog.
Then you say “easily controlled companions”. Another indicator they are not intelligent.
So which is it? Are they intelligent or not? All they care about is where there next meal comes from and who gives it to them. That is the extent of their “love”. I think dog owners know many people secretly hates their dogs and that really revs their insecurities. Well, there is eff all you can do about it, and that also drives you all mad.
Amber • Aug 30, 2022 at 12:15 pm
Just because someone doesn’t like dogs doesn’t mean they’re lazy. It means human relationships are more important. Dog owners are the ones who are too lazy to form real relationships with humans. And yes they do stink, even after a bath, because they naturally have oil and yeast on their skin. No amount of bathing the filthy things will get rid of it. I have to question the hygiene of a person who owns indoor dogs.
Alex • Sep 3, 2022 at 5:45 am
I have never heard a dumber comparison in my life. You really think pet owners are too lazy to form human relationship and THAT is the reason they choose to own a pet? Delusional at best.
LASL • Aug 23, 2022 at 2:03 pm
As the author has shared her opinion, so shall I. To me, it doesn’t sound like you hate dogs although that was your choice of word. The fact is taking care of another being, whether it’s a human or animal requires a lot of effort. It’s a responsibility not many would be able to bare. I grew up having all sorts of pets/animals/aviary in my house(surrounding) and I can vouch it is a lot of work but I love them all and so, I do it. At the end of the day, you choose what works for you as long you don’t harm them. They too are just trying to make it through their short lives the best way they can. Compassion goes a long way. Remember one day, we too will grow older and needy. The hope is that there will be someone around to show us the empathy we’ll need during those times.
Jim • Aug 17, 2022 at 11:08 pm
I don’t hate dogs, but I am most definitely sick of them, and the public pressure to love them. All my life I’ve had to deal with dogs – mine when I was younger, or else friends’ or GFs’ since then, and they’re nearly always undisciplined when they come into my life, so I have to train them (been told by several dog-trainers that I’m a natural) and eventually teach their owner that they have to scold them occasionally – Gee, what a surprise… Amazing how many people who have raised kids will NOT scold a dog when they actually see it poop in the house, or ignore them and continue barking to no end. The other annoying thing about clueless dog owners is watching them reward their Fido for bad behavior, when it’s so painfully obvious that as a dog owner they have no brain. I actually dated a gal once who’s dog would wake up at 2 AM every night and start barking, totally out of control, and she would actually give it love, affection, and a WHOLE BAG OF TREATS to get it to shut up. Told me I didn’t know what I was talking about about when I scolded it, and the “proof” was that her way worked – the dog did finally shut up after 20 or 30 minutes – that is, once it got it’s belly filled with treats, of course. She should’ve been a brain surgeon. Current GF is much smarter and has a nice well-behaved dog (now that I trained it, and her) but I’m still sick of it dominating everything, and having to take it to a dog park for 1½ hours just before dark, EVERY bloody day. Everything else takes a back seat – #1 priority in life.. She & I are on the rocks right now for unrelated reasons, but ole’ “Pepper,” as sweet as she is, might just be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, or at least tips the scales in the wrong direction for the end results. Next GF definitely won’t have pets (I’d rather not have a GF any more, and I’m sure many of you hope that’s the case because I’m “so evil”). I especially look forward to one day taking a peaceful, evening walk around a neighborhood (somewhere, some day) without a hundred dogs barking and going crazy. We definitely live in a dog-infested and completely dog-obsessed society. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the original poster’s feelings or comments. In fact, I’m glad she spoke up. More people need to.
Michael • Aug 17, 2022 at 2:23 pm
Dogs are awful, but dog people who try to tell me I just haven’t met their dog who will convert me are 100x worse. 🤮
Mary • Aug 31, 2022 at 3:12 am
Agree!!! I got bit so hard as a kid by someone’s dog who ran up to me like it was buddy buddy. Now hiking on trails ( marked dog on a leash ) and a dog runs up to me and the owner is a hot few minutes behind dog “ oh don’t worry he’s friendly!! As I’m backed up against a tree terrified
Erin • Oct 23, 2022 at 6:18 pm
This is for me the biggest thing that can spark my anger toward a dog owner. My daughter was bit by her Uncle’s dog (German Shephard) 3 years ago. She was only 5 at the time. She received 17 stitches in her arm; they had to sedate her because she was so terrified. 10 days of screaming everytime we had to change her bandage over the rainbows (we couldn’t call them stitches because she would freak out). All she did was stand by her Aunt who was standing by the dog and he bit her. They all said “He is a good dog, he doesn’t bite), he has been through dog training, etc.” Listen don’t tell me your dog is harmless, don’t tell me that he is gentle, don’t tell me that he wouldn’t hurt anyone. They are an animal and they have animal instincts. Period. People in this world have become so self absorbed that they lack empathy. “Oh you hate dogs well you must be terrible, I question your state of mind to hate a cute dog. ” Please….you own a dog and let it lick your face, lay on your furniture, buy it sweaters, and spend thousands of dollars on it if it gets sick or hurt and I am the one whose state of mind you are questioning. My child was harmed by an animal, my state of mind and clarity is perfectly in tact and your dogs can piss off!
Ivana • Aug 15, 2022 at 4:39 pm
You don’t have to like them but to hate them?! You are a psychopath!
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:45 am
you are literally part of the problem that’s being described in this article. lol. you can hate something without being a psychopath. you can hate dogs and not wish them any harm
Ashy • Aug 11, 2022 at 5:23 pm
bro my dog literally saved my life YOU SAW THIS YES SAVED MY LIFE! so not all dog are bad and calm down there not even that bad. My dog isn’t even trained and she saved me
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:46 am
Just because your dog supposedly saved your life doesn’t mean that dogs still aren’t annoying and have behaviors that are irritating… or that we have to like how clingy and reward-seeking they are as a species
Atalia • Aug 11, 2022 at 5:17 pm
meanwhile me having 4 dogs..
Megan • Aug 7, 2022 at 5:51 pm
I don’t judge you a bit.
I don’t hate dogs, but I don’t particularly like them either. Some of them are cute, but cute is not enough to overlook their annoying behavior.
I don’t see the appeal of dogs for all the reasons you described. Occasionally, I meet a dog that is very well-behaved and doesn’t jump, lick, beg, and follow at the heels – but this is very rare and I’m aware that some people pay very good money to train the dog behaviors out of their dog.
And if you’re one of those people that lets your dog lick you on the mouth then I’m judging you harshly. That dog just finished licking it’s rear-end prior to licking your lips and it’s disgusting. Not sorry.
Don Lee • Aug 1, 2022 at 3:11 pm
I feel like this article was intentionally annoying or you might not get sarcasm. No one actually cares that you don’t like dogs. You might have a persecution complex.
Toastboast2000 • Aug 13, 2022 at 8:29 am
There are plenty of people who care, I get the same reactions.
CM • Oct 3, 2022 at 12:40 pm
You definitely have not been on the receiving end. I got bullied online just because i asked in a cleaning group, advise on how not to get the dog’s hair everywhere. I was called a monster, that my husband should leave, i should be the one that be left outside .
You must be living under a rock, I actually don;t hate dogs, i can look at them, pet them. I think it’s the dog “parents” i hate.
Coco • Dec 7, 2022 at 3:08 am
Dog hair everywhere is annoying and gross. It ending up on countertops and in your food or worse, your mouth is disgusting! The difference between dog lover and non dog lover is that dog lovers are nasty and disgusting social attention seekers who want to dominate an animal just to be able to tell it what to do. It’s like they never grew up and decided to play house w/ and animal for the rest of their life. Talking to something that cannot talk back — psychopath. I mean, cmon. And in comparison we just like our peace and quiet and clean space!
Say What • Nov 5, 2022 at 12:51 pm
Clearly you care since you took time to comment about it
CJ • Jul 31, 2022 at 4:24 am
Thank you for writing this article. I am glad to discover I’m not the only one who feels the same way about this. Perfectly stated. Thanks again. 🙂😇
E. Ram • Jul 25, 2022 at 8:02 am
I had to google a bunch of stuffs to find out if I was truly a horrible and rude person as my colleague commented to my “I don’t like dogs, I just can’t stand their need for attention”. Thanks for this opinion piece. Glad to see people having the exact same opinion as I do.
Martha Beck • Jul 23, 2022 at 9:41 pm
Dogs stink. They bark. They drool. They’re pesty as hell! They put their nose in your crotch. They’re stupid enough to eat their own crap; or the crap of some other animal. They chew up furniture. What’s there to LIKE? Let alone LOVE.
Chelsea • Aug 25, 2022 at 5:24 pm
WHY WHY do dog owners bring their yapping mutts to restaurants? What about the people who want a quiet, peaceful lunch without hearing yapping, panting, drooling, just gross. Dog owners need to have more consideration for non-dog owners, it is not all about them and their stupid mutts. My neighbors have a yapper and I asked her why her dog barks so much and her reply was “I don’t even hear it”, yeah, lady, it is all about you and your mutt. Have some class dog owners.
Alex • Sep 3, 2022 at 5:50 am
You say your neighbour should have some class but you yourself sound like you have no class. Just because you don’t like dogs and their barks doesn’t mean your neighbour has to accommodate you and your quirks. Grow up.
Shabazz • Jan 2, 2023 at 9:18 am
Nobody should have to listen to your loud noise pollution. There are laws against that. Also a giant chocolate bar is a dogs favorite treat!
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 6:53 pm
Not enjoying incessant barking is a “quirk”? That’s bizarre. I don’t think quirk means what you think it means. People actually enjoy non-stop barking??
Adam • Feb 6, 2023 at 11:44 pm
My dog does not stink unless you count occasional bad breath but even thats mild. Barks maybe once or twice a year. Is the opposite of pesty. Honestly wish she would be a bit more pesty. Does not stick her nose in my crotch.. Has never eaten her own poo or anyone elses. Has never chewed the furniture or been destructive in any way save for a few bathroom accidents inside. Will add that she has never climbed on the furniture or jumped on guests but she does like to meet new people.. Oh and let me add that she is a pitbull/lab mix.
Gary • Jul 21, 2022 at 12:38 pm
I’m not a dog person, or even a pet person. The amount of overzealous pet owners around me leads me to believe that they must have some sort of mental illness. They do not behave rationally.
D.B Cooper • Jul 17, 2022 at 9:47 pm
She’s really not going to like being a mom then. Think she’ll drop it off at a fire station or church? 🙄
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:50 am
Lol you’re funny. Perhaps she’s not interested in being a mom? And if she was, although dogs are just as much work as human chimdren, at least children grow out of that toddler phase. Dogs never do; they act clingy and reward-seeking for their whole lives
Pharah • Oct 18, 2022 at 6:16 pm
Considering your argument is built upon the belief that dogs don’t grow out of their puppy phase, I would like to say your whole point is invalid. I understand how you would see that, but dogs grow with their owner, and if their owner is content to sit around not telling their pet what’s wrong or right(as you would a c h i l d) and just consider the fact that the d o g is meant to be t a u g h t. Like the fact that you were taught to write(definitely) and if someone sees you as dumb because you don’t know how to write I’m sure you’d say its not your fault because no one taught you. You don’t have to try hard to take care of a pet, and you definitely don’t have to go on the internet spreading mis-information, hate, and trying to convince children who love to be validated to learn to be extremists. It’s not all or nothing, you can dislike something yet be civil about it. Personally if you are going to be supporting some fanatical article which is less of an informational subject and more of a persuasive crusade I feel like no matter what you say your opinion will not be as validated as a positive or neutral inclined response.
Leslie • Jul 16, 2022 at 11:52 am
I respect your honest view and feel the same way about children. Guess what? I don’t have them either. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. You are hurting no one and why must everyone own a pet? Or have a child for that matter? If you had written that you beat dogs or otherwise abuse them… but you didn’t. I do love my dog. I don’t love every dog, as they are often reflections of irresponsible owners. The comments show more of the “if you aren’t like me, well fuck you” mentality that is tearing our country apart. Best regards to you for your future opinion pieces.
Jimbo Jenson • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:30 am
I’m pretty sure the issue is that this person didn’t just say that dogs aren’t for them due to the responsibilities and things like that, instead they say they hate dogs. I don’t think I’ve seen one comment that implies that anyone thinks that everyone must own a pet, just that hating an animal due to your own laziness and unwillingness to take on responsibility is dumb. There is nothing wrong at all with not wanting to take on the responsibility of looking after a dog, but to hate the dog because of it? That just makes you some kind of weird psycho.
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:54 am
Yeah disliking the responsibility of taking care of dogs is definitely one thing brought up in the opinion piece, but also dogs are inherently reward-seeking (be it treats, affection, etc) so they are literally clingy and stifling by nature. Like the author isn’t hating dogs just because she doesn’t want the responsibility, she hates how they are as a species and how humans enable them.
Tatiana Gallardo • Jul 11, 2022 at 11:05 pm
Hey everyone,
Tatiana, the author of the piece, here. Never expected such a heated dog debate in the comments, but I knew this one was going to be controversial. Thanks to everyone for checking out this essay — it means a lot to have you read it and opine with such passion!
If you want to check out more of my writing (and hot takes), I’m currently crafting and illustrating stories on my Substack, where I’m doing everything that terrifies me for a year — like admitting I somehow love New Jersey.
Would be stoked to have some fellow dog haters (and lovers) following along. : )
abhishek • Jul 16, 2022 at 1:21 pm
well I hate dogs to a extend that i don’t go to anyone’s house who owns a dog. Main reason for my hate is the attacks they commit on small helpless children and kill them if not intervened timely, whereas would never dare to challenge anyone with a stick, even if he is a thief.
Stupid and useless pet.
Soren • Jul 25, 2022 at 9:38 pm
Bwahaha, are you for real? Yeah, there’s an epidemic of dog attacks slaughtering children.
Quentin Asparria • Jun 25, 2023 at 5:23 pm
from 2018-2021 226 people were killed by dogs. Do you know how many homicides were recorded in 2018 ALONE? 16,214! with the human population scaled down to the dog population, that works out to 1821 human deaths, by humans.
Peter M Page • Jul 19, 2022 at 8:26 am
As a university student I majored in philosophy but also took courses in psychology. In one of those psychology courses we studied Harry Harlow’s controversial monkey social separation experiments. Harlow separated monkeys from their mothers at birth and then did experiments to see if they could be comforted by different types of surrogates. Some would be tactile, covered in wool. Some could provide nourishment. They had different heads with particular eyes or faces.
Harlow found monkeys found tactile and specific facial features most comforting. As a philosophy student the question I found myself asking was not wether we could find means of comforting ourselves but was it more important for humans to live authentically. I felt being comforted in a similarly deluded way would not be sufficient for a human. I would rather live authentically than be comforted. Humans have the cognitive capacity to consider such abstract considerations. I believe we are the only animals capable of such abstractions.
When I see people getting emotional comfort from interaction with a dog I feel the same pathos I felt watching the monkeys in Harlow’s experiment. A dog has a brain 1/15th the size of a human’s. A dog is cognitively 14/15ths of the way to being one of Harlow’s wire, wool and wood surrogates. Not capable of having the emotions dog owners project onto them.
I fear people who indulge in deluded beliefs because they do not react well when asked to question their beliefs. No one no longer believing the Earth is the centre of the universe has ever burnt anyone at the stake for still believing it is. Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for trying to cure humanity of this delusion. Hell hath no fury like a deluded person asked to examine their beliefs.
Francis • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:31 pm
Thank you for your fact based well formed reply.
Mc • Jul 21, 2022 at 12:51 am
I am with you, do not stinky dogs!
Mc • Jul 21, 2022 at 12:58 am
I am with you! People are so hateful! What happened to freedom of choice? Sad
Azy • Aug 1, 2022 at 11:21 pm
She has discovered that hate also generates income. LOL
Paul • Aug 13, 2022 at 1:26 pm
Wow! It really stirred people up.
I will join the line up of dog dislikers, choosing that work with less venom.
To clarify, would I wish harm to them…no!
Would I jump in to save one in distress.. yes! Would I feel emotionally upset to witness or hear of cruelty to a dog….yes!
I don’t coo at your dog, I don’t want it to lick me, jump up at me or anyone else in my family. I don’t want it dribbling at my shoe when eating out or barking in the hotel room next door or sharing the hotel breakfast table and plates.
But of course dog lovers only wish the love pendulum to swing one way.
I don’t think that makes for a bad person.
Jen Smith • Aug 29, 2022 at 1:23 pm
Dogs hate you more, of that I am certain. So there.
CM • Oct 3, 2022 at 12:45 pm
This is exactly why the author wrote this, for people like you.
Belliana • Jul 8, 2022 at 12:43 pm
As a pet owner myself with 2 dogs and now a cat, it took me getting a cat to realize I’m not so much of a dog person as I thought I was. I had all the dog books growing up, studied the different types and how to care for them, begged my mom for a dog and never got one until I went to college and my bf one day brought me 2 mix breed puppies, I fell in love and it was great then. Then I got older, got pregnant, and suddenly I began feeling just like OP. My dogs began to annoy me and the things that never bothered me before like sniffing, licking and staring now became super annoying. The smell didn’t help either while being prego. And it was like Chloe was constantly acting out at the worse times, I blamed it on the fact that I was no longer fit to be a fur parent till I moved in with my roommate who had a cat and immediately knew that was a bold face lie. Cats do none of the crap dogs do, my life has been so much easier. I already felt like a terrible person so I never voiced my opinions so I applaud OP for having the balls to do so. And I don’t hate dogs, they’re just not my favorite anymore.
Poopy • Jul 7, 2022 at 1:12 am
Fuck you. All the dogs should have teared you to shreds by now
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:55 am
Real mature, just like the dogs you’re obsessed with. People like you call people like the author psychopaths, but I think the opposite is more true
Not a dog nutter • Sep 18, 2022 at 8:12 pm
This is exactly what she’s talking about, ya’ll are just ridiculous. Why don’t you go share a bowl of ice cream with your walking biohazard and let him lick your face after tonguing it’s asshole and eating a pile of shit and puke, your mutt is repulsive as are you by proxy, I imagine your house smells like a zoo and is covered in smelly, greasy hair and remnants of the dead, decaying animals it rolled all over, fucking barf.
Max • Nov 5, 2022 at 4:00 pm
Go lick your dog’s butt, then, if you love it so much.
Susan M Justice • Jun 28, 2022 at 7:27 pm
Anyone who hates animals… There is something dark and wicked about them… And that’s all I got to say… And I thank God for all those in the world that are fighting on a daily basis to save the lives of animals…
Jay • Jul 26, 2022 at 1:34 am
Every time I get out of my truck back from work, the neighbors little dog is jumping on the fence barking etc. I wanna kick a field goal with that rat dog. Everybody has a dog now it’s super trendy. They’re annoying as hell. I like what Robert DeNiro said about dogs and dog owners on ‘Meet the Parents’. Hilarious and spot on.
Chris • Aug 20, 2022 at 11:38 pm
You want dark and wicked, watch hyenas eat prey alive.
I never believed or understood the origin of the narrative that animals are less-violent or more humane/morally-righteous then humans. Nor do I believe that they can teach humans how to love, when male lions fail to protect their pride when challenged by another male lion, the first thing the victor does is kill all of the cubs in that pride.
That would be like every time a man marries a woman, he takes out all her kids out just on spec. Nature is vicious, it is truly a Darwinian existence, only the strong survive, and the only reason humans are at the top of the food-chain is our ability to communicate, our ability to work together and the fact that we have conscious thought.
If lions and tigers were able to come together and work towards a common-goal, their innate savagery would spell doom for humans. We would be the ones on the endangered species list.
Having said that, I will say that I admire your ability to care about beings that would eat you without a second thought. That shows a lot of compassion.
Me? I say animals and humans are on the same level in regards to inherent worth, I do not believe that humans are above animals at all. I believe humans and animals are both capable of horrific things, neither of us are innocent.
And the animals who’s life you save on a daily basis would not return that favor. But I believe that is not something that bothers you, I believe you save animals just because you are a good person.
Which again, is admirable.
Mara • Jun 28, 2022 at 7:43 am
The author and everyone else is entitled to their opinions. Furthermore those opinions do not make them neither good nor bad people. I read on a website that your behavior (not your beliefs) make you a good person. There is a stigma for people who aren’t fond of dogs. Everyone who makes pet ownership out to be a dream has to understand it is not everybody’s dream. It is a lot of time, energy, effort, and money even in the best of cases. Not getting a good night of sleep is nothing to sneeze at when you are epileptic like me. I did so much research before I got a dog and none of the resources tell you how tough it can be. Last night I was woken up at 2 AM, 4 AM, and 6 AM. If you think me an @sshole then so be it!
Eliott • Jun 24, 2022 at 12:19 pm
Nobody who isn’t hiding something ends sentences with ‘I’m not a horrible person’
Thiago • Jun 21, 2022 at 8:14 pm
your view of dogs is so simple and immature… You know absolutely nothing about dogs to say you hate them. you say you don’t want to take care of a creature that doesn’t talk to you. Omg dogs talk in a thousand ways, my dog senses when I’m sad and tries to cheer me up before I even realize I’m sad. Maybe one day you’ll realize that these smelly, irritating creatures teach you more about life than many humans.
Gavin • Jul 7, 2022 at 7:45 pm
How many other lies have I been told by the Council
Chris • Aug 21, 2022 at 12:04 am
Jesus Christ, I was going to scroll down and not comment, but I gotta ask, how the hell do dogs talk?
They don’t have the capacity to understand the concept of “talking”.
I do believe your dog reacts to you being sad, as dogs senses are sharp and humans secrete different pheromones depending on what mood/environments we are in. Dogs respond to chemical changes, they are not capable of understanding the concept of “sadness” anymore than talking.
But I am hardly a dog expert, so I can obviously. be wrong. Your dog might really respond because it knows you’re sad and it wants to make you feel better.
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:02 am
Or perhaps they know plenty about dogs and still hate them. The method of communication isn’t the issue here, nor was it the main point of the piece. And human-to-dog communication isn’t inherently more valuable than human-to-human communication. You can have meaningful interactions with a dog, but you generally have way more potential growth interacting with other humans, unless you’re the type who refuses to listen (at least you don’t have to truly listen to a dog, huh?)
Dean • Jun 21, 2022 at 10:07 am
Definitely not a horrible person. I don’t like dogs either. Smelling and attention whores. I have plenty of cats at home and love them plenty.
PetsAreAwesome • Jul 24, 2022 at 1:32 pm
You sound like someone who would have “plenty of cats at home”, with all due respect. You also talk as if all dogs reek to high heaven and as if cats (or any other animals) aren’t capable of the exact same lol. Absolutely delusional, along with the author of this mess of an article. Everything you complain about falls on the owner and how well they care for and train their pet. This has nothing to do with the animal itself, and it doesn’t really matter what species it may be. Crappy pet owners net crappy pets, be it behaviour, odor, etc, regardless of the animal.
Also to the author, using “I’m not a horrible person” in the title of an article to add legitimacy to your opinion (haha!). I’m sure when asked, some people who’ve committed heinous crimes didn’t think they were horrible people either, just take their word for it…
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:05 am
Mmm, you talk about being deluded but are you sure you don’t need to do some introspection yourself? All animals stink. They have an odor. But the level of dogs stinking vs. the level of cats stinking is entirely different–if your cat reeks just as much as a dog does, there is something wrong with your cat’s wellbeing or its environment. Granted, you should be bathing your dog and cleaning house regularly so it doesn’t reek, but they’re just naturally smelly animals. And there’s reason for it
Rain • Oct 1, 2022 at 9:01 am
I agree. Try going a week or 2 without a bath (like most dogs have to) and you’ll find that most people smell much worse than dogs. Also, some dog breeds have very little odor even after a week or two.
On another note, like Don said, “It’s not that serious.” This is a controversial opinion piece designed to garner attention, so in the end whether you hate dogs, cats, or babies, as long as you’re not harming any of them, it’s all good.
Don Joe • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:04 am
How can you say dogs stink when you have cats, which stink even more, and take all sorts of stinky and nasty things into the house. Most dogs I’ve had have been very clean and had no bad smell at all. Some dogs have a different kind of fur and need to be washed a bit more often, but even then, most dogs really don’t smell any worse than a cat unless you really don’t look after them or something. Most dogs, in my experience, smell way better than most cats.
Amber • Aug 30, 2022 at 12:34 pm
Yeah, you’re delusional if you honestly believe dogs are cleaner than cats lmao. Dogs absolutely cannot stand being clean. Cats literally clean themselves.
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:06 am
I think you might just be noseblind. Spend some healthy time away from a dog and then try again.
Rachel • Jun 20, 2022 at 12:26 pm
I’m hearing more and more people using disturbing terms like “my dog and I are in a loving relationship.” Gross? That’s an understatement. I’ve read studies showing some spouses love their dog more than their spouse and even their own babies. It’s truly horrific. What is happening to our society? I’d venture to say this is a step toward outright beastiality. Why is society so bent on making this kind of behavior normal and even something pet owners should strive for? It’s sickening to me.
Curly • Jul 31, 2022 at 4:43 pm
I couldn’t agree with you more. Thank you so much for comment. It echos my thoughts exactly!
Don Lee • Aug 1, 2022 at 3:09 pm
Wow, take a breathe. It’s not that serious.
Jimbo Jenson • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:20 am
Crazy how most of these issues that are bought up here and in the comments all just have to do with people being lazy and shitty pet owners and then blaming it on the dog. A dog that is well looked after should not stink, should not eat poo, should not bark and whine all the time, or do many of the other things that have been bought up. A lot of this seems to be people basically saying “I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to look after a dog properly, and I hate responsibility, therefore dogs are evil and disgusting”. If people could just be logical and leave it at “I am too lazy to look after an animal, and I don’t like the responsibility, so pets aren’t for me”, that would be one thing, but no, instead people have to bring it to “I hate dogs and they are evil and disgusting”.
Jimbo Jenson • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:23 am
Accidentally replied to the wrong comment because the comment system is really dumb on this website
Francis • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Do you think it could be possible that you might admit you find the comment system difficult to navigate? Rather than the system being inherently floored?
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 6:55 pm
*flawed not “floored”.
Jules • Jun 16, 2022 at 7:43 pm
Im realising that I hate dogs. Especially my boyfriends dog, who is not well trained, not in the slightest. Shes allowed to sleep in the bed with us, which I absolutely hate. Im a light sleeper, and she constantly wakes me up with barking and growling when my 2 cats try to jump up and cuddle. Every single day, one of us has to clean up the mess she’s made. Either peeing on a carpet, or taking a shit somewhere. Not to mention any sexy time we might have is ruined by her acting out and doing her business somewhere around the apartment. I just hate the whole “small dog energy” (pomeranian) she brings, nonstop barking at every fucking thing. I swear sometimes I just wanna kick this yappy bitch across a field and see how far she’ll go.
Dustin • Jun 13, 2022 at 5:58 pm
I’m blown away by the ignorance of the author of this brainless article….. literally every thing you say is beyond reprehensible, and misinformed. Not entirely shocking, coming from a person who hates dogs. Whenever I meet someone who so boldly states their hatred for animals, I typically unravel a hateful critique of everything they are, from how they look, and how irrational and repugnant they are. Which is very easy to do, considering people who hate animals are rarely aware of their own self absorbed nature, or annoying idiosyncrasies. It’s always nice to put them in their place.
Lesha • Jul 1, 2022 at 12:51 am
So you throw a judgemental hissy fit when someone has a differing opinion about dogs? It’s not like the OP was advocating for animal abuse or something repugnant like that. They just don’t like dogs. Why are you so upset by that?? Do you not hear your own hypocrisy? Because a “hateful critique” of how someone looks is also pretty repugnant.
Mc • Jul 21, 2022 at 1:07 am
Not true! I am from a different culture! I like dogs but not in a house! Stinky, hair all over, in food, in refrigerator, enough to make you sick! Am not a horrible person, I am a loving human being! Stop accusing people who do not like dogs horrible person! People like you are the problem! She has a choice bot to like dogs and you have a choice to like dogs! She has not called you a horrible person! Typical Americain!
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:09 am
And it sounds like you react just as impulsively towards people who don’t really wish you or others harm, just like many poorly-trained dogs do. People are entitled to their opinions, but the author was at least not attacking the character of a general dog lover on a single encounter, unlike you who is attacking the character of the author after reading this article once.
CM • Oct 3, 2022 at 12:55 pm
WOW! you are definitely triggered easily. This article is not about you. She was expressing how she feels towards dogs, not human. I actually came across this article and just like you , because i have voiced out my opinion that i do not like dogs, and don’t want dogs in my house, i have been accused that i am a horrible person. It made me question my own self, but thanks to this article and your comment, it’s the obsessive dog owners that are the most annoying.
Cherry • Jun 13, 2022 at 1:04 am
I wonder why would a human like to live with an animal, a lonely man can not find a partner? A woman really like to clean after a dog? Or a owner itself really dont mind living in a house full of dog hair, poop mark constantly left on the couch, carpet and bedsheets, I think those dog owners is the most generous person that let the human house become a dog house
Steph • Jun 9, 2022 at 2:44 pm
Thank you for saying out loud. Lots of people who love dogs just verbally abuse other people if they have slightly negative impression from dogs. I found r/ dogfree on Reddit and now this with lots of comments supporting! Gives me hope that one day we can change dog culture!
Marie • Jun 8, 2022 at 11:09 am
Thank goodness some one honest and not sfraid to speak out for fear of reprise. I can see the appeal for some,but there is no thought or understanding for those of us with allergies./ anaphylatic reactions.
Yes we should have priority of being allowed in restaurents,shops etc without being subjected to dogs, there are parks forest etc for dogs,unless of course assistant dogs which I have the utmost admiration for. A young boy and his family had to leave a flight and wait for the next one,due to a dog being taken on their original flight,behind had an allergy,but the dog got to stay.Disgusting!
Ricky • Jun 6, 2022 at 11:26 am
I totally agree with you. I hate them crotch sniffing yappy vermin too
Chimera • Jun 3, 2022 at 11:10 pm
Yeah, you’re a horrible person. Spoiled, lazy and immature too.
Gavin • Jul 7, 2022 at 7:52 pm
Stfu and stop talking to a mirror. Go outside, touch some grass and get bitches
Ivana • Aug 15, 2022 at 4:47 pm
You are a scum! We need psychos like you and this bitch who wrote the article-gone forever. Go F yourself!
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:11 am
Omg way to totally prove this article LOL. You seriously can’t handle it when people don’t share your mindset exactly? Typical dog owner. You guys love the control you have and the absolute adoration and worship you get from your mutts.
Cats dont annoy guests • Jun 2, 2022 at 11:04 pm
When people let dogs lick their mouth 🤮 i think about that parasite ‘toxicara’ that lives in their poop and makes people blind.
i hate untrained dogs. trained dogs are nice. dogs that beg for food because their owner feeds them from their own plate… or a dog that continuously climbs on the furniture and invades your personal space , because it (a genetic pack animal) thinks it ranks higher than the humans it lives with, because the damn owners never taught the thing where it fits in their ‘pack’…those dogs are the most annoying, off-putting, tests of politeness and patience. and the owners smile and coo until you push it off you. morons 😂
Toni • May 25, 2022 at 10:22 am
You’re not a horrible person. Ignore these comments, they come from lonely people who need the constant attention that dogs require. You are not alone, the rest of us are just tired of being nailed to the cross for enjoying our peace.
Ken.C • May 23, 2022 at 9:31 am
You hate dogs?……. Sorry…. You are a horrible person. Perhaps you should have said you don’t care for dogs or even if you said you didn’t like dogs would’ve been ok, but to say I HATE dogs means your putting out a serious message about hatred towards dogs. Do you also enjoy harming small animals? Because if you do, you might want to talk to someone about it…. And writing an article doesn’t make your problem ok,it just lets people see who you really are and it also shows you must really have something against dogs to write an entire article about your hate for them. It almost sounds like your looking for someone to tell you it’s ok to hate dogs, but in reality you need to find some help with your problem and stop bothering people with your silly article…Which truly is nonsense. Hope you find the help you need!
Beau • May 29, 2022 at 6:26 pm
He is not alone. Please understand you cannot point he finger at another fellow human and his disdain for an animal from hell. Seriously consider he is human, dogs are not and should not even be called him or her. They are sub-human. All they do is beg for food, disrespects the rules, stink up the home, litter it with hair and bark annoyingly at everything.
Cee • Jul 18, 2022 at 2:02 am
She never said she enjoys harming small animals. Where did that even come from? Dog lovers are judgemental psychos.
Ivana • Aug 15, 2022 at 5:05 pm
Thank you!! 👏🏻👏🏻
She is seriously a psychopath and needs help! Writing this disgusting blog something to be concerned with. There’s a reason behind the gross overreaction, that should probably be examined by a trained professional.
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:13 am
I wish I could report your comments. I think you’re absolutely insane extremism needs to be looked at professionally, myself.
Tuffy • May 15, 2022 at 10:28 am
You’re seriously trying to suggest that animals (dogs in this instance) are somehow dirtier and smellier than the two legged human animal? I tell you what – I’d much rather share my bed with my dog than share my space with a farting, nose picking, burping moron that stinks of stale body odor and who generally behaves like a Neanderthal. At least a dog is exactly what it’s purported to be unlike the duplicitous, unhygienic, smelly, dirty and disingenuous human animal that should know better but rarely does.
The reason why people are shocked at other people who “hate” animals (dogs) is because animals have no ulterior motives, they aren’t duplicitous, they have no agenda, they aren’t conditional, they don’t play with emotions, they’re dependable, loving, loyal and don’t expect anything in return for their loyalty, etc. I could continue to list all the awesome positives about dogs, but it’d be wasted on you because in order to like/love dogs (or any animal) you have to have empathy and you have to have something intrinsic in your psyche that connects with them and understands them on a very profound level. You are clearly lacking in the empathy arena. You just sound a bitter and, quite frankly, angry individual that I’d keep as far away from as possible. Also, if you’re going to make the kind of statements that you have made here you better make sure your own shit doesn’t stink and I mean that literally and figuratively speaking. I don’t trust anyone who dislikes animals with good reason – psychologists/psychiatrists/scientists/scholars are in agreement with the findings that show that people that dislike (“hate”) animals are likely to have psychotic disorders/tendencies
Bradshaw • May 20, 2022 at 12:31 pm
You would let a dog in your bed? Thats disgusting.
josh • May 29, 2022 at 6:28 pm
Imagine that person getting out of bed and going to the store in broad daylight smelling like a dog and wearing its hair all over their clothes. Disgusting
Davey • May 23, 2022 at 5:17 pm
Dogs are nasty they belong outside in your backyard. I’m guessing your an American since the love to sleep with their pets. You know dogs have germs that can kill you? Humans that wash every other day smell better than some nasty 🤢
shiva • May 28, 2022 at 3:38 am
you are nasty little shit
EJ • Jun 5, 2022 at 11:07 pm
Agree! I can’t stand their overwhelming stench, the licking of me or themselves with their sloppy sounding slobber, scratching themselves, their hair everywhere, drooling, their destructive chewing digging nature, their peeing and poop with their tendency to EAT poop and vomit 🤢, begging or staring while I’m eating, jumping on people, humping on people or pillows or ?, barking, whining, constantly being on your lap or in your face…the list is endless. I’m sure there are exceptions, but I’ve not seen them.
Carrie • Jul 12, 2022 at 12:23 pm
What about people who bring their dogs to restaurants? Talk about being inconsiderate, listening to the slobbering dogs yapping while trying to enjoy a peaceful lunch with someone. Restaurant owners allow dogs to increase their revenues, what about people who do NOT like dogs? We are living in a very sick society where dogs rule over consideration & brains. Dog owners, keep your mutts home, nobody wants to see one while eating a meal at a restaurant. It is plain gross and disrespectful.
EJ • Jun 5, 2022 at 11:18 pm
YES. I’m strongly stating that DOGS STINK more than the two-legged human variety. I’ve never awakened with a migraine due to the overnight body odor of my husband.
Moonie • Jun 6, 2022 at 4:15 pm
I’d say you clearly lack empathy.
You maybe good with your animals but am pretty sure you are salty with your human counterparts.
Just as disliking a dog doesn’t make one a bad person so is liking a dog doesn’t make one a good person either. And not one is better than the other
Dustin • Jun 13, 2022 at 5:35 pm
I couldn’t agree more. Anyone who hates any animal is typically a self absorbed, pretentious prick. Usually when I hear peoples pitiful excuses for disliking animals, it’s almost always an owner issue…. but these ignoramuses don’t seem to make that connection. You don’t need to own an animal, you don’t need to save them all, but when you express disdain for them, its apparent that these people are merely snobby, smug, self abosrbed narcissists. Do I want to swim with great white sharks, or sleep with tarantulas? No. But do I hate them? No. It’s a ridiculous and irrational sentiment. Most of what I’ve read in these comments as to why these prudes hate animals is chalked up to the most trivial, and mind numbing excuses. If you want a well behaved dog, train it. If you want a clean dog, bathe it. If you don’t have the capability of caring for an animal, don’t get one, also, don’t have kids…. now kids… I hate kids…. i’m actually a misanthrope… but mostly because of absurd articles such as this one that exhibit the inherent self adoration humans seem to fundamentally encompass…. as if humans have proper hygiene and manners. Gimme a break.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:23 am
“etc. are in agreement with the findings that show that people that dislike animals are likely to have psychotic disorders/tendencies” – maybe you should look at studies that look at overzealous animal attachment as well? It will broaden your knowledge and perhaps you should also exercise some empathy yourself. Why are you preaching about it while also not extending the same towards this author that you are reading an opinion piece from? Where is your empathy, as you try to understand where the author is coming from, instead of immediately jumping in and claiming that their opinion and they themselves as a person is wrong and inferior? You say an animal has no ulterior motives, and while that’s true since they don’t have the exact cognitive abilities as humans, it doesn’t mean that communicating with an animal isn’t tiresome and not as fulfilling to some people. Also, your perception of dogs is warped, in my opinion. They do demand things in return for their loyalty – they demand food, affection, a sense of stability. If you don’t provide these things or someone else around you provides them better, you are no longer in the picture for them. All things have pros and cons, learn to look at both sides of the coin.
Shanny • May 14, 2022 at 10:09 pm
I do not disagree!! I prefer cats and babies. The latter of which requires a lot of time and effort but in my opinion: so much less annoying! If I’m going to invest this much time and effort at least they will be able to speak, laugh, live their lives and carry on my genes
Ken.C • May 23, 2022 at 9:40 am
If you actually get your cats to talk, I would ask them about sharing the genes thing first.
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 3:05 pm
cats talk with their movements and eyes unlike dogs do
Julia • May 13, 2022 at 9:48 am
I don’t hate dogs, but I despise most dog owners because we are being robbed of proper access to green spaces. Many people can no longer go to local parks because so many dogs are off lead. When a dog is off lead it is a potential threat to people, it makes us tense up with the fear of being jumped up at yet again, licked again (aaggh!!), sniffed again (aaggh again!!) or bitten again! A walk in the park has become ‘dog watch walk’ …how does that help my blood pressure! Elderly people who might be slightly unsteady on their feet avoid parks because a dog bounding over to them could cause a fall, mums with young children are constantly on ‘dog watch’ and can’t relax proerly.
Dog owners have taken control of green spaces. I would love to enjoy a relaxing walk in the fresh air in a green space, but I can’t do that. Instead if I want to go for a walk I am often restricted to streets, where I can be sure dogs are on leads. I think dogs should have freedom to run off lead, but in very strictly designated areas, say 40% of open spaces, with proper patrols and heavy fines. You don’t need to spend much on patrols if the fine is big enough to deter. Unpaid fines should have other consequences.
I also despise dog owners for allowing their dogs to bark unnecessarily i.e. in situations where dog feels justly threatened perhaps. Barking is a very unpleasant, stress inducing sound. In my local parks dog owners play with dogs, throwing ball, dog fetches, returns it, barks for it it be thrown again, this gets repeated 10, 20, 30, 40 times. It is distressing to other park users and extremely selfish behaviour. Pay attention to your dog and throw the ball sooner or train it not to bark or don’t play that sort of game if you are too lazy. These owners have no regard at all for their fellow human beings. The barking of one dog playing in this way can be heard all over the park and all around the neighbouring houses at least half a km away. In a just world this type of dog owner should be given an anti-social behaviour order, given community service work and have to attend a community awareness course (and pay for it) as a minimum.
Disease from poo and ticks is also a concern in local parks because dogs can run off lead in every open space…some go in woods and fields…pick up ticks in the process and then come into a park. Some ticks will be brushed onto grass and shrubs in the park where children are playing. Regarding poo even if it is picked up, there’s always bits left….park grass is essentially like one great big piece of used toilet paper. Would you have your children playing on the grass full of used toilet paper!
We desperately need some dog free space. The only dog free spaces where I live are small concreted children’s play areas. Dogs can run and play freely on grass and as a result many children can’t. Adults have no dog free areas to access green open spaces. Yep, the dog owners have taken over.
Bradshaw • May 20, 2022 at 12:33 pm
Dog owners are some of the most rude, self righteous people on earth.
Carrie • Jul 12, 2022 at 12:31 pm
I was speaking with my next door neighbor recently and asked her why her dog barks so much? Her reply was “oh, I don’t even hear it”. Yes, dog owners who allow their dogs to bark are rude, self-righteous and ignorant. NO CLASS.
Ken.C • May 23, 2022 at 10:05 am
Move and stop saying you don’t hate dogs or there owners….Try saying that your a picky person that wants what they want and leave it alone….. You would be happier without dogs and that’s ok, but don’t try to hide it inside the owners! I happen to love all animals…. And I’ve owned many…..MOST CATS!….. Let’s talk about cats and their owners shall we? The dirty flea bags fill up every neighborhood and alley way in the US and you complain about dogs? At least there’s dog catchers,try to catch a cat! (without a cage) I think you’re a little bit self-absorbed and need to explore all the good things in life and stop worrying if you are going to fit in with others arguments that your not meant for……In other words>>>Feed your baby and pet your kitty and don’t get envolved with something you know nothing about. Wait until someone has an article on CATS AND BRATS! lol…. sorry, that last part just kinda slipped in perfect, but you understand what I’m saying…. I’m not trying to give you a hard time, just defending what the article is truly about. DOGS AND PEOPLE WITH HATRED TOWARDS THEM…. not people who don’t care for dogs….It says HATE! and I don’t know you, but I bet your not a hater right? I don’t mind if someone doesn’t care for dogs, but when I hear the word HATE….It gets my attention and not in an agreeable way either! I hope I didn’t upset you, because I wasn’t trying too.
Mc • Jul 21, 2022 at 1:21 am
Oh please! Respect her choice! It is her choice not to like dogs, accept and stop the hatred comments
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:26 am
Just because someone says HATE doesn’t mean they wish for wrong on the thing they are hating. Yes, they HATE dogs. They hate the stigma around hating dogs even when they literally state they wouldn’t wish harm on any dogs, or even dog-lovers. Anyway, at least I’m self-aware enough to admit that I’m a hater, unlike you.
Ken C • May 23, 2022 at 10:26 am
Move and stop blaming your discontent on dog owners!….. You say you don’t HATE dogs, but you dived into the conversation and put down dogs the entire time…..I myself am a animal lover and I could care less about people who don’t like them, but don’t pretend that it’s the owners that make you upset when you’ve already said what you had to say about dogs….. There’s plenty of places that don’t allow dogs….So why not put your energy in to finding them and less writing about your secret hatred towards dogs and leave the animal people ALONE!….. Not trying to be mean, I’m just defending something you shouldn’t even be bothering with…. I’m sure you can find a tree to sit under without dogs licking you continuously.
Beau • May 29, 2022 at 6:37 pm
there is no secret. There are more people that hate dogs than like them. Even dog owners hate them.
shiva • May 28, 2022 at 3:43 am
don’t tell me that you are a helpful member of the community, or sorry you are Anishtin and dogs are not, shame on you, for hating animals, you are useless, taker and selfish little person
Jonathan White • May 9, 2022 at 7:30 am
Well you know you have a right to hate what you like, but then so do I as I hate self opinionated people like you.
Human beings are the problem not dogs, as they do not ask to be tortured and abused by psychotic idiots who take their pathetic anger out on something that cannot hit back.
Try hating the drug barons who through their greed make our world even sicker than what it is right now.
And to mention, to reply to a previous comment, My dogs DO NOT stink and I would add that many human beings smell a darn site worse than my dogs do!!
Amber • May 12, 2022 at 10:19 pm
You’re just nose blind lmao. ALL dogs naturally stink, sorry.
𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚊 • May 13, 2022 at 9:06 pm
Every dog I’ve ever been around in my entire existence stunk. Most of them even stink literally right after getting out of the bath.
Bradshaw • May 20, 2022 at 12:35 pm
Your dogs stink, every dog on the planet stinks. You are right dogs arent the problem, dog owners are the problem.
Ken.C • May 23, 2022 at 10:12 am
Chris • Jun 20, 2022 at 2:41 pm
Who is torturing and abusing dogs? Why are bringing drug-barons into this conversation?
And dogs get abused but they also kill as well, and while the overall number usually does not top 50 people in a 12-month span, the majority of victims are toddlers, less than 4 years of age and senior citizens.
You want to blame every dog mauling a baby or older-person to death on humans, you are free to do so, but that is a far way to go just to keep the idea that dogs are “innocent”.
Lenk • May 8, 2022 at 7:59 pm
You speak from my heart
Jana • May 7, 2022 at 4:04 pm
I agree with everything you wrote about.
Jesse • May 4, 2022 at 7:51 am
Also im not a dog lover nor hater. If anything I feel people are more to blame for the misunderstandings between them. I read this because I was mad that my neighbors dog was barking at me while i stood on my porch minding my own. After reading the comments tho i realized theres much bigger problems and i fear greatly for our own kind because in general we are a terrible species. And most of all to each other. I wish you all the best in your lifes journey.
salmantania • May 16, 2022 at 12:11 pm
oi esta história que você escreveu foi realmente algo que não é apreciado
Jesse • May 4, 2022 at 7:40 am
Dog were pretty much enslaved by humans…. so i think all this hate is misguided. Maybe we all should look at ourselves. With all due respect. I mean it seems this is just another of the many fuck ups of our own “genius”. I mean do we really need to hate?…. Ive read points i agree with on both sides of this argument and then i have my own opinion that maybe we should stop fucking with the flow of things.. Dogs are dogs cause we made them dogs. We breed them for show and work and in ways that are often detrimental to their health. Wheres the love in that?
Common Sense • May 17, 2022 at 10:27 pm
Dogs can’t survive in the wild on their own, nor can they live peacefully in the house without being “crated” (locked in a cage) while the owners are away.
Their existence is cruel. They ALL suffer from .anxiety and have a host of medical conditions from their shallow gene pool.
The humane thing to do is let them peacefully go extinct through neutering/spaying every dog.
Chris • Jun 20, 2022 at 2:53 pm
If you are not able to sleep because your neighbors all have dogs that suffer from separation-anxiety and all flip out when left alone, you might re-think your question, “do we really need to hate?”.
And before you say it, I am not exercising in hyperbole or exaggeration, I am literally surrounded by dogs, who all go nuts when their “dog-parents” aren’t around. A situation made worse when the “parents” of the dogs come home because they engage in such a over-the-top lovefest that it only makes the dog go even nuttier next time they are left alone for 5 consecutive seconds.
And since I am the only one who does not love dogs and cherishes peace and quiet, the vitriol I receive when I yell at the dogs to shut up or go to the owner and tell them to shut their dogs up, I am hated by majority of my neighbors.
Because me, someone who pays money, am upset because they all treat their dogs like babies, and then dump them outside when they leave for hours. They leave them outside because they know their house will be destroyed if they left them inside. So they leave them outside, so the dog can practice high-pitch barking and wailing for hours straight, until your brain feels like its melting out of your head.
Imagine living like that Jesse. Think on it.
Samantha B • May 4, 2022 at 7:31 am
I truly did not expect to see so many people agree with you. I feel the very same way. I am just not a dog person and it’s wrong for people to make you feel bad because you aren’t. I don’t care for dogs for all of the reasons that were mentioned. They are too much work and require too much attention and money. I hate the whining in the morning soon as I wake up. I hate the random piles of shit in my yard that I didn’t see. In my opinion, having a dog I not worth it. Aside from the people who need support dogs, I believe a lot of dog people can be very judgmental and slightly narcissistic due to their need for admiration from their dog and for owning a dog. I’m not impressed.
Kathryn • May 9, 2022 at 4:15 pm
I don’t own my dog, he owns me….my horrible Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. What a nightmare. Guess what? He has the unmitigated gall to sleep in my bed on the pillow next to me! What a jerk. It’s weird though, he doesn’t whine ever. There is never random piles of poop in my yard either. Weird! I have a feeling you are being targeted by the neighborhood dogs, they know you’re on to them so they have it out for you. It’s so nice to see there are kind, intelligent selfless ppl out in the world like you Samantha…….LOL.
TheRescueMuttRescuedMe • May 17, 2022 at 10:51 pm
“I don’t own my dog, he owns me…”
Then let it outside, without a leash or fence. If you don’t own it, and it owns you then why do you have to lock it up 24/7?
What will happen when your MASTER is allowed to roam free that’s so terrible?
Samantha B. • Jun 1, 2022 at 4:30 am
……And all you can resort to is insulting me because of my opinion.
I thought that being a dog owner made you a better person but reading your comment and others like it proves that people like you are only unkind because you lack intelligence. (Arrogant & Ignorant) The proof is in the threads.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 5:18 pm
The comments are more negative, rude and downright offensive than the original article! It actually says something about the dog people. And it’s nothing too good. But no wonder! Dogs respect only strength and authority. That’s not a real love and definitely not friendship. It’s cowardice and subservience. Not a surprise, all badly trained dogs are dangerous and aggressive. This maybe say something about dog lovers’ personalities. They mistake servants for friends and want submission, not love. I’m not even speaking about their aggressive barking over different opinion.
Christian Minassian • Apr 27, 2022 at 8:29 am
I feel your pain as well. I’m 100% blind, and I can’t tell you how many people have told me to get a seeing eye dog to help me around. Sorry, I prefer a human hand over a dog harness. They don’t seam to recognize that my lifestyle would not allow dogs, even if I did like them. Worst of all in their eyes is that I can’t stand puppies. I love cats, but I can’t stand dogs, especially puppies and smaller energetic dogs. Seams to me like cat haters are not stigmatized in the same way as us who don’t like dogs, and say that you don’t like puppies, OMG you are Satan himself, worse than Hitler, and need to be exorcised or something like that. But, as Demi Lovato says, Sorry, I’m not sorry. people need to quit demonizing those of us who don’t want a dog. I’m also sad that I would have to put “no dogs please” on a dating profile, and when I do, I get labeled one of those guys to avoid like the plague. That is just sad in my opinion. Rant over.
DogsAreGarbage • May 17, 2022 at 10:36 pm
Cats are relaxing, peaceful and chill. Dogs act like drug addicts, can’t relax around them/. I remember when my childhood cat used to join me on the couch, sit on my lap and purr. The way the cat moved was so fluid, and the body limber and soft.
Tried the same thing with my friend’s dog and it’s body was so hard, heavy and unpleasant. Dog moved in a. very clumsy and clunky way. Smelled awful, DROOLED, fur was bristly and not soft like the cat. I had enough and had to move the dog off the couch.
Lyra • Apr 22, 2022 at 3:19 am
I don’t hate all dogs. I like ones that are ACTUALLY well trained (As in, they don’t charge at me, beg for my sandwiches, lick me uncontrollably if I merely sit down, don’t ask for attention constantly even when I’m carrying plates down stairs and don’t smell like the devil) But I hardly ever meet these well trained dogs. Most dogs end up annoying me, scaring the living crap out of me or both. And it’s not always the dog’s fault. Let me be clear. Owners choose to train their dogs like this. Dogs can be clean, patient and well mannered. But most are not. And I shouldn’t be stabbed over and over just for saying I dislike most of them. I do not condone harming them either. Anyone who does that deserves life in prison without parole. But a lot of dogs urk me. And just because the owner is responsible for that, doesn’t absolve my opinion on disliking the dog too.
Rational Humanoid • May 17, 2022 at 10:42 pm
If dogs supposedly “evolved” with us for tens of thousands of years, why do owners have to constantly train, train, train, train the natural aggression and other awful behaviors out of them?
Professional training didn’t stop Cesar Milan’s dog from killing Queen Latifah’s dog and mauling that teenager who was a future Olympian (not any more).
Agreed • Apr 19, 2022 at 4:42 am
My girlfriend has two dogs. I detest one of them precisely because it’s so needy, sheds, pees on the floor, and it smells. I prefer not to go to her house because the dog does not leave me alone. Some people like/need that but I find it annoying. She lets them get all over the furniture and my gf is “hurt” because I don’t want to care for them the way that she does. I’ve informed her that I do not want to take care of dogs, hers or any others.
Bitty • Apr 18, 2022 at 10:09 pm
Wow, You are soooo NEGATIVE !! I don’t know if you are a bad person or not, seem like u are ! And based on this i would say ur a selfish person who has serious issues !! Dogs may not be for everyone but what ur saying is a reflection of ur own issues in life. I’m not a cat person but I would NEVER say I HATE them. Go to therapy !! You don’t deserve a dog anyway !! Low life !! Ur article just waisted ten minutes of My life !!
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 4:29 pm
You remind me of Alexander of Macedon — only difference is he got all upset over horses, not dogs. Once some villagers stolen his horse and he threatened to kill them all if they won’t return it. I can imagine you doing the same if someone steals your dog.
Ella • May 3, 2022 at 5:10 pm
Actually, you wasted 10 minutes of your life. Once you realize the article isn’t for you, whether that be from reading the title or 3 minutes into it. It is ENTIRELY up to you whether or not you want to finish it and “waste your time.” Don’t blame other people for your doing simply because you don’t agree with what they wrote. Grow up.
Deez • Mar 3, 2023 at 4:57 pm
Fuck you and fuck dogs you should off yourself tbh.
Your Worst Nightmare • Apr 15, 2022 at 3:26 pm
“You hate dogs? Well I hate cats.”
Funny how the article didn’t even mention cats.
Mutt nutters finding some way to deflect criticism away from their worthless mutts, as usual.
Most of these comments prove this article’s point:
Say one bad thing about Fido and the mutt cult lynches you like you just danced on a relative’s grave.
I hate dogs and dog owners, and I always will.
Their homes stink (something they criticize of cat owners), their mutts defecate everywhere (something they criticize of cat owners), they blame the owner instead of the animal (something they NEVER criticize of cat owners because they want the cat to take all the blame) etc. etc. etc.
Last time I checked, there’s no “list of fatal cat attacks” in wikipedia, but you’ll find quite a lengthy “list of fatal dog attacks”.
Go to a park, or a nature reserve, or ANYWHERE.
Stores, buses, hospitals, trains, etc.
You’ll find these worthless, dander-spreading fart-fans in all of them, but not cats.
How many dog owners compared to cat owners again?
You’re hypocrites, dog owners.
Deflection artists. Narcissists. Anti-social lunatics stuck in a filthy backwards cycle.
Kat-Marie • Apr 16, 2022 at 5:11 pm
So do you want to come over to my house? Because guess what? It’s clean and doesn’t smell. And shock l have a dog. I’m not a slave to her either. I’m just an overall clean person who also likes a clean home. So do you hate me? Even though you don’t know me. I’m a nice person and get along with everybody. I bought my dog for me to live with and not l live with her. Do you have any beef against service dogs? Because they can be everywhere too. I’ve grown up with many cats through out my life and dogs from my childhood. I’m not particularly fond of cats, buts that’s just me. By the way my dog is very well behaved, doesn’t smell and my home doesn’t smell. (Like l said earlier) She doesn’t beg, only barks when someone is at the front door. Like she is suppose to do, but goes and sits and minds her manners. She is only 8lbs and knows her place. I betcha if you were my neighbor we’d be friends. We are not bad people..promise.
J.OY • Apr 26, 2022 at 6:01 pm
Listen no matter what, they have a sent that turns my stomach. We are all different and it’s totally ok. But no matter how much you even bathe your dog, they still smell. I have a dog, my partner insists on having it, and tbh I can’t stand having a dog…it grosses me out, it irritates me, and I can’t stomach the thought that every time he shakes, his fur flies all over like eww!! How do ppl do this. I think Dogs should live outside and or in a different living space. Of course with warmth and as much comfort as possible, but please not in my human space!!!!
Kat-Marie • Apr 30, 2022 at 6:42 am
I’m sorry you feel that way, but you are wrong my dear. My dog does not have a smell if she is clean lol. The only thing she smells like is shampoo. You are so grossed out by your partner dog and the dogs hair…but have you put in any thought about us humans? Do you know we drop dead skin cells every day? And how about eyebrow and eye lash hair..not to mention the hair off your head. What do you think happens when you go to eat at a restraunt? Those people’s skin cells are dropping into your food. And you think dog hair is gross. 😂 Have a nice day hun.
Amber • May 12, 2022 at 10:30 pm
You’re just nose blind. They all smell like the greasy, filthy animals they are. I don’t care how clean you are or how clean you think your mutts are. They all stink.
Kat-Marie • May 17, 2022 at 1:19 pm
@Amber because you live with me and my clean nonsmelling pet?😆😆 No dear, I’m not nose blind. My dog or house does not smell, because l run a very clean house hold. And if she did l would know. And where did you get mutts from? I never said plural. 😆 My dear you’re not just stupid, you’re also dupid. Case closed! Court dismissed.😉
Kathryn • May 11, 2022 at 1:43 pm
Actually all dogs don’t have a scent. But I know what you’re talking about. I’ve petted dogs b4 when walking my dog, and afterwards, my hand reeked of that certain smell. I still love the dog but anyhoo. And no matter how clean, some dogs smell like that. I have a Cavalier and he truly doesn’t smell like a dog, but they have hair not fur which may be why. Thankfully he doesn’t smell like butt bc I’d still let him sleep cuddled up next to me lol.
Boopboopadoop • Apr 14, 2022 at 7:49 pm
Finally, someone else who feels the way I do. Well, maybe not exactly the same. I really don’t hate dogs. There are some dogs (especially puppies) that I love. There are certain dogs I’ve grown quite fond of.
But lately, I have come to the realization that I hate MOST dogs. I don’t find the vast majority of dogs to be cute and appealing– and that includes most of today’s most fashionable breeds; French Bulldogs, Pugs, Poodles, etc. Even the omnipresent Doodle-dogs don’t do much for me. Then there are a few breeds that I find so grotesque, I practically lose my lunch: Yorkshire Terriers, Pit Bulls, Chihuahuas and those hideous Chinese Crested dogs come to mind. But there are many, many more on that list.
I keep asking myself, “How is it that so many people – seemingly everyone on the planet – finds almost ANY dog irresistible? They (the dogs, but maybe even some of the people) smell, they have bulging eyes, they slobber – I don’t get it.
I actually consider myself an animal lover — I’m always glued to “Animal Planet”, “Too Cute” and endless animal videos on YouTube. And yes, I do love cats — but not every cat (those skinny, hairless breeds give me the willies). I haven’t even completely ruled out getting a dog someday.
I know it’s almost sacrilegious to say you don’t like dogs. But please don’t waste your time telling me I’m a bad person. Instead, I just want to know that there are others out there who feel the same way. Because I feel like I must be lacking the Dog Lover gene…or something.
Amber • May 12, 2022 at 10:36 pm
If you think those are ugly, you haven’t seen those “exotic bullies” aka micro bullies, toad line bullies, pocket bullies. It’s like a competition to see who can breed the most unhealthiest, deformed, ugliest miserable looking mutants. It’s animal cruelty to the fullest extent.
DogsAreTrash • May 17, 2022 at 10:45 pm
All bully breeds should be bred to microscopic size, then then the owners can watch them through a microscope and we won’t have to see their ugly, beady-eyed, wide faces and nasty, nasty mouths.
Tracy R • Apr 13, 2022 at 9:43 am
You’re a pretty bad person if you hate another animal species. Merrium-webster writes that “hate implies an emotional aversion coupled with enmity or malice or violent antipathy.” This is now you feel about a non-human animal you can avoid?
Hate is a very strong feeling, and is inappropriate given that the dog doesn’t have the capacity to feel that toward you nor was it it’s choice to be bred by humans. Now if you said you disliked them or didn’t care for them, then you’re not horrible, you have your right to not like things.
Anna • Apr 14, 2022 at 1:55 pm
I can understand your feelings, I like animals, I don’t hate dogs, but, I do feel foe your feelings too because my family hates me for not wanting dogs in my house… I don’t like dogs or cats in the house because they pee and poop because i do not care to train them much less bother with them. I was raised knowing that animals belong outside not indoors….I like a clean house and don’t like feeling that I have to take care of a dog or cat…
I was raised with 7 brothers and sisters my mother was very clean, I grew up to love a clean house…
I do not understand people that don’t understand that….
Your Worst Nightmare • Apr 15, 2022 at 3:15 pm
Oh shut up.
feel intense dislike for.
Maybe learn to spell Merriam before quoting from it.
I quoted from Oxford.~
Just because some stupid mutt can’t hate me doesn’t mean I can’t hate it.
That argument is ridiculous, not that I expect a mutt sympathizer to ever make a good argument.
All you’re doing is proving this article’s point.
Someone says bad about Fido and out come the bleeding hearts.
Pharah • Oct 31, 2022 at 6:41 pm
Bruh. You just searched for what you want to see instead of what’s actually there.
[ heyt ]
Definition of hate
verb (used with object), hat·ed, hat·ing.
to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest:
to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
to be unwilling; dislike:
I hate to do it.
def: to dislike someone or something very much
Let me list some other sites with the same def
Britannica, collinsdictionary.
Well, it seems you used the only definition that clarifies your argument. Also, just think… “Hate, Stupid, Pathetic.” Do you feel that this is a little harsh for someone to feel towards dogs and their owners. I’m not talking about the extreme end of dog “lovers”, just the majority of dog “lovers” who actually care about the life of their pet, and who came on here to convince others that while your opinion is yours… Vile /heɪt/ is only enhancing your distaste for others and your slight narcissistic core can grow into a n i c e beautiful tree.
Amber • May 12, 2022 at 10:42 pm
You can’t avoid these things. They’re literally everywhere. Dog worship and dog culture is one of the main reasons for our disdain for these creatures. Hate means “a strong dislike for something”, it’s not that deep. Just because we don’t want anything to do with these slobbering beast, it doesn’t mean we want to harm them.
Mark • Apr 10, 2022 at 6:03 pm
Some recent comments are so very uptight. I presume that such contributors have lengthy complaints on many subjects….much more than just pets.
Truth is no one gives a whiny rat concerning your appreciation for critters. Let the continued “dog”, “cat”, “fill in the blank” negativity stimulate your mind accordingly. In other words, you be stewing in useless complaint(s).
Ted • May 21, 2022 at 10:09 am
We get it, you have no personality so you got a dog to make people like you.
It’s not a personal attack on you and your entire being. Whiny dog freak.
Josh • Apr 9, 2022 at 3:22 am
Just as not all humans are good
All dogs aren’t good too
How hard is that to accept?
The constant care you have to give them 365 days a year can tire and annoy anyone
My dog will show his puppy eyes and do all the tricks passionately when food is being served to him
But the moment he finishes the food, he will come to rip the flesh out of my bones
They are just a baby that will never grow
Always being stubborn and trying to over smart us
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 4:58 pm
The problem is that all untrained dogs are bad and aggressive.
Karma • Apr 7, 2022 at 11:52 am
You have the right to not like something. I despise cats, I hate them with a passion! (I would never hurt one because as you said, I’m not a monster) I can’t stand how they come on my property and destroy my garden, my yard furniture, do their business on the sidewalks and my driveway, scratch up my car with their claws. They stink to high heaven, the smell of a litter box is enough to make you puke. We all have our reasons not to like certain things, even though I do love my dog, I do not condemn you for hating them either, as long as you cause no harm to them, then that’s your right to have your own opinion
Amanda Jane Bruce • Apr 3, 2022 at 9:35 am
Couldn`t agree more. I can`t stand them.
Houston • Apr 6, 2022 at 4:32 pm
You don’t hate dogs. You despise ignorant people who should not own them. Couldn’t agree more.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 8:23 am
No, she does hate dogs. You know you can tell? Cause she said so.
Its not a zero-sum situation, a person can hate dogs and their owners at the same time.
Are you one of those people who claim that dogs are beings of pure love and affection and as such, are incapable of causing someone to hate them all on their own?
And if so, why? Do you feel this way about all animals? Do you believe that tigers, rats, rattlesnakes, etc., are incapable of causing someone to hate them?
Cause I have heard that argument before, I mean, I am sure that most if not all of the people who have commented to this article has heard the phrase “No bad dogs just bad owners”, something that is said even after a dog mauls a baby to death for the crime of taking attention away from the dog. Dog-lovers will bend over backwards trying to prove how the dog’s owners and even the baby itself, is responsible for the baby being killed.
The dog has no responsibility at all, why? Cause it is only capable of giving unconditional love. It didn’t give that to the dead baby, but I guess the dog deserves a pass for that, right?
David • Mar 30, 2022 at 10:28 pm
You’re just a sad person looking for attention. I hope you find decency in your life. I haven’t ever found a decent person who ‘hates dogs’. Just terrible, selfish, snobbish, cruel people. Not preferring dogs to cats is one thing but a whole article about hating them? Definitely glad you’re not in my life. And sorry for all the people in yours.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 8:33 am
If you think she only wants attention, why respond? Why not deny her the attention she believe she craves?
And come on, dogs are the biggest attention whores on the planet. Most dogs today can’t stand to be alone for 5 fucking seconds, separation-anxiety, where dogs whine, bark insanely loud and for extended periods of time, tear up furniture/clothes/shoes, etc., piss and shit all over the place because they literally need to be right up under someone 24/7. And the neighbor of the person with the dog had better not complain about the dog barking because “Dogs bark, its just what they do!!”.
No disrespect, but go fuck yourself, David.
And in my personal experience,
Sasha • Apr 24, 2022 at 9:15 am
“No disrespect but go fuck yourself” – in a comment about hating dogs, of all things. Yeah, you sound super mature and emotionally stable. Exactly the kind of person I would expect to hate an entire species.
I truly can’t fathom investing so much mental energy in hating an animal. I guess you must have a lot of free time, eh?
Chris • Apr 26, 2022 at 2:55 pm
Not as much as you would think, and since you are obviously much more mature than I am, you should have read the comment I was replying too. The person who made that comment showed over-the -top hatred to the author of the article.
I defend the author not because I know her, or care about her, but because the hate she receives is unwarranted in my eyes. Her article displays her feelings about dogs, and while she personally does not like or want a dog(s), she goes out of her way to try and meet dog-lovers halfway by stating how she can see the reason why people love dogs and how they can be good companions, and what does she get for that concession?
Assholes calling her cruel, selfish and a snob, and exclaiming how they are glad that the author is not part of their life. The author is a grown-woman, who put herself out there and wrote a public-article, so people are free to say what they want, but so am I. And I think that anyone who has that much hatred for a person merely because she does not love dogs, can stand to hear what I think about them.
And believe me or not, I don’t hate dogs. I don’t like them, I have no desire to be around one, but in general, like anything else I don’t like, if I don’t have to be around them, my dislike turns to apathy instantly.
But when I am forced to hear barking and walk thru dog-shit and have dog-lovers thrust their dogs on me in places where they are explicitly not-allowed and get indignant when asked to leave, my opinion of dog-lovers and dogs in general goes down the drain. And then I come here.
Chris Jr Sr • May 11, 2022 at 1:23 am
DOGS SUCK!! Fight to the death BRO. DIE ON THIS HILL!!!
100% worth it.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 8:36 am
And in my experience, most owners of attention-needy dogs tend to be emotionally-needy, you might be the exception, but I think you’re are projecting your own insecurities to this author.
Just my honest opinion, I am more than willing to stipulate I may be incorrect.
Phetros • Apr 9, 2022 at 11:59 pm
Speaking about needy Jesus you have replied to every post hoping for attention just to spread hate for no reason other then to feel like you have won an argument against someone who won’t respond %99 of the time because they won’t come back to this site to check.
Chris • Apr 14, 2022 at 9:49 pm
Yes, you got me Phetros, you have exposed my neediness. I am so ashamed now that you have unearthed the hidden me, that I try to hide from everyone.
Oh, oh, please have mercy.
Look holmes, I’m certainly wasting my time, but I will explain to you why I am commenting.
As I have said in my many, many comments that have become my entire life by the way, I am hoping that one of these irrational dog-lovers, the ones who make claims like “never trust people who love dogs”, will explain that to me. I want to know where that mindset comes from. Dog-lovers are full of shit, they claim that you can like what you want and no one judges you for not liking dogs until you don’t want to pet their dog, don’t want to shop in public at places where people bring dogs even though they are explicitly not allowed, you don’t want to hear their fucking dog barking for hours at a time because it loves its owner so much, spending 5 goddamn seconds away is a torture that the dog can only solve by barking non-stop in a high-fever pitch, no mater how many times you yell at it to shut the fuck up because unlike the dog, the human has to get up and go to work so they can maybe one day be able to afford living somewhere, where dogs do not interfere with their personal life.
That is why I am in this site Phetros, believe me or not, my answer is the truth.
Another reason is simply because I enjoy discussing things with people who have a different opinion.
And while I will not claim that I have always been proper, for lack of a better word, and I do admit freely, my written opinion of dogs in general are not pleasant, however, I have not been rude to anyone who has not been rude to either me or the author first.
And I don’t know her, and I am not trying to get into her pants, as one comment suggested, I defend her because simply stating dislike for something should not bring the sort of vitriol and unabashed hate this woman has endured for sharing something with the public.
Make no mistake, people can criticize her all they want, she opened herself up for that when she made a public post, but I am free to criticize those who criticize her.
And I am not spreading “hate”, I am trying to spread common-sense.
Chris • Apr 15, 2022 at 1:52 pm
If you really believe I am needy, you should have just ignored me, and denied me the attention you think I am desperate for.
Phetros, I engage in these comments for 2 reasons, I want to understand the mindset of maniac dog-lovers who make comments like “Don’t trust people who don’t love dogs”, the other reason is a mostly for my own entertainment. I like engaging with people who disagree with me, I want to learn why they think the way they do. This is just one of the many topics I do this with.
I don’t think I have won any arguments, and the fact that most people don’t reply are why I make so many posts.
And as to your post below, I am not the author. I have no reason to lie about this. We are on the internet, all of this is anonymous.
If I was the author, I have absolutely no incentive or reason to hide that.
Phetros • Apr 10, 2022 at 12:01 am
Also I bet you are the author, right? Who else would pay this much attention to a random article.
Chris • Apr 14, 2022 at 9:58 pm
We don’t know each other, obviously, but if you did know me, you would know that I am not someone who hides. If I was the author, I would say so.
And why would I hide? Why would I care what anonymous people think about me?
No one’s opinion of me is not something I tend to care about, now, there are times when someone’s opinion of me matters, but it only matters because the person this can make decisions about my life.
Then it matters, but personally, I really could give a shit.
Chris • Apr 15, 2022 at 1:53 pm
Are you not replying to this as well?
Tammy • Apr 15, 2022 at 5:10 pm
Oh my God another dog lover. I absolutely hate dogs they’re disgusting I’m watching my neighbor’s dog and on a walk today she stuck her nose in a pile of another dog s*** or vomit then she comes in my house gross. I think people who love dogs are severely impaired
coevolved • Mar 29, 2022 at 10:40 pm
There’s some unhinged responses all over this thread… of course everyone should respect your opinion, I would never let my dogs bother you, or bother your with my dogs. But it cuts both ways, whether I’m shortsighted or on the money to think you’re probably a horrible person, well that would be my opinion. You don’t get to tell other people they can’t or shouldn’t judge you on a choice you made. The appeal to inclusion and diversity of opinion is misguided, you have no grounds to ask that because anyone else do anything from celebrating your opinion to tolerating it without judging you. Your opinion is your right as it is everyone else’s right to judge you, even wrongheadedly or on meager evidence. Or to decide that they wouldn’t want to associate with you out of their own closed mindedness. Personally, but liking dogs is a red flag for me. You can’t have it both ways.. Of it’s OK for you not to like dogs (it absolutely is) it’s OK for others to not like you. You want to have opinions, the consequence are that others get to have their opinions about you.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 8:57 am
I couldn’t agree more. We are all free to think what we want and we are all obligated to deal with the consequences that the decisions we make lead too.
I do not share your opinion that appealing to inclusion and diversity of opinion is misguided, I think that just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean you cannot co-exist. I mean, I could care less if someone I meet loves dogs, I don’t see the act of loving dogs as a sign a person definitely has something wrong with them.
You are the opposite of me, you believe that someone not liking dogs is a red-flag, and while I think that is short-sighted, I respect your opinion.
The world today, it is filled with people who think as you do about this subject, and this tends to lead to situations where someone who has no desire to be around dogs has to deal with the intrusion of dogs more than in the past.
So many people view dogs as family, that they are out in public in places where they have not been allowed in the past. And while some businesses have opened their doors to dogs, even businesses that have not, still have people bring their dogs in, and when told to leave or admonished because they are breaking the rules of wherever they are, dog-lovers tend to get indignant, claiming how their dogs are so much cleaner and well-behaved than human-children while not understanding that their opinion is irrelevant. If a place does not allow dogs they don’t allow dogs.
And while I can only speak for myself, I think this is the biggest issue with dog-lovers today. Their insistence on forcing their dog(s) onto people in places that they are not allowed. And then getting upset when told they have to follow the rules like everyone else and just because they treat their dog like it is one of their own children, is not mean the rest of the world has to do the same.
And if another consumer has an issue, dog-lovers of the mindset of “Lighten up, there are bigger problems in the world”, bring the vitriol they and their dogs face on themselves.
That is my issue at least, cause while I genuinely believe that anyone who truly believes I have a personality-defect because dogs don’t appeal to me in anyway are somewhat foolish, the real problem I have is the entitlement.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:40 am
“You want to have opinions, the consequence are that others get to have their opinions about you” – except that it is an opinion that doesn’t hurt others (including dogs), but then there is backlash and vitriol spewed at the person making that opinion (and not the opinion itself) which is harmful. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and thoughts but that does not mean it’s generally socially/morally acceptable to degrade someone for having a particular opinion (unless that opinion is genuinely harmful and advocating for the harm of someone/something – then there needs to be some serious rebuttals).
Adrienne Sanders • Mar 27, 2022 at 12:14 am
I’m 62 yr old female, never married. I have invariably found that men who don’t like dogs are totally jackasses, 100%. I think that people who hate dogs are selfish and egotistical. Sorry, that’s just how I feel. The kindest man I ever dated was super smart, patient, and his first word at 8 months was “dog.” Says it all!
Chris • Mar 29, 2022 at 4:38 pm
You were there at 8 months? Serious question.
Amber • May 13, 2022 at 6:53 am
I’ve found that dog nuts are egotistical. They love that a mindless creature is up their ass 24/7.
DogNuttersSuck • May 17, 2022 at 10:54 pm
@ Amber
And don’t forget all the peanut butter in their cupboards.
DogNuttersStink • May 17, 2022 at 10:55 pm
@ Amber
And don’t forget all the peanut butter in their cupboards.
CaT • Mar 26, 2022 at 5:44 pm
Agree with this statement as a cat owner,
Lisa Kistler • Mar 25, 2022 at 10:44 am
All I could think of was your poor dog. You do not deserve the love, loyalty and honor of having unconditional love in your life. Please never own or engage with any pet – they are way too good for you! I’ll admit that your ugly views made my skin crawl, and I also hope that you never reproduce!!! Stay in your animal free zone – child free too because they definitely would require some of your precious time. Living and protecting the innocent instead off only looking after our own selfish asses is a sign of maturity, evolution and compassion. Go back to your cave – we’ll all be happier!
CaT • Mar 26, 2022 at 7:11 pm
Imagine liking dogs! You sound utterly stupid,to ever think that those little shit of dogs are cute and will ever be,you sound like a white mom complaining about a parking space!
Michael Kelly • Mar 27, 2022 at 8:19 pm
You watch your mouth!! You ever call my dog a little shit again, I’ll knock your ugly fat ass out!!!
Michael Kelly • Mar 28, 2022 at 7:54 am
You fucking racist doghating asshole!!
Emily • Mar 28, 2022 at 12:46 pm
You’re fucking disgusting, go back to eating your cats shit out of it’s litter box you utter waste of space. Have fun with your piss demons Karen!
Michael Kelly • Mar 29, 2022 at 10:14 am
Jayman • Apr 1, 2022 at 2:58 am
Cat’s are dicks
Christian Minassian • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:34 am
Ok then, mr. Einstein, bastian of maturity and dear friend of the great god Fido, tell us again how someone not liking dogs and comparing someone to a Karen makes them racist and means they eat cat shit? Also do you think saying “I HATE CATS!” is going to change their opinion of dogs? Oh, this guy hates cats? Oh no, oh god, what ever shall I do? My whole world has been shattered, I’m now floating aimlessly in the ether because a dog lover said “I hate cats.” God help me, I’m about to die!
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 5:21 pm
It’s because he is as intelligent as a dog.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 4:48 pm
So it’s fine to hate cats, but not dogs? Dogs are cowards with slave mentality. They are not real friends. They respect only authority and dominance, they do not respect humans out of their love for them. This is not real love nor friendship.
If they feel someone is afraid of them or someone is a weak link in a chain, they are mean to such person. Badly trained dogs are a real menace and true danger. They simply aren’t able to behave on their own. I avoid such kind of coward creatures no matter whether they are dogs or humans. I prefer these who like someone of their own volition, not these who like some form of one’s power or strength.
Erika Shults • Apr 4, 2022 at 10:29 pm
Amen!! That poor dog wanted to be taken out and this girl just hated it and said it demanded too much attention. She sounds like a total evil brat
Sharron • Mar 25, 2022 at 6:04 am
What a horrible bitter person you are !! Look at what humans are doing to the world ??? Animals don’t ask to be born . God help any animal or child you have .
Chris • Mar 29, 2022 at 4:38 pm
Humans didn’t ask to be born.
Phetros • Apr 10, 2022 at 12:31 am
This is true
Chris • Apr 15, 2022 at 1:55 pm
I appreciate your fulfilling my need for excessive attention.
Now that you have replied, I can die happy.
Sammy • Mar 25, 2022 at 2:02 am
Guaranteed this was written by a boomer who probably has 2-3 crotch goblins running around her house and shows off ‘how clever and thoughtful’ they are for such small children.
What in the world would motivate you to post such drivel, did one of your little brats get bitten by a dog for pulling its tail so you feel the need to lash out?
I guarantee you’re the kind of person that thinks being a ‘stay at home mommy’ is a full time job.
Chris • Mar 29, 2022 at 4:52 pm
You are the inspiration my friend, people like you truly believe that not loving dogs is an indication that someone has something wrong with them.
I wonder how many of you actually read the article? Despite the author’s personal feelings about dogs, she goes out the way to say that she understands why people love dogs and why people value them as companions, she just says that she does not.
Dog-people, y’all take the cake for crazy.
Erika Shults • Apr 4, 2022 at 10:30 pm
Does she, though? The final paragraph? “Out of her way” ?
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 9:02 am
“Don’t get me wrong; I get the appeal of dogs. They can be someone’s best friend. They fill an emotional void with genuine unconditional love. As companions, they’re loyal, obedient and kind.”
Literally, the first 3 sentences.
So to answer your question, yes she does go out of the away.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 4:57 pm
It’s interesting how aggressive dog lovers are when someone says sun doesn’t shine out of dog’s posteriors. It reminds me of Alexander of Macedon, but he did drama over horses instead of dogs. Once his horse was stolen by villagers and he threatened to kill them all if they will not return the horse at once. People say, oh, he was bonkers! But they don’t see dog people act in similar fashion when it comes to dogs. If dog lovers were in Alexander’s position (means: have an army) they would respond exactly the same.
We want to fly to space but still have excrements on streets and smelly peed on fences and so on.
Dave • Mar 22, 2022 at 1:33 pm
I would far rather you be honest with yourself, and never “own” a dog, than do like so many others. They acquire living “pets”, and then once realizing that time, work, and expense are required, they then frequently neglect, abuse, and/or abandon them. Those people should be publicly horse whipped!
On the other hand I have no issues with anyone choosing not to have pets. That is an appropriate and responsible choice for those not inclined to want the responsibility of properly caring for living creatures. Whatever their motivation(s)!
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 5:07 pm
Wise words! I agree, I strongly dislike these who ignore the pets they got or who get pets without thinking everything over in advance and then realize everything isn’t rainbows and unicorns. Animals have feelings and don’t deserve to be treated badly or neglected.
Mazy • Mar 20, 2022 at 9:31 pm
Ok so you dont like dogs, thats fine
But why oh whyyyyyy are you being so nasty and awful in your article about it
It it doesnt even sound like a i hate dogs article, it sounds like absolute pure and utter hatred beyond belief what im reading, an almost obsession to tell the world just how much you absolutely cannot stand the fact they are on this planet, im not for the life of me sure why you even tried to adopt one if it isnt in your family genes to want them or like them
And as for tinder, instagram accounts of people with pics of their dog, i think you will infact find that people have ones of their children, cats, boy/girl friends, rats, how good they look when theyve altered their pic to make them look 20 years younger, young girls with practically no clothes on n pouting their lips n posing, meals theyve cooked, etc etc etc, everyone has their own thing, and they are all unbelievably passionate about it beyond belief, but im guessing you dont do nothing at all like that, i guessing you post nothing on any of your accounts
Theres things i dont particularly like ive come across on some of my accounts that may pop up rarely now and again, and might go ,yuk, realy realy dont like that and scroll past, but i dont go and post a hatred article about it
But omgg ive never come cross a post so nasty about them
Its amazing how you seem to see so many owners who have accounts of their dog on instagram etc than anything else if you hate them so much
Usually on my instagram, fbook etc account i seem to have recommendations coming up of other groups that i might like of the same things i follow on there, maybe you should have a word with instagram, tinder etc and tell them how you seem to be bombarded with pics n accounts of them
I know a girl who has hate in her life for a particular thing, and it consumes her, everytime she comes across it, sees it, hears about this thing she hates its like she cannot stop going on and on about it for days with a twisted up face, its ridiculous how she goes on, like nothing else in the world matters except this thing
So what you had a dog when you were like 7 yrs old, and am guessing you havent had one since, there you go, over and done with, it will be dead by now im guessing and wow good riddance to it for you, you must have been jumping for joy and dancing on is grave thinking, yey no more smelly poo bags or cold mornings for me
So much hatred for whay you would have to go through in your adult life away from being a little girl and your family and actually having a dog aside from that, abso pure hatred for something youve never experienced in adult life
The worst things on this planet arent horrible smelly, takes up to much of my time dogs
Did you know how exceptionally brainy dogs are and the absolutely amazing things they can do to help people, they have the same emotions as us and their emotions are just as strong as ours, i wonder what it thought of you
Maybe if something absolutely awful happened in your life like blindness, or crippled and had no one to help you, im guessing the answer would be, dont offer me one of those horrible things to help me, or if you were attacked raped etc, an officer with a dog was on hand to help you would refuse it
Lady theres little kids in their lives right now even, who are being, raped, physically seriously abused and emotionally, forced into marriage some girls so young they end up dying bcoz their bodies are to young and not ready for childbirth, some starving to death, dying from cancer etc
Also dogs who are having their bones broken, half beaten to death, left tied up somewhere to starve to death etc etc
But im so sorry what happened to you as a young girl has left you so emotionally scarred for life about dogs, it must have been unbearable
But for what its worth, the worst thing on this planet isnt big smelly i havent got time for cant be bothered in my life with just a chore dogs…its humans
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 9:55 pm
All due respect, you don’t have the right to advise anyone about what is the worst thing in the world to them.
To some people, maybe someone who is forced to co-exist with dogs in a manner that disrupts their life, the worst thing in life are dogs. Although, judging by most dog-lovers, I am guessing that you will say “there are no dogs just bad owners”, am I right?
I always wonder, what would a dog have to do to be considered “bad”? I have read stories of dogs killing babies and the parents of the dead baby fight to explain why the dog is not at fault. And who knows? Maybe the dog is not at fault, cause it is a dog, so it has no conscious thought to make decisions like “I want to kill this baby because I hate it”. I have heard from dog-lovers and even those who merely like or stand them, that dogs are not capable of hate, they are only capable of “love”.
Course, if dogs cannot hate, it goes that they cannot love either, Both require conscious thought. If a dog is not capable of hating something/someone, how would they be capable of loving something/someone?
It is only logical to come to that conclusion. But I have no real idea either way, and I have no problem admitting it.
Adrienne Sanders • Mar 27, 2022 at 12:16 am
Couldn’t have said it better! AMEN!!!!
Phetros • Apr 10, 2022 at 1:01 am
It’s for the best that people put this in their tinder for this exact reason. If I were on tinder and a girl showed a pic wither her and her 3 kids I would likely avoid them, sorry just have no interest. So I don’t really understand her complaint.
Unknown • Apr 18, 2022 at 8:36 pm
Calm down it’s just a post. They didn’t even sound that offensive. Is it bothering you? Then don’t read it. Here you are wasting your whole day typing a whole 10 paragraph story just to hate on them. It’s their opinion. You have yours. Do you not have a life? You don’t have to tell them all the bad things they already know. You’re guessing everything in their life. Leave them alone.
BitchUGonnaCry • May 17, 2022 at 10:59 pm
@Mazy TL;DR
U gunna cry?
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:04 pm
Are you done deleting comments that paint you in a negative light? It’s been four years since you posted this. You can’t possibly have that much free time.
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 1:57 pm
You obviously have not reviewed most of the comments.
So, so, so many of the dog-loving community have taken the time to come here and express their dislike and hatred of this woman.
Why? Cause she dared to say that hating dogs does not make her a horrible person.
The real question you should be asking is why an article like this had to be written in the first place?
Answer is people like you, who truly in your heart believe that not loving dogs is a sign that someone has something wrong with them.
Where does that mindset come from?
Emily • Mar 27, 2022 at 12:24 pm
Probably from memories of watching those awful aspca commercials that show beaten up animals whose owners have done stuff as bad as pouring boiling water on them before throwing them out the window. Now, do you think those people loved dogs? Or that they felt neutral to them, or even just dislike them? No, that kind of violence comes from hate. Disliking and hating are as close to each other as liking and loving.
Would it make her a bad person if she didn’t like dogs? No. But that fact that she doubles down on hating them is concerning.
I think its interesting that you’re concerned over this woman, who has a voice of her own and isn’t confined to whining or barking to show what she means, being disliked and hated, when this whole article is about her hate… very interesting.
Hope your day goes as good as you wish it to be.
Hare Krishna
Chris • Mar 29, 2022 at 5:41 pm
So what she hates them, is she hurting them? Is she beating dogs? Is she starving them? If not, who cares if she hates them?
When bad-things happen to anyone or any animal that does not deserve it, that is not good. I don’t condone torturing dogs anymore than I condone torturing babies. You don’t have to love dogs to not act like a psycho with them.
“I think its interesting that you’re concerned over this woman, who has a voice of her own and isn’t confined to whining or barking to show what she means, being disliked and hated, when this whole article is about her hate… very interesting.”
I don’t even know what you mean by this. I’m being honest.
Yes, this woman has a voice, she is not confined to barking and howling, so we agree on that.
My concern is not for her per se, it is really for you and people like you.
I want to know why simply disliking something garners this much venom?
What dog-lovers either don’t get or choose to ignore is that the very things you love about dogs are typically the things that people who don’t like dogs can’t stand.
The nonstop need for attention, the barking, the separation-anxiety, the hair, the never growing out of toddler-phase, none of that is appealing to me, and for anything else, I would be allowed to feel what I want without judgement, but for dogs, the rules are different. You have to like dogs at least a little, or risk being seen the same way you see this woman.
I had someone tell me once that since dogs were designed to “melt our hearts”, me feeling nothing when I see a dog was absolutely a sign that I have an empathy defect. Needless to say, we stopped talking, and I had assumed that she was a singular person in that mind-set, I had no idea how wrong I was.
This is the attitude I want to understand. I will most likely never will, but that is my concern. That is what I want to know.
I just need a dog-lover to explain their bias honestly.
L • Mar 17, 2022 at 2:10 pm
omg. i love dogs and cats – i have one of each. they’re great. i’m really only here to agree with everything you said but about human offspring. they’re loud, dirty, and annoying. i’m glad i’m not an underage human anymore because i know i, too, was annoying during those years. whenever i remain indifferent around someone’s neonate/infant/toddler offspring and refuse to hold them, i get viewed as a monster. i don’t hate kids, i just really don’t like them. at all. i’m more grossed out by human waste and vomit than an animal’s. it’s kinda how you don’t need a sitter for your six-month-old dog if you leave for a couple of hours but you definitely need a sitter for a six-month-old human for those same couple hours. one (human) is a lot worse than the other (animal).
people get upset over someone not training their animals (dogs, usually) properly, but it’s worse when people don’t teach their offspring how to behave and you can’t say anything because the parents get more offended, instead of correcting bad behavior.
sorry for sounding so judgemental. i’ve just been wanting to get this off my chest, even more now that there are sixteen kids (eleven of those under 10) in our immediate family (between seven couples). our poor planet is really getting pushed to its limits. ☹️
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 1:50 pm
You don’t sound judgmental as much as non-sensical.
1) Human offspring grow out of their “loud, dirty and annoying” stage. Dogs never do.
2) People state they hate human-offspring frequently, and while there is some blowback for expressing that opinion, it is much less than saying that you not like dogs, for that, you get branded a cold-hearted psycho.
3) Dog-parents rarely train their dogs because they are not “dogs” to the dog-parent, they are “children”. This is my personal experience, if there are dog-parents who realize their dogs need training, I have never met one.
4) Human-waste rarely is spread over the ground outside, let alone inside a house where there is an active and working toilet. Can’t say the same about dog-waste.
5) You leaving your six-month dog alone for a couple of hours is no problem for you, but probably for your neighbors, unless you have trained your dog not to bark when you are gone, have you?
6) Training human-offspring is in no way comparable to training dogs. Humans have conscious thought, even children. So you cannot “train” a human, you can teach. If they choose to reject your teaching, nothing can be done about that. Dogs have no conscious thought. You can train a dog if one has the mind too.
Bye dog-lover.
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 2:09 pm
You’re not judgmental, you just aren’t making any sense.
1) Human offspring grow out of their “loud, dirty and annoying” stage. Dogs never do.
2) Being indifferent to human-children does have blowback, but nothing like being indifferent to dogs. For that, you get branded a cold-hearted psycho.
3) Human-waste is rarely strewn over the floor, particularly inside a home with an active and working toilet. Can’t say that about dog-waste. And I think we all can agree any type of bodily-waste is gross.
4) Your six-month dog might not need a sitter, but it might bark its head off when you are gone. Which probably pisses your neighbors off, unless you are one of the rare dog-owners who train their dog not to bark.
5) Humans have conscious thought, even children, you can’t train a human-child, you can teach. If they reject the teaching, that is their choice. Dogs do not have conscious thought. One can train dogs if they choose too, so yes, it is much worse when dogs are not trained than children.
16 kids, wow, I do not envy you. I was lucky enough to have my own room my entire childhood. Peace and quiet are sacred, I am sorry that you do not have it.
Tammy • Apr 15, 2022 at 5:15 pm
Chris I really and truly hope you’re a man because I want to marry you.
T • Mar 15, 2022 at 7:18 pm
Stupidity, ignorance and a waste of human space comes to mind if any human kind cannot respect animal life as well as their own
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:05 pm
Well said!
Chris • Mar 19, 2022 at 12:14 pm
Only dog-lovers equate respect with likability, not liking dogs does not mean one does not respect “animal life”. Do you get that?
Jesus Christ, this is why dog-lovers are insufferable, anything else in the world you can like or not like, but when it comes to dogs, if you don’t like them that automatically means you are “a waste of human space” who “cannot respect animal life”.
Re-read the article genius, she expressed dislike of dogs, not “animal life”, dogs.
And even with dogs, she did take the time express that she can understand the appeal of dogs but just that they don’t appeal to her.
She is being much kinder than I am, because I truly do not understand the fascination with dogs. What is it? The barking? The hair/smell? The nonstop 24-hour need for attention? I can’t wrap my head around the desire for dogs, but even I am more understanding towards dogs and dog-lovers than most of them are towards us who don’t worship their fur-children.
Cause see, I am apathetic towards dogs when I am not forced to be around them for extended periods of time, I have absolutely no thought about them good or bad. It is only when I am forced to live with them, work with them, shop for food with them that I go searching for websites such as this.
So many dog-lovers scoff and say that if you don’t like dogs just stay away from them while at the same time forcing their dogs onto people by bringing them to restaurants, grocery stores, Target, malls, etc., and when confronted in those places where their dogs are explicitly not allowed, they turn indignant, and start claiming how their beloved dogs are cleaner and quieter than children and that those of us who don’t like interacting with their dogs should just get over it. All the while breaking the rules of the establishment they are in.
And that in a nutshell is why dog-lovers are typically hypocritical assholes.
Michael Kelly • Mar 27, 2022 at 8:40 pm
So are you an asshole! Dogs don’t go around killing and shooting people, burning down cities, and killing cops like certain people do such as Antifa who are so filled with hatred and violence and hatred!! Dogs don’t start trouble, people such as these do!! These kind of humans don’t grow out of their loudness and their dirtiness as you said in your comment above, they only get worse and grow to be louder and violent!! I got my family, my dog, and my home protected with my guns just in case these thugs come to my neighborhood to start trouble!!! And what about all the human shit all over the streets of SF, all because of a ruthless greedy power hungry woman named Pelosi, HUH???!!!! Rest my case about dogs vs humans!!!!
Chris • Apr 1, 2022 at 6:38 pm
You are obviously someone who lacks basic reading comprehension skills, responding is probably a waste of time, but I’m bored, so what the hell.
Genius, dogs don’t shoot people, but they do kill people.
You mentioning Antifa really is a sign that you are moron.
“Dogs don’t start trouble”, does attacking someone who is not attacking them or anyone they “care” about something you might consider “starting trouble”? Cause that happens, if you deny it, I’ll go with my first instinct after I read your post, which was to ignore you, as you are a very, very, non-smart person.
Humans may choose to not grow out of their “loudness and dirtiness”, but that is a choice. Dogs, cannot grow out of it. They will always be completely dependent on their owners for everything. There is a difference.
Congratulations on being the toughest-guy on your block, with your family, dogs, and guns, I’m sure everyone is terrified of you.
Why are you bringing Nancy Pelosi into this? Jesus Christ, you really are a moron.
Michael Kelly • Mar 27, 2022 at 11:01 pm
Who The Hell you think you are calling us people who love dogs assholes???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you call us that again, maybe you should take a good look in the mirror and see the reflection of the world’s biggest A-HOLE this side of Mars, you heartless P.O.S. I loved my dog Howie who I had for 14 wonderful years and was a God send!! If you hate dogs that’s your business, but don’t you ever call me an asshole again because I loved my dog, don’t you ever fucking say that again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Annapolis • Mar 28, 2022 at 4:42 pm
And what the hell are you gonna do if they do call you a asshole again or call your mutt a piece of shit??
Reach through your phone screen and kick their ass??
Big talk for a unhinged dog licker. You are just proving points with your insanity, asshole
Michael Kelly • Mar 29, 2022 at 1:19 pm
I’ll be the first to admit I’m a little out there and it doesn’t bother me or worry me in the least, but at least I ain’t afraid to post my comments under my actual first and last name unlike you who hides behind your keyboard under a fictious nick name, cuck!!
Michael Kelly • Mar 30, 2022 at 10:51 am
Oh and one more thing. Like American Patriot told you in several comments down below, you’ll never make it as a Marine like he and I did! I doubt you could make it through any Military Boot Camp, “You just don’t pack the gear, boy” as they say in The Corps! ‘Nuff said!!
Michael Kelly • Mar 31, 2022 at 2:56 am
Annapolis, you are a DICKHEAD!!! You’ll be sorry that you called me an asshole and my dog a mutt!! Trust me!!!!
Michael Kelly • Mar 31, 2022 at 9:06 am
You’re a fucking jerkoff, Annapolis! Go eat cat shit and croak!
Michael Kelly • Mar 31, 2022 at 2:30 pm
Hey Annapolis or whatever the hell your real name is: Come to Phila, PA where I live and talk that crap to my face you keyboard warrior troll!!
Michael Kelly • Mar 31, 2022 at 2:35 pm
Ok Annapolis, come to Philadelphia and say what you just commented above to me in person if your man enough which strongly doubt!!
Chris • Apr 1, 2022 at 6:47 pm
I explained why I called dog-lovers assholes, re-read the post, shout out if you need me to explain any big words.
Basing your opinion of me as an asshole because I don’t like dogs is astounding, but not completely incorrect, I am an asshole, but not cause I don’t like dogs. I have many abhorrent personality-traits that absolutely do make me an asshole. So you are half-right.
Yes, wow, scary, your excessive use of exclamation points has me terrified, until of course I realize that you would never anything to me like that in real-life. So save the anger tough-guy, you don’t like me, stop talking to me.
SJ • Jul 16, 2023 at 9:29 pm
Hey Chris,
I have no idea whether you’ll ever read this, but I just wanted to say that I, for one, appreciate the time you took to reply to these various dog fetishists in an articulate, measured manner without resorting to the ad hominem attacks that they immediately resort to. They all do a great job of making the case that many dog owners – specifically the dog nutter cultists – are emotionally stunted and must rely on an animal with a brain the size of a tangerine for validation and “love” and “loyalty” (which are of course nothing more than a drive for food; dogs will “love” anyone that feeds them).
Any time I see someone say: “I love dogs more than people”, I know that’s a person suffering from either mental illness or a major personality dysfunction, and I certainly want nothing to do with them.
Like you, I’ve wondered why it is that these people:
1) get so triggered and enraged when they learn someone doesn’t like – let alone despises – dogs. WHY is that such a problem, dog people?
2) constantly regurgitate the thought-terminating cliches (“dogs love unconditionally”; “dogs can tell evil people”; “I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs”, etc., etc.), and are unable to produce any data to support any of these patently absurd claims
3) have no sense whatsoever of their cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy when it comes to their supposed “love” of “animals”.
To them, the only animals that matters are dogs…and even that’s questionable, given how most neglect their dogs’ needs. Many of these people bang on with glee about how much they hate cats, for example, and certainly don’t consider that a reason THEY shouldn’t be trusted. They certainly don’t care about the wildlife or livestock their off-leash mutts chase, which causes stress, injury or death, or of anyone else’s pets, including other dogs.
I went from actually loving dogs as a kid, to being indifferent towards them, to now despising them…and that’s because their selfish asshole owners insist on inflicting them on everyone, everywhere. I’m just one of an increasing number of people who are SICK OF IT.
I don’t want to interact with your stupid dog; I don’t want it smelling me, trying to lick me and getting its slimy fecal saliva on my clothing, running at me barking and snarling when I’m out walking or hiking – but, I’ll have no problem blasting it in the face with pepper spray if it does; I don’t want to see its shit all over public spaces, and I don’t want to hear it constantly barking its idiot head off.
I joined the r/ Dogfree subreddit last year, and it’s grown by close to 10K members since then. It’s a breath of fresh air in a society that is increasingly engulfed by the miasma of fetid dog mind rot.
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 8:22 pm
You are/were a Marine? Wow. Reading your comments you don’t present yourself as one. You seem like a spastic simpleton with no impulse control. Calm down with the exclamation marks. You write like a teenager.
Michael Kelly • Mar 29, 2022 at 2:05 pm
Chris: Please disregard those two comments below, I didn’t mean to say all the stuff. I recently lost my job due to work downsizing and I haven’t been quite myself since it happened. That’s still no excuse for those comments and I tried to delete them but it seems you can’t do that on this site. Sorry about and just ignore them….Mike Kelly
Chris • Apr 1, 2022 at 6:50 pm
Well, I should have read this before, I appreciate the apology, not that you needed too, we are all entitled to our opinion.
And I never took it personal.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 5:33 pm
People who abuse animals are definitely dangerous. To anyone. They should be avoided. But strongly disliking dogs is just personal preference. I dislike dogs because they seem cowardish to me. I’m aware I’m projecting a human style of thinking on them and that’s wrong, but I can’t help it. The antipathy is simply here. It actually and primarily stems from my poor experiences with humans, not dogs. I dislike them only on basis of seeming resemblance in behaviour.
Anna • Mar 15, 2022 at 12:29 am
I fucking hate dogs as well!!
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Mar 27, 2022 at 9:17 am
Well, they fuckin’ hate you too, Bitch!!! So do I and all like you!!
Annapolis • Mar 28, 2022 at 4:44 pm
Dogs are too stupid to hate anybody or love anyone 4 that matter. You are a food dispenser. That’s it.
Why is it “dog lovers” are always violent and unhinged?
American Patriot • Mar 30, 2022 at 3:01 am
Kid, you’re too stupid to know jack about anything in life, let alone cats and dogs. Obviously you weren’t in the Military or in law enforcement like I was where dogs help out both the Armed Forces and all of Law enforcement in crime, war, sniffing out drugs and helping to get the drug criminals arrested, and have given their very lives while doing so. These dogs are heroes in my book. They also help out as Seeing Eye Dogs for the blind, and Service Dogs, so dogs are not stupid but you are. You’ll never make it as a Marine, Kid, you just don’t have the smarts nor the ruggedness to have what it takes to be a Marine!
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:49 am
You are SO funny. Literally, I’m crying laughing. You think “making it in the marines” is the only thing that matters? The only thing that gives someone any worth? You’re a joke. And you obviously feel threatened.
I think fields like law enforcement or armed forces are harmful to dogs – sure, it’s good for dogs to have activities but those fields expose those dogs to so much harm. Dogs can do some things better than technology, but why don’t these fields use technology more often out of respect for dogs? And this is coming from someone who hates dogs, by the way. Service jobs for dogs are fine, but damn if I hate seeing dogs in military.
Kelley • May 10, 2022 at 5:55 pm
My dog hates my DIL lol. She hit him in the face 2 yrs ago and he holds a grudge. Even as a puppy, he never peed in the house. Now on the rare occasions I go over (and I take him bc it’s far away) he will find something with her smell and pee on it. Not my son’s, not my granddaughter’s, not their dogs things. Lol. And he doesn’t need to “go”, bc he goes b4 we go inside. It’s just a few drops, all he can squeeze out, out of spite. FYI, she hit him bc he put his paw on her knee to say hello…
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:52 am
Sounds like your dog is holding a grudge without thinking about it. If they’re so intelligent, why don’t they think to maybe “forgive” your DIL? Sounds like she hasn’t done anything to him since, except probably get understandably mad that your poorly trained dog keeps ruining her own stuff in her OWN HOUSE and you just let him. Also, are you sure he just “put his paw on her knee”? You sure he didn’t scratch or put too much pressure on? And he probably did this even after all the cues and commands from your DIL trying to get him to stay away from her.
You sound absolutely disrespectful and like you hate your DIL.
Ingja • Mar 13, 2022 at 12:16 pm
I also hate dogs and yes the reaction to this statement is utter horror. I grew up with dogs and cats so I have experience of both and I absolutely prefer cats. Here are some of the reasons. Dogs need far more attention and looking after than cats. Cats don’t bark at you or chase and bite you when you are out in the park or street. Cats bury their business so you don’t end up stepping in it whilst out on a walk. One of the dogs we had used to dig up and eat the cat’s poo…..and people let them lick their faces… disgusting. I would like to be left in peace when I go for a walk and not have to fear for my life every time I see a dog. The irony in a lot of these nasty comments is that most dog owners have absolutely no respect for other people’s fears and preferences. Letting their potentially dangerous pets run freely. A cat won’t tear out your throat. So who really are the cold hearted monsters?
Emily • Mar 28, 2022 at 12:58 pm
Well I guess thank you for saying most and not all but I’ve gotta tell you, I haven’t come across these situations you’ve laid out, not with dogs anyway. Cats, on the other hand…. yeah. Big mistake walking home at night and turning the corner only for a tabby to jump down from the fence and start scratching and biting at my face. And I’m sure you’ll somehow turn this into being my fault and not the innocent wittle kitty. Cats are just as violent as dogs, it doesn’t do well for your perception of reality to deny that.
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Apr 1, 2022 at 3:01 am
Cats are dicks!
Jewel Haines • Mar 13, 2022 at 1:23 am
Damn. Even as a child you were incredibly self absorbed and selfish. Most people view caring about and for a pet as a loving exercise..not a chore. You just cannot be bothered with anyone or anything else BUT yourself. I actually pity you.😒
Adrian • Mar 18, 2022 at 2:41 am
This is exactly what she was talking about. Just accept her opinion without hating her for it. I actually pity you. Pathetic.
Emily • Mar 28, 2022 at 1:02 pm
I’m laughing right now, everyone is commenting about accepting her opinion, yet the only reason you say that is because you aren’t accepting the commenter opinion. Gotta love hypocrisy.
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:09 pm
An estimated 10-20% of people have severely impaired empathy. The words sociopath and narcissist are often thrown around. A certain person who may or may not be the focus of this article could be afflicted.
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 2:25 pm
This must be some of that enhanced compassion and empathy that dog-lovers claim they have.
Your judgement makes no sense, she did not buy the dog she refers to in her childhood, she was not the driving-force for the dog, why would having to take care of the dog be anything else but a chore?
In my childhood, I experienced something similar. I took care of 2 pets that I did not want, did not ask become part of our home. I still took care of them feeding, cleaning and general-maintenance, and I viewed it as a chore in the same way.
If you buy a pet, or ask for the pet to be bought, treating taking care of it like a chore might be wrong, but when it is forced on you, what else would you look at is as?
Course it is a chore. But what does it matter? As long as the animal is taken care of, who cares if someone thinks it is a chore or not. The animal is still being fed, cleaned and maintained, what?
Someone has to like doing it for it to matter?
Jill • Apr 14, 2022 at 10:25 pm
Why in the hell do you even own a dog? You don’t deserve one. I feel sorry for your dog. Probably doesn’t take much to outsmart you.
Corey • Mar 11, 2022 at 10:22 pm
So since they try to make dogs as human as possible, would you be okay, if I jump all over you, lick my on butt, eat trash piss, and lick you, walk around in the muddy dirt and come in and jump all over your couch. Clean my crap up after I crap in front of you. Eat your last meal off your table. Humans would be killed for that). Chew up everything in site. I can go on and on. And the answer is no. So stop subjecting dogs to be on a human level cause their not, Everyone doesn’t have to like these creatures. But I’ll definitely show respect since the dog is god backwards.
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:10 pm
Humans know better. Five year olds know this. Either you have severely impaired intellect or empathy. Maybe both?
Annapolis • Mar 28, 2022 at 4:46 pm
Shut up. Seriously.
Joe • Mar 10, 2022 at 4:27 pm
I bet you are a very selfish, right winger. Selfish people don’t like dogs.
Candice • Mar 11, 2022 at 8:39 pm
what does disliking dogs have to do with being right wing you fucking moron
Adrienne Sanders • Mar 27, 2022 at 12:21 am
True, true true!
Salty • Mar 8, 2022 at 11:50 am
So you find your joy letting everyone know your whines? Grow up and get out of your parents basement!
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:11 pm
She has been personally moderating the comments for four years now. She will never escape the basement.
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 2:36 pm
So you find your joy whining about articles written by people you don’t know? And before you ask, yes, I do find joy commenting to people like you. Joy, but no satisfaction. What I want, is for someone like you to explain why not liking dogs means a person has some sort of defect.
And seriously, why would you think she lives in her parent’s basement? I know it is an insult and not to be taken too seriously, but you could have chosen a number of different things to say and you chose to imply that she lives at home. Why?
Cause anyone who does not love dogs is somehow immature?
And using the internet to find like-minded people to help one understand or endure something is actually very common and frequently helpful.
Again, I know that you probably are just trying to say the most hurtful thing you can think of, but a big part of human growth come from looking outwards towards others who have experienced situations similar to one’s own.
My parents are dead. And I had not lived with them for a very long time before they died.
Sammy • Mar 25, 2022 at 2:06 am
Chris, she isn’t going to let you in her pants, just give it up.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 9:22 am
Hey, you can’t blame me for trying?
Emily • Mar 28, 2022 at 1:05 pm
Poor baby.
Cassandra • Mar 4, 2022 at 12:06 pm
Please help me I had some seizure and heart attacks and stokes I need some too love me more
Al • Mar 2, 2022 at 1:31 am
I have a problem with idiot pet owners who accuse me of not liking animals.
I love animals. But not pets. Especially dogs and cats.
One of the best thing in life is to observe a natural animal in the wilderness.
In Australia, the population and health of most native animals are compromised by the release of pets into the wild. They eat everything.
The wild animal and its environment is my love.
So I say to pet owners “you do not love animals, you just love to control one animal for your benifit”.
Kat • Mar 4, 2022 at 9:08 am
You buddy couldn’t be further from the truth. And havent a clue what you are talking about. You think l got a dog or any other pet to “control” it? I, and many others got a pet for pure joy of having a pet. Grow up and educate yourself. You sound very ignorant.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:58 am
No one gets a pet with the sole purpose of controlling it. But many dog owners state that they like that they can give a dog commands (i.e. control it) and that’s why they prefer dogs over most other common pets that don’t typically operate on commands and rewards as their central mode of operation.
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:12 pm
Australia isn’t the center of the universe, mate.
lmao lmao • Feb 28, 2022 at 10:21 am
Sarah • Feb 27, 2022 at 8:12 am
One thing that I noticed about our society is its somehow Normalized to hate Cats. You cant say you dont like dogs without someone saying its because you’re a shitty person. But when its cats in question, most people would agree. Cats are just as loving and affectionate than any other pet and it’s wrong and unfair they get so much hate.
Jewel Haines • Mar 13, 2022 at 1:24 am
I totally agree 👍
Kati • Feb 25, 2022 at 4:50 pm
I get it if you are not a dog person. I can respect that. No problem. I don’t like dogs who constantly bark. Their owners didn’t teach them manners so they jump all over you, they don’t listen etc. I’m not a dog or cat person myself. Never have been. But guess what? I own a dog! And she is absolutely precious. Manners for day’s. I guess what I’m saying is I’m not a fan of other people’s dogs. Just like I’m not a fan of other people’s kids. I know l will own my little dog for many years to come. She is super spoiled and loved, but after her no more dogs.
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:14 pm
You are absolutely correct but the author lacks the intellectual and moral capacity to understand your point.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:02 am
Why are you constantly attacking the author when she didn’t attack dog lovers? But I understand, it’s literally painful for close-minded people to encounter opinions that differ drastically from their own – there are studies that show that when someone encounters viewpoints that are extremely contrasting to their own, the part of the brain that processes pain is triggered.
Still, that gives you no right to be disrespectful towards someone expressing their opinion in a way that isn’t harmful. People have a right to their opinions and have to be prepared for whatever responses they may receive, but they don’t deserve vitriol wishing them harm.
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 3:02 pm
What is the point of this post? You are not a dog-person, but you have a dog that you love and is super-spoiled, but afterwards, you will never get another dog, right?
I am not trying to be a jerk, I just am honestly confused. Is the point that you as a non dog-person have grown to love and appreciate your particular dog so the author can do this as well is she’ll open her heart and bring a dog in?
She has already lived with a dog, she is not expressing an un-informed opinion, she stated how she had a dog as a child and it did not appeal to her.
She also stated that a big part of why she wrote this article was because expressing dislike for dogs is a taboo thing to do in our current society. It is something that has become so polarizing, it can break up friendships, relationships, even blood-relatives will not talk to each other over dogs.
The reactions to this article show why this woman would not feel comfortable talking about this with people who she loves. Cause if they are like the people here, they would at the least have a different opinion about her if she told them her dislike for the 4-legged man’s best-friend.
Do you dog-lovers get how insane that is? Just the mere fact that someone does not like dogs means that they have something wrong with them? It’s absolutely nuts.
Lack of empathy, having a narcissistic personality, inability to have love for other creatures, this woman has been labeled all of that and so much more by the dog-loving psychos who decided to reply to this article. And this woman is being nice, she even stated how she can understand the appeal that some have for dogs she just does not share it.
And she is still labeled as worse than Hitler because the thought of a dog waiting for her to get home so it can just leap into her arms and wag it’s little tail, and just give such an outpouring of unconditional-love that one can barely stand it, does not make her heart go pitter-patter.
Please to God, dog-lovers, explain that. The only reason I am still replying is because I want a dog-lover who can actually state reasons for why not loving dogs means there is something wrong with you.
I don’t want craziness, I don’t need to hear why I am a psycho, I want to have it explained to me. What about dogs makes them so precious that the thought of not loving them or even actively disliking them makes someone a bad person. And let’s live in reality, I am not talking about people who actively hurt dogs cause I think we can all agree that people who hurt any living-thing are bad people.
I want to know what is wrong with the people like the woman who wrote this article, I want to know why her expressing her dislike of dogs has resulted in so much venom from the dog-loving community.
Does everyone have to love dogs or risk being labeled a psycho?
Kati • Mar 29, 2022 at 4:58 pm
Hi Chris, lm replying to you on my thoughts. I can’t speak for how anyone else feels. Everyone feelings are different on the matter. I can only speak for myself. I say l have a dog because she is my service dog. She helps me in my day to day life. I live alone and am disability. I grew up with dogs and cats but l found l was never crazy about them. I’ve had birds and fish too. I took care of all of them, loved them and they all lived long lives. After the laat pet died I was burnt out on any pet. And went many years without one. had them my entire life, but then one day it was recommended to have a service dog. I never said no. I thought maybe at this stage of my life it would be good for me. Because its my pet and she is taught how l think all dogs should behave. I say that after her there will probably not be another one. Because l dont know where l will be in years to come. I don’t hate anyone who doesnt like dogs or cats. Thats their prerogative. Doesn’t effect my life in any way. Hope this helps.
Jedothek • Feb 25, 2022 at 8:51 am
perhaps the oddest thing about this article is that the writer expects us to accept her assurance “I am not a cold-blooded monster.” i am equally convinced by Richard Nixon’s testimony that he was not a crook.
Sarah • Feb 27, 2022 at 8:14 am
But its okay for people to hate Cats, Right?
Amyjo • Mar 16, 2022 at 5:36 am
Of course! Dogs love their humans, whilst cats disdain their humans and continually plot their demise. I’ve had both, and only one left scars for life!
ST • Feb 25, 2022 at 12:57 am
I just can’t stand when people foist their animals on you. If you say you don’t like animals they can’t handle it.
Steph • Feb 24, 2022 at 12:20 pm
What is ridiculous to me is that people are allowed to hate, enough to the point where people think it’s okay to shoot, cats (and they think this is normal behavior!) but you are a psychopath if you hate dogs. Does anyone see the irony? What kind of person shoots a pet? I have come across so many people that think this way it’s astounding.
I don’t like dogs because of the level of care and the constant barking. I have never met a dog who didn’t constantly bark.
I like cats because they practically take care of themselves. And the litter box? If you clean it daily, you don’t smell it!
Rain • Oct 1, 2022 at 9:42 am
Yes, you do still smell a litter box. It has to be cleaned several times a day. I love dogs and cats, and believe anyone who hurts any of them should face dire consequences. Cats and dogs are equally worthy of respect, but they’re different because they’re supposed to be. There is no logical comparison. I have the same opinion of cat haters and dog haters.
Dick • Feb 23, 2022 at 2:05 pm
I own a dog but as I get older I’m starting to like them less and less. People just can’t handle them. Too many dog attacks, mostly from worthless pitbulls. I’ve been listening to my neighbor’s dogs bark all day and night for two years now. Cope won’t do anything can’t wait to move. People don’t pick up their dog shit. And my biggest peave right now is ignorant assholes letting their dogs run unleashed. When I’m at the park with my kids, how do I know if your unleashed mongrel is nice or not? A friend of mine had her dog ripped apart by two assclowns that unleashed their, you guessed it, pitbulls at the park. Most people are incapable of owning a goldfish, and certainly know nothing of dog psychology.
Renee • Mar 14, 2022 at 7:53 pm
Wow, specieism at work here. That pitbull’s life is worth way more than your’s.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 5:45 pm
What the person wrote is true. A poorly trained dog is a serious danger. Many people truly are incapable to train and handle their dogs. Besides, the Pitbull attacks were caused by Pitbulls usually bought from disreputable, shady breeders. Another proof many people aren’t responsible enough to own a pet.
So, no need to bark like an aggressive untrained dog here, the person presented a valid observation.
Erin • Feb 22, 2022 at 2:08 am
I think what’s a real red flag is people who love dogs and hate cats. All I hear is “needs to be in charge of everything, receive excessive adoration and finds the idea of boundaries and reciprocity intolerable.”
Middle of the road opinions – not the enemy
Dick • Feb 23, 2022 at 1:47 pm
Cats stink! Nothing worse than the overpowering smell of cat urine or the stench of a litterbox.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 6:06 pm
And how is it a relevant response to the post? The person just wrote:
I think what’s a real red flag is people who love dogs and hate cats. All I hear is “needs to be in charge of everything, receive excessive adoration and finds the idea of boundaries and reciprocity intolerable.”
Cats stink just isn’t a relevant response. By the way, dogs smell horribly. Especially the big ones…even these who are clean. The litter box can be quickly cleaned and quality litter bought, but what to do about a dog who smells even if it’s clean and properly looked after? And…cats don’t slobber all over you and your clothes…they don’t sniff your crotch…
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:06 am
Okay, but what about the stench of a dog permeating the entire house, especially anything fabric? And how about your yard that reeks of urine and feces? You can pick up the feces, but it still stinks. Especially in the summer–ugh.
Also, anyone worth owning a cat makes it a habit to clean the litter box AT LEAST once a day. It still stinks when the cat uses it, but it shouldn’t reek unless the litter needs to be changed out completely, like how a human bathroom stinks unless it’s cleaned frequently.
Sarah • Feb 27, 2022 at 8:16 am
My thoughts exactly. Anyone who hates cats either never had one or doesn’t like the idea of an animal being independent. The litter isnt bad when you actually clean it.
Robert • Mar 15, 2022 at 6:54 pm
I hate cats, but growing up the neighbor across the street owned 41 cats and theyre house smelled! It made the neighborhood smell. And at any given time there were several cats in our yard, which became a litter box my parents made me clean. The cats would hiss at you too, they were not nice. I can’t tell you how many nights I would wake up and hear cats getting in fights in the middle of the night and the cat that loss would literally meow the rest of the night.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:09 am
I love cats, but that is NO WAY for cats to live. Those neighbors sound horrendous – the cats obviously weren’t living in a good environment or taken care of considering they were aggressive. Did no one call animal control?
Ashton • Feb 21, 2022 at 11:30 am
I love dogos
mathew • Feb 21, 2022 at 7:30 am
i do not love dogs that moch
Ashton • Feb 21, 2022 at 11:32 am
YOU HATE DOGS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Rachael • Feb 19, 2022 at 11:08 am
The amount of people here triggered over someone else’s likes and dislikes is astounding. This might come as a surprise to you, but someone else not liking a particular animal, doesn’t mean you love yours any less. I’m sure a record amount of you dog lovers will openly admit to hating cats, while simultaneously insulting anyone who dislikes dogs. Or better yet, talk about hating children and saying you’ll never have any because of x-y-z, and expecting others to respect your decision. What if I told you everyone’s decisions can and should be respected. If I don’t want a dog, cat, child, lizard, magical sky dragon, whatever for any reason at all…. Whether it’s too much responsibility, inconvenience, or I just down right dislike them, it’s my right to do so. Just like it’s your right to do otherwise. Y’all dog people are wild af, honestly!
Carol Murphy • Feb 18, 2022 at 12:21 pm
Any decent human being knows that anyone who hates dogs or animals is absolutely worthless trash. Not to be heard, listen to, or even acknowledge. Again, worthless trash.
Rachael • Feb 19, 2022 at 10:55 am
Awwwww you’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you… the only worthless I see here is your comment.
Erin • Feb 22, 2022 at 2:06 am
Dude, you sound insane and someone to be much more concerned about than a dog-hater. Get a goddamned grip and stop being around others if you can’t be normal about differences of personality.
Jo-Jo • Feb 17, 2022 at 10:41 pm
I am a “Grounds-Keeper”.
and really enjoy listening to Slipknot while cleaning up other people’s shit.
Friendly neighborhood Vet • Feb 14, 2022 at 5:37 am
As a Vet, I dont mind you hating dogs as long as you are not hurting them or making them feel discomfort. I am not a psychiatrist but it looks to me you do not hate dogs, but rather you are a either a person conscious of their time or a lazy person.
Chris • Feb 11, 2022 at 10:23 am
There are a number of people on this site who are posting for no other reason than to be an assholes, or boredom, but still, I do not have to go to work for another hour, so, I’ll bite.
The level of vitriol aimed at those who are not fans of dogs goes a long way to showing the hypocrisy of many dog-lovers. When and where did love/not-love for dogs become a barometer for being a good-person or not? How does that make sense?
Now, I know a certain amount of people in this comment section who are obviously trolls and they need no more attention than they have already gotten, but there are a number of rational, capable adults, who employ logic an common-sense to probably all other areas in their life, who really believe that liking or not liking dogs in and of itself, can tell you if someone is a “good person”.
These people are the ones I am, talking too, and my question is do none of you see how arrogant that opinion is? Just because the overwhelming majority of people love dogs does not mean that those of who do not have something wrong with us. I do not like dogs because of the barking and constant 24/7 need for attention and affection. That is not appealing to me, that sort of behavior does not make me want to rush out and get a dog because I appreciate my solitude the most when I come home from work or being out in general. I like coming home to a quiet place where I can relax. I do not need to have a dog waiting on baited breath to see me, the thought of a dog running up to me wagging its tail and trying to jump up on me does not warm my heart. Dog-lovers may not understand why the things they love about dogs are the things that make me not want a dog, but going so far as to say no matter what else I have done or am doing in my life, the mere fact that I don’t value the love of a dog enough to overrule my not wanting one means that I am a bad person is insanely arrogant. And again, a lot of the people here are simply just entertaining themselves by trolling this site, but too many people here who I would probably respect if I knew them believe that one singular act is the end-all and be-all in regards to judging my “goodness” as a person, and that is a sad thing.
I don’t judge dog-lovers for enjoying, I don’t think to myself that there is something wrong with them, I don’t think anything about it because we can all like or not like whatever the fuck we want.
And the arguments that dogs are so pure and loving, that not wanting one means that you can’t care for another living thing, Jesus Christ, why don’t dog-lovers just climb up on the cross and get it over with already? Loving a dog does not make any of you better than me, I am not a cold-hearted monster, I am not evil, I don’t like dogs if I am forced to be around them but if I am not, I am apathetic to them.
One last thing I want to touch on is the concept of a dog’s loyalty. And this is a serious question, how can dog-lovers ignore the fact that dogs are incapable of surviving on their own? The average dog will not be able to survive on its own unlike the average cat, who can. Cats as a species are the best hunters on dry-land on the planet, a house-cat has instincts that will emerge if it was ever forced to take care of itself. Wolves, dog’s ancestors, are prolific hunters as well, but not on the same level as tigers or lions, but dogs stopped being wolves a very long time ago, today’s dogs need to be taken care of.
So is that not at least a part of why they are so “loyal”? Maybe the reason why dogs gets separation-anxiety is not because they miss their owners emotionally, as much as it is a survival-instinct? Dogs are not aware that their owner will be returning, so to them, it looks like they have been abandoned, which in turn means, their very survival is at risk.
But even beyond that, regarding loyalty. where else is the dog going to go? It is not like the dog has friends, a job, wife, kid’s, hobbies, etc., they have nowhere to go and no one to be with, they have no responsibilities, no commitments, and combining that fact along with them needing people to survive, is it least possible that the “love and loyalty” dogs show has been misinterpreted by humans? Misunderstood because humans are using human behavior as the model, so, we see dogs acting in a certain way, we attribute the same motivations for said behavior. Human-loyalty is in rare supply, no doubt about that, but that does not change the fact that loyalty is a choice, which is why it is so rare. Loyalty means having the means and ability to leave but making a choice not too. Saying a dog’s never leaving your side is definitive proof of loyalty is same as saying your 6-year-old son is loyal to you because he chooses to come home from school everyday. A 6 year-old is not capable of surviving on it’s own anymore than a dog is, they need assistance, without it they will not survive, doesn’t mean they are not loyal, does not mean they are either.
Does that not make at least a little sense? Is my argument at the least probable? Or am I discounted because I do not love dogs so whatever I say is tainted?
finescc1 • Feb 11, 2022 at 8:13 pm
Hi Chris, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have stated here. To be judged on whether you are a nice human based on whether you like dogs is absurd and the people who do judge, have more wrong with them than the non-dog lovers.
I myself have a dog, as my children begged for years and I can’t deprive them of something they love, because I don’t. So I’m stuck with my dog, who yes, is cute, can be funny, sometimes loving but at the same time, is extremely needy, messy, smelly and can be very disobedient. If I were to date a man and he listed those behaviours about himself, I’d take a pass. So why is it so bad that we can take a pass on a dog, due to these behaviours? People say, ‘oh but they’re so innocent, they don’t know what they’re doing’, well, if that’s the case, why when my dog chewed my plant to pieces and was having a grand old time on CCTV, cower to the floor and ran to hide in his crate as soon as I walked in? These dog lovers are so blinded by their dogs that they’ve lost all reason and can’t see what the reality is. The dog is very much aware of its behaviour, it knows how to manipulate and it knows how best to survive. So as you said, Chris, the ‘loyalty’ is nothing but, ‘I need you and can’t survive without you’, & nothing more!
Chris • Feb 12, 2022 at 9:47 pm
I appreciate the kind word, but I do want to make sure that I state that I am not definitively saying dogs are not loyal or don’t love their owners. I would never make that statement cause I have no idea, I just wanted to introduce the possibility because over the years, the amount of people who have forced their dogs on me and tried to make me see the benefits of getting one make the loyalty argument, and they refuse to acknowledge that they might be wrong.
You know, 10 years ago, I never thought about dogs at all, but they’re are everywhere now. You can’t escape them. Supermarkets, restaurants, non-dog apartment buildings used to be a refuge from barking, not anymore, now, so many just bring their fucking dog somewhere and expect if not adoration of their dog(s) at least acceptance, which is shown by not complaining to the owner when their dog runs over and tries to lick my face cause I bent down to look at a movie I want to buy while in Target.
And the worst is the attitude of the fucking owners who view not wanting to pet their dog as a sign that you are a psychopath. Dogs getting in the way of me trying to walk, in stores, out on the sidewalk, do the owners call the dog over? No, why? Cause they think that I will wanna pet the dog, and when I step around the dog, the glares from the owners piss me off more than the dog getting in my way does. One time, in a line at the fucking Ralph’s, when the woman behind me’s dog spent the entire 10 minutes of waiting time trying to get me to pet it or show it attention by sniffing my shoes and looking up at me with a sad dog-face that I am sure melts the hearts of dog-lovers everywhere, when I got to the cashier, the fucking owner bent down and said some shit about how “the mean man is leaving now and how sorry she was for the dog cause I did not want to pet it”, I mean seriously, what the fuck is wrong with dog-people?
Larry • Feb 8, 2022 at 3:42 am
I don’t care for dogs. They stink. The neighbor’s dog jumped up and soiled my clothes and the owners don’t even apologize. They see nothing wrong with that! I also don’t like cleaning up dog crap in my yard. I don’t own a dog. You are as bad as your dog!
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Feb 3, 2022 at 4:31 pm
Hey Gallardo: You are a horrible human being, you only love yourself but dogs, hate everybody and everything else. Go take your hatred somewhere else like Iran or China where you belong, you self centered, self righteous P.O.S. !!!!!!!
Monica • Feb 1, 2022 at 5:04 am
You are not the only dog hater. I don’t want to be forced to live with dogs around me. After all even I don’t force my love of horrorcore on others. I would like to have a choice to say no. No i don’t want to hear barking in my neighbourhood. And no i don’t want to see dogs being dressed up in frocks.
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Feb 3, 2022 at 4:34 pm
And I don’t want any dog hating liberals like you around me!! Go dogs, go Right Wingers, and Trump 2024!!!
Gay Chiappetta • Feb 7, 2022 at 10:00 pm
yuck. I was with you until your asinine trump crap
teme • Feb 11, 2022 at 3:16 am
teme shut the fuck up you self conceited bullshit ballfucker, let others keep their opinion. you’re probably one of those fuckass 60 yr old trumpers who fuck themselves in the bathtub every day.
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Mar 7, 2022 at 12:37 pm
Fuck you, Asshole! Come to Upstate Pennsylvania and say that to my face!!!!
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Mar 7, 2022 at 12:39 pm
Come say that to my face you keyboard warrior punk!
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Mar 7, 2022 at 12:49 pm
You shut the fuck you asshole cunt!!
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Mar 8, 2022 at 11:55 am
At least I got a set of balls unlike you, you keyboard warrior little cuck!!!
Farah • Jan 31, 2022 at 8:33 am
I don’t like dogs either. One murdered my cat. The small ones look like big rats or walking dirty carpets. They’re evil cat murderers. Sure if they grow up with a cat they might not kill it but they will kill a different one.
Kat • Jan 29, 2022 at 8:39 pm
Dogs are ok, but I’m not fawning over them nor do I want one. I share your sentiments exactly. I’m simply tired of pretending people’s pets are their children.
American Patriot • Jan 28, 2022 at 9:28 am
Roryl • Jan 29, 2022 at 2:47 pm
Don’t have children. If you hate dogs because you feel you lost your independence and freedom then you are going to REALLY hate children.
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Jan 30, 2022 at 7:44 am
MSS • Feb 4, 2022 at 4:47 pm
That’s not true for a lot of people. I love looking after my daughter. Her birth changed my entire world, and it also changed how I feel about my dog. She will always be my number one priority. I still love him, but caring for him has become a chore now that I’m so busy with a baby. I still love him and care for him, but I can’t say I will ever get another one when he passes.
lmao lmao • Feb 1, 2022 at 12:54 pm
American Patriot • Feb 3, 2022 at 4:35 pm
So should you, asshole!!!!
American Patriot • Feb 3, 2022 at 4:37 pm
SO SHOULD YOU, ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rebecca • Jan 26, 2022 at 4:37 am
This article and the comments of some of the people who agree with it has clarified for me that, in order to like dogs, a person has to be able to derive joy from the happiness of another being. The author and those who agree with her can’t understand why walking, feeding and caring for another creature would give someone joy because her life revolves around herself. As some others have astutely noted, her lack of enjoyment of dogs reveals a profound lack of empathy. She is not someone I would want to know or be friends with.
Aspen • Jan 29, 2022 at 6:45 pm
Amen. From the first few sentences in, it was grossly clear to me that this author is not someone who I would ever want to know. Terrible. Despicable.
MSS • Feb 4, 2022 at 4:53 pm
Just because someone doesn’t derive pleasure from caring for an animal doesn’t innately make them a selfish person. I much prefer devoting my life to caring for, nurturing, and raising my human children. It’s a matter of preference. I don’t understand people that make snap judgments like that about another person’s character without knowing anything else about them.
Gay Chiappetta • Feb 7, 2022 at 10:04 pm
yeah well, some of us do both. It is my considered opinion that living and caring for another species makes us better human beings.
I will say that I HATE those stupid NO! and BE RESPECTFUL! anti dog signs on people’s lawns in a CITY!
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:14 am
They are living in a city where it’s hard enough to function without getting in other people’s spaces. They have every right to create boundaries, especially since dogs and dog owners are known for pushing other people’s boundaries.
Maybe you should do some serious self-reflection if someone having a respectful sign protecting their property bothers you so much.
Chris • Feb 11, 2022 at 3:53 pm
Are you really serious? Are you a real person? Or are you killing time till the Super Bowl starts by taking time out of your day to make comments that would sound silly if they came out of a 5 year-old?
Not liking dogs means that “a person cannot derive joy from the happiness of another being”, you sure you want to stand by this statement? Are you certain that you want to have your name attached to something this foolish? Or arrogant?
Dog-lovers are absolutely insane. The author’s joy “revolves around herself”? I’m assuming you know the author very well to make a comment that precise. As you surely cannot say that just because she express displeasure at having to clean up after a dog, yeah that makes her a real monster.
Lack of enjoyment of dogs shows a “lack of empathy”, I am not even sure where to start with this. The only measure to accurately measure empathy is by discerning whether or not someone likes/dislikes dogs? What about raccoons? I had a former Supervisor who loved raccoons, she protested against hunting them and she loved them since she was a kid, she never kept one as a pet but took care of the ones who lived near her, this woman was also one of the best mother’s I’d ever known. She was a genuinely good person, she never grew up with dogs, she never wanted one. She had friends who had them, just like I did, and seeing her friend’s dogs did not make her want a dog anymore than seeing my friends dogs. According to your standard of judgement, nothing else about this woman would matter except that she does not like dogs, and that alone, would negate any of her other qualities.
Dog-lovers claim how owning a dog makes them more compassionate, caring and tolerant, but I guess not with anyone who does not like dogs, right? No, people who don’t like dogs are entitled to all of your hatred and anger, and your superiority.
And that is the worst part about most dog-lovers, that the real reason they love dogs is because the dogs worship the ground you walk on. The dog not being able to stomach being away from you for more than 5 consecutive seconds feeds your ego. It makes you feel special. That dog rushing up to you when you get home from work after probably spending the entire day barking its fucking head off makes you feel loved and needed. It makes you feel like you matter, and most of you fool yourselves into thinking that you love the dog, but you don’t. Be honest dog-lovers, what would happen if the dog’s behavior changed?
What if it stopped running up to you when you got home? What if like children, the dog grew and started to develop a life outside of the one with you? What if when you came home, the dog was happy to see you but otherwise indifferent to your presence because it had its own things going on? How would any of you react?
My guess is that the second your precious Fido stops pissing itself in pleasure every time you come back from the bathroom, your “love” for the dog would be dimmed.
So you dog-lovers please, spare us from the self-righteous nonsense, you want to think that “loving” that dog and the dog “loving” you makes you special, but it doesn’t, not even a little bit.
And most of you already know that.
Vicktheslick • Feb 19, 2022 at 4:32 pm
Nailed it!
finescc1 • Feb 11, 2022 at 8:18 pm
What a load of nonsense. I can’t tolerate dogs so no, I get no pleasure in sharing my space with one. However, do I get pleasure from others having pleasure? Sure, my two children in fact. I feed, care, clothe and love to the death; my children, and take immense pleasure in their happiness. So please, get off your high horse and stop projecting your disillusions on others.
Rachael • Feb 19, 2022 at 11:23 am
False equivalency, mate. Nice try, though. I derive immense joy out of caring for and nurturing the four little human lives I brought into this world. I also do not care for pets, especially dogs. One literally has nothing at all to do with the other.
Steve McNutsack • Jan 25, 2022 at 5:08 pm
You’re a subhuman monster.
LET'S-GO-BRANDON • Feb 3, 2022 at 4:52 pm
Yes she is!!
Leigh Taylor • Jan 24, 2022 at 5:04 pm
All I can say this, this was so healing for me to read. Thank you so much. xxx
Deja • Feb 2, 2022 at 7:29 pm
Same, I have 2 kids and 2 dogs. Well my bf has 2 dogs. I do not like the responsibility of the dogs at all. Love children not a fan of dogs. Not sure why people try to put them in the same category.
JOE MAMA • Feb 20, 2022 at 10:47 am
Literally shut up kids are disgusting like if you like kids you don’t deserve rights.
Charlotte Dier • Jan 20, 2022 at 4:22 am
I empathize with you and you have every right to dislike dogs and dog owners! Nobody deserves to have their private space invaded, whether it be by dogs or human beings!
I am sorry for all the hate these pro dog fanatics give you. It’s their problem, not yours.
Whatever negative things these people think or say about people who are critical toward dogs is their own problem.
When people use emotions or lack sound, logical arguments, they use personal attacks and ad hominems.
What these dog fanatics say negatively about you or any other dog critic, is exactly what is their own flaws and behaviors
KerriAS • Jan 19, 2022 at 10:35 pm
You are are clearly a terrible, self absorbed human being. Like that’s ok but – good to know? I guess? I think this is an honest story and some people who adopt dogs should consider carefully. I do wonder though (without judgement), if you can’t handle a dog – why you consider having children. I found this to be an interesting viewpoint but thankfully we are not friends- LOL. Empathy is needed any dog owner. If this little bit of shared responsibility for a dog was so traumatic, how would you handle a sick family member?
Jinhui • Jan 26, 2022 at 4:31 pm
As the author of this article stated, the fact that a dog is not a being you can have verbal conversations with, the love towards it is not the same. How can you possibly compare having children to having a dog? lmaoooo
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:20 am
OK dog lover. First of all, taking care of a dog is not the same as taking care of a human child (or a sick relative). Sure they’ll definitely both be a lot of the same work at first, but at least a human will eventually grow out of the toddler stage. And the intricacies of taking care of a sick relative is much different from the act of taking care of a pet. There is a different level of empathy, communication, and tasks when caring for a person. And in all cases, sometimes people don’t like the responsibility and they are fully in their right to feel that way. Unless you are a parent or in a committed relationship (be it platonic or romantic), you are by no means obligated to take care of another person. It’s the kind thing to do, but it would not be wrong to decline that responsibility or make arrangements for someone more willing/capable to do it.
And who are you to say the author doesn’t have empathy? Where, exactly, is the lack of empathy shown in this piece? You should show a bit of empathy yourself and try to see her perspective.
Renee willett • Jan 18, 2022 at 3:27 am
Your cold-hearted I’m glad I don’t no you.bitch or bastard
Kiss My Ass • Jan 20, 2022 at 4:06 am
Wow. Resorting to petty name-calling? Lol, grow up
American Patriot • Jan 28, 2022 at 9:29 am
FUCK YOU!!!!!!
Chris • Feb 11, 2022 at 5:46 pm
Ahh, yes, another shining example of the love and compassion that just exudes from dog-lovers, also a testament to the lack of intellectual prowess as well.
Last paragraph of the article, the author makes it a point to recognize that she understands why dogs are appealing, which makes her smarter than me because I can’t figure out what people see in dogs, but I digress.
Author, again, last paragraph, states that dogs give unconditional love, and that as companions, they are loyal, obedient and kind, words I would never use in regards to a dog. And what is your response?
“Your cold-hearted I’m glad I don’t no you.bitch or bastard”.
First, I think you mean “know”, second, you’re a moron.
But you’re probably smarter than your dog.
tony • Jan 16, 2022 at 2:32 pm
even the grinch had a dog. you are lower beings.
Kiss My Ass • Jan 20, 2022 at 4:08 am
So just because she dislikes your favorite pet, she deserves to be dehumanized? Get over yourself!
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:16 pm
Sociopaths aren’t people. I struggle to even admit that they’re homo sapiens.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 6:12 pm
Immaturity of dog lovers is astounding sometimes. But no wonder…they have after all personalities similar to their favourite pet’s personalities. Barking and aggressive if not properly trained. Unable to behave of their own volition. Cowardish, respecting only authority and dominance. Mistaking love for slavish behaviour and uncritical adoration.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:22 am
So you’re dehumanizing people who hate dogs, as well as people with mental disorders? You sound like you need to really open your eyes and really make an attempt at understanding other people.
Egg fish • Mar 10, 2022 at 4:46 am
And Hitler had a dog so if she hates dogs she has less compassion than Hitler
JE • Jan 15, 2022 at 1:53 am
Thanks fir the courage to say it! lol They deserve there place on earth but not in my home.
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:03 am
You’re a insensitive asshole and yes you’re cold hearted and hateful. They are sentient beings who give unconditional love. Which people dint and people who love animals are better humans as more compassionate. Etc.
martin • Jan 19, 2022 at 5:50 am
Dog lovers just look at yourselves. You call someone an insensitive asshole just for admitting the dislike for dogs? What a nice example of how compassionate and sensitive dog lovers are.
W. • Jan 13, 2022 at 2:20 pm
either google the idiot company full of unethical scumployees shares your opinion so much that it has to be shown even when completely irrelevant terms are being searched or you abused seo with dumb tags..so it depends if you are a terrible person…
Rose • Jan 11, 2022 at 8:53 am
Did I write this? LOL Agreed 100% Thank you!
Rose • Jan 11, 2022 at 8:52 am
Did I write this? LOL Agreed 100% Thank you,thank you ,thank you!
Melissa M Sizemore • Jan 8, 2022 at 1:38 pm
I don’t hate animals. I hate the judgemental jerks that make it where you can’t rehome an animal no matter the circumstance. I think it’s great you told the truth, and to hell with those who are judging you.
Monique Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:07 am
Animals don’t deserve to be abandoned or dumped in kill shelters. They have feelings, etc too. Most animals are killed in shelters. So they suffer due to your stupidity. Dint adopt animals then you want need to ” rehome” them and shame on the author. I love animals
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:25 am
I love animals too but that doesn’t mean rehoming is a bad thing. Sometimes you and an animal are not a fit, or maybe you reluctantly rehome because you are literally incapable of taking care of them (unstable housing, financial situation, new introductions to the family, a decline in health of someone in the household, etc. etc.). When you rehome you are not just dumping them at a shelter unless you absolutely need to. Yes, the animals have feelings, but so do humans. Sometimes these are incompatible.
Alexander West • Jan 6, 2022 at 10:41 am
You are not alone. I don’t necessarily hate dogs, I am not a pet person at all. What I do hate is that the infinite masses seem to expect me to love their dogs. I don’t to put it simply. So keep them out of restaurants grocery stores, workplaces, and any other public space not specifically meant for dogs.
SSS • Jan 6, 2022 at 8:21 am
I empathize with you. I have to talk myself into dog ownership everyday. I love my Riggs but when he is gone, I am done with dogs. Dogs love me but, like you all I feel is they cause drama, work and agrivation. I never feel joy, peace or get those endorphins everyone talks about. J just feel the burden and responsibility. I guess it doesn’t help that I am stuck dealing with him 95% of the time. I feel like you. No peace or joy, just theft of my independence and freedom and money. He cost 1200 to buy, vet, grooming, expensive food, treats, beds etc. He costs us 2k a year minimum. Oh let’s not forget the cost of the fence. Yes. I feel like you do, over it.
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:10 am
Dislike!! Your loss. You’ll never be loved by another being like you will a animal. I hope you never get another as you dislike responsibility
Alexa • Jan 19, 2022 at 10:24 pm
Chill out
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:28 am
Love from an animal is just as conditional as love from a human. Animals do NOT love unconditionally, they love the being that continues to provide them with care.
Also, love from an animal is not inherently better (or worse) than love from a human. It depends on what you are looking for, what types of situations will be more fulfilling for you.
Rebecca • Jan 26, 2022 at 4:41 am
I feel sorry for your dog and wish it had had lived it’s life with someone more capable of caring for it.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:31 am
It sounds like they had other people in the household also taking care of the dog – though the commenter said that they take care of it 95% of the time, indicating lazy household members who may love the dog, but didn’t want to put in the work owning it.
Yes, perhaps it would have been better off with another family, but it sounds like it was literally taken care of just fine. They obviously were capable of taking care of it, they just resented the amount of work it was. The dog likely didn’t even notice that this owner was not in love with it since its needs were still being met.
Zhu Wang • Jan 4, 2022 at 1:44 pm
I cannot agree more. It is understandable that someone people likes dogs. But it doesn’t mean the whole world should like what they like. I just had agreement with an old lady who criticised me for being scared of dogs.
I'm Actually A Robot • Jan 2, 2022 at 5:22 pm
If you also don’t like babies then your opinion is acceptable but if you think baby humans are superior to puppies then get off the internet.
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:13 am
Agreed animals are equal to humans and I love them . Not a kid person at all
Pragmatist • Jan 22, 2022 at 12:45 am
Monique, you should seek therapy.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:33 am
You should also get off the internet and broaden your horizons. People do not have to put all living beings on the same scale, especially when there are differences in cognitive abilities and development. Both babies and puppies are ugly as sin, but at least human babies grow out of the baby AND toddler phase, unlike dogs who always act like poorly behaved toddlers.
William • Jan 2, 2022 at 4:55 pm
I don’t hate dogs per se,I just hate untrained ones who destroy all of your expensive things and then your roommate/sister and her BF blame you for having them out because they are lazy pet owners.
Unknown • Jan 10, 2022 at 5:30 am
Very specific scenario but agreed. I mean I can’t stand bad dog owners who aren’t responsible for their dogs behavior. If your dog is badly trained, to me that means you aren’t capable of taking care of the dog the right way.
Lauri • Jan 2, 2022 at 3:01 am
Great article. Of course cue the back lash. A different opinion is not tolerated with dog lovers as they believe it is a direct hit on them. Get over yourselves.
Unknown • Jan 10, 2022 at 5:35 am
Again. I’ve already responded to this comment. Yes I guess I’m a stuck up dog lover according to you, huh? No the article was not a direct hit on me but this comment. Implying that every dog lover is a self absorbed jerk-just I can’t. I’m sorry that you’ve had trouble with other dog lovers not supporting the fact that you have free will and you can choose to hate or love who ever you want without being a judged. I respect your opinion. Please don’t assume and respect mine.
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:16 am
Agreed! Although I think people who don’t like animals are cold hearted, insensitive asses and Definitely no one I’d be around
kevin • Mar 13, 2022 at 2:24 pm
You are literally the only dog owner in these comments that isn’t attacking the author for being a terrible person incapable of love.
Maybe look at what dog owners are saying here (and in general) before getting upset.
It’s not a generalization or made-up if 70% of the comments are doing the exact thing
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:36 am
How many times will it take for you to learn that when someone uses some sort of noun (dog lovers, dogs, cats, pet lovers, etc.), unless they explicitly state ALL x, y, or z, they literally DO NOT MEAN ALL. Surely you have encountered this same exact sentiment several times in your life.
If you have a problem with it, you’re one of the ones being targeted. Dog lovers are annoying – that doesn’t mean all dog lovers, so people shouldn’t have to clarify that they “only mean some” in order to spare some feelings.
Ann • Jan 1, 2022 at 12:07 pm
The more I learn about people, the more I love my dog!
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:17 am
Agree 100%
Nancy • Jan 1, 2022 at 11:54 am
It appears you waste your energy on complaining and whine, a lot!
Kiss My Ass • Jan 20, 2022 at 4:12 am
Seems to me like YOU are the one who’s bitching and complaining. Don’t like the opinions? Then too bad for you!
American Patriot • Jan 28, 2022 at 9:31 am
Donna • Dec 30, 2021 at 8:58 pm
I am most definitely not a dog person either. I can’t stand the smell
Of them and find them a chore. After having our chocolate lab over the past 10 years I just can’t wait until it hits the bucket. This is the neediest dog and always slobbering all over the place wanting food 24/7. My next dog will be a stuffie.
Sebastian • Jan 17, 2022 at 10:37 am
You sir have a sad life and I hope you die alone in a ditch
martin • Jan 19, 2022 at 5:41 am
What a perfect example of how nice dog person is.
Rebecca • Jan 26, 2022 at 4:42 am
I feel sorry for your lab and wish it had had lived its life with someone more capable of caring for it.
Mazy • Mar 21, 2022 at 5:59 am
‘Im most definitely not a dog person’….’i cant stand the smell, you say,
And ‘i cant wait until it hits the bucket, ‘this is the most neediest dog , slobbering all over the place, wanting food 24/7’
Have you ever thought some of its neediness, may be because your not bothered about it, or because some of the neediness may be the love side wanting to cuddle up to you, be with you
And then you want another one !!!!!!!!!
‘My next dog will be a ‘STUFFIE’, maybe you meant stuffie as in a stuffed dog, taxidermy or a toy stuffed one, like childs toy?????, which would probably be your best choice given the circumstances
If you meant staffie, what if that becomes a chore, slobbering,wantin food 24/7
Ive got news for you lady, ALL DOGS are a chore, not just certain particular breeds, they are a massive part of your life like any dog would be, its like having a 2nd job
But i will say one thing, IF you are treating it right, it gets to run, play, walks, love, toy play, food, water, and a home to live in, no matter how much it annoys you, then the one good thing you have done is not just get rid of it and stick it in a shelter, like alot of people would, if thats what you do do for your dog then maybe consider adopting a one for your next
Because a life in a shelter is no life at all for a dog, they do the best they can in the uk, but there just isnt enough hours in the day for them to be walked, toy play, love, etc they can only give each dog as much time as they can to do those things, but there are so many of them and not enough staff, not enough hours, those poor dogs are stuck in a kennel n its heartbreaking when you see how its broke the spirit of some of them, because their emotions are on a level as much as us and they feel those emotions as strong as us
But if your definitely not a dog person i dont know why you would be even considering another one
Cooper • Jun 11, 2022 at 8:54 pm
They very clearly meant a stuffed toy dog, a stuffed animal. They’re not considering another real pet dog.
Even your own description of having a real pet dog doesn’t sound that nice – you admit it’s a chore, you compare it to a second job (!!!), and that the main benefit is to the dog, not to the owner. I’m not sorry for not wanting to get a second job when I don’t need one and don’t want one.
Ello • Dec 30, 2021 at 8:03 pm
I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for writing this. I feel the same with a lot if the things you said. I think I may also not like dogs because of their certain behaviors. I find I can really enjoy the company of a friends dog if they are calm, don’t jump up on you, their breath is not atrocious, and constantly demand your attention in an the annoying ways. Those kinds of dogs are not common. In general yes I don’t have the time nor the attention to give dogs because it seems enough is never enough. Picking up after them and their annoying habits only make things worse. I do find that though I am not a dog person, I am a people person and especially a kid person which doesn’t make me feel like a horrible person. I feel like you would be a worse person to hate people and kids especially and love dogs.
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:22 am
I’m not a kid person at all, they annoy me. I love animals and provide unconditional love. You think animals are a responsibility kids are much worse and don’t give back as much
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:41 am
Animals do NOT provide unconditional love. Love from an animal is conditional on the condition that you continue to provide care for it. If someone else nearby provides better, they will leave you behind without a second thought. But a dog that only spends its life in one household won’t know any better, so of course they’re going to shower you with all the affection in hopes that it’ll continue receiving rewards (affection, food, etc).
You sound like you lack empathy to an extreme extent. You don’t care about people or the work it takes to actually get along with people (and the effort it takes to accept when you realize you will simply not get along with someone). You just want to put in minimal effort for the seemingly endless attention and adoration you get from a dog.
Ro Ma • Dec 30, 2021 at 6:50 am
I’ve never understood why disliking dogs makes you a bad person. I don’t care if others love them and want them in their homes. Conversely, you should respect that I don’t want them in my home and I don’t want them in the dining establishments I frequent or hotels for which I’ve paid a hefty sum. Don’t force your pets on me.
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:24 am
Don’t go to those hotels then if you don’t like it. Animals are cleaner and better behaved than kids
Alice, the 1 and only • Dec 29, 2021 at 8:12 pm
okay ya’ll… i see theres kind of an argument about dog lovers vs haters: 🐶❤️
vs 🐶❌. Can we just pretend dogs arent the center of the universe. Like we are seriously being divided by who likes dogs and who doesnt. Dogs out of all things to like and dislike. Just because someone likes a dog and someone does not they can still be friends… there are many other things they could agree on. This fight is overrated, dogs are meh. People can feel however they want about them but please leave me out of it. Alright this is done, imma go now. BYE!
luke patterson • Dec 29, 2021 at 12:08 am
I think that you likely ~are~ a regrettable and typical, modern human being
Enjoy keyboards and coffee and the internet and hospital stays and fast food and locked doors and hand drying fans in bathrooms and being able to go places where all wild life has been removed for your extremely important and unique lifetime
Shruthi • Jan 18, 2022 at 5:20 pm
And where are you living…STONE AGE????
Dani • Dec 28, 2021 at 11:45 pm
I love cats, but I hate dogs. My aunt loves her two tiny pooches, I’m not mean to them or anything but she gets pissed when I won’t cuddle them. I do not want to cuddle a small, weird animal, which I have stepped in it’s pee puddles at least 6 times since we got to her house last week. I hate how I can never get away from them, they want to climb up onto me or against me and I h a t e it! I don’t even cuddle my cat half as much as I’m pressured to cuddle these dogs!
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 10:20 pm
Dog shit . Day after day . Dog shit . And the smelly chore of cleaning it up . Ugh ! I’ll pass on that .
Elocin • Jan 2, 2022 at 2:08 pm
After dealing with yet another dog of a neighbor that has done nothing but disrupt my life, I thank you for writing this article, please know despite the ingrates that I see trolling in the comments, there are many who share your feelings and full heartedly support every sentence you’ve listed in this.
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:27 am
You’re heartless and uncompassionate
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:45 am
Why are they heartless and uncompassionate? Because they don’t want to have to deal with a neighbor’s dog who is likely barking incessantly, acting aggressively, or going to the bathroom in a yard that isn’t their own? The dog owners should have more control over their dog and be more respectful of their neighbors.
You wouldn’t tolerate a human child causing a ruckus in your yard or nearby, so why would you tolerate a dog doing the same?
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:29 am
Guess what you shit too and I’m sure it stinks even though you think your shit don’t stink!
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:39 am
News flash. Your shit smells too. Even if you think it don’t stick it does ( your attitude too)
Sebastian • Jan 17, 2022 at 10:39 am
I hope nobody loves you
reid • Dec 23, 2021 at 12:29 am
Same, which is hilarious because I now own a dog. He was my parents and they couldn’t take him when they moved. So now the running joke is, I hate all dogs except for Beau.
He’s 10, fully housetrained and basically just sleeps all the time. I watched a dog grooming video and bathe him once a week to avoid the “dog” smell. Takes 20 minutes and he doesn’t seem bothered like some dogs might be. Took a little time on my part, but I even let him sleep on the foot of my bed now since he isn’t annoying.
Jess • Dec 22, 2021 at 2:47 pm
I’m right there with you. I’d rather own 20 cats than one dog!
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 10:26 pm
20 cats might be a bother for me . I would cut it down to 3 . And maybe take a week vacation to kitty island in Greece .
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:32 am
Ate you suggesting she abandon them at kitty island? I hope that’s not what you mean as thats fucking sick and cruel
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:48 am
You really need to work on your reading comprehension. It’s a hypothetical situation. And even in the hypothetical, they aren’t saying “i had 20 cats, now i just have 3.”
And 20 cats in one house is not any better for a cat than a “kitty island”
Phetros • Apr 9, 2022 at 11:41 pm
I can’t believe this is so controversial. I know people who don’t like dogs and people who do, I own 2 rescue dogs and don’t bring them to people’s houses that don’t. I don’t take my dogs to places I know they shouldn’t be and have trained them so when they interact with other people it’s not a problem. I take pride in how I’ve trained them, and have seen the way other people are and hate it. As for a waiting for a dog crossing the street I don’t understand, I mean that person could have going for walk anyway you don’t have to wait any longer?
As for people hating dogs = bad person I’ve heard people say that but not seriously. It’s like saying (insert random celestial symbol here) is bad for (insert random celestial symbol here)
And for cat people vs dog people just fuck off its like coke or pepsi who really gives a shit, it’s your preference and no one cares.
Tina Ussery • Dec 20, 2021 at 8:17 pm
Your a crab ass then cuz what have pets done to u they don’t ask to be brought into this world and alot of them are as so abused they have. Feelings I love dogs more than humans any day of the week of humans can be so mean but a dog will cherish every minute it has with a woman in make sure u put your name soeverybody knows not to everlet u around a pet cuz u sound like u mite would abuse them if u have never owned a dog u havemissed out on alot in life, anything me who goes around saying they hate animals has a pychological problem some where if u don’t like them then stay away from sites that do instead of expressing your crabby ass opinion
The nameless • Dec 23, 2021 at 3:30 pm
Dogs are as revolting as any other human being, That is why I prefer cats .
luke patterson • Dec 29, 2021 at 12:13 am
Cats are just captive,miniature predators that leech from you in absence of being born into a natural life in the world. You likely have the same relationship with the world; self assured, not sure where from or what your wet food really was before it was fed to you and totally happy to shit and piss and have someone take care of that for you
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:35 am
Hey both are great but but different. Just need to realize that and see both of their positive traits
The nameless • Dec 23, 2021 at 3:34 pm
You sound like a fun person, do you touch grass much?
Troll • Dec 23, 2021 at 7:13 pm
And you are an ass who can’t look beyond their own experience.
Name • Dec 26, 2021 at 1:40 pm
You know dogs have done bad stuff to humans to right like I once heard a story of 2 bulldogs killing a 3 year old child humans also have feelings dogs aren’t some perfect being nope I don’t think I missed out in life I don’t see a important reason to own a dog this is exactly what the person who posed this was talking about we live in a society where a person not liking dogs is treated like a mad man and they can’t express there opinions you kinda proved his point there and I respect his opinion also please learn proper grammar you misspelled a lot of words and some sentences don’t make any sense
Unknown • Jan 10, 2022 at 5:44 am
Yes dogs are bad sometimes. Yes dogs kill sometimes. Even children. But guess what? Humans are bad every once in a while. They’ve killed. They’ve killed children too. I get that you don’t want to be judged for your opinions about dogs. I am a person with a lot of opinions. I’m a dog lover okay? And I promise I think you are perfectly sane. I get dogs aren’t perfect. Nobody’s perfect. When m6 dog rips up all the remote controls, my books, and shoes, do you think I give him a hug and tell him what a perfect angel is? I’m not stupid. I listened to your thoughts. It’s time you listen to mine.
Monique M Williams • Jan 14, 2022 at 12:41 am
It’s been proven that animal lovers are more compassionate, caring better people not cold hearted
kevin • Mar 13, 2022 at 2:31 pm
Dog lover does not = animal lover.
I love wildlife. But I always see dogs off leash in animal sanctuaries and in areas set aside for wildlife. Land set aside so that animals have a safe place to best and grow. Many dog owners love of animals extends to dogs and no further.
Annapolis • Mar 31, 2022 at 12:56 am
Not true. As we all know, Hitler loved dogs.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:51 am
There are studies that SUGGEST that animal lovers MIGHT BE more likely to have traits such as compassion. There is nothing definitive in this world, especially when it comes to living beings that consciously learn and interact with the world. There is no guarantee that animal lovers are automatically compassionate.
You sound like the type of person who says they’re an animal lover and get a bunch of pets to make it seem like you have a personality.
Name • Dec 26, 2021 at 9:57 pm
Having a pet is nice but people get so defensive when a person says they don’t like dogs people are fine if you say you don’t like cats or birds. Humans are also abused to you know the person who wrote this article said they had a dog but they didn’t abuse a dog I don’t think I missed out I’m doing just fine having a dog would probably be more annoying honestly since the amount of attention they need is ridiculous I just dislike dogs but I like other animals like cats birds fish etc and this site isn’t about people who like dogs it can be about anything his opinion isn’t even that bad he has valid points and if you can’t respect or understand his opinion you should leave
Unknown • Jan 10, 2022 at 5:26 am
I am a fellow dog lover and this article really broke my heart. My question is: What have dogs done to you? In many situations hating is okay. If a dog has savagely attacked you or loved ones I get your anger. I would never let anyone hurt my family. Just because your not a dog person does not mean you have to hate them. Dogs are a lot of work. I know because I own (in my mind) a wonderful and beautiful dog of my own, his name is Bullet. Dogs will challenge you with loads and loads of work but in the end it’s all worth it for a loyal forever friend. But, you know what? If you don’t have the patience to wait then fine. Miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime. Another thing that makes me sad for humanity. How can you hate dogs? If you don’t like them because they are not well trained that is completely the owner’s responsibility. It is not the dogs fault. When an owner adopts, he/she is making a promise to take care of the dog. That means to feed, water, exercise, train, and love the dog. So many dogs live terrible lives afraid and scared because of humans. Dogs are abused and harmed every day. Dogs didn’t ask to be here. So don’t blame them. I get that dogs are mean sometimes. Yes dogs have killed kids. But, people have killed helpless puppies and killed and eaten them too. You can’t say it’s different. Unlike everyone else in my family, I think that an animals life has just as much if not more than a humans. I’m respect you for expressing your opinion. But please try to see from a dog lovers point of view. I am not asking you to like them. Just try.
P.S. In response to another message. Just because I am a dog lover does not make me stuck up and full of my self. I’ve already “gotten over myself.”. I cannot believe someone could be that rude to insult a whole community of people you don’t even know. To say that dog lovers become full of themselves is just stupid. How does loving an animal make us selfish? I never did anything to insult you. I don’t think you’re a monster because you don’t like dogs. So please, just don’t assume. Thanks
Chris • Feb 12, 2022 at 9:09 pm
I cannot speak for the person who you are referring too in regards their reasons for describing dog-lovers as selfish and full of themselves, but I will speculate as to why and try to give some general reasons.
1) “Don’t trust people who don’t love dogs”. That phrase is one reason. Maybe you believe this is true, maybe you do not, but way too many dog-lovers do live their lives believing that the mere fact that someone does not love dogs is enough of a stain on their character that they are unworthy of trust is as juvenile as it is stupid. And it shows an incredible amount of condescension and arrogance, if I have to explain to you why that is, you are too far gone.
2) Assuming that there has to be a “reason” to dislike dogs. In your post, you ask “What have dogs done to you?”, and my answer is, why would they have to have done anything? And what makes this question by you truly arrogant is that you asked if after reading the article where the author gave many reasons why they hate dogs. There is no mystery, there is no riddle, you know “what dogs have done” to the author cause they took the time to explain it, but even if the author didn’t explain, why would that matter? The author owes you no explanation.
3) “But please try to see from a dog lovers point of view. I am not asking you to like them. Just try.” Why? What do you care? “Just try”, to like something that they have written an entire article about detailing the reasons why they dislike that certain thing? And this is your response? ‘Yeah, I know you hate this certain thing but I am going to ask you to please try to like it cause it “breaks my heart” that you don’t love this thing so please just love it, it will make me feel better’. Please tell me I don’t have to explain why that train of thought might lead one to believe that dog-lovers and you in particular might be “full of yourselves”.
4) “Miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime” the author stated her hatred of dogs 10 different ways, obviously, it is not the opportunity of a lifetime to the author, “How can you hate dogs?” author answered that many times you just don’t agree, “Dogs didn’t ask to be here. So don’t blame them.”., none of us asked to be here, but since we are here, why would the author spend her time living trying to force herself to love something that she doesn’t? Dog-lovers are so blinded by their love for dogs that they have a blond-spot and cannot see their own arrogance.
You say how does “loving an animal make us selfish”, this is how, an extensive amount of dog-people act like everyone else who does not love dogs has severe things wrong with them, and use their identity as dog-lovers, as a sign of their superiority to those who do not love dogs.
I ride a motorcycle exclusively, what if I went around saying that every man who doesn’t ride a motorcycle is a coward, how stupid would that make me look? How arrogant would I look?
See, you are here, on a anti-dog site for lack of a better phrase, preaching and judging, why? Why did click this site? Why did you respond? You responded because in your head, you are better than people who hate dogs, and you feel it is your right to come here. That attitude is selfish, that attitude is arrogant.
WiLD CHiLD • Dec 18, 2021 at 5:42 am
I don’t hate dogs, I just find them annoying, like kids and people who absolutely love them and won’t shut up about it. This is why I prefer cats. They clean themselves, poop in a box, and sleep 15+ hours a day. Dogs are needy, high maintenance, and expensive. Cats are fine with a box, a plastic bag, and anything they can toss and carry with their mouths. Don’t get me wrong, dogs are awesome, loyal, and cute AF, but at the end of the day, I just want a pet that won’t maul me. The only types of cats that do that are big cats and no one should have those as pets, just like wolves and bears and alligators. All animals are awesome, but I still prefer cats over dogs.
Su Gerla • Dec 20, 2021 at 1:55 pm
Not sure what you mean about a plastic bag. A cat (or any animal or child ) can get their head stuck thru the handles and panic and run stepping on the bag and tightening it around their neck. Some will also chew and eat small pieces of a plastic bag, of course not safe. Unless it was a typo, and you meant a plastic (toy) ball?
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 10:28 pm
Same .
Mitch • Dec 16, 2021 at 3:05 am
Wtf? Not cold blooded? You simply explaining yourself is kind of “cold blooded”.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:53 am
Oh no if I express my opinions and explain them I am automatically cold hearted–
YOU think it’s cold-hearted to dislike an animal. Disliking something, even an animal or another person, is not automatic grounds to be considered cold-hearted.
Mitch • Dec 16, 2021 at 3:03 am
Wtf? Not cold blooded? You simply explaining yourself if kind of “cold blooded”. You come from a selfish brood. You seem emotionally stunted.
Derek • Jan 9, 2022 at 4:22 pm
Or maybe he had a bad experience with a dog attack. I know I have before. And I didnt even do anything to deserve it
Dove • Dec 15, 2021 at 9:01 pm
Thank you for this article I’m a very good kind person and I hate dogs too. I have been tortured by them Their seek for attention destruction how they hurt you when they jump on you make me hate them They are also dirty smelly and they actually do not belong inside the home They take away your independence It is like the power of the dogs movie for me Dogs constantly bully and torture me I woii you led not hurt them but they hurt me terribly
Rebecca Schott • Dec 16, 2021 at 12:41 pm
So true so sad
Unknown • Jan 10, 2022 at 5:48 am
Excuse me? You hate dogs because they annoy you? Dogs bully you. I’m just saying your acting like dogs are specifically bullying you. Yes. That’s how dogs act when they are excited. I’m sorry dogs love you and you don’t love them back. Thanks for your opinion. I really appreciate it.
Shut up • Feb 20, 2022 at 10:54 am
I’m glad they did 🙂
Amelia • Dec 14, 2021 at 10:31 pm
Thank you. Seriously, thank you. Although I do love animals, especially cats, birds, and lizards, I do not love dogs at all. They’re loud, invasive, smelly, and in most cases, completely untrained. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been jogging and had anl massive, unleashed dog barreling towards me. I also feel your pain on those dating sites, where every single guy I saw had his dog in his main profile picture. It’s taken 38 years, but I finally found a wonderful boyfriend who’s a cat person!
I know dog nutters love to screech about how anyone who doesn’t blindly worship dogs as they do are objectively bad people, and I’m sick of it. Especially considering how a shockingly large percentage of them tend to be pushy, judgmental, and seemingly see nothing wrong with a dog murdering a child…or even an adult. Sorry, dog lovers, but dogs are still predators, they’re animals, not people, and no, not every single mauling victim “abused the dog” or “deserved it”. Honestly, the only thing worse than dogs are their irresponsible, human-hating owners!
Rebecca Schott • Dec 16, 2021 at 12:39 pm
Beautiful ❤️
Unknown • Jan 10, 2022 at 6:03 am
I can’t even. Sorry. A lot of people can’t control or take care of their dogs ten right way. They think they can own a dog the right way when really they can’t. I’m sorry that you haven’t had good experiences with dogs in your life. What surprises me though is that you would ever find a big dog attacking you. In my community, the big dogs are controlled because adopting a big dog means even more training and discipline. Little dogs are the tiny aggressive little annoying rascals who attack people. It’s a lot more likely to have a little dog attack you than a large one because I feel like most of the time little guys are more ignored and untrained. Please don’t assume that every dog owner doesn’t try to train their dogs. Not every dog owner hates people. I have always been a people person as well as a dog person. Yeah maybe sometimes I’d rather spend time with my dog than my friends. It’s because my friends are always talking. You can the with a dog knowing they won’t judge you. I might trust my dog more than most people but I am not a people hater. Like you said, dogs are still predators. That’s why I love them.
Nicholas • Dec 14, 2021 at 10:24 pm
There is a certain vulnerability dogs have that is very profound. Some people cannot handle that because they secretly hate that trait in themselves. Dogs are loyal and loving and some people are naturally detached and get annoyed. This indicates that these people are actually NOT the best people to be around or trust.
WiLD CHiLD • Dec 18, 2021 at 5:52 am
My cat is loyal and loving. Being loyal and loving has nothing to do with why people don’t like dogs. Why do dog people always try to make themselves seem like they’re so sympathetic when in fact, they’re judgy and somewhat arrogant and full of themselves like you made yourself seem with your comment. It’s not a dog thing, it’s a dog-person thing. Dogs are annoying, but dog-loving people are worse.
Jim • Jan 3, 2022 at 4:47 pm
The only secret vulnerablities going on here is people who have ran out of things todo in their life and they decide to get a dog to spice it up. Dog lovers are so entitled. Not picking up poop. Letting fido off leash and then saying he’s friendly after he jumps or humps you.. Dogs are only loyal to those who feed it. Stop feeding fido and see what happens. Better yet open your front door and see if loyal lovable dog will come back? Problem is most dog lovers don’t get love from a human and need to get it from an animal that shits and pisses everywhere. Just pick up your dog poop and keep it leashed!
Melissa Britton • Dec 12, 2021 at 10:48 am
Get a cat! Perfect for your personality.
Amelia • Dec 14, 2021 at 10:19 pm
I know you’re saying that as a thinly veiled insult, and to that I say, congratulations on exemplifying everything the author has said about dog lovers.
Cats are lovely creatures, very affectionate and for the most part, quiet (although mine would have you thinking cats are as noisy as dogs are, ha!). I will never understand why you people assume they’re cold, antisocial animals. They just don’t slobber all over every single person they come across like dogs do.
WiLD CHiLD • Dec 18, 2021 at 6:00 am
Exactly! My cat is loyal and loving and annoyingly loud when he wants to go outside. It’s not the dogs that I don’t like, it’s the dog owners that are annoying and needy and so full of themselves. Somehow they think that because they have needy, high maintenance, expensive animals, they’re better somehow. And they say cat people are controlled by their cats. Lol! At least we don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn to walk the cat so they don’t shit all over the place. 💁🏻♀️
Frank • Dec 12, 2021 at 9:58 am
Same here. I detest them but wouldn’t hurt them. My wife’s family have several dogs and I refuse to go near them, they stink and are dirty. They even eat their poop. I decided to have real friends instead.
Bea • Dec 12, 2021 at 8:01 am
I’m not a dog lover. I think animals fill an insecurity need for humans. That’s ok. I personally would rather promote human interaction, it’s more valuable for my growth as an emotional, fearful and desirous human. And I don’t eat anything animal in nature. I feel deeply for the abuse we inflict on them. If you wouldn’t eat your dog why would you eat any other animal? I love animals, I just don’t feel the need to possess one to satisfy my ego!
Rich • Dec 9, 2021 at 3:41 pm
I share your opinion on dogs. I love animals but have little desire to have one. It’s a waste of time for me and you summed it up nicely. I don’t have the time, energy, nor money for a pet. I don’t want to be tied to my house due to a dog that is like a child who can’t speak or help itself. No thanks.
I always laugh at the same people who claim to love animals and especially dogs, yet willsipport the torture and killing of animals not much different than dogs, for their food. Makes zero sense.
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 10:47 pm
You are right . Training a dog to be a respectful and obedient part of a household takes time and energy . You also have to have a big enough budget to include
the yearly upkeep of a dog ( a cat too if you’re a cat person ) .
The average dog lives about 15 years. The average cat about 18 .
That’s a long time to be buying pet food and veterinarian visits .
Erin • Dec 7, 2021 at 9:08 pm
Thank you, thank you for writing this. I grew up with pets my entire life, they were my parents responsibility and they did an amazing job, and I loved them and enjoyed them very much! I thought I could absolutely own one too, I’m fact I thought it was the way it had to be..kids then dog. I thought you had to own a dog to complete a family, so when my 5 kids were old enough, we got a dog. A re homed anxious pup with colitis (we didn’t know this) it’s been nothing but a chore and picking up her massive amounts of messes, the incessant whining, hair that never ends, the water drinking dear god that sound. She is an acoustic wreck, not very friendly either, just a poor soul and I can’t bear to re home her again. it’s just not for me and I am GOOD PERSON! I love babies and have never ever felt like changing diapers is a chore, in fact I kind of like it. Yes I am a crazy baby person, I do love dogs, I really do, if I visit someone I look forward to playing with their pooch. I just simply do not like owning one and I think it’s ok. I know people who enjoy kids but they choose not to have any. That is 100% ok too! Thank you for writing this, you really hit home.
B • Dec 7, 2021 at 12:07 pm
Has anyone else observed that people who love dogs/pets tend to dislike children/people? Just reading this discussion confirms my hypothesis somewhat as many dog lovers mention they’d rather spend time with their pets than with people. Also, many compare children to pets and say they’d rather have a dog than a child (this also works vice versa). To take this to an extreme, it is a known fact that many killers loved their pets – Hitler being one such example.
Anna Douglas • Dec 29, 2021 at 3:05 pm
Thats not true. I adore dogs, they bring me joy and entertain me. I love people and kids too -.nearly as much. I respect how doga can win me over as i am mo pushover in life but they get to me and I have no problem with that. Their love is honest, loyal and brave and if that bugs someone says more about them frankly. And only.germophobes.find them uncleannand likely.arenthe type ti wash their hands 50 times.with any excuse.
Phetros • Apr 9, 2022 at 11:23 pm
Many serial killers killed animals too. Dahmer, Bundy, Gacy, Boston Strangler….Dexter
Tyler • Dec 5, 2021 at 11:37 pm
I never know what to think of these kinds of self important articles.
I love my dogs. I don’t like YOUR dog. I don’t like most dogs other than mine.
I don’t like anyone’s kids. You commenters talking about how amazing and wonderful and fulfilling your kids are aren’t fooling anyone. We all know you’re just grasping at straws because your life is sad. Your kids are gross, expensive, time consuming, and ultimately disappointing to everyone.
I’d rather spend time with my dogs than most humans. Because most humans are just as gross, annoying, time consuming and expensive as everyone else’s dogs.
People who are gaga obsessed with every dog on the planet are just as fucking weird as people who think having children is, in the long run, any different than getting a pet.
Sam • Dec 11, 2021 at 1:23 am
Ok so what you’re saying is that you don’t like dogs or children, and that anyone who loves them is overcompensating because they have a sad life. Pretty sure you missed the point of this article while you were in the middle of a rude projection storm.
Rachael • Feb 19, 2022 at 11:30 am
Awwwww did your mommy hurt you, bud?
M-chan • Dec 4, 2021 at 10:51 pm
Oh finally someone said it. I hate the very idea of having a pet. It sounds like a cheap trick for me. You are uninteresting and unkind person? Grab a dog and enjoy its unconditional love! Come one, you are just buying love for food! You are keeping a creature in unnatural conditions! And you are calling yourself kind and normal? Disgusting.
P.S. Horses and donkeys are cute. They are more free, and not all horses are “good boys”, they are different enough to call that differences a personality.
Max • Dec 14, 2021 at 5:59 am
You’re a presumptions hypocrite. What if I said: you don’t have a dog and is therefor insecure and need everyone to like you? Just satisfy everyone you meet and enjoy feeling useful. Get off your high horse because you’re no better. Keeping a horse in a stable and saddling it isn’t exactly it’s natural habitat or “more free” either. It’s just like having any other pet.
Dogs do have a personality and are not all the same, anyone who’ve had dogs knows this, and it hurts when they die, it’s a someone that you’ve experienced much with. My dog get a lot more chances to run away than my horse do. They’ve lived with humans for centuries, just like horses have.
Knel • Dec 3, 2021 at 5:54 pm
Thank you! It’s about time someone made a post stating their dislike for dogs.
I too hate dogs, and no I’m not heartless nor am I selfish, I’m actually a mom of 3 so it’s not about being selfish or unloving.
I find dogs extremely irritating/Annoying
Everyone will say “ohh well you haven’t met a good dog then, my dog is different”
No your dog is slobbery and gross just like all the other “good” dogs
I’m not mean to dogs when I’m around them, I just feel grateful I don’t have one!
Does anyone else give a big fat eye roll when they see the bumper stickers that say “dog mom” ??
I seriously rather have 15 kids then one dog!
when I was a kid i saw someone share an ice cream cone with a pug I still cringe when I think about it.
Ccccc • Dec 4, 2021 at 1:18 pm
Yaaa so fu..kin’ cute🙄🙄🙄. I hate kids. All of them. And i love animals. All of them.
Erin • Dec 7, 2021 at 9:11 pm
I hear ya mama! I’d rather have bunches of kids than one dog. I like them I just do not want one of my own.
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 10:57 pm
Dogs require more maintenance than a cat . No denying that .
Dog people are just more up for the challenge of keeping one than me .
And more power to them .
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 11:59 am
Actually, I don’t really know if dog people are “more up to the challenge” of keeping up with the ridiculous amounts of maintenance of a dog? I’m sure the decent and sane dog owners are, but I feel like SO many people get a dog thinking it’s all going to be fun and rainbows and then they end up neglecting them…
I hate dogs, but I also hate when people gloss over the responsibility of taking care of one. I’ve met so many dog owners who don’t do a damn thing to train their dog or give it proper socialization and exercise. It’s good to be eager and willing to make an attempt at owning a dog, but you really need to stick with it and many people don’t.
Anna Douglas • Dec 29, 2021 at 3:13 pm
Actually i give a bigger eyeroll when i see “baby on board” or parking areas for “mothers and babies” and dont get me started on women whipping out their boods to feed their kid around other diners. Last I looked dog owners dont smugly inflict they dogs on others at oublic restaurants to whine and scream. Also nobody is having to pay for my.dog.via their taxes which I have to when covering the education of other people’s dumb brats. Give me a four legged.tail wagging mutt over a snotty kid any day of the week the dog will certainly be more appreciative for starters!
Marianne • Dec 3, 2021 at 11:48 am
Thank you!!!!!! This article is me to a T! Refreshing to finally hear someone express this and stick up for those who don’t like dogs! I am a house cleaner and all but 2 of my clients have multiple dogs. They are disgusting, destructive and disobedient! I am tired of being told I have no soul because of my dislike for them. Sorry, but when a society puts dogs before people I see this as a serious problem.
Casey Barbara • Dec 3, 2021 at 12:24 am
My B just gave birth to 9 puppies, all thorough bred. One unfortunately passed.
She has rejected them all, I’m still bottle feeding the guys. I love them all. But I know my limits. 😢
Nope • Nov 30, 2021 at 7:54 pm
I hate the mfers too. I can’t stand when people treat them like humans. They are filthy and don’t belong on the furniture….
A • Nov 29, 2021 at 2:17 pm
Thank you for this article.I also hate dogs.Their smell makes me throw up,and also get hives from them.
It’s funny how that most people I know without dogs are so caring for their fellow people,donating money for the poor,sponsoring children and volunteering for the homeless.Well,none of the dog owners I know do that.Too busy to buy their dogs grass fed food,while they eat crap,and the endless trips to the vets.I have 3 kids and love them dearly, and we also do the monthly donations,kids sponsoring and help with the homeless,so the kids can grow up into selfless human beings.There are so many poor and homeless people,orphans that need our help,but these dog lovers think they are better than others by turning their backs to their fellow humans,and go spend their money on dogs.Just think how many people could be saved out there with the money are spent on pets alone.
“According to projections from APPA, by the end of the last year, the amount Americans spend on their pets grew to reach $99 billion – that is nearly $9 billion more than two years ago. Pet food and treats make up the biggest portion of the market at $38.4 billion, followed by vet care and products at $30.2 billion.”
99 billion dollars in US alone?!!!How does this sounds?
You dog lovers are the most selfish ones.Shame on you!
Sebastian • Jan 17, 2022 at 10:49 am
Stfu, so every person should use all there money to saving people? I bet you havent donatet a single dollar.
You just want to complain about something
You have a sad life, and I hope nobody ever wants to show you love
A. • Jan 19, 2022 at 11:17 pm
I didn’t say that you should use all your money,but as much as you can.Looking at your language, you really sound like a miserable and hateful person.You wouldn’t be like this if at at end of every month you would look at the pictures of your sponsored kids that were able to get their needed surgeries, be able to go to school,have food on the table,have some clothes and shoes on.You don’t know the feeling when homeless people hold your hands,and while in tears,they thank you for the food,clothes and some pocket money.
Btw,I have a wonderful life.I have 3 kids that I love more than anything else in this life.
Also,do you think the 99 billion dollars spent on pets make any sense to you?Not to me honestly. Think about how many lives these money would have saved,how many kids would still be alive today.Breaks my heart thinking about it.
Paola • Nov 28, 2021 at 10:00 pm
I Love dogs and people that don’t like them is because they are selfish and they want all the attention on them.
Plus if you found boring or hard having to take care of your dog hygiene it means that it is hard for you taking care or your own hygiene in general.
Usually only people that are clean by nature can keep a dog because they don’t mind to keep the house clean, them selves and the dog as well.
I hate people that hate dogs I am a 100% dog lover always had dogs and they are the best companion ship you can have.
Kevin • Dec 3, 2021 at 5:28 pm
Fuck you get off your high and mighty chair bitch
Andrew • Dec 4, 2021 at 3:05 am
Shut the fuck up Paola. Why can’t you accept some people don’t like dogs? The poster was respectful with his views, and you come here acting a like a total bitch. Quite frankly, I’d rather put up with a terrible dog than someone like you. Grow up.
Erin • Dec 7, 2021 at 9:14 pm
I do like dogs, I do not want to own one. Does that make me awful?! Since when are people awful if they choose not to have dogs or kids? Both require lots of time and money. I respect Both.
Larry Haynes • Nov 24, 2021 at 9:36 pm
I have had too many experiences where someone played out too much leash and their dog leaped up and soiled my trousers. And the owner sees nothing wrong with it. “Oh he likes you!” Nor do I relish cleaning up their droppings in my yard. If you want to be seen as responsible pet owners, restrain them clean up after them. They stink, they’re usually unrestrained, barking in your face and trying to knock over your young children.
Some motels now allow dogs to sleep in the beds. I ask first and if they do, I move on to the next place.
Owning a dog is a private matter. Keep it that way, keep it off my property and off of my clothes.
Caro • Nov 24, 2021 at 6:53 am
This was a good laugh. The author’s extrapolation of her experience as a selfish child with one dog to all introverted adults and all dogs is completely illogical. And then she thinks people who make broad sweeping generalizations about her based on her lack of logic are illogical. It’s a spiral of stupidity.
JAP • Dec 4, 2021 at 9:19 pm
You are not right. Dog lovers are the people who will “cancel” anybody who not share their affection. Dog lovers like that are truly bad people.
Natalie Davis • Nov 23, 2021 at 10:16 pm
Right!! How is it wrong because you don’t want dog hair all over EVERYTHING you own, or how is it wrong to not treat a dog like a human….they’re not HUMAN!! Love this artical because people really do make you feel like your a horrible person because you don’t prefer to french kiss a dog……..ughhhh…….
Michelle • Nov 20, 2021 at 10:15 pm
I love this article. Dogs are extremely disgusting.
Sebastian • Jan 17, 2022 at 10:50 am
You are a sad person
Gigi • Nov 19, 2021 at 2:43 pm
I feel the exact same way!!! they are so annoying, they never leave you alone, they are obnoxious when they want attention, you schedule your entire life after them. they stink, they lick themselves on your furniture, ugh disgusting. I’ve never owned a dog and I’ve dog sat – that is when I realized I hate dogs – I never in my life would want to be in a house with one of them. good on you if you change your entire life to revolve it around when your dog needs to go shit. not thanks! I will enjoy the sanctuary that is my home and enjoy actual meaningful interaction with humans. I said what I said!
SueSue2020 • Nov 18, 2021 at 7:00 pm
What a lazy self-centered person! At least she has the good sense not to have a dog. I feel for their family dog years ago. She well knew she was unloved and must have suffered greatly at their self-centered hands.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:04 pm
Where is the evidence of the dog being aware it was unloved and suffered? There is none, you are making assumptions based on your reaction to this piece.
Self-centered? Maybe, but you sound self-centered too. Their opinion doesn’t match yours, so of course they must be abusive and lazy and only care about themselves. Sound familiar? Look in a mirror.
I’m sure the dog was taken care of. It may have not been accepted wholeheartedly, but a dog isn’t going to know any different as long as its needs are being met.
Spike • Nov 18, 2021 at 2:22 am
Love this article! I agree with it 100%! My disdain for dogs stems from a young age as well. Growing up, we had dogs and none of them were well trained. Naturally, over the years, the dogs would pass on of old age. But my mom would end up replacing a deceased dog with, not one, but two or THREE!! Again, they were NOT well trained and ended up taking over the entire house! She now lives in a kennel and neither my brother or myself can even stand to go visit, there’s so many f***ing dogs. Always jumping up and crawling all over the place with no discipline. The dirt, the drool, the hair- makes me insane! I watch the movie, “Beethoven,” now as an adult and I totally agree with and have sympathy for the dad.
To say you hate dogs is an unpopular opinion, to say the least. But that’s how it is. You are treated like an alien from another planet. 👽
SueSue2020 • Nov 18, 2021 at 7:03 pm
No one should “live” in a kennel. Imagine living in your bathroom for the rest of your life. At least have the decency to take her to a no-kill shelter.
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 11:05 pm
You can finally chart your own course as an adult , dog free . Congratulations from a cat person .
Brian • Nov 17, 2021 at 1:23 pm
Couldn’t agree more with this article. Used to love dogs. But now days they are just to needy. Had dogs my whole life, but in the last 20 years having them. They all had some type of food sensitivity. Sick of the puking, anal gland problems, and teeth problems. Most which I never had an issue before owning a dog. Not to mention every time I bring in these sensitive losers they need some pointless shot. And your lame bumper sticker annoys me even more. Don’t care you are a grandmother to a French Bulldog.
Sara • Nov 17, 2021 at 10:45 am
Every person I’ve ever known who didnt like dogs ended up having a distasteful, dickish personality and that was before I found out they didn’t like dogs or in some cases animals in general.
Gigi • Nov 19, 2021 at 2:48 pm
I’d like to think I am a very pleasant, loving, fun person – well that’s what my friends and anybody I ever met have said to me – at least to my face. I will never care that someone likes dogs, good on them! but, don’t ostracize me for not liking them and not wanting to be around them. likeableness and pleasantry don’t correlate to liking dogs. Maybe you’re too judgemental?
Jessica • Nov 15, 2021 at 7:25 pm
Reading this gave me life 👏🙌 I am not alone.
Rob L • Nov 15, 2021 at 6:07 pm
Head scratch over the people equating owning a dog to a child.
I have 2 dogs and 2 kids and there is a stark material difference between the two.
I would gladly give up my 2 dogs if I could. I’m akin to the author in ways. Although I like dogs, just when they aren’t mine.
My kids – you would have to pry them from my cold dead hands. They have my heart, devotion and admiration.
Kaiye Lee • Nov 14, 2021 at 8:51 pm
Why do you people get so upset if someone doesnt like dogs? Its a pet just like any other and plenty of people have no problem saying they dislike cats or snakes etc. So what is the big deal if someone says they don’t like dogs? Just respect their opinion, respect their space, and leave it at that.
Chellie Sweet • Nov 13, 2021 at 11:53 pm
The cold hard truth is you should never be a mother your children will suffer – sorry but it’s just seems that this is going to not appeal to you either after a time. I’m sure you will be able to find much better things to do, you are too fast pace and children take time and patience just like animals but the reward is greater than anything you will find in your fast-paced world… I actually feel sorry for you. 😶
Paige • Nov 17, 2021 at 8:38 am
There you people go again, equating dogs to human beings
Kaylee • Nov 17, 2021 at 10:20 am
Where in this article did she say she wanted children? Please enlighten me.
Jon • Nov 18, 2021 at 10:16 am
Right here is the problem with you dog lovers. You THINK that dogs are like kids and that somehow owning a dog prepares you for such responsibility. Perhaps YOU are the one who should never have kids. Lets compare. Kids: Initially are completely dependent upon their parents but eventually can be taught to walk, communicate through speech, feed themselves, drive a car, learn complex abstract theories such as mathematics, and eventually, grow up to become an adult, work, support themselves, pay taxes and maybe even take care of you someday. Dogs: Are left home by themselves in a crate for several hours while you work, requires INTENSIVE, constant interaction and training when you are home to mold them into their owner’s image, an investment that some of us who don’t care for smelly, slobbery beasts don’t want to make, require medical attention that can run in the thousands of dollars each year that isn’t covered by insurance. And despite this investment will never talk, will never have comprehension beyond that of a two-year- old, poops outside (at least cat instinctively know what a litter box is and how to use it), lives for about 15 years or so then dies. I’m sorry, no comparison. BTW, I have three kids. Two are now productive adults, one has somehow, despite my dislike of dogs, has managed to make it to 16 and is still thriving.
Gigi • Nov 19, 2021 at 2:53 pm
I’m sorry but, this is outlandish and downright stupid. a DOG is not a PERSON. they will NEVER have the intellectual connection to you the way a human being does. I have no children but I have a nephew and he is the best thing that has ever happened to our family and I will love him until my very last breathe. I will bathe him, change his diapers, clean up his spit-up, care for him and I HATE DOGS! My nephew is sometimes annoying a needy but he is learning to be independent. Dogs will forever be a nuisance and a chore, yuck. I feel sorry that you actually think people who hate dogs are not good people. seems to me that you’re missing out on a lot of fun my friend, we actually feel sorry for you.
Eric • Nov 21, 2021 at 12:57 am
As someone with both kids and a dog, no, you can not possibly equate them. Kids take more effort but that effort actually pays off. Dogs never grow or learn or improve or turn into their own person. They’re just dogs, for better or worse that’s all they’ll ever be. And my kids are worth all the work they take many times over. The dog I can barely justify.
Casey • Nov 13, 2021 at 7:28 pm
Meanwhile, you can say you hate cats and people will support you no questions asked.
I agree with you. My preferences in a pet are much different than what a dog provides. People absolutely cannot accept that it doesn’t make you an evil person to not appreciate the overbearing nature of dogs.
Dog hater • Nov 13, 2021 at 1:25 pm
I feel the same. All my friends with dogs expect me to pet them and love them as much as they do. When they come over they think it’s ok for their dog to walk around my house and even jump on the sofa (god knows where its paws have been). It’s unsanitary. Don’t even let me get started on their smelly farts which are the definition of nastiness. When they jump on you the owners tend to laugh and say their four legged best friend is just showing you some love… by ruining your new coat and making you scared. I don’t want their love. Leave me alone, keep your dog on a leash far away from me and don’t expect me to love them.
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 11:10 pm
Pay • Dec 28, 2021 at 4:01 pm
I agree with you. Dogs are nasty but I don’t hate them. I grew up in a warm climate on a farm and our dogs spent all of their time outside. When I see people kissing dogs and letting them lick their face it turns my stomach. There is a reason dogs are not allowed in food establishments that’s why I will not eat that food that was prepared in your kitchen while your dog is watching you. A dog will lick its private parts then you let it lick your face???
Anyway to each his own.
Sheena • Nov 13, 2021 at 11:40 am
Wow so many people throwing shade on you for your article. What is up with this cultural obsession with not being allowed to dislike dogs? Your comment section is like a case and point of the whole purpose of your article. But also, why is it okay for people to say, “I don’t like cats”. I hear this all the time! But dogs?? God forbid!
Name Withheld • Nov 7, 2021 at 8:06 am
Um, no? Wolves were called dogs back then because the term “wolf” didn’t exist at the time.
And as a pug owner, shame on you. My dog is well trained and helpful so he isn’t useless.
Daniel Okpara • Nov 16, 2021 at 4:36 pm
I really love dogs, but first of all, condemning them for sharing their opinion, SMH. Second, owning a pug isn’t something to be proud about because pugs have too many health problems but people still chose to breed them because they look “cute”.
Kaylee • Nov 17, 2021 at 10:22 am
I have a puggle. I’m stuck in hell for another 12 years til he dies.
SueSue2020 • Nov 18, 2021 at 7:08 pm
I’m sure the poor dog has already sensed your resentment. My sympathies go to him/her. No one should have to live in a resentful environment where they are not cared for/loved.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:08 pm
A dog will not “sense” resentment unless there is open hostility. If its needs are being met, it will not even know the difference. You are placing way too much faith in an animal that does not process experiences and emotions the same way humans do.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:11 pm
When someone makes a blanket statement that “dogs are useless” they typically do not mean ALL dogs are useless unless they specifically use that phrasing.
WHY shame on the author? Just because YOUR precious little mutt is apparently trained and helpful? What is useful to you is not always useful to someone else, and shame on you for making that assumption. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Some of you dog owners need a SERIOUS reality check, and I hope one day someone gives it to you. Let’s just hope you’re as trainable as those dogs you like so much.
Name Withheld • Nov 7, 2021 at 7:59 am
Do you hate wolves too just because they evolved into dogs at one point?
E • Nov 30, 2021 at 4:17 pm
Wolves are different as they will never look to humans for affection or guidance—they’re far too independent for that,unlike dumb,needy dogs that can’t survive on their own.Even cats can,but dogs are too stupid.
Jamie • Nov 6, 2021 at 11:03 pm
I TRULY hope that you never have children. It’s okay to have a preference and dislike dogs, that’s fine. But what you clearly describe hating is the responsibility of caring for a living creature other than yourself. I don’t know if you realize that what you’ve described is that you are self-centered.
You have no interest in caring for another living being unless you feel it benefits (rewards) you. This is concerning, mostly because I hope you don’t expect caring for a child to be magically a more “rewarding”, “motivating”, or “enticing” experience just because they are capable of speech. It absolutely won’t be.
Sydney Haines • Nov 11, 2021 at 5:31 pm
You are so wrong here. Plenty of families that don’t have dogs because they are too much work. As a lifelong pet owner, raising children IS more rewarding than dogs for most people. If you feel differently, that is your opinion and not fact. It is NOT selfish to be aware that you don’t want a certain responsibility. Go shame childless and petless people elsewhere.
Thisarticleme • Nov 5, 2021 at 5:54 pm
It’s funny how the dog haters are complaining about single. It’s obviously not the dog. You’re probably ugly and have a disgusting personality. A lot of you on here that hate dogs act like it’s normal. You guys need help and a therapist. Especially the article writer. Unhappy pieces of crap
Kiss My Ass • Jan 20, 2022 at 4:05 am
No you dog nutters are the ones who need professional help. Grow the hell up!
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:16 pm
Oh no, I’m sorry you’re so upset that someone has a difference in opinion 🙁 Not everyone will listen to your words with rapture like those dogs you like so much.
Seriously, though, dog owners are the root cause for a lot of the grievances the author brought up, but they are not the ONLY contributing factor. Dogs were bred to be dependent and reward-seeking, thus they are easy to train… and easy to instill bad habits into. That reward-seeking behavior is grating to many people. At least the author was respectfully venting their frustrations without making direct insults to dog lovers, such as calling them ugly with a disgusting personality.
I think you are the unhappy one here. If you were more well-adjusted, maybe you wouldn’t be spewing such hate at someone who made a post online.
+*MuGeN*+ • Nov 5, 2021 at 11:48 am
I really don’t like dogs. My family has a dog currently and he is annoying as hell. He comes into my room pisses on the floor, rips up important papers and drawings. then leaves.
Im also forced to take him on a walk. All the time. He’s not even my pet and drags me the whole way. He barks at every freaking leaf and its annoying .
Once I was walking home from school, and this woman’s ugly dog jumps out her door and chases me down the street. All the way home. I wanted to stand there and let it bite me. You know what would happen to the dog after that.
dalia • Nov 12, 2021 at 7:42 am
August Ridder • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:16 am
This comment proves the articiles entire point, if I said “Cats are evil bastards and only care about themselves” you would agree with me, but as soon as someone criticises dogs you break out the caps lock and curse words, this is just plain embarrising
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 11:25 pm
Don’t take the comments so literally . Most of them are just expressing an opinion ( or their experiences with a dogs ) and not reciting public law . Dogs are a too high maintenance pet for me .
Most of the hate comments are complaints about the time and energy required to keep them healthy . You don’t seem to have a problem with it .
eboni • Nov 13, 2021 at 4:56 pm
if you know dogs you should know he probably was only chasing you because you were running. i can almost guarantee he wouldnt have bit you if you had stood there, and talking about wanting him to die is disturbing as hell. There is def something wrong with some of yall
jiggly puff • Dec 3, 2021 at 9:48 am
just because you think it won’t bite dosen’t give anyone the right to impose their piece of shit pet on another person. Also we have better things to do than learn to translate “dog”. Keep your beastality kink imbred bag of crap in your space not mine.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:19 pm
OK and why should they have to deal with the fact that a damn dog was chasing them and endangering them in the first place? Dogs have bitten people who weren’t running in the first place, or have stopped running. There is NO guarantee that a dog will not bite a person.
The dog owner should not have let this happen, and you’re just an enabler, eboni, It is normal to express some type of resentment to something or someone that was planning on causing you harm. It was a passing statement of them wanting something to bite the dog in the ass.
Leigh Taylor • Jan 24, 2022 at 5:03 pm
All I can say, is this was so healing for me to read. Thank you so much. xxx
Grace • Nov 5, 2021 at 9:04 am
Gabriel, listen to yourself. This is exactly why people see red flags around people who say they hate dogs. Yikes! Dismemberment is not a proportionate nor appropriate reaction to anything. You probably scare a number of in your life. Maybe this is a cry for help? Are you doing ok there, buddy?
Gabriel D'Amato • Nov 4, 2021 at 3:49 pm
I hate dogs. They attack you and jump on you for no reason. I’ll tell you what if one comes to do that to me, i will fucking dismember the furry piece of trash.
HeatherTC • Nov 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm
Your dog is likely a herding breed and is bored! They need jobs! Bored dogs are caused by lazy owners!!!
olive • Nov 4, 2021 at 2:56 pm
okay i have 2 reasons i do’nt like this
1. just cuz they are more popular does NOT mean you have to spread hate
2. dogs are just like kids (though in my opinion dogs are better) if you don’t teach them right from wrong they turn to brats and if you abusive them they will grow to abuse others.
just because their dogs does not mean we are better than them. do you see the out doors in California? its literally full of litter and garbage because of humans i’m sorry but dogs are just minding their own business and we also are to busy to put down are phones to play fetch or pet them. these poor puppies are born and then used for science sometimes and these puppy mills don’t care what happens as long as they get money. i have a big dog with sharp teeth but he was raised right so he does not use them and his bark is pretty scary but deep down he is a little sweet heart (oh wait that was like 5 reasons oop) oh wait one more thing without dogs we would probably just sit on the couch all day until we die. also what did a dog do to you?
Skye • Nov 19, 2021 at 6:30 am
Did you really just say dogs are like kids? You’re delusional. A dog is an ANIMAL And they can’t learn right from wrong. They’re dumb and they can’t love you back.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:29 pm
1) The author is not “spreading” hate. This is not propaganda, this is the author expressing an opinion and explaining why. Yes, it happens to do with an opinion of hate, but it is not spreading hate. And it is precisely the reason that dogs are popular that there is such backlash against any opinion against dogs. There NEEDS to be space for people of differing opinions, space that doesn’t include them being insulted and degraded because they simply do not share a love for a particular animal (or animals in general).
2) Dogs are NOT just like kids. They are both “trained” in a sense, but humans have different cognitive abilities and development. A dog will never grow out of that “toddler” phase, while a child will. And your statement about abusive behavior is incorrect. Abusing a creature is more likely to make it behave in fearful ways; though it can repeat that cycle of abuse, that is not always the case.
The author was never making value statements that people are inherently better than dogs. They were just simply expressing a dislike for one rather than the other. And your opinion on which is supposedly superior does not equate to fact, either.
Your statement about dogs “minding their own business” is also confusing. Dogs make quite an impact on the ecosystem and environment. If left in the wild, or even unattended, dogs will often attack other creatures living outside. Then, the amount of material and energy to care for a dog (food, toys, transport, etc) can definitely impact the environment drastically. Humans need to be better consumers, for themselves and for their pets.
Finally, your statement of “without dogs we would probably just sit on the couch all day until we die” is absolutely asinine. I seriously don’t understand your thinking here. I do not own a dog and yet I regularly go outside and am active. People will go outside and be active regardless if there is a dog in their lives or not. In reverse, some dog owners are actually lazy couch potatoes themselves and don’t exercise their dog as much as they should.
Grace • Nov 3, 2021 at 2:14 pm
I can see not wanting the responsibility of a dog and I know some people have trauma issues around dogs, but to just say you hate them is kind of a red flag to me. It seems weird to hate them. They make people happier more often than not and they have incredible abilities that help us a human race in a number of compacities. The world is simply a better place because of them. If you aren’t into them fine but hate is a strong word. I don’t particularly find myself impressed by babies, yet it seems like on almost a daily basis, I have to smile as someone shows me a picture of some newborn that inevitably looks like a bright red, boiled gargoyle, while I feel forced to say the obligatory “Oh, how sweet!” for fear of being labeled a frigid monster. Don’t even get me started on how often the workplace decides parental priorities are so much more important than mine just because I don’t have kids. Still, I wouldn’t say I “hate” babies or parents. So, I guess what I’m saying is that if you have to look at a few fluffy pictures of a creature you just don’t understand, I don’t think that is any reason to hate them or the owners. Also, sorry you don’t like to “mitigate the intensity of your feelings” about a certain subject but… welcome to civilization. Emphasis on civil. That’s just how it’s done.
Eh • Dec 28, 2021 at 5:25 pm
This response is *exactly* why people say they hate dogs. We can’t stand people who don’t understand the difference between “I can’t stand being around these things” and “I literally want to murder dogs”. Bye the end of the article they literally explain that they understand why some people like dogs and say that they really just don’t want a pet in general. People get frustrated and they say that they hate things, it doesn’t need to be some Mein Kamph level stuff. Have some emotional intelligence.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:34 pm
Dogs can make some people happier than others, but that does not mean dogs will make every person happy. And there is literally nothing wrong with someone not liking dogs.
It is a value statement that dogs make the world a better place yet you are trying to treat it like a fact. Give me your proof, your examples. I bet I can provide just as many that show that the world would have been a better place without dogs. It’s only ever about perspective, and one is not more correct than the other.
Hate is a strong word, used for strong feelings. I think it encapsulates the author’s, and many other’s, feelings perfectly fine. I would also say that I hate dogs. And yet, hating something doesn’t mean you wish it harm. Just because you wouldn’t use the word hate for something doesn’t mean that it isn’t OK for others to use it as well.
Being civil doesn’t mean you need to put your emotions or feelings on mute when it ISN’T HURTING ANYONE TO HAVE THEM. You need to be civil and respect people making space for their voices, you coming in here and being snide about being civil because that’s what you should do in a civilization is extremely disrespectful and condescending.
Richard Haines • Nov 2, 2021 at 3:21 pm
Speaking as a dog lover with a German shepherd who is very much a let of the family – I’d say given the end of your post there that dogs aren’t your thing. Speaking as a dog lover, that is cool, you don’t do dogs, not for you, no worries. But, identifying as a dog hater, perhaps that’s a bit strong – hate is a very powerful word. So, I’d go with that, just say dogs aren’t your thing and you have no interest – people can get with that.
Sydney Haines • Nov 11, 2021 at 5:35 pm
Agree and feel the same way about people who identify as cat haters. Just as demented and for some reason not as socially stigmatizing??? Why?
eboni • Nov 13, 2021 at 5:00 pm
i love cats but people probably feel this way because they aren’t blindly loyal and affectionate (a lot of the time) like dogs. how they love is very different and a lot of people don’t want to put in the effort.
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 11:29 pm
Same .
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:39 pm
Hate is a strong and powerful word, and I think people can use it if they feel if it fits their emotions and perspective. Hate can have different assumptions – for me, I’ll see and use hate, but I won’t wish whatever I’m hating any harm. I would simultaneously say that I hate dogs and dogs just aren’t my thing – I hate them, I would enjoy several aspects of life significantly more if they were not around, but I’m not going to say that dogs should have no value to others. And things that others find value in will always make a place in the world, for better or worse.
You seem to mean well and your response was well thought out and delivered in a non-insulting way, but I feel like maybe you shouldn’t police people on what words they use to describe their side of things. Let people use the language they want to use to express their opinions – there is typically no issue unless people are using derogatory terms.
Lily • Nov 1, 2021 at 1:48 pm
Yes, I like cats better.
Dogs are wild and disgusting, also kind of stupid.
While cats are calm and clean and very intelligent.
olive • Nov 4, 2021 at 3:37 pm
i dont hate cats but dogs are NOT stupid my dog litterally was so close to saying my name when he barked lol disgusting is a little bit harsh and wild is not a very acurate word unless their puppies but hey i respect cats.
August Ridder • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:20 am
bruh, dogs aren’t intelligent, thats either made up or a coincidence or maybe, just maybe you tried to listen to your name and did a olympic gold winning leap in logic
Doozer • Oct 31, 2021 at 6:50 pm
If you don’t like dogs you are a horrible person. Only straight pieces of $#!t can’t love something smaller than them. It’s not hard to find me. Please come tell me how much you hate dogs and I will show you how I treat you scumbags.
Michael • Nov 14, 2021 at 8:39 am
What the hell are you on about? The idiocy here is astounding.
Killalldogs • Dec 3, 2021 at 5:38 pm
Where you at drop an addrsss I’ll gladly come find you and beat you to death with a dog carcass
Deez • Mar 3, 2023 at 6:13 pm
I’d murder you and your dog lol
Jeremy Washington • Oct 30, 2021 at 12:54 pm
I don’t understand why people who own dogs have to act like I can’t have an opinion. I’m a longboarder and I don’t know how many times I’ve been just rolling past someone and their dog just jumps in front of me trying to bark at me for no reason. THEN THEY GET MAD AT ME? Dog owners are delusional. Their dog is a reflection of them. That dog does something wrong it’s someone or something else’s fault and if not, the DOGS A DOG. It’s supposed to be dumb. NO, YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO TRAIN IT. But you don’t, and you blame people like me for doing the harmless every day and causing your dog to lose control. You’re supposed to be the one that’s training and controlling it. It’s a sign of your lack of discipline and your dog sees that and reflects it. Because dogs follow the actions of the pack leader YOU. On top of that everything in this article is on point. It’s a simple opinion I agree with.
Doozer • Oct 31, 2021 at 6:52 pm
Your mother is and raised a horrible person.
August Ridder • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:23 am
As soon as someone has a good argument you go for a your mom insult, i almost want to laugh
SueSue2020 • Nov 18, 2021 at 7:11 pm
And I detest longboarders who harm innocent people by whizzing past and/or bumping into them, then bolting while the person lays on the concrete injured.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:45 pm
SueSue, you get it! Just like you hate the situation you described, the commenter above hates the situation they described! Amazing display of empathy and really trying to relate to the other person’s perspective and experiences!
But seriously speaking, how often do you experience YOUR described situation? I would bet you anything it’s less than the commenter’s situation. At least most people on boards have the decency to apologize to whoever they ran into. Dog owners will berate the people in public that their dog goes after and act like their mutt did nothing wrong. They should at least have the decency to apologize and make sure that it doesn’t happen again.
Michelle Post • Oct 27, 2021 at 11:12 am
I do not hate dogs in general but agree with the opinion report that was written. I am now 60, and happily married since 1980, and we never had a dog or cat, and never a kid, and we are very content. I never wanted to be bothered with any pet, even as a child. Now days they are as expensive as a child, concerning medical care and food. People who have no pet or children are as loving and compassionate as those who want several pets and kids.
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 11:39 pm
Truth . There are numerous of reasons why households are dogless , catless or childless . Hate is probably only one of them .
Gordon • Oct 27, 2021 at 2:24 am
And here the mental illness and derangement of dog lovers are laid bare in this comment thread. Behold people wishing DEATH upon their fellow man because they don’t like dogs. Wishing death and injury on someone simply because they don’t like a particular animal. Amazing just amazing.
matthew • Oct 24, 2021 at 2:41 pm
i don’t hate dogs, per se, but i do have a particular contempt for inconsiderate and immature owners of them.
Nicole • Oct 24, 2021 at 4:03 am
Uhhhhh, okay you would have had me with “I don’t like dogs”, I would never judge someone for not being a dog person. I had a friend once who was terrified of them because she grew up in an underdeveloped neighborhood where stray dogs were extremely aggressive. But to hate them? Hate? Please go on justifying how you hate a creature that doesn’t even have the capacity to feel such a hideous feeling as hate. Sorry but this entire article reads as extremely bitter with strong pick me energy. Lol if you want to say you’re superior and unique for hating dogs then just say it. Also yeah I’m a little triggered not because you don’t adore dogs, but because this is not the article I was hoping to stumble across while looking for support while I grieve my furry best friend / emotional support companion. I don’t distrust people who dislike dogs, I do however distrust anyone who casually admits to hating any creature that has done them no wrong.
Eh • Dec 28, 2021 at 5:27 pm
And I don’t trust people who don’t understand the concept of over-exaggeration.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:51 pm
Nicole, if you are looking for support while grieving your dog, WHY would you click on an article that literally has “I hate dogs” in the title? Your decision absolutely astounds me.
Also, I keep posting this on other comments because you people like to police other people’s language. Hate is a strong word, and it is used to express strong emotions. I think it’s valid and people have every right to use words like that. As long as people aren’t using derogatory terms, what is the problem here exactly?
I know what the problem is. It’s because the author’s feelings and opinions differ TOO FAR from your own. You can make peace with a certain extent, but you are too close-minded to accept anything beyond that. You can hate something and yet still understand that others find value in it. You can hate something (or someone) without wishing them harm.
And you say you don’t distrust people who “dislike” dogs, but you do distrust people who “hate” dogs. How would you know what the true value of their emotions are? You don’t. Maybe people are just placating you (and others like you) who harass people for expressing hatred.
Also, you have no idea if dogs have never done them wrong. Dogs are capable of doing “wrong” things in human eyes, and it happens all the time. Do not make assumptions on other people’s experiences and treat your assumptions as fact, it’s unbecoming.
Laura • Oct 23, 2021 at 10:40 pm
Bill Murray said it best, “I’m suspicious of a person who doesn’t like dogs, but I trust s as dog who doesn’t like a person”.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:59 pm
I think Bill Murray was way off the mark on that one. Dogs instinctually are distrustful or disliking of people they are unfamiliar with. They pack together and bond with their family, and they were bred to be protective. Anything unfamiliar is a threat. So with that line of thinking… I guess he (and a lot of you other dog obsessed owners) sure distrusts a lot of people, lmfao. Some owners encourage aggressive and distrustful behavior in their dogs, too, so it takes a lot of effort and time to change its stance against a person.
But then it’s so easy to win a dog over in other situations where the dog isn’t trained to be aggressive. You could be a genuinely terrible person and have the worst intentions but as long as you treat the dog well enough it will be friendly with you. So it was definitely a very short-sighted statement on Murray’s part.
Gabe • Oct 23, 2021 at 7:28 pm
Yes! Absolutely agree. I don’t really think it’s the dog but the owners that @^#&#*^. It’s quite similar to the feeling of how children these days are behaving and their parents (50/50) are to blame. We all have our own beliefs and views but it’s so hard for people to respect them. Thanks for speaking your mind.
Human • Oct 23, 2021 at 3:09 pm
Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Stop threatening and hating on people who hate dogs jeez
Dogs suck • Oct 22, 2021 at 8:10 pm
Humans are animals, are they not? Also you sound like an idiot. You keep your pets for constant, consistent, and unearned adoration simply because YOU are the malignant narcissist. Loser.
JAP • Dec 4, 2021 at 10:00 pm
You may have a point. There is something with pet owners which they get out of those poor animals. They are leeching on their obedience. Have some sort of fulfillment of being superior to them and having full control over the lives of their pets. Personally I trust much less dog/pet owners then people who openly admit that they have no need for inferior beings in their lives. They are hiding they psychopathic needs under banner of “love” to the animals. Unfortunately that is majority of society. Sometimes feel like in front of zombie apocalypse when looking at those masses of pet “lovers” looking to bite whoever is not complying with them. Scary stuff. Best to hide, otherwise they will destroy you, just to prove they are right. They are merciless. Look what they do to their animals. Cages, leashes, dry food from the bag, lockups in their houses/apartments for days, sterilization surgeries, and then if animal is not complying with their needs – shelter and death. Yes, those are animal “lovers”. I bet Hitler had dogs. Want proof? Just watch what is going to happen to this post…
Cynthia Campbell • Oct 21, 2021 at 8:42 pm
Only a self-absorbed Malignant Narcissist with the inability to love anything other than herself would write this. I am a cat person, but I understand the precious love of animals. This woman is a complete sociopath.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:04 pm
I am a cat lover myself and I hate dogs. Yes, it can definitely be hypocritical, but different strokes for different folks, as they say. That being said, you can totally hate something without being a sociopath.
You should extend some empathy or at least try to hear the other side out. The author wrote an opinion piece in a respectful way, wishes no harm on dogs or dog lovers. You, however, immediately attack the author instead of simply disagreeing with her opinion. Why is that? I’m worried to find out you’re an animal lover and yet you won’t even extent the same amount of sympathy towards a person. You shouldn’t throw the word sociopath around when you have some tendencies yourself, unless you want people to suggest the same to you.
Leandro Doerksen • Oct 18, 2021 at 6:59 pm
If you don’t like dogs. GO TO HELL 🙂
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:05 pm
Why can’t you people discuss things in a respectable manner? I don’t see the author (or any dog haters in the comments) telling people to go to hell just for their damn opinion.
You need to learn how to respect others who have differing opinions that are literally not harming any person (or animal).
Me • Oct 11, 2021 at 9:50 am
The people agreeing with this article are just as big a nutcase as the writer. You sound like a bunch of hateful weirdos that should play in traffic more often than not. Yuck.
Me • Nov 14, 2021 at 8:58 am
So you want people to die because they don’t like dogs? But you’re not a nutcase? Okay…
The guest • Oct 8, 2021 at 9:26 am
@Simon falla, that’s a lie. We would be alive without dogs JUST FINE. Besides, it was WOLVES back then. Now we have useless things like pugs. There. Is. No. Use. To. A. Pug.
Guest • Oct 8, 2021 at 9:20 am
I hate dogs. They are dumb, disgusting creatures. They wake me up at 3:00 am with their stupid barking. I’m an animal person, but I HATE dogs. I’ve never felt connected with this “dog trend”. I mean, seriously! There are so many other animals that are better than a stupid dog! Horses? They can recognize themselves in a mirror and have complex emotions! Pigs? PIGS CAN PLAY LITERAL VIDEO GAMES! What can a dog do? NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. IT WAKES YOU UP AT THREE AM HOWLING LIKE SOME MANIAC. I’ve looked up smartest animals in the world and dogs are there because of bias, but animals like horses and pigs are missing. Yes, I get that some dogs look nice, I personally like German shepherds. But there are so many UGLY and KILLER dogs, like pit bulls, bulldogs, bull terriers and some dogs used specifically for aggression.. And don’t even get me STARTED about pugs. Whenever a a dog tries to smell me, I move away. People complain, and say things like: “LeT hiM sMeLL yOu!!!” but I don’t want some animal touching the area around my butt! There are so many nice pets out there: African grey parrots, a relatively cheap and smart pet. The classic goldfish, the independent cat- but no one cares. All people care about are disgusting dogs. I can’t even tell my best friend I hate dogs, because she likes them. Whenever I see one of those useless dogs (I get guard dog and guide dog. But some dogs are absolutely useless, like pugs, Yorkshire terriers, etc.) I want to kick it. I don’t fear them. I HATE them. And I’m definitely human. I have a soul, it just hates those useless creatures! I’m glad this article exists.
Me • Oct 11, 2021 at 9:36 am
Something is wrong with you. Prove me right.
Crystal • Oct 18, 2021 at 5:56 am
Wow! This person is a nut!
Dee • Oct 18, 2021 at 12:46 pm
Fuck off asshole
Dee • Oct 18, 2021 at 12:50 pm
I don’t like people like you- in fact I despise them. Too bad covid couldn’t target human animals such as you and Titiana I hope one day u might not need a dog or dog lover assistance – I hope they walk right over you hurt body.
eboni • Nov 13, 2021 at 5:08 pm
you want to kick it?! do you really not understand how sick of a thing that is to say??? i love dogs and have my moments with mine where I totally understand some of your perspectives…. but just wanting to kick an animal because you don’t like them??? huge cause for concern. maybe the others arent a red flag but you definitely are
A • Nov 17, 2021 at 11:26 am
I 100% agree with you. Dogs are the new kids; if you don’t “OMG LOVVVEEEEE” them, you are evil and void of any feelings.
Simon Falla • Oct 7, 2021 at 4:38 pm
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading all these comments, and it has proved to me that I genuinely look forward to the demise of humankind with open arms.
The thought of you sad pustules burning…gives me a massive erection.
You wouldn’t even be on this planet without dogs…your pathetic ancestors (all 2,000 of them in the Ice Age) would have perished…So yes…I hate dogs too
JJ • Oct 6, 2021 at 11:52 pm
I started a job in a facility where the supervisor brings her disgusting, poorly trained golden retriever to work every day. I didn’t think it would be a big deal because I’ve always liked dogs. I hate this dog. I hate the way people oooh and ahhh over him constantly. He took a liking to me immediately and wouldn’t leave me alone. I am expected to dress in business attire and meet with members of the public. This dog would rub up against me and drool on me while I’m trying to conduct business. He likes to wedge his nose in people’s butts and crotches and cannot be pulled away. I just resigned myself that I’m stuck with the idiot and his owner until I can find another job. For one meeting I had to take the client into a room with a door and shut the door so the dog couldn’t come in (client stated he didn’t care for dogs). That dog cried and howled at the door the entire time. The supervisor came to her dumpling’s aid and opened the door to let him in. I immediately called out to not let the dog in, which she ignored. So I grabbed the dog’s collar and had to drag him out of the room and shut the door again. I went to my boss and told her why the dog couldn’t come in. The dog started his howling and yelping again, but this time was ignored. I think one of his worshippers finally convinced him to come back to the main office. After the meeting I opened up the door and the client and I walked out. The dog came tearing out of the office, bounced like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, and landed all 80 pounds of himself on my foot and broke one of my toes. Do you know what my supervisor’s response to that was? It’s my fault because I give him attention. I decided then and there to begin ignoring him and shooing him out of my office. It’s taken about a year for it to sink in, but he is finally beginning to leave me alone. My supervisor laments that it’s “so sad” that I don’t give the dog any attention. I tell her he gets enough attention. It’s absolutely sickening. He is not a friendly dog with strangers. He barks at them or ignores them and I sit in my office and hear people PLEAD with this dog to come to them. My supervisor has created this ridiculous background story about him being an abused puppymill survivor and people just fall all over him then, almost weeping for the pitiful little mite. She got the dog as a puppy and the whole story is completely a figment of her imagination. Because of this animal I can’t stand the sight of a golden retriever, and now it seems like I see them everywhere, especially in advertising. Like I said before, I’ve always liked dogs and have a couple myself, but that golden retriever I absolutely despise. I’m still trying to find another job so I can leave that idiot dog and his worshippers to their own devices.
Eboni • Nov 13, 2021 at 5:25 pm
dog lover here! your boss is an inconsiderate asshole who shouldn’t own a dog. The fact that she doesn’t even care that actual clients may have an issue with it, and just lets the dog run rampant…. my black lab would absolutely never. this whole story pissed me off, I cannot believe you got blamed for that effing dog breaking your toe. Your boss should have paid that hospital bill. I don’t even let my dog within 10 ft of people who don’t know her because I never know how they may feel. Untrained goldens are a mess— I was at the dog park trying to leave and one kept jumping on me trying to hump (I was holding an untrained smaller dog who was becoming aggressive with the big ones 🙄🙄). I literally pushed him off like 15 times, made eye contact with his owner who was having conversation across the park, and continued to struggle with him until her husband came and yanked him away. When I tell you I was pushing and commanding with all my strength and this damn dog just kept coming back!! Owners who don’t control their dogs are the absolute worst. Hope you can find a new job soon if you haven’t already!!
SueSue2020 • Nov 18, 2021 at 7:17 pm
Despise the idiot owner who has created the behavior problems, not the dog! She is lucky that none of the people who work there have allergies otherwise she could be reported and be forced to either leave her dog at home or provide a dogwalker, or provide daycare while at her job. She does NOT have the right to inconvenience others at work. I love all animals but even I know that one has to draw the line when it impacts others. The dog is HER responsibility, not anyone else’s!
Earl • Oct 5, 2021 at 11:17 am
its just another one of those things to get people riled up and has no benefit or productive energy for anyone who prefers a positive life and who can find beauty and happiness in just about any being, well p, except for haters or hate because hating is us and we like to breed hatred in our hate groups…..i joined the group that hates haters:) Ive got a new perspective on dogs…live and let live then there is the hate for elders, hate for blacks, hate for jews, hate for gays, hate for overweight, hate for everything and it follows then hate begets hate, violence begets violence, eradicate hate, long live dogs!
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:11 pm
Bro what are you even ON about right now. I’m all for positivity and optimism, it’s a great way to live, but even my positive self realizes there’s still room and value in hate. To an extent, of course. People NEED to be able to express things, for better or worse. It does absolutely no good and stifles the idea of a positive productive life if you just censor everything or try to berate people into not speaking up about what bothers them.
Also this article isn’t spreading extreme amounts of hate. The author has experienced some genuine issues in society and wanted to bring it to light. Yes, maybe dog hating without all the bullshit that comes with weird obsessed dog owners seems a little petty, but it would be a stretch to say that the author or “”haters”” are just wasting their lives away hating. You don’t know what’s going on on the other side of the screen. People are allowed to have a little vent session and then continue on with their day.
Shelly • Oct 5, 2021 at 12:14 am
I am a dog lover and animal lover in general, but this post and these SPOKE to me. Honestly, it’s the OWNER that is the problem, not the dog. My dog is like me, very clean, not annoying, and very intelligent. He sleeps on the floor and only comes up when I say. He also hates to be dirty. My dog doesn’t like to go places with me either, he’d rather be at home or walking respectfully to the dog park to socialize with OTHER DOGS. All of my dogs have been this way. Now I never thought I could have such a bad taste in my mouth for animal, especially a dog until I met my boyfriends p.o.s. dogs! These two b*tches run his life, and this dude does not mange them at all! They get 0 walks, yet he takes their psycho amped up asses with him EVERYWHERE. I’ve rode 8 hours with his smelly little rat one in my lap. They get in between us and push me off of the bed, so I refuse to sleep with him. They’re jealous of me when I’m with him, growl at me for attention, jump on me, and bite me. They are terrible with kids and pummel them, and the little one has bit his niece!!!! I saw comment that said “the house is smelly and dirty, I’d rather live in a prison”…. Well, I feel the same way about these two bitches. I hate them and I really hope they just go away forever however that may be. If nothing else, these two will be the end of my relationship with this guy. End of story, just don’t get a dog to have a dog! Take care of yourself and your dog so both of you aren’t nasty! It’s disgusting and so annoying to deal with, ESPECIALLY for us dog owners that give a shit.
Alie • Dec 21, 2023 at 3:52 am
Great point, Shelly! A dog’s behavior often mirrors that of the humans around them, much like a child’s behavior. It’s crucial for dog owners to be mindful and have a positive impact, just as non-dog owners who can have a positive impact by avoiding speakerphones, playing loud music, taking priority seats, creating restroom mess, honking, or ignoring traffic rules, cutting lines, harming the environment, wasting food, littering, leaving drink containers, displaying rude/aggressive behavior… I can go on and on for these “minor” issues to even more serious indescribable ones that I don’t even want to mention. Unfortunately, some individuals have contributed to a significant amount of negativity in various ways, some of which are entirely unfair. But we all know that negativity can be highly contagious, just as many other things (from yawning to stealing, from smiling to donating). Not all the blame seems to be on readers though, as weirdly, a journalist decided to initiate with negativity (to create a lengthy dispute?).
Bottom line, let’s strive for a positive and respectful community. Let dog owners, together with non-dog owners, find the best ways to mitigate the issues and make a significant change. With endless innovations created recently, most issues should be solvable if we think “together,” not against each other.
Shelly • Oct 5, 2021 at 12:06 am
I am a dog lover and animal lover in general, but this post and these SPOKE to me. Honestly, it’s the OWNER that is the problem, not the dog. My dog is like me, very clean, not annoying, and very intelligent. My dog doesn’t like to go places with me either, he’d rather be at home or walking respectfully to the dog park to socialize with OTHER DOGS. All of my dogs have been this way.
Stef • Nov 13, 2021 at 9:18 pm
Your dog could never be clean – If you walked naked/barefoot everywhere including parks and pavement, and just came home and licked the dirt off your feet…would you consider yourself clean?
Prof • Oct 4, 2021 at 7:09 pm
Omg! It took forever to scroll to the bottom of the page. Thank god I’m not alone in this.
Stinking, vile, in your face, slobbering creatures. The more you don’t want to interact with a dog, the more they get in your face, right up in your face, tongue out aiming for your face yuk yuk yuk! Fucking can’t take no for an answer. These people who refer to themselves as mummy and daddy to their fur babies are unhinged and why are they even in our gene pool?
8 years I’ve had to put up with my selfish wanker of a neighbour’s barking bloody dog, I can’t tell you how much I hate it. I hate dogs with a passion now. Everywhere you go you hear them and see what they leave behind, it’s disgusting. I swear if I climbed the highest deserted mountain, there would be a bloody dog barking somewhere on it. You just can’t escape them.
Vern • Oct 1, 2021 at 4:46 am
My neighbor’s dog has been non stop barking all day every day the past few weeks and now just woke me up at 3am. I don’t think it’s possible to hate something any more than I do right now.
Mohammed • Sep 28, 2021 at 2:42 pm
I was born in a Muslim country and moved to a North American metropolitan area a few years ago. No one around me and my wife had ever had dogs. Once, I decided to adopt a dog back home as I thought it would help my two little kids (they are young adults now) grow more normally/naturally (they demanded too!) but it turned out almost impossible. Every single one of our extended family members who heard about it advised us that they would stop coming to our place as every where would become “Najes” in our house. Furthermore, friends advised us that the provincial Islamic government agents confiscate the dog should you take your dog outside in public.
So, you can see my family and I were positive about dogs. Here is what nobody speaks about: We had shameful behaviors when passing by or getting close to a dog on a pedestrian road here, up until 3 and a half months ago, when we adopted a 3 month puppy. Even our kids who always loved dogs (but from far) would avoid, would become scared or bewildered when approaching a dog. They would even jaywalk to other side to avoid an awkward moment with the owner. This 3.5 months dog ownership made us different human beings and definitely opened a new world for us. Other 3 members of my family also agree that we now have no problem when walking by a dog whatsoever. When with the puppy, nothing happens but smiles, nice greetings, and very often happy conversations. In fact, we never had this much and sometimes long conversations with strangers in our entire life.
Dog never existed without a mutual reliance with human being. However, suddenly became “najes” by human being (about 1400 years ago) after 60 thousand years of symbiosis. People who follow this rule, know no animal more “najes” as they must wash any object in touch with dog’s saliva in seven different occasions before they can use it.
Performing a more civilized manner when encountering a dog was probably the least blessing out of it. We are now more than ever exercising, exploring outdoors, using patios and dog friendly shops and avoiding indoor restaurants, enjoying sunshine, communicating with our neighbors, etc. And no, we don’t mind picking his poo. He introduced us a world very much different from the confinement we had made in our “urban” life.
AnimalsRcool • Sep 28, 2021 at 6:39 am
My goodness what’s wrong with you obsessive dog owners who put your dog or dog’s life above your own. Don’t you realize that it makes you appear disturbed and unbalanced? Think of Gollum and his Precious. Your pet is a pet and not a person, child, or baby. Some dog lovers will reject their children and grandchildren over their 4-legged beasts. Maybe so-called dog ‘haters’ do not hate dogs so much as they do psychopathic owners (what else would you call it?), who seem to worship their pets above all else. Please, before you condemn others for not liking your dog, take a long, hard look at yourself.
Annonymous • Sep 28, 2021 at 4:12 am
Well, I COMPLETELY agree with the article. Dogs are not just trouble makers- They are brainless idiots who snigger around humans and act all ‘cute’ and be something stupid on the other side. A lot of stray dogs hurt wild lives! Killing off otters, leopard cats, BREAKING A CAR, with all their mauling and biting and pea-sized brain, there’s NOTHING that limits their stupidity stretch!
On the other hand, cats are much more sensible and leave you alone and at least bury their own poops instead of leaving them flying around waiting for YOU to clean up!
Krista • Jan 8, 2022 at 7:04 am
Covering its own poop is the least a cat can do, otherwise they don’t do shit! Jump on counters after being in their litter and drop half their coat on everything they rub against or sit on. I don’t hate them like the dog haters but cats are pretty gross and honestly should be outside where they actually can explore and do tasks rather than lay around and be miserable.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Coming from a cat lover/dog hater, cats should definitely NOT be outside freely. They do a lot of damage to the local ecosystem when they kill prey and feral cats can pose dangers to humans just like wild dogs, though feral cats are more likely to run from humans while wild dogs are more likely to attack. On top of that, it’s just sad when domesticated animals (dogs or cats or otherwise) are left to their own devices outside. The modern world is full of danger for them.
Anyway, dogs and cats are basically two sides of the same coin. Its gross that your dog uses the yard as a bathroom – it’s gross that your cat uses a box inside your house. It’s a chore picking up dog poop – it’s a chore scooping the cat litter. Your dog sheds, your cat sheds. Your dog stinks, you cat stinks (literally all animals have a scent. Dogs naturally are stinkier than cats but a stinky cat isn’t unheard of, though you are either noseblind or something is wrong with your cat’s wellbeing). Still, as similar as they are, they are different enough and people can totally have preferences. I just wish people were more aware of how hypocritical it all is.
Greg sam • Sep 24, 2021 at 11:14 pm
Actually yes you are. There’s a difference between not being a dog person and hating dogs. You’re just a bad person
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 27, 2021 at 11:58 pm
True . The dog haters have unresolved issues with dogs from their pasts .
Their dislike is more profound than casual annoyance with a dog habits .
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:21 pm
False on the “bad person” part. You have no grounds for your opinion other than the measly fact that the author has written that she hates dogs.
There is a difference between “not being a dog person” and “hating dogs” to SOME people, but for many people it’s one and the same. And, to set the record straight, there is nothing wrong about hating dogs. It is possible to hate dogs and not wish harm on them, as the author explicitly writes in her post.
Sincerely, a dog hater who is probably not as bad as you think they are. At least I don’t think you’re a bad person, though maybe you could stand to broaden your horizons a little and not immediately attack someone’s character for ONE single opinion they’ve expressed.
youwackadooodle • Sep 22, 2021 at 1:49 pm
did not read article, just seen title. conclusion yes, yes you are a nut. IN other perspective at the least you should be look at with suspicion and apprehension . You know who else doesn’t like dogs and drinks with both hands, Satan. have a good day sir or madam.
sincerely sir barks woof-stein
David Babich • Sep 21, 2021 at 3:17 am
Thank you!! Yes, dating is almost impossible at this point and dogs are EVERYWHERE!
I found your article by searching “dogs are everywhere — please help!”
Susana Roberts • Sep 21, 2021 at 1:24 am
I’m not trying to put everyone in the same basket, but I feel that alot of people prefer a dog or cat to another human being, is because animals will not argue or tell you how wrong your decision was and why. Animals will not tell us how wrong we are living our lives, how wrong our thinking is, or how deviant our feelings are, another human being will tell us this. Many of us guard our lives, no matter how wrong we know that we are, thru the silence of animals. Hence the preference that so many of us have to animals, versus having the companionship of a human being.
lou • Sep 18, 2021 at 9:37 pm
This is all nice to hear. I have no problems with dogs per se, but I’m really tired of being growled and barked at, and having the same done to my young child while we are hiking. If you can’t train a dog to function in society don’t get one, entitled dog owners are the worst. No surprise, they are mostly white people!
I also have to wonder about people whose only friends are dogs…what does that say about someone who is incapable of having loving and meaningful relationships with their fellow humans?
Anyway, great article
Anonymous • Sep 18, 2021 at 8:31 pm
Bravo. I grew up having dogs and still have one and am actually a veterinarian. Truth is though I dont really care to be around dogs. Even more so since having a wife and children. Everything in this article is spot on.
Ashely • Sep 16, 2021 at 7:23 pm
Hey princess, I see you deleted/filtered my comment. The truth hurts doesn’t it? No wonder you can’t tolerate the presence of an innocent creature who is unable to behave by your rigid guidelines. You can’t even deal with calm criticism in your comments section.
Fuck them all • Sep 15, 2021 at 11:30 pm
To all who say they hate dogs. A dog does not care if your rich or poor, a dog will play and love you all the same. Humans have forgotten what it is like to be human. All who said they hate dogs are sociopaths/psychopath, I can say that because I am both, I hunt serial criminals and help rescue beaten, abused, and neglected dogs.
Remember this remember me. I will protect all dogs. If anyone who commented negatively hurts a dog in any manner. A war is coming for them.. I will die trying.
Whatever • Nov 26, 2021 at 7:35 pm
Edgelord. *rolls eyes* sO bAdAsS
August Ridder • Nov 30, 2021 at 9:32 am
Dogs do not love you, they don’t feel love, they just care about if you feed them.
David • Sep 13, 2021 at 1:49 pm
I’m sick of being accosted by dogs while out on one of my regular hikes. 99% of the dogs I run into cause me no problems at all but for that 1% I carry a hiking pole for protection. After nearly being bitten by two dogs who were baring their teeth at me and trying to bite me, the owner scolded me and said that “next time you should check your body language”. My body language was fine, it said “STAY the F AWAY FROM ME” . I was so furious but I managed to walk away before I did anything stupid. Yesterday I was on the receiving end of what I considered to be a death threat because I had the temerity of using my pole to block an aggressive dog. Most dog owners are responsible and I appreciate that, But for those who act like their dogs have more rights that I do, or that I should in some way submit to their dog – they can go F themselves.
AnimalsRcool • Sep 12, 2021 at 7:47 am
Some dog owners clearly use these animals for emotional comfort. Thus, they are attached to them beyond any reasonable degree. Recently, in my neck of the woods a pit bull killed a 7 year old girl, and they were debating in the courts whether to put the dog down or not. WTF? Many dog owners are clearly imbalanced individuals, and may even be mentally ill. We’ve all heard of a cat lady with 100 cats, but this article is about dogs. Nothing wrong with having a pet to help you cope, but those obsessed (some you see commenting here), may need help beyond what an animal can provide. Moreover, it becomes an issue when their pet harms or disturbs other people. Personally, I have no wish to see any animal come to harm; however, I would not hesitate to put an out of control beast down that was threatening me or my loved ones. So, if you dog owners truly love your pets as much as you say you do, please train them properly, and respect the right of others who may not be fond of them, for whatever reason.
Leanne Strong • Sep 11, 2021 at 4:07 pm
Hi, I do not have a problem with dogs in general, but dogs I don’t know very well can be a problem for me, especially if they run right up to me, rather than allowing me a few minutes to settle in, and get acquainted. Why can’t people just train their dogs to know who might need a few minutes, and who is already warmed up.
15678her • Sep 11, 2021 at 12:57 pm
I wish there was a Facebook support group for people who dislike dogs so we have a place to vent. I feel like everyone thinks I’m an evil hateful person for strongly disliking dogs. My husband has a 10 month old dog and I cannot stand her. I have never been a dog person but we just bought a house and for him, new house with a yard means we needed to have a dog. Worst mistake ever. It barks so much when my husband is around, she needs constant attention. It is a poop machine. There are flies everywhere eventhough we have my daughter pick up all the poop. It digs everywhere and makes a mess. Can’t even enjoy my backyard eventhough it’s the first time I have a backyard. There’s hair everywhere! I don’t even let the dog get near me and still find dog hair on my clothes. It’s not allowed on the couch but will every once in a while jump on my new couches and it infuriates me. They smell awful, the hair shedding disgusts me and everytime she licks her butthole or her fur, I put her outside because it makes me want to throw up. I feel like I’m in hell. The fact that dog lovers can’t understand that not everyone needs to love dogs is ridiculous. You’re either a dog person or not and you need to respect that.
SueSue2020 • Nov 18, 2021 at 7:25 pm
He should not have forced a dog on the rest of the family but should have consulted everyone first. Please don’t direct your resentment towards the poor dog. It’s not her fault. Since your husband is the one who wanted the dog, he should be the one to clean. And please do not use a dog as a security system. Security systems are more affordable nowadays and more reliable than a dog who can be poisoned, shot, or beaten to death by invaders. And YOU need to grow up and have a one-on-one with your husband and explain all these items. You are the other part of the adult team and need to voice your concerns, not take it out on a helpless voiceless animal.
Gail • Sep 10, 2021 at 12:27 pm
Not everyone cares about animals and that’s fine. But based on the reasons provided by the author I certainly hope he/she/it never decides to have a baby because it’s no different. And it’s probably good that the writer never spawns another one like her/him/it.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:25 pm
You could not be more wrong. There is a big difference between owning a pet and having a child. It still requires time, money, and energy, but the rewards are different and most (normal well-adjusted) people will approach a human child differently than they would a pet.
Pongoo • Sep 10, 2021 at 6:48 am
I love dogs – I just cannot eat a whole one 🙂
Greetings from China
P.S.: Jeff, who wrote in this guestbook on Sept 1st. is your typical dog-owner, as we know and love them – all the way to his choice of words.
Misc Danger • Sep 9, 2021 at 2:57 pm
Dog owners are so detached from reality that it’s worrisome. “My pet is my best friend.” I call BS. Go to your best friend (or adopt a human child, or buy a designer human baby with the intention of making your own best friend), castrate them, lead them around on a rope. Determine where they can be, how they can communicate, how they can behave, who they can procreate with. Put them in cages when you aren’t around and demand that you are the one that they will love the most (after this terrible treatment). Only a narcissist butcher could possibly think this is acceptable behavior. I get it, human relationships are hard, but doing what I’ve described is the most disgusting thing you could possibly do to another living creature on this planet. I wouldn’t even wish this on bugs.
Hotdiggity • Sep 8, 2021 at 9:04 am
Dogs are the worst. They are basically a dystopian “love fix” for those people who can only find a mate when alcohol is involved. Lonely people. So lonely they will pick up the dumb animals feces. So lonely they will defend them as if they were their Human boy/girlfriend. So lonely they will argue and fight like morons to try to make you “love” their dog (sh** factory). They feel empowered like they are virtue signaling they are part of a relationship. A strange, psychological relationship indeed. No doubt these people would have made a great study for Wilhelm Wundt. In fact, most of us just kind of shake our head, and eye roll them, after they’ve gone past. But I digress, dogs are just a dirty animal, not unlike the tick-sh**-flea-slobber infested animals that roam around in the woods. I’m sure 20 million Chinese can’t be wrong though. Dogs probably do taste delicious. Or you can ask Vietnamese and parts of Africa as they partake of the “dog delicacy” as well. So I guess dogs are good for something other than the creepily sad and lonely that use them as a psychological crutch.
Eve • Sep 5, 2021 at 5:20 pm
I think we are entitled not to like certain animals. There are animals that I love and animals that I hate and the dog is one of them. My sister has a beautiful yard with flowers planted around her mailbox. These filthy dog owners come with their filthy beasts and let them poop there and don’t even clean up. These dog owners are more filthy than their beasts. A total lack of respect.
Chaz Gidnats • Sep 4, 2021 at 8:57 pm
I totally agree. It’s come to a point where I don’t think I can ever date because literally half of all tinder profiles demand love for their dogs
Hi • Sep 4, 2021 at 5:39 pm
Hi! I love dogs, but if you don’t than sure, but let you know my dogs have been some of my only friends my whole life, and I always feel bad for people without pets. Also may you please not curse a lot, just… please? I fully respect your opinion, and do not think you are inhuman, or else why would you know how to write thing? 🙂
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:28 pm
Let people use the language they want to use. As long as they are not using derogatory slurs, they should be free to use whatever language they please, cursing or not.
Also, I don’t think you need to feel bad for people without pets… Some people do not ever want pets and have no interest in having one, and that is perfectly fine. They do not need a pet, and depending on their mindset they probably would get NOTHING good out of owning a pet. It all depends on their perspective and wants.
Jeff • Sep 1, 2021 at 8:26 pm
I would rather have 1000 dogs than any one of you gross, smelly, selfish virus carring twats around me. How’s that for speaking my mind??
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:31 pm
1 out of 10. At least you wrote out your opinion, but you attacked the author’s character instead of their opinion. Why? Because you were soooo hurt that they had the audacity to say that they hate the animal that you would give your left nut for?
You can speak your mind without being disrespectful of it. The author said nothing disrespectful to those who like dogs. The author’s opinion of dogs literally does NOTHING to you. It doesn’t harm you, it doesn’t impede your life. Unless you’re part of the problem owners she was talking about, which I think you might be based on your response.
Everett • Sep 1, 2021 at 2:03 am
Excellent article.
Dogs are parasites to dog owners as they drain their time and resources.
For non-dog owners, dogs are vermin worse than cockroaches, worse than rats.
Barking all day long with absolutely no way to stop it. Letters to dog owners go totally ignored. City will not help, police will not help. Animal control (ASPA or humane society) are staffed by dog lovers and they just throw my complaint letters in the trash. They never answer the damn phone call. Never returns my message.
Dog owner let their dog poop in front of my door and didn’t clean up. Friends came in to visit and stepped on dog shit and walked inside my house making a big mess. I spent hours cleaning that up. Dogs peed on my door too.
And you, dog lovers, expect me to like dogs? How about my middle finger instead? Because I hate dog lovers more than dogs.
Stop asking me to pet your disgusting shit eating beast.
Bob • Aug 30, 2021 at 11:51 pm
Marry ME!! Finally, another actual human being who refuses to lessen themselves before an animal. MUCH RESPECT for you.
Stefania • Aug 30, 2021 at 4:38 pm
Lmfao a lot of fucking weirdos on here. Go find a hobby you lonely losers. How you treat the world’s most vulnerable (innocent animals, the elderly and children) says a lot about your character. Seek help immediately.
lol • Nov 5, 2021 at 11:56 am
Mia • Aug 30, 2021 at 1:53 pm
SUCH a great article! There needs to be a Dog Haters Of America club. Actually was looking for that and came across this article. The entertainment I got from reading the comments of the cry-baby dog owners was so worth the scrolling! Thank you, Tatiana, for being brave enough to say what a whole lot of people wish they could.
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 28, 2021 at 12:13 am
I think her article does more good than harm too .
It probably saved a few dog-haters from discovering their
latent quality the hard way . . .
April Kurtz • Aug 30, 2021 at 12:55 am
Well, what an interesting read all these years later: You dog haters have some of the worst grammar, spelling and punctuation abilities I’ve EVER seen. How did you get a job? Most of you need remedial English classes.
Also, saying you hate dogs ain’t shit as far as social opprobrium goes. Try saying you don’t like any child under 10! I find babies and toddlers to be as filthy, smelly and disgusting as, if not more so, than any dog.
Now to the meat of the issue. I like dogs, but I prefer cats. The only animals I hate are pit bulls because I’ve been bitten by them twice, both times when I was walking along, minding my own business. That breed of dog needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. Of course the owners or dogs never suffered any consequences. But, as I have said to my friends, “The more people I meet, the more I like animals.” Most of them feel the same. There’s a bunch of us misanthropes out here. Misanthrope in that I don’t like humanity at large, but my DH, friends and family know I love them, because I make sure to tell them once in a while. We’re harmless. I feel personally that anyone who doesn’t like animals at all has a hole in their soul, and it’s a big red flag.
I’ve had one dog, who I named John F. Kennedy, because he tried to hump everything. He looked exactly like a Swiss Mountain dog, but I doubt he was. We got him from the David E. Lee(?) animal pound in Chicago when he was about 3 mos. old. He peed in my lap in the car on the way home. He was scared. He was destructive, and he barked a lot. I had to teach him how to bark. Which I didn’t mind, because we had been burgled twice in the previous six months. We were told he would end up about 80 lbs. as an adult, but he exceeded all expectations and was 120 lbs. full grown. Needless to say, we never got burgled again. He was a large goofball. Happy and energetic(and rotten and a brat, lol) and all that good dog stuff. He could chase a tennis ball for hours. He ate our couch…he ate through the couch, and into the wood floor below. When I came home from work that day, the living room was calf deep in foam and couch stuffing. I cried for days when he passed away 12 years later, from cancer.
Since John F. Kennedy, I’ve had cats, only. I am a musician, and at one point in my life we were touring a lot, and it wouldn’t have been fair(to the dog) to have a dog, because they need to be petted, walked and fussed over a lot. It’s a lot easier to have a friend come over and take care of your cats, who don’t require as much attention. Now I’ve got cats because I’m an old fart with MS and cancer, and just don’t have the energy to take care of a dog. But I get to fuss over my neighbor’s German Shepard, I love that dog like she is my own.
Fun science fact: Cats have more neurons in their brains than dogs do, which means they’re actually smarter than dogs. However, because cats are solitary, they’re not inclined to follow orders, which makes people think they’re dumb. All my cats are very friendly, and greet us when we come home from wherever we were. If a stranger comes over, they all disappear. Which also means they don’t bother people who don’t like them. One of my cats jumps through hoops like a circus tiger for me and will shake a paw, if she’s in the mood. They are trainable, but it does take a longer time than with a dog, because like I said, cats don’t follow orders.
People who say “why don’t you care about or give money to the homeless, or children’s charities?” are kinda dumb. There are plenty of charities that take care of people. I care more about animals, sorry. Not sorry, actually. The day an animal tells me that I’m “ugly fat and stupid” I’ll stop liking animals more than most people.
Also, the people who have to make political statements about politics in a comments thread about dogs, lack intelligence, critical thinking skills and common sense. Not everything is about politics. How’d that Trump 2020 thing work out for you? aaaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Morons.
Pam • Aug 29, 2021 at 9:43 pm
I’m so sad of all you people that have hate for beautiful creatures that were given to us by God, I believe, to make out lives better and happier.,Who could hate a,beautiful,little dog wagging their tail and just wanting to,love you? How many dogs have saved children and people’s lives? They have so much love and only want love in return. I truly feel so sorry for you ignorant people. You don’t even realize that you are disgusting and I feel sorry for you. You probably smell worse than any dog could and. Have no morals and I’d hate to see your manners.,I hope you don’t raise children and pass down your cruelty to them. I’m happy you don’t want dogs, you don’t deserve them.
JAP • Dec 4, 2021 at 10:39 pm
God did not give them to us. People crossbred them to get out what they want. Dogs are reflection of humanity relentless push to shape everything around to please themselves, Otherwise dogs will look more like wolfs – the real dog of the God.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:39 pm
This is going to be a hard pill for you to swallow, but it has to be done.
God does not exist for everyone. Therefore, we cannot agree that “god” gave us dogs. And even if a god did exist, not everything it gave us is guaranteed to be beneficial.
Anyway, theology aside, people are in no way ignorant for hating dogs. Dogs are not the pure never-at-fault perfect loving animals you think they are. They have their faults, perhaps not in human morality, but they have traits that people HAVE EVERY RIGHT to dislike. “How many dogs have saved children and people’s lives” you ask, but why aren’t you wondering about how many people dogs have KILLED? People have lost their lives BECAUSE of dogs, Pam, and it’s not always just the owners. Owners have a responsibility to train their dogs, and they are also at fault for the loss of lives, but wild dogs exist as well. If dogs were so perfect, why are they so aggressive? Why do they kill? If you are saying it is moral to love and accept dogs, are you also saying it is moral to accept that dogs can kill?
You preach about god and morality, and yet you are here attacking people for having an opinion that literally harms no person or animal. Their opinions are doing NOTHING to you, and yet you are insulting them, calling them ignorant, cruel, and detestable people. People can, and often do, hate things/people without wishing any harm on them. Do better.
Phil • Aug 27, 2021 at 1:08 pm
If there needed to be an example of how demented many dog lovers are, the obsessed ex-marine in Kabul would be a good choice. This man is demanding the British government allow a special plane to come and pick up his herd of stray dogs. NOT a special plane to come and pick up the desperate Afgans who are trapped there, but dogs. This, when thirteen American soldiers were killed trying to help those poor humans. This guy fits in well with some of the people on this forum who state that dogs are better than humans
Phetros • Apr 10, 2022 at 1:34 am
Wtf are talking about, who are you people
Gabe • Aug 26, 2021 at 9:44 am
I understand if u guys dont like dogs i personally do however thats your opinion as long as you dont kill and trap them im fine with it {PS its scientifically proven dogs bond better with humans then any other animals}
Ali • Aug 24, 2021 at 2:30 pm
It’s ok to have an opinion. I LOVE dogs. I own a Keeshond puppy and am about to get another. We also have an American Eskimo. I hate cats. We have 2 cats. Father and son tuxedo cats. One purposely named “Dingo” because he is an asshole, and I the o the one is pretty chill but fat as hell. The only reason they are here is because they catch mice. Other than that hat, they are arrogant smelly sons of bitches that shit on my floor constantly, while leaving every box of clean cat litter empty. We have spent a ton trying to figure it out. Cat attractant. 1500 different types of litter. Different types of litter boxes. More than 2 boxes for them so their lazy asses don’t have to “walk too far.” They are awful and far smelling than my dogs. I would get rid of them if I weren’t a responsible pet owner that knows that once you adopt, you have promised that animal a home and family for life. Dingo is somewhere around 12 years old and Billy is about 10. Unfortunately they are too old to re-home, so I just pray every morning that one or both will be dead when I go to feed them. Unfortunately, these bastards will live forever just to punish me. They attack my dogs and with all their crapping, I have to constantly be on the lookout for sh!t bombs every where I walk. I had my chance with one of them when he had a urinary blockage. We were at the pet hospital on a Saturday night, and they said it would be around $2000 or he would die. So we paid it. Because we are responsible pet owners, and because we didn’t want to put him to sleep and have to tell our 8 yr old son he was gone. Unfortunately, we found out later, our kid would have been fine if he was gone. Damnit. We could be down to 1. But seriously. Screw cats. They suck. I have no use for them. Except to catch mice. And the ones they don’t catch we catch in no kill traps and take them elsewhere to live. Dingo can’t catch anything anyway. He’s to busy being an a$$hole.
F*ck you Ali • Nov 11, 2021 at 11:33 am
Hi there,
I just wanted to say that your cats sound like they’re old now (especially with the vet visit and all) if the litter boxes are too high for them they may find it hard to actually get in and do their stuff (Cats actually don’t like not being able to cover up their poo). The fact that one of your cats is fat is 100% your fault. I’m not sure why you’re thinking of getting another dog, when you can’t even take care of those poor cats that are stuck with a psychopath that hopes they die soon. Maybe the other cat is an arse-hole because a lot of pets even cats, act like and reflect how their owner is. Oh and one more thing if the cts aren’t used to dogs then maybe they’re just scared which is again your fault.
I’m sorry for calling you an arse-hole and all but how you treat your cats is horrible, this isn’t just my opinion because I’m only pointing out things that you yourself have already said. I hope you can understand where I stand in this and are not too offended, I love dogs and cats and only want the best for them. I don’t know the full situation but you really do seem like a psycho.
I hope all the best and good health for you cats.
wallis jordan • Aug 23, 2021 at 10:21 pm
Ps. Supporting a human society has only lead to overpopulation and detestation resulting from environmental limitations and scarcity. And you don’t get to tell people what should be important to them if it’s not hurting others. Your inability to connect to animals is a personal issue. Keep it to yourselves.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:44 pm
Conversely, you don’t get to tell people what they should like and dislike if those preferences aren’t hurting others. You telling people to “keep it to yourselves” is censorship. That is stifling and harmful to people, especially when their opinions don’t harm people.
Like the author and many commenters hating dogs. That literally harms no one, and the majority of the people here in the comment section who say they hate dogs also say that they wish no harm on them.
So, please take your own advice. You don’t get to tell people what should (or shouldn’t) be important to them if it’s not hurting others.
wallis jordan • Aug 23, 2021 at 10:14 pm
I think it’s a weird issue to even bring up. Who said it made you bad person, makes me think you are. Children and human adults are equally slobbering and gross. At least dogs don’t pollute, carry out holocausts or even hold grudges. They are inherently giving beings for the most part. There isn’t great logic as yo why you don’t like animals but if your emotions tell you otherwise you may want to explore that further.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:48 pm
Go around to people and tell them you hate dogs, I can almost guarantee you that you will get at least one comment from them saying that you are a bad person simply because you don’t like dogs.
Saying dogs are inherently giving and do not pollute are false statements. Dogs may not pollute in the same way as humans do, but they still have a negative effect on the ecosystem (like all living beings that have overpopulated or have changed due to evolution do). Dogs inherently take as well – no living thing is inherently “giving.” It demands food and attention and it should be cared for. In a modern household, that takes a lot of money and supplies. Secure housing, food, transportation, vet visits… It needs proper socialization and exercise daily or it will act out.
Mr. Wednesday • Aug 23, 2021 at 2:01 pm
Was this article even researched? I want citations and links to reputable sources and I want to be able to determine the validity of the sources used or studies and results. This is what wrong with journalism today, literally ANYONE could write a ‘factual’ article like this and published it and they know they will never be held accountable for putting complete bullshit. there it’s actually the cause for A LOT of western civilization’s divisiveness. Fake news
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:51 pm
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is literally an opinions piece. It says OPINIONS in bold at the top and is tagged as such. This is just opinion, nothing here trying to be passed as news.
Also, just to be contrarian, but purely factual news is a warped idea. Everything is subjective and the perspective and framing will completely shift how an event happened. Objectivity is a false lens. So your bitching and whining here is literally pointless. Hope you have a good day, lmao. Really baffles me how bad reading comprehension truly is.
keenan • Aug 17, 2021 at 10:46 am
I’m a dog lover, I’ve been all my life and I agree loving or hating dogs is in your genes. I respect people who don’t like them and I’ve never ever pushed my dog on dog lovers or dog haters. I experienced the opposite of what you did, growing up with a parent that hated them as well and a brother who neither likes them or hates them and a mother who likes them but since Father hated them he deprived her of having one all her life. I’ve been chastised for my love of animals by my father and brother and even my mother sometimes. I never go to their homes with my dogs nor do I even ask or push it on them. I do however tell them to stay at a hotel if they don’t like OUR dogs in OUR house. Everyone deserves to like or dislike it’s their right, it’s who they are. the only problem I have is with people who do own them and abuse them. That I hate and I wonder why in the world did you get one if you’re going to abuse it. get a ceramic dog instead and trash it as you wish. Good luck and just tell people this if they complain about you not liking dogs. “You do you, and I do me”.
Sahar Ishmael • Aug 17, 2021 at 5:58 am
I. Don’t. Like. Dogs. I have tried and tried, but they’re just not it. I have had 2 dogs and gave them BOTH up. I have love for only 1 dog, but he’s too chill and sweet to not love him. My ex kept the last dog I had bc we bought it together and was attached to it. I find dogs to be a hassle overall. I resented the upkeep so bad, especially the last one. I have other things that need my attention more than a pet pest! Plus, I’m allergic, no matter how hypoallergenic people claim they are. They’re filthy and I find people who are really attached to them to be weirdos. And that includes some of my associates and family. Everything has to be done for them, they bark unnecessarily which pisses me off, I hate the licking and panting, I don’t want them jumping up on me, scratching, following me around, begging for food, I don’t want them in my living quarters or on my furniture, definitely not in the kitchen, they’re germ ridden from being inside and outside. They smell. I have always refused to pick up poop. They will bring fleas, and you have to keep up with them to manage those. I quarantined a dog bc I didn’t want it spreading no damn fleas and germs around my house. My ex and their dog obsessed family hated it, but oh well. I felt no bones about it. Fleas bite and they’re hard to get rid of. I also HATE when they lick their private parts, and then they want to lick you, it’s too gross for me. It’s the most repulsive thing. And most dog owners are not the cleanest people. No matter how much you clean, with those filthy beasts around, it’s never clean enough. Generally, I just don’t want them around me because it’s not enjoyable. They always need something. I feel good talking to my family, a therapist, and friends… Again, Dogs just don’t do it for me. They’re not your family. No matter how much people try to humanize them. Their beasts people invite into their homes, that rely on you to get all of their needs met. And not like kids, so don’t even try it. Period. If you like that kind of attention, you definitely have a void somewhere upstairs. They definitely don’t make me feel warm and fuzzy. I feel repulsed by them. And if I’m cold for saying that, bring on the ice. Funneling a bunch of money, time, and energy into a beast (or bill) you have to keep in captivity bc it’s not designed to be in nature, is not the way to real emotional fulfillment. There’s real people in the world that could benefit from the resources that people waste away on keeping dogs. Real people are abused, are starving, homeless and need help, and get overlooked, but people in this society will go thru hell and high water for dogs. It’s disgusting. I will continue to help the poor, feed the hungry, donate to and educate other people that are less fortunate. That’s real fulfillment that contributes to sustaining and supports the thriving of human society.
Whatever • Nov 26, 2021 at 7:45 pm
Humans are sick, homeless and poor because of…wait for it…other HUMANS. HUMANS destroy forests, cause genocides and nuclear wastes, spread disease en masse…ew
Clark Drew • Aug 16, 2021 at 3:48 pm
I don’t even know you..
But I hate you..
How can you say such horrible things about dogs?
Did you ever have a dog growing up?
I did..
I grew up with dogs and cats and have love and respect for both dogs and cats.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 1:54 pm
Did you not read her piece? She literally wrote that she has owned a dog. However, there’s one big difference between you and her.
She made no insulting comments to people who like dogs. She simply expressed her hate for dogs, and that though she hated them she wished no harm on them. There is no harm in her having that opinion. You, however, immediately went and attacked her. You say you hate her, for literally no other reason but her opinion. You are sick and cruel, and shame on you for being so cruel to another person when they were doing nothing to you, or anyone else, or any animal.
Clark Drew • Aug 16, 2021 at 3:43 pm
I don’t even know you,But I hate you.. How can you say such horrible things about dogs?
Did you ever have a dog growing up? I did I grew up with dogs and cats and have love and respect for both dogs and cats but it’s ugly people like you that I truly despise. You should be ashamed of yourself!!
Barbara A Serr • Aug 14, 2021 at 9:41 pm
You sick assholes! Yuk.. don’t let a dog kiss you but God only knows what you’ve ‘licked’ on a stranger’s anatomy during a drunken sexual encounter. I don’t think a dog has ever exposed you to syphilis or gonorrhea! Get a life and pray Covid, gun violence, global warming, and every day life keeps you safe from a ‘horrible, despicable canine’!!! You are truly sick humans not fit to comingle with ANY alternative species or alternative human choices on this earth. Go home, grab your binkie and suck your thumb!
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Go cry about your hurt little feelings somewhere else. The author and the commenters here are expressing their opinion that literally harms no one (and no dogs! yeah they hate dogs but they also explicitly state that they don’t wish harm on dogs).
But nooo, you gotta whine and cry like you’re personally attacked. You’re probably one of the problem dog lovers that the author mentioned in her piece, since you feel so offended by it. At least SHE wasn’t insulting dog lovers, unlike you. You don’t get to decide that other people are deserving of other animals’ companionship if they hate dogs.
Dixie Burge • Aug 14, 2021 at 4:28 pm
I always thought dog lovers were control freaks. After all, dogs are easier to control than people. Dogs show them love, but is incapable of complaining about anything or giving back-talk. So it’s the best of both worlds for the dog lover, right? They can abuse the dog by attempting to turn them into human children (aka “fur babies”) that they force to wear clothes and hats and booties and other such silliness, and push them around in baby strollers. That’s forcing the dogs into an unnatural role for an animal, and one the dogs have no say so over.
Dog lovers say that having a dog makes you a better person and that dogs bring out the good in us. Not so! Hitler had a dog, a Belgian shepherd named Blondi, that he loved better than any human being. But did having the dog make him a better person? Did the dog bring out the good in him? 6 million murdered people could vouch for the fact that it did not.
Holly Robinson • Aug 13, 2021 at 10:14 pm
Preach. You voiced my feelings exactly.
Dog PTSD • Aug 11, 2021 at 11:28 pm
It just absolutely makes me want to vomit when people let the dogs lick them in the face or the mouth and then laugh it off with either “kisses” or “gotcha” while they know the dog licks itself after toileting. Then the next day complain that the dog needs a bath because it was rolling in something out in the yard and stinks now, but still let the dog lick them in the face even knowing the dog was licking itself with whatever dead animal or shit on its fur that it rolled in out in the yard. You mention this or even look sickened by the behavior, and they look at you completely stupefied, like they dont understand what’s the problem. *gag…
I will also agree with people who mention the bad behavior of untrained dogs from careless, lazy owners who allow the dogs to jump on people, crap on other people’s lawns, tear up other people’s lawns or property, bark all night long, and so on. If lazy people would take the time to train a dog, there wouldnt be all this hatred of dogs. It’s really that simple.
Jag • Aug 11, 2021 at 4:38 pm
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the person that posted this article. Every walk i go on is disturbed by dogs and their owners saying that they wont hurt you. I have anxiety and fear dogs as i was bitten by one when i was younger, but no one seems to care. The other day i went on a walk and i could see a teenage boy been dragged along by a large dog while he was on his phone. The dog charged towards me and as i moved over to the grass verge i slipped and fell into a ditch and sprained my ankle. I wish i could go out one day where i was not disturbed by a dog. I do not blame dogs i blame their owners for not being responsible. I can see us having a no win no fee situation in the future as this situation is going to get a lot worse before it gets better..
Millie • Aug 11, 2021 at 12:23 pm
Sorry, but if you do not like any single animal…you are upset because people love more their pets…so sorry for you!! YOU NEED to be angry to the people who hurt animals in many ways. So I prefer to hear a lot of people how much they love their pets than…other people who are hurting animals. but personally…I NEVER trust a person who doesn’t like animals…if they hurt a little fellow…imagine…the mean that they could do with human beings.
Ecfinn • Aug 11, 2021 at 4:39 am
The comments on this vapid article perfectly illustrate why people who don’t like dogs are usually not great people. You sound like a bunch of selfish, uptight dolts. And the author is clearly cold and lacking compassion. I mean, look at her other articles. She complains about her dying grandma as a burden, no love of compassion for her illness….then she laments that her mom has to cook for a holiday and take care of grandma. How about you cook and give your mom a break? In conclusion, people who don’t like dogs are likely sociopaths.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 2:04 pm
I dunno, I think you’re glossing over the absolutely horrible things that dog lovers are saying to people who are simply expressing their hate or dislike for dogs. Rose colored glasses…
Here, I see dog haters expressing why they don’t like dogs, though they also say that they don’t wish any harm on the dogs. They hate that people abuse dogs. And yet, I am frequently seeing dog lovers wishing harm and death on anyone who says they don’t like dogs. To me, that screams “sociopath” to the dog lovers, rather than the dog haters.
Take an actual look around you, and not just the things you WANT to pay attention to.
Lorraine • Aug 10, 2021 at 12:33 pm
To the “author” of this article and those that agreed. I learned long ago that there was something wrong with people who don’t like dogs. I call them psychopaths/sociopaths. I also learned that dogs are better than humans and more than human. Those that are numb to that are scary. But good job for proving sociopaths are still out there!
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 2:07 pm
Lorraine, I hope you’ve gotten some serious professional help since you posted your comment. If not professional help, then at least a bit of education. I don’t see why hating an animal is automatically grounds for being a sociopath. And even then, you simply cannot diagnose people for their opinion on a single topic.
You can hate animals without wishing them harm. In fact, the author and almost all the dog haters in the comments say that while they hate dogs, they do not wish any harm on them or those who love dogs. They are frustrated with how they are treated when they express their preference, and they are frustrated that dog owners do not take care of and train their dogs. They have every right to feel that way and express it. Their opinions are harming no person or animal.
However, I find that many dog lovers like you are insulting these people, even wishing them harm or death. I don’t know about you, but that screams sociopathic behavior much more.
Emily • Aug 9, 2021 at 3:15 am
Dog sized tomcats, dingos and basenjis might have more on the ball in a way, but that generous and unaffected sentience / pure joy is simply that; generosity, gratitude, and nurture…. cats are beautiful, and hilarious but they are bitches…. and I’d rather be dog to somebody cool than watch a shitty person turn a good cat into a bitchy prissy idiot
Nana come and get it bitches • Aug 9, 2021 at 2:39 am
To me that is. My decision what to do with that information because these cool pups know evolution and humility are part and parcel…
Oh boy • Aug 9, 2021 at 2:35 am
I don’t know what or who you are, but I guess you ought to stay clean and calm because it sounds to me like you have zero immune system of your own. As a dog AND cat lover all I can feel for you is pity and I’m trying to sublimate/ recycle my disgust …
I have love for the sightless but even think about my dog
…and you will sleep uncomfortably to say the least… … wish fear on a single hair and guess who will relay your misplaced hostility??
Ollie Robi • Aug 9, 2021 at 12:54 am
I hope dogs die forever UWU
Jonathan • Aug 7, 2021 at 2:15 pm
I hate dogs and always have. We never had them growing up. We had a cat who I loved…he was big, soft furry and used to sleep on my bed at night with me. We would go to other people’s houses and their dogs would jump all over me, licking and sniffing and slobbering. I never liked it. I have made fun of a lot and told I was insensitive and that there was something wrong with me because I don’t like dogs. I just say I’m a cat person, oh well. I don’t have a cat however as I’m not really a pet person. I know I’ll get too attached do the cat and just don’t want something else to deal with in my life but that being said, everyone has dogs and it just annoys me how much time, effort and expense people spend on their animals. I’m not interested and there is nothing wrong with me because of it. Great article! Keep it up!
Ryan • Aug 5, 2021 at 3:37 am
You are a horrible human being.
Phil • Aug 4, 2021 at 8:15 am
Until coming across this page I thought hating dogs put me in a very small minority. It appears not so as lots of the comments reflect my own feelings. Many other postings reveal the fanatical views of dog owners and ‘dog lovers’.
I have come across a lot of the latter, one being my own partner.
We have been together about eighteen years and live in the UK, but my partner is from the other side of the world. She came here because her work is mainly here and in other European countries. When she moved from her rented apartment to my owned one she suggested we should get a dog. She had three dogs at her home and her sons would always bring them to Skype calls where she questioned their health and eating regime was being strictly followed. I had mentioned that I was not a fan of dogs, and she told me that dogs were ‘lovely’.
I managed not getting a dog by telling her that the terms of ownership in my block forbid this. I’m not sure if this is strictly enforced, but luckily no other owners have a dog. Her suggestion of selling and moving home to where a dog, or dogs would be accommodated was stifled when I pointed out that her work involved much travelling and being away from home -when I often went with her as I am retired – meant the animal or animals spending much time in kennels.
She went back to her home country every year for two or three months when it is winter here. The third winter she said I must come with because I would then get two summers. When I got there exhausted after the very long flight the first thing I noticed on entering her house was the smell. It stank of dog. The dogs were central to daily life; their meals, medication, grooming, visits to the vet, exercise were leading topics.
But is was the first night that finally drove me to the edge of breaking up with her and returning home early. The dogs shared her bedroom! They had a old crib that had had its legs cut short where the stinking animals slept on equally smelly old blankets. My objection to sharing a bedroom with three dogs was laughed off: they keep us company, you’ll soon learn to love them. It had the opposite effect. That first night of me barely sleeping due to the dog’s snoring, farting, snuffling and snorting climaxed with them jumping on the bed.
My partner woke and welcomed the disgusting licking of her face with joy. ‘It’s so lovely to be greeted like this in the morning’. I actually kicked one of off as it tried to lick my face. She was shocked at my reaction and came out with the common ‘it only wants to be friendly’. At this time we had been to together about three years. I was on the point of telling her our relationship was not going to work if she could not accept that I was not a dog lover and would never be.
A discussion with her sons – who also could not appreciate that anyone did not share their captivation with dogs – resulted in the dogs and their disgusting bed being moved to a son’s room.
We are still together, but after spending a long time in her home my dislike of dogs was reinforced. How can it be normal to treat a mature dog like a baby and
not mind cleaning it’s bottom when it walks in with shit clinging to the fur? The same animals that are welcomed to sit on the furniture and on beds.
Like a few others on this forum I DO like cats, but in this country dislike of dogs is almost treated as a crime. Though it is not rare to hear dog owners saying that cats are nasty vicious creatures and others nodding in agreement.
My Sunday newspaper features almost every interview it publishes where the subject or subjects own a dog or dogs, with a photo of the dog and names it. It runs an occasional dog column and recently a two or three page article on which cars to by to suitable for your dog to be comfortable in.
These animals have killed and severely injured babies, children and adults. Very often owners say it was totally out of character for the them to be anything but gentle little pets. Dog’s excrement fouls pavements, and while I see some owners picking it up, it’s clear that lots do not. Seeing people having to pick up their shit by hand revolts me. Though I suppose if owners dismiss the stink in their homes as nothing to complain about, bending down to scrape up the filth it is considered one of the joys of ownership.
As others have said on here, dog’s habits are not suitable for living in human homes – with the exception of those animals that assist blind, deaf and other humans with disablements that require help. That leaves about ninety-nine percent that do not.
Steph • Jun 9, 2022 at 2:56 pm
Yeah~ I thought we are the minority. But I’m guessing dog lovers just speak out more and people get verbal abuse by them if you don’t like dogs so people stays quiet. Join dogfree on Reddit, you will find more people.
Doggg • Aug 3, 2021 at 2:49 am
I absolutely love dogs but I hate inconsiderate and selfish peoeple… People that for example would pick a husky for their first dog…. Never train it, then hurt or scare the dog because it does not know how to behave. Then they claim to “love” them lol. I think many loved the idea of having a dog until they realized they get out what they put in when it comes to training them. Yes many narcissistic people among the dog community and that is the main problem. Also, many of the breeds people tend to love require an experience handler and an immense amount of rrwining… Peace dog haters
Neoponder • Jul 30, 2021 at 5:46 pm
Dogs aside, you sound like a lazy, self absorbed person, in my humble opinion. I feel like this was written for to troll dog owners, or to get views.
Victoria Lewis • Jul 29, 2021 at 10:49 pm
Stop bringing God into this. God created animals to shit OUTSIDE! Humans are defiant and took animals out of their natural habit for selfish reasons to supplement their voids and loneliness.
Victoria Lewis • Jul 29, 2021 at 10:31 pm
Wish we could add photos. My son had 20 stitches put in his face 6 months ago for being bit in the face by a dog. Just another reason to add to my list of why they belong in the wild.
Victoria Lewis • Jul 29, 2021 at 10:26 pm
To the dog owners wishing people burn in hell for not liking dogs, and you call us sociopaths lol. Pretty sure GOD HAD ANIMALS KEPT OUTSIDE UNTIL PEOPLE DID NOT KNOW THEIR PLACE WITH MOTHER NATURE AND STARTED BRINGING ANIMALS INTO DOMESTIC SITUATIONS. Anything born to shit outside should stay outside. Anything fit to shit in a toilet belongs inside. You people are weirdos for real. You’re really no different than the freaks who think domesticating lions and bears is a good fit then wonder why you get mauled by it months later, but no you guys are real genius. All animals may go to heaven, but better believe God is going to ask so many people why you all took them out of its original habitat. Not send people to hell for leaving them where they belong.
Victoria Lewis • Jul 29, 2021 at 10:13 pm
The best forum I’ve read in forever. I feel these exact words everyday. I read a comment about a woman afraid her husbands dog would end their marriage and I too felt that on every level. I just have an insanely disgust with the fact a humans dog will eat cat poop, it’s own poop, it’s own vomit, drink from a toilet then lick its owners face and their excuse is doctors say dogs have the cleanest mouths on the planets. Yeah okay Sherlock keep believing that. Keep letting that waste infested animal lick all over your face not to mention dogs and cats almost always have worms or some sort of parasite in their feces so keep letting them stick that all over your face and mouth. They smell so bad. Especially short haired dogs for whatever reason their sweat glands are just gross, the fact they have to be allowed on every surface of furniture is ridiculous. They have to be constantly babysat or they destroy valuables that you worked very hard for, they dig through trash, they jump, they bite, they bark, if you want to own a pet just to yell or say NO to everything it does all the time then who really is the sociopath? Not to mention they shit or piss all over the place if you don’t let it out, you could have a huge yard for it and you still have to pick up it’s shit from the grass unless you want to step in it, I just can’t with the excessive responsibilities that come with dogs, and the ridiculous childlike behaviors when you walk through the door of jumping and sticking its nose in your crotch or ass. Plain and simple dog owners are dirty. There’s no way you can accept their ways without being completely gross yourself especially if you let them lick your face.
Beth • Jul 29, 2021 at 11:50 am
“I’m an animal lover and a dog lover, animals are everything to me.”
1) then they eat burgers, chicken and game
2) then they feed their dogs food that will cause cancer
On another note, how many people become physically ill when hearing the eating sounds of that dog food commercial? I want to punch the screen.
Alice • Jul 27, 2021 at 5:34 pm
Never trust a person that doesn’t like animals.
Lisa • Jul 27, 2021 at 9:20 am
I don’t hate any animals, nor do I wish them harm. If a friend finds joy and companionship in a dog, good for them. What I don’t understand is why I’m expected to share the sentiment. People accept that I like different music, food, and sports. Why can’t I like different animals? I don’t find dogs adorable. I have no desire to coo over their photos, engage in baby talk with them, be licked or humped by them, smell them, or have them destroy my shoes. Well-trained service dogs are fine, but so many of the rest are in-your-face. The more the owner raves about his dog, the worse its behavior tends to be. Just because I don’t love your dog doesn’t mean I’m an evil person. I’m simply not into them.
Lisa Gordon • Jul 27, 2021 at 8:25 am
Really old article, however:
Nothing wrong with disliking dogs. All the reasons listed in the myriad comments above are legitimate (almost all, I should say). They do smell. They are dirty. They do seek attention and often in ways that are inconvenient and take too much of our time. But shall I point out all the above is true of babies as well? Babies require even MORE time, energy and attention than a dog does. And they stink even more (Oh! Those dirty diapers!) I do hope the people above who “hate” dogs for these qualities don’t equally hate babies!
The truth is that it’s OK not to want stinky, attention seeking, dirty creatures in our lives, whether they are dogs or babies. It’s also OK to love either dogs and/or babies with all your heart. Neither type of person is inherently bad or evil or stupid. So those claiming dog lovers OR haters are bad, evil and/or stupid are revealing their own lack of understanding and empathy for the differences among people. The article is legitimate and is not cold or callous–just truthful. But the person who wrote the article doesn’t claim those who feel differently than they do are in some way inferior. However, in the comments section, many people revealed their own tendency toward cruelty and inhumanity NOT by their comments about disliking (or liking) dogs, but their comments about hating the people who love (or hate) dogs. THIS is where the problem lies.
Hey, we are all different. Recently, it’s been found that we are predisposed genetically to either like pets or not like pets. That’s OK. Personally, I love both dogs and cats (ambipetrous?), and currently have two lovely, smelly, joyous, giving, needy (but needed) dogs in my life. We also had a cat until a little over a year ago, when he unfortunately passed away–and I long for another kitty, but frankly, we can’t financially afford another pet.
I have no children, however. And horrors! This too is seen as sinful and evil, especially since I am a woman. Yet I love people–love them enough to have always chosen to work in professions that serve people (teacher, psychologist). But I have enough insight to know that being raised by neglectful, narcissistic parents left me with few parenting skills, and chose not to subject a child to my “healing phase” (early adulthood), when I was forced to spend lots of time repairing the emotional damage left by my parents. Thankfully, I managed, after many years, to gain emotional health and stability–but by then, it was too late for children. And so my dogs and cats became my family–dirty, smelly, needy creatures–just like babies–I could care for and express love towards.
Judging others harshly is our problem, folks–for whatever reason. Whether you like or dislike dogs, like or dislike those who choose to own them, “hate” is a very strong word and should instigate some inner reflection. Disliking is one thing–truly hating anything so much you wish death upon it (or them) is another. Some of the comments above are so filled with vitrol that you can see a hint of sociopathy peeking out. When we hate with this degree of rancor–well, such hate should be a trigger for self-reflection. Hating anyone or anything with such vehemence is problematic and unhealthy.
So go ahead and dislike and avoid dogs, and even dog people, as much as you want. As long as you are experiencing a healthy dislike (antipathy or apathy, that is, with a little disgust thrown in for the dirty, smelly part), then you are not a bad person–just different. But if you find yourself hating with vehemence and wishing death and destruciton upon dogs or their owners, well–yes, there might very well be something unhealthy about your emotional life, and you might want to reflect a little on that.
Maria • Jul 25, 2021 at 4:16 pm
For some people, loving dogs is their whole personality. They literally have nothing else bouncing around their vacuous little heads. It’s all dogs, dogs, dogs. Oh and can we talk about the weird relationship some people have with their dogs? It’s as if they have no boundaries at all. “Oh it’s so cute, he follows me into the bathroom when I’m on the toilet lol.” “He tries to jump in the bath while I’m in it … hahaha!” and “ There’s nothing better than doggy kisses.” while proceeding to practically French kiss their dogs. It’s disgusting.
I can absolutely see the benefit to these animals but dogs are just not for me. Dog people are DEFINITELY not for me!!
paul noble • Jul 23, 2021 at 3:52 am
There some special kind of dickheads on here morons
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 28, 2021 at 12:25 am
Chuckle chuckle , yup .
Belinda • Jul 23, 2021 at 2:59 am
I have had dogs and I did love them, but would I have another now….absolutely not! Reasons and there are many! Starting with the Barking.,…I hate noise! dogs smell, they make your house smell! They are attention seeking, constantly sticking their noses where their not wanted! They don’t bury their Shit and they pee up against anything, people don’t keep their dogs under control….it’s your pet….NOT mine, you may love it, I do NOT and whoa betide if you dare to say you don’t like dogs…..OMG….don’t even go there….
Davion • Jul 22, 2021 at 3:39 am
Dogs are the worst Not that I really care Cuz I am not a dog/cat lover. But I say why do Cats get the short end of the stick. I mean dogs protect you but let be serious if you live in not a populated area chances of robberies are low. Now here is why I HATE dogs and hate is still not strong enough. I hate a friend back then in Africa They had a cat that cat was a good cat. All they did was feed it and wash it. When wanting to poop it will dig a hole and poop in it same for pee. IDK if it the same for cat in the USA. Now dogs stinky, gross, annoying, need assistance they are basically a child2.0. I was once taking corn to my aunt house so we could plant some seed together couldn’t make it why because a dog chased and I ran back home. It was not even meat it was corn FUCKING CORN (if you are wondering why my parent din;t take me in a vehicle Africa is a poor continent that why). It not the first time Once there 3 dogs on me luckily their master called them. Some times dogs owner will make their dogs chase you for fun How HEARTLESS. And people will say dogs haters are sociopath they can go ahead and sniff their dogs butt hole while their dogs does the same. That why I hate dogs and dogs lover. Glad to know these thing will be replaced by robot-dogs. That why I HATE DOGS
Davion • Jul 22, 2021 at 3:26 am
Meat not meet
Davion • Jul 22, 2021 at 3:25 am
I am not a dog lover neither a cat lover. But here is one thing Cat are better than dogs. I HATE DOGS! I had a friend in Africa who had a cat the never needed to take care of it except feeding and washing it. The cat dug a hole in the sand to poop then closed it up Same for pee. But now here comes dogs bark for anything. In Africa I was once taking some fresh corn to my aunt couldn’t make it why? Because a dumb dog chased me for no reason It wasn’t even meet it was CORN FUCKING CORN. Dogs poop everywhere at the community well EVERYWHERE. I am glad I din’t sit next to a dog when on the plane. Some of those dog lover they do it for fun have their dog chase after you then laugh. All Dogs Lovers out there You can go ahead and sniff your dogs BUTT while it sniff yours.
Chris • Jul 21, 2021 at 11:02 pm
I don’t hate dogs, but there are situations where I feel like I do, even though I know I don’t. Barking until 2am? Please let me sleep. I don’t mind the barking during during the day but well past sunset is pushing it. Also, I have never been a people person, and just like to be left alone. The last thing I need is a dog darting to me wanting attention. I would still pet it, but in my mind I am grimacing. And this is not at a friend’s house. This would be in the middle of a sidewalk from some owner I wouldn’t even know. And because I used to live in the city, this happened too many times. There were even dogs that ran squarely into my leg. At one point, I nearly lost my temper at a lady because of it – it took all my might to bite my tongue and hold back because I was NOT in the mood for anyone’s BS that day, dog or human.
Also, there are some owners out there that don’t do their part. So the owners are what tend to annoy me, not the actual dog.
1. Five years ago, there was this golden retriever running leash-free in the middle of the street, clearly untrained. The owner was nearly a quarter mile away! After almost running into me, the dog ran onto the street, which was a busy street in a city, not a rural area. A car came within an inch of hitting the dog! The poor car driver probably almost had a heart attack. That was not cool.
2. While I was walking a few months ago, a dog ran off the front yard of the owner’s house, crossed the street, and in a barking frenzy. I jumped. The worst part? Yet again, a car almost hit the dog because the owner clearly didn’t put an invisible fence or had an eye on the dog. He/she probably didn’t even know the dog ran off the yard onto the middle of the street.
3. When I was 6 years old, as I exited the car, a dog, again leash free and the owner didn’t have an eye on it, chased me for 2 straight minutes, literally less than a foot from me the entire time. That traumatized me and for years afterwards, I did NOT want to be within 10 feet of a dog. I was afraid that any and all dogs would attack me. Whether it is as small as a dachshund or as big as a St. Bernard, I wanted nothing to do with dogs. This lasted for years before I got over it. Mind you, I was only 6 years old, not a teenager or an adult.
Now, do I have friends with dogs? Yes, many of them. But they are always responsible and any time we hang out, I more than welcome giving their dogs attention. I would volunteer to play frisbee or even help my friends walk the dog. Do the dogs get excited? Yes, but I understand dogs will be dogs, and I clearly know how my friends treat them.
So to be clear, if your dog is rambunctious, running frenzy onto the street and barking until well past midnight, then I start to lose tolerance. And there are so many irresponsible owners out there. Your dog? Your responsibility. Please don’t make others suffer for your lack of one.
Sabrina AZ • Jul 21, 2021 at 9:56 pm
I wrote on this topic few months ago. Now I am returning only to say how annoying, these creatures are, and I am not talking about dogs that are trained to help people etc., I am talking about useless animals that you can’t even grow to like. Dogs and their obnoxious owners worth each other. Neither one of them know ANY BETTER. I can’t even imagine having a dog anywhere near me. I am coming to conclusion that people get dogs because they hate themselves and others so much that they would rather have company of the DOG. There is no other explanation. They would rather smell that stench, have parasites around them, dog hair everywhere just not to be by themselves, because they don’t like who they are and scared to be alone with who they are.
Kyle • Jul 21, 2021 at 4:44 pm
Sounds like you just hate lazy dog owners. Maybe it reminds you too much of your childhood as one yourself.
Cat • Jul 20, 2021 at 3:42 am
Addendum: THIS is the kind of behavior that you lazy dog owners allow and you think it’s cute and not a problem. THIS is why people hate dogs. And you wonder why???? You lazy dog people bring this kind of negative attention on yourselves because you refuse to control, train, discipline, or properly socialize your animal. Because YOU have no respect for other people’s personal space and rights, but you have the gall to blame someone else for your own lack of respect.
My actual experience: I’m standing there trying to talk to someone about something important, their untrained mutt sniffing at my feet, trying to jump on me the whole time. **(Please note that part – the fkg dog is constantly trying to jump on me while the owner does nothing to control it)
I’m moving my feet back, moving aside, trying to say “no” without screaming, and finally lose it and snap at the dog “STOP!” The owner sits right there watching the whole thing and has the absolute nerve to ask me in a snippy and offended tone of voice “well what’s he doing?” I can’t believe the utter stupidity of some people. I said (as if a blind person couldnt see…) “he’s trying to jump on me and I dont want it, that hurts my feet.” She had nothing to say. I moved out of that roommate situation soon after, citing the bad behavior and constant barking that she did nothing to control.
Keep that in mind, dog people. YOUR UNTRAINED DOG is behaving badly because you refuse to train it correctly. That goes for crapping on someone’s lawn. That is some people’s hobby, keeping their yard nice, and it costs money. You’re effectively vandalizing someone’s property by letting your dog crap on someone’s lawn and leaving it lay there. So YOU are entirely to blame for any damage or problems that develop by letting your dog trespass on someone else’s property.
Such a shame the obvious has to be stated in such clear and excruciating detail.
Cat • Jul 17, 2021 at 8:18 am
I dont really hate dogs. I’m not a dog person. I do NOT want the constant needy, clingy, whining, crotch sniffing, jumping on people, and all otherwise bad behavior from untrained dogs. I hate lazy people who refuse to train and socialize their dogs, lazy people who allow the jumping, nipping, humping, clingy, sniffing and other annoying, attention-seeking behavior and think it’s cute or not a big deal. The most common response I get is “they just want attention.” It’s NOT my fkg dog and I do NOT owe it any attention. It’s yours. Pay attention to it by training it to behave. Get a clue, dog people: THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HATE DOGS – your untrained dogs with bad behavior and you lazy, mindless owners who think the behavior is cute or acceptable. Control your dam dog and you might not have so many people hating dogs. And the constant barking, OMFG, I’ve got PTSD from that, stupid lazy people who wont train a dog or check to see why it’s barking, simply offer the lazy excuse of “that’s how dogs talk.” NO, not for 1, 2, 3, 4 hours at a time, all frigging day long and at nights too. I dont understand how people can listen to that and it doesnt bother them.
Rachel • Jul 16, 2021 at 2:40 am
I used to be great with dogs, when they were just pets and had their place. Now it has become a mental madness and dogs are put on a pedestal.I know of one dog that has more clothes and social outings than most people. Puppycinos are a real thing. I will never understand how people let their dogs eat off human plates lick them on the mouth and have them sleep in beds with them ,especially when the dog has just licked its dick. Dogs do have a place and they can be of great service, they can offer love and companionship. It is the human I blame for this ridiculous over the top dog first culture that has developed.
John Daniels • Jul 11, 2021 at 11:29 am
Some dogs are so cute but I do not like a dog that is licking other dogs butt and then is kissing the owner in the face. Also I do not want my kids around big dogs like this:
Thomas Katzbach • Jul 5, 2021 at 4:37 pm
I hate dogs and love cats (they’re quiet, clean, truly intelligent, independent, and have a personality). It’s reciprocal too. Any cat I meet anywhere immediately comes up to me and becomes my best friend. But the truth is — humans generally love dogs and hate cats, and I must say I’ve never gotten along very well with that species anyway…
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 28, 2021 at 12:30 am
Cats are the best pets for me too .
AnimalsRcool • Jun 28, 2021 at 6:56 am
Vets just LOVE dog people. The more pathologically obsessive they are, the more they will spend. The other day I helped my elderly mom bring her old dog (actually I like the dog and the dog likes me) to an animal hospital for a cough. The poor thing can barely walk, and it’s probably time to put it down. Anyway, we waited 4 f*cking hours for the x-rays to be completed before we got to return home. My elderly mom prattled on endlessly about her precious dog (wish she’d give one tenth of that concern to her grandchildren, but that is another matter), about how the dog was pooping, peeing, waking, etc, etc, ad nauseum. When all was said and done, she wound up spending half a grand just to find out that the dog had normal problems old dogs have. The vet was rejoicing. Some of you dog owners might want to question your obsession with your dogs, and maybe seek professional help (not meaning to be insulting) in some cases. You regard for these 4-legged beasts is way out of balance. For myself, I like most dogs, but just do not want to own any pets. I respect that others might not like dogs, and that it does not make them evil or bad. That comes across as a pathology on your part, sorry for saying.
Dennis Burke • Jun 28, 2021 at 4:51 am
@Tatiana Gallardo: I blame this all on you, Gallardo, it’s all your fault that people are fighting with one another even three years later after you wrote this hateful artical, and you even think it’s funny, as I saw on your other article on another site about hating dogs! What did dogs ever do to you, HUH?? They have sacrificed their very own lives in serving in our Military and Law Enforcement Department and are heroes in my book, but what the hell to you care????!!!!!! You know, it’s scumbag trash like you who sure like to stir up the pot and makes waves and are the reason why our country is so divided with hate and violence anymore! Yes you and all like you are extrememly horrible human beings, if you want to even call yourselves human beings, but I don’t. You’re all lower than rat filth, and should be sent to jail for life!!! You better watch your step and change your ways sister, or you’re gonna go straight to Hell when you pass on and meet God!!!!!!!
Burkey • Jun 27, 2021 at 12:13 pm
@Fuck Dogs: The day I see you making any attemp to kill my dog or any other dog, I will knock the living crap outta you so bad that a wheel chair won’t even do you any good! You’ll be confined to hospital bed and being fed interveniously for the entire rest of your life, you cruel fuckin’ asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big Bad Dennis • Jun 27, 2021 at 11:45 am
@Sandy Walter: So you hate dogs so much that you support dog meat festivals, huh?? Well I support kicking peoples’ butts like you big time!!!!!!!
Big Bad Dennis • Jun 27, 2021 at 11:37 am
@Tatania Gallardo: You doghaters are also Leftists, and I don’t like Doghaters and Leftists at all!! Oh, and Trump/Disantis 2024!!!!!!! GOT IT????!!!!!!!!!
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 28, 2021 at 12:36 am
Is Donald Trump a dog owner ? I can’t remember him having a dog at the White House .
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Jun 26, 2021 at 11:58 am
So y’all still being idiotic huh?
andrew • Jun 25, 2021 at 7:38 pm
I don’t agree with completely attacking them with slurs and vitriol, but I also wouldn’t support doing that if they were a misogynist, racist, or held any other form of prejudice. It doesn’t help, but it is very difficult to keep calm. People are not going to listen when you insult them or shout at them, they’re going to ignore you. I would support a discussion with all of these types of people. Not because I value their opinions, but because I want to find out where they are coming from. I want to fully discuss exactly why they are the way they are. If they want to try getting inside my head too, that’s fine. If I don’t change their views, then I will settle for a discussion. That’s the kind of ‘fight’ I want – something confrontational, unavoidable, uninterrupted, and face-to-face, but it’s just talking.
At the same time, I do see and agree with your point that yes, all living things do deserve respect. This is a basic fact. Truly, if someone did replace the word “dog” here with “Black person”, there would be an uproar. There would be an uproar for THAT but there isn’t for THIS because (a lot of) humans do still see themselves as better than any other living thing. Therefore, those humans think they have free reign to say how much they hate this or that animal as if they were talking about a piece of furniture or clothing. In actuality they are talking about a living thing that has done nothing personal to them, painting the group with a broad brush is exactly what racism is, hence why I used “Black person” as an example, and it is disturbing. It is extremely unsettling that a lot of people think this is a fine thing to do.
Your views are disturbing. The opinions of those in the comment section who shriek how much they agree with you are disturbing. Unsettling and frightening. Would you or any of them drive an injured dog to the vet? Would you help a lost dog or puppy? This is just about basic respect for living things. And personally I am vegan, something a lot of people seem to think makes someone horribly aggressive, but I haven’t been – I’m subverting a prejudiced trope. BOTH dogs and cats are great. ALL animals are great. In fact, a single tiny insect or a leaf off of a tree is more ecologically valuable than a newborn human baby. That isn’t an opinion, that’s a fact. Anybody who disagrees, just look up the definitions of “ecological” and “valuable”.
I don’t know what your opinions on cats are, but regardless, I have to bring up the cats vs. dogs thing. It is ridiculous. These are not types of fashion or a brand of kitchenware, they are living things just like you and I.
@a lot of the people in this comment section
Many of you don’t seem to have very good memories. The writer literally says, quote,
“Supposedly, humanity rests in pet adoration. Those that are decidedly disinterested in four legged-friends are stigmatized outsiders.”
Nowhere does she mention “cats”, yet many of you seem to think she is “pro-cat and anti-dog”. If she was talking about hating cats, none of you would be agreeing with her. A whole other set of equally frighteningly unsympathetic people would be showing her their support. Stop confusing her negative feelings towards something as siding with you. She isn’t siding with you. The fact you think she sides with you or the fact you want her to side with you is the reason why I don’t like a lot of cat lovers OR dog lovers – many of you are unintelligent, impatient, unsympathetic, and bombastic, and you don’t stop fighting about this stupid either or, one or the other, black and white view about these animals. You’re sick and wrong, and that is coming from someone who has severe mental health issues (me).
Eve • Jun 22, 2021 at 8:22 pm
Where’s the dog free dating app?
Nobody even puts their own picture up anymore, just a picture of their stupid dog.
I will happily stay single. I grew up with dogs my parents owned, the dogs were disgusting.
I already have children who learned how to use a toilet, cook their own food, can communicate in human language, and don’t smell like the dead animal they rolled in at the park.
Dogs are just a burden, and most owners have no care that their animals infringe on others with their noise, aggression, and destruction.
Lena • Jun 21, 2021 at 1:46 pm
I couldn’t agree more with your opinion. Dogs are the most annoying, most disgusting and needy creatures I’ve ever encountered and I couldn’t even begin to explain how much I hate them and the rest of society who dislike me for not liking dogs. I have my own opinion, I have the right to express it and no one has the right to take that away from me. Not even my “friends” and family. The amount of times I’ve said I hate dogs, that I’m afraid of them I’ve lost count. There are so many annoying, horrible people in my life that won’t leave me alone about it. I’m afraid of them, so what?? I hate them. I have a good reason for that. A child can not forget the terror they experienced from being attacked by a dog, how can they?? It still comes back to haunt me as an adult in my everyday life whenever I see those dangerous creatures in the street. Every year we have countless dog attacks to children and adults all around the world and yet we STILL haven’t learnt from that?? Dangerous animals that shouldn’t even be kept as pets. They are still wild animals, no matter what you say. And don’t even TRY to say they are like wolves because they are NOTHING like those beautiful l and scared creatures that we call dangerous. They are afraid of us, how can that smart and beautiful creature be ancestors of dogs?? Lol Dogs smell disgusting, their dangerous and they are just gross in general. They take up your entire life, they don’t let you live it. Their always up in your business and I don’t like that. Their the only animals in the world I cannot stand.
I have my reasons, just like anyone else. You should not judge someone just because they don’t like dogs, how on earth are you supposed to understand?? Your just forcing your beliefs on other people which is wrong. (All directed to the people who have judged me in the past). Their such annoying creatures, their like mini horses who take up your life and are too demanding. I hate that in a creature, I like independent animals who don’t follow you around all the time and don’t annoy the hell out of you all the time. Animals who do their own this and don’t listen to everything you say… (dogs) I’m so glad my family understands and won’t force me to like those loud and annoying animals. They never shut up, my neighbours won’t shut the annoying this up. We always have to do it, that’s not on.
Yaro • Jun 19, 2021 at 11:36 am
Well, its no wonder you are a hack writer. After reading so many profiles of serial killers I cant help but see the resemblance in all you self absorbed demons. Just change the word dog on this hack piece of writing for black person, elderly asian woman, or girrafe. Cause this isnt about dogs at all. Its about the content of your heart. And I know youre a materialist cause you obviously are dumb as a brick and lack any original thought, but with a heart like that, youre going to an lowly place when you die. Hell, maybe your reborn as a dog. That would surely teach you a lesson about being kind to all living beings. You are all disgusting demons and the fact that you are puzzled at why people think of you like that further shows your disconect from real human beings. You hate a lower being than you, one who evolved to trust and love you. Thats the same as people hating children. Of course youre disgusting, its not peoples opinion, its a fact, cause abuse of power is disgusting, hating a living being that looks up to you is disgusting, hating children and dogs is totally disgusting. Dude, I dont even hate mosquitoes and they harm me in a horrid way. And here you are hating dogs, literally mans best friend. Anyway, hopefuly I dont see you bunch of aresenist and sociopaths on the news any time soon, keep your hate under wraps and dont hurt anyone…or do as you wish, there will be consequences to your actions (even actions of thought) even though youre all too dumb to understand that. Its always the dumbest people who think they are smart. You people are so dumb…no wonder the world is like it is.
Bonny • Jun 17, 2021 at 4:17 pm
1. Every year, more than 29 million people worldwide receive a post-bite rabies vaccination.
2. 40% of people bitten by dogs are children under 15 years of age.
3. Infection causes tens of thousands of deaths every year
These numbers are quoted from World Health Organization’s rabies portal.
The numbers depict that the Dogs are not as friendly as they are made out to be in social media platforms like facebook, instagram etc. Do a search on youtube with “Dog attack”. The videos that come up are heart wrenching. I could not watch a few of those after a few seconds. Do a google search with “Dog attack” every 10 days from today. You will be surprised at the number of deaths caused by dog attacks. Don’t believe me, do it and see for yourself. And stop spreading lies like “Dogs do not attack”. They do it all the time. They eat up unattended children. In Bangalore in India strays have eaten unattended human children umpteen number of times. No other pet animal does that kind of damage to human beings. And you don’t have to feel guilty or ashamed to call this truth out. If you are feeling insecure about telling a truth, then know that you are being brainwashed and manipulated by the dog worship culture in social media.
Dog owners make me hate dogs • Jun 16, 2021 at 10:58 am
Finally a spot I can relate to! I don’t think I hate dogs. I hate dog owners that feel it’s okay to let their dogs jump on other people’s couch, bed, beg for food, smell nasty -I could go on and on! I hate dog owners and in turn i get really annoyed by their pets (dogs). I like cats better, they are not needy and invasive.
Why can’t dogs be dogs and just stay outside where they belong? Oh that’s right , because dog owners made them fragile to everything!
Not everyone likes dog hair in their food or a dog staring at them consistently. NOT CUTE.
ralph • Jun 14, 2021 at 11:31 pm
People who love dogs show how awful they really are. To love and enable such horrible beasts. Inexcusable.
I love virtually all animals. Only exceptions invasive species such as Burmese python in the Everglades and especially dogs as
The world would be a better place if dogs and their owners had no rights.
Between biting, attacking, barking, crapping, pissing. all over the place. Running and charging toward good people.
Just shows you how horrible dog owners and lovers are to enable these monsters.
AnimalsRcool • Jun 13, 2021 at 10:35 am
If people say they ‘hate’ turtles, birds, pigs, or even cats, dog people don’t seem to care. I like most animals, but not necessarily as pets. It’s like some dog lovers belong to a cult. If a person doesn’t like dogs, that doesn’t make them ‘evil,’ it just a preference. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around this canine obsession. It is a projection from those dog-obsessed to say that people who don’t like dogs are bad or sociopaths. While some dog owners are responsible, many are not. You, therefore, must protect yourself, and stay alert when out walking!
Crusty Johnson • Jun 11, 2021 at 10:08 am
I hope the government puts you people on a list. Y’all are insane sociopaths.
Brynna • Jun 10, 2021 at 4:49 pm
I have read so many of these terrible comments. I freaking love dogs but I so understand that it is such a hassle to deal with one or multiple dogs. Some owners are incredibly amazing and some definitely shouldn’t own a pet even if it’s just a fish. I can understand someone who has PTSD which is very understandable. I had an experience not with one biting my face off or being left alone with a FUCKING TERRIBLE MOMHER OF AN EXCUSE. So sorry for that man who definitely didn’t deserve that treatment. For all the people that HATE dogs because they’re aren’t PERFECT like you want like someone person said they have to be independent, pretty, and not a mess basically it’s hard unless you train them or get someone to help you. If you do not have the funds to get one don’t get a dog pr any pet. Even cats a big hard to take care. Sure majority of cats are very independent but what if you find a cat that is very independent like you want are you going to be mad at the cat? I feel like you have spend time with a dog or another animal to see what kind of dog you can afford to handle. I just can’t stand the people on here which is almost everyone saying they think dogs shouldn’t be here or it’s disgrace to humanity or if you want to get rid of your dog because you don’t like dogs. To the that one woman thank you for actually being a kind person. You could take the dog and rehome him or her or drop it off at a shelter to kill all the rejected dogs but you didn’t and actually pushing through it like an adult. I do hope if you come across this (doubt it) that your husband is taking really good care of the dog and maybe you can say to him that he can do all the hard work that way you don’t have to deal with it unless it’s a life and death situation where he isn’t there to help the dog. My guess is you have talked to him about that but for others if one really wants one maybe you can try to babysit a dog or another animal with your partner for a week and see if they do the hard work of course agreeing with the idea that both of you guys understand of what’s happening. To all the other people on here that are just plain old stupid I’m sooooooooooo glad you don’t own any dogs. I do want a cat one day but I can’t hold responsibilities like that. I don’t even want a kid or a dog or any other pets because I will probably kill it by not understanding on how to care for it. Even with a plant I still don’t want to take care of it. I know my limits and that’s it.
Layne • Jun 8, 2021 at 8:12 pm
So many of these “dog lovers” have no regard or concern for stray dogs globally. They purchase these “designer” breeds they deem cute, supporting puppy mills, and failing to adopt dogs who are in unfortunate circumstances. There are numerous street dogs throughout SE Asia, begging for food and many could be adopted by people globally.
American shelters are filled with some of the most loving, intelligent, INDEPENDENT, GRATEFUL dogs who are already born into a bullshit world and instead of addressing this issue, buy a pure pedigreed puppy, and then demonize those who choose not to have a dog, but at least aren’t contributing to the problem or harming dogs. I have more respect for people with an open dislike for dogs, who simply don’t purchase one, than all these damn “dog moms/dads” purchasing designer breeds for several thousand dollars as status symbols, because they think the dog is aesthetically cuter than a stray, because they have a bizarre obsession with one specific breed, etc.
NOTE: the above is not directed at responsible and mindful dog people who exclusively take in rescues.
Brona • Jun 7, 2021 at 9:46 pm
Opinions are opinions and they can change and vary from one extreme to the next. You’re family did not deserve to have that dog when you were a kid and if only people would be taught about animal behaviour in school then half the problems listed in this comment section would be eliminated via common sense. To say that dogs are smelly disgusting creatures when you are too lazy to clean and care for them is hilarious, try not cleaning yourself and see how well you’re doing. The problem is not that you dislike dogs, the problem is you encourage the hate being spewed now to dog lovers. Hate hate hate hate, that’s all that’s being brought to this table. There’s a post saying ‘I wish i could kill all dogs’ I mean this is why there’s a bad rep for people like you. We don’t know how bad the dislike is and cannot trust it. Obviously there’s people that feel the same as you the author and you’ve learned from past exp to NEVER own an animal and with that I would be satisfied and never judge. I personally detest the idea of children, the innocent cherubic faces of children doesn’t make me want to protect them or give them more than a passing glance. The need to have their diapers cleaned for a couple years like dogs need their shit picked up yes? Can’t leave the baby home so now I’m dragging this crying thing around thats pissing other people off. We’re expected to deal with a loud mouthed infant but heaven forbid my dog barks once and someone’s gonna bitch. Tit for tat fellow humans, tit for tat. Babies and dogs are the same shit, but that baby gonna cost you 1 mil over its life, your dog will simply pass away around 15 years later. Want friends? Go make some, you dont need to have children and tell me how my kids can live their lives bc you never took the time to explain that dogs exist along side man whether they like it or not. Dogs will NEVER disappear but hopefully people will 👌🏽
Kathy • Jun 2, 2021 at 12:46 am
I dislike dogs and hate their owners. I have been attacked by dogs four times while I was taking a walk, minding my business. Not once did the owners apologize. I decided to always carry a stick with me and the next dog that comes charging at me will lose its teeth.
I hate it when I sit on a bench, read a book or work on my laptop and dog owners walk up to me and stops, like, look at my dog. Am I supposed to praise the dog? Leave me alone. Can’t you see I am busy? Besides, I am hiding in a corner. It is obvious that I am not looking for company. One dog owner said while she was walking away, “They don’t like us here.” No, I don’t like you. I don’t know you.
Another thing I hate is that there are huge signs “No dogs allowed”, but they ignore it and play ball with the dog where kids are playing and people want to lie in the sun. The dog urinates all over the lawn and they did pick up the poop, but there is always a residue left that is attracting the flies, so when you sit on a bench, the flies eat you alive. Not to mention, the dog owner lets the dog pee and poop right under your nose, instead of taking it somewhere else.
I started hating dogs especially since my sister became dog crazy. The dog is more important than anybody else. I stayed at her place. We slept in a queen size bed, the dog at our feet. I was half asleep when I heard licking, chewing sounds. Then the dog shook its head, I heard his ears clapping, and sprinkled some liquid in my face. I don’t know what it was. His saliva, snot, ear wax or what he licked off of his genitals…. I felt like I was dying with disgust. I never slept at my sisters again.
To illustrate how crazy she is. I visited her and took some pictures with my phone, also took some of the dog. Later I deleted the pictures for some reason. She asked me where are the pictures of the dog. I said I have deleted it. She sprang up and started screaming at me. I should get out of her house at once. She threw my luggage after me. I was visiting from another country. She knew I had no place to go, but because I offended her dog, I she threw me out.
This was over a decade ago. We haven’t talked to each other ever since.
Fuck Dogs • May 28, 2021 at 5:35 pm
Fuck dogs, if I could I would kill all of them.
American Patriot • Jan 28, 2022 at 9:41 am
Simon Beresford • May 28, 2021 at 10:49 am
All the people on here who hate dogs are pathetic excuses for human beings and nature / evolution should have removed you from the gene pool already.
One of the many reasons we (normal, compassionate people) love dogs is that we are encoded to love them through 1000’s of years of being allied to dogs in the fight for survival.
I would never trust anybody who ‘hates dogs’ generically (ie. all dogs) because that person has no sense of loyalty whatsoever and moreover, has insanely terrible instincts.
In the wild they would not survice long (and maybe that may be a way to remove them from the gene pool once and for all).
Anyone who says ‘I hate dogs’ has the same pathetic logic as somebody who says ‘I hate women’ or ‘I hate men’ or ‘I hate mothers’ – worthless to society and I would have no interest in knowing them whatsoever.
Peace for animals • May 27, 2021 at 8:37 pm
Speaking with hate dont deserve to be listened to…..you should be skinned aluve and beaten to death in front of your friends just like these animals are treated…amd thats inly some if the details….we dint deserve to be here well you savages dont thats for sure!!!!
Dustin Coleman • May 26, 2021 at 1:19 pm
Anyone who hates dogs is a sorry excuse for a human being, cowardly, and can’t be trusted
Len Allen Ison • May 23, 2021 at 3:38 pm
I absolutely hate dogs. Can’t say I’m crazy about cats, either. I don’t even sleep in the room with my girlfriend anymore because the animals have taken over. I can’t stand it that every time I spend time with her the dog HAS to be there. If we’re in the bed she’s always telling the dog, “Come on, get up here.” Then the cats come in and shed all over everything and my clothes are covered if I even lay down in there. I like my space. I like peace, quiet, and comfort outside of work. The dog barks, the cats demand you pet them, one chases another around the room. Sick of it. Makes me consider leaving all too often. I like to travel. Can’t stay gone when you have pets and I’m sure the pets outrank me. She wants to get an RV and travel one day and that’s probably when I’ll have to draw the line, because I can’t deal with being in cramped quarters with a dog and two cats for the remainder of my life. I’ll hate every day of it. I already hate every minute of sharing MY space with those animals. My home is a place that I should be able to decompress and feel at ease, but my anxiety stays through the roof because of the animals. I love my girlfriend, but these animals make me sooooo unhappy and there will be no change coming, only a choice. I honestly think I will have to walk away one day, because my attitude toward the animals, my anxiety, and my overall state of mind is getting worse and worse and worse.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • May 19, 2021 at 9:17 am
I have nothing to say other than you people truly are total pieces of shit.
Sierra • May 18, 2021 at 4:36 pm
Thank you for this. Dogs smell bad; sure. Cats can be stinky too. I have a member of my gym who just doesn’t cate for cats or dogs. He is apathetic toward animals and as a detective, this helps him during cases involving animal cruelty. I have a cat. I am a single person with a three bedroom house. My cat is happy and not needy. I keep my home clean and have an active social life. Dogs are the true lonely person pet. My cat misses me for sure but she sleeps on my head for retribution. Deal with it slobber-lovers, cats are low-maintenance and smell way better as long as you clean,.
Qb • May 18, 2021 at 12:16 am
While I completely understand not liking dogs, I am a dog/cat person. I love all kinds of animals and I love how they’re really just big balls of fluff that love you. Now, with that in mind, I really don’t care if you don’t like dogs. Sure, we probably wouldn’t be very good friends since you’d never come over, or maybe I’d come over more. In a romantic relationship is where that becomes a problem, I probably couldn’t be with someone who hates dogs. But ignoring that, it’s fine if you don’t like them. The real dog haters I don’t like are the ones that are like “Oh those rechid creatures, they could burn in the pits of hell for all I care, god why would anyone love this smelly good for nothing creature.” Or the ones that make it a point to actively hate on dog photos or people who own dogs. At that point I just reply “Okay, I get it, you don’t like dogs. You don’t have to be that dramatic about it.” because, to me that’s just being too much. You should never want dogs or cats to be in bad places, even if you don’t like them, actively hating on them like that is really not necessary. End of Ted talk. But it’s always fine to have your preferences and I’m sorry that you’re treated badly because you don’t like dogs. But my suggestion, be upfront about it, especially while looking for a significant other. There’s a lot of people out there who like dogs and you wouldn’t get along with them, so to outright say you don’t like dogs will probably get better results. It’ll be harder sure, but eventually you’ll find people who think alike.
Nick • May 15, 2021 at 8:17 pm
The worst are the dog people who bring not 1 but 2 dogs…into an apartment! Are you that uncaring for your neighbors? I understand why some folks like dogs but you have to admit there are some very dangerous breeds. No way would I go in the home again of an owner of a dangerous dog like a pit, a Rottweiler, Shepard, Doberman, etc. The dumb owners think they are like tiny poodles. No, they are potentially killers. How many more people, other dogs, cats and livestock attacked or killed by pits does it take to limit or ban those things? Dog nutters truly can be the weirdest and most self absorbed people. And all television does is praise them while begrudgingly showing occasional dog attacks.
Sorry, any animal that can potentially maim or kill me is Not worth taking in or visiting the homes of. The sickest people are the ones with dangerous dogs around babies and little kids. You people are truly insane and you know many kids and older people have paid a price for such stupidity.
We don’t need 200 breeds of dogs. It’s just stupid. Many of these violent dog people only like certain breeds of dogs due to the terror they potentially can bring. If suddenly you could walk a mountain lion down the street many of these dangerous dog breed lovers would be dumping them for the mountain lion. It’s very easy to see an unstable person in the amount and dangerous nature of the dog breeds he/she keeps
Sandy Walter • May 13, 2021 at 1:28 am
The problem is that most American been brainwashed for years and years, they think a dog is part of the American dream. BS. And the worst part like those two comments before me, they force you to like dogs!
Sandy Walter • May 13, 2021 at 1:25 am
I hate dogs, they bark for no reason, I can’t even go to my own backyard without listening those stupid things barking. I support dog meat festivals!
Vanessa Dargain • Dec 28, 2021 at 12:45 am
LOL ! I’ve never eaten dog . Only coon and possum . Which of these does dog taste most like ?
Anthony • May 12, 2021 at 2:17 pm
Wow so much hate in you! You are def not my kind of human lol.
Anonymous • May 12, 2021 at 1:37 pm
In all honesty, curiosity led me to here, and it is interesting to read the content so far. I grew up with animals, namely birds and dogs, and my parents and I always cared for them. From the viewpoint of owning a dog, there is responsibility involved, and to own one as a pet will not be for everyone. I totally get that and respect that view. But what sometimes bothers me is how people blindly adopt or purchase pets and leave them unattended, realizing afterward some responsibilities are required. I can understand frustration, as has been expressed by many people here, how some owners will not be considerate and have their dogs misbehave in public. That is being careless, but not all fall into that bracket. For dogs being smelly, I can say my family and I regularly gave our pets baths, and they most of the time never had bad odor unless they came from the outside.
It is a little hard to swallow that some people here really want dogs to die or be extinct from the planet. You really cannot have that much hate for someone that will always be by your side and love you no matter what happens. I am not a super-enthusiastic animal person, but just reading some of these comments make me really wonder how people show their true colors. But, as the saying goes, to each his own.
AnimalsRcool • May 9, 2021 at 5:38 am
Wow so many people triggered by this article. Way back in the day, dogs and man probably helped one another survive. It was a symbiotic relationship. A dog’s keen senses, bark and clamping jaws help protect his master and his meal ticket. That said, there was a specific relationship: being a pack animal, the human had to be the alpha, which was better for the dog as well. You see, dogs thrive on a sense of purpose, and feel secure when they trained and led. Strong emotions aside, some of you so-called ‘dog lovers,’ which other commenters fondly call ‘nutters,’ are neurotically dependent on your dogs. Some of you may be narcissistic, but that is another matter. Herein lies the problem. The dog soaks up your psychology and emotional baggage like a sponge and, since you’re dependent and refuse the be the alpha of the pack, the dog has to assume that role. It’s instinct. Some dogs might pee and crap all over the place, beg at the table, or even become aggressive toward you and other humans. I remember helping an elderly family member with her aging dog. That dog became her baby, more important to her than her grandchildren! I also saw a vet comment on here how much people were missing out not appreciating animals. Ha! I saw the vets smile and drool, when this person brought her dog in. People often pay more in medical bills for their pets than themselves or loved ones. Of course many vets will encourage this unbalanced attachment so hey can charge exorbitant prices. But that is another matter. Here’s another point. I recently saw a movie about how animals are abused and tortured to provide food, and also how dogs are bred in puppy mills. If you attack ‘dog haters’ and have no feeling or awareness about this, you are being hypocritical. Sorry, but that has to be said. Finally, dogs are predators with predatory instincts. Other peoples dogs aren’t your friends, even if they are friendly. They can be DANGEROUS, and since the owner is rarely the alpha, they can and WILL attack, sometimes unpredictably; thus, it is prudent to carry some kind of weapon, even if just pepper spray when walking in an unknown area. Teach your children as well. For me, I am licensed to carry a handgun, and, sadly, have to take it with me on unknown trails. If a big dog comes at me, I will warn it to stop. After that, things will not go well for that dog.
DogHater • Mar 2, 2022 at 3:08 pm
You are wrong
kelly • May 5, 2021 at 10:48 pm
This world would fall apart without dogs and they deserve better from you haters. If you really care about them spam the chat with this comment!! “I saw like seven comments about this. You guys hate dogs because of aggressiveness. HEY, YOU GUYS JUST DON’T HAVE BRAINS. ONLY 5% OF DOG BREEDS ARE DANG AGRESSIVE, AND YOU LOOK AT THOSE DOGS. YOU NEVER CARED TO LOOK AT THE ####ING OTHER 95 PERCENT OF DOG BREEDS THAT ARE SO FRIENDLY AND LOVING. THOSE DOGS BREEDS ONLY BECOME MEAN WHEN HORRIBLE PEOPLE LIKE YOU DON’T CARE FOR THEM.”
emmie • May 5, 2021 at 9:42 pm
Im done with you haters. Dogs are a huge part of life. See ya NEVER
John Standford • May 5, 2021 at 9:41 pm
It does mean you’re an awful person, what kind of a human being hates dogs. I can see you not wanting to raise them, not want to be jumped on by them, maybe you’re allergic to them. But hating a gorgeous beautiful animal that’s man’s best friend means you’re a absolute piece of shit.
Just that simple statement tells me everything about your background, your politics, your ethics.
I would never in a million years try to raise a horse or want to raise a horse.
I think they’re beautiful majestic creatures and I don’t hate them, who hates an innocent animal?
That’s right a scumbag. I noticed your college is right around two stars reviews too because it’s a total piece of shit that allows people like you in
bo lilli • May 5, 2021 at 9:40 pm
If you don’t like dogs, either you are out of your mind or just uhhhhh, yeah I dunno. but you are totally entitled to your WRONG opinion. Just keep it to yourself or don’t use such strong words like ‘hate’. Dogs are amazingly loyal companions as well as protective guards as well as plain cute. OMG! I 100% don’t agree with this sad, sad article so stop being a hater and cynic. I don’t believe in this, I am going to continue caring for my lovely furry friend. PS the title is completely wrong you kind of are a horrible person. I’m very sorry unknown person but I don’t like this, yes some people do but I don’t. Dogs have feelings, I have feelings and right now mine r hurt. A negative and non-open mind will never end up with a positive lifestyle. Dogs are where my heart lies and I really think it is great for anyone so to you I have one message to sum it all up: NO.
Monika S • Apr 29, 2021 at 3:03 pm
Okay so I found this article because I Googled “people who don’t like dogs”. I don’t Hate dogs, I just don’t care for them. Last week one of my co-workers decided to put up a dog enclosure and keep her puppy in the office every day for a few hours. We didn’t vote on it and she didn’t ask – she just did it. It’s a small business and the owner of the company is totally fine with it. I’m not! Anytime she walks away from her desk this dog barks and yelps until she gets back.
I did some soul-searching since this has been happening and I realized I may have never actually liked dogs. I started to wonder if it was just me or if there are others like me. Then I found this article. Thank you for helping me feel “normal” about not liking dogs. Not Hating them – just not liking them.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Apr 28, 2021 at 9:16 am
oh by the way. dont look at the sky at 06/6/26 that’s the 6th of June 2026 the sixth day
Om Mishra • Apr 27, 2021 at 8:38 pm
You are enough human for me and all other fellow non dog loving yet “human” readers I have a dog and I regret it please never consider owning a pet especially a dog.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Apr 27, 2021 at 9:55 am
we have racist red necks here… we have the people who want to exterminate dogs(which would collapse the world and also make the world more chaotic) and more. you people generally suck. how I really hope this world ends soon.
RACISM • Apr 26, 2021 at 8:48 am
RACISM • Apr 26, 2021 at 8:48 am
Dog Lover • Apr 26, 2021 at 8:32 am
That second to last comment, I agree.
That comment is true. I agree. Dogs have lives too. Dogs love humans. Cats are innocent too, there are fine. But I am triggered by all the mean comments hating on dogs. And to the creator of this, Bernese Mountain Dogs are some of the friendliest most loving dog breeds out there. He was your family member. And still, you do not care a bit. You are not a cold-blooded monster, you are a racist, careless person. You do not care about those who care for you. Just because they smell bad, need attention, bite, and need care doesn’t mean they are bad pets. They usually bite either when they feel like they are being threatened, were trained to attack, or their owners were like you and didn’t care about them. Otherwise, the bite softly for attention.
Dog Lover • Apr 26, 2021 at 8:28 am
What the hell? Like, seriously… You people need immediate help. I saw someone saying that dogs are more demanding than people and they would rather stay with a human being. Those people clearly don’t know what children are, dogs just want you to love them like they love you. They love you unconditionally, I own a dog and it is the best thing in my life. It’s just that you guys don’t know what unconditional love is. Stop being a nuisance to humanity, you soulless morons
That comment is true. I agree. Dogs have lives too. Dogs love humans. Cats are innocent too, there are fine. But I am triggered by all the mean comments hating on dogs. And to the creator of this, Bernese Mountain Dogs are some of the friendliest most loving dog breeds out there. He was your family member. And still, you do not care a bit. You are not a cold-blooded monster, you are a racist, careless person.
J.Sunderland • Apr 25, 2021 at 8:18 pm
Wow there’s a lot of horrible things said on here- especially the ones saying that animals should be beaten. No animals should be beaten. That’s ridiculous. The only thing I don’t understand is the “humans are better”. Are they? All these complaints can be said about children. I also find it weird that an introvert is mad that a pet can’t hold a conversation. What? I’m an introvert. I do not want conversation 90% of the time. It is exhausting. Dogs are a lot of work, but children or working in the field of caring for people is … what? A cake walk? You don’t have to like any animal. That doesn’t give you the right to be awful to them. People also shouldn’t be getting animals for their children. That’s a stupid idea unless you are going to take it seriously. Often times they don’t and end up throwing it out or ditching it somewhere (awful people). If you can’t be responsible when your child can’t, don’t get it. If all these things were being said about children, it would sound even more terrible. For some reason, it is acceptable to mistreat animals. I do agree that dog owner should be respectful of others. I don’t want to scare anyone who might have had a bad experience or anything like that. I try to be respectful of space or give some warning.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Apr 22, 2021 at 9:24 am
You dog hating idiots • Apr 20, 2021 at 5:40 am
What the hell? Like, seriously… You people need immediate help. I saw someone saying that dogs are more demanding than people and they would rather stay with a human being. Those people clearly don’t know what children are, dogs just want you to love them like they love you. They love you unconditionally, I own a dog and it is the best thing in my life. Its just that you guys don’t know what unconditional love is. Stop being a nuisance to humanity, you soulless morons
Sara • Apr 19, 2021 at 4:49 am
I hate dogs. They are foul, disgusting creatures and I find them utterly repulsive. My husband spent a small fortune on a bird dog who had 11 months of intensive training. It lived with the trainer and got around the clock training. Not just for doing it’s bird dog duties, but for all around behavior as well. It’s one of the most well behaved dogs I have seen in my life but it is still horrible. It still stinks. It still poops and pees in vehicles and houses. It still tears up our home. It still sheds everywhere. It still drools. It’s still obnoxious and pushy. The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter how much training a dog has. It is still a dog. I hate dogs with a passion and am demonized by so many people because I prefer life without a nasty creature in it. I mean, people don’t bat an eye about NOT letting a cow live in their house, but they think people are evil for not wanting a dog in their house when the dog does as much damage as a freakin cow would.
Thank you so much for this article. It’s so nice to know I’m not the only sane person out there.
Jae Sage • Apr 18, 2021 at 8:34 pm
A well thought out article. Sensitive to dog lovers (if you bother reading it) and sensible in its observations. To millions of people worldwide, dogs (and many other animals) smell bad, cost a lot for maintenance, sometimes spread illness to humans, and can sometimes be deadly violent to humans. Whatever the reason may be, people who do not like dogs are illogically vilified, Perhaps a preponderance of evidence may show that dogs and some other pet animals are a detriment to human life rather than a boon.
Bek Jjj • Apr 18, 2021 at 4:46 pm
If you had a genuine phobia (i.e. fear of dogs) or any traumatic experience related to a dog (unless taking one out for a walk in the cold counts), I would understand your comment.
Without those qualifiers, I would say that yes, ‘you are a horrible, selfish human being.
Matthew Jones • Apr 15, 2021 at 11:16 am
Everyone needs to get out of their comfort zone and experience having animals around. Anyone saying this is just an animal?! WTF! Like, what if aliens came here and said, “they’re just stupid animals, kill em all.” Humans are a cancer on this planet… What’s the point of this article?! To help people that cope with euthanizing animals? Disgusting article…
Marvin Ross • Apr 14, 2021 at 5:33 am
I’m of the opinion that every creature that exists has a right to exist, but dogs, ”man’s best friend” only have such esteemed status because of our long association with them. Personally, I am of the mind that humanity should have never have adopted these creatures, and if by some miracle every dog, irrespective of species vanished tomorrow, I would be among the first to celebrate. I grew up in the late sixties, early seventies, and virtually everywhere I went I stepped in dog crap because the owners think that their walking crap machine machines are adorable and do as they damned well, please.
I have horrible memories of having to pry out of the grooves in my shoes the disgusting yellowish and sometimes chalk-white excrement, or standing at a gate, a bus sign, or somebody’s door with the spot reeking of dog urine. I actually married a dog person – I should have thought twice about that to be honest with you – and guess what? I’m divorced. The dog was more important than I was. But if dogs are basically walking crap machines whose world is one big toilet, the owners are often far worse. My ex used to keep a rag behind the taps at the kitchen sink, and I honestly did not know why. I assumed it was for washing purposes … eventually, I discovered that she kept it there so that she could wipe her dog’s ass with it.
If that’s not the most disgusting thing you have ever read, I’ll be surprised. I purchased a genuine Persian carpet one time, and put it on the floor in the apartment to cover up the floor which was disgusting, and what did I find when I went to move? The underside of the carpet was stained with dog piss puddle marks. This animal would scream all day for her (I worked from home) and would defecate in the corner behind the television set, and guess who would have to clean it up? Me, otherwise I would have to sit there with the stench going up my nose. Eventually, it came to a head. I discovered the dog had crapped on the bed, rugs, chairs – in the bathtub, you name it, if the dog could crap there, it crapped.
Her resolution was to kiss our marriage goodbye and kick me out because the dog was more important than I was, not that the bitch ever really had any interest in our marriage in the first place. I then made the mistake of seeking another partner and met one via a dating site. This time I asked if this potential had a dog and was told no, so off I went to live with her for a test period … and less than a week into this period, a dog appears. She has a dog too (single female – you can pretty much guarantee a dog) and during the two months that I was there, I didn’t have a single meal without a dog IN IT, my personal belongings became chew toys, and the bloody animal was like a naughty child with developmental problems – it had to have constant attention or would scream and howl leading the landlord to threaten me.
I’ve been single now for fifteen years because I cannot find a woman who isn’t cursed with a f**king dog in the house. This said, dog owners are completely unaware of what living with a dog does to their home. For a start, the moment you walk into a house with a dog in it, all you can smell is the dog. If they offer you a beverage in a cup or a glass, the vessel is almost always discolored, and worse smells of the dog. There is hair all over the place. I’ve even got fleas from spending an hour on a sofa in one dog owner’s house and discovered the infestation when I got home. Their yards are just there for the dog to crap in.
Another time I happened to be walking home with two bags of groceries from a local store, it was freezing out, snowing, and crossing some open ground between apartments I was suddenly confronted by a huge dog – some American Rottweiler breed that was basically a sheet of muscle with an ugly head on the front. The dog instantly started circling me, and then the first BITE took place to my butt – I was yelling for whoever owned the bloody stinking thing to get it off me but nobody responded. Then the bloody thing latched onto the back of my left leg and started chewing … that point, with blood all over the snow, the owner came running up. He didn’t say a word – just hauled the dog off of me – he did not even have a collar on this walking killing machine.
I was badly wounded, I could feel the blood pumping out of the major artuary at the back of my leg, and managed to get to my apartment where I inspected the damage. Fortunately, due to the cold, I had been wearing two pairs of jeans and the dog bites had gone through both of them, but I am convinced that had I not been, I would have been killed. The bite to my right buttock had taken a chunk of it an inch across and half an inch deep, and it was just hanging there, flapping – that was cut off and I dressed the wound. I stripped off the jeans, ran a bath and put in salt, and then inspected the leg. There was a tear to the muscle there, almost six inches long, and horrors – I could see the BONE.
I’ll not go into the grisly details, but I got into the bath and in agony cleaned the wound and then dried it as best I could and dressed it. I had blood soaking a towel that I had to use for the bandage (as I had no medical supplies) staining the material red. Since I didn’t have medical insurance, I could not and dare not call for an ambulance. This was the United States where the credit card is seen before the patient. I reported the incident to the apartment complex management, who claimed that blood was running out and all over their nice clean carpet — they were shocked. I explained what had happened and they called the cops and went looking for the dog and owner.
Seems the bloody animal was one of SIXTEEN that was being kept, a breeder had broken into an empty apartment and was arrested, but of course, I could not press charges against him because I had no money to pursue a legal case against him. Today, fifteen years later I still have a scar along the back of my left lower leg, and TEETH MARKS where the flesh was torn off of the bone. And in cold weather, it aches. The following is going to be unpopular, but with dog attacks seeing adults and children dead, when will society wake up and stop harboring these disgusting killing machines? “The animal was put down.” is often quoted in the media.
But what they don’t say is that an elderly person spent their last moments or minutes alive in terror, with a dog circling them and biting, growling, barking – to me, when I read of such things, I just have one thought in my mind. Its illegal to display a gun in public, its illegal to show a knife, yet you can display a dog, and irrespective of breed, ALL of them are potential killers. BAN THE DOG.
Sabrina • Apr 13, 2021 at 8:15 pm
I was walking peacefully yesterday in my gorgeous neighborhood, minding my own business when the dog startled me by it’s loud bark through the barely visible fence and thick bushes. I almost fell and my phone went flying. This is not the first or second time something like this happens to me. I am very frustrated and annoyed with anything that takes away my peace for no reason.
It is just not acceptable to cause so much disturbance and pollution to other human that have done nothing wrong. Life is hard enough. I am peace loving person and as a human I love people, but not with dog’s love I love them with God’s Love. It means I am willing to be patient and forgiving, but can you give me a fraction of that in return? I do not want to hear noises and actions that disturb my external peace, internal peace nobody can take away from me. If you have a dog, obviously it is your right, but it is also a huge responsibility, it is physical and mental effort to keep others undisturbed while you enjoying your animal. I want to enjoy sunrises and sunsets in peace and serenity as much as I can, so please be mindful of others. Your consideration for others will come back in most miraculous ways to give you something in return.
Manny • Apr 13, 2021 at 7:24 pm
The dog was also exceptionally behaved (he was trained at a boarding school where they teach commands and correct behavioral issues, albeit expensive) which made taking care of him easier and hassle free as he did what you asked with certain commands after you gained the dogs respect and trust as he was initially distant from me for some reason or another.
Manny • Apr 13, 2021 at 7:05 pm
I used to not like dogs as a well as a child because they were a chore , however, when I went through a spell of depression I was in college living at a friends house of one of my distant family members. They had recently bought a dog and I helped them take care of the dog most of the time, but I felt as if this dog was unique he didn’t seem to like affection like most dogs as time passed the dog grew to like me and I to him. The dog helped me when I felt lonely and gave me a sense of purpose in the world. He was happy to see me when no one else was, when I was in town a few years later I visited the dog, he didn’t seem to recognize me at first until he smelled me and after he danced with joy, it was very emotional for me. I don’t know if I will get a dog in the future but I think I would be open to it because of the experience I had with this dog and his unique personality in a time when I was not at my best.
ANONYMUS • Apr 13, 2021 at 3:54 am
dont get me wrong i like dogs ,but i can totally understand someone dosent like them cause if you dont have the time a money ,it can be a nightmare.it is unacceptable that someone can judge you on that
Deni • Apr 9, 2021 at 5:41 pm
I totally agree. Cats are WAY better than dogs in every way. The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats but I don’t see anyone worshiping dogs. Also some more proof that cats are better than dogs is that there are cat ear headbands but no dog ears. I SO SO HATE DOGS!!!
Lena • Apr 8, 2021 at 6:24 am
I wish I had found this article a long time ago. I have resorted to sleeping in my living room on account of the arrogant neighbor’s Smithfield Border Collie Cross. This dog should be on an acreage, not in a puny yard. It should be herding cattle, not proving to the world that the owner has a penis and kids to prove that as well.
My bedroom backs onto their fence and sometimes the owners are sloppy and forget that I have lodged a complaint about the barking waking me. I need to sleep a lot and do so during the day which is when the mongrel barks. It’s loud and downright abrasive. The owners don’t care about my well-being. Of course not! Because I don’t like dogs!
A few years ago, there was a Beagle left outside in the rain and wind, tethered to a five foot chain 24/7. OMG, the constant barking almost drove me to suicide. I was afraid of the owners because they were all men who had the most feral parties until I had to call the police at 6 am on several occasions because the dog was barking over the top of the music and screaming. Then I lodged a complaint with the Council and was successful. They were so pissed off that they deliberately backed their van into my home and broke a lot of bricks. I watched them doing it from a window but being alone and female, who was I to stop them? I had nowhere else to go while I waited for the damage to be repaired so it was to the living room I went to sleep. I will stand my ground. I will not move. I will have the current dog silenced!
Currently, any friendships I have with dog owners are in question because I have started to speak up about my distaste and disgust with dogs. The audacity of me to not like dogs. Not just the barking but for every reason that others have stated. I’d rather have no friends than have to put up with the fucking things.
Cheese • Apr 7, 2021 at 6:23 pm
I wouldn’t say that I hate dogs. I like dogs…I just don’t want one. What I dislike more than dogs are “dog people”. The kind of people that literally worship the ground that canines stand on. I honestly can’t stand opening up my Instagram and seeing 10,000 pictures from the same day of the same dog in different lighting/angles. They post more pictures than people with new babies do. People will literally let their dirty smelly dog jump all over you, lay on you, try to lick you…ect. I wouldn’t let a human do any of those things, why would I let a dog? Maybe I am biased because I was bitten in the face as a child by an aggressive dog, but the longer I live, the less bullshit I want to tolerate. I can remember staying at someone’s (a dog owners) house once, and it just being the most unpleasant experience. Their dog literally ripped a holes in my clothes trying to play with me. He paced the hallway all night long tapping his untrimmed nails on the floor for hours. When I laid in bed I got a face full of dog hair and the smell of the bed sheets was retched. It smelt like dirty gym socks. Gag. I haven’t been back to that person’s house since. I have also had dogs not on leashes run up and scare my children; and since I was bitten as a child, I am terrified of it happening to my kids. Some dog people have no regard for other people’s boundaries, and then call you a crazed narcisst for not immediately throwing a fucking parade for their dog. These same people also claim they are super kind empaths, who would sacrifice their lives for a dog, but would literally throw a human in front of a bus if it suited their needs. Gtfo with that crap.
Joe DeLuca • Apr 6, 2021 at 7:08 pm
I love dogs, and all other animals really. Even sharks, and porcupines 🙂 But the practice of breeding them and keeping them as pets needs to end. It’s weird and obviously bad for the environment (more meat eaters is the last thing the planet needs). I’ve had a Labradoodle for 12 years. A dog I’ve never liked, but I got it for my kids in a fit of stupidity. The smell, the noise, the constant nagging. I’m baffled by people who think it’s ok to keep a an animal that delights in eating shit and random dead animals and will try to hump anything that looks like it might have a pulse (unless you “fix” it). And this is to say nothing of the dogs that will cause you harm because they are territorial. And the idea that a person not into the company of dogs is somehow emotionally deficient, is precisely the opposite of the truth.
Sea Ayre • Apr 4, 2021 at 9:01 pm
I have found dogs to be nuisance neighbors. When we first moved into this house there were one or two dogs living on our street. Now they seem to be everywhere. There are dogs I hate because of their behavior (threatening) but I’m generally just not interested in them. They are like having 2 year old kids for the rest of your life. We have a cat. Much lower maintenance and since she is an indoor cat is not a nuisance neighbor. 🙂
Protestant Disciple • Apr 3, 2021 at 2:56 pm
“A graphic video – which Birmingham Live has decided not to publish – shows the dog launching upon the girls and the woman, pining them to the ground against a wall.
The air is filled with their piercing screams as the woman tries to fight off the out-of-control beast as it drags one of the girls around like a rag doll in its mouth.
Alerted by their cries, passing motorists stop and people rush out of their homes to help. One man from a car tries to prize the child away from the jaws of the dog and kicks at it as it fights back.
The dog circles and the two girls are placed in the car for their safety.”
***Safety Tip: If a dog has its jaws clamped onto a victim and will not let go, grab both of its hind legs and twist sharply to one side, even lifting it in the air. This should knock it off balance, forcing it to release its grip. Hitting it on the head or trying to unclamp its jaws are usually ineffective.
ProtestantDisciple • Apr 3, 2021 at 2:19 pm
Meanwhile in England yesterday, “Pictured: Great grandmother, 85, who was mauled to death by neighbour’s two pit bulls that ‘dragged around her garden by her neck’ after breaking through fence”
“The incident is the latest in a string of disturbing dog attacks in our region.
On February 5, 25-year-old Keira Ladlow died after being mauled by a family dog, believed to be a Staffordshire bull terrier cross. She died at an address in Sunbeam Avenue, Birmingham. [The dog ripped off her arm as she lay asleep on the sofa]
In the same month, two toddlers, aged two and three, were mauled in Alum Rock. They were attacked while walking home from nursery with their mother by what was believed to be an escaped guard dog. Both were treated at Birmingham Children’s Hospital.”
AMERICAN PATRIOT • Apr 2, 2021 at 10:17 pm
Eugene Sledge: A Marine who fought gallantly in The Pacific during WW2. Loved America, loved dogs. Gen Dwight D Eisenhower: Won the War in Europe during WW2. Loved America, loved dogs. Daniel McElaney: My uncle who also fought gallantly in The Marines in The Pacific during WW2. Loved America, loved dogs. Jules Farero: A friend and retired Phila Police Officer with the K-9 Unit, and former US Marine Drill Instructor. Loves America, loves dogs. Elvis Presley: Served faithfully in The Army, loved America, loved dogs. John F Kennedy: WW2 Hero in the US Navy and our last good Democrat President. Loved America, loved dogs. Any further questions or arguments against dogs, you Un-American liberal dog haters? Huh???!!!!!
American Patriot Follower • Apr 27, 2022 at 1:33 pm
Charlie • Apr 1, 2021 at 8:14 pm
I mean, it’s one thing to not like dogs. I don’t like them. But from the way you write I get a strong feeling that you’re one of those people who don’t care about anything but themselves. Do you like animals in general? bc I think if someone doesn’t there’s something seriously wrong with them. And music??? How can someone “not like” music? It’s like saying you don’t like love or happiness or beauty. It’s far worse than being insane, it’s being emotionless and basically dead inside. I apologise if my assumption is incorrect but it’s not about conformity. Some things are just part of being a human. Would you trust a person if they had only one eye? Or three horns on their head? Would you treat him the same way you treat humans? For me it’s like that. Not enjoying stuff like music means that you basically don’t have a working superior temporal lobe in the non-dominant hemisphere of your brain and that’s a disability, not a preferance.
Larry • Apr 1, 2021 at 10:37 am
Some cities now have more dogs in home than children! In New York City, there are more dogs than spouses! Something is definitely wrong with that picture!
I regularly support a children’s hospital that helps children who needed support. We regularly see the children in various stages of recovery.
But these days, a dog infomercial competes for the same dollar, with some whiny person talking about “these poor dogs!” What happened to “there are too many of these animals without homes? Get them neutered!
I see dogs in grocery carts, sitting in chairs in restaurants and eating at the table out of the same plates as people! I no longer go to restaurants that allow that insanity. And lastly, I’ve had the thoughtless neighbor who, while walking their dog, played out to much leash and the animal jumped up on my pants, soiling them with its dirty paws! Evening ruined!
A domesticated offspring of the wolf that can no longer hunt for itself.
I once had an across-the-street neighbor whose dogs would regularly come over and shit in my yard! I started turning on my sprinklers whenever they came and that stopped them. Before that happened, I took my shovel. scooped up the shit, took it across the street and dumped it on their porch. They got the message.
Of course I’m still removing shit from my yard these days from careless dog owners. I don’t let my young grandsons play out there, keeping them in the backyard. I read that if feces gets into their eyes, it can possibly blind them.
Lastly: 60 years ago, the pet food section in stores was ever so small. Today, in major supermarkets, it’s a whole 100 foot aisle!
Jason • Mar 30, 2021 at 6:32 pm
I totally agree, I have had dogs! It’s like having a baby. Not that I hates kids. But I think I’m done and want my freedom. Cleaning after them and going out and have to come back to them stressed me out. I spent soo much money on vet bills it’s ridiculous. When my mother-in-law pass wife took over her 2cats n 2dogs. It was devastating to me as I wasn’t ready for more and here I am taking care of them. I go to work 10 to 12 hours of work come home after work feed take them out clean the hair. Seriously! I bought my rv for traveling. But that’s proving to be harder with the animals. SMELLS!! The HAIR EVERYWHERE! Yea I’m done. Look for a new home for there dogs n cats. Told the wife and she says it’s hard to give them away? I mean that’s unfair for him we have our 5yr old kid and I rather have him a clean place to play. I always have to keep an eye on where he plays because sometimes dogs have accident on the floor. I can go on and on but that’s it for me. I grew up around dogs n cats and I’m at my end. Feels like I’ve been a parent since I was younger😫
Katy C • Mar 29, 2021 at 9:07 am
Are there no organisations that represent the interests of people who don’t like dogs? It seems the dog lovers lobby has huge power over the way things are run in this country. Try and go for a walk anywhere in the countryside , or the coast, and you run the risk of being subjected to the unwanted attention of out of control dogs, and often the aggressive behaviour of their owners if you object. Not to mention the destruction of nature and wildlife. At the age of 70 I have loved our countryside and walked in it all the time until recent years. I now have to pay to take my exercise in gardens or nature reserves that do have sensible dog regulations. Something is very wrong with thus society that values facilities for dogs above human beings and their children.
Judging by the on going responses to this article I am not alone.
Protestant Disciple • Mar 22, 2021 at 10:49 am
— ” • According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Humane Society, there are approximately 4.7 million dog bites every year in the U.S., and it’s believed this estimate is low.
• Dog Bites occur roughly every 75 seconds in the United States (CDC).
• Each day, over 1000 citizens need emergency medical care to treat dog bite injuries (CDC).”
— “Total number of hospital admission episodes for dog bites and strikes in England from in 2019/20, by age group”: 8903 victims last year.
— “More than 200,000 people a year are estimated to be bitten by dogs in England, with the annual cost to the National Health Service of treating injuries about £3 million…”
Jennifer Gosson • Mar 15, 2021 at 7:11 pm
I am posting a few years later…and have scrolled down a whole 800-something comments in 53 seconds using my thumb on my phone to be here…so yes, it’s possible someone else has already addressed this, forgive me, however;
While no one can decide your opinion (nor can you for anyone else…so it’s fine for you to find dogs stinky and annoying just as it’s fine for someone to have the opposite opinion), I would still just want to point out that to say that you dislike them is one thing but to say that you outright hate them…and I mean truly hate…wow. Hate is a very strong emotion. A negatively perceived one. Takes a lot of power, time and commitment to hate. I mean, perhaps the people around you don’t take issue with the fact that you do not appreciate dogs the way that they do but moreso because go so far as to hate them…ouf, that’s some serious baggage.
Also, careful what you’re saying here:
“Dog haters are the rare group that isn’t encouraged to embrace its “difference.” Instead, the entire collective is deemed appalling.”
Since when are “hate” groups not appalling?
Take care.
Go team.
Person • Mar 14, 2021 at 3:01 pm
octopuses are better
Rose • Mar 11, 2021 at 9:09 am
I am going to say that i hate you pepole that rote this about dogs dogs are loyal kind furry cute i hate you peole who wrote this
PROUD DEPLORABLE • Mar 10, 2021 at 1:52 pm
To Dogs Are Scary: Dogs are not beasts, they are wonderful loving creatures. It’s people like Antifa, BLM, and Radical Leftists who are the beasts trying to destroy are nation, attacking people, and rioting, looting, and burning our cities!!! GOT IT???!!!!!!!
PROUD DEPLORABLE • Mar 10, 2021 at 1:47 pm
Tatiana Gallardo: I don’t like dog haters, I don’t like Trump Haters, I don’t like liberals and radical leftists, I don’t like Antifa, and YES I DON’T LIKE YOU. YES, YOU ARES A HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING FOR HATING DOGS!!! GOT IT?????!!!!!! TRUMP 2024
Dogs are scary • Mar 9, 2021 at 2:38 pm
I’m extremely scared of dogs. Why? Because they bite and they are extremely aggressive. Dog owners always say their dogs are nice, of course they would be nice to their own owners. Even devil himself would be nice to you if you give him food and comfortable house. No, dogs are not nice (they are only nice to their owners) and dogs are not smart. They are beasts. They have extremely sharp teeth, run fast, strong yes they are beasts. I never understand dog owners who don’t leash their dogs. No matter how “nice” your dog is, there is always a possibility that your dog will attack an innocent children.
I’ve seen many incidents in the parks where innocent children were attacked and bitten by “nice” dogs. But the excuse of those dog owners are always the same. “But he/she is a very nice dog, very calm dog it’s because your child suddenly started running or made a loud noise etc” Those dog owners ALWAYS blame the innocent little children for being bitten by their “precious” dogs. Those dog owners prefer their dogs over anyone just because their dogs are nice to them only and worship them only. As long as their dogs are nice them only then those dog owners don’t even care if their dogs harm other people or bite others or attack other people who are just minding their own business and just walking to get fresh air. Nooo, those dog owners think their stupid (yes they are stupid they are just animals just admit the truth) cruel scary beasts are more important than the innocent children who have no ability to defend themselves against those sharp teeth beasts. Why is it so hard to leash their beasts? Will their dog die if they leash it in public places?
Dog owners are the most selfish, self-entitled, and narcissistic people out there. I see many comments here saying it’s proven that dog lovers are more empathetic and giving people blah blah blah. No, dog owners are the most selfish ones. They put the lives of other people in danger just because of their own pleasure and they don’t even care about it. If you really want your dog unleashed and run freely then just live in the wild nature. Dog owners literally put their dogs over other people just because their dogs are nice to them (only) and treat them (only) nicely. Then they say human are worse blah blah. At least human don’t have sharp teeth and bite and attack others aggressively in the streets. There are few cases of bad people who do awful things likr that but they are put in jail or mental hospital etc. But most dogs have temperamental issues and aggressive but there is almost nothing done about those beasts because they are “cute” and “loyal” to their owners. There were even cases children were eaten alive by domesticated dogs in my city. I’ve observed in my life that the most selfish and self entitled people I’ve met in my life are ALWAYS dog owners. Now I just need ask a simple question when I meet a new person in my life. I just can’t trust a dog owner. I can’t even take a peaceful walk in the parks because those annoying dogs always attack you or act aggressively or bark at you. It’s a hell. And those evil owners do nothing but actually laugh at you. The irony they think they are kind because they have dogs is appalling.
Of course there are some good dog owners and good dogs I must say. I’m just so grateful to those dog owners who leash their dogs in public places so other people can just walk peacefully. God bless them.
Another thing is dogs are actually the biggest bullies. Dogs are scared of the ones that are stronger than them but they bully the ones that are weaker than them. When someone is extremely tired or feeling down or just not having a high energy, there is a high chance that person will get attacked by dogs because dogs can sense by their animal instinct when someone is weaker than them. Since dogs are the biggest bullies they will attack those poor souls. But their stupid owners think their stupid dog is attacking someone because that person is a bad person lmao.
Sorry I just needed to rant because I just want to walk peacefully and get some fresh air but in every corner there is some unleashed dog and its stupid irresponsible owner, it’s just so stressful. If I tell them to leash their dogs then those dog owners act like I’m violating their precious dog’s right. It’s just so awful. Of course not every dog and dog owner is like that and I’m very grateful to those dog owners who actually leash their dogs or put a muzzle on them in public places. As it should be. Dogs are beasts and they should be treated like one. I’m not saying people should treat dogs badly but treat them as it should be. You can’t read your dog’s mind and you won’t know when your animal will suddenly attack someone. No, dogs are not human. Don’t compare them to human. Human are highly intellectual creatures. They don’t just attack randomly in the streets or bite other people out of nowhere. Yes, there are few people like that but those people are put in jail or in mental hospitals for a reason. By that logic of dog owners then all dogs should be held in prisons. Please respect other people’s lives and privacy too.
A different thought • Mar 8, 2021 at 8:44 pm
CEASAR. The problem is just because you like dogs does not mean everybody else should. And this is the problem. Why should I like someone else’s dog allow to start sniffing my crotch? I don’t hate dogs, I have a problem with their owners who think that the world revolves around them and their dogs. I get upset with a person who gets omad if I don’t allow a dog in my car, so I stopped driving for Uber. I don’t like the smell of dogs and I want them to stay away from me. Why is that so hard to understand?
martin farrimond • Feb 28, 2021 at 9:39 pm
so pleased to see a balanced amount of folk tell the truth at how dirty dogs are. So amused to see a minority of human haters that clearly prefer to invite Fido into his / her bed. Iam not judgemental…each to their own….
Al • Feb 28, 2021 at 12:52 pm
The more years I live, the more I’m sickened and saddened by humanity. So many cruel, heartless sociopaths all around. Dog haters fall into this category. It’s an innocent animal for f’s sakes. It’s ok to not want one but to hate and wish cruelty and pain on a living thing? You are all gross. This is why I trust no one. You don’t know the hatefulness and vile thoughts below their superficial smiles.
John • Feb 27, 2021 at 5:33 pm
I understand that some people love dogs but I don’t see why are they forced on me. I am allergic but what I object to most of all is allowing dogs in eateries. They smell however well they are looked after and it is just not hygienic. If you go into an eatery and say ‘I am allergic to nuts they fall over backwards to help. If I say I am allergic to dogs, we’re can I eat the answer is just a shrug and occasionally an apology
John • Feb 24, 2021 at 11:22 am
Tatiana…I love you!
Threep • Feb 23, 2021 at 8:32 am
Humans need to go extinct change my mind.
Lord Beerus • Feb 22, 2021 at 2:25 pm
MCarr76, that is capitalism for ya. society wants to profit of your whole life, they do not care if you’re poor. they will make you pay to save your own life.
MCarr76 • Feb 21, 2021 at 8:03 pm
I understand. Here’s my deal. I love dogs…. AS LONG AS THEY BELONG TO SOMEONE ELSE. I hate the smell, time, energy, and money associated with them.
My husband just bought our 5 year old a golden doodle for her birthday with the promise that I would never have to care for it unless he was sick or in a meeting. The mutt was supposed to even go to work with him. We got the dog and he immediately came down with flu. Okay, I’m stuck with untrained dog for 2 weeks. Can potty train this moron, so he can’t take it to work. Dumb dog imprints on me and thinks I’m the only one who can take him out. So, I’m stuck with this outright annoyance piece of excrement. The kicker is my daughter has lost all interest in him… LOL. Except, as a means to an end. Daddy says you learn to take care of dog and I’ll get you a pony! Needless to say, it is now a drama production about petting the dog.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Feb 20, 2021 at 8:00 pm
Nonya buisness , humans in general are stupid. but we have gained this narcissistic entitled I’m human so I come first thing. It’s the reason why I hate 90% of humanity.
Nonya buisness • Feb 19, 2021 at 12:13 pm
The fact that your deleting my comment makes me laugh,but the fact that you hate animals,and your an animal is self hatred,LOL,plus people saying that “I’d prefer humans”Humans are not pets LOL,like series,dogs and cats have feelings too.So for that fact this article is stupid,have an amazing day.
Sara • Feb 18, 2021 at 11:18 pm
Thank you to the author for writing this. Dogs are very annoying, needy, smelly and the shedding is horrid. I prefer to have my space and don’t need the attention of a crotch sniffer.
Caesar • Feb 18, 2021 at 2:47 pm
Reading this article and the comments has been so interesting. I’ve never seen so many miserable people in one place. I’ll definitely be taking my dog to more places, knowing that the sight of my well trained dog upsets you!
P. S. The reason the author has to constantly assure the audience that she isn’t a horrible person is… That she is, in fact, a horrible person.
Jane Fornow • Feb 17, 2021 at 1:32 pm
Reading this is a breath of fresh air. I live in an area where people are really, really bad owners, and it has made me into a dog hater. I didn’t used to hate dogs–I’ve even owned dogs. But the nuisance barking, the allowing the damned dog to jump on you (I’ve had clothing ripped and dirtied), the puzzlement when I tell them to get their gdog off me–JFC. The carrying on constantly, talking about how great their dogs are–and around here, everyone seems to have multiples–I’m talking five dogs. They are ALL either aggressive (think pitt bull mongrel ,mix) or completely untrained. No, I don’t want to pet your damn dog!
I’m in Kentucky. We moved here for the peace and quiet and the natural beauty. Now we are making plans to go back to New England, where people don’t think dogs crap rainbows and ice cream. Of course, there are many more reasons to hate Kentucky (I never want to come near the place again after we move), but the dog BS really seals the deal.
gif • Feb 16, 2021 at 9:47 am
Wow. This article is a few years old now, but it speaks volumes of truth and my life as a caretaker of a small designer dog with a sensitive stomach and neurotic disposition. I’ve taken care of mine for 12 years. My spouse brought a dog for my daughter, and it quickly became my charge to pick up its feces, care for all his walks, freezing cold, salty snow, rain or shine. The dog is cute, and clearly a favorite of strangers who approach the dog, without asking me and attempt to pet him. Something I usually tell strangers that I would not do, as he can be a nervous and bite. They quickly pull their hands away and look at me like it’s my fault the dog behaves the way he does. I usually tell them the story of when he was a puppy and kids would inevitable touch his face, until a few looked his eyes and that turned him into a nervous snappy dog. I did not grow up with a dog, and was bitten a few times as a kid by poorly trained and mismanaged dogs. Yet, here I am as an adult caring for my families pet. If a complain that he smells or that I don’t want him sleeping on the couch or bed where I also sleep, I am treated like I am the one with the problem. The dog senses that he is not going to get massive amounts of loving attention from me, although for most of his life, I gave been the one whose played the most with him, as a way to release the pets pent up energy. As he reachers old age he has become an appendage to my spouse. If he barks incessantly when the door bell rings, I ask my spouse to deal with it, if he pees on the floor now that he has become incontinent, I clean what I can off the floors but I let my spouse deal with rugs, carpets, floor matts and other materials that require more work. After 12 years, I still don’t understand the appeal of a dog, as I prefer the company of humans to animals. My spouse is already talking about getting another dog, I’ve objected that I will not be the walker, meal watcher, and stool assessor when idiots feed the dog off the table, and screw up its sensitive stomach, then I am the one responsible for cleaning up the messy goo from the street. I unlike some of the dog brethren out there can’t stand stepping on dog shit. Well I’ve ranted, and I supposed if I love my spouse, which after 30 years of marriage, tells me I’m in for the long haul, I will try to put up with another pet. Go figure.
Threep • Feb 16, 2021 at 8:09 am
Humans are garbage.
martin farrimond • Feb 15, 2021 at 7:53 pm
I live in England and get so fed up with folk walking their dogs and using the piece of grass outside my front window as a toilet. Acid in the urine ruins the grass. Most do pick up solids but this isn’t a nice view when you are eating your family meal in your dining room to look up to see a warm brown dog poo sausage squeezing out of some selfish pet owners pet’s behind when you are eating. Let their animals do their dirt on their own property. Back to those who pick up and bag the solid filth…. some just carry it for a few metres and discard it. One appeared outside my dining room window this morning. I find dog owners so pompously self righteous and crass. The dogs are just animals and are not at fault.
Michael J. Delloro • Feb 15, 2021 at 5:14 pm
Not a doglover. I do not tolerate barking…that’s noise-pollution! They lick and slobber all over you, poke and sniff your private parts. No thanks. I’m a total catman! I bond with all cats. Friends cats, neighbors cats, feral cats….and no I don’t feed them. My cat is the only one I feed.
Al • Feb 15, 2021 at 1:08 pm
Dogs and dog owners are horrible. When I’m approached by an off leash dog and the owner says “don’t worry, he’s friendly”, I respond, “i’m not “
Tony • Feb 12, 2021 at 8:36 pm
I love cats and dogs! Y’all link me with the puppy animal, dog hate. Al you do is start something that is a non issue! This world is fucked up. Why start another no issue! Most people like cats and dogs. Just hate dogs at home by yourself. #Loveloveallgodscreations! Except assholes that don’t!!!!
Thanos. • Feb 11, 2021 at 12:29 pm
*beatbox sounds*
Dog Lover • Feb 10, 2021 at 10:04 am
um, I don’t understand what your saying.
Goku Black • Feb 10, 2021 at 9:35 am
This is one of many reasons why I despise mortals, one day a new chapter shall arise and life itself shall finally be eradicated from this dreadful world. All you mortal’s do to this world I bastardize it.
Dog Lover • Feb 10, 2021 at 8:49 am
dogs are the best u FILTHY HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goku Black • Feb 9, 2021 at 8:47 am
C. Calaghanl did you ever research before typing your ignorant and inadequate words? I guess not, because last time I checked dogs save lives. not to mention all the other animals. But wanna know who isn’t good on this planet? You guessed it! US. you really think your special because you have arms and legs? you aren’t. try telling off a dinosaur about how they should live and how they don’t deserve to be here. it would eat you in a matter of seconds. therefore, to being so selfish and greedy towards animals. if you bought the animal they will think you got them to love them. Not to slave them!. my word!!
Piggy Pig • Feb 9, 2021 at 3:10 am
I am so glad you wrote this article and finally being heard. I hate dogs too. I want nothing to do with dogs. The dog lovers will think that I am insane to hate dogs but yes, hate is the best word to use. The smell, the barking, the poop, the wee, the high medical cost etc. Don’t judge – everyone has something that you hate. I respect those who love dogs but can’t they respect those who don’t? I am sure these dog lovers have something that they don’t like and would people who love these things call them inhumane?
C. Calaghanl • Feb 6, 2021 at 3:50 am
I cannot believe that I found others who shared my view of dogs but it’s good to see I’m not totally alone. I too had the horrible awakening to the reality of owning a dog when I was given a springer spaniel about 14 years ago. The dog was cute, and to this day I have nothing against them unless they attack people or are used to threaten and bully others, but the darned things are simply a huge chore, and I find nothing of value in their natural inclination to be fawning bootlickers. It’s degrading to them and, if you think about it, kinda says something none too flattering about the kind of human who derives their self worth from having some poor creature kiss their ass and put up with anything from them because it’s genetics incline it to be a toadying, groveling suckass. I am an introvert, an only child so I learned early on to develop interests and hobbies that I could enjoy without needing tons of other kids around, to be able to amuse myself. Self direction and self respect were really seen as admirable in my family, and we had cats. I like and understand cats as they have inner resources too. They can love their people but their love feels more sincere, like genuine “love” because it isn’t some inbred instinct to fawn over and endlessly follow some human; ANY human. If a cat likes you it really LIKES you. It has decided that you are good people and that is based upon your energy and how you act toward it. It’s more than an instinctual response to a desperate drive to be subordinate and always following someone about seeking constant attention, constant interaction from dawn til dusk in order to feel fulfilled…just one hundred percent incessant neediness from a creature that loudly and destructively falls to pieces if it must spend 2 consecutive minutes quietly in its own company!!! I mean WTF dog???? This isn’t love it’s obsession. It’s not cute, nor is it a meaningful or valuable connection as it could be transferred to any human willing to play “alpha” or not. Just overwhelming and demanding neediness. But back to the spaniel. It was sad. He was a nice, well meaning dog but he was so damned incapable of doing anything by himself. He was always following me…or following my son, or whining if everyone’s eyes weren’t on him. Our lives revolved around taking him outside to go to the bathroom and waiting while he didn’t do it. “Damn it, come ON dog! It’s 5:30AM and I want to get back into the house! This isn’t play time. It’s piss time…then let me get my damned coffee!!!” But of course it would not pee or poop until I would just give up and take it into the house…where it would go to the bathroom at last. This went on and on and then I realized that I couldn’t take my son out of state for productions he was in…oh yeah, and there would be trouble when I took my son to class and didn’t take the dog along. Suddenly I was glued to the house and resenting it more and more. Even my son, who was 11 was fed up with the dog’s constant whining attempts to crawl on his lap, screwing up his video games. And how many times can you throw a ball before the thrill wears off. We finally had to give the dog away when my son was invited to do pilot season in LA and he could either give it up and stay home to watch this dog piss (or not) at 6AM, or we could pay for months of…oh wait, we aren’t rich….Okay. Sayonara doggie. By that time we were both happy to see the dog gone and not have to worry about standing outside in hip deep Illinois snow praying that this dog would do his business. My son could do fencing workshops again and we could leave the state. I was shocked that an energetic 11 year old boy was fine with the dog being out of our lives, but that’s how bad it was. As to the whole “Dogs are so pure. They are the only things that give us unconditional love.” wheeze that I hear from dog lovers…well, I’m sorry your parents were that lacking in a connection with you because that is sure as hell what it sounds like! That is, however, YOUR reality. Some of us had our best connections with those of our own species. Again…you have my sympathies. That’s a bitch of cloud to grow up under. As to the ones who just get a nut from being able to boss a fawning creature around and knowing the poor thing will just come back for more…well you might be a tiiiiiny bit damaged and should seek psychiatric help. I would feel sorry for the dog, in that instance but they don’t mind ass kissing and coming back for more, so I guess that’s a win for them too.
Kira webb • Feb 5, 2021 at 12:36 am
Hallelujah! I’m not alone. I have two dogs and I literally pet them with gloves on because they need attention and their fur grosses me out so bad. I walk around anxious all day because I’m watching one of them still sneaking around peeing and pooping and rotating both of them inside and outside of the house to suit their temperature and bathroom needs. They’ bark constantly and stare at me whenever I’m cooking or eating.They are expensive, require constant attention, and don’t let me forget they bark at and jump all over any company that comes to the door. When they get out front door together they bolt off and concerned citizens call me from the number on their tag and I have to act like I care. They poop on my neighbors yard. I actually donate money to help abused animals. I believe animals are very therapeutic for lonely people who need a reason to go on a walk, Or someone to love them unconditionally. I will never own one again. I got these in a moment of weakness ashen I had a fantasy that my family needed to complete a happy home. Wrong!!!! Resentment is what it breeds. I’m going to be kind, ride this out, and I will never do this again.
Leslie McIntyre • Feb 3, 2021 at 5:15 pm
Well if you “HATE” dogs that says something about you. How sad to feel that strong about a pretty innocent creature. Humans are typically much more dangerous and pretty much a giant hassle half the time. Your family obviously knew nothing about dogs. I feel sorry he was exposed to an uneducated ignorant environment. And what did you learn from it, hate apparently.
TeaspoonExpert • Jan 31, 2021 at 3:18 pm
i also hate dogs but im a good person
Jordan • Jan 28, 2021 at 10:01 pm
Omg this made me feel some type of way….I’m looking for an anti animal group sometimes I just want to scream out how much I can’t stand animals, but seems I will offend everyone in the world!!! So I google it and I find absolutely nothing til now I run across this maybe because I worded it differently. I just want to talk about it sometimes lol
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Jan 27, 2021 at 10:23 am
oh and by the way, If you have been attacked multiple times by any animal. either you bothered/came up to them. or you accidentally crossed one of them which I truly hope you are okay. but please don’t be petty and post hate about that animal. because obviously…you shouldn’t approach a lion/tiger/ or a bear. Also, Half of you people dismiss the fact that all animals have emotions as well. They express them in a different way, for example, your not the only one who can cry. cats can cry as well. seriously though it makes me mad that you people dismiss their feelings.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Jan 27, 2021 at 10:17 am
My fellow animal lovers don’t fret.. the millions if so even a billion people that have abused it will come back to bite them, But in a worse way.
Bo • Jan 26, 2021 at 1:14 pm
Lots of ugly people on here. Dogs are forgiving and loving…no matter how much torture they are put through at puppy-mills, or with monsters that abuse and murder innocent creatures of God. I guess those of you who do not like dogs don’t really like God either. ALL creatures (even you) were created by God (or as some of you prefer…a higher being.) Thank GOD there are those of us who DO love dogs, and animals.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Jan 26, 2021 at 10:11 am
I’m still trying to process why you dog haters and cat haters are still hating..for one the dog haters arent even taking the pints so many open-minded people have said. for example, the fact that without dogs we would have been braindead right now…but oh they pee and poop everywhere, therefore, they are useless for society? what sense does that make? second hating on animals, in general, is betrayal as they helped us and we in fact are animals ourselves. not to mention this entitlement that you people think certain animals should go extinct for example cats or dogs. like someone else said we don’t “own” this planet. animals do not us. you people on here that hate animals do realize that without these certain animals we have the human race would die off? you do realize that right? but oh like I said…You hate them for some petty childhood thing..now as I have said before if you’re allergic…I get that. but hating on the animal especially when they can’t defend themselves is cowardly and shows your cant stand up to your own species. this Covid-19 virus…its nature’s revenge on us. oh and by the way don’t try to ignore this comment. it would show that you can’t face facts or you just ignore what people say and read what you want…actually, that might be what these animal haters are doing they are reading what they want to read and then proceed to type a hate comment.
Olivia Muscat • Jan 25, 2021 at 11:30 pm
You are entitled to your opinions, likes and dislikes, but the fact that you resolve to use the term hate, and go in such details explaining why you hate… Sorry, but it does say something rather unpleasant about your disposition.
Martin Somers • Jan 22, 2021 at 10:48 pm
It creates anxiety for me when it comes to having a dog. Some people find joy having a dog. I see mostly work and aggravation. Why work and aggravation you ask? It’s because they piss and poop in the house as well as in the yard. I end up walking in it. There is dog poop in the garden where I’m trying to grow vegetables. It is one more thing to be on the look out for. You have stained carpet and poop on the shoe. Dogs need maintenance and that means time. They need their fur trimmed, they need a bath and they still usually smell bad. There is dog food on the kitchen floor, water spills, dog fur.
I’m aware it’s all attitude when it comes to life but what about the reality when you have a dog in the house. I know dogs bring joy to people but I do not feel much joy seeing them during the day. I’ve enjoyed playing with them some when it comes to grabbing a dog toy with my foot to play tug of war, or giving a table scrap to a dog. Mostly though I want a dog out of sight.
I don’t want a dog on the furniture or on the bed, I rationalize it’s nasty. Dogs don’t wear clothes so what is left for me to conclude other than I don’t want to share anything but the floor with them.
I can handle being around other peoples dogs for a visit. I can admire dog owners for loving their pet but I just don’t want one in the house or yard for more than a couple days. I can stand it for a little while knowing the dog visit is only a couple days. I can rub a dog I just don’t want a dog.
I find it aggravating having a dog and that’s that. I’m just respecting my feelings and thoughts by saying I do not want a dog. The idea of having a dog makes my blood boil and I don’t think it’s healthy for me to walk around mad. It’s not good for a dog to have an owner that doesn’t want it around most of the time.
But life is not easy so if your spose thinks they’ve need to have a dog… than you have a stressful situation. That’s a non dog lover and a dog lovers cross to bloody bear.
Yes I have came here to express my grievances about dogs, too • Jan 21, 2021 at 9:43 pm
I love animals. All different kinds. Dogs? Over all yes they are ok to me. Do I like ALL dogs? No. I do not like aggressive dogs. I do not like being in a situation where I am supposed to show dominance while I am minding my own business. Why can’t I just be at ease ? If I am showing fear its probably because the dog is snarling, growling, snapping or chasing me. Why does the typical dog lover not get this?? It’s not ok. A dog is said to have the intelligence of a four year old. Can a four year old be nasty, mean or aggressive ? -YES. Ever got bit, hair pulled, or pushed by a toddler? I have. Ever got bit, chased, or mounted by dogs? I have. Ever seen someone’s dog snap at another person when you were a child. Yes, I have too. You will never hear a crazy cat person try to convince you cats are all always sweet or debate you on the subject. Dog people please stop!!! Not all dogs are safe and people should not have to feel like they are going to war when they are around dogs doing nothing wrong but doing their own thing doing normal people things.
Widmo • Jan 21, 2021 at 2:07 am
I love ONLY MY DOGS. Not Instagram dogs, not “playful” or “friendly” dogs. JUST MY DOGS.
They are sometimes misbechaving, BUT I ALWAYS KEEP THEM ON A LEASH AND IN A MUZZLE WHEN IN “PUBLIC” (I prefer to stay in my cottage in the woods, but I need to see a veterianrian sometimes).
I avoid meeting them with people, when I read this article I thought “this person is 100% right” dog people and their dogs are HORRIBLE. I myself admit that even though I try to keep my dogs away from people to keep OTHER PEOPLE AND MY DOGS (yeah not EVERY SINGE dog is sociable dog people) comfortable and safe I am cosidered a weird DOG person (when you see me walking with 3 dogs).
Dogs are not suitable for MOST public places (vet and stuff beeing an exeption). They are creatures needing to live in peace, outside of the traffic and public.
My dogs have chosen me over a running deer, chosed me over better WILD life in the wilderness. Many times. And thats why I love him. But, I know other dogs aren’t the same. Other people aren’t good for their dogs. They don’t train them. Don’t exersise them, don’t see them as domesticated wild animals ,bur cuddly pillows.
And dear “dog haters” I really want you to be happier in the doggy world. I want you to be comfortable. So I moved to cottage in the woods. So you could be comfortable living your lives. I wish you good lives.
And that’s my opinion.
Khanh HM • Jan 18, 2021 at 3:06 pm
This was a very well-written article. I didn’t look through all the comments, so I don’t know if anyone else shares what I’m about to say.
I don’t share the opinion that anyone who doesn’t like dogs is a bad person or inhuman. That’s a bit extreme and outright ridiculous. I have a dog, have had dogs for 22 years as of this writing; the difference is that my dogs are guide dogs; but even if they weren’t, I don’t share a lot of the characteristics that many dog people have. For me, my dog isn’t my “son”. He isn’t a four-legged furry human. He isn’t the center of my universe. He isn’t my best friend either. And while he does make navigating more efficient, I’m not more independent because of him. No, I don’t want to talk about how wonderful and amazing my dog is all the darn time, and I especially find it a huge turn-off when someone approaches me and without any kind of greeting–like: “Hi.” Asks me about my dog, fawns over how beautiful he is, or asks his name, age, and oh, isn’t he an angel that he can help poor little me around because I can’t see?
No, he’s a dog. He doesn’t have wings or a halo. He does some great things, but he’s a dog.
I can respect anyone who doesn’t like or tolerate dogs, which is precisely why when I’m out, I expect my dog to be under control, doing his job, and well-groomed. Being in public does not mean he gets to greet every Jane and John. I would have similar expectations with a pet dog.
I’ve met dogs that I really like and dogs that I can’t stand. People who are actually competent and knowledgeable about their dogs are a rarity for me.
Jon • Jan 18, 2021 at 2:18 am
You and everyone else like are wrong to say what you say about Dogs. They are like us cause they have feelings that could hurt just like yours could. And I will saythis about you hat the deepest and lowest circle of Hll is reserved for any and all people like you.
Larry • Jan 16, 2021 at 10:53 am
As a Kid, I begged my parents to let us keep a puppy. This puppy would only last a year and a half in our home before we had to get rid of it. Don’t get me wrong, I think if we had sent that dog to an obedience school it would have probably lasted much longer. This sweet little puppy which we called “Alfie” turned into one of those evil little gremlins you see in the movies. Well not exactly, but as he grew older he became more and more uncontrollable. He did learn a few commands such as Sit and Give-me-the-paw, but other than that, the dog just did not listen to you or anyone.
This dog not only begged at the dinner table, he would actually snatch food from your plate if you were not careful. Trying to get the food back was inviting a serious attack ! His personality would change from that of a Dog to Big Bad Wolf. Once the dog got too big because he was a German Shepherd mix, my father decided to build him a dog house and put him outside. However this dog did not like that arrangement at all, he would bark for hours on end unless somebody came by and let him in the house again. It was driving us and our neighbors crazy and some even threw rocks at the back door of our home.
Back in the house the Dog stalk my mother while she was cooking dinner carefully looking for any mistakes. If my mother happened to look the other way while seasoning some meat, Alfie would attack just like a Wolf in the wild and snatch a piece of meat from the kitchen counter before my mother had the time to turn around. This happened several times and no amount of punishments would deter him.
We soon had to tie him up with a leash in a corner, so he wouldn’t be able to roam the house and cause more trouble. Even then, the dog would defecate in the corner even though we walked him several times a day or let him run around in the back yard. The final nail on the coffin for this dog was when my parents invited guest for a thanksgiving dinner, while my mother was showing off her flower garden in the backyard, Alfie managed to sneak upstairs to the dinning room, jumped on the dinning room table and decided to have himself and smorgasbord. That was it ! my father threw up his hands and said “THAT DOG HAS TO GO !” and that was the end of Alfie.
That experience of trying to raise a wild animal in a human home, stayed with me, but I never really hated Dogs, just did not want own one. I prefer Cats much better. Fast forward 50 years later, I decided to move to another state for a job after being laid off. My brother who lived in that other sate let me stay at his house for a while but I would have to share the basement with a 8 month puppy called “Chloe”. This Dog reminded me of Alfie in a way because She craved attention like he did.
This constant need for being petted and cuddle began wearing me down. I complained to my brother, but he said I was being mean and that she would soon grow out of it ! After 2 months I said to myself I had enough and decided to rent a room closer to my job in the down town area. While packing my stuff I noticed that the Dog had severely chewed down one of my $175 Chucka boots to the point you could not wear them anymore. That and causing a deep scratch on my glasses after she chewed on them was enough to make have second thoughts on owning one of those animals and certainly reinforced the “Alfie” experience…
So I move to this new room with all of my belongings. Peace at last. Well not really the neighbor who live 2 homes down from where I was staying had a dog that barked constantly from sun up to sun down NON-STOP. I complain to the neighbor, but she said she was too sick to take care of the Dog and that she had called Animal Services a couple of times all to no avail. Not only was that dog noisy, but sometimes it would attack anybody that passed by that house including me. I began carrying Mace and a stick whenever I passed that house.
Unfortunately, that job only lasted a few moths so I went back home and sort of breathed a sigh of relief. Peace at last ? No not really when I returned home some dog-owning neighbors had move in to the Apartment complex. I began seeing huge piles of Dog poop in the neatly flowered courtyard, something I had not seen before. It seems that some dog owners had turned that section of the courtyard into “POOP ALLEY”. Emails by the building management went out stating that if was illegal for dog owners not to pick-up after their Dogs. But did that sway the dog owners at all. Heck no ! Dog poop kept piling up until finally Maintenance had to come and pick it up and the cycle would stat all over again. I tried talking to the Dog owners myself but they only shrugged their shoulders without saying if they would stop that practice.
Right now, I have placed an outdoor motion detection camera that records everything that goes on in the courtyard. So far that seems to have deter these people a little but I’m, not sure for how long. No I don’t really hate Dogs, I hate the bad irresponsible dog-owners…
Nodogsplease • Jan 14, 2021 at 10:02 pm
I don’t like dogs. I don’t want to hurt them, see them in pain, or hear them yelp or see them homeless. But I don’t want one in my house. I don’t like the hair or smell, before or after a bath. I don’t like puppy breath. Or slobber. Or hair. Or jumping, whining, or barking. I don’t need anyone to be excited to see me after work. I don’t need my crotch or butt sniffed. I don’t have any desire to clean up any “accidents”. Or change a doggy diaper. I don’t want to share my bed or smell like a dog when I go to work. Or have to find a dog sitter if I want a night with my husband. It’s hard enough finding a sitter.
Oh! By the way! Anyone want to babysit and dog sit this weekend?
Kevin • Jan 13, 2021 at 6:02 pm
It’s OK if you don’t care for dogs or even don’t like them, but as avowed hater you put yourself in a class where yes, your are a terrible human being.
Tristan Cox • Jan 12, 2021 at 1:21 pm
Gods Creation I have had firsthand experience with a lying animal. Animals, not just humans, can lie. And it’s was an animal less smart than a dog.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Jan 10, 2021 at 4:28 pm
Destiny Rogers, I would point out your flaws but observer won’t let me AGAIN!
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Jan 10, 2021 at 12:09 pm
Destiny Rogers, we too are animals. you said they are stinky? that isn’t their fault because they have hair all over their body. obviously, they sweat more easily and harder, you say it’s disgusting for them to lick our faces? they are not only trying to show they love you but they are trying to help you by cleaning your face. you should be fucking thankful. not to mention as if they already go through danger in the wild you people prey on them. they are so needy? yet I don’t see them complaining about what food they get. I don’t see them complaining to their job boss every single day. I don’t see them getting mad at a store for the price o one object. you get the idea. your just a human narcissist
Destiny Rogers • Jan 9, 2021 at 7:45 pm
Canines are horrible, drooling creatures that have no respect for themselves or anything else around them. They will chew and destroy all manner of objects that can be found in a home. On top of that, they uniquely stink of pungent spoilage. I’m so glad you allow these creatures to lick your face, but I will judge you to be a disgusting simpleton for it.
I know it’s a substitute for a child, so sorry if it hurts to hear, but it’s an animal. Don’t go so mad over these needy creatures, and you will earn more respect for yourself.
Amy • Jan 7, 2021 at 1:15 am
You don’t have to be a dog lover, cat lover or any kind of animal lover, but to hate something and wish it ill will, death or watch it struggle is just disgusting, sick and a sign of a psychopath. There’s no such thing as a bad dog just bad owners and shame on you for having a dog and saying its annoying and you hate it. Yeah its probably annoying because you neglected it and it can sense your hate. That poor dog who has got you as its owner so sad for it. One can only hope the dog makes a run for it and never looks back and finds a better more responsible loving owner. I sincerely hope those who owe dogs on this discussion and say it’s annoying and they hate it. I hope you are never responsible for a human child because let me tell you they stink, are needy, and annoying. And also I have met some really clean dogs and I’ve been in filthy houses that smelled and they didn’t own dog and I’ve been in houses that I didn’t know even had an animal. As someone who works in the medical field, studied psychology and animal behavior when you try to explain animal behaviors and why you hate them you have no clue what you’re talking about, so shut up because you sound completely stupid. Finally, again as some one who works with humans in the medical field they can be dirty disgusting animals too. I’ve seen humans that eat their own shit and play in it, so stop thinking your so superior. Dog can sniff out cancer and other health issues you think they can’t tell when a human has no empathy and dislikes animals. Their highly intelligent and we have yet in science to understand them fully. Maybe read Inside a Dog before you decide to talk dog behavior so that you at least sound like you know what your talking about. Finally, as someone who has studied both animal and human behavior if you hate and want to hurt an animal then there is definitely something wrong with you based off over 50 years of researching pyhscopaths maybe your just lacking empathy like more then the estimated 78% of human beings or maybe you realize that as a human being your severely flawed and can’t live life or love with the same capacity that a dog can. Analyzing these post would suggest that. Dogs love unconditionally something very few human can. A dog wants nothing in return but to love its owner proven through studied and personality if a dog has an issue with a particular human I stay clear of that human being. And listen you fat shits so your dog is bagging, staring at you for your donut its probably because the shit food your feeding him is not good enough and their hungry. Sorry Old Roy dog for is not a well balanced diet for you dog. I have little hope for the human race just based of these ridiculous comments but thanks for a good laugh. P.S. if I ever see a pile of shit hitting their dog again with a baseball bat you better believe Ill happily going to jail for grabbing that darn bat out of your hand and ending you like you ending you dog for barking. Take it for a fucking walk or in this case give it some water it was only wanting water. Or even better if you don’t just fucking love dogs don’t get one. Period!
Captain Kirk • Jan 6, 2021 at 12:41 pm
You’re my kind of woman and I LOVE doggy style.
Anna • Jan 5, 2021 at 3:25 pm
“Attempted to adopt a Bernese Mountain Dog…” “After owning her for two years”… Self centered egotistical author didn’t care to elaborate what happened to the poor unloved dog after two years. Did they euthanize the dog? did they surrender the dog to the rescue/shelter? – What a heartbreaking story!
Goku Black • Jan 4, 2021 at 11:32 pm
Javier Castillo…I would say the flaws in your point but the observer won’t let me -_-
Joe Behan • Jan 4, 2021 at 10:29 pm
Thank you SO much for this article.
Down with dogs, and their owners.
Goku Black • Jan 4, 2021 at 5:16 pm
your wrong Javier Castillo also observer is low key being ass because I have tried many times to point things out but they wont let me. this is like a web filter in a nutshell.
Javier Castillo • Jan 2, 2021 at 8:35 pm
I like Dogs to but damn people, I saw a post about a lost dog, and then to see the most hatred thing said about a human being was just very shocking to me in fact I am terrified of those kind of people that are so attached to dogs that I don’t even want to be around them when this short of thing happens. I love animals to but freak sake, if it came down to saving a person’s life or a dog’s I would save the human and yes I would because you can replace a animal but you can’t replace a human, and those are true facts. I love Dogs but I am not attached to the point were I turn into a freaking maniac. They’re was these people over hundreds of them saying the people who abandoned they’re dogs should burn in hell or have the same thing done to them. No just no, that sounds completely insane. I know animal cruelty is wrong without a doubt that’s obvious, but also threating or wishing a human being should be considered a worse crime, I know I may get a lot of hateful comments on this but hey I am human I have a right to speak my mind.
Frieza • Jan 2, 2021 at 6:22 pm
you humans are one of a kind! you betray your own pets? even I wouldn’t do that! Lord Beerus will surely deal with you imbeciles.
Random Dude • Jan 1, 2021 at 6:52 pm
Puppiiiiiiies you do have some points. We are in the kingdom of Animals, we have learnt how to walk on two legs. BUT ANIMALS CAN CONTRACT AND TRANSMIT COVID. IT IS TRUE. No, we won’t get rid of all cats and dogs like in the Great Plague. but still.
Goku Black • Dec 31, 2020 at 2:31 pm
Kik, you also have some sense, unlike these people.
Kiki • Dec 31, 2020 at 2:19 am
Yeah just sounds like you’re a needy individual. I hope you never have children. Hell I hope you never have a friend that will ever be in need. Let’s base our hate for one animal on one experience! I have a cattle dog that is so much work but you know what? It’s worth it. I will gladly go on cold morning walks and play with her when I get home from work. I had a sweet chihuahua for 15 years and news flash she never smelled once. Starting with a dog that big when it’s not in your families genes to have pets??? That seems idiotic.
Goku Black • Dec 30, 2020 at 6:14 pm
This debate is still going on? when will you people stop? seriously shut the hell up, if you don’t like an animal fine but stop being assholes online and just carry on with your sad lives. NOBODY CARES A ANIMAL BIT YOU. NOBODY CARES IF YOU WOULD RATHER HAVE A HUMAN, NOBODY CARES YOU DONT WANT A PET IN YOUR HOUSE! if your gonna kill an animal without reason unless to eat you will go to jail. stop the pointless killing and hate already. Damn you people are not only toxic but sad as fuck to be dieing for attention. the observer you need to do better and delete the hate comments man.
Carolyn R. Baylies • Dec 30, 2020 at 12:16 am
All you people that hate dogs, don’t you know that God made them. He didn’t make them for people like you to hate them. Dogs are a wonderful to have in your life and they are great for children. I suppose all you dog haters didn’t like Doris Day or Betty White or Angie Dickenson. They and many other movie stars love dogs and cats as well. Angie Dickenson still helps them whenever she can. You people on this site are terrible people. If you hate dogs, you hate God because he made them for us. They give love. God spelled backward is DOG!! Get a puppy or an adult dog. He will grow on you.
Red • Dec 29, 2020 at 3:55 pm
I’m not a dog lover but I don’t hate them either. I think they are good for guarding the house and letting you know when trouble is near…but I don’t like them living in the house with me….my boyfriend has a pit bully(smaller version of a pit bull)…she’s a very smart dog. I just don’t want her in the house…she has a dog house for her but constantly insists on bringing her in the house and she tears up everything…he constantly buys these dog beds for her and everytime she tears it apart and gets all that stuffing everywhere. I don’t care…if he wants to waste his money on dog beds…that’s fine with me…its just he has her so damn spoiled she has to have all of his attention. When I’m trying to talk to him about business…like paying bills…he can’t focus because he’s looking at the dog…its an obsession to him…he even wants to leave her in the house on beautiful days and we’ll argue because I’ll tell him to take that dog outside where she can run, bark and play. Because when she’s in the house she stays in the laundry room…because if we let her go in the house she’ll chew up everything….we wouldn’t have lights, internet or anything…I mean she has a dog house…she needs to stay in there. I don’t hate dogs but I don’t want to live in the house with them…I think they should be outside all the time.
Laureline Clark • Dec 25, 2020 at 8:43 am
I don’t know if it’s just because it is quarantine that I feel so irritated with our dog. It is our first dog and to be honest I regretted having him although, I couldn’t argue that he is a good house guard I still don’t like him. The way he look/ gaze whenever I eat something. It’s like I don’t have the right to eat it. I have to hide somewhere in order to eat it in peace. I am also not a fan of his crave for attention and I find him really stupid because he eats almost everything even those that are not edible. I just don’t like him but my mom still wanted to keep him. What do I do? I don’t actually want to get to the point where I feed him chocolates.
Jessica Wouts • Dec 24, 2020 at 12:35 am
Leo Charles I feel the same way but it would be very hard to find a man who doesn’t like dogs. I don’t think its good to be in a relationship with someone who is obsessed with a dog or any animal they’ll always put the animal first. 🙁
Goku Black • Dec 20, 2020 at 11:47 pm
some of you mortals need to be placed in jail and or prison.
Jackie Taylor • Dec 20, 2020 at 3:29 pm
It’s 2020 folks and it’s been a shite year but all your posts made me smile for a while, so thank you. We are individuals and have free will and the freedom of speech thank goodness! I Hope 2021 is great for you all and yes, I’m a dog lover but understand if you don’t like dogs (they are certainly hard work). These posts have given me some inspiration for my new Year resolution: let’s all be more honest (in a nice genuine way). If you don’t like my dog (and there’s no reason at all why you should) don’t bother him and he won’t bother you. He is the reason I’ve made it through this year, but that still doesn’t mean you have to like him! …….And he’s ok with that! Blessings for 2021 and peace to all humans and animals.
qwertyuiop • Dec 19, 2020 at 9:49 am
I hate dogs so much. Cats aren’t much better. I prefer humans. No reason why I would prefer a shit-eating mutt over a smart human who can communicate with me. Even if it’s just a baby or child. Babies are way cuter than those nasty monsters with their stupid owners. Tbh I wouldn’t hate dogs so much if the owners weren’t so foolish.
dogsareoverrated • Dec 19, 2020 at 2:32 am
It’s really telling how enraged and aggressive dog lovers get when someone dares to say they don’t like dogs. Not even threatening to harm a dog, simply saying they don’t like dog traits and behaviors. You dog lovers claim that people who dislike dogs have no empathy or compassion, but YOU are the ones spewing anger and telling people they’re crazy, horrible, untrustworthy, and should go to hell, all over their opinion on an animal. Now who’s lacking empathy and compassion?
Cyan6 • Dec 17, 2020 at 11:39 pm
This crossed my fb wall recently. Saw it was 2 years old and then saw that the comments had been consistent through the past 2 years.
You really hit the nail on the head with this one and I think it really resonates with a lotta folks.
Dogs were selectively bred to provide a certain kind of affection. I don’t have a need for unconditional affection, so I’ve never liked the slavish nature of dogs. So many people breed for looks or support rampant procreation that we’ve backslid on important domestication practices (breeding for health, temperament, and obedience). ‘Furmoms’ are entitled about where they bring their dogs and how they let their dogs act.
Is it any wonder people have grown to hate the animal?
Goku Black • Dec 15, 2020 at 12:41 pm
@Myself. you are one narcissistic mortal.
Goku Black • Dec 15, 2020 at 10:08 am
without any of the animals, we have today we would all be dead. you filthy humans take your world for granted. show more respect to your animal bretherin. each day you mortals vex me more and more. this world is so repugnant with humans on it.
Myself • Dec 14, 2020 at 7:59 am
Don`t worry – it is not normal to like everything in this world. It is the same with me I cannot stand cats. No need to tell how smelly and stupid they are and how they stare with empty look at one point – they just don`t have any brain. And yes we had one at home – needless to say I kicked it in some field out of the city after several days. I won`t be a slave to that stupid animal which is in fact not domesticated and lives super good life in the wild. Who am I to make its life easier by providing it food and roof for nothing in return? Even more horrid than cats – which are just some animals who catch mice and other small creatures, are the crazy people who are so antisocial that try to treat cats like humans or better. I understand – they have nothing in their lives, spend their days at home in front of their pc no human interaction and are mostly obese and lazy – I will never understand how internet made a fashion out of this behavior- maybe because these people run the whole internet and just help each other. Or those women that are so dumb and ugly that live with 10 cats and have endless stories about “mr cupcake” (or other brainless name) how he choose her how he loves her how she dresses him up and gives him 100$ steak. Chill woman, go find a man – there should be at least one person fatter and uglier who will agree to be with you – and that will be more normal than your cat life.
God’s creation • Dec 13, 2020 at 9:08 am
The older I get the more I realize the perfect nature of animals, and the imperfect nature of man. Animals are sincere, they are what they are. Human can lie, deceive, steal, murder, abuse children, hunt animals just for pleasure. Humans are capable of every manner of evil, God created all precious creatures including dogs, who are companions for us. God will judge each of us by how we treat the most vulnerable of HIS creatures. I love children, and all animals because they are truly helpless and innocent. The dog hater comments here are terrifying, with many condoning their abuse, and even elimination. If only we could see each of your pictures and names so we could put you on watch lists, since some of you sound like budding serial killers. I wish I didn’t know you people exist, and live among us. I pray for your souls.
Michelle Cowan • Dec 12, 2020 at 7:15 pm
Thank you. Thank you. I don’t like dogs or cats. I especially don’t want them in my house. A house is where PEOPLE live. I think that the halfwits who call themselves pet parents, love their furbabies, and let them pee and poop in my yard are socially stunted, and inconsiderate of actual people. How much money do people spend on dog food, vet visits, medicines, SURGERY and various toys and $hit? Billion dollar industry. What a waste. I donate money and products to local food banks, shelters, and yes, Patriot Paws because they provide trained animals to disabled veterans. Did you know they train dogs to pick up a dime off the floor?
I digress–those of you who don’t like dogs are my people. My.People.
Mary • Dec 8, 2020 at 7:42 pm
At least there are some dogs that actually DO something that actually have use, but the dogs laying around the house are the worst and useless.. I have more respect for a dog that actually does something. Dogs are not better than humans. They need to put all the dog lovers in their own planets with their beloved dogs and stay with them, so you can’t stink and have hair all over your as well, or maybe you can grow you’re own fur or give birth to a dog. Lmao. And the people that gave pictures of their ugly dogs on their phones and profiles are the most ridiculous shit ever.
Mary • Dec 8, 2020 at 7:34 pm
I’m so glad I found this online. I thought I liked dogs at some point, now I dint like them at all. I’ve learned that I dislike their nasty, needy, smelling, lazy, begging, slobbering, annoying, hair everywhere licking, disgusting, shitty, peeing assess. I hate when they shake their FUR, fucking disgusting, pure filth. . They are ugly as hell and are not children they are ANIMALS. They are disgusting even after a bath. Dog lovers need to marry each other or their dogs. Don’t wish us hell because, we’re not in need of constant attention from a DOG, lol some dog lovers have mental issues. We have the right to our own opinions and thoughts. I wound never harm a dog, but I stay away from them as much as possible. Just cringe from disgust inside. Dogs are meant to be outside, if you ask me. If you’re single and dating a dog lover and don’t like dogs- RUN! It’s the most annoying situation you’ll be in. I learned the hard way, never again.
ladyford nc • Dec 8, 2020 at 3:34 pm
Omg. I finally found my people. I have researched and the Maldives is about the only place on earth that doesn’t have dogs. Wish I could move there. I hate the nasty germy things. 🤮
Thanks so much for this article.
Jennifer Shepard • Dec 8, 2020 at 12:35 am
Wow I thought I was the only one with a distain for dogs! The barking and crotch sniffing and barking! Ugh! I feel like I have to explain myself when I say I hate dogs…. like I’m not a psychopath guys. I feel even now in this post the need to qualify that I do like some dogs for small amounts of time but really dogs don’t bring me joy and take more energy, time and money then they are worth. I come from a dog obsessed family! I remember one Thanksgiving they talked about dogs for 2 hours before I said enough! Let’s talk about more important things! Thanks for this article I enjoyed it.
Davina • Dec 6, 2020 at 11:20 am
I’m not keen on either humans or animals +I’m becoming more like a hermit. Let’s be realistic,there’s good+bad amongst both. Iv been raped, abused,
gossipped about, ridiculed, been manipulated, .My daughter had similar things happen but even worse she got murdered +dumped like garbage age 19.
I’m now age 60 +despair of human race. We start wars, look what Hitler did, we r racist, judgemental, selfish, greedy,.I m a misanthrope
understandably +should perhaps be on a different forum. But I’ve met good kind people also. Motto is try not to hate anyone, animal or
human unless theyv harmed you or family. No person or animal asks to be born. I wouldn’t dream of having a pet in my home, cos of allergies,
the work +dedication involved etc. But if people want to own them, it’s their choice. But I still say HUMANS are the most dangerous mammals ever on this planet. Yes I know I’m a human,
an oldish lady now, but I honestly wish I d never been born. PLEASE DONT HATE! without good reason.
Serialkillershatecats • Dec 4, 2020 at 3:23 pm
Wow – as if the article isn’t creepy enough, it’s followed by even creepier supportive comments. It’s one thing to feel indifferent to dogs – but to hate? Putting dogs aside for a moment. Anyone who has zero empath/sympathy or concern for any other living creature besides themselves or what others can do FOR them is the definition of a sociopath. I don’t “love” children. No desire to have one, nor do I coo and aw over my friends’ babies. Yet, if I saw any child in harm’s way, or in any sort of need of care or protection, I would do anything and everything to help the child! This writer would not help any dog in need. Cold as ice. A person who sees a dog’s (or cat’s) need for human companionship as anything other than endearing (even if you choose not to own one yourself), lacks the ability to ‘feel things’. Also, anyone who finds pets to be nothing other than a smelly nuisance, for demanding things like – being walked (like so it can go to the bathroom)shows real selfishness. Someone possessing this trait only wants people/things in their life that can do something FOR them. It shows incredible narcissism. I personally could care less if someone doesn’t love animals the way I do. But I will learn everything I need to know about what kind of people they are.
PUPPIIIIIIIIIIES • Dec 4, 2020 at 11:00 am
You know, in the comment section, there is a lot of people that say things like “Dogs are animals, so they should be treated like animals.” Dogs are not just “animals”, they are our friends and family. I mean, we are animals. If we walked on four legs and didn’t have opposable thumbs, but we were still as intelligent, wouldn’t we call ourselves animals? Or say, if we grew fur instead of hair and it was all over our bodies? Hmm, HMMMM?! Just because we are “The most intelligent animal on earth,” doesn’t mean that we make good choices with our intelligence. If dogs could stand up, could talk, and had opposable thumbs and a few hundred years, they would’ve done a better job ruling the earth than us. That is indeed a fact, no one can deny this. P.S. NO, DOGS DO NOT NEED MASKS BECAUSE THEY CANNOT CATCH OR TRANSMIT COVID. SO QUIT SPREADING LIES ABOUT OUR FURRY FRIENDS!
GuardDoggo • Dec 3, 2020 at 3:44 pm
You know, I will respect anyone that doesn’t want a dog or like dogs because they smell, they crap and piss everywhere, etc. But anybody who talks crap about dogs for no other reason than that- GO TO FRICKING HELL. Dogs are emotional support animals, they guide blind and deaf people, they track down people that have been lost in wrecks or avalanches, you get my point. Dogs are better than any human will ever be. A dog isn’t going to judge you for how you look, they will stick by your side during any given time, whether good or bad. Now, it’s understandable if you hate/dont’t like dogs because one bit you or a family member and gave you a scar or something, but if it’s only because you’re all snobby and think humans aren’t “smelly” or “dirty” then you can go suck it. It’s even a little understandable if your neighbors’ dog/dogs crap or piss in your yard, but that isn’t the dogs fault! It’s their owner’s for letting them crap in your yard! Now, don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not saying you should hate the dog’s owner(s), but just hear me out. It’s should seem a lot easier to hate a human, a spiteful creature that kills its own kind for no reason except money or because of anger than is it to hate a dog, a kind creature that would protect its master with its life for no reason except it loves you. Now, try to think of a creature other than a dog that would do that (Good luck!) And just to address this, I can read dog body language, dogs like me because I keep calm around them. If anyone from the comment section has a phobia of big dogs, then DON’T. It’s often big and powerful dogs that are some of the friendliest. Ex: Great Danes, Pitbulls, Sheperds of any kind, Labrador Retrivers, Golden Retrivers, Newfounlands, Saint Bernards, Leonbergers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Bullmastiffs. I don’t know much about most of these breeds, but I know a lot on Pitbulls. Just because they are (unfortunately) used as fighting dogs, they can also be very gentle and sweet dogs. These dogs are known to be good dogs for children and are especially known for defending their owners. AND ANOTHER THING: Dogs aren’t the only animal who’ll crap in the house if they feel like it. A cat, a bird, or a rabbit could be a good example. They will crap anywhere that they want to. Now, like I said, I can read dog body language, but I’m absolutely TERRIBLE at reading cat body language. That’s why I never really enjoyed having cats as a kid. A cat relationship is very one-sided, anyway. And, just to throw a fact in here to finish off, while 10% of the population are allergic to household pets, cat allergies are more than twice as common as dog allergies. Now, I hope this changed your mind if you only hated dogs because you think they smell or are dirty. To anyone who talks crap about dogs, I hate you. To anyone who thinks dogs are okay or at least doesn’t talk crap about them, thank you and have a wonderful day!
Evie • Dec 3, 2020 at 1:09 pm
I have a australian shepherd. She is so cute, sweet, and loyal. I do not judge people for their opinions. Maybe they just didn’t have a good experiance, I also have two cats and LOVE all cats & dogs. And again not judging you 🙂
Kimberly • Dec 3, 2020 at 9:28 am
I don’t hate all dogs, but I don’t love them. Mostly they are annoying. I did hate my boxer/lab puppy. He was a holy terror.
Debbie • Dec 2, 2020 at 10:25 pm
Wow. Unpopular opinion. Who takes the time to write such hateful garbage? It’s obvious you people have mental issues and should be seeking therapy.
meg herman • Dec 2, 2020 at 7:11 pm
As a dog owner, I despise other peoples’ dogs, because simply only 1 out of 100 dog owners actually train their dogs and expect proper behavior from dogs in public and around guests at home. At home, our dogs are not allowed on furniture. They are not allowed in our bedrooms. The have to be crated when guests come over so they are not insisting on being patted or sniffing people who do not want to be sniffed. They have 100% obedience to voice command in public. I do NOT take my dogs to the beach or dog parks because other dog owners have NO voice control over their dogs at all. If your dogs do not respond 100% to your voice commands then they should not be allowed to run loose, ever. Also dog owners will use those stupid extendable leashes and allow their dogs to walk right up to me when I am having my pack lunch on a park bench, as if I want to pat their dog and say how cute he is -as he sniffs my sandwich or my crotch. People are just unclear on the concept of where a dog’s place is in this world. Dogs are not tax paying citizens and do not deserve to overtake public spaces like beaches and parks and leave their dog messes everywhere. People also think it is okay walk their dogs in cemeteries and allow their dogs to defecate on graves and don’t clean it up. The bereaved do not want to step in dog poop! My vet tech friend tells me horror stories of dog owners who bring their dogs into the vet office and how their dogs behave. She says it is so rare to find someone who actually has trained their dog to be a good citizen, and an owner who is conscious of the fact that some people just do not like dogs and so not allow their dog invade that person’s personal space. Also too many people choose breed of dog that is totally unsuitable for their lifestyle. People who are “dog people” are people who think dogs should have more rights than people. We don’t allow our children to smell other peoples’ crotches so why can our dogs do that? So even though I own two well-trained and beautifully behaved dogs who know their place, I am NOT a “dog person”.
Luke • Dec 1, 2020 at 11:17 pm
Also the people saying they have a “phobia” of dogs. HAHA! Imagine being scared of dogs!? How much of a pussy can you be? Please stay in your safe spaces and don’t breed.
Amanda • Nov 30, 2020 at 11:42 am
I don’t think people hate people who dislike dogs well most won’t. For me as a dog person, I just feel indifferent to them, walking, hiking, running with my dogs are a big hobby for me and my dogs are in my family home so being friends with somebody who has no interest, or when in a conversation and my dogs/hobby is bought into it but is simply met with “I don’t like dogs” the friendship seems pointless, no common interests is pointless and dating somebody who dislikes dogs is pointless they’re a living breathing sentient being and that difference in opinion over them isn’t something that can be moved past like you could for a dislike of a inanimate object.
I do think respect needs to come from both sides though neither sides a freak or right/wrong.
Guest • Nov 30, 2020 at 8:11 am
God spells backwards means Dog. God is a real Dog altogether.
Dawg Dilemma • Nov 29, 2020 at 7:21 pm
I live about 5 miles from a couple of State parks and have frequented them often over the past 23 years. Me and my other half have lifetime Vet passes for our service which is probably why I/we am one or the other every weekend .
Both places used to be pretty quiet and fairly human orientated. The first has some pretty rugged hiking trails, parts of which require focus to maneuver. On Thanksgiving morning I decided to hike the park thinking it would be peaceful. I was making my way down a steep rooted and slippery area when I was accosted by two dogs who were among a total of 6 that weren’t leashed. The two jumped on me almost causing me to lose my balance. As the other 4 started to come towards me I switched my gaze to the 4 women who thought it perfectly fine to let these dogs run free in a pack. They actually looked at me with disdain, and I can only think it was because I didn’t get down on all fours and play with them. Really? This is what I have to deal with now? Grown women who think it perfectly ok to ignore leash rules in the park and ruin other people’s enjoyment. Come on people! They are dogs, not humans. I am going to speak with the Rangers this weekend. Not just because of that incident, its also because I am finding more and more bags of feces along the trails. I really don’t understand people anymore. It didn’t seem to me that some humans were so overtly ignorant when I was younger, but maybe they are. I wonder if these are the same people who have no problem tossing their trash out of their car windows, but I digress.
The other park is on the ocean and there’s a nice spot us humans enjoy when it’s hot outside; the ocean water is pretty calm there and a little warmer since it’s a cove. This past summer we were there to take a dip to escape the heat. There were quite a few other people there and a lot of dogs. What we found was horrible; the water was full of dog hair! Seriously! It was so bad that the hair would stick to us when we came out. That did it for me. We should not have to be exposed to this behavior. I am appealing to the common sense and the good nature of our fellow human beings. If you read this, can you please understand that we pay taxes to keep these beautiful places accessible to all with a few simple rules that we must ALL follow. Taking a dog(s) to the park does not mean the rules do not apply to you and Toto(s). I don’t want to pick up the discarded sack of poop but I will in order to leave the place like I found it; can you do the same? I also don’t want my life to be put in danger because you think it’s perfectly fine to ignore the rules. Life can change on a dime, and if people continue this behavior then it’s going to get ugly .
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Nov 27, 2020 at 9:05 pm
leo chalres. how are they useless. please explain to me how. everything is about humans when it comes to people like you.
Leo Charles • Nov 26, 2020 at 9:59 pm
I never liked dogs, I consider them to be useless for society, they are always dirty, smell really bad even after hours of bathing them and the only reason they care for you is because you feed them thats all. I met my girlfriend almost 4 years ago and she’s had a dog since. I agreed to the relationship because I liked her and loved her straight away, but since then, my love for her has been … weird. I hate how the dog gets more attention, she talks to the dog better than she talks to me, she cares for the dog better than she does with me. Im sad… depressed about it… I want it gone. The only reason a dog gets near her is because it needs to be fed. After being fed it goes away. Dogs dont care about you no matter what people say, they only approach you to get fed and thats all. Then you have to pick their poop, they urinate wherever they want and the amount of money spent on these animals is insane. I told my girlfriend once that if we ever have kids, I want the dog gone, ’cause im scared of it scratching my children, she replied; I rather have 6 dogs than a single child. Thats the moment my heart broke. Im still with her but since then something is missing. In the society we live in today, it will be IMPOSSIBLE to find a partner who doesnt like dogs/cats, or doesnt plan to have a dog/cat. I guess thats the reason I havent broken up with her. I feel alone and im sure i will die alone because i wont be able to find a girl like me. It sucks, but your article and the comment section brighten up my life. Im not alone. THANKS!
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Nov 26, 2020 at 11:29 am
more excuses for your made-up stories?
Susan Doan • Nov 26, 2020 at 7:00 am
I love this post. I HATE DOGS! Wish I could live at the place with NO DOGS ALLOWED.
Louisa Koenig • Nov 25, 2020 at 12:30 pm
I am married to a dog owner and I have HAD IT. I would tell him that IT’S ME OR THE DOG, but he would choose the dog and since I got laid off at the beginning of the pandemic, I have nowhere else to go.
Yes. It was necessary to chase the fucking dog away from trashing the kitchen sink and cabinet.
DH doesn’t think it is a problem that the dog puts his half inch claws on the brand new kitchen cabinets when he is begging for a treat.
DH doesn’t care that the dog needs to be trained and offering him a treat is THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY.
DH doesn’t see the dark side of the dog’s personality. When DH is home the dog follows him EVERYWHERE and is SO HAPPY TO BE IN HIS PRESENCE and is content to lie at his feet while he’s watching the news on the Internet. The dog is content to follow DH to the toilet any time he needs to go. The dog loves to sleep on the bed with DH, preferably on top of his legs because after all the cat gets the prime spot (on his shoulder).
What DH doesn’t see or hear is the panic when he has disappeared from the room. If DH leaves the house and drives away in his car, the dog goes into mourning. He paces. He whines. He HOWLS. For HOURS. (I have video to prove it.)
And if there isn’t a human to prevent it, the dog DESTROYS. Cardboard boxes, full or empty, are easy targets. Fabric of any kind…. such as upholstered furniture, bedding, kitchen towels …. and of course, any exit from the house which DH has ever passed through will be attacked, therefore the insides of any exterior doors and/or their perimeter woodwork (and the drywall surrounding it) will be attacked and mutilated.
I am the human that endures the grieving of the dog when DH is not in its immediate presence. I am the one that provides the unappreciated companionship. I am the one that takes the dog out to pee and shit every two hours when DH is at work. I am the one that listens to hours and hours and HOURS of whining, grunting, HOWLING AD NAUSEAM.
I am the ugly human that locks the dog in the shop when I have to leave the house because I refuse to leave him inside the house with no supervision. I VALUE MY STUFF AND IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR THE DOG TO DESTROY IT IN MY ABSENCE.
All of this is bad enough, but the absolute worst part is when DH and I are both home and he is doing some chore outside that doesn’t include the dog….. I have two choices, I can either stay inside with the dog and listen to his EVEN MORE FRANTIC whining and howling, and be even MORE vigilant about preventing destructive behavior (especially regarding the exterior doors and door frames), and of course I’m not able to accomplish anything that **I** might have planned on doing that day….. or, I can go do my own thing (run my errands, go work in my studio, whatever else I might have planned for my two days of weekend) and then come back to A TOTALLY TRASHED HOUSE.
We just paid a boatload of money for this house. THIS DOG IS NOT ALLOWED TO DESTROY IT.
Monique N. • Nov 25, 2020 at 1:38 am
Omgoodness I’m soooo happy I came across this forum of like minded people. I USED to like dogs and was trapped in the dog lover dilemma, UNTILLLLLL………I was awaken!!!!!
I believed the myths….”a dog’s tongue is cleaner than a human’s tongue,” “they don’t poop or pee where they lay/sleep,” “oh, my dog is well behaved,” “oh my dog doesn’t smell!!!!!” Omgosh the LIES I tell you!!!!
I’ve owned a few dogs in my days and although they were well taken care of, their dog instincts threw me over the edge! I never understood why dog lovers will have their canine friend lay in their bed after coming home from a long walk of pooping and peeing and NO BATH. I mean would you let me lay butt naked in your bed after I just spent 30 minutes pooping on the toilet WITHOUT wiping my ass!?!?!? Or how about sitting on your couch after I just came from a run barefoot?!?!?!?
Oh and here’s my ultimate favorite……the fact that my dog lover owner allows me to lick their face and lick them on the mouth AFTER I just got done licking my private parts, the other dog’s private parts, my dirty paws, the ground, and whatever else my bacteria infested tongue could find!
I mean WTFREAK has this world come to? I’m starting to think that dogs are smarter than what we give them credit for. I mean any animal who is able to manipulate the human mind by acting needy and spoil, deserves an award.
Especially when you can still at like an animal, carry and spread ringworms, smell ass and crotch all day, eat your own throw up, bark obnoxiously, carry fleas, eat from your plate and silverware, bathe once per month, lay on the bed and couch (like I pay rent), SOMETIMES listen to my owner’s command, otherwise I’ll just whine until I get what I want and get away with it!
And the award goes to……..
Mihran Zaman • Nov 22, 2020 at 7:06 pm
I used to like dogs but after I read this I fucking hate em now.
SevenFootSockMonster • Nov 22, 2020 at 10:36 am
This creature, which many are slandering, happens to be the other half of the oldest and most successful partnership in the animal kingdom and without them humans may not have survived the last ice age. They minimised our waste (something humans create a lot of,) leading to less disease spreading among the population. They helped us hunt across greater distances, giving us more resources and preventing starvation. They served as an early warning system against larger, stronger predators, meaning we lived longer and had more chances to breed.
When humans and dogs got together the populations of both boomed, leading to the fastest expansion of species the world has ever known. We *owe* dogs. They’re one of the cornerstones that helped build our civilisation.
We don’t *own* this planet. Animals should be absolutely everywhere, but we arrogantly think we have some kind of god given right to use and abuse them like they’re here solely for our own benefit. This entitled “I’m human, therefore I’m important” attitude is exactly what has led to mass extinctions and global climate change. This arrogance has led to a planet wide catastrophe and it is that same arrogance I’m seeing in this comment section.
If you’re having a lot of bad experiences with dogs then I dare say you may be the problem. Dogs are body language experts and they can read human facial expressions. If you come at a dog with an aggressive or nervous disposition, of course they’re going to be wary around you. You would be too if something twice your size came up to you scowling and shaking a big stick.
I have facial scarring from a childhood dog bite, yet I still love dogs. Why? Because I took the time to understand them and their critical role in the development of our civilisation. I can’t even begin to list the number of important roles dogs have in modern human society, but I will leave you with this one example;
Dogs are employed by some legal entities to keep victims calm when they have to testify in court. They help bring justice to those who need it the most.
You don’t have to love them, but you can at least show a little gratitude.
Bull. • Nov 20, 2020 at 6:49 pm
I want it to be known that not all dog owners worship their pooch to the standard that y’all are holding. My dog is a very well trained border collie whom which I love very much. That does not mean that I believe she should be treated as a human. I would never sacrifice a human life for hers. I would never tell others she is my baby or that she is the same as a human child. I understand that a dog is a dog, and that is how it should be. I also understand why you don’t like dogs. To all you idiots out there that are being top-notch jack-a’s to these people who don’t feel the same way as you: you need professional help. If someone doesn’t have the same opinion as you, thats ok. Now ya’ll need to chill out and respect each others opinion.
Dog Lover • Nov 20, 2020 at 6:27 pm
I honestly love one breed of dog, and thats about it. I like puppies, for sure, also. However, I understand your hatred of dogs. The small yappy annoying dogs really get on my nerves. I do believe that this article may be a tiny bit biased about dog people. There are people who will let their dog into their house, (WHO DOES THAT!? DOGS ARE ADORABLE, BUT STINKY AS CRAP!!!!!) and that is why the owners stink. I think that if your dog is an outside pet, you will have less issues than one that is inside.
That is my argument. I respect your opinion, however, and love that you have the bravery to put it out there.
Also, to all you guys out there judging the person who made this, we all are entitled to our opinion. Now shut up and stop being A-Holes.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn. • Nov 19, 2020 at 1:24 pm
@Jane Maxwell this is what I’m talking about, finally a person who has some sense.
Jane Maxwell • Nov 18, 2020 at 10:08 am
I understand not wanting the responsibility of a dog or a fear of dogs but the pure hatred is just sick. I sincerely hope every one of you who hates a fellow being on this earth dies cold , alone and afraid. Yes, you are horrible people. This is the most selfish generation… everything is me,me, me. Pathetic.
Bridgette Grant • Nov 13, 2020 at 1:35 pm
Finally!!!! I just can’t understand it. I don’t hate dogs but I am not a dog lover. I don’t want them in my house, bed , car or sofa. I’d rather interact with another human being. I also can’t understand the licking or touching my food. It is gross and make me want to vomit. Set the dogs free!!!!!!!!
Kay Black • Nov 12, 2020 at 8:25 am
The comments from dog-defenders here are all the proof you need. No other animal lover gets so defensive about animals.
Cat lovers don’t call your patriotism or sanity into question just because you hate cats. And ironic to call dog-haters ‘liberal snowflakes’ when Trump of all people is not dog-crazy.
Zac • Nov 12, 2020 at 5:40 am
Lol this shit still going on??? That’s crazy. People on the internet really can find anything to argue about. Here’s the thing. Everyone is different and everyone appreciates different things. If you don’t like dogs. Go out of your way to stay away from them instead of going on the internet to rant. If you love dogs. Stop being so annoying about it and shoving it on the internet. Just live your own lives and stop trying to change how other people live theirs. It’s really easy. I’m just tired of seeing such venomous poison of conversation on the internet. Take care of your dogs and animals properly and make sure they can behave themselves, and dont raise your nose in disgust at people just because they like an animal. Hope every has a great day and if you somehow make it to this comment then hopefully it will bring a little more gentle vibe to your scrolling then previous toxic comments
Justin • Nov 11, 2020 at 3:25 pm
People who like dogs (and and animals in general) tend to be more giving, nurturing and empathetic – proven fact. To say that you can’t stand coming home and a slobbery smelly animal is following you around shows a very egocentric world view – whether you admit it to yourself or not. That is an animal that science has PROVEN has emotions toward you, and it means nothing to you because there is nothing that the animal can do for “you”. That’s pure narcissism. My fiancé has a friend like that, and she views the value of people the same way – what can you do for me?
Now, choosing not to get a dog and not preferring dogs as pets (or pets in general) – that’s perfectly reasonable and anyone giving you crap about that is being ridiculous. But to be cold and indifferent to the emotions of an animal – human or otherwise – is not a sign of being a “good person”, regardless of what you tell yourself.
Kaye • Nov 11, 2020 at 8:04 am
Lol. I feel the same way. I have never been a dog person. They require too much attention. I have always practically since birth been a cat person. Why? Because they are not near as needy as dogs. And they don’t bark constantly at anything and everything. Most of my family members are dog people and know that if they get a brand new tiny baby puppy. I won’t even pay it any attention at all. A kitten? Totally different story. I will wanna hold it and cuddle it. But i’m also not a baby person and when people wanna show off the little bundles of joy. I am just not interested. And no i do not wanna hold it. My family make fun of me sometimes, saying if someone was showing off a baby and a kitten to me. I’d ignore the baby and go for the kitten. Lol. No it does not mean i hate babies. But if it isn’t my own. Then i’m probably not gonna pay it much attention untiil it’s older and becomes more interesting to me. I’m the favorite aunt to all my nephews and my niece. But they all know i didn’t have much to do with them when they were whining little babies. They find it funny. They also know i’m not interested in the least when it comes to dogs.
Michelle Marshall • Nov 9, 2020 at 10:40 pm
I hope non of you or anyone in your family ever need to use a service dog in the future, cause they are 100% more loyal than these carers who steal from us
That’s Just one reason a dog is useful….
Everyone is entitled to an opinion but just because you don’t like something it’s not going away so you just gotta live with it….
We have to everyday live with things we don’t like I don’t like cats but wouldn’t wish them harm
A kids rapes someone at say 15 goes to prison for rest of their life dies in prison tax payers fund their entire life now you tell me why that person has anymore right to be in this world than a dog…..
Rebecca Rowland • Nov 8, 2020 at 12:58 am
You guys are certifiably nuts! Not to mention haters to mot like dogs and cats! And yes, you are horrible human beings. Maybe you could just use a few years of serious therapy! Not sure if it was safly how you were raised or what!
animhata • Nov 7, 2020 at 10:17 pm
Anita on November 1st, 2020 1:13 am
That is the best, the truest comment ever written on the whole dog-owning thing. Thank you:)
eirinn • Nov 6, 2020 at 4:50 am
If any of you ‘hate’ dogs, you are simply devoid of the sufficient empathy and compassion to understand them. Dogs reflect the purist aspects of humanity, which most of us strive for – therefore our capacity for empathy and reciprocation is brought out by them. They are the simplest and purest form of love, and if you have never been loved by a dog then you fail to understand the concept in its purest unadulterated form. No-one can understand the meaning of true love unless they’ve been loved by a dog. Talk to me about spoilt, entitled fucking kids, i dare you.
Annapolis • Apr 2, 2022 at 9:14 pm
Dogs are good at sniffing asses and eating shit
Cry about it
Jammie • Nov 6, 2020 at 3:25 am
Dog owners say “The more I get to know people the more I love my dog,” yet they insult non-owners as being unfeeling humans. Then they proclaim “Dog is my Co-pilot.” Huh?? If dog is your co-pilot, the DMV better revoke your license. The reason I deleted my FB account was because I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. Friends and family would feel hurt if I didn’t like their canine companion postings so I spent my leisure time liking hound dogs. Dogs are overtaking the world. They have more rights than humans. I don’t see them wearing masks in Home Depot yet they can transmit covid. Leash laws are never enforced at parks. Dogs bred to kill run loose but I’m the bad guy if I call the owner out. Dogs run up to me off leash and owners expect me to say “how cute.” One said “He doesn’t bite,” as he was chomping down on my ankle.
Jammie • Nov 6, 2020 at 2:43 am
Dogs bite. Dogs poop. Dogs pee. Dogs bark. Dogs growl. Dogs shed. Dogs get out of home and yard. Dogs get lonely so need to get another dog. Dogs need to be walked. Dogs need to be watched. Dogs need to be groomed. Dogs need to be trained. Dogs need to go to vet. Dogs need separate bank account. Dogs get flees. Dogs eat. Dogs need special bean bags. Dogs need to be petted. Dog owners wonder why I don’t want a dog.
Jammie • Nov 6, 2020 at 2:04 am
Dogs bite. I was hiking at a reservoir and an off leash dog who rivaled Kujo sprinted toward me. I shouted, Call your dog back,” at the same time owner said “He doesn’t bite,” her canine companion bit my ankle. Years later, my brothers bulldog bit through my jeans and clamped down on my calf causing nerve
damage for one month. My brother asked who else has she ever bitten .. question should be who hasn’t she bitten! Please people realize you don’t need to get a dog. If you are
not able to handle a dog don’t feel pressured to fit in or to be accepted in the dog lovers community. Many who have dogs or whose spouses have dogs later regret it. Dogs can be loving and wonderful companions for some but not for all.
Wolfy • Nov 5, 2020 at 12:54 pm
I hate anyone who approves of this. I know hate is a strong word, I still strongly hate anyone who approves of this. To anyone who has had a dog, at least you know what it’s like to never have a friend to follow you and play with you. As a kid, I was FORBIDDEN to have a dog. I was only ever allowed to have cats. Scratching, biting, terrified-of-people, cats. And I hated it. I had three different cats as a kid less than 12 years old. One was a tortoiseshell named Patches. She was the only cat that never scratched and/or bit me. But… she wasn’t my cat, she was my grandpa’s cat. She was 14 years old when she died, and I was 9. The next cat we got about three years before patches died. His name was Tom. There were so many things wrong with that cat! One, he sprayed absolutely everywhere! Two, he bit and scratched anytime you got close to his underbelly. Even when he was playing, he would go absolutely overboard! A few times, he was under my bed. I got up to use the bathroom and he attacked my ankles. He did this more than once, he did it three different times! Another thing was that he was annoying. Twice (at least) he woke me up before 3:00 AM and started rubbing his head against my hand. He would not let me sleep until he was satisfied with his petting. By then, it would’ve been time for me to get up. I would have to pet for an hour or more! Then, there was Katzy. We got her from the animal shelter, and she is terrified of people! Anytime she sees a person (except for my Grandpa) she runs! She absolutely hates me and all of my friends. On multiple occasions when I picked her up she scratched my hands or arms and jumped down, walking smugly away. She was the worst cat yet. Now, comparing the two animals: A dog is loyal, has a pure soul, is playful, and most are friendly. VS. A cat is smug, thinks highly of itself, thinks it’s better and the boss of everyone else, and is only in a human-cat relationship for food and petting. See the difference? Oh, and remember how you said that dogs take too much work and energy? Energy drain for dog = Exercise for you. A dog will keep you healthy, people! Plus, in the 2020 Covid pandemic, a dog is something to keep you company! So just stop denying it, a dog is better than any other pet anyone can think of! Name one pet that can have all of these traits besides a dog: Loyal, Pure-Souled, Friendly, Playful, Energetic, and a Good Companion. (Good luck with that!) And you know Chris, yes, for me, that’s true. I only wanted a dog as a kid because I was bullied so much. I never told anyone about it, so I wanted someone I could release it on. When I got a cat, I thought it would’ve gotten better, but it got worse. Dogs are loyal, unlike any friends but one that I had as a kid. My cats hated me, and I hated my cats. I love dogs, but I honestly think I might be slightly allergic, too. Every time I go to the animal shelter I volunteer at with my mom, for the next few weeks I have a stuffy nose, and for the rest of the day I have slightly watery eyes. Even though this happens, I still love dogs. They are the only animal on Earth that will sacrifice their life for you. To anyone who has had the amazing privilege of having a dog, I hope you enjoyed and savored it. And while you may take having a large or smelly or, anything that you don’t like about your dog, you won’t miss them until they’re gone. I was never allowed to have one, so I don’t know what it’s like to live with one or anything, but I know I love them and hope I can get one soon.
Tcarp • Nov 3, 2020 at 4:02 pm
For those who don’t get it, here’s a different view: I have an allergy to dog dander. (For those who don’t know what “dander” means, it is skin.) So unless your dog doesn’t have skin, I’m allergic to it. I’m not inhuman either, I actually like dogs. I just can’t be near your darling without feeling miserable for days afterwards. When I’ve explained my allergy to people, they say, “there’s a pill for that”. No, there really isn’t because they don’t stop the allergy symptoms. Dogs = pain — to me.
Christina Marie • Nov 1, 2020 at 8:11 am
I enjoyed reading your article and to be completely honest, I used to be a dog lover until I encountered my boyfriend’s dog, she is a bullypit mix and she has the most ugliest looking, annoying face ive ever seen, First of all, He would let her sleep in the bed with us and The comforter and sheets stunk to the high heavens, she would take up an obscene amount of room and I would literally be hanging off of the bed at times so I would have to shove her back to her own spot, she would snore and her breath stunk, she just stinks in general, she is so needy and annoying, she constantly follows him around the house and it’s so distracting and annoying, Even after I give her a bath she still smells like garbage and fart, well, I took care of that, I told him ”Get her out of my bed, dogs are dirty and carry germs and I dont want her in my bed” so finally I had peace when I would go to sleep and at last the beast was out in the living room where she belonged, another thing that is really disgusting he lets her lay all over the fucking furniture and not to be graphic, but I have to express this, he actually allowed her to have her menstrual cycle without putting any type of diaper on her and she had it all over the furniture, she was literally bleeding on the carpet and hard wood flooring as well. I had to unzip the pillow cases top and bottom and have them professionally cleaned, it was so fucking gross which made me loathe her even more, everywhere we go she has to fucking come, finally one day I said “Leave her home she’s constantly up your ass and i’m tired of it… So ever since I moved in I changed things around, this smelly dog doesnt get her way anymore like she used too.. I seriously used to love dogs, but after my experiences with this smelly stinky clingy animal I now cant stand dogs, He literally treats her better than he treats me, it’s pathetic.. so thanks for sharing this article, I thought i was alone on this, but I realized many people feel exactly the same… She’s so much work and she smells like absolute shit… the end
Anita • Nov 1, 2020 at 1:13 am
Bless your heart. And thank you from the bottom of mine.
Chris • Oct 29, 2020 at 4:50 pm
Dog-lovers who make comments on this article show the reason why so many people like me have issues with dogs and their owners. Below is an example.
“once again…stop hating on a specific anima just because of an attack or something as simple as poop on a show. It’s just a fucking shoe. buy another one. I swear to god there are literally tings out there that would devour you, and you sit here and hate on an animal that you probably provoked into biting you… seriously there is are things that can hurt you way worse than a cat or dog can.”
Whoever wrote this, look into taking an remedial English class, at least if you want to post in public.
Regarding your post, whether or not I dislike dogs for getting poop on my “show”, is none of your business. Seriously, where do you get the balls to tell someone else what should bother them? This is the reason you shitheads love dogs. They pose no challenge to your fragile sense of self. They do not ask you to be a better person in anyway shape or form. Dogs provide a cheap source of nonstop “love and affection”. While providing none of the “horrible” human traits, like asking for someone to not be an asshole.
And that is what makes dog-nutters so pathetic. Why can’t all of you just admit that you use dogs as emotional crutches? That you actually would probably prefer to have emotional bonds with humans, but since humans are complex, challenging and not a sure-thing, you use dogs as a cheap substitute. Admit that the fact that dogs cannot verbally communicate with you and are dependent on you for their very existence is what makes them appealing. Admit the truth, that the reason separation anxiety is so prevalent is because you dog-nutters would rather cut off your right arm than cure your dog’s separation anxiety, because the fact that the dog acts like it cannot live without you, is the reason why you got it.
Admit that if you came home and your dog didn’t go so fucking ape-shit to see you that it pisses the floor, this would cause you concern because the dog would not be feeding your ego. Tell the truth, all of you only want to be able to take your fucking dogs everywhere in public because you crave attention and having a dog is a easy way to get attention. It also is a way that allows you to lie to yourself that you are taking your fucking precious pupper with you everywhere cause you love them so much, instead of the truth, which is that you want attention from strangers who are stupid enough to be impressed with dogs. That is why you lie and call them a “service animal”, just so you can go somewhere and have morons make a fuss over that flea-bag piece of shit.
But I long ago gave up on you dog fucks telling the truth and admitting what we all know to be true. You can’t admit the truth because then you would not be able to cruise the internet making sure to stop at any anti-dog website just to login and tell all of us who do not share your infatuation with the four-legged canine that we are all cold, unloving, evil sociopaths because the thought of a dog waiting for me to come home does not fill my heart with warmness.
If you dog-psychos admitted that most of you are shallow, weak-willed, confidence-lacking narcissists who would ditch their precious “doggos” in a second if the dog ever even once asked you to change the fucking channel or asked if they could go somewhere else for dinner, that would take all the fun out of feeling self-righteous and morally superior to us, the lame, boring, small-part of the population who are either too-scared or too-evil to appreciate the pure love of doggies.
Well, to each their own.
Anthony • Oct 27, 2020 at 1:50 pm
I Love dogs and have no idea how someone without a traumatic experience can not like dogs especially if theyre so willing to have a baby with is just as bad as the forum states dogs are that grow up to cause even more potential chaos as teenagers. At least you can crate train a dog but you have to pay babysitters to watch your kid if you dont have family to do it for you. Just doesnt make sense.
Come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Oct 27, 2020 at 10:35 am
once again…stop hating on a specific anima just because of an attack or something as simple as poop on a show. It’s just a fucking shoe. buy another one. I swear to god there are literally tings out there that would devour you, and you sit here and hate on an animal that you probably provoked into biting you… seriously there is are things that can hurt you way worse than a cat or dog can.
Jordan T • Oct 27, 2020 at 2:58 am
Considering that domesticared canines and domesticated felines co-evolved with us to take advantage of the same mirror neurons and body language that allows emotional bond formation between parents and children and between humans in general I would say the inability to form any sort of emotional attachment to an organism specifically adapted to that purpose is concerning. I would think an indicator that one is incapable of forming emotional bonds in general or experiencing real empathy. I’m not saying you’re a bad person, not intentionally at least, probably just a sufferer of some kind of interaction and emotional disorder like sociopathy.
That said, if we met in real life I would request that you minimize your interactions with emotionally intact humans, with your lack of functioning empathic response I would likely be forced to consider you a threat were you in the vicinity of myself or persons I care about.
samsung 32 inch smart led tv price in india • Oct 26, 2020 at 6:29 am
Enjoyed every single word of your blog article. Thanks to share it!
꧁Ğāłāxý ÑýāñķøØřëő꧂ • Oct 21, 2020 at 3:40 am
I don’t hate dogs, but I hate when dog lovers say, “I hate cats because one scratched me along time ago”. Like, child- THAT WAS ONE CAT!!! YOU PROBABLY PROVOKED THE CAT OR IT PROBABLY SAW YOU AS A THREAT!!!! STOP MAKING UP STUFF JUST TO HATE ON CATS!!! But, when a dog kills a baby, they defend the dog and blame the owner. Not to say this to hate on dogs, but it’s ridiculous. Not all cats are evil and not all dogs are nice and loving.
I hate dog poop • Oct 20, 2020 at 7:25 am
Oh and by the way “Noneya” shut up Karen! If ppl want to dislike dogs they’re entitled to! Most of us wouldn’t harm an animal we just don’t like smelling dog crap everywhere! Stop your carping!
Mark • Oct 20, 2020 at 6:29 am
F I N A L L Y ! ! ! — And why in the Hell would you bring an animal into your home, more than likely the largest investment of your life, and allow it to pee and shit all over it? If humans are more important than pets, then why don’t we allow our friends and family to pee and shit all over our house? This is demonstrative of logic, not to mention common sense, that the general public sorely lacks. I strongly believe that those with pets are either rich, and can afford to have a service come in and clean their homes, or are not rich and prioritize pet ownership over more important aspects of being a mature adult, which is indicative of a SICK society.
I think shaming non-pet people is the same propaganda model that shames married couples who’ve decided not to have children, of which we are one. These sick people are the same idiots who don’t invest in the time in “THINKING” about or “PLANING” out their marriage, having children, buying a house and/or vehicle purchase, which is why they’re in debt up to their useless brains, which is why the world is in the condition it’s in….no one actively engages in “INTENTIONAL THOUGHT” (NOT REACTIVE THOUGHT)
Ood • Oct 20, 2020 at 2:45 am
I do respect everyone’s opinion
If you have a phobia against dogs i understand
But putting I hate dogs but i am not a horrible himan being for no reason IS STUPID
God created animals to be loved.
Cats dogs sny animal and even mosquitos have a purpose. A dog is a loyal creature, and I love them. I love everything in the world
but i hate people who hate dogs and other animals without a phobia of them.
Dogs are trying to do what god told them to do not what they want to do
I hate dog poop • Oct 19, 2020 at 8:40 pm
I hate dogs with a passion but only these days because younger owners suck. When I was little, dogs were friendly and were usually labs or gundogs or such but now every dam dog seems to be an ugly bulldog or pit bull and those things are so aggressive! But I hate dogs anyway now. My dog is a Yorkshire terrier and she is a little shit. She is snappy, grumpy, nasty and barks all the time I have tried to give her patience, care, love but she doesn’t like me. She’s my husbands dog. When I was a kid we always had dogs but those dogs were great. Really nice and friendly these days dunno what the f has happened to dogs and their owners but it’s really gone downhill. I have a big loving ginger Tom cat who I adore. I prefer cats totally.
italianpointofviews • Oct 19, 2020 at 8:59 am
Tatiana thanks ever so much for this article. It gives me hope.
The human-animal bond has for a long time collectively brainwashed the majority of us human being, leaving no space for clarity and common sense about who and what we are and where we are going. Press, television, cinema, social media, politics and so forth have all put a lot of pressure and strategies on promoting the pet industry, which at the end of the day although gives jobs to many people, ultimately makes the Lobbies reacher and reacher: see , medical, pharmaceutical, food, and everything else that goes with the well being of the anthropomorphized pets.
THe environment is suffering immensily because of that , pollution is therefore increasing in many ways . And yet, most of the pets’ owners make themselves heard on the ” stop climate change” issue , they are fiesty and aggressive , not realizing how much they contribute to the degradation of this amazing planet. I live in a small town of Italy : pets (dogs and cats) are everywhere here . Laws are made to protect the owners: no owners- no money , in fact.
Dogs and cats are the new God, gods that pee and poo all over the streets , the monuments, the private and public spaces . Nothing will stop this disgraceful and disconcerting phenomenon that is taking over the enjoyment of our simple and precious, however long be, lives. We would be taken to Court for no reason whatsoever if we point out the disturbance and damage they make. The barking of the dogs are something to cope with on a regular basis ,day and night , depriving people of peace and quiet, they are forced upon us in every single corner of our western countries.
Most dogs owners are aggressive and outspoken when asked to control the excessive barking and snarling, they are on the the defence and the attack at the same time. Inconsiderate.
Their priority is their pet’s needs, so nothing else matters, that is important full stop. They take them inside bars, restaurants, grocery stores, churches, theatres, hospitals, public streets and parks. Animal Rights has taken very much over, protected by the authorities and the law , it is indeed and has become more important and powerful than Human Rights.
Sterilization as a compulsory birth control procedure should be the measure to stop the abnormal increasing of pets but the European Union in Brussels isn’t going ahead with the approval of that regulation and has put it on a stand by for the time being. Possibly there are many financial and politically interests behind it.
What is really hell is the people who own pets imposing them and their behaviour on other human beings, believing that they have all rights to do so. There are millions and millions of them.
Pet therapy is the “must” , it has become the modern cure for many. I do feel for the persons who authentically and really need a dog or a cat because of a serious / severe physical or menthal disability.
Other than that is pure, egoistic and unnecessary dangerous exhibitionism which should come to an end, before it’s too late. The social media is pested all over with photos of dogs and cats interacting with people, children, infants and old alike
Disgusting pictures of people kissing dogs and cats in their mouths. Lack of hygiene , to say the least : in a world where we have to sanitize everything we touch, we breathe , we eat how many diseases can be transmitted that way? How many children are going to be mauled to death? After all little children are not strong enough to look after their safety for sure if exposed to an animal near them.
It is a concern. Poor us, poor democracy.
Karen Parker • Oct 18, 2020 at 4:21 am
I have to say, when I saw that the President spent 2 years at Fordham I was pleased because I thought that on th out-chance he wins mayyyyybe some Jesuit learning seeped into the softer hairs of that intricate combover.
In learning that’s where our President spent some time he must have..spent some time developing a relationship with our Lord and Father One can hope. one can pray. One might reach out to another that way. I
Our President has spent a loveless life it does appear fro liisteninh to his cousin , !Mary, tell about the family dynamics. And yet his wives seem to bring something to the table just thinking that Melanie appears to love Baron very much and I can tell they have a real bond ( but she is the only one in the family to be loving .
Not to give you the impression I want Trump another 4 years. No!!!!!!! Has taken an awful toll on or country etc. just thinking absolute best if Trump does win again, could be he’ll get COVID again , but this time his better angles will spend time with him, help him clean up his mind,
AND he will be SO sick he may turn around🥰
Never waste a soul!!!!!
dogs are worse than wolves • Oct 17, 2020 at 7:32 am
I hate dogs. No actually, hate is too weak a word. I absolutely DESPISE dogs. Shut up the criers of ‘How can you’ and ‘You’re not human’. You may love your dog, but be aware that all others may not. You should keep your dog on a short lead when on pathways so we don’t have to be licked and peed on. ‘It’s a puppy, he doesn’t know better’ most say. Okay, maybe he doesn’t. But why do you let him stand there and pee on us? Honestly, the owners are just as bad, if not worse, than their dogs. Oh, and if you are a dog lover… Would you like it if some random dog came up to you and licked you and peed on you and left a smelly turd by your gate? Don’t be the owner who stands by and lets that happen. Be the owner who pulls your dog away from someone it’s licking or peeing on. But if you are determined to be the owner who lets it happen, this message is for you: Go f*ck yourself.
Dogs are satan • Oct 16, 2020 at 6:43 pm
My next door neighbour has a German shepherd. When I moved to the house next to the German shepherd, I went and met my neighbours. Next door neighbor opens door, huge dog comes bounding out, licks me and you know what else? HE FUCKING CRAPPED ON MY BRAND NEW SHOES. Well, that did it. I flicked the poo off my shoe at the owner and slammed the door in his face. That goddamn bitch of a dog wakes me up at stupid o clock every morning. I complained again and again about it, and finally a guy came to see what was going on. And he sympathised with the dog owner.
Next morning, I’m woken up at two a.m. by BARK BARK BARK BARK. I waited for the dog to come out at 5 as he always does to come shit on my lawn, and I was ready. I shot the horrible hound with an air rifle. In the tail. Goes bounding back to his house howling. The owner made me pay ten dollars because of what I did, and it was worth it. But if I shot the dog again, court. So I got guard geese. The owner went bonkers because his dog couldn’t poo in my garden and so did it on his rug. That day, he came to my house and accused me of ‘frightening his poor poochlet’. I told him the dog shouldn’t be crapping on MY LAWN and the owner grabbed my gun and shot me in the ass ‘to see how I liked it’. I called 911 on him and he was arrested. Dog went to a shelter and I put up WANTED posters of it in case my other neighbors even considered getting him. He went off to the big apple a couple months later. Hope he travelled third class.
Maryjane R • Oct 15, 2020 at 10:32 am
My fiancé and I moved into our first apartment and he has Two pit bulls and I absolutely can’t stand them they’re such a chore and are so needy! I’m a germaphobe and the constant hair shedding everywhere,taking constant shits in my house and the way they smell disgusts me to my inner soul. I don’t know if I can handles those dogs any longer!
Jasmine • Oct 13, 2020 at 7:46 pm
I have a 2 month old, a 2 year old, and an 8 year old. I have a female lab mix mutt (currently in heat & a nightmare) and my husband has had a pitbull for 8 years. My life is dedicated to walking dogs, working, and raising kids. I am exhausted and don’t have time for the dogs as I barely have time and energy to take care of myself. If we divorce and the next fella has dogs it’s a dealbreaker to me. I don’t have the time to raise two needy whining dogs. I am miserable and exhausted.
Adam • Oct 12, 2020 at 11:23 pm
Anyone who has the time to talk about hating dogs is generally not a good person anyway.
You will find many who are compassionate to animals, are the same with all humans.
You are all pathetic for hating dogs and karma come.
Juehl • Oct 11, 2020 at 12:48 am
Thank you for this article!!!!!!!
Jane • Oct 10, 2020 at 9:14 am
I’m glad to see there are many other people who feel as I do. I was beginning to think I was alone in my opinion. I too have seen a lot of weird behavior concerning dogs. A person I know recently told me they thought their vomit odor wreaking dog smelled good to them. Wow! There’s so many dogs in my community that it constantly smells like dog poo, and the smell is especially strong during the summer months. I’ve been trying to understand why this dog worship is happening. It seems to be out of control. Could the cause be something parasitical as with Toxoplasma in cats? Or maybe a social conditioning for consumerism as with other types of social conditioning? Whatever the cause, I find this pet worshipping disturbing and a detriment for society.
Guy Wilton • Oct 7, 2020 at 9:54 am
Although I wouldn’t use the word HATE in relation to how I feel about dogs, I think your article demonstrates that there is room for perfectly legitimate opposing views when it comes to dogs. I am not a dog hater, but I am also not a dog lover. Actually, some dogs can be delightful, in small doses. What is more difficult to understand are rabid dog owners who can’t comprehend that not everybody loves their dear Rover as much as they do. So if I had to narrow down the cause of my dislike of furry canines, I’d say that what makes the situation ugly is oblivious dog owners, not the pets themselves. Any negative behavior can be trained out of a dog. Now if we could just train all the irresponsible the dog owners…
Zach • Oct 6, 2020 at 10:23 pm
Yeah I don’t like dogs nor do I really care for dog owners. The writer said something about being on tinder. It’s not the fact that she is a dog hater that makes her a bad person it’s the tinder. It’s for disgusting people
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Oct 5, 2020 at 9:52 am
Dennis:don’t need your good luck, I don’t believe in god so yeah. I stand by what I said to you.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Oct 5, 2020 at 9:46 am
I long await the time when we go extinct, mother nature would much appreciate it.
hannah • Oct 5, 2020 at 2:07 am
so glad i’ve found this article. i’ve always felt like me not really liking dogs made me a monster, especially since most dog lovers will try to make you feel terrible if they find out. i can appreciate a dog and think it’s cute, but being around them for a long period of time (mainly inside dogs because of their smell and behavior) always puts me in a bad mood.
i’ve started dating someone who often takes care of his parents dogs when they’re out of town. at first i didn’t mind, and would even help walk and feed them because they were pretty well behaved and i didn’t have to be around them 24/7. but eventually, my partner ended up having to take one of the dogs back to his house and keep her there until the next day. the entire time that dog was there, both me and him wanted to rip our hair out (and he’s a dog lover). the smell was absolutely terrible, she whined at night because we didn’t let her into our bed (because of the awful dog smell literally every dog has), the constant digging into furniture, pacing back and forth on the hardwood floors, and begging to be let out to pee even though she had just peed half an hour before — it wasn’t even a full 12 hours before my partner took her back to his parents house to get some peace and quiet.
i think owning a dog is just meant for a certain type of person. dogs are needy and want to be by your side 24/7. you have to walk them constantly (if they’re not an outside dog, and even then, dog owners will chastise you if you keep your dog outside), plan your schedule around them so that you can always let them out to use the bathroom, and then deal with the dog smell that fills your entire house. and yes, no matter how clean you/they are, the smell of dog is always there.
they’re like a child. and to me, that’s just not something i want to have. if someone wants that in their life, great! but if you love dogs and shame someone for not wanting one/being around one, i think that says a lot more about you than them /^;
midaha • Oct 4, 2020 at 7:47 am
Most of these comments just reinforce why I prefer most animals to most people.
Kylie • Sep 30, 2020 at 8:36 pm
This made me feel SO much better. Thank you for the honesty
Klem • Sep 28, 2020 at 10:53 am
Ever see the military or law enforcement agencies with bomb or drug sniffing cats? LoL, how about a seeing eye cat or a cat that’s trained to detect cancer or an oncoming epileptic attack. Do they even use felines to protect personal property these days? I’d love to see a cat herd sheep or cattle, or even help rescue humans after a catastrophic event such as an earthquake.
It’s all about preferences, mans best friend or a pussy cat.
To each his/her own. But I digress . . . Purrr.
Cat Breath • Sep 27, 2020 at 9:19 am
I don’t like dogs; I’ve owned two with disastrous results. I’ve owned two cats for the last 20 years (not the same ones, mutt)and it gives the house a lived-in feel. Besides, I’m in a semi-rural neighborhood and the rodents would overrun the property in a heartbeat.
Many people get dogs for protection. My security system with four outdoor cameras is far better than an animal.
And stop letting your dogs urinate on my mailbox post. I changed the mailbox post to steel because the wood post started to smell like dog urine. Disgusting. Not the dogs, but the owners….
Georgia • Sep 26, 2020 at 12:42 pm
I love dogs AND cats in general.
Dog Lover • Sep 26, 2020 at 12:40 pm
I really love dogs, though I can agree some dogs are bad. I respect your opinion, but I’m just saying I love dogs.
MarionAustin • Sep 23, 2020 at 10:36 pm
To each his own! Interestingly, I recently learned that to Vietnamese a dog lover means someone who prefers dog meat over all others!
Evidently, they can get up to five courses from one dog. Nothing is wasted. The tongue and eyeballs are deep fried as an appetizer! Bon Appétit!
MW • Sep 23, 2020 at 1:41 pm
Speaking of dogs, just look at the two legged dogs that we have everywhere these days. Very scary and dangerous too.
kay • Sep 23, 2020 at 1:15 am
I don’t like animals. People do confuse dependency for love. I have never thought dealing with filth and germs is something sane people do. Mentally stable humans take pride in our homes, clean families, and yards. I can always smell pets on people. Being dirty is very unattractive. I even vacuum human hair tools. I wont allow it on our clothes. I cant count the times, I have had to stifle vomit, in the grocery. If they smoke and have a pet, I have to exit the establishment. These people have no standards of living. They think everyone wishes to snuggle their beast. Ive seen them rub their sh!tty asses, on new couches, and owners sit right on it. How do you get that low? They sit there smugly calling me subhuman. Well, I’m not the one needed a kiss from feces filled mouths. My aunt trains dogs, and she said most owners do not have any idea the LIFE commitment and dedication one needs to handle an animal. Her dogs don’t eat shit, because she gives them raw meat cuts. They also have their own kennel. They are not allowed in the house. They are treated like pack animals, and worked with 12 hours a day, on 268 acres. I still don’t care for them. Her dogs know not to approach me at all. They sense my disdain and tuck tail. Most of the time dog owners don’t have want, time, or finances to maintain an animal. Dogs have to be exhausted everyday. They were made for work, not to satisfy people’s empty feelings. Pets are being bred to be stupid too. Oh God, have you seen a pug? Personally, I’ll save some orphans, donate to community gardens, feed the hungry, donate to homeless, and treat others how I’d like to be treated. No one knows I hate pets. I’ve never hurt anyone. I’m not a psychopath. I don’t have any feelings to hurt living things. I’m tired of the cult behavior. My other half is not interested in animals. He works too much to deal with one. He had a hunting beagle as a kid. He said the time is very intense. Thankfully, his mother is a clean freak too. He doesn’t question my housekeeping obsession. I can visit her an be totally relaxed. Most of my family is out of the picture. They love their animals more than their children. I have washed my neices clothing thousands of times and she showers here every morning. She told me their washer is full of dog hair. I have a separate machine for her clothes. I have to run a self clean on it after every one of her loads. Poor kid.
Monica Dixon • Sep 22, 2020 at 8:53 am
I can understand the view point of the so called dog haters. I prefer dogs too smelly cats with their dman litter boxes.. amd mowing in middle of night…extra. hate litter boxes. Anyhow some dogs cam be down right fricken annoying agree and if you do have time for them dpnt get one. But for those saying to get rid of them.off the pla et type people there is a special place in hell for you…they are animals far more innocent than us human beings and u want to murder them?? You say get rid of them meaning aka kill them aka murder them. This makes you a animal murderer which makes you a horrible han being…are you even human? I for one can only tolerate certain personalities of dogs…basically barks o ly when needed to and doesnt piss and poo in the garage . The person I live with temporarily one of his dogs barks at everything or nothing amd hes old too and sometimes pees in the garage or dribbles on carpet fricken gross. Yips in middle of night for no reason amd gets other dog going. I love him because hes an animal but hate him because of his personality. He attacks anyone he doesnt know and any dog he doesnt know too. Apparently tly hes always been this way and his owner thinks it’s funny. I suggested taking the good dog off his hands and I keep the good dog as the dog has imprinted one and now follows me and howls like a banshee if I’m gone too long. These animals are not card for just basic essentials and usually by others as their owner doesnt even want to get off his fat ass to feed them. And excuses for not walking them wth. I am a animal lover in gemeral.but won’t tolerate certain behaviours. But I must say dogs ar stinky requires.many baths and deodorant spray on them…as I work in a clean.emviroent at work at abbott I camt have the stickiness near me…one of the many reasoning 9 days im.moving out. The other r eeeew masons are related the the dog owner narcissist piece of crap o could go on lol. Hating something is akin to murder btw just say a severe dislike. Animals dont deserve to be killed unless they are a danger to you themselves or others amd there is no other recourse.
kafaya1 • Sep 21, 2020 at 9:23 pm
Dude, I’m a huge germaphobe and I don’t like pets period. My mom has a cat who goes outside and eats up the plants and comes inside and barfs everywhere. My mom is wheelchair bound/bed ridden so guess whose cleaning up the cat barf? My freakin a$$! I used to like cats back when I was young but me being a germaphobe I would watch how they handle their business in the kitty litter box then just imagine them trying to get on my bed later. F that! Ignorance is bliss and I just can’t ignore that. I took my mom to an animal shelter a while back and I saw this cute white/black kitten just staring at me but not being overly wanting attention and I thought for that 5-10 seconds if I wanted to have to take care of him and give him attention for the next 10+ years and I turned away. I’m not a cat person either!
Noneya • Sep 19, 2020 at 8:09 pm
There is something deeply wrong with The Observer (and the person that wrote this article). You don’t delete comments such as the one that indicated the commenter wanted to have a dog and their owner RUN OVER, but you did delete mine. It’s very clear that you vehemently protect only your own opinion and those that feel the same. How pathetic. You’re a coward. You can’t handle criticism or debate? Then why did put this article online? You’re no different the the “crazy” dog people that you claim stifle your own opinions. I was wondering why there weren’t many pro dog people in the comments. It’s because you’re deleting most of those. I’m sure you’ll even delete this. Good job. You’re really doing God’s work monitoring these comments, huh?
Noneya • Sep 19, 2020 at 7:04 pm
Loooooool reading comments from all of you whiney, piss babies has really made my day. Do you listen to the
torrential rain of shit that falls from your gaping mouths? Obviously not, you all sound like psychotic weirdos that have an obsession with hating things, just for the purpose of hating them. You act as though it makes you tough and cool to be counter-culture in this way, that you all are “special”. You are not. Quit sucking your own dicks. Literally why put so much of your energy into hating things? You are constructing a shitty, miserable existence for yourselves, and I feel no pity for you or your imagined problems. You made yourself this way. Quit acting like people dislike you because you’re a dog hater. People dislike you because you are an unpleasant human being. That is why you have no friends. You made your bed, now die in it.
God • Sep 19, 2020 at 2:08 pm
I think we stumbled upon a list of people who the FBI needs to add to a watchlist. The writer of the article and the majority of responses are from people who clearly don’t grasp the fact that they’re not horrible people because of their disdain for animals, but because the aspects of them that render them weird and cold and unfeeling are the same reasons why they both hate animals and also probably don’t have the greatest human relationships, either. I guess I should feel bad for you guys?
NANCY • Sep 18, 2020 at 7:51 am
New comment for a very old article
I was attacked by a dog at 7 or 8. From that age forward i was afraid of all dogs, even 3 pound dogs. I still thought dogs were cute. Many many many years later i got a cute dog. He needs a lot of attn. I will keep him as long as possible but i will NEVER get another dog. He looks at me 24/7. He begs for food 24/7. He cries. He has nightmares and he annoys with his friendliness. He has to be the center of attention and many people dont want to play with him or rub his belly. What i have found though is that people who hate cute dogs are heartless people. I end all contact with people who hate my dog. Fear is understood but hate tells me sonething about the person. With that said, i still dont like dogs. Lol…i like my dog and i tolerate other peoples dogs so as to not offend them. My advice, say you fear dogs or are allergic but dont tell the owner you hate their dog. Would you tell a person you hate their child? As for me, i really wish i had never gotten a dog. Yes…i know my post is confusing….the internal conflict is maddening even to me. If you dont like dogs but like the person, tolerate the dog or say you are allergic or afraid.
Vinton • Sep 17, 2020 at 4:56 pm
Also, to all of the people on this who are throwing hate at dog-haters:
1) Did you not get the memo?
2) Please leave.
Vinton • Sep 17, 2020 at 4:50 pm
Oh. My. Goodness. This was a HEAVENLY article to read!!!
You’re the best!
Have you ever noticed that cat haters are all like: “DOGS ARE THE BEST CATS ARE EVIL HORRIBLE LITTLE DEMONS WHO DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE ON THIS EARTH OMG”, but dog haters say: “I like cats more, but some dogs are OK…”.
Seriously, I’m ready to throw curses at the rat dogs the people adopt these days. The only reason cats don’t love you is because you’re not getting them to love you. Constantly staring at them, grabbing them, throwing them, petting them 24/7, and doing other things of this sort is bound to get a cat to hate you.
Jasmine • Sep 17, 2020 at 2:53 pm
Honestly, I’m not able to fully understand you, but I wouldn’t call you a bad person or inhumane – you have the right to have your likes and dislikes. I’m kind of the opposite, cause I hate infants and toddlers, but I love animals, especially dogs. I don’t think my dog requires a lot of attention. She doesn’t smell at all, I swear, but maybe that’s because it’s a hypoallergenic dog. She always comforts me when I’m sad or stressed, protects me and is extremely thankful for everything I do for her, the most loving creature you could imagine. Dogs are simply never evil as opposed to people. However, I get that some people might not have liking animals in their genes.
MM • Sep 17, 2020 at 2:00 pm
Sad. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting pets, or kids for that matter, but people shouldn’t hate on them. The one big problem is the owners who won’t properly train them and get over-excited despite seeing someone being uncomfortable with them. But they aren’t “filthy” or “horrible” and hating is wrong. We should be glad for their love and companionship while realizing they aren’t for everyone. The hate needs to stop though. Dogs and cats are both great.
Lucia • Sep 17, 2020 at 11:30 am
You have a right to your opinion but regardless, in my eyes, you are a bad person. And you are bad in many peoples eyes, Im convinced. If you dislike doggies its your problem but I just hope you wont harm a doggy in future. I personally cant get what many folks have with their love towards kids. I dont consider kids cute but I adore doggies. And, Im glad that those who dislike doggies are being bashed in a similar way those who dislike kids, are bashed. If anything, Im not convinced that kids are “innocent” but Im convinced that dogs are. Doggies and animals generally, are innocent, as opposed to kids and people generally….And, its just us people who put ourselves on a pedestal. Im sure that God(s) would disagree with humans being put on a pedestal, given how inconsiderate, mean, aggressive, abusive many people are….Especially these days…There is an abundance of bullies generally…By what I have seen, no bully liked animals. But they put kids on pedestal usually. So much for the kid-lovers being “genuine, good people”. But, all animal lover I have ever met, was a fantastic human being. So, in my eyes, you are one of those horrible bullies (possibly a mason or other cultist), who think of themselves and their kids so so highly, while being rude to animals and to people who have compassion towards animals. I just hope that you will not harm any doggy in the future….May God punish all those who harm doggies and other animals.
Hi • Sep 17, 2020 at 12:22 am
Bobbi • Sep 15, 2020 at 9:51 am
Dennis – so you hate animals that don’t follow you around like a slave and have their own lives, basically?
You’ve clearly never had a cat if you think they don’t care about people, I’ve owned 8 cats in my life, only 1 of which didn’t care much for humans. All of the others liked to come and be stroked and cuddle up beside you on the sofa, play with you, be happy when you’re home etc. Even the 1 who isn’t very human-orientated will come and hang around with us and likes to be stroked when she’s in the right mood. If you hate cats because they’re not constantly obsequious then you need to get over yourself.
Bobbi • Sep 15, 2020 at 9:33 am
I totally understand this view. Dogs are dirty; they lick themselves, eat rotting food, poop, vomit etc. You have to pick up their warm poop fresh from the dog. Blergh. They smell like unwashed genitals. They are pathetically subservient; they need you to be around all the time and become destructive/noisy when you’re not. They aren’t able to think of ways to occupy their own time as well as other animals. Without proper training they can be a nuisance, or worse, dangerous.
I don’t hate dogs. I used to love dogs, and over time have realised I will probably never want to own one for some of the above reasons. I think people who idolise dogs – the people who talk about how they’re better than people, how they’re “too pure” for the world etc. – are a bit nuts. And also hypocritical, since most of these people think it’s a crime for a dog to so much as sleep in a kennel, but will eat factory farmed pigs, who are just as intelligent and can also be trained.
TL;DR: I like dogs, but they aren’t better than people, or other animals, and owning them can be a lot of hassle.
JW • Sep 15, 2020 at 7:12 am
Dogs will always be Dogs. You morons.
Michelle Mack • Sep 14, 2020 at 10:24 pm
No need for you guys to apologize, most dog people would have stopped conversating with you the minute they found out you don’t like dogs. It’s good you realize that you don’t like them so you don’t have them . Honestly, you would not be welcomed in their liveS. Please don’t take offense it’s a fundamental difference. .
Michelle Mack • Sep 14, 2020 at 10:17 pm
No need for you guys to apologize, most dog people would have stopped conversating with you the minute they found out you don’t like dogs. It’s good you realize that you don’t like them so you don’t have them . Honestly, you would not be welcomed in their live. Please don’t take offense it’s a fundamental difference.
A • Sep 14, 2020 at 9:50 am
I just came here to say anybody who says they hate dogs is insane.
Frank Stratiks • Sep 10, 2020 at 2:01 am
I fear dogs. I’m disgusted by dogs. I hate dogs. I don’t care if this is unpopular. I don’t know why so many people care if their harmless opinions drive people away. People are not as overrated as dogs, but they’re no picnic.
Taylor • Sep 9, 2020 at 1:38 pm
I like dogs – in fact I like all animals – but I don’t want to live with them and I totally understand people who dislike them are indifferent to them, or even hate them. It is OK to hate anything or anybody as long as you don’t harm the creature (animal or person) in any way. This kind of reminded me of a moment seen on TV, cannot remember if it was a movie or a show, but a man was asking this girl (likely in connection with a baby-sitting gig, don’t remember exactly), “Do you like children?” To which the girl said, “Do you like adults?” It is kind of crazy that we would expect people to like all members of a group regardless of individuality and personality. No one likes all adults. No one likes all kids. Even the biggest dog-hater can – possibly from a distance – appreciate a well-groomed, well, trained, well-behaving dog.
SaRaH • Sep 9, 2020 at 12:31 am
here….”Not a fan of chocolate? You’re inhuman. Dislike music? You’re insane. Don’t want a pet? Goodbye.”
Julia Thomas • Sep 8, 2020 at 10:26 pm
Also, I will say that if an animal or human is in distress or trouble, i will try to help them. That’s it.
Julia Thomas • Sep 8, 2020 at 10:25 pm
At one point I liked animals. After my partner and being around his family. I dislike them a lot. I’m okay with small dogs, but not large ones. I dislike any animals that are jumpy and always trying to lick you (even though I know it’s a form of their affection but they lick their privates and sometimes licks or eats other nasty things). I don’t ever want any kind of animal in my car or home (unfortunately my partners parents decide to leave me out of the conversation that should have been discussed between me and him and got a dog when they knew I didn’t want one, esp because at the time I knew we weren’t ready and equipped to deal with a dog). I don’t like animals on furniture nor in the kitchen or at least sitting at the table. His family have 4 dogs and 2 birds and hella cats and the smell when I enter their house makes me gag. I can notice they always smell because the dogs always smell even when they are bathed. I watched their pets roam around outside licking their privates and licking or eating poop and then his family will be kissing and letting the dogs lick their faces and mouths and then they they’ll keep touching food as well without washing their hands. Btw i also don’t like the thought of humans licking, kissing or sucking private parts either. I just find it all weird and disgusting. I hate having to worry about our furniture being messed up even involuntarily and having to constantly go outside and wait for them to use the bathroom and i can’t leave them at home for a long time. It’s annoying. I feel like I can barely do anything with a peace of mind. I work in grocery and it freaking irritates me when I see people putting their dogs in the carts esp privates all out and putting food near them or they’ll let the animals get way too close to the food. I always hear talk about dogs or other animals everyday no matter where I am and it gets annoying. For me, kids can at least end up taking care of themselves. I will say sometimes I find dogs and other animals cute but I still find them kind of disgusting and annoying. I wouldn’t hurt an animal nor a human. But I will defend myself if I’m attacked. I hate how everyone around me are so obsessed with animals. Yes they are cute and some are helpful and bring love and companionship but doesn’t mean you have to talk about them all the freaking time. I have some friends but they’re all obsessed with animals and it’s annoying hearing them talk all the time and especially when they use baby voices (I find it cringey and weird even towards human babies). I’ve had someone tell me they hope I die (which I was very depressed At the time and it was a group for that as well) just because I said I don’t like dogs/at least living with them. People have different opinions and everyone pisses me off because they start condemning me for disliking certain things. I will say there are some things that should be condemned no matter what (rape, murder, violence, pedophilia, theft, lying, etc). But people need to thinking we are inhuman for disliking animals. As long as we don’t try to hurt them, we shouldn’t have a freaking problem.
Nunya Dambiz • Sep 6, 2020 at 5:55 pm
Wow so all you crazy motherfuckers hate dogs? You all must be some lonely bitter ass people who never had pets, friends, or never hug as a child because dog’s are fucking great! The only thing that is bad are the owners who don’t do shit but again that’s the owner’s fault not the dogs. I like cats fine but people who only love cats are typically fucking weird and probably live in their parents basement. Yeah yeah yeah respect your opinion blah blah blah but opinions are like assholes… everyone has them and their all full of shit. Kinda like this article and all the people praising it.
Ur wrong howiedog • Sep 5, 2020 at 10:54 pm
Howiedog, Trump is a fcuking idiot in a wig. Everything he says is a lie.
ROCKIN' REBEL • Sep 4, 2020 at 10:09 pm
Taliana Gallardo: Yes you are a horrible woman for hating dogs!!!! Nancy Pelosi is a horrible woman for hating America!!! Mad Maxine is a horrible woman for hating America!!! Kamala Harris is a horrible woman for hating America!!!! Kathy Griffin is a horrible woman for wanting to assassinate Pres Trump!!! The entire Squad are all horrible women for hating America and seeking to destroy us from within!!! The list is endless of horrible women seeking to kill our dogs and seeking to destroy America from within!!!! Here’s to Pres Trump and all the good men in America doing there best to defend our great nation from such evil people trying to destroy us!
Tammy Margueite • Sep 3, 2020 at 2:33 pm
Thank God I met more nice people who are animal lovers from all walks of life than the people on these comments. Smh. But, everyone is different & I do appreciate that & this article & your opinion. People fear or hate what they don’t understand. People are uncomfortable with what they hate. But haters are gonna hate, thats what haters do & I’ll keep appreciating my dog. I have animals haters in my extended family from the carribbean & thats ok. I just don’t bring my dog around them, just don’t hurt by dog! I still & will always love dogs, I have an awesome mini poodle, I like cats, even though I don’t own a one, I am very allergic to cats, but I don’t hate them & have helped cats in distress many times in my life. I love & apprecite animals because God didn’t just create humans, all of God’s creation are precious. Even the insects, rats, bugs, or wild animals that I may be scared of, but I appreciate from far, It’s the way a human trains or raise a dog, dogs are beautiful souls & loyal companions when trained correctly. Hate is taught & some people are afraid of change as well. Dogs show no judgment & love unconditionally & they forgive & feel, especially when shown lots of care & love. I like people, kids, I have my own child & I’m a teacher at an elementary school, but there is something about my dog that brings me calmness & peace when I get home. A person who doesn’t like dogs will never understand that & thats ok because thank God we are all different, but good luck with all the hate & God bless. Good article though, thats your opinion, but I will always love dogs & treat them with kindness. They are freaking Awesome!
Annapolis • Apr 2, 2022 at 9:20 pm
You brag about your mutt like he’s the second coming, yet mention your child once. Dogs see humans as a food dispenser. It’s been proven that they can’t process complex emotions. I feel so sorry for your kid.
Michael • Sep 3, 2020 at 1:35 pm
1 thing I cant understand is how anyone who has a dog can actually relax, dont get me wrong. I dont hate dogs and will probably pet a dog or run about outside with it. What I very much dislike is having a dog in the house/flat. Ive been living with my other half for a few years and she came with an English Setter. He doesnt destroy things (usually) and doesnt bark constantly, but he does, without warning suddenly and very loudly bark. The amount of times I jumped that much it hurt or nearly pulled a muscle exercising or cut myself shaving because he didn’t like the sound of someone outside or in the close is crazy. I actually find it nearly impossible to relax because I know at anytime he can go off suddenly and very loudly. Ive heard so many people say dogs are good for stress. Having a dog living with has been quite the opposite. Dog barks has to be 1 of the most abrasive noises I can think off. It is a loud alert noise after all. Great for security, but trying to sleep or relax it is not. I can just about put up with the fur getting into everything and random wet dog licks on my hands, late nights outside in the cold, but sudden dog barks I find very difficult to deal with. And for the dog lovers who think anyone who doesnt like dogs as a pet have some kind of mental problem or trama. Ive had neither. Dogs actually like me, even nervous dogs are calm around me and give me the lovey dovey dog eyes. Although I very strongly dislike having a dog in my flat and I find him extremely annoying at times.I would never let anyone harm him and do look after hin. He is a nervous dog that is scared of his own shadow, but he is calm around me and took a liking to me the 1st time he met me. I might dislike having a dog in the flat with a passion, but I know he isn’t to blame so dont project thst on to him. If I did he would be nervous around me, quite the opposite.
Sobrino Lanciotti • Sep 3, 2020 at 10:06 am
I am not a dog hater but definitely not a lover as well. Their clingy personality requires too much energy more than I can and am willing to give. Not to mention I was attacked by a dog when I was a child. Lots of people have said that being a cat owner express the owner is lonely. However, I disagree and think other way around. I am a cat owner and have a good circle of friends and am social. I however love my space and am busy to put all the work it takes for a dog. Lots of people I know who have a dog feel lonely (not everyone) but lots of them do and have the dog to feel a deeper companionship as well as they got the extra time to take care of it. Anyways if the dog is well behaved I can put up with it for a min. If is the kind of barking dog that gets all jumpy definitely expect for me to show the unpleased face and behavior towards it. Sorry 😬
Dennis • Sep 2, 2020 at 5:55 pm
To come down today and try some corn, or we will sacrifice your newborn: I got just two words for you and they ain’t Merry Christmas or good luck!! Have a lousy day!!!!!
Joe • Sep 2, 2020 at 10:26 am
Whatever you’re all freaks. I hate humans. They lie, treat you like shit, use you, and are ruining the environment of the entire planet. Evil, greedy virus humans. At least animals show us how to live authenticly. Because there’s so few humans that can or will do the same.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Sep 1, 2020 at 4:36 pm
also, Dennis Christianity has nothing to do with animals. don’t compare god and dogs alike, how is a cat mean selfish, etc for wanting their own privacy? bruh dogs want attention and they give you some too but its selfish to say cats are mean for not giving you attention all the time they need their privacy and time to themselves too. just like how you want your privacy they need theirs too, damn. I didn’t know an animal is evil for wanting their space. also, it’s not like you haven’t use the restroom on yourself and it got on the floor. smdh the audacity you think you have.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Sep 1, 2020 at 4:30 pm
Dennis, nobody cares. how is your comment not banned for hate speech. smh cats can be friendly with dogs. stop making up things. and no they don’t scratch you when you pet them, another lie. your comment is filled with lies, some cast may hunt but others don’t. if a cat is trained well it may even save an animal. stop with the bullshit and get your facts straight, dingus.
Dennis • Aug 29, 2020 at 3:48 am
Cats are nothing but useless, they don’t even love you at all. They are mean, nasty, destructive, selfish, ugly, and will pee and crap all over your rugs just for spite if you don’t meet their demands! Try to pet them, and they will scratch and bite you. They bully dogs whenever dogs try to be friendly with them, I’ve seen it so many times on You Tube videos. They kill birds and other animals for the fun of it, that’s why Australia is hunting down and shooting feral cats in their country to save other animals from extinction because of them. They have been even known to suck the life out of innocent infant babies on purpose out of jealousy. Dogs are way better and love you unconditionally the same way God does. In fact spell dog backwards, and it’s God. They will even protect you and give their very lives for you, unlike cats! Look how many times they have sacrificed themselves in helping out The Police, The Military, and all law enforcement over the years. Not one stinking lousy cat has ever done that in the history of mankind! Spell the word Anti-Christ and you will find the letters c-a-t in it, which proves that cats are of The Devil and dogs or Godlike. Rest my case! PS: I HATE CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Aug 27, 2020 at 1:02 pm
I really…I’m astonished by you people ..all animals are beautiful because of an incident you had as a child doesn’t give you a right to hit a kitten or a puppy for that matter. don’t hate on the animals and stop with the racism towards Asians.
Valentina • Aug 27, 2020 at 6:33 am
Now this was a very interesting article to find! Did make me chuckle, I was only googling why some people are so against bathing their dog. Whoever tells you a cat or a dog doesn’t need baths are kind of gross. I think everyone is allowed to not like certain animals, I personally love dogs, but note that I don’t like them all. Some dogs are objectively gross and others I feel humans should never have allowed to exist. Dog owners can be very frustratingly careless, it’s true. I can see the frustration in the endless comments about dog haters ahahaha! Some people have written essays! Goodness. I personally don’t like children, I find them inherently annoying but I wouldn’t say I hate them, nor would I angrily rant about them with the same um, aggression as people in the comments, yikes. I also don’t appreciate how people have said that I’m a psychopath for dis liking kids. We all have our preferences, have a bit of respect? Also note people still do actually roast you for not liking children. I don’t think most people hate on people that don’t like dogs. It’s mostly just met with a curious why and a ‘just don’t have one’.
And maybe whoever love dogs won’t fully understand other people’s distaste for the animals but I’m pretty sure most people would be understanding.
Have a bit of compassion guys! There are many people-only spaces, parks etc and we’re on a planet that we share with other animals other than humans and um, cats. I can’t say I’ve experienced a single dog encroach in my personal space personally and I think many people exaggerate because of their distaste, but who knows, I used to live in the U.K. where there are places you can take your dog and also places where dogs aren’t allowed. There are spaces for everyone’s preference. If you’ve had a bad experience that is completely valid and your fear or dislike shouldn’t be callously dismissed, but don’t just have such intense hatred for a general animal that don’t know any better.
Also I’d like to point out that the internet doesn’t just obsess over dog videos, cat videos are just as obsessed over, and I think people are just enjoying pet ownership more in this generation.
A good healthy rant is necessary from time to time but hate is still hate, it’s just an animal. Relax. Nothing really deserves to be generically hated on really, except mosquitos, mass murdering dictators, the enslaving nature of capitalism and racism.
Billy • Aug 25, 2020 at 7:05 pm
How can I speak my mind when you keep censoring my comments. That’s why the comment section is heavily tilted towards dog haters. I don’t expect this to be posted either. Prove me wrong.
Melissa • Aug 24, 2020 at 3:00 pm
Seriously, where have all of you been all my life? I thought that as an immigrant from the Caribbean where, culturally, the anthropomorphic worship of dogs has not set in the way it has in the West, I was just an anomaly. Somehow it is socially acceptable to openly say that you hate kids, and being around them, but you are immediately looked at as a Josef Mengele type if you dislike dogs and prefer to avoid them. I won’t reiterate all the reasons described so well here already, but I would just wish that since I live in a dog loving universe, can the dog owners just recognize that their dog is their responsibility, and that not everyone wants to step into your dog’s poop, or pet your animal, or share space with it everywhere! Forget dog parks, I need a humans-only park where it;s safe to sit down in the grass. Sheesh!
Peter Page • Mar 26, 2024 at 2:53 pm
I really enjoyed your comment. Dog owners who do not respect the rights of people who want to enjoy freedom from dogs are not exercising the mutual respect necessary to maintain tolerant social relationships. Domineering dog owners are undermining the mutual respect tolerant societies rely on.
Brenden Seipke • Aug 23, 2020 at 12:49 am
My dog was recently put down. No matter what animal you have, you should love them forever and give them your full attention. Because one day, they’ll be gone and if you truly loved them, you will be left with a very empty void. Love your animals. Love your family, love your friends. Love God. A day will come where you will feel the void. Love.
Elin • Aug 20, 2020 at 6:38 am
I 100% absolutely hate dogs no question! Cats are way better than dogs because they are more independent. By this I mean they can clean themselves and you don’t have to do as much work for them as you have to do with dogs. And when you go overseas your cats do not get separation anxiety. And Dogs are lousy pets to have because they spread slobber all over your guests and they lick you on your clean new light blue shirt! And then what happens??? It gets ALL dirty. And you have to take dogs on walks every day it’s not optional so… Let’s say you came home from school determined to finish your homework so you rushed to your room to get it done but then your mum calls “ Andrew time to walk the dog!” it’s not optional you have to do it so even even when your busy you would HAVE to take your dog on a walk.
Doug dog • Aug 20, 2020 at 12:24 am
For one , you are a horrible human. Why on earth wouldn’t you have given your pet dog a proper family instead of disdaining his existence? You’re god awful.
Secondly , a person above me named how cats are more beneficial to humans than dogs. This is 100% false. Even at catching rodents cats are a huge farce. Home cats don’t catch mice . And all cats are afraid of rats and opossums. You can watch spectacular videos on YouTube of dogs tearing up nyc fat rats by the hundreds. Cats could never dream of being that useful . Dogs also have for hundreds of years if not thousands protected livestock from predators as well as farms farms from rodents . Again cats could never dream. Lastly dogs regularly help in search and rescues . Cats are useless to humans and you owe your common existence to dogs . Humans wouldn’t be here as we are if it wasn’t for our four legged best friends .
Mar • Aug 18, 2020 at 6:29 pm
My feelings towards dogs are complicated. Some of them are ok but if I’m honest, most are not. I liked dogs for most of my youth until the day I saw one eat it’s own faeces. Even to this day I feel physically sick thinking about it. They do smell bad despite what dog lovers try to tell you. And while I may not like them exactly, I do respect what they do for humanity. I just don’t want one around me.
Dog people on the other hand, well they’re another story. Again, not all of them but for most that I have met, they are insufferable when it comes to their dogs in a way no other pet owners are. This is just an opinion but I think quite a lot of them have something missing inside and are trying to fill a void. This is the only explanation as to why they would shower so much attention on an animal that isn’t a human. Also, Why the inability to spend an hour alone with yourselves. It’s quite odd.
My absolute favourite thing though .. watching them bend down and pick up their dogs shit. It always looks so humiliating. Your dog is your best friend? I don’t know, I have never picked up my best friends shit. Or walked them on a leash. I guess I prefer human connections. A lot of dog owners don’t seem to have boundaries with their dogs either. Sleeping in the bed with you? Letting them lick your lips after they’ve licked their own balls? Yeah, there’s something not quite right about the relationship people have with dogs.
So anyway, that was a very long way of saying dogs really aren’t the problem. Dog people are.
Tessa • Aug 18, 2020 at 9:22 am
I personally have hated dogs all my life. I’ve only ever grown up with cats, the wonderful mistaken creatures they are. I wouldn’t harm a dog just because I dislike them; but some people are just asking for it. People, especially adults, need to realize that different people have different opinions. I’m not calling dog lovers absolute haters of everything, I just don’t agree with you. Let you dog people go get your filthy, rancid “furry friends” and cry like nobody’s watching just because some people have different opinions that you. Cats can be very helping and kind and do many things that dogs can’t. For one, and the most popular reason being rodent control. And when I think of therapy animals, my mind immediately snaps to either cats or horses. Not that I like horses as much as I love cats, I think they still make great therapy animals. Dogs, I feel like would just bring discomfort to the patient; some people would enjoy it, but I know others like me wouldn’t and would refuse to let the animal in the room. And, as scientific studies can prove, cats can help heal bones. “If you put a purring cat in a room full of broken bones, those bones with heal.” And I know this is universal to most animals but cats can sense a natural disaster, like a tropical storm, a tornado, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides/mudslides and many, many more. Cats are also a part in some people’s religion; like when cats were worshiped as gods and goddesses; they’ll never forget that. Cats can also detect things that humans and dogs can’t, like high-pitched sounds with may be the key ingredient to finding a leak in the house that may cause damage. If I try to name all the amazing and spectacular things a cat can do, I’ll be here all day. Instead, I’ll say this: cats rule, dogs drool. It’s true; cats were once worshiped as gods and some people still act that way (I wish those times would come back); dogs, on the other hand, did never and will never rule. They drool. Slobber dribbles down their chins and their saliva is gross.
ROCKIN' REBEL • Aug 15, 2020 at 8:19 pm
What don’t you Liberal Snowflakes hate????!!!! You hate dogs, you hate President Trump, you hate America, you hate the cops and all law enforcement, you hate the military, you hate Capitalism, you hate to work, unbelievable!! You are all nothing but hate filled lazy crybaby wusses who want everything for free!! Go back to your mommies’ basements or move to China if you don’t like it here!!!!!
Space • Aug 15, 2020 at 2:36 pm
I like dogs and all of the universe’s fauna and flora. I dislike humans I would never harm them either physically or nentally but just hate humans. Human beings are this universe’s worst thing. Give it 10 years and you will know why.
MEAN MACHINE • Aug 15, 2020 at 9:00 am
Dogs are cool, and Cats and Doghaters are Dicks!
Tallboy • Aug 15, 2020 at 8:52 am
JOHN E REBB • Aug 15, 2020 at 7:29 am
I see this is the site for all the SNOWFLAKE DOGHATERS AND CATLOVERS!!!! Stop being such cats and such Liberal Yankees!!!!!!
JOHN E REBB • Aug 15, 2020 at 2:02 am
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Aug 14, 2020 at 12:56 pm
to Howiedog, I know you like dogs but trump is a racist. keep that I mind, so are you a racist?
MD • Aug 14, 2020 at 8:49 am
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Next you look into the mirror, know that the person you see has BO, smelly shit, annoying tendencies, is wasteful, farts, is loaded with human bacteria/fungi, disgusting body fluids, and can transmit disease to other humans. In other words, you are everything a dog is only a dog, if raised correctly has a genuine pure soul. You dont because you are just a terrible human being.
Howiedog • Aug 13, 2020 at 6:33 am
I love dogs, but I DO NOT PEOPLE!! PEOPLE ALWAYS PISS ME OFF, a dog never once has. I hate cats, but would never harm one. I never once punched an animal, but I’ve punched out several people who asked for it!! And there are several dog hating jackasses on this site who I would love to punch out!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOWIEDOG • Aug 13, 2020 at 6:27 am
I always loved dogs, they are wonderful creatures! I’ve always hated cats, they are mean, nasty, little spawns of Satan! Cats are the only animal I downright hate!! AND I DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE AT ALL, THEY ALWAYS PISS ME OFF!!! A dog never once pissed me off!! I never once harmed or punched any animal, but I’ve punched out several people who deserved, and there’s several dog hating jackasses I would like to clock but good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOWIEDOG • Aug 13, 2020 at 5:44 am
Yes you are a horrible person for hating dogs! As President Trump said to Nancy Pelosi “You are a horrible woman!!!!” So you’re just like Nancy Pelosi, a very evil and horrible woman, you’re both two peas in a pod!! Down with you and Pelosi, and up with dogs and Pres Trump who is gonna be re’-elected come Nov 3rd and The Swamp finally gets drained!!! TRUMP 2020 and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!
HOWIEDOG • Aug 12, 2020 at 8:44 pm
If you hate dogs, that is your opinion! But some of you jerks on this site have said that all dogs must die and that you want to help kill them yourself!! I don’t like cats , but I would never be cruel to any animal! But if any cruel to dogs jerk ever sets foot on my property to do any harm to my dog, you are gonna get hurt very bad!!!!!!!!
Toddd • Aug 12, 2020 at 6:36 pm
Jezzus Cripes, a bunch of savages that love to hate. For you cat lovers, here is a thought you should entertain daily, if they are indoor cats; they shit and piss in a box of rocks, then walk around on you, your furniture, countertops, etc. That is beyond disgusting. If you don’t like dogs, cool. I don’t go on forums to talk about how much kids suck, more importantly, that the reason they are little pieces of garbage is the parent’s fault. I’m guessing most of the people that agree with this post have no conception of true love. I feel terrible for you all, for having such a terrible life devoid of being able to love anything other than yourselves. To put it more clearly, in a way that even morons will understand, go fuck yourself.
FUCK U DOGS • Aug 12, 2020 at 1:52 pm
Let me start. When i was 2 i was knocked over by someone’s black lab and i fractured my skull. I was fucking lucky to be alive. Dog and owner? Got away scot-free. I have chickens, by the way. I know, they too are messy, but you do not have to walk them. All you need is some wire, a coop, and 4 sq metres of land to keep 3 chickens. I give them food in the morning, put them in bed at night. Nowhere near as much work as a dog. And a couple years ago, two of my chickens were killed by a dog. I damn strangled that thing. went to court, won my case. Owner fined about £60. And 3 months ago, in our local park, my kid’s frisbee was stolen by a dog. Owner didnt care. Frisbee was ruined by the time we got it back. My son ran up to the owner demanding a new frisbee or the money the old one cost. What did the owner do? Shoved my son away from herself. ‘That’s fine,’ you’re probably thinking. Well, the owner was on a path at the top of a small hill. My son was shoved down the hill into- giant hogsweed. Look it up on the internet. It is nasty stuff. He had the go to hospital, and he still is healing. The dog owner? got a couple months in prison. And that dog owner was my sister, so the dog was left to me. It hasnt been seen in about three months. 🙂
Tosh • Aug 12, 2020 at 1:04 pm
I just wanna say, you’re whack and anyone that doesn’t like dogs or animals in general is also whack and that’s okay, you’re entitled to your dislikes. Weirdos.
Kate • Aug 11, 2020 at 9:16 pm
Yess! I agree! I like other people’s dogs, I like working with dogs, but I don’t want to own one. And my husband and I have 2 little dogs 🙄 I am actually a vet tech. I love my job and I’m great working with dogs. But owning a dog is not for me. My husband is a dog person, I’m 100% a cat person. I love cats. Owning a dog is just obnoxious. Last thing I want to do when I get home is take them out and deal with them. I just want to relax with my cats. Something that was the last straw was when my husband had 4 dogs, and they killed one of my cats. We even kept them separated. But my husband wasn’t paying attention and I was at work. The damn dogs got out of the basement and killed my cat. I was done after that. He gave away 3 out of the 4, the 4th one wasn’t involved according to him. I didn’t care I wanted her gone too, she’s 16 now. The other dog we have I rescued from work, a friends mom of a Dr I work with died and Buffy needed a home, she got attached to me at the clinic. I felt bad cuz she was going to go to the pound. So I took her. Ugh lol. My husband deals most with the dogs. They don’t bark, so I lucked out there, and they are small. I don’t allow them on the furniture because I HATE the dog smell. But yeah, I think it’s bs that people look down on you if you don’t like dogs. Dogs are sooo overrated.
Burkey • Aug 11, 2020 at 8:39 pm
@Dog haters are the best: Hey Asshole Dog Hater, let me give you some facts about how dogs are far better than stupid cats!! Dogs have served gallantly over the years as police dogs, military dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, anti-terrorist dogs, service dogs, and have helped law enforcement in finding drug dealers and helped to get them arrested!! Many have courageously given their very lives in defense of all these departments in doing so. Name me one stupid cat that has done anything like that for law enforcement and our country!! Not a fricking one at all!!! Cats don’t even love you, they are evil, selfish, useless, nasty little spawns of Satan!! So STFU, you bunker boy cat loving moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Burkey • Aug 11, 2020 at 7:26 pm
To Sven: No, you live in The Pelosi Capital of the world, and a Big PEE-YOO and Boo-Hiss to that and her!!! TRUMP 2020!!!
Lynda • Aug 11, 2020 at 3:28 pm
Thank you for this article, it’s so refreshing to know I’m not alone on this issue. I wondered why dog owners shy away when you’re honest about your dislikes and preferences.
LV • Aug 11, 2020 at 2:55 pm
I can’t tell you what a relief it is to not be alone, in not wanting a dog in my house! I have worked my entire adult life to buy a house in a nice neighborhood. At the age of 40, my husband and i finally made that dream come true. After living in our house for 8 months, and spending all our savings on fixing it up, my husband allowed his mother to move in. And while i love his mother. And was on board with that. I did NOT approve nor was i asked if her dog could come live in my house. But here we are, 5 people AND A DOG in a house i haven’t even had a year yet. Now what im about to say makes me sound heartless..this dog is crippled, it can not walk and is in pain most of the time, and i wish it would just die. I know…but if you are really a dog lover, you would not want this animal to have to live like this. To me , even though i don’t like dogs, i hate seeing this dog keept alive for selfish gain. i don’t hate dogs, i just don’t want one in my house. I hate the stinky puppy pads, i hate the barking, i hate not being able to have company bc the dog won’t shut up, and now we are falling on hard financial times, and i resent seeing this dog fed from my table and being given bottled water instead of dog food, and drinking from the sink. And guess who is the one struggling to buy and keep food in the house? . Thats right, me. This dog takes up and sheds all over my couch and if i try to move it, it tries to bite me.
I have asked my husband to talk to his mother. Which he refuses. making me feel like the outsider in my own home. There are days i hide in my bedroom, and don’t come out because of the suituation. I feel like a prisoner in my own home. And i am made to feel ashamed because ” the poor dog is crippled, why am i so heartless?!”
Whether you hate dogs or not, no one should have to be made to feel like this in their own home.
Dave • Aug 10, 2020 at 12:15 pm
I’m an illustrator I work from home, and I can never have one hour of peace to concentrate without hearing dogs barking, even at 2am they bark and bark, I really dislike dog owners, they have no consideration for their neighbours. Its like you can’t escape these people and their dogs, every house I move to, the neighbours have noisy dogs.
Bryan • Aug 9, 2020 at 9:14 pm
Dogs are the best creatures ever. Anyone who hates them is lame.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Aug 9, 2020 at 4:55 pm
also, Liz Strickland don’t insult them even if they did we eat meat you idiot, don’t go insulting them even if they do eat them, we eat animals that help us out even more than dogs do. you eat pigs fish crabs lobster even chicken.so STFU and stop being racist and dumb.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Aug 9, 2020 at 4:52 pm
t\they don’t Liz Strickland but a stupid racist redneck like you think’s that way.
Liz Strickland • Aug 8, 2020 at 10:28 pm
To the person that said China does not eat dogs , what world do you live in? China not only eats dogs, they torture them first! The dog meat trade in China kills 10,000 to 20,000 dogs for meat every year !
Liz Strickland • Aug 8, 2020 at 10:10 pm
To each his own! But I have had many dogs and really learned how dogs are and there will never be anyone on Earth that will Love you more than a dog will and Unconditionally ! They will never abandon you! They will walk through fire burning their bodies to save you ! They will be the very best friend you ever had in your life! Dogs are AMAZING! Like i said, to each his own but I feel sorry for anyone who has never earned the Love a dog!
Jim • Aug 8, 2020 at 7:28 pm
To the one commenter…Dogs aren’t social creatures. Don’t give them humanized traits. They just want to smell, mark or are trying to find food on everyone. That’s half the problem with society now adays. Dog lovers are blinded by their pets. They are food motivated animals who barely know how to hunt unless its a 5 year-old or younger child. People are so insensitive to people who are scared of dogs, have allergies or like personal space. Just because your overpriced inbred 2,000 dollar pet brings you happiness doesn’t mean I want it at my house, at the beach or especially jumping up on me slobbering. All this noise about lighting off fireworks scaring dogs…I think its stupid that we have to listen to yelps, the barks, and whining but when some 15 year-old wants to light off a bottle rocket on the 4th of July you go out and yell at him in a park for him trying to exercise his freedom. Give me a break and for once pick up your dogs crap…I guess Im not really mad at dogs its more about the ineptness of dog owners.
To all the dog lovers reading these posts…Let us vent in peace. We have to put up with your cringe worthy mutts in the real world and your lack of being a good trainer. If you really loved dogs as animals you’d stop buying them. Your basically funding a billion dollar industry(uses your heart strings) that plays god and mating games with your beloved puppers. Look into the genetic defects, dog cancers, and the fact that some have been mated with their sisters so much they can’t even breath correctly.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Aug 8, 2020 at 3:40 pm
Hank, I can respect your opinion because at least you didn’t disrespect them, I’m glad you don’t wish death and trash talk them, so I respect it, I hope you do know that they are the ones that save people though. just pointing that out.im surprised people don’t even see the fact that dogs save you.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Aug 8, 2020 at 3:39 pm
Hank, I can respect your opinion because at least you didn’t disrespect them, I’m glad you don’t wish death and trash talk them, so I respect it, I hope you do know that they are the ones that save people though. just pointing that out.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Aug 8, 2020 at 3:36 pm
catsokdogsnoway, what bullshit are you talking about? dogs don’t snatch your food. That’s only in the movie’s its also a stereotype, also they don’t bite your hand for no reason, and they don’t slobber, again another stereotype they will bit your if your playing with them or if you’re hurting them. they won’t bite you or no reason, and dogs arent bad guys just because of these so-called deaths, its usually human idiocy that gets them killed with dogs.don’t blame an animal for something when you got yourself in that situation, You jackass.
come down today and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Aug 8, 2020 at 3:31 pm
Anna, you are one of those people. hating dogs means you hate hero’s, and cats I love them but both of the animals have their con’s so I don’t see why you hate them. a dog has to bark for many reasons, 1 for help. 2 for attention. 3 for your alert.etc, don’t talk shit about them.
Hank • Aug 8, 2020 at 10:42 am
Thank you so much for this article. I struggle with dogs so much and I’ve had to come to terms with the realization that I don’t like them. For years now I’ve gone through the motions of interacting with my friends’ dogs and attempting to be affectionate with them but inside I always shudder at the slobber, the smell, the noise, the shit. I have never owned a dog, not even as a kid. Maybe if I had one growing up I’d feel differently. I have been surrounded with cats my whole life and I feel a deep bond with them. I have never admitted my dislike of dogs to anyone but my partner, who is also a cat person.
catsokdogsnoway • Aug 7, 2020 at 1:58 pm
I do not like dogs. I like cats. I am basically indifferent to any other type of pet, and would not have any animal myself except a cat. But dogs really suck. The barking is probably the worst offense, because the dog doesn’t even have to be close enough to touch you to cause annoyance, just within earshot. Then when a dog-lover’s nasty beast is close, and jumps on you, slobbers on you, tries to snatch food out of your hand, or bites your empty hand because the idiot thinks you have some food in it .. the owner should have the dog restrained before any of that becomes possible. I like the comment above, from someone who doesn’t like cats either, about how a cat just sits there like a piece of art that you have to feed and clean up after .. I guess that’s exactly went I like cats. But please keep your damn dogs away from me. And far enough away that they don’t invade my silence.
Anna • Aug 7, 2020 at 1:12 pm
Wow, I’m feeling such a relief not to be alone.
I was rather uninterested in dogs until this dogs crazyness spread around the world.
It’s been 15years that I painfully witness the neighbourhood collecting dogs. Our days and nights are filled with barking. Forget about an uninterrupted sleep.
On one occasion, I decided to call the police as the neighbour’s dogs (9 of then), were barking and roaming freely at night.
That put my neighbour in deep troubles.
But they tried to get their revanche and make our life a living hell.
Dogs lovers have lost all perspectives, really. To me they are highly disfunctional People with an unhealthy need for affection. The problem is: the dog never grows up, unlike children, and people remain stuck in this dependency forever.
Anonymous • Aug 6, 2020 at 5:52 pm
God spell backwards means DOG.
Melissa • Aug 2, 2020 at 1:22 pm
I don’t hate dogs. I don’t mind petting a puppy and I think dogs can be cute. I, however, DON’T want dogs in my house. I have 3. One pees on everything. One craps in the house at least once a week, and the other sheds so much there is now dog hair on literally everything. I am the only person (we are a family of 6) that cleans up the dog hair. I am so sick of the dog hair. The dogs stink, they are needy. I don’t allow them on the furniture. The pisser and pooper aren’t allowed in the bedrooms. The shedder isn’t allowed in the kids rooms. I am going insane with the hair though. That is my biggest issue. But the shedder is my husbands best friend…. even though he doesn’t clean up after him or brush him. Guess I will be stuck with the dogs until they die.
come down today,and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Jul 30, 2020 at 3:03 pm
to all the racist people saying that china eats dogs, that’s racist first off, second literally they barely do that there so stop the stereotypes, and third don’t post ignorant shit like that if you don’t know how china works. the audacity red necks think they have -_-.
come down today,and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Jul 28, 2020 at 6:49 pm
Zachary, the way you spell makes you look like a kid who doesn’t know how to curse, shut your red neck ass up
Dog haters are the best • Jul 28, 2020 at 2:05 pm
Dogs suck and are the worst! They need to go to hell! Fuck them! Cats are way better!
come down today,and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Jul 28, 2020 at 1:17 pm
and also…if nobody makes babies you do know humans will go extinct right.it wouldn’t matter either way tho so yeah. but still.if babies die. we die. make sure you get facts straight before you comment.
come down today,and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Jul 28, 2020 at 1:04 pm
And i won’t respect your opinion, especially if it has trash-talking, show some respect if you want some, credit to whoever said that. but still.if you want some respect show some respect.don’t ask for respect then disrespect something.
come down today,and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Jul 28, 2020 at 12:27 pm
and no, I’m not gonna respect your opinion if your trash-talking an animal, Dogs are the fucking reason why people live, so think again about saying they stink. yeah didn’t include that fact did ya? dogs save people and help with disorders or health problems. they save people.cats are useful because they can keep dangerous bugs or animals away.it would be ironic for someone to say dogs are bad because they poop everywhere.advice.you let them. and also. some owners are lazy. and also. saying a dog can’t poop is almost like trying to not poop diarrhea. and humans fart too. stop complaining. also, we stink too. ya know how sweat smells.yeah and poop.and our fart. and piss.there is so much stickiness from us rather than them. fucking tramps.
come down today,and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Jul 28, 2020 at 12:18 pm
Also, to all you assholes saying you hate dogs or whateves.reememeber dogs see if your evil or not.and if you wanna try and abuse a dog try a great done. that dog will tear yo ass to shreds.dont mess with dogs. and don’t mess with cats Jesus christ all of your excuses for humans are disgusting.also to the people saying kids are disgusting.i am offended not all kids are bad(I am 12). also yes once you were a baby annoying the hell out of your parents and pissing everywhere. your dog will piss and poop in the house if you don’t let the fucking pal outside.to all you dog haters. yes, you won’t go to hell.but you will suffer from great pain.also to the lady that said the dog so-called scratched her sons back.its not possible. a dog’s claws can’t even get that fucking sharp stop trying to make stories up.to be honest all you people who want to hurt dogs are sick fucks.its sad people always choose one pet over another.i was allergic to dogs but I STILL pet them and it eventually went away..so I have no allergies now.(accept for pollen) but still. stop hating. if you keep hating then touch somebody’s dog your gonna get fucked up by them.so stop hating.no cat is better, no dog is better.they are both good animals. but still, I love cats more. I still love dogs.
come down today,and try some corn or we will sacrafice your newborn • Jul 28, 2020 at 12:04 pm
there is nothing wrong with cats or dogs.what type of ignorant shit is this? I love cats more than dogs, but I still absolutely love dogs. make sure you don’t post some ignorant shit and get the facts straight.dogs are not smelly, and they aren’t annoying. they take their fucking time out of their day/life to make your ass happy.they don’t need to do jack shit for you and they still try their best.don’t be ungrateful for them.and shut the hell up.
Lourdes :D • Jul 28, 2020 at 9:41 am
Oh nothing i just found someone really angry weell i will only say… dogs are not that bad, they dont wanna hurt you and they suffer animal abuse ;-;
Lourdes :D • Jul 28, 2020 at 9:36 am
… I guess im the only one reading this article that love dogs ;-; oof
Click Bait • Jul 26, 2020 at 3:46 am
I’m not even a dog person, but the writer of this piece and every single person agreeing with her are clearly horrible, hateful people.
Marilyn • Jul 26, 2020 at 1:17 am
What a bunch of soulless FUCKS you dog hating misfits are. “Oh, thank you author for this wonderful article that finally says everything I’ve always thought about dogs that I hate so much!” It’s always easy to tell people like you. The ones who tell their precious children to “stay away, IT might bite you! I hope all of you continue to live your miserable hateful lives and step in many piles of dog crap along the way.
Natiequestrian and I'm a pet lover • Jul 24, 2020 at 5:12 pm
bob, I COMPLETELY agree with u. Dogs can’t really help the fact that they roll in mud and do stuff that some people just don’t like. AND DON’t FORGET, dog haters, that u were STINKY AS SHIT (literlly) so BACK OFF!!! MUTHA *******
Natiequestrian and I'm a pet lover • Jul 23, 2020 at 6:43 pm
Natiequestrian and I'm a pet lover • Jul 23, 2020 at 6:36 pm
you guys are just frikin’ idiots. You are a complete disgrace. I don’t know how you coulden’t LOVE these creatures and they rescue us everyday. Go keep those shitty comments to yourself, buddy.
Bob • Jul 22, 2020 at 6:23 am
Why say you “hate” any animal? A dog can’t help the way God made it ie to be overfriendly & crave attention & patting. If you don’t like them don’t own one & stay away from other people’s pets. If they bark too much there are councils to complain to, so use the proper channels but don’t go around whining and complaining that they even exist – they give wonderful help, love & companionship to lots of otherwise very lonely people.
Also there’s enough abuse of animals in the world on factory farms – watch “Dominion” to see how they mistreat birds, pigs, cows etc in the meat & dairy industry. So we don’t need you all carrying on about how much you “hate” domestic animals.
John S • Jul 20, 2020 at 7:48 pm
There’s nothing will reveal the people haters more than exposing the animal lovers. Cats are shite machines, too.
JohnLMBrennan • Jul 20, 2020 at 4:51 am
As babies you all stank of your own urine and excrement, you kept your parents up all night with your incessant bawling. By many of your standards you should not have made it past your first birthday. Do any of you actually understand what life is?
JohnLMBrennan • Jul 19, 2020 at 6:18 pm
What a bunch of filthy low lifes. As babies you stank of shit and piss you balled the night away keeping your parents awake all night – you should not have got past you first birthday according to your standards – the horrors we see day in day out around the globe is understandable when we see the number of fuckwits that look to air their moronic opinions openly here.
Mari • Jul 17, 2020 at 10:24 pm
Howdy Sven and Jay Bird! My second post here and dangit I love you Tatiana!
Last night I was having pillow talk with my guy and we do enjoy talking about some serious issue that might make people cringe, and I told him that a great solution to world hunger would be to farm big, vicious, brutish dogs. They taste better than veal and Pork (and pigs are more intelligent, lovable and loyal than dogs) and if I drive thru Burger King I’d totally order a Pitbull Burger with some fries and a shake. Haha, he was a wee bit nonplussed but in the end he agreed.
Leanne Strong • Jul 16, 2020 at 12:21 am
Hi, I do not like any animals that I don’t know very well, even if I have known the owner my whole life. I also don’t like it when an animal just runs right up, instead of allowing me a few minutes to settle in (if I am the owner, however, I will make an exception). Please train your pets to allow someone time to get acquainted, instead of just running right up to people. That is like if you are not super outgoing, and someone you don’t know very well comes right up to you and gives you a big, “HEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU???????!!!!!!!” It is honestly very startling.
Jay Bird • Jul 15, 2020 at 5:47 pm
It’s a beautiful summer day. I just went to the back yard to enjoy the fresh air and blue sky and do some reading, and one of the neighbor’s dogs is barking like mad. I hate dogs and I especially can’t stand the fact that everywhere I go on earth (and I have traveled a ton), there is always some freaking barking dog whose owner somehow thinks it’s fine to just let it bark non-stop. The dog pandemic has reached such an obscene level. Seriously, it’s out of control. I was reading an earlier post about the level of human suffering and poverty on the planet, and yes, it seems that first world dogs live better than most people in the exploited developing world. Something is seriously wrong with our society’s priorities. Yes, hate is an unfortunate word to use. I wish I didn’t feel this way, but man, I hate dogs. Thanks Ms. Gallardo for providing this place to express myself.
Sven • Jul 13, 2020 at 6:57 pm
Sven here again. I live in Southern California–the dog capital of the world. Ugh.
Sven • Jul 13, 2020 at 6:53 pm
Hi Everybody,
THANK YOU, Ms. Gallardo for this article; and to the hundreds here (and tens of thousands elsewhere) who agree with us! Like many of you before me have said, having a pet can be great; but, why would one choose a dog? When I was 4, my parents apparently felt that, because I was male, I needed a puppy–man’s best friend and all that. Well, that was over 50 years ago; and let’s just say things didn’t go well when we met. “Ginger” (named by my folks, not me, on Day 1 of ownership) jumped on me, licked me, peed on me (from excitement, I hope), growled at me, and barked at me. On it’s hind legs, Ginger was nearly as tall as I was. I ran to my bedroom and was completely hysterical for hours. Most of this can be proven since it was filmed (no cell phones or video at that time, LOL). Two days later, they gave her away. Shortly thereafter, my mom (always a cat lover) went with my dad to the animal shelter to get a kitten. What a difference–no smell, soft, cerebral, independent, purr vs. bark,; and, I’ve been a fan ever since.
I do have to say that I’ve tried, as an adult, to like dogs (married a woman with 2), but I just don’t get the attraction like many of you (the smell, picking up hot turds at least twice a day, disgusting breath, the barking, the cost, the destruction, the neediness, etc, etc). FYI: Not married anymore. The dogs were part of it, but I also didn’t see the “better-half’s” sociopathic tendencies during the madly-in-love days of infatuation. And, while I’m thinking of it, DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DATING WEBSITE FOR ANTI-DOG FOLKS? Great idea, right? There’s at least an 81% chance that looking at a profile on Bumble or Hinge will include a pose with “the dog” (and, I mean the canine, LOL).
So, again Ms. Gallardo, thanks a bunch. Your article has done what therapy was unable to do.
Stay healthy in COVIDworld everyone,
P.S. If a girl out there is single, over 50, and wants to date a funny, genuine, smart, school teacher and college professor, let’s figure out a way to talk(-:
Alysse Gaudenzi • Jul 13, 2020 at 10:19 am
I feel that I should clarify – I’m the person that “doesn’t like dogs” and the someone was my sarcastic sister. I actually fell in love with a French Bull Dog Fanatic. The dogs fart, snore and are always under my feet. Just simply, I think they are smelly and annoying. But I love my boyfriend much more than I dislike the mess and lack of space they give me.
Alysse Gaudenzi • Jul 13, 2020 at 10:09 am
One time someone told me, “There is a special place in hell for people that don’t like dogs” lol
Jo Plummer • Jul 12, 2020 at 5:30 pm
Respect that not everyone likes dogs. I’m not a huge fan of other pets. Try not to ‘hate’ though. It’s a horrid word and nothing good comes of it.
Sylvie • Jul 12, 2020 at 3:45 pm
I agree 100%! I also come from a family of dog haters. However my kids are dog lovers. My daughter came home with a dog when she was 15..without our permission. This thing nearly ruined her adolescence. It was worse than a child. She had no social life. We refused to take it with us to our cottage on weekends bc the one time we did it destroyed my flower beds and chewed our deck. Over $1000 of damage. So she stayed home with it. Mean parents but she would not give it up. It pissed and shit in our house for 2 years. When she left for college (with it), we had to change the flooring.
Ppl always assume I was bit by a dog when I push their crotch sniffing mongrels away from me. No, I am just grossed out by everything about dogs. Glad I am not alone.
Mari • Jul 11, 2020 at 5:23 pm
I love this article and the comments! I don’t like dogs, never have never will. I was chased by big vicious Rotweilers on my walk home from school because their disgusting owners never locked them away securely and they would jump over the small fence to terrorize passers by. Dogs kill and bite humans, especially pitbulls. If I have to read another article about someones “pet” pitbull chewing the face off a child, and the owners saying “oh he is such a sweet dog he wouldn’t harm a fly” I’ll scream!! Dogs, especially certain vicious breeds, are nothing more than weapons of destruction. We have been trying to get them banned in our area, as well as enforce leash rules. In return our house has been vandalized, we have been threatened, and piles of dog feces has been thrown on our lawn. Every time I go to the supermarket to buy groceries I see flyers advertising blue pitbulls for sale and I tears those adverts down. Dogs are a filthy, stinking hazard who eat feces, lick their own b*lls and try to hump your legs as their owners sit and think its so funny.
Zachary • Jul 11, 2020 at 4:44 pm
I hate animals period.Even when i was born i didn’t like em.I mean why do you love some fuck that poops and is a dickhead they pee everywhere and there fucks that are stupid.A lot of people say “dogs love you” that’s a fat lie from the Devil.All they have on there mind is “food love food love”All day long.There jerks becuaese when you don’t like em they will just follow you around all day and night with there lil dick eyes.I say they should just be all used for meat.That’s there purpoes in life.A lot of people say “oh a dog getting hunted is wrong”But there wrong there that’s there puropes in life.There just little things of fuck that should just die.Not just dogs but animals are just like dogs there fuck.
yolanda • Jul 11, 2020 at 2:39 pm
Dave • Jul 9, 2020 at 10:55 am
I don’t hate em. Actually like some of them them but most are dumb, annoying and disgusting. If you love your dog so much that you allow it to annoy other people, you are wrong. Period. I will tolerate dogs just like I tolerate annoying people but don’t ask me to love them. Dog worshipers are goofy but again, I tolerate it. Just don’t expect the rest of us to feel the same way about your annoying smelly animals. And if its not smart enough to learn to crap outside, it’s not smart enough to live in a house.
R Black • Jul 8, 2020 at 5:36 am
Holy moley these comments. The relationship humans have with dogs is an ancient partnership, there is some evidence that we as a species may have not survived without them. I get it, they are gross, but so are kids lol. But you don’t see me saying I hate children. If you don’t want to own a dog or be around them then don’t. Get over yourselves.
Troy • Jul 6, 2020 at 11:59 pm
Ya, actually you are a horrible human being. Dogs are awesome, way better than those annoying little pain in the ass things, what are they called again? Oh yes, children. Talk about repulsive. People that put kids over dogs must be missing a chromosome or have some kind of mental health issue.
Ryan • Jul 5, 2020 at 11:23 pm
Yes! This! I’m far from a dog hater, I think they are loving, kind, gentle creatures and have so much love to give, but they INFURIATE ME. And they completely strip you of independence.
Great article
IzzyAlice • Jul 3, 2020 at 10:28 am
So glad I found you all!
I unfortunately have a dog, that I asked to return a week after we got him. My spouse (probably soon to be ex)has insisted on keeping him, despite my allergies and my overall hatred for this dog.
Just last night he scratched my son’s neck and destroyed a bag I packed for when I go into labour in the next few days.
As it sits, I asked him AGAIN to get rid of this terror of an animal, and if it’s not done by the time my baby gets here, I will be taking legal avenues to get this animal OUT of my house! I’m a cat person and yet for the past 10 years I have never had one because of his allergies, yet apparently I’m not entitled to the same level of respect? Not happening in my home. Foot IS down!
Jein • Jul 2, 2020 at 4:09 pm
Nice article! I grew up with dogs and it was fun because where i grew up, we let the our dogs run free our yard and they were happy and i think that being free makes them healthy. But when i moved in DC, its really different. They are always inside the house and as a dog owner, i have to make time to walk them out few times a day, rain or shine. And there are days that it i feel sick but still have to do it. Also, makes it hard that my dogs are not dog friendly that they want to attack other dogs or animals while I walk them. AND there are days that instead of doing a workout, cleaning their messes like pee and puke takes most of my time in the morning. Maybe im a horrible person, but Im not gonna get another dog as a pet when our current dogs passes away.
Animal Lover • Jul 2, 2020 at 3:24 pm
Lydia, you are wrong • Jun 30, 2020 at 7:41 pm
Dog owners do not respect their fellow people. They own dogs that kill people, maul people, kill other animals, livestock and wildlife, maul animals, pee and poop all over the place, ruin the water table, spread diseases, enable the spread of parasites, and cause noise pollution. Dogs and their owners ruin the lives of so many other people, plants and animals. They are like a plague.
Start by respecting others yourself. If you own a dog, and you cannot respect how you have hurt others, then you have no business posting her about anything.
Lydia preston • Jun 29, 2020 at 8:42 am
No I won’t speak my mind because you don’t listen and for
That reason I shall not support or sponsor you.
Lydia preston • Jun 29, 2020 at 3:27 am
I can understand and appreciate the fact that not everyone loves dogs or other animals regardless of what kind. What We need to understand is that all are living beings. Animals are not dirty or smelly-all you need to see is their environments. When they’re in captivity of any kind they can’t look after themselves and rely on their owners etc. Look at humans how smelly and dirty some are. Not talking about people who can’t take care of themselves but about the able who are lazy. Anyway, the point is all living beings have the right to live without being used and abused. We need to develop more compassion and righteousness with regards to all animals no matter of their destiny. I have no problem with people not liking dogs or animals in general but I do have problem when people are cruel beyond comprehension. So, don’t like dog or animals but at least let us fight to stop all cruelty and abuse that gets on and where so many turn a blind eye to. All those living beings need the same as we humans do. Love, compassion, respect and fair treatment. All beings, human and animals may become parents-so let them tend to their young ones and enjoy that time, don’t just ripped them away to some dispicable fates in the name of ‘my property’ so I do as I please for profit or total sense of power that comes with this attitude. Let young animals have lives too. The fact is, people will never change and I personally feel ashamed to be a human being. I get angry with God for allowing such atrocities to go on but I don’t blame God. I see evid nice verywhere that puts hope into my heart. I believe that our latest disaster with Covid19 is actually by the hand of God. We have been put through a very trying period where many have lost their lives. Unfortunately, many innocent, caring and good people die too-amongst some that perhaps weren’t so nice. I believe that we were given a chance or a lesson but that despite all of that so many have not heeded that and still do not intend to.
Were I God- I promise I would not have been so patient, understanding and overlooking. But I am not God. Still, if we want a beautiful and caring role and our planet to survive- we need to tale responsibility for it and individually. Every living being and thing has the right to live without abouse and without being destroyed and that is the message that we all need to embrace and embark upon. I personally came to hate the human population, some people more than others but I do not wish any evil to anyone. So once again, don’t like if you don’t want to BUT don’t turn away from abuse just because you’re not the one that is abused- but help, get involved and pursue in any way you can to stop it. Thank you.
Liddy • Jun 28, 2020 at 6:13 pm
You have no idea how happy I am to discover like minded individuals! I have never liked dogs! I hated them before I can remember doing so. My family tells me stories of how I screamed hysterically when the family dog jumped up on me as a toddler. We had other dogs after that and I never bonded with any of them. My brothers would frolic and romp with those smelly, hairy beasts and I avoided those things by any means. As an adult I had a friend who owned an anxious and hyper dog, who was hell bent on having a lick or a sniff and I wasn’t having any of it. One day she came to my house and I talked to her in the driveway. Her dog’s leash was tied to her steering wheel and that beast was howling and lunging at me. My friend said, “she’s just curious about you and if you just let her have one little lick, she’ll calm down.” I told her that I didn’t owe her dog anything and I refuse to be molested by a dog just to calm it down! That was pretty much the end of the friendship. I got rid of two dogs with one stone!
Shut up Ellie HONEY • Jun 27, 2020 at 3:32 pm
Hate is not a strong enough word if you ask me.
Dogs and their owners ruin the world.
Check out Dogfree. Ban pit bulls in reddit. Dogsbite.org
Ban dogs. Dogs and their ownera are PURE EVIL.
Scott • Jun 27, 2020 at 9:23 am
I stumbled across this because I just had a conversation with my Mother about bring here dog in a restaurant. I hate dogs! Everything you said it true. You are far from alone. There is something wrong with dog lovers, ever noticed they love their animals more then their own children. It is to fill a weird void in their lives. So there you go!
Ellie • Jun 26, 2020 at 10:15 am
Oh but honey, you ARE a bad person. The reason why you never liked dogs is because doing all those things (taking for walks etc) to you was effort without any viable benefit in return. You are self centred to the core. Dogs smell? So do you! You sh*t, you fart, you have body odour just like anyone else, including a dog. From all I just read you very clearly lack in compassion department.
You don’t have to like dogs, but HATE is a very strong statement. Well here is one for you- I hate people like you!
Fran you suck • Jun 25, 2020 at 9:32 am
Yes Fran, we GET it. You are a dog nutter. I’m sure your neighbors hate you and your 3 dogs. They probably threaten and bark at people. They foul their fri t yards.
You probably have a 30 percent cchance if cleaning their shit. Their urine kills your Neighbor’s plants.
Your dogs harass wildlife, because you probably let those “puppets” ofleash. If they are shitbulls, guaranteed they have killed things.
I hope they aren’t shitbulls, but I wonder. You talk about hitting people with a hammer.
For this moment in history, you don’t need to hit people with a hammer. You can kill people with your dogs. That is our unfortunate and unvarnished reality.
Is that why you are, exponentially, a dog lover Fran?
Fran • Jun 24, 2020 at 5:39 pm
I wouldn’t tell you that u r a monster even through I am 10000000000000% a dog person (I’ve got3) although the person that called dogs broken (I’m looking at u ‘Linda’) deserves to be hit with this metaphorical hammer everybody is talking about!
NYC Resident • Jun 24, 2020 at 7:20 am
I find dogs and cats cute from a distance. Living in NYC, there’s dog crap everywhere. I hate the owners more than the dogs. Certain parts of the city you just smell that dirty dog smell and dog crap. It’s repulsive!!!! On too of that you have dog owners that never have their pet on a leash and say things like , “He’s harmless, he doesn’t bite, he’s friendly” Yeah, well, it’s got teeth right? And I don’t want ur dog sniffing my ass…Why am I the bad guy for not liking your dog when you should have your damn animal on a leash? Can’t stand them. I wish they outlawed owning dogs seriously.
Nancy Brown • Jun 22, 2020 at 11:09 pm
Honestly, I caved and got a puppy for my 10 year old because she’s an only child and it was my way of helping her have a buddy to look after, plus she begged me. However, I am already regretting it. I did not want the responsibility because I am not into it. I like dogs, but for the most part I am apathetic towards them. I would want them to have a good home like any other living being, but I am more of a people person. I worry if we give the puppy up, which I don’t think would be hard to do because he is terrible cute…and we have been stopped a lot while out because of him…but I just worry about hurting my daughter, the very reason I accepted to get this dog in the first place. I am really confused. I don’t want this puppy, but I feel like I should bear and grin for my kid. Her happiness means the world to me, but I’m reminded of all the reasons I didn’t want a dog every day since this little guy arrived into our home! Any advice?
Highball • Jun 22, 2020 at 9:25 pm
cats are the fucking worst, ugh disgusting shit bags! fuck you and fuck cats!
Nancy • Jun 22, 2020 at 5:32 pm
How can a person get used to picking up animal feces every day? I just don’t understand. It’s so disgusting!!!!
You don't know who I am and I won't tell you • Jun 22, 2020 at 10:32 am
I don’t hate dogs, I am indifferent to them. I get they can be a fantastic companion, and they can bring happiness to people. If your dog is well trained, then I like the dog, but the untrained dogs, which seems to be most of them these days, are badly behaved and do my head in. They poop and piss everywhere, and they STINK. But that’s not the dog’s fault. If the owners just took some time to get off their arses and care for their dog, they would be much better animals. The owners of untrained and disgusting dogs are often lazy and annoying people who think you are a demon if you don’t want to go near their dirty mutt. Dogs are awesome if you just show them some love and care for them. I used to be scared of dogs because one knocked me over and started licking me and jumping on me when I was 4. I am no longer scared of them but that experience, which left me with many cuts on my legs put me off ever owning one, but I am no dog hater. People who hate them can have that opinion, but they should also respect that dogs can be great animals to live with. If you dislike dogs, that doesn’t make them a horrible person, but if they abuse them and treat them like flies, they are. Love dogs or hate them, they are great animals, but they are not everybody’s cup of tea. Most dogs I know are lovely, but I still prefer cats. Both are great.
Ok Quazi? • Jun 21, 2020 at 10:30 pm
We breed dogs because they are animals.
We do not breed people.
Your kids are going to hate your dog. Good luck with that. You’ll just have to accept it, or I guess disown them…I can tell because this talk of “breeding” people is pure dog nutter..
Just let us have our opinions, without talk of “breeding” people like….well like dogs.
Quazi • Jun 20, 2020 at 10:02 am
So I grew up in a strict Muslim household and my parents claimed it was against our religion to have dogs in the house. I was raised to believe dogs were stinky and dirty but I always loved animals. Anyways I left my parents as soon as I was 18 so I could start living on my own and eventually get a dog. If you get a dog whose fur isn’t high maintenance, it doesn’t smell. It’s speaks a lot about your family – you got a trendy high maintenance dog with no prior experience and expected it to be easy and just like you see on tv? Dogs have so much potential but it really takes a good handler to bring it out.
It sounds like you and your parents were just bad dog owners so you had a bad experience and furthermore you didn’t even realize why it didn’t work and here you are as an adult spewing hate against a certain species because you never went to therapy lol. I’m glad dog lovers are the majority as I hope we breed dog haters out of the population.
For Cathy • Jun 19, 2020 at 7:42 pm
Cathy, your problem is unfortunately very common. Try Dogfree on Reddit. There is also a special private sub called Dogfreespouses. I think you definitely qualify!
Good luck to you, I hope things get better. Dogs ruin more relationships, and people should always come first.
Cathy • Jun 19, 2020 at 3:01 pm
i feel so stressed right now!
i have 3 dogs right now. I loved dogs and now i hate them. My husband and I are at the midst of a seperation over this. I feel like my life revolves around these freaking animals! I have one bleeding all over my floor as we speak because she’s in heat and i can’t let her out because i have two males outside who are’nt neutered. My husband doesn’t want to neuter or spay them because he thinks it changes them for the worse and affects their hormones, so that’s a problem. I have the best sense of smell and i am about to have a conipion fit over the way my house yard smells right now. Bad smells make me want to kill something and i literally can’t escape it. Now my female dog decided that my house is her back yard and is urinating and crapping all over my house whenever she feels like it. I’m pissed! My male dogs jump up on you, run into the house every time you open the door, runs through my damn legs and barks every time someone goes outside. Not to mention running outside the fence whenever we take out the trash. Always begging, looks at you like your supposed to be there for their every whim, licks you constantly, jumps on my furniture no matter how many times I say no, begs for food, and so many other annoying things. My female bleeds everywhere, smells like dirty vagina and feet, is the most needing fucking dog in tthe world, won’t leasve you alone for one second, follows you evereyerhere you go, also begs for food and now, because the she watches the other two, jumps up every time she sees you. The whole yard is taken up by dog shit and I can’t go outside to take a deep breath cause all I smell is shit! Can’t play in my back yard with my kids NO becaue we conastantly have to watch where we step. T’he smell alone makes me so angry that i feel like I’m going insane! Not to mention that they got hook worms and eeven though they got medication for it I have to get all my kdis and us to the doctor to get checked to make sure we didn’t get it cause that shit can transfer to humans. AHHHHH!! They destroyed my trampline. They dig and chew shit. Every training tool I have used doesn”t work and a trainer is expensive plus now I’m working again, so I do not have time to take them to a damn trainer every day. My smallest chikd likes two of them. One growls at her, so she doesn’t like him to much. Dad is attached to that idiot though, so hating him is not allowed nor is gettng rid of him. One I can’t get rid of them becuae one they are still my responsibilty. Two because my little one will be sad. Three because my husband will hate me and leave me if it do. I’m going crazy and I feel like im gonna explode. I feel like a glass yar that is about to break! There’s no way out of this! I either leave my husband and my kids whom I love tremendously or I put up with it and be completely miserable to every one I know and love for however long they stay alove. Isn’t life grannd?! Oh and I’m sure I”ll get someone on here who will think I’m an ogor because how can I feel this way about 3 innocent dogs. 🙁 well I don’t know, but I do!
Dog Allergy • Jun 19, 2020 at 3:39 am
Having serious dog allergies preventing myself, family and friends into the majority of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, hotels etc because dogs are allowed in, unhygienic also as this is anyway.
Please help, is there any thoughts how to get the hospitality business to understand the seriousness of allergies, how it effects lives every single day, so they will stop dogs being allowed in these establishments and have consideration for people, who should come first, especially with the recent Covid 19 and social distancing being an extremely important factor.
Hygiene, health reasons and safety must take priority.
Hospitality please have a heart for individuals who have serious health issues preventing them from doing things because dogs are being considered first.
Harry M Joseph • Jun 18, 2020 at 9:00 pm
When I was a kid I use to love dogs. I begged my parents to get me a puppy which they finally did. That dog grew up to be the Dog from hell and we had to get rid of him. Now as an adult I can’t say I hate them but I would not want one in my house. They require way too much attention sometimes more than my own kids. They stink and lick themselves in all sorts of crevices then they try to lick you. There is a dog on my block the pooch barks from 6:00 am in the morning to 9:00 pm at night every single day , 365 days a year ! The owner sees no problem with this. Sorry but I’m glad somebody posted this article.
S • Jun 18, 2020 at 12:30 pm
I don’t hate dogs, but I can honestly say I sort of dislike them. Before I go any further i want to say get F*** out of here dog people. Get your hive mind conformist mouth breathing attention craving self-centered asses out of here. We don’t want you here and we don’t care about your smallminded opinions that everyone that doesn’t think like you is bad. Smearing people that don’t like dogs and find them annoying is ignorant and It doesnt say anything good about you that you are making assumptions about people based on their preferences.For the most part Dog people are worse than dogs, dogs i can sometimes tolerate because they are stupid and don’t know how to act.
In general dogs bark too much and are gross and dangerous.
matthew rayburn • Jun 17, 2020 at 8:04 pm
i dont like dogs and cats either but i never tell anyone that.especially if i started dating a new woman or something like that i would never tell her something like that.people these days are such spoiled wretched assholes one thing they find out they dont like about you and its like they tell you to go kick rocks.its disgusting.i think dogs are smelly,shit everywhere,bark,wreck stuff but they are not nearly as bad as filthy ignorant obtuse humans.the human race is criminally insane and its hard to comprehend.it wouldnt be hard to change that and be better but everyone is just so hopelessly stupid.
Aww, black griffin, get over yourself • Jun 16, 2020 at 12:09 am
So dognutter, did spitting out all that vitriol make you feel better. There are more people waking up to the hideousness of dogs and their owners everyday.
Once dogs were in balance with society, but things have definitely got out of hand. Don’t worry, I’m sure you are convincing people everyday with your entitlement that dogs truly are awful pets.
Enjoy that illusion of moral superiority while you can. One day you are probably going to to get rid of, or if things get bad enough, eat your dog. And you won’t feel the least bit bad about it.
Because you are a probably a narcissist. If you weren’t, you would not be going on this site, and leaving comments like this. You’d understand that people have other points of view. You are the problem here.
Only people not in your weird dog worshipping cult will even remember these crazy days. It will change, and when dogs are no longer a vehicle to bully and wield false moral superiority, you will abandon them.
Blackgriffin • Jun 15, 2020 at 4:39 pm
Oh, don’t kid yourself. You definitely ARE a horrible human being and so are all the other nasty people commenting here. Just own it already and quit trying to justify yourself.
Brittany • Jun 14, 2020 at 8:58 pm
I agree and thank you for posting this! It makes me feel like I am not alone in my dislike of dogs. Restoring my faith in humanity!
Phoenix • Jun 14, 2020 at 3:54 pm
I don’t hate dogs in and of themselves. I hate misbehaving loud dogs. Which is most dogs I’ve ever met. Because owners are so brainwashed. They can’t figure out a puppy is a decade long investment. You have to train them and socialize them early and often. By often, I mean hours a day, every day for several years.
Dogs are not ready made maintenance free pets. If you want a pet you can buy and go, get a rodent, or a fish, or a Pokémon.
Dogs are incredibly intelligent social creatures. Yes there are some dumb breeds. I feel these were bred to be lovey lap dogs, so intellect was not to priority.
I hear people say there are no bad dogs, only bad owners. I agree with the sentiment. Still, if your dog can’t behave, I don’t have to show any interest in your terrible pet bourne from lack of neglect and Stupidity. And I have no obligation to spare your feelings. I’ll tell you I’m leaving if you can’t control your animals.
Animal abuse isn’t actually the biggest Pet issue in America. It’s animal neglect. Failure to train and provide proper environmental, physical, mental Stimulation for these excellent animals.
Ok k.u. • Jun 14, 2020 at 12:20 pm
Here’s one that disproves the ‘bad dogs bad homes’-idea:
‘Neighbours say woman who died in dog attack was devoted to her pets‘- yet her dog killed her, in Nova Scotia this week.
There are so many people these days with dangerous dogs that bend over backwards for them. Yet the dogs still kill.
Here’s the latest fatality. Just yesterday, a 6 week old baby-
‘2020 Dog Bite Fatality: Infant Dies After Being Bitten by Family Dog in Hartford, South Dakota’-dogsbite.org
Dogs are not our best friends. They are not pure, and they do not have our best interests at heart.
There are about 220 000 dog bites every day and 40 000 of them need medical treatment.
99% of rabies cases are dog-mediated and the burden of disease is disproportionally borne by rural poor populations, with approximately half of cases attributable to children under 15. Rabies is estimated to cause 59 000 human deaths annually. WHO data.
That is just for humans, that are recorded. Not all get recorded. And the data for animals show that the misery and mayhem that dogs cause are far worse.
Out best friends would not do this. Dogs are a health hazard, and they aren’t a friend of humans or other animals.
Nootan Kumar • Jun 14, 2020 at 3:10 am
There is nothing wrong with hating dogs, as every person is different, so the dogs are. I don’t like alligators, but some people also pet them, if they force me to like them, I won’t do it, and anyone won’t. I am running a pet blog(https://pet.nootankumar.com/), and some people give hatred comments, I find it completely normal. If someone is bitten by a dog, what the experience would be, you can imagine yourself. That’s why, I love dogs, but I don’t force anyone to do. If someone does it, I would call it an obsession.
Ceci • Jun 13, 2020 at 3:11 am
Actually not all dogs are bad some are good it’s only the dogs with the shittiest owners that are the worst dogs. The owners that do not give a crap about anything except their dog are the worst ones tho and I’m happy that u posted this article and now I know that I am not the only one that dislikes some dogs. Then what normally happens is when u say that u dislike dogs ppl think that u r insane. Some dumb dog lovers dont even understand that some dogs can be stupid and obnoxious.
Ceci • Nov 25, 2021 at 12:44 am
This is my comment and it’s awful I’m sorry. Dogs are cool please don’t attack me, lol
C. Webby • Jun 13, 2020 at 2:38 am
A Good Human Being? You are not a human being.! Your either an Alien from another planet or a demon from hell. Dogs are mans best friend. They will always have unconditional love. Dogs deserve the best and even more then some humans! If you hate dogs then you hate mankind. The reason is your not human!!!!!
K. U. • Jun 12, 2020 at 4:35 pm
Omg. I don’t understand the author’s dislike, but I can respect that some people aren’t dog people. But the comments!! Wow. Reading through these just reinforces the fact that I really don’t want to have anything to do with the vast majority of people who dislike dogs! Yikes. What a bunch of miserable, sorry people getting all worked up over other people’s choice to have dogs – and (GASP) walk them down a public street, etc. Human’s relationship with dogs is at least 33,000 years old, and some scientists even credit that relationship with the success of our species, when humans were smart but weak in the face of large predators and hidden threats. This has been a symbiotic relationship between two species that has benefitted both dogs and people for tens of thousands of years. I get it if people aren’t into them, but those who have and adore their and others’ dogs are acting on a very specific evolutionary advantage (though we may not like to this of it this way) of our mutual relationship – as evidenced by the fact that dogs and people share an oxytocin feedback loop with each other that is only otherwise seen with our close loved (human) ones and is the primary driver of parent-child bonding.
Captain Redbeard • Jun 12, 2020 at 1:14 pm
If you dislike the most loyal animal on earth that you are at best a Horrible Human Being… Animals are part of the world deal with it. If you hate dogs you hate animals in general and have issues, Cats are way more psycho then dogs. Cats are way less smart then dogs so don’t try to play this off as cat vs dog people argument. I’ll tell you why you hate dogs .. Dogs can sence when something isn’t right. They know who they can trust. If a dog doesn’t like you its for a good reason and their on to you and your evilness and you don’t like that.
C G • Jun 11, 2020 at 8:40 pm
My wife owns a dog which we have had for two years now. We have tried hard to teach it not to jump on people or bark at kids walking by our house but nothing seems to work. My mom won’t come visit anymore since we got the dog. I keep looking online sometimes to see what their lifespan is. I’m just not happy living with it.
Fodagus • Jun 11, 2020 at 6:49 pm
Honestly I think you’re more human for having that boundary: it’s very self aware and honest. I have dogs and I absolutely love my dogs, but they are not for everyone and I don’t want everyone to have one. You make very valid, logical arguments for your feelings. I sympathize with some of your reasoning and I’ve sometimes felt those feelings. I have had very expensive vet bills and I’ve had to ask myself if I can *really* afford this, or do I need to let my dog go. It’s hard. I have been frustrated when there’s a behavior issue and felt cramped when I can’t just spurriously go see a friend, stay out late, or just keep biking/running because “I have to let the dogs out.” It’s a choice and a lot of people that have dogs don’t make the right choice and the dog suffers for it.
The kinds of people that you “don’t trust” are the ones that “hate dogs” for no apparent reason. Scared of dogs? Sure. Want a different lifestyle? It’s your life! They smell bad? Everyone’s different. Neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking at 4am and pooping on your lawn? Makes sense that they trigger you.
Most people that think “that guy hates dogs? Must be a psycho!” are really just insecure. They feel mental pain when someone doesn’t like what they like.. judged… self conscious. So, they justify their discomfort by flinging it at the source with the most extreme example they can: psychopaths. There are people who just ‘hate’ them with no explanation. It can be a warning sign of a psychopath, particularly if they begin acting out on those feelings. A LOT of psychopaths begin by torturing and hurting animals. It’s usually not hate but an inability to see that creature as a live that they retroactively justify as hate. That’s really rare though and sometimes people just don’t understand their subconscious bias. That’s extreme… so it’s a great big cowchip to through at the guy that’s making you uncomfortable. *sigh*
Sasha • Jun 11, 2020 at 3:03 am
I am a vegan and I absolutely hate dogs. They are just so needy and don´t have any direction on their own you know, like for example cats do, or any other animals do! I think that it tells a lot about us humans as a species that we have handcrafted a species like dogs who seem to not have any mind on their own, only following orders from us and being needy. P.S I absolutely hate people who say that they are animal lovers but they eat meat and on top of that when I say that I don´t like dogs they say that I am awful “How can you not like dogs!?”
Bridgette Floyd • Jun 11, 2020 at 1:05 am
Well you won’t want to go to heaven because there will be animals there. I love animals. I hope all abused animals get justice in this life and the world to come. Everything needs love. Even humans. There are bad dog owners. The problem is keeping them away from abusive people. It’s okay to have opinions about something. You hate dogs and many of us love them. To each their their own.
For Peter • Jun 10, 2020 at 6:14 pm
I agree with you Peter.
But I do also really HATE dogs. My neighbours child was killed by dogs, and dog owners spat upon her grave with their demented and craven words.
That was only the first of hundreds of incidents I’ve experienced involving dogs and their owners. I’ve watched dogs run wild, killing sea life, birds, and pets, and ruinOmg private property and mental health of others with the same demented excuses .
I’m happy to see more articles like this, people are finding this out in increasing numbers.. We do all just want dog owners to take actual responsibility for themselves and their choice of animal. If that is not possible, laws and regulations can be passed, and they will have to be passed.
I don’t see dog owners ever having empathy for other people and creatures in the world. So we will need to protect ourselves from their destruction and violence.
Peter Page • Jun 10, 2020 at 4:31 pm
This has nothing to do with hating dogs. It is about wanting to enjoy, establish and maintain human health and safety rights. I do not hate dogs. I desire to enjoy my health and safety and see others also enjoy them. I take the risk of zoonotic pandemics seriously, like coronavirus and parvovirus. I understand dogs are the greatest transmitters of zoonotic pathogens. 50% of the pathogens in urban air, and 30% in urban water, come from dog waste. Dogs are the fourth largest cause of human injuries. Over 500,000 Canadians, per year, are injured seriously enough by dogs to require professional medical attention. These are authentic, statistically verifiable human health and safety risks. What kind of people would deny them?
That this article is titled I Hate Dogs is evidence of the reverse sophistry masking this issue. Humane, caring people are vilified for wanting to enjoy, establish and maintain the most basic human right, the right to be and feel safe, by people who want to deny and violate these rights. We do live in times when fair is foul and foul is fair.
at me • Jun 10, 2020 at 11:54 am
It is fascinating how dog owners look for articles where people don’t like dogs, scroll down to the bottom, and leave their venom.
They do not listen. Maybe narcissism is like that. They do not hear how their dogs cause so much pain.
Today, a lady in Nova Scotia killed by her dog.
For the person who asks where their dog can shit and pee…how about NOT on your Neighbor’s property? Do not let your dogs kill other people, their pets, their livestock, wildlife,, do not let them bark and ruin people’s lives. Do not threaten your neighbors with your off leash dog. Did you parents not teach you this stuff? Did you not learn it when you were a child?
I personally have yet to meet a dog owner who is responsible, but if you are, realize that our concerns are quite valid and real. Train your fellow dog owners. Because this lack of responsibility will translate eventually into legal restrictions on dogs and dog ownership. This article is only the tip of the iceberg, commenting that you hate people who have valid concerns about your dog is not helping here. It doesn’t help your cause, but actually being a responsible pet owner does.
And, seriously, what gives? None of you dog lovers will change anyone’s mind here. You appear paranoid, and are only deluding yourselves.
Fank • Jun 9, 2020 at 5:49 pm
After having to move because my next door neighbor was a psychotic 400 lb dog mom with 9 dogs that wouldn’t stop barking I now find myself living next to another ignorant slob who only gas 1 but keeps it chained in the yard all day and is apparently deaf and can’t hear the stupid animal. I’m not at the poison hotdogs over the fence stage yet,but really sympathetic to those who have lost it and went that route.
Anonymous • Jun 9, 2020 at 11:45 am
Dog spelled backwards means God.
Me • Jun 8, 2020 at 10:35 pm
Hey, Soph. You sound like a very mean. Dog people aren’t stupid or irresponsible. I pay taxes, have a great job, a college degree and starting a second career as a writer. I am very accomplished. But let me tell you why I like dogs better than people… well, why I like them better than YOU! Because people like YOU say mean things to people simply because you’re unhappy. I’m sorry your life didn’t turn out as you wanted it to but that’s no reason to hate dogs or dog people. Sadly, you don’t deserve a canine companion and the love they offer. Soulless you are and ever will be.
Oh, and to those of you who say I don’t respect your opinion… it’s hard to do so when you give yours in such an angry and aggressive way, with the name calling right off the bat. If you want respect, try showing some first! But I’m sure that’s too hard for you or you might have tried that from the start.
MMT • Jun 8, 2020 at 10:25 pm
I truly don’t get the comments about hating dogs simply because the dog has a bad owner. Shouldn’t you hate the owner? Do you hate a child because the parent isn’t parenting? And to the person who hates dogs because you have seen a dog run off leash: how is that the dog’s fault? Think for a little bit before you say stupid stuff. And to the person who is upset that the dog “took a shit” as you so eloquently put it (that was so classy), that needs to be picked up by the owner. Again, don’t blame the dog. I’m sure you’re no peach to have as a neighbor. Also, many of you need to retake your high school English classes. Your grammar and spelling is horrible. It was hard enough to read your cruel and heartless responses, but adding bad sentence structure and poor grammar to it really told me a lot about you as people. None of you made a good impression! And to the author: how sad an existence you have. Good riddance to you all!
Me • Jun 8, 2020 at 10:07 pm
Well, it’s nice to know who to avoid: all of you! Talk about vile and hate-filled morons. How can you hate dogs? Yes, I read most of the responses and I don’t get it. I truly don’t. No, not because I refuse or because I’m not able to understand the words. Anyone who hates dogs has no soul or heart. And to the ass above who listed all she does for children and thinks that makes herself some sort of saint, there are other charities to consider. And no, I don’t mean just animal charities. I give to my church, the AKF, I donate meals to clinics, I raise money for cancer research, I volunteer to help with the elderly… It’s weird how you think you have some moral high-ground because you do good deeds for children only. How narrow-minded of you! Anyway, you’re all horrible and don’t deserve the love and loyalty a dog could give you. May you all live lonely and miserable lives! And no, before you assume, I am not childless and single. What a bunch of losers!
Ben Jaques • Jun 8, 2020 at 5:26 pm
I used to have a dog. I’m sad to say that I preferred the company of my dog to that of my own children. The dog was completely subservient, always happy to see me and I felt unconditional love from it. However as part of my research examining the contamination of household items. I realised how unhygienic it was keeping a pet in the house. On close inspection canine matter was on all surfaces. Intimate spaces like bedding and soft furnishings were exceptionally prone to collecting a host of unpleasant residue. Even after using what I thought were decent cleaning products the contamination lingered. REGRETTABLY I got rid of the dog! (broke my heart). It still took months after that to get rid of the canine parasitic matter, dog hair and canine saliva contains very unpleasant microbes. I then discovered the environmental impact of keeping a dog. The dog food is mostly animal cuts. These are mostly mixed meats, intestinal tissue, ears, nose and stuff humans usually avoid. As a knock on effect the dog waste is quite toxic and not broken down easily. It has no manure properties and has a negative impact on the eco system. Even if disposed of carefully the airborne particles are potentially hazardous. Apart from sheep dogs, hunting dogs and other dogs that serve a work purpose, keeping a dog as a pet is a human indulgence. It does not help the animal world. These creatures are only bred and manipulated to keep as domestic animals and we are interfering with nature by our unnecessary demand for pets. Although I know the value of keeping a dog, I now realise it’s a selfish thing to do and not particularly healthy for the canine species either
Aby • Jun 8, 2020 at 4:23 pm
Interesting. What can you suggest people who want to train their dog in lockdown as they can not leave their homes? How about training your dig with the help of online training https://doggyzcare.com/read-brain-training-for-dogs-review/ . What do you have to say about training the dog at current times at home?
At Kathleen • Jun 8, 2020 at 10:44 am
I find it interesting, these comments. Most dog lovers don’t seem to ever listen at all. Like they didn’t even bother to read the article.
People like this have a severe empathy deficiency.
Maybe owning a dog convinces these people they are good in some way, but perhaps deep down they know the truth about themselves.
Almost no one would have problems with dogs if they did not ruin parks, beaches, trails, forests and other natural spaces, destroy neighbors yards, flowers and peace of mind with incessant barking.
Then there is the matter of dogs killing people, a very regular occurrence, dogs mulling people, dogs biting people, dogs killing wild birds, wildlife, other pets, sheep, chickens, and goats.
On top of it all, of all this damage, are the dog owners, who claim they would let a child die, who would save a dog before a person, who can’t be bothered to self isolate them days, letting their off leash dogs create havoc.
Dog owners do not respect anyone, They do not listen, and they never seem to learn.
Ben Jaques • Jun 8, 2020 at 5:51 am
I used to have a dog. I’m sad to say that I preferred the dog to my own children. The dog was completely subservient, always happy to see me and I felt unconditional love from it. However as part of my research I was examining the contamination of household items when I realised how unhygienic it was keeping a pet in the house. On close inspection canine matter was on all surfaces, and intimate spaces like bedding and soft furnishings were exceptionally prone to collecting a host of unpleasant residue. Even after using what I thought were decent cleaning products the contamination lingered. Even after getting rid of the dog (broke my heart) and steam cleaning everything it took months to get rid of the canine parasitic matter. I then discovered the environmental impact of keeping a dog. The food a dog requires if mostly animal cuts. These are mostly mixed meats, intestinal tissue, ears, nose and stuff humans usually avoid. As a knock on effect the dog waste is quite toxic and not broken down easily. It has no manure properties and has a negative impact on the eco system. Even if disposed of carefully the airborne particles are potentially hazardous. Apart from sheep dogs, hunting dogs and other dogs that serve a work purpose, keeping a dog as a pet is a human indulgence. It does not help the animal world. These creatures are only bred and manipulated to keep as domestic animals and we are interfering with nature by our unnecessary demand for pets. Although I know the value of keeping a dog, I now realise it’s a selfish thing to do and not particularly healthy for the canine species either.
Kathleen Conroy • Jun 7, 2020 at 6:17 pm
I feel the same way about people who don’t love ALL animals.
Ana • Jun 7, 2020 at 8:16 am
I’m a huge lover of all animals & surprisingly this article did not offend me. At first, I will admit, I thought you were mean spirited. But upon completing the entire article, I grew fond of your honesty & realized not everyone will like everything that everyone else likes. You have your reasons & it’s perfectly acceptable to feel that way. It’s difficult for other to embrace what they don’t understand. However, it’s admirable of you to express your respect of those who don’t share your view. I appreciate how, even though you don’t care for dogs yourself, you’re able to respect the value of a canine/human bond & the qualities it brings to others. Having a dog isn’t easy & requires commitment & responsibility. Not everyone has that drive or that passion to dedicate to an animal. That’s okay, just like having kids isn’t for everyone, especially myself. Not everyone gets that either, as I’m often the outcast when it comes to liking “being around kids”. I don’t understand the appeal, but I understand how others live for it. We’re not all the same & never will be & that’s how it’s supposed to be.
??? • Jun 7, 2020 at 5:59 am
I 101% agree
??? • Jun 7, 2020 at 5:59 am
I totally agree 🙂
Anonymous • Jun 7, 2020 at 5:58 am
I totally agree 🙂
Michael A Bartell • Jun 6, 2020 at 11:33 am
I agree with everything you say. I have to put up with an irresponsible dog owner every day. Most dog owners think it is just fine to through their dog in the back yard and go to work and allow the thing to bark all day long. It appears to me that people want a dog but don’t want to spend the effort it takes to satisfy an animal that requires constant attention. It doesn’t appear that dog owners are willing to put any energy into obedience training, but certainly have the energy to constantly yell at it and apologize for its behavior. I speak from experience. I grew up on a farm with dogs. I know them to be gross, dirty animals. I watched them as a kid, roll in dead animal remains and stink for a week. I watched them kill cats (I love cats). And I watched them eat rotting flesh and feces. Then they want to lick your face. All dogs want to do these things. And lastly, I love to see wolves and coyotes in the wild. I respect their place in the wild. They play their part in the natural Ecosystem.
At neversalbrina • Jun 5, 2020 at 3:27 pm
Most everyone here does love animals.
That is one reason why we’ve wound up hating dogs and their owners.
Look around and EDUCATE yourself.
Neversabrina • Jun 5, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Of course everyone is entitled to their preferences in life but I’ve found people that cannot relate to another living creature’s reason for existing on this planet to be generally disconnected from themselves and their humanity. There’s an uptightness and inflexibility that’s not too enjoyable to be around. I understand some people did not grow up with animals and don’t get them and I also deeply understand not wanting animal feces and hair all over your person…that’s more a selfish, thoughtless person problem than an animal’s fault. I have quite a few animal companions and my house is clean, shining and stink free. Animals are not let up on furniture both for the preservation of the furniture and respect for guests. I can tell you that animals help us all better connect with our own humanity and make us better humans all around. It’s still your choice of course, but you may want to take the time to better understand why you don’t want to or can’t connect with animals. Good information just for yourself.
Neversabrina • Jun 5, 2020 at 12:09 pm
Of course everyone is entitled to their preferences in life but I’ve never met an animal hater that I’ve genuinely liked. My preference. I’ve found people that cannot relate to another living creature’s reason for existing on this planet to be generally disconnected from themselves and their humanity. There’s an uptightness and inflexibility that’s not much fun to be around. I understand some people did not grow up with animals and don’t get them and I also deeply understand not wanting animal feces and hair all over your person…that’s more a selfish, thoughtless person problem than animal problem. I have quite a few and my house is clean and stink free. Animals are not let up on furniture both for the preservation of the furniture and respect for guests. I can tell you that animals help us all better connect with our own humanity and make us better humans all around. It’s still your choice of course, but you may want to take the time to better understand why you don’t want to or can’t connect with animals. Good information just for yourself.
soph • Jun 5, 2020 at 11:05 am
Ok, “at soph’,
Dog haters are evil, correct? People who want to take a walk without off leash dogs and stepping on dog shit, who are tired of seeing wildlife killed by dogs, who are tired of loose dogs, dogs in restaurants, schools, libraries, planes, dogs shitting all these places and ruining them, dogs that get into their yard, kill their rabbits, guinea pigs, cats or farm animals, dogs that ruin their gardens, dogs that bark all night, ruining their sleep?
Yeah, that sounds EVIL,
The thing is, we all started with an open mind, giving your entitlement project every chance of working. But dogs and dog owners went too far.
Things are going to happen. You aren’t going to like it, to quote Christian Cooper. You are going to be forced to control your dogs. There will be laws passed. You’ll have to microchip. It will be harder to own a dog, You’ll be able to take it to fewer places. You might pay hefty fines, or lose your dog. Your dog might be euthanized if it ever attacks a person or an animal.
There are many of us out there, fighting for these laws. One day ‘peak dog’ will be over. Enjoy the bullying while it lasts ‘at soph’. It won’t be forever, and you will pay up. Right out of your pocket.
Anyone that reads this and finds that it resonates, check out dogfree on Reddit.
Angela • Jun 4, 2020 at 11:14 pm
Well I am a Veterinarian and I think all animals are AMAZING and WONDERFUL and you definitely do not deserve to have one. That is YOUR loss not their’s
Mary • Jun 4, 2020 at 1:52 pm
i’m more of a reptile lover, I have 7 tortoises and used to have a tegu that my parents didn’t like and was forced to rehome but was more friendly than our dog. – still miss my tegu so much but I do live with people who are afraid of them unfortunately, maybe one day I can move out from my parents being almost 44yrs old, and must abide certain rules that parents makes for you is very depressing I used to like dogs before being introduced to reptiles, than I started to prefer reptiles and till today I go to the garden and watch the torts eat and sometimes do this for most of the time, besides tortoises I have skinks in my garden too. I don’t understand why most people prefer dogs and not these beautiful animals but every person has his own opinion so i cannot blame anyone – , I also like cats and birds, birds are very cute they can talk but I do not have time for these animals because I am at work 12 hrs a day. As a matter of fact a dog is not a good pet for the lifestyle I have but our girl belongs to my parents so they are at home and give her company, If i were to live alone I would prefer a reptile, preferably a tegu, I love tegus. There is nothing wrong with not linking dogs, for example the animal I really dislike is the pig, but I cannot make pig lovers change their attitude towards the animal, just like people cannot tell me to hate reptiles, although I often bump into many that tell me that reptiles are ugly, it hurts me, I don’t go around and say pigs are ugly, but they are not my favorite animal. so don’t worry I am not against anyone not liking a particular animal, as I already said I have closed friends that tell me all the time that reptiles are ugly, but I still respect them although I think they should be more polite when addressing the animals we love. Everyone is different, and that is why we must respect eachother. That’s my two cents!!
at soph • Jun 4, 2020 at 12:37 am
You, soph, are dumb-assed and prejudiced bigot who thinks that all dogs and owners are pure evil when you’re evil yourself. It’s fuckin’ stupid of you to lump all of those beings into one category. If you hate them so much, get the hell off this article and kill yourself with all of your animal-hating retarded friends.
soph • Jun 3, 2020 at 11:09 pm
Given the lovely logic above, it’s more valid to think dog is the opposite of God-As in evil. Dogs and their owners are pure evil that kill others and pollute the world. The proof is everywhere. Just look around.
11 year old girl killed today by dogs. Amy Coopers everywhere, killing wildlife and polluting the natural world. Nonstop barking and endless entitlement.
Get the f@ck off these articles dog nutters.. No one here cares what you think. Go live on an island with your trash wolves and leave the rest of us alone.
Anonymous • Jun 2, 2020 at 9:59 am
Dog spells backward means God.
human hater • Jun 2, 2020 at 2:59 am
all of you dog haters and human lovers grow the fuck up and let misanthropes be.
Daniel • Jun 1, 2020 at 10:01 pm
Well, I respect your opinion and all, but I think every animal should be treated the way they want to treat you. I like dogs, but like I was saying before, I respect your opinion
soph • May 31, 2020 at 1:47 pm
Dogs are NOT children. Comparing the two is false equivalency argument:
False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency. A colloquial expression of false equivalency is “comparing apples and oranges”.”
Not that logic or straight thinking matters to dog nutters. I wonder how they manage to work a job and pay their taxes. Most of them seem to have the emotions and brain of a 5 year old, which is still more intelligent than a dog.
Patrick Benjamin • May 30, 2020 at 11:09 pm
Thank you for this article, and thanks to all the like-minded commenters out there. It is so refreshing to know that I am not the only one that feels this way. Dogs are revolting, foul and irritating creatures that intrude on any person or place they please without a thought in their small brains. I have learned over time that they do have certain redeeming qualities, though, like the ability to be trained and their respect for authority. Also over time, I have learned that this means the worst dogs and their misbehavior are simply permitted by their terrible owners, so it is really not the dog’s fault. If you speak with authority and show dominance towards a dog, it will probably cower away from you and not invade your space so thoughtlessly again, but good luck doing this in front of its owner. Dogs aren’t the problem so much as bad dog OWNERS, and there are A LOT of them.
Oofly Doofly • May 30, 2020 at 5:44 pm
I love SOME dogs. Not all of them. I can understand your perspective and you’re free to hate dogs! Personally I hate snub nosed breeds (it verges on animal cruelty to breed them) and I hate being pestered by off-lead dogs. If that happens it says more about the owner than the dog.
However, as may have been said above (i don’t have time to read everything), there are big differences between breeds and every dog has its own personality.
Some dogs rarely bark. Some dogs don’t come to you for cuddles (mine doesn’t, but is happy if I approach her and initiate it). You can eliminate doggy smells with an air purifier and regular washing/cleaning soft furnishings. Mine is always on the lead in public and I carefully check people’s reactions when I’m walking her to make sure she doesn’t get too close if she’s not welcome.
They are a lot of work, but then so are children. I can’t remember the last time I heard someone say “I don’t want to have children because they smell and whine for attention and they are too much work”…..
Ceasar • May 30, 2020 at 3:04 pm
Hello I am a dog owner I am not those crazy I am responsible and I do not trick people into thinking my dog is service. Do not load us into a stertype that is half true.
Dog Allergy • May 30, 2020 at 4:17 am
Many people have serious dog allergies and are prevented from going into the majority of bars, coffee shops, restaurants, hotels etc because dogs are allowed without any consideration of people with allergies, that have to be excluded from these places.
Please please can establishments and dog owners think about this and stop this from continuing and be kind to the people, who daily have to watch where they can go and do and be constantly reminded of their illness.
How can this be stopped??
Rich • May 30, 2020 at 1:06 am
I sort of like dogs, they are cute, funny looking and also somewhat stupid,but what really bothers me about them is they can bark way too much, and are just filthy animals. They scrap and per anywhere. No way I’m picking up after them.
soph • May 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm
Ok Jessis Pries, if you tell people that you hate children, they WILL shun you.
As they should. I certainly would. Yup, if you were working for me, you would not be for long. If you were my friend, nope.
Honestly, I don’t think you could be my friend, or work for me in the first place. You sound like an idiot.
Don’t expect anyone to help you with much, with that set of values.
Here are some statistics:
Approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur each year in the United States. Nearly 1 out of 5 bites becomes infected.
Preventing Dog Bites – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2015
In 2018, nearly 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs.
2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report – American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2019
Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion.
Dog Bites Recognized as Public Health Problem, by Voelker, JAMA, 1997
Tracy • May 29, 2020 at 5:32 am
As a child I was terrified of dogs. Growing up we were never allowed pets in our house, dogs or cats. Now I’m married to someone who loves dogs and I fucking hate that dog because when he’s home, the dog is in my house, lying on my carpet.. stinking the house out. Plus my sister in laws dog killed my 16 year old cat by shaking it to death so this is an issue for me. I don’t understand why people even enjoy the stink of dogs.. And seeing people sleeping in bed with their dogs…
Soph • May 28, 2020 at 11:22 pm
Another fatality today…
“Arkansas boy, 9, killed in dog attack while checking mail, officials say..”
“The boy’s body was found in a field near his family home, authorities said.“
If dogs became miraculously extinct, I would not be sad at all.
Jesse Pries • May 28, 2020 at 6:30 pm
I personally feel this exact way when it comes to children and babies. They’re gross and ugly and I just generally hate them. They constantly need attention and care. And they’re super gross all of the time. and then once a child grows up they’re still annoying. I guess I just hate people in general. They’re all super dumb and annoying. And while I disagree with your opinion on dogs, I see what you mean. Also, whenever I tell people that I hate babies and children they react the same way the people around you did/do.
soph • May 28, 2020 at 5:47 pm
Hey all you dog nutting ‘animal lovers’:
“A video of a dog catching a penguin on a Melbourne beach and running off with it has left the internet distraught – but it’s not for the reason you may think.
The viral video – which has been viewed almost 2 million times since it was uploaded earlier this week – has already been deleted once by TikTok. But it was shared again last week with the caption: “My puppo thinks it’s funny to catch penguins, tik tok deleted it!!!!””
“In the clip, the dog – believed to be a golden retriever, which are known for their affectionate traits – runs ahead of its owner on an empty beach.
It sees a black lump on the shore of the water, grabs it and starts running with it in its mouth. The owner identifies it as a penguin and yells: “Oi, get away from it. Get away from the penguin.” But as the dog drops the flailing penguin to the sand, which some believe was already dead, the owner starts laughing ”
“Since the video was re-uploaded to the increasingly popular video platform on May 17, it has received over 1500 comments – but the poster has replied to only one.
“If you can’t train your dog, keep it on a leash,” the commenter wrote, to which the creator of the video said: “No thx.””
There you have it. Cruel vindictive dogs and their owners. Can’t even be bothered to put a LEASH on the killer.
Check out the mayhem on the dogfree subreddit. Its every damn day with dog nutters. We need to change this.
Star • May 28, 2020 at 3:50 pm
I don’t like people that don’t like stuff, meaning I don’t like myself.
Klarc • May 28, 2020 at 7:06 am
There’s two types of people. There’s those that “get” dogs and those who don’t. You and so many “that are just so happy that someone finally wrote an article like this” clearly don’t. And I get that some people aren’t dog people. Weather it’s because they had a bad experience with them that left them terrified of K-9s, they don’t understand them so saying “I hate dogs” is easier than admitting they are deficient of that special thing that’s needed to connect with them or they simply aren’t interested in them. But to say “I hate dogs” as in “all” dogs is pretty ridicules. And I get that some dogs are just are impossible to be partial to in any way because they’re bad dogs. This, however is most likely because some moron raised them to be the dog that they are. I’ve grown up around dogs and had a dog all of my life and I can say with 100% certainty that, in general, I’d take a dog as a friend before a large majority of people in this world in a heartbeat. Lots of people are a-holes, plain and simple. And most, if not all, dogs that are bad dogs, are the way that they are because some idiot made them that way. Some stupid person that was supposed to be “the intelligent one” didn’t have the sense or capability to raise them in a way that made them becoming and sweet animals. Do you hate all birds? Do you hate all deer or elephants or squirrels or rabbits? I guess I can’t answer that because I don’t know you and have no idea. And to treat you as you seem to want to treat K-9s, I don’t want to know you because you’re an idiot like all people and I hate all people. Obviously I don’t mean that and that statement was to make a point..but if I did mean it, I’d probably take a step in the general direction of knowing what it’s like to be just as narrow minded and quick to generalize as yourself. Quite frankly it wouldn’t surprise me if u did hate all animals for no reason because there doesn’t seem to be a reason to stop at hating dogs “just because” so why stop there? May as well include the whole animal kingdom! If you don’t and think I’m an idiot for saying so, I hope you can take a moment to realize why this is. Most of the time if there is a reason to hate a dog, it’s because of some idiot that raised it. Domestic K-9s are an impressionable creature that are taught things so if any one of them possess negative characteristics that make u detest it, I can almost guarantee that u wouldn’t like the human responsible for it’s behaviour either. Most of this is common sense. And for someone like yourself who clearly doesn’t know a thing about them, I find it strange that you would take the time to write an article about hating dogs. While you’re at it, why don’t you write an article as to why your hate theoretical astrophysics too? As far as I’m concerned, it says a lot about your skills as a “contributing” writer or whatever you want to credit yourself as being. Not surprising you are writing an article about hating dogs instead of writing about something significant. Although if you were to write an article about something you did know anything about, it’d probably be just as ridicules as the one about you hating dogs. The fact that you elude to seeing all these Tinder accounts with people including their dogs in their profile like it’s something significant, and not them just including something “cute” to get laid either says a lot about your gullibility or how far you’ll go to trying to justify why it’s “just normal” to hate all dogs. Granted, of course you’re allowed to hate all dogs. But you’re the one that wrote a whole article on the topic just to justify yourself. You would’ve been better off to not write the article at all though. Instead of explaining that you hate all dogs and trying to justify it and explain why, a simple “I’m not a dog person and I don’t get, or understand them would’ve left you with some dignity and expect your readers to reference the I hate some dogs too. There are some breeds
Mary • May 27, 2020 at 11:18 pm
I agree with all the things said here about how stinky dogs are. People shouldn’t be allowed to let them shit on our lawn, even if they pick it up. I stopped going to my cousin’s house because of her obnoxious giant piece of shit dog. It sleep on her bed and is allowed to get on the furniture. I go home with dog hair all over my clothes. I talk on the phone with a friend and I can hear her yapping dogs in the background. How annoying. If people want dogs fine, but I won’t go to their place. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had neighbors with barking dogs. They just don’t seem to care. How rude. I’ve called the pound many times. I don’t let them get away with infringing on my right to peace and quiet in my own home. When you go out you see people with two and three dogs… Why? Isn’t one “piece of shit on a rope” enough? It’s gotten completely out of control with the number of dogs people think they need. I watch the court shows and 80 percent of the cases are about dogs biting someone. I don’t hate the dog, mostly I hate the owners. They fail to take responsibility for their animals. My father actually had dogs for security and I think they have other uses. But these animals belong outside not in our house and licking children’s faces and spreading their disgusting drool all over. I really get angry when I see commercials about animal food and animal meds and they show a freaking stinking dog licking someone.. Even on their mouth. Yeah that dog was probably licking his balls and ass a little bit ago. Keep your dog away from me and I won’t come to your house if you have one and I guess I’ll be fine unless I hear it barking.. Then I’ll call the pound relentlessly until they do their job and do something about it.
Elizabeth • May 27, 2020 at 1:20 pm
Finally! To find a forum where someone, anyone, sees my viewpoint. There are so many animal lovers that I have felt so ostracized by the human race because I cannot take raising a pet ever again. I agree with everything you said and you are not alone.
I grew up during a time that we did NOT sleep with animals in our bed, for crying out loud. They always had their place inside our home near the door, in a trained, comfortable spot for it to sleep. They behaved and followed our commands. I people were more humane to humans back then.
Dogs and cats are always under foot because they demand food and our attention, worse than a child. I raised children, and enjoyed grand children and don’t want to start with a new baby at this stage of my life. I have nearly stepped on, nearly tripped over, and nearly broke my neck, because an animal was at my feet, begging for something. We went to a party at someone’s home. Their big dog was in the dining room, circling the table as we were lined up serving our plates. I almost fell backwards over the stupid dog because he was allowed in the dining room to walk with us, behind us, in front of us, like he was equally a human being.
The same goes for cats!. I equally do not like them in my bed and under foot either! If cats walk through my legs or jump on my lap, I do not like the intrusion. They poop ask through our flower bed and spray our porch rocker cushions with their stinking territory marking spray. I had to throw my cushions away. You can’t wash out that smell!. So disgusting!
Plus we endured 8 years of abusive, animal hoarders and rescuerers, next door. They had(13 dogs and 4 cats), in the magnanimous name of “Rescue Dogs”! They could not understand our daily complaint that the dogs barked all day long, every day, every time we opened our door. We could not work in the yard or sit to relax on our patio, that they were not all barking at us. The people ate, slept, bathed with those dogs, growing up with a “pack” mentality. They were free to go in and out through the pet door. They went outside for every sound and barked together for hours, 6:00am or midnight, no matter to them. If we went on our front yard and their pack of 6-7 biggest dogs could slip out their front door, they would viciously charge us in our front yard, at our mailbox, in an effort to prove how brave and attacking they were. They charged our 5 year old grandson, screaming into our house. When I finally confronted the woman that her dogs could no longer come into our yard, she screamed back at me that those dogs were not going to hurt our children! We called in countless complaints, took them to court twice, but they would hire a lawyer to defend their right to have that many dogs. After 8 years, we were finally forced to move!. They were taken to court two more times after we moved, with the same results. A slap on their hand and $250 fine. Sadly, most people would never admit that their animals are more important than people. To animal “rescuers”, the animal is more important than a human being. They do not know, nor do they care that people live next door.
If placed in a predicament and you have to save your animal or a human being, who would you save??. Most will magnanimously say, ‘the human being’. of course, but from our experience, I will never believe that.
The only thing worse than intrusive animals underfoot are the imposing people who expect us to endure this intrusion and are so offended when we complain. We are forced to endure and supposed to enjoy!.
Everyone who knows our situation always say, “I would never do that to anyone!” Really? Especially when the pets are regarded as their “kids”, “boys and girls”, and spend medical fortunes on cancer, dialysis, transplants, heart procedures, and surgery repairs that my parents would have never dreamed of spending. “Just have them put down” has become the forbidden statement now. Have far have we gone?. What in the world have we become?
So when anyone thinks people are bad because they don’t like nor want any pet ever. There are some things that do happen to good people that is called abuse!
Thanks for this opportunity. Most people do not want to hear these things and I am done!
Elizabeth • May 27, 2020 at 12:49 pm
Finally! To find a forum where someone, anyone, sees my viewpoint. There are so many animal lovers that I have felt so ostracized by the human race because I cannot take raising a pet ever again. I agree with everything you said and you are not alone.
I grew up during a time that we did NOT sleep with animals in our bed, for crying out loud. They always had their place inside our home near the door, in a trained, comfortable spot for it to sleep. They behaved and followed our commands. I people were more humane to humans back then.
Dogs and cats are always under foot because they demand food and our attention, worse than a child. I raised children, and enjoyed grand children and don’t want to start with a new one baby at this stage of my life. I have nearly stepped on, nearly tripped over, and nearly broke my neck, because an animal was at my feet, begging for something. We went to a party at someone’s home. Their big dog was in the dining room, circling the table as we were lined up serving our plates. I almost fell backwards over the stupid dog because he was allowed in the dining room to walk with us, behind us, in front of us, like he was equally a human being.
The same goes for cats!. I equally do not like them in my bed and under foot either! If cats walk through my legs or jump on my lap, I do not like the intrusion.
Plus we endured 8 years of abusive, animal hoarders and rescuerers, next door. They had(13 dogs and 4 cats), in the magnanimous name of “Rescue Dogs”! They could not understand our daily complaint that the dogs barked all day long, every day, every time we opened our door. We could not work in the yard or sit to relax on our patio, that they were not all barking at us. The people ate, slept, bathed with those dogs, growing up with a “pack” mentality. They were free to go in and out through the pet door. They went outside for every sound and barked together for hours, 6:00am or midnight, no matter to them. If we went on our front yard and their pack of 6-7 biggest dogs could slip out their front door, they would viciously charge us in our front yard, at our mailbox, in an effort to prove how brave and attacking they were. They charged our 5 year old grandson, screaming into our house. When I finally confronted the woman that her dogs could no longer come into our yard, she screamed back at me that those dogs were not going to hurt our children! We called in countless complaints, took them to court twice, but they would hire a lawyer to defend their right to have that many dogs. After 8 years, we were finally forced to move!. They were taken to court two more times after we moved, with the same results. A slap on their hand and $250 fine. Sadly, most people would never admit that their animals are more important than people. To animal “rescuers”, the animal is more important than a human being. They do not know, nor do they care that people live next door.
If placed in a predicament and you have to save your animal or a human being, who would you save??. Most will magnanimously say, ‘the human being’. of course, but from our experience, I will never believe that.
The only thing worse than intrusive animals underfoot are the imposing people who expect us to endure this intrusion and are so offended when we complain. We are forced to endure and supposed to enjoy!.
Everyone who knows our situation always say, “I would never do that to anyone!” Really? Especially when the pets are regarded as their “kids”, “boys and girls”, and spend medical fortunes on cancer, dialysis, transplants, heart procedures, and surgery repairs that my parents would have never dreamed of spending. “Just have them put down” has become the forbidden statement now. Have far have we gone?. What in the world have we become?
So when anyone thinks people are bad because they don’t like nor want any pet ever. There are some things that do happen to good people that is called abuse!
Thanks for this opportunity. Most people do not want to hear these things and I am done!
Soph • May 27, 2020 at 11:22 am
The writer above assumes the myth of dogs with a ‘special role’.
Dogs that performs these roles are far from perfect. Technology will soon far outpace them, both in validity and reliability. And I’m thrilled about that. If we had a piece of technology that was as dangerous, as expensive, and as unreliable as dogs are, we would have dumped it in the trash heap long ago.
Dogs with these “special roles” kill and maim people on a regular basis. Here are a few examples:
-Police dog mails a 17 month old child while “on duty” Dec 2016
-Soldier mailed to death by “service dogs” he was supposed to be feeding. August 2017.
-Child seriously hurt by police dog in training-Calgary,!August 2019.
-Police dog mails robbery suspect. Jan 2020
That is from a 3 minute search. Not exhaustive by any means.
This is an interesting article on the subject:
Police and domestic dog bite injuries: What are the differences? What are the implications about police dog use?
The conclusion:
“Police dog bite injuries appeared to be more serious than victims of domestic dog bite victims. The reasons for the differences were related to the types of dogs selected and their special training.“
There is much more on this subject on Dogsbite.org.
Don’t even get the rest of society started on “emotional support” dogs. Here is an article about someone who now has permanent injuries from just sitting near a dog ON A PLANE.
Man Mauled by Veteran’s Emotional Support Dog on Delta Flight Files Lawsuit
The attack initially happened during a flight from Atlanta to San Diego in June 2017
Jason Duaine Hahn
May 30, 2019 04:55 PM
Dogs are dangerous vermin. Let’s fine the owners. I’m sure they will want the next dangerous animals to bully and hurt people with, but we will just have to outlaw that.
Time for the insanity to stop.
Karim • May 27, 2020 at 9:40 am
Thank you to all the contributers in support of this article. I have enjoyed reading the plentiful responses and pleased to see so many people share my views on this ridiculous dog culture we are exposed to. The amount of times I have seen little babies in buggies being pushed by parents while walking their dog. They attach the dog shit bad (full!!) to the buggy and with attend to their child with those nasty dog shit picking hands. You are revolting and need mental therapy. It appears lost on these people that we build houses to keep animals outside. Then they say they’re animal lovers, while at the same time getting dogs bullocks removed! Nutcases the lot of them
Zach • May 26, 2020 at 4:30 pm
To the idiot above this comment you are a horrible person since your telling every dog owner to go die, everyone is entitled to there own opinion about everything and everything but I think the world would be a lot better without sociopaths like you, I’m personally a dog lover and with the right training dogs can be very well mannered and play a special role in society with law enforcement to being people’s companions that need it. I don’t see you sniffing out drugs or illegal substances that might hurt you or your family If you have one, like a bomb Something a dog can do you And you very well couldn’t. So thank you for your kind words telling us all to go die!
Jackie • May 25, 2020 at 12:35 pm
I know this article is from almost two years ago but THANK YOU FOR VALIDATING MY FEELINGS.
Never liked dogs. they stink, and all they do is shit and seek attention. If I wanted that, I’d have kids! At least they learn things and eventually learn to shit in a toilet!
Also, can we talk about how liking dogs is not a personality trait? On tinder and such it seems like its the only one a lot of people have.
Dog haters are the best • May 23, 2020 at 6:11 am
I am not a horrible person. You dog lovers are. Stop comparing your 2 IQ mutts to a person. humans and pets are better than your disgusting mutts. Dogs belong in the wild or hell. Not in human territory. If the kindest souls were rewardest with the longest lives. Most humans and most pets. (Excluding dogs) would have the longest lives. So dog lovers. Go die. It would make humans way smarterand less irritated.
Dog haters are the best • May 23, 2020 at 6:10 am
I am not a horrible person. You dog lovers are. Stop comparing your 2 IQ mutts to a person. humans and pets are better than your disgusting mutts. Dogs belong in the wild or hell. Not in human territory. If the kindest souls were rewardest with the longest lives. Most humans and most pets. (Excluding dogs) would have the longest lives.
Dog haters are the best • May 23, 2020 at 6:06 am
To dog lovers: if you think dogs are better than humans. Then how is this: leave your man-made home and go to an island with your mutt and stay there for the rest of your isolated lives. Good luck finding food and water that is clean. Your dog and probably you will have to poop or pee on the island or the surrounding waters that you will be drinking. The water will get contaminated and you will get sick.
Dog haters are the best • May 23, 2020 at 6:02 am
Children are better than dogs. Dog lovers think dogs are better than humans or cats and that is just wrong.
Dog haters are the best • May 23, 2020 at 6:01 am
I hate dogs. They maul children and do not do anything good for you. They eat up your independence. And cats eat up mice and rats. Dog people are one of the worst ever!!! They do not care about other people!!!! They only care about their useless disgusting rat like pest mutt. Do not ever own a dog. Also if you have a dog loving wife or husband, break up with them. Dog lovers do not deserve love. They are freaks. And cold bloodded and soulles with a cold heart. My conclusion is, KILL ALL DOGS AND DOG LOVERS AND SEND THEM TO HELL WITH A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH.
Elysium • May 22, 2020 at 7:51 pm
Saw some , dog people’ talk about hating children because they are loud and obnoxious and they must have their diapers changed and stuff, which mind you, mostly goes on for 2 years or so
Have fun picking up dog shit 2/3 times a day and hearing nonstop barking for the rest of your lives then, you hypocrites you <3
And honestly you people make me sad, you never felt what true, unconditional human love must feel like, for someone to trully look out for you and love you with all their being and want to be with you for whoever you are, because they want to, not because they are a poor animal with no better judgement and no other choice
Also, you jerks are crying for empathy on them "poor" dogs, but some never forget to also mention that they detest children and that their dogs are their fur babies instead uwu so cute (typing that made me vomit in my mouth ugh)
I'm starting to wonder when you'll start fucking them also, since you idolize them to such extents, you already let them slobber you in the mouth so what difference does this step make 😉
Only one phrase for you:fucking hypocrites and waste of resources
Darren Lee • May 22, 2020 at 5:43 pm
I can’t add anything better than what I have read here. Just to be repetitive, I HATE DOGS (really their owners). also, I HATE HATE HATE THEM SO MUCH and I WANT TO KILL MYSELF AND TAKE THEM WITH ME STINKING DOGS DIE F*** THOSE FILTHY SKUMBAGS ( and thier dogs too)
BunnyMan • May 22, 2020 at 5:39 am
Shaleah • May 22, 2020 at 1:59 am
I have to say I am 100% an animal lover and dog lover but I 100% agree with you. I can barely stand most dog owners and hate the dog park for that reason. TBH I love my dog but sometimes I find her to be annoying, gross and more of a burden than helpful. She does however provide unconditional love and companionship and makes me feel safe so those are the pluses along with being super cute. But yeah I feel you girl and don’t blame you at all lol.
Ravenlyn • May 20, 2020 at 7:01 pm
That’s how I feel about babies. It’s probably better for all of us that I cuddle my little Boston Terrier and call her my baby, and don’t feel the need to make another human for this sad, sad world…
Vedrana • May 19, 2020 at 5:56 pm
Actually you have a lack of empathy.
Kate Oneill • May 18, 2020 at 10:13 pm
Just confirming what many have said – it’s the owners that cause the most trouble, expecting people to be Ok with badly behaved dogs. I’m not a dog lover in general and would never own one, but there are a couple I truly love, who are sweet tempered, well behaved animals. They don’t jump on you, slobber all over you, bark incessantly, or demand constant attention. And if they did behave badly, their owners wouldn’t allow it.
Kate Oneill • May 18, 2020 at 10:12 pm
Just confirming what many have said – it’s the owners that cause the most trouble, expecting people to be Ok with badly behaved dogs. I’m not a dog lover in general and would never own one, but there are a couple I truly love, who are sweet tempered, well behaved animals. They don’t jump on you, slobber all over you, bark incessantly, or demand constant attention. And if they did behave badly, their owners wouldn’t allow it.
Those of you who do allow it are the ones who are screwed up. It’s not the dog’s fault he’s obnoxious, it’s yours.
Jacqueline • May 18, 2020 at 8:16 pm
This was random. I was investigating about the Yulin Dog and Cat Festival of 2020. The lot of you sound like you should get free tickets there and bring your families back a doggy bag, why not? I know secretly what you are all like – you give an animal a sly kick when you think nobody is watching – yes? – am I right? Well, unfortunately (sorry, should have said fortunately) Karma will bite you on the backside, not the dog. Or even the cat, thinking about it 😼
soph • May 18, 2020 at 6:49 pm
I find it interesting how people like JASON, 2 comments above, condone child death and abuse and yet consider…I can’t really follow it..a predatory scavenger than licks its own anus and has no idea of any kind or morality, as some kind of life form with adulation?
This dog cult thing has really gone too far. Thanks, but I’ll let all the dogs die to save one child, or one human being.
People are beyond awesome. Where do these dog nutting shitheads think the people that build their houses, make the technology they cannot comprehend, or manage their failing hearts come from?
Yes, it’s very hard for them to understand, but all people were children once. And children are our future. They deserve the best we have, fullstop.
Perhaps these nutters were abused, and cannot rise above it to support the next generation. But enough of us will stand between them and their hatred of the future. Better stay behind the keyboard, dog nutters. You’ve got nothing on parents, all throughout evolutionary history, parents and societies defend their children from evil.
I’m glad these dog nutters will die alone and bitter one day. Not remembered by their trash wolves. And will no descendants to speak of, because no one ever wanted to have kids with them.
It’s known as an evolutionary dead end.
Anton • May 18, 2020 at 5:56 pm
So many selfish people in these comments. I bet a lot of you would be offended by people who replace the word “dog” with children in these posts. On top of that, it doesn’t have to be dogs OR humans. Someone can help both, one, or neither.
I’m a child free person and the utterly insufferable snobbish in this sub is just like that crowd. Not liking dogs doesn’t make you a bad person. Your poor personality does.
chris • May 18, 2020 at 2:37 am
If you have to mention three times that you’re not a horrible person, then you are a horrible person. Incapable of connection or unconditional love. You sound like a sociopath.
Leslie Johnson • May 17, 2020 at 12:36 pm
I love dogs I have had many but recently I have battled addiction and my so called boyfriend under cover cop decided to bring 2 in our home. Well I walked them when I could and fed them daily but he kept them in a large cage where they used restroom a lot cause I was never home. I told him it was cruel and I had to get better before I could raise a dog so I gave them to a good home but now EVERYONE is blaming it on me hello there was a grown ass man there too!!
Jason • May 17, 2020 at 1:56 am
You’re all a bunch of horrible freaks. Dogs are the best. People suck. Kids suck even worse. Smelly diapers, shitting everywhere, pissing everywhere, constant attention whores, crying and whining, annoying as fuck those little rodents. In fact, I hate kids to the point where if a dog and a kid were in the road and a bus was coming and I could only save one, that dog would have an awesome life. Dogs make people happy, kids make life unbearably miserable. All you dumb-ass parents should have had abortions.
Soph • May 16, 2020 at 12:12 pm
Actually, people who hate or dislike dogs tend to be better parents. Anyone reading, check out the reddit sub ban pit bulls, or dogs bite dot org, both the web and twitter page.
The cavalcade of dog nuts that wind up mauling or killing their children with their choices of trash wolves are astounding.
Check out India, Africa, the Philippines, and parts of Asia, where children die of rabies on a regular basis, all because no o e wants to euthanize the stray vermin. Often it’s 1st world countries imposing their values in a situation where those values are irrelevant. What kinds of parents are those?
What kind of parents allow their trash wolves to lick their new babies, or lay near them, all for Insta and Facebook likes?
One chomp, and it’s over for the baby…
DOGHATER892 • May 15, 2020 at 10:44 pm
Dogs are pieces of shit and that’s all I need to say
kir • May 15, 2020 at 6:47 pm
I pray these people do not have children….
kir • May 15, 2020 at 6:45 pm
This is SO FUCKED UP!!!
jim • May 14, 2020 at 6:59 pm
I’VE HAD DOGS ALL MY LIFE’ THE LAST TWO DEAD AND I’M NOT MISSING THEM ….No more dog crap in or out of house ..no more dog hair on everything no more piles of dog vomit,,their filthy animals the take over you’re home I,m not a k9 baby sitter anymore you love you’re dog great that is great but when I see someone with a puppy all I can think of is they got 10 to 15 years of clean up self inflicted
soph • May 14, 2020 at 4:06 pm
People do come first, and it’s a matter of time before dog owners regret the callousness with which they treat other members of the human race, wild animals, and other pets, as well as privately owned and maintained property. We may be at ‘peak dog’ already. The comments go on and on here, 2 years later. People are clearly tired of dogs.
Dogfree on Reddit has over 23,000 members, and 200 people are usually active on it, all day. Posts are constant; people tired of dogs, dog owners and dog culture in their lives. I’ve learned so much about how dogs ruin so many lives in so many ways reading that sub. I completely recommend it to anyone who has enough enough of dog insanity.
People will have enough of the nonsense one day, and dog owners will pay up to the rest of us. Anyone reading here, support laws which restrict dog owners and hold them maximally responsible for the damages they (constantly) cause the rest of society.
I seriously don’t understand why municipalities doesn’t just fine dog owners. It would be a never ending source of cash for any city. Off leash dogs, and dogs fouling private and public property would generate tens of thousands of dollars, better than speeding tickets. Prosecuting dangerous dogs and euthanizing them would save cities so much money in the long run, and would boost quality of life for citizens. Currently AC departments are not even equipped to deal with pit bulls, and other dangerous dogs, which can take a bullet to the head and still attack a victim. Bullets bounce off of their mutant skulls.
Get rid of the hideousness of dog culture,, imprison and tax their offending owners, for the benefit of all. It is the ONLY thing that will change the behavior of these cretins.
Shelly • May 14, 2020 at 12:55 pm
I am afraid ofmost dogs. No matter how you dress them they are at heart wild animals who have a hunting and maiming instinct. I particularly dislike the staffordshire bull terrier which is so popular in london. The uk has no laws on dangerous breeds so anyone can own any breed even if they tend to eat babies, as is constantly in the media. I hope the trend of keeping pets dies down. Since people are only becoming poorer these days we can only hope families will give up gifting them to children.
Dog Allergy • May 14, 2020 at 4:03 am
Has anyone ever thought of us that have severe dog allergies?? Unable to go into the majority of pubs, eateries etc due to them allowing dogs in practically all of them. Not only is this unhygienic but totally inconsiderate for people who would become seriously unwell with any dog contact at all.
Why are dogs more important than people, it’s as if people don’t come first and don’t matter!
Some consideration and law changes would make life so much easier, instead of having a consent reminder of my allergies/illness and being excluded from the majority of places because dogs come first! Feeling constantly guilty because this effects my family and friends also.
Dog owners please have a heart and consider others.
l • May 13, 2020 at 1:51 pm
Thank you for this! My family recently got a puppy. Let me tell you, I am NOT a fan of her. She’s way too much work. She grosses me out. I can’t deal with the constant biting and howling and peeing in the house. The rest of my family all wanted her and instantly fell in love with her, but I just can’t deal with her. I don’t want her in the house. If they get after me if she pees in the house, I get mad because it was THEIR choice to get her. Before they got her, they asked me if I wanted a dog, and I said no. It’s what THEY wanted and I shouldn’t have to be responsible for their choice.
When I tell people this, they tell me I’m not human. I’m a demon in disguise. I can’t love. None of those are true. I’m in a healthy, loving relationship with someone who actually respects my opinion and doesn’t bash me for not liking her.
People just need to stop being so damn toxic towards people that don’t like dogs. If we can respect their opinions, they can at least respect ours.
soph • May 13, 2020 at 11:02 am
Many people are privately hoping for a dog-specific pandemic. It would be nice to see nature take a hand in balancing the scales, because haven’t dogs killed enough people, other pets and wildlife already? Have t their owners blamed victims one too many times?
Most of us would like some peace and quiet from the barking, the loose dogs…I’m tired of seeing dogs kill everything and poop and pee everywhere, threatening everyone in their way with arrogance, entitlement and hatred.
And it may be happening, due to dog overpopulation. Alabama rot is just one possibility here. It’s may be happening because the nutters make it happen. There are too many dogs, running wild, carrying diseases and killing people, all over the world. Nutters won’t even be bothered to spay or neuter. What do they tho k will happen?
We can all hope for a better future, free of this toxic dog cult.
Weird, that dog owners feel entitled to come on dog free areas and opine. Not convincing any of us, at all. We still hate dogs.
Anyone reading…dogfree on Reddit is a frat site. Nan pit bulls on reddit. Dogs bite.org, ban pit bulls.org. Tons of stuff on YouTube.
We are all very tired of dogs. And tired of being bullied.
Weirdly, if laws are passed, it would save dogs. Not that it’s the point. Saving people is the point. But dog owners are too stupid for that. Either we pass laws, or one day there will be a dog pandemic. Nature will have finally had enough of the abomination that is dogs and their owners.
Erica • May 12, 2020 at 10:38 pm
I absolutely LOVE this article. I honestly believed I was the only one who felt this way as there IS a very strong perception that if you don’t like dogs, there is a flaw in your character. I am astonished when I see people dress up their dog (some wearing shoes!), push them in prams, carry them in handbags …. WTF! Dogs spend half their lives with their nose in other dogs bums, they lick their “junk” and then want to lick your face and they bloody stink!!! Not to mention walking into a house that has dogs living in it … PWOOOR …. How can dog owners be so judgemental … they need to look at their own stinky, unheigenic selves!
Does it matter • May 12, 2020 at 10:00 pm
Wow! There are a lot of haters – dog people or not – you still have hate in your heart. I am a dog owner (oh no!) and I do not like disrespectful and inconsiderate pet owners. Some pets suffer because of selfish and cruel humans!! It is NOT THE ANIMALS’ FAULT!!!! (Move to China and you can eat your problem.) Let me tell you, dogs cause a LOT less harm then those things you call children you raised to rape, murder, attack, kidnap, or any other disgusting crime a human being can create or harm! I have a children and they would never, EVER harm another person or animal. I am amazed at all the HATE on this thread. Isn’t there a pandemic happening right now?!?!
Paul Davis • May 12, 2020 at 6:49 pm
“Dog-free future” I hear some of you say, well guess what? If I get my dire wish COVID19 will mutate off the scale, then it will truly be a homo sapien free future!
Ally • May 11, 2020 at 11:11 pm
You are definitely allowed to not like dogs, even hate dogs, but to be so heartless towards animals does make you a sick person. I will judge a person if they do not respect nature and animals. Just like I will judge a person if they are rude to seniors, service workers or disabled people. I don’t like children. At all. I think they are smelly, expensive, gross and annoying, and the cry that babies make makes me want to punch it in the face (in my mind, I would never wish harm upon a child).. I am allowed to feel that way. But you will not see me venting on groups about how much I HATE THEM. That is horrible.I will never make parents feel like garbage because they chose to bring a person into the world. My dog and cat are my children because I will not have human children (which is my choice and thank goodness I have the free will to choose this for myself). And you are more than welcome to judge me, and honestly, I would not want you at my place anyway for those of you who would refuse to come over. The truth is, my dog lives here, you are a guest. I will not lock her up for anyone. I will have her in a “down-stay” out of the way in the bedroom or in the corner of the room (point being I am more than willing to make arrangements to accommodate guests but locking her in her crate is not an option). I have respect for people who don’t like dogs or cats but are not jerks about it and wish the animal would die.
Not liking dogs does NOT make you a horrible person. You are valid! It always bugs me when people talk down to people who simply are not dog or cat people. I will always stick up for you. However, wishing they would all die DOES make you a horrible person. Imagine if I said that about children! I would never. Going out of your way to make people feel like garbage simply because they own an animal does make you a trash person.
As a dog lover, I too, hate when OWNERS do not properly care for the animal. They become aggressive, are off-leash and approach you in an area where they are supposed to be leashed, are not controlled properly, are taken into areas where they shouldn’t be, bark excessively, dog poop is littering the parks, streets, sidewalks, driveways, etc. I hate that too. But that is not the dog’s fault. That is the owners’ fault for not properly training the dog or just being ignorant. It is annoying and horrible!
So instead of us all being assholes to each other for our preferences and our opinions, let’s just respect we all have had different life experiences, and all have different preferences. I hope you all have a wonderful day and don’t let anyone put you down because of your preferences!
Sincerely, an animal lover. 🙂
NahBroski • May 11, 2020 at 6:45 pm
Okay, not liking dogs is fine. That’s your opinion, but some of these people are straight up calling them worthless and nothing more than an annoying shit bag- I understand you have an opinion, but could you not be a dick about it?
-a dog lover
Paul Davis • May 10, 2020 at 2:39 pm
After reading these illiterate blogs on dog haters, I pray every day that COVID19 mutates tenfold, and destroys every human on the planet so the dogs and ALL LESSER ANIMALS CAN RECLAIM THEIR PLANET FROM SICK HOMO SAPIENS LIKE ANY HATERS!!!
Paul Davis • May 10, 2020 at 2:27 pm
Never trust dog haters….ESPECIALLY if they are evil cat lovers. A dog can tell who they are! The best thing I’ve seen thus far, is how to skin a cat and cook it for dog food! Never trust a dog who is leary of a particular individual. They are most likely a dog hater, sociopath, or psychopath.
Pat • May 10, 2020 at 1:53 pm
We don’t hate your K9. We hate you for force feeding your properties fith and noise upon us. You are also lazy. Put the 4 legged cocroach in your car and take it to the dog park. Oh that’s right you would smell up your car. Just bring it to the nearest neighbors yard.
Dog owners are irresponsible and cheap. They would not spend a dime to have the wolf like creature trained the 7 commands. The WHAT?
Make sure your home owners insurance doesn’t get a whiff of the smell. Government policies need to change for our safety and treet K9 ownership as as they do cars. There would be less sick and dying dogs in the shelters and less people violating our safety, health, and peace.
Hold the dirty creatures responsible for pets. Insurance companies are on board. Ask them about pitbulls. Oh, not my doggie, my doggie is a good dog.
Paul • May 10, 2020 at 11:17 am
Never, ever trust a despicable human who hates dogs!
In there choice of the word HATE as opposed to a kinder verb, all is told about these sub-human maggots!
Nunya • May 10, 2020 at 2:29 am
Man the comments are always a joy ride. Be it a video about which pain brush to use or an article on the ethics of nuclear ownership. The insecurity levels at hand here are off the fuckin charts!! What else do you “people” hate? Air when it is raining because it’s wet?? Or how about mountains??? Aren’t mountains just the god damn worse??? Being all big and shit….fuckin mountains man, I tell ya. Look, if you don’t “like” something, good for you. But bringing your pointless and meaningless “dislikes” to “hate” levels? Over, (I’m gonna say it) stupid fucking shit?? Wow. As the noble Jack Nicholson once wisely said, “You fuckin people.” Have a fantastic life ya’ll, don’t let the demonic WORSE THAN HITLER poochy pooch bring you down!! #thestruggleisreal
Soph • May 9, 2020 at 2:00 pm
This article, and the comments after give me hope for a more dogfree future. Yes there are the insane entitled dog nutters, who cannot tolerate people hating or even disliking dogs. Yet there are a large contingent here who speak up more and more about how crazy this all is.
Dogfree is increasing in popularity. Perhaps this means that people have had enough of being blamed for being attacked by dogs, seeing accounts or knowing children and others mauled it killed by dogs, watching wildlife being killed by dogs, watching dogs ruin forests, beaches, yards, gardens and valued wild places, and destroy piece of mind with barking and dangerous off leash walks.
Dog hatred will increase unless the causes of dog hatred are addressed. This cause is our insane dog culture. Dogs are not children, and none of us are “dog parents”. That way lies madness.
We need to enact and enforce laws. Laws like a $400 fine when a dog is found off leash. Laws like a $2000 fine for lapsed rabies vaccination , or more. Jail time would be appropriate.
Life in prison for a mauling, with the dog euthanized immediately, dogs confiscated for barking complaints.
No dogs on airplanes, or in stores.
Dog owners will be upset (boo hoo). But there is only so long this vicious party can continue. But the rest of us would breathe a sigh of relief.
Maria • May 8, 2020 at 2:49 pm
Hello atleast u dont harm animals and neither on peoples which like them (hope so) but a dog is not more dangerous than a human 😉 when u talk about a dog is dangerous u should think that a human made him to be so. Is a stupiditiy to put the etiquette on animals for being dangerous as is their fault to be so. Amd about adoration let me tell u that a real animal person only respect animals not adore them. Only zoophiles can adore animals and replace it in place of human. În rest i apreciate ur text amd keep being so but take care not become agressive and harm others. Good luck
EpicKittyGamer • May 7, 2020 at 7:01 am
(Edit) I only have one dog that I love and will forever love and that was my childhood dog all the other dogs are stupid and annoying try and change my mind I dare u >:)
EpicKittyGamer • Nov 25, 2021 at 12:55 am
This is an awful comment by my brother. Again, I apologize.
EpicKittyGamer • May 7, 2020 at 6:45 am
I totally agree!! Dogs smell like dead fish, they eat like almost all the animals that can live near or in your backyard, they’re too needy, are super annoying, and they crap like everywhere!!!!! Guess what’s worse though…………. drumroll please………………their piece of crap owners!!! (I don’t mean all of their owners) the ones that literally don’t give a crap about anything, including their dog and other people. Literally this one family had a dog named Roxy and the stupid mutt kept crapping in our front yard!!! Guess what the family that owned Roxy never even picked up all the crap that was in our front yard! Another time Roxy wasn’t being watched I looked out my window and the ugly beast was in our backyard this time!! I tried getting it out, but it kept running towards me and it kept trying to jump on me. Well the stupid owners finally saw and guess what they got mad at me and my brother!!! They thought we lured the mutt into our backyard and they finally came to retrieve their stupid dog. They were saying stuff like why was our dog in your backyard!! The kid was giving us the most evil looks in the world even though me and my brother didn’t even do anything. So you’re definitely not alone I also hate dogs!!! But I am definitely a cat person and they’re way better than dogs and it is not fair that people can’t accept that I hate dogs and love cats. I literally can give you several reasons why cats are way better (since we have 2 beautiful kitties in our house :D) they can clean themselves, they do not smell like dead fish, they are cuter, they don’t poop everywhere they have a litter box, you do not have to take them on walks everyday, they do not kill and eat every single animal in your backyard, (unless it is a mouse) and they don’t destroy everything. I know cats scratch you and a lot of people complain about that but guess what if you’re one of those people congratulations!!!! You are a wimp!!! XD. Oh btw thank you for posting this!!! I honestly feel way better after seeing your post!!
EpicKittyGamer • Nov 25, 2021 at 12:53 am
My brother posted this comment and another one and they are incredibly stupid. I’m sorry.
Katie • May 6, 2020 at 8:00 pm
Dogs are better than humans and I’m glad that every person on here will never get to experience the unconditional love, companionship, loyalty and friendship of a dog. You all don’t deserve to experience that. This article is nothing is just a rant of someone who at a young age had to take care of her pet dog. Dogs require work just like children. Yes they need to go for walks and have playtime and be fed. Anyone who doesn’t like dogs are strange people. So continue posting your lame rants about hating dogs. I’m sure dogs don’t like any of you!!!!
bobby Pino • May 6, 2020 at 6:26 pm
Don’t worry he’s friendly, he won’t bite ………..
There are 4.7 million dog bites a year in the US*
*Center for Disease Control
There are 1,000 emergency room visits per day from dog bites*
There are over 800,000 dog bites per year that require medical attention*
86% increase from dog bites needing medical attention between 1997-2008*
The average cost of a dog bite-related inpatient stay was $18,200*
*Laurel Holmquist, MA and Anne Elixhauser, PHD Inpatient Stays.
There are over 28,000 reconstructive surgery procedures performed annually because of dog bites*
*American Society of plastic surgeons
Estimate of 2 Billion total annual insurance cost for dog bites*
*Voelker R. “Dog bites recognized as public health problem”
Dogs bite one in every 69 people*
There are currently 89.7 million dogs in the US kept in 60.2 million households.*
*America Pet Products Association
The vast majority of biting dogs (77%) belong to the victim’s family or friend*
*Insurance information institute, Dog Bite Liability
M • May 6, 2020 at 5:45 pm
Nobody has to like dogs or any other pets. That of course is not the same as being abusive or mistreating an animal. To the idiots who do wrong by their pets and then hate what they’ve become due to their lack of knowledge and self entitled behaviour, you are just assholes. If a dog is acting in appropriately due to you, get a damn grip! You are an incompetent human being who should be ashamed at your passing blame onto an animal! This is NOT the same as just a person having a dislike and choosing not to have a dog in their space or face due to others ‘thoughts’ on that everyone should love dogs! I’ve worked with dogs for over twenty years and one of my biggest mantras is that DOGS ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE! That comes from a place of respect and understanding of humans and canines!
Good on you for writing this blog, shame on a few toss pots here who have commented because they had no right to have a dog in their incompetent care in the first place!
I shall add, I hate when out that other dog owners feel it’s their right for their dog/s to come up to me and my children and dog, no it’s not! Nobody has to just put up with my dog or accept her, wish others would stop pushing their human needs for acceptance on every bloody level (yes including their dog) on other ppl!
Bobby Pino • May 6, 2020 at 10:59 am
Don’t worry he’s friendly, he won’t bite ………..
There are 4.7 million dog bites a year in the US*
*Center for Disease Control
There are 1,000 emergency room visits per day from dog bites*
There are over 800,000 dog bites per year that require medical attention*
86% increase from dog bites needing medical attention between 1997-2008*
The average cost of a dog bite-related inpatient stay was $18,200*
*Laurel Holmquist, MA and Anne Elixhauser, PHD Inpatient Stays.
There are over 28,000 reconstructive surgery procedures performed annually because of dog bites*
*American Society of plastic surgeons
Estimate of 2 Billion total annual insurance cost for dog bites*
*Voelker R. “Dog bites recognized as public health problem”
Dogs bite one in every 69 people*
There are currently 89.7 million dogs in the US kept in 60.2 million households.*
*America Pet Products Association
The vast majority of biting dogs (77%) belong to the victim’s family or friend*
*Insurance information institute, Dog Bite Liability
sandra • May 6, 2020 at 9:27 am
Ok, I agree. Buts cats are just as gross. I am so tired of people having them as “pets” but then let them run around shitting in peoples gardens and yards, and spraying things. WEIRD.
Amor • May 6, 2020 at 8:18 am
Oh my God, I thought I was alone! Just reading this article gives me a huge relief. I thought there was something wrong with me not liking dogs. I live with my boyfriend and his kids and they all like dogs. I’m the only person in the house who’s not dog lover. There was no dog in the house until his daughter was suddenly craving to have a dog when she knows there’s no space in the house for a dog and that I don’t like dogs! My boyfriend told her that it was a no and that she was not authorized to buy it but, guess what? she bought it! I’m living a nightmare trying not to be the bad in the story but I just can’t handle it anymore more. I feel that I’m going to explode. Literally I’m looking for a place to move out from this hell. Every morning is a nightmare because of the dog! He spends all day crying or barking. Every time I see her (my boyfriends daughter) tired because of the dog. The dog has even scratched her skin! That’s something that for me is not normal! She’s always cleaning his poop or the urine and let’s not talk about the smell in the house. She knows the dog stinks and she puts candles To make sure the house doesn’t stink. This experience has confirmed my dislike for animals.
Sam Beckett • May 6, 2020 at 2:13 am
I love dogs, I’ve owned 6 dogs in my long lifetime and don’t like living without one, but my current dog is driving me insane, I adore her, I’ll never give her up, BUT, she just won’t take a poop outside, I walk her, I coax her, I wait FOREVER but she won’t poop. As SOON as I take her inside she goes into her cage and takes a big hairy dump. I’m so frustrated with this behavior I’m besides myself with frustration. She a healthy lab and is almost SEVENTEEN years old. I’ve had to deal with this issue for that long and frankly it’s affecting my sanity. I’ve tried every fix the vet has suggested along with the multitude of suggestions from dog breeders, friends and strangers. I’ve had to resign myself to cleaning poop out of her open cage daily and watch my sanity slip away.
Josey • May 5, 2020 at 5:46 pm
I must be missing out on something. Nobody Has ever given me crap about not owning a dog. In my 70 years on Earth the topic has never come up, nor do I give two sh!ts about whether anybody else has a dog or cat. Now if my neighbor owned a viscous dog on a chain trying to kill me each time I passed I think I’d have a problem with that, but not for long. People worry about the silliest stuff.
Elisabeth • May 3, 2020 at 6:49 am
Ps would like to add, my best friend is actually afraid of dogs. He was bitten as a child and never got over it. He doesn’t mind my dogs as he knows them, but I’ve noticed him tense up if we are walking and we see loose dogs that appear uncontrolled. I’ve been attacked by loose dogs a few times when walking my leashed dog.
Also been bitten by small kids and have had to intervene to prevent kids from hurting animals.
And have also been with kids who were absolutely wonderful with animals. In general, I’ve found ppl who hate animals yet think kids are the be all and end all, to be not the nicest ppl, and their kids sometimes emulate this. A friend grew up with parents who hated animals and once killed his pet rabbit, and turned other pets loose when they tired of them. It hurt him.
Elisabeth • May 3, 2020 at 6:35 am
Article seems a bit over the top, why the hostility? I suppose author is attempting to describe in detail exactly why she dislikes dogs so much?
Can you imagine if the article was about why the author hates children, and described in excruciating detail the apathy, resentment & hostility she felt toward kids? The pathetic way kids are so needy, expecting us to bathe them, cook for them and shelter them? How we are immune to cute babies, and resent them for stealing our independence?
Actually if parents were honest , some might say they do resent their kids for stealing their independence, & statistically speaking, marriages hold less happiness & satisfaction once they arrive. Some very honest parents do say if they had the choice to make again, they would not have children, even of they love their kids.
I love dogs, but I don’t expect everyone to love them, any more than I expect everyone to love cats, or children. I love most animals. I don’t adore children
With my own dogs, i try to be careful not to inflict their worst habits (like barking) on others. I don’t necessarily see parents attempting to not inflict their kids’ worst behaviors on others. Tantruming, kicking or biting, kicking the back of an airline seat, those behaviors just aren’t as charming to others as they are to the child’s parents. So everybody, don’t like dogs, u don’t have to. But neither do i have to like your kids.
soph • Apr 30, 2020 at 11:55 am
The news this week, not all the horrors of dogs.
Just the ones that really stick in my head:
A mail delivery person, shot by a dog owner. Because his dogs were too dangerous for the mail carrier to deliver the mail. Instead of keeping them away from the delivery person (during a pandemic, mind you)..he chooses to kill the delivery person.
Good luck getting his mail now. More typical of dogs and dog owners than any of the nutters think. Aggressive, angry people, with no respect for others.Someone lost her life because of this dog centric, entitlement. What were her choices, get mauled, or get killed?
The other is in western India. A dog was found wandering with an infants head in its jaws. Authorities are trying to determine if it decapitated the infant.
Vermin, not anyone’s best friend. Also, this year, stray dogs entered Indian hospitals and ran off with two infants.
Stray dogs are vermin, and need to be euthanized for public health. Dogs need to be heavily regulated,, with euthanasia for dogs and prison time for owners that harm others with their trash wolves.
Luke • Apr 29, 2020 at 11:15 am
You don’t have to like dogs. you don’t have to have one. but when your old and lonely your cat won’t care they just want to hide dogs will sleep with you and love you. not hide in there towers and pee in there little box. They have unique personalities. And no hate to cats but dogs are my favorite.
Luke • Apr 29, 2020 at 11:02 am
What is wrong with dogs? not every dog wants to eat you most just want attention like you and me.
victor monroy • Apr 28, 2020 at 9:34 pm
I hate dogs too, they’re so annoying, specially their bark, OMG how I hate a dog’s bark, they bark all the time, at anything, at their shadow!! anyhow, my point is you are not alone
Suzanne • Apr 27, 2020 at 11:14 pm
It’s fine with me if people don’t like dogs or pets in general, they’re not for everyone.
If you visit my house, you’re not required to like or love or pet or pay attention to my dog. Ignore her, she’ll quickly get the hint (and I won’t allow her to bother you).
Remarks about how you hate dogs, you think dogs are ugly/dirty/smelly/germy, the proper way to keep dogs is to have them 100 % outside? Save it for later and call up your fellow dog dislikers later and make those remarks to THEM, please. Saying these things to me in my home is rude of you. I will, I’m turn, keep unflattering opinions on YOUR life choices and the way you run your home to myself, K?
Audra Lee Gabriel • Apr 26, 2020 at 8:20 pm
I will pray for all of you animal haters! They are creatures from God! You don’t deserve them. Something wrong with people who do not like animals.
Mary Snith • Apr 26, 2020 at 4:02 pm
Wow! Just saw this article as I was looking for something about dogs! So you’re basing this opinion off of 1 experience with a dog? Hmm…seems pretty close minded, yet you don’t want to be judged. I won’t get into the argument of disagreeing with you because you obviously wouldn’t consider what I’d have to say. But, I will ask you – does this mean you HATE & can’t see the point of all the dogs who help the disabled in countless ways, search & rescue, police & military dogs (try telling them how you hate dogs!), etc, etc. There is actual science & many scientific experiments done now showing the connection between humans & dogs & how this developed. Do you really think any of what they do for human beings would be possible without a special connection? Remember, a dog is only as good as the person who’s worked with him. Unfortunately, there’s way too many idiots in this world & the dogs (animals) are the ones that suffer the consequences. I have never had to question a dog’s loyalty yet have experienced nothing but disappointment from 95% of human beings I’ve known. I don’t HATE you because of your opinion. I do feel sorry for you though.
dogs rule • Apr 26, 2020 at 10:42 am
All of you dog haters can just kiss my ass. I’ve had it with you asswipes crappin’ on those canines and other animals.
Lilly • Apr 25, 2020 at 10:43 pm
Dog lovers, why are you even here? Did you literally Google this article to bully people who aren’t apart of your poopgobbler cult? Looks like you don’t have much of a life if you have to resort to this….. Go pet your stinky shitlicker and leave us alone. You’re the problem of todays world, just because someone disagreed with you,You have to be a bitch baby, Why don’t you let us have this ONE thing and you go to the thousands of other websites that force the little bastards down your throat! Leave!
Stefano Pavone • Apr 25, 2020 at 1:17 pm
While I do sympathise with dogs and feel for them, particularly when they are mistreated or in danger of being euthanised, I don’t feel the need to have one because I KNOW I can’t devote every waking hour of my day to them. I’d prefer a cat, but given the choice, I’d go for a goose.
soph • Apr 22, 2020 at 9:30 am
If dog owners want to project “unconditional love” or other uniquely human characteristics into the predatory scavenger that they happen to own, that is fine.
It is fine with the (many) “dog haters” out there. And there are many of us…..pretty much everyone I talk with hates dogs. Even people that have dogs hate them. They just wait for safe spaces to discuss it. Most just bring it up themselves. Dogs have ended more relationships than are realized, ruined marriages and friendships. It never gets discussed. But I digress…
If you have to make out with your trash wolf, fine. But keep it on a leash, clean up it’s poop, don’t let it urinate all over the place, especially in someone’s front yard, don’t bring it on planes, to places where people are eating. Don’t let it bark and ruin your neighbor’s peace and quiet .
If it’s a pit bull, keep it muzzled, have an effective yard containment system, and put it down , don’t “rehome” it if it finally attacks or kills a friend or family…or you.
Too much trouble? The.n don’t own a dog. They are not actually good pets.
Sue • Apr 20, 2020 at 7:41 pm
OMG THANK YOU!! I don’t particularly have a full on hatred for dogs, I just don’t like them. But what I absolutely CAN’T STAND is dog lovers just completely bashing cats as if that’s completely normal, but the second you say “I don’t like dogs” they turn on you so quick. That shyt gets under my skin, cats need to get adopted too! I actually seen a dog food commercial legit saying why you should dislike cats and love dogs, I couldn’t believe my ears! SHAME ON ALL THE DOG LOVERS! BURN IN HELL! Cats are the most underrated misunderstood creatures, they choose their human, and their love is unconditional.
W1nterGh0st • Apr 20, 2020 at 1:04 pm
@ soph’s comment
your seeing the negitive side.
W1nterGh0st • Apr 20, 2020 at 12:59 pm
For me personaly I love dogs in all aspects, even the bad ones. I would hate dogs if I had to spend an “official 365-day period of dedication”. Sure some people hate dogs just because of there bad aspects. Ex: peeing, pooping, barking, crying, etc. but have you ever had a dog come up to you to comfort you when your alone and deppressed. I know how sad this sounds but to totaly works, If you hug your dog it gives you lots of “genuine unconditional love” litteraly. All I’m saying is that it depeneds on how you look at dogs. If you see the negitive and no positive, you’ll hate them. If you see it the other way around, you’ll love them.
Sooh • Apr 18, 2020 at 4:43 pm
You dog does not love you. If it had to choose between you and a nice piece of meat, guess which one of you would win?
Instagram popularity and Facebook likes of your dog photos don’t count as unconditional love either.
Unfortunately, your parents were the only ones who could give you that unconditional love. If you did not get it as a child, that is sad stuff., truly I can see how you would spread out that damage by projecting what you did not get onto dogs, but it’s really bad for everyone.
Your dog is not your fur baby. You are not it’s ‘skin mommy’. It’s just a somewhat dangerous animal, depending on size, that might bite you, bite a child, kill a person, kill wildlife, or just shit and puss all over your neighborhood, depending on how much money, time and luck you’ve got to mange it. No unconditional love. Just projection.
Spend the money on therapy, not a dog.
Frank • Apr 18, 2020 at 5:37 am
What a bunch of cunt dog haters on here. You all should move to China so you join the massacre . Your all lonely sick fucks who thrive on each other’s comments. Your pathetic and weak. Any one of you cowards come see me so you can show me how you really feel. Your all an STD in Lucifer’s asshole. I hope you demons all die…….
Helena B • Apr 17, 2020 at 11:56 pm
I don’t hate dogs, but never again will I ever have another. My yorkie dog is a little sh**!! All she does is Yap yap yap all day and night!! She likes disgusting things as well she found a poopy baby’s nappy outside and rolled in it!! She sits right in the middle and I fall over her or stand on her paw by accident.. she sniffs other dogs bums.. she’s just gross and she smells no matter how much I bath her. I’ve known other dogs and none have been as bad I think it’s not dogs I dislike..just her!! Lol we have a kitten baby and the dog had tried to kill it. Now have to keep them separate. Grr! I kinda hate my little rat of a dog.
Ceasar • Apr 17, 2020 at 8:53 am
pets just need to sit arouyng and get uncionditional love and that is a problem
soph • Apr 16, 2020 at 9:25 pm
Dogs are literally trash wolves:
And they carry disease. People may love them, but they are not ‘pure’ or ‘lovable’. Dogs kill an average of 25,000 humans per year from dog bites causing rabies. And they mail and kill people worldwide. Keep your predatory scavenger on a leash, and away from us.
Steve Mich • Apr 16, 2020 at 2:48 pm
Absolutely rudiculous people are the pains of the wirld killing everything in sight cruel vicious i am an animal lover ive got a dug and by the way cats smell and scavenge but like i said PEOPLE are the probkem they can akso stink
Ceasar • Apr 16, 2020 at 11:16 am
YOU WANT EVERY DOG LOVER TO BE OCD AND CONSTANTLY CLEAN AN ALREADY CLEAN HOME JUST TO FEEL CLEAN??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Ceasar • Apr 16, 2020 at 11:12 am
Enrico • Apr 16, 2020 at 7:36 am
OMG, THANK YOU for posting this article!!!!
Rick • Apr 15, 2020 at 10:59 pm
Oh heck yes. Dogs are sooo annoying. It’s like the media forces these annoying things on us. The barking, the having to walk them 3 times a day or paying people to do it. The worst is living in apartment buildings with some dog nutter lunatics who think it’s fine their alpo chompers can bark and make other loud noises simply because they are dogs. There is a reason many buildings don’t want them or why people move out. Your barking horn blowers are annoying! Cats are quiet. Huge difference.
And to Joanne a few above, cats are radically cleaner than dogs. Cats are cleaner than most people. Lol. They are constantly cleaning themselves. I will take the litter box over walking a dog 3 times per day. Plus all the garbage a dog is walking on outside.
I like some breeds of dogs but I loathe others. Some dog breeds are insanely dangerous. Pitbulls, Rottweilers, Shepherds, Dobermans, Cane Corso, etc. If cats were 10 percent as dangerous as these dog breeds, dog nuts would be calling for them to be banned.
And really, can we be honest discussing the absolute human trash that too often owns these dangerous dogs? We hear about the crazy cat ladies all the time by the anti cat media. Gee, how about the dog nutters and them calling dogs their ” babies and kids?” Or dressing them up and taking them on car rides? How many stupid tv shows shoving dogs down our throats? It’s truly nauseating.
Dog people are mind numbingly arrogant as they think the whole world loves dogs. Most of the world is indifferent to them while hating the dangerous breeds. I watch people cross the street all the time when some low life is walking a dangerous pitter or rott. Yet it’s the dog nuts who hate cats too often Why? Because they are not your puppet? It’s gross how some dog people are. I am not saying all. I know full well many love cats too and animals in general. I don’t love dogs but I want none hurt that did nothing wrong. I do think we have too many dangerous dogs that simply need to be bred far less. We have about 200 different breeds. Let’s weed out the dangerous breeds simply by not breeding them.
I can see why little kids want a dog in many cases. The dog wants to bounce around and have fun like the kids do. The parents give the ok. But as you age the last thing I want is to walk a dog several times a day trying to keep it quiet. I like the dog breeds that sleep a lot!
Dogs are too much work as you get older. Cats are just so much easier and are plenty of fun despite some dog people saying cats do nothing. Lol. I play around often with every cat I ever had. But then I can also move them along. I love that. They are also mini patrolman looking out for bugs of all sorts and mice.
Gail on 15th 2020 12:10 am • Apr 15, 2020 at 12:28 am
I will tell you all you people that do not like dogs I am a big time dog lover and you all should be shot and strong up and left there to die you all are not humans and you are a pice of shit and don’t deserve to live you ack like it is going to kill you to pay attention to one of god ‘s creatures I hope you have a miserable you don’t deserve to go on. I am a cat lover to and think the same thing about people that don’t like dogs.
SHINY • Apr 12, 2020 at 3:59 am
I love you! You are not alone. My favorite kind of dog is the one that leaves me the fuck alone.
Joanne • Apr 11, 2020 at 8:50 am
I respect that some people don’t like dogs, to each his own right. I personally don’t like cats whatsoever. But for cat lovers to say that a dogs stink? I can’t bring myself to eating at a friend’s place if they have a cat or a few, it seems people can’t have just one cat for some reason? Anyway, regarding not eating at a friend’s place who owns a cat is reason being that cats are filthy. There in the place you have a litter box with the cat’s urine and feces mixed in with the dirty litter, who knows how long it’s been sitting there, and the cat that just sat in there will now climb on tables, kitchen counters and whatever else that cats climb into. So now food is prepared on that shitty counter and served on a shitty table from the cat’s filthy paws and butts. And for sure you’re bound to find a cat hair in your food. And if you’re lucky you just may witness the cat cough up a slimy hair ball while you’re eating. Another reason I avoid eating at friend’s homes that have a cat, the stench of amonia coming from who knows where, the litter box or wherever the cat sprayed. There is absolutely nothing nastier. And your friend smells like amonia, everybody smells it on them and we keep quiet so we don’t want to offend them but I wonder if not telling them is really doing them a disservice? All people who have a cat smell like amonia, they simply do. I know cat people because I personally have a couple of friends who have them and they swear up and down that the cats don’t climb anywhere, that they’re the cleanest animals, sorry but you’re wrong, they aren’t clean and they do indeed climb everywhere they have a chance to climb. Dogs may stink’
but at least you can wash them, ever try washing a cat? Think about it, they do their business in a filthy box with sand, dirty paws and butts right in there a few times daily then they walk on your kitchen counters and tables where you have food. Simply disgusting. And don’t take it personally cat lovers, this is fact.
Gianna Heilenbacker • Apr 11, 2020 at 3:08 am
It’s called sacrifice people, for those you love. I agree with Mathew 99%. Except where he states that human connections are better then the connection you have with your dog. My dogs have never stolen from me, lied to me, cheated me, deceived me, manipulated me, spoken badly of me, bamboozled me, I could go on and on… On the contrary, they protect me from people like that and love me unconditionally. Therefore, the sacrifice comes easy. In fact, people, like the ones on this thread, are wound up so tight, they should be more like dogs. They carry more dignity, respect and love for other humans than any human on this planet and far more then the everyone here talking utter nonsense. You all probably hate your children to don’t you, you would never admit that though. When people say they hate dogs, that tells me everything about them, and I feel sorry for them instantly! Not a single one in my social closet. Nope, that’s a deal breaker! So, I am sorry to inform you but you are horrible people, you just don’t know it or are not willing to come to terms with it. FACT. Moral to the story… Never call a human a “dog” in retaliation to something they did to you, cause indeed, it would be a compliment. Good day! and if I ever heard someone say something like some of the things that have been said on this thread about MY dogs… yeah, uhm, you’d regret it and then id go turn myself in!! 🙂
Matthew • Apr 5, 2020 at 10:50 pm
Hi personally I love dogs and cats! Sooo I respect all your opinions but I have seen comments about people wanting to put a bullet in every dogs head? People call you a horrible person for that not just no liking dogs. Sorry you don’t like seeing dogs on Twitter or Instagram just don’t look I guess??? Like your getting upset because the rest of the world likes a pet. Okay people are saying omg dogs are to smelly and annoying well TREAT YOUR DOG your dog isn’t supposed to be smelly all the time you have too breathe it and if you can’t do that than don’t post about how shitty your dog is your just a shitty owner. People are saying dogs are too big a hassle? Than DONT get a dog then shit on them on social media god damn it’s not hard. For all you saying you don’t have dogs but neighbors are shitty owners. My deepest condolences. Bad dog owners are horrible and especially when they lie about them being emotional support dogs. I hate them too. Like you don’t have to like dogs just avoid but respect them. Too all y’all saying there too big hassle good luck ever have a wife/husband or any kids. Humans are a way bigger hassle. Of course human connections are better than dogs but most of you are prob lazy. Dogs also help in aiding humans and saving humans. If any of y’all get blind in these comments your gonna have the time of your life😂. So you don’t have to like them just don’t threaten to kill or abuse then please and yes I don’t think your a horrible person if you don’t like dogs and a human life is more important than a dogs.
Jason • Apr 5, 2020 at 4:25 pm
As I sit here, I am surrounded by dogs of neighbors who whine and bark at everything Their owners seem indifferent, yes is that the idea everybody must love dogs? My worst neighbor has fled the virus in a 30,000 dollar camper leaving his but farm to somebody else to feed. They whine and bark constantly. We get no relief because the police love the damn things too.
It’s a no-win situation. I agree they turd everywhere, require constant attention and I wish I could get that from a boyfriend or yes, anyone, but soon I’d tire of that even in a human. It’s pathological to be that whiney.
mike • Apr 2, 2020 at 7:11 pm
Stop and think for a minute about how dogs help humans every day…you have service dogs who help the blind others help with mobility conditions. Some dogs even help with people who have a seizures by detecting a seizure before they happen….Other dogs are working dogs in law enforcement by locating narcotics and other illicit drugs that are smuggled in from foreign countries, to people who posses and manufacture drugs, others detect explosives at airports, ports, train stations and other transportation hubs, even in the military. Others help fire departments around the world locating people trapped in building collapses from earthquakes, tornadoes, and terrorism attacks. Cadaver dogs help locating people who have been killed in natural and man made disasters so families can have closure after losing a family member….last but not least law enforcement canines who track suspects involved in homicide’s, rapes, burglaries, shootings ect.. I work as a canine officer for a large city in the u.s. and I have been a canine officer for 10 years and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Ask yourself this, if someone burglarized your home, killed your loved one, or harmed them, if someone raped your wife, mother or sister, daughter and you called 911 for help you would want us to do whatever it takes to find and arrest the individual involved right?
DENNIS • Apr 2, 2020 at 7:12 am
Kate: If you don’t like dogs, then that’s your opinion for what ever the reason which you are entitled to. I happen to love dogs and have had one for over 13 years which I rescued and is sweet and wonderful and he doens’t stink or whine!! I love him and he loves me and he has never turned his back on me, nor offended me, or upset and angered me like so many people have!!! I don’t actually hate people, but they sure can annoy me and tick me off, while no dog ever has!! Dogs are not trying to take over the world, it’s the radical Muslims(not all Muslims) who are. Just look at how Omar and Tlaib, and the entire Squad are trying to destroy our entire nation. from within! Name one dog that ever tried to do that! Dogs are even helpful to mankind in helping us out as service and seeing eye dogs, the Military, Police and Law Enforcement, and drug enforcement. So many have even gallantly given their very lives in doing so. So what’s do bad about dogs? If you don’t like them fine, but do not go bashing us dog owners and dog lovers and our dogs because we love them!!
Kate • Mar 31, 2020 at 11:08 pm
I am so happy to see that there are people like me who do not like dogs. They stink they’re dirty they’re gross their needy they’re whiny but most of all they terrorize people. I spent my whole childhood actually my whole life being terrified of the beasts! I feel like they have tortured me with fear my whole life I was beginning to think something was wrong with me. But there’s nothing wrong with me I have the option of liking or not liking things in this world sometimes you can’t help how you feel. I am in my 60s and I have been afraid of dogs since I was seven not just big dogs little ones as well. When you spend your whole life afraid of something and you can’t even walk down the street without it being there you learn bitterness and you learn not to like it. It’s like they’re taking over the whole world you can’t even go to the store or anywhere without seeing them what happened to helping needy people and children that have no one. Instead you spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on animals instead of humans it is you that needs to be changed it is you I feel sorry for not me! Yes I am a Christian yes I am a grandmother and mother I am also someone that works with dying people I am not a monster. I just don’t happen to like dogs and that’s OK.
Dennis • Mar 31, 2020 at 10:15 am
Most dog haters are Nancy Pelosi lovers,!! AND I DO NOT LIKE PELOSI OR ANY DEMONRAT OR ANY DEMONRAT SUPPORTER OR DOG HATER!!!!!! Go dogs, Trump 2020, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ken • Mar 29, 2020 at 2:10 pm
Most dog owners are PIGS. They love their k9 property, but we are suppose to put up with their waste being spread all around the neighborhood. The PIGS and their k9s are leaving waste all around the food stores, in the carriages, over the meat display, ect. You have seen it. Most of these pigs are cheap too, because their k9s look like they have the mange. Now we are in the middle of a pandemic. One would think that would stop them. Or, wake up the local government regulators.
Michelle • Mar 29, 2020 at 8:20 am
I dont think I have ever been more in tune with another human about this subject. I have tried mutiple times to love and cohabitate with dogs but I absolutly hate them! With every inch of my soul! My husband is a dog lover and I tried for him, but I hate the smell, the hair (oh God the HAIR!), the need for attention, babysitters, walks, baths, training, constant cleaning after…I just can’t find any of that remotely enjoyable. I already have 3 kids that require all of that but I love them lol. My husband just doesn’t understand why I don’t like dogs and I just don’t. I don’t like any house pets to be honest. Goddam that feels good to share.
Alex Mason • Mar 28, 2020 at 8:11 pm
Dogs are subservient animals, that explains a lot about dog owners.
Mark Holder • Mar 28, 2020 at 10:05 am
I absolutely love dog’s and all animals. I do generally hate people. I think the human being is the worst thing god cursed this earth with. The most selfish hateful creatures on earth. I long for the day God passes judgement on this vile creature called man and remove those considered unworthy of life. It may surprise you that God made man to care for the earth, and the animals. People that care not for either will not last much longer here. I so long for that day to arrive. This earth will be so much nicer with the selfish gone!
Linda • Mar 27, 2020 at 8:20 am
Hahahaha. I loved this article because it very effectively captures my hatred for babies (I’m not a horrible person just like you), I find them smelly, attention seeking and plain annoying. More so when they’re in public when I have to ensure their mind numbing crying and wailing that borders on deafening. tests Some of them are ugly (yep same way all dogs aren’t cute) which makes it worse. Well written!
Renato de Oliveira • Mar 26, 2020 at 6:26 pm
I agree 100% with you! I feel the same and I am also crucified for not liking dogs. I especially feel that loads of people treat dogs much better than kids, this is really absurd to me.
Raquel • Mar 23, 2020 at 8:27 pm
Thank you a million times for this article. You are not alone. I hate dog people particularly! I especially hate men who choose their animals over human partnership. Dogs should never be a source of comfort or companionship, wives and girlfriends are more than capable of that. Men, how about try improving yourself as a man then maybe you’ll cultivate a healthy human relationship. In dating profiles, I hate seeing guys with their dogs licking their face and mouth or both staring into each other’s eyes like they are romantic lovers. It’s disgusting! These men have become women and with dogs they act like they are nursing a human baby. It’s sad! I also hate anyone who sleeps with their dog(s) in the same bed. It makes me wonder what these men do with their pets in bed when no one is around. Act like an adult, have human relationships only, have human children! Seek mental help for your misplaced projection and unhealthy attachment to dogs.
Ocelot • Mar 20, 2020 at 1:34 am
Told my fiance I feel guilty for wanting kids if I can’t even deal with this dog. He has some already, and pointed out that none of them still peed on the floor at 6yrs old.
I like the aloof catlike dogs. That is not the dog I own.
Matt • Mar 19, 2020 at 10:27 am
Monsters, the lot of you.
Apparently you’ve never been around a good dog.
And CAT people? please…
Howie • Mar 17, 2020 at 6:08 am
Dogs, Pres Trump, and Trump supporters rule, and Dog Haters and Trump Haters drool!!! Go dogs, and Go Trump 2020, and MAGA!!!!!!!
Elaine • Mar 15, 2020 at 10:47 pm
I’m glad that you admitted to “getting the appeal” of dogs. Just wondering, what’s your opinion on cats? (non- loyal, seeing humans as subserviant, etc)? That’s my take on the felines, pretty much.
Howie • Mar 15, 2020 at 8:21 pm
You dog haters all hate dogs, and I do not like anyone of you dog haters!! Take that!!
DENNIS • Mar 15, 2020 at 7:42 pm
I love dogs. but I DON’T LIKE PEOPLE, and that’s that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dennis • Mar 15, 2020 at 7:34 pm
I love dogs and I don’t like people, and I loathe cats with a passion!!!!!
Leo • Mar 15, 2020 at 6:06 pm
Dogs are dirty and annoying. I agree. Same with cats though.
Jess • Mar 15, 2020 at 4:34 pm
All you dog haters are scum of the eartth! Have a nice day!
Johnno • Mar 15, 2020 at 9:28 am
Can’t stand dogs. Dunno why people need to keep them. They stink and get in the way. Keep away from me with your stinking mutt
J • Mar 14, 2020 at 2:27 pm
This article points out a lot of issues with dog owners. I love dogs and found it very interesting!
I have a big dog who goes on walks around people, sleeps in my bed, has an IG account, eats a special raw food diet, I definitely humanize him, I call him my “furbaby”/”furchild” and love him dearly.
He is also very mellow, not aggressive, loves all people & animals alike, minds your space, doesn’t beg, doesn’t bark (literally never), doesn’t stink ( he is an inside dog and is bathed once a week), and is a fantastic companion for the outdoors, the best dog I could have asked for. I have a couple friends who hate dogs that dont even mind him being around because he leaves them be. But…. I TRAINED HIM. If someone thinks they want a dog but they have no time for them, dont even think about getting one!!! They take time and dedication and without that effort, they can become an absolute terror to everyone around them. I agree that the “dog lovers” trend has become a wide spread around the world and unfortunately probably 75% of those people are total shit dog owners…They make a terrible name for the rest of us who are mindful owners… really sad. Bad dog owners disgust me. Letting their dogs poop everywhere in public, constantly barking and disturbing neighbors, not training them properly, endangering others with their aggressive dogs and much much more. AND it is definitely wrong to judge someone else’s life or preferences just based on your own personal beliefs. If you don’t like dogs, I don’t think you are a bad person at all. Some of the nicest people I’ve met do not care for dogs. I love dogs=ok/ I hate dogs=ok. Whatever floats your boat! Preferences like that do not define us as human beings. Be respectful of others and do not judge! ✌😊
D • Mar 12, 2020 at 4:23 pm
I dint know I hated dogs.. I thought I just did not like having a pet (Due to hygiene reasons) but after reading this article and all the comments (yes I read them all) I am certain I hate dogs. I used to notice dogs everywhere parks, flights, offices, restaurants, trails, elevators (Aaahhh elevator encounters are the worst!!) etc.. but I took these encounters as one-off instances. I never thought it was getting widespread and out of control and reading all the comments here .. its alarming!
There has to be a law against bringing your pets at such public places.. why does a dog need to be in a grocery store? mall? restaurant, beaches (off leash). We do need some dogfree zones / parks to enjoy peace. There are human laws for honking, hunting, assault, attacking, parking!.. its high time we have laws for dogs for barking, killing wildlife, running on loose or chasing people, attacking humans and the biggest of all.. staying on a tight close leash in public places (not 20 – 25 ft away!) and we definitely need a much stricter law / scrutiny on service dogs.
I had a colleague who used to bring a Dobberman to work everyday stating that it is a service dog.. that was my very first time even know such a thing.. so I asked him what is a service dog and why he needed one.. he stated he had multiple back/ spine injuries and would sometimes collapse or fall down and would not be able to get up without any help.. the dog helps him get up!! (basically the dog was trained to stand rock solid so that the guy can take its support and try to get up). Then I asked so where do you get service dogs from – he said he got a dog and trained it himself!!!! I was pretty impressed with his ability (I was naive). The dog always clanged to him and everyone was told not to pet / interact with the dog much.. the Dog always had a serious, ready to attack and tear you apart kinda look but the guy seemed to be able to control it well. He also mentioned that the dog had severe separation anxiety.. whenever at home, if the guy steps out of the home for a few minutes the dog just goes berserk barking! His wife was never able to control the dog ever. the dog would listen to commands and obey on this guy!. He mentioned that the dog was on some medication to help tone down its temperament (I dint understand what that meant.. but may be thats a thing now)
Few weeks after I noticed that he stopped bringing the dog to work so I asked him about it and he said that the medication that the dog was on was causing complications and the dog was getting more and more aggressive and it was harder to handle it in public places. And I was like.. what will happen if you fall? and he just shrugged and said, well I will have to just manage to call someone.
I put all the pieces together and it seems like the dog had emotional / depressive issues and could not be left home alone so this guy used to bring him along all the time and make sure that people did not interact with it so as to not trigger it. And the medication was certainly not helping keep her calm (or he was not able to keep up with the cost and must have stopped) and the dog just started loosing it!
This is so unsafe and so unfair to people around. Dog Owners cannot lie and get their way around such safety hazards!
If Dog Owners are angry for us to be dog haters.. here are a list of disciplines that a Dog Owners should do to be a true Dog lover and Humane person
1) Keep your dog on a close leash ALWAYS, your dog should be walking alongside you.. not a step ahead not to behind
2) Do not let them poop on other people’s properties (lawn, yard, homes, etc)
3) Pick up after your dog ALWAAYSS not just when you feel like it or when you have a bag.. if you do not have a bag.. go get one and come back to PICK THAT SHIT UP!!
4) Pull your dog away when they are trying to sniff people or lick them or jump on people.. either strangers in public places or friends in home
5) Control your dogs when you have people coming over.. not all of us like to be greeted by a jumping dog or followed around being sniffed and begged for food.
6) Keep it clean – Bathe, brush, groom, put perfume on that stinker if it helps
7) Train it to curtail the barking.. it is mind-numbing
8) get them professionally trained for proper behavior. You are not as good a trainer as you think.
9) if you dog makes anyone uncomfortable for any reason, listen to them and do something about it.. stop with the mindless defense
10) if you dog causes any harm to anyone, please offer to help or pay for the doctors visit instead of just defending dog.
11) Keep your dogs at home when you go to do errands (grocery, shopping etc) watch a movie, eat out or do to a beach.. your dog will survive a few minutes / hours of separation (We hope!)
12) If you want to bring a dog in your household, please do ask your family (even Kids) in the home if they are okay.. Not everyone would like to have an animal in the home, respect people’s choices.
If you are a well behaved dog owner and you own a well behaved dog.. we may end up liking and respecting you and your dog.. so strive to be one.
Tatiana.. Thank you so much for this article.. I just learnt about an epidemic trend that I would have never learnt off!
Debra Lewis • Mar 9, 2020 at 11:50 pm
Yessss! Thank God there is more people like me! Lol….I don’t hate dogs, but I don’t like them.Im a cat worshipper forsure….So, I’m single,don’t like dogs, and plus I’m a cigarette smoker…guess that’s why I’m single ! 🤣🤣🥰❤️
John • Mar 9, 2020 at 2:53 am
Instant swipe left to dog pics on dating sites. You have to be completely delusional to believe that those smelly, slobbering, defecation factories can live inside your home and leave it free of hair, stink (and who knows what else); don’t get me started with those that allow full-access to their beds or sofas! Just, no.
Yusuf • Mar 8, 2020 at 11:50 pm
Just want to clarify, service dogs in the city are amazing of course they are necessary for disabled or mentally afflicted peoples. Also in my previous post I want to correct the following. I meant to say “we are to care for all creatures” not creators (Lol) and “they are so loyal” not “no loyal” (auto correct!).
The over population and breeding of dogs is a problem, people want to enjoy coffee shops, public areas, and the outdoors not guard themselves against the annoyances and potential harms from dogs in the cities and hiking trails.
Far off places where dog owners want to explore and share that experience with their doggies go ahead please but not frequent where people go to escape. There are some dogs which when approached are extremely viscous causing a near damn heart attack for some, you cannot trust a dogs judgment. Dogs fight each other, one on a proper leash another no leash and guess what? The owner of the leashed dog being responsible has now been bitten by the unleashed dog while trying to de escalate a barking and biting match. A hospital visit and stitches plus antibiotics, a guy told me the other day. Like come on do people uncontrollably bark and bite each other causing chaos in neighborhoods? Lol.
Yusuf • Mar 8, 2020 at 11:26 pm
Dogs belong in rural areas, they have a purpose just like any other living thing in this world, the problem is that man is using them for unnecessary and yes inconsiderate reasons. I’m here to say something clear because I enjoyed reading many comments about the annoying, utterly surprising or dangerous experiences from critics of dog ownership in more densely populated cities. I came to this article a few weeks back to read a rant and boy I got to.
Pro dog owners in particular have not demonstrated enough positive or beneficial evidence whatsoever to justify ownership of dogs in cities. Yes in the country sides of the world they make excellent guards, herders, companions of livestock and so much more. Why? Because they are fulfilling their purpose of creation. God created everything in balance and we tend to as humans throw off the balance due to our activity. We bred them, engineered them for show and display which I can admit there are mesmerizing and beautiful dogs but the amount of owners is simply a trend that’s extremely excessive. It’s as though to live the American way you need to grow up with a dog or several, I enjoy the American childhood I was blessed with. I had a real neighborhood kids experience not like todays youngsters, I’ve realized that when something is off balance you can see the harm is clear as day. They are not animals for amusement, they are predatory creatures that have sharp nails that carry extremely dangerous bacteria, and why do people believe just because there mouths may carry less germs/bacteria than humans that somehow that means they are pure? Those bacteria’s in there claws and saliva transfer to humans more readily. It’s not the quantity, it’s the ease of transmission that’s dangerous and impure from which comes through there saliva, etc.
I one day would love to own a Shepard dog, but that time will only be when it’s necessary on a piece of land, where I would have some small livestock, the dog or dogs in the barn with a special place and near the other animals for comfort and security. They will help to guard my property and possibly my life because they are no loyal and great helpers god willing one day.
I have the particular difficulty or interesting circumstance of being Muslim. Some have said we as a group of nearly 2 billion people have a dislike of dogs, or have superstitions regarding them. That is not true, actually we are to care for all creators with justice and kindness. In Turkey for example the government vaccinates thousands of dogs and they roams the streets of Istanbul and other big and small cities throughout the country, the people feed them and adore them. They have tags on their ears so you know they are vaccinated. Please read the following.
“A man felt very thirsty while he was on the way; he came across a well. He went down the well, quenched his thirst and came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. He said to himself, “This dog is suffering from thirst as I did.” So, he went down the well again and filled his shoe with water and watered it. Allah was pleased with him for that deed and forgave him.”
The people with the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
“O Messenger of Allah! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?” The Prophet (pbuh) said,
“Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate (living being).” [Bukhari, Shirb 9, Wudu 33, Mazalim 23, Adab 27; Muslim, Salam 153, (2244); Muwatta, Sifatun Nabi 23, (2, 929-930); Abu Dawud, Jihad 47, (2550)]
2. The following is stated in another narration:
“A prostitute saw a dog turning around a well on a hot day; it was panting due to thirst. She took off her shoe, filled it with water and gave the water to the dog. The woman was forgiven due to this deed.” [Muslim, Tawba 155, (2245)]
SR • Mar 8, 2020 at 12:23 pm
Woo I was looking for support and a place to vent and I found one. My husband purchased an expensive dog “for our kids”. I feel like he just bought it to have an expensive breed. He never consulted me, I have all this resentment. He completely dumped all the responsibility of this dog on me knowing I dislike dogs. I never had a dog growing up. I now know why cause they are SO MUCH WORK, everything said on this forum is true. I already have kids and we live in an apartment. I walk him in the morning just so he will not pee a gallon in my apartment or poop on the carpet. I set up a pee pad on the balcony but he will not pee on it instead pees all over the balcony which I have to scrub every day. Its an insane amount of energy and anxiety. I do not get that whole emotional support thing,. This dog is like a coyote. I cannot even walk him with my kids cause he has fear based aggression and a pitbull almost attacked all of us. My kids are already attached to this little beast and I feel like a mean person for feeling disgust. Always licking my kids, following me, needing me,. Demand barking, stealing food from my kids. This is insane. The trainer did not even want him.
Tim • Mar 7, 2020 at 10:16 pm
Thank you!! I experience EVERYDAY someone that thinks I’m some cretin because I have indifference towards dogs and don’t find them adorable.
SARAH E SPURR • Mar 7, 2020 at 8:49 pm
Thank you for your article. I don’t hate dogs I’m just tired of irresponsible owners. I’m tired of being jumped at by a dog if I’m in a grocery store, at Starbucks or on a sidewalk.
Dogs are not allowed on the bike path and a few mornings ago there were 6 off the leash chasing me on my bike. Really?
Joni • Mar 7, 2020 at 11:44 am
I don’t hate dogs or cats or any animals for that matter, but
I also know myself that I am not a pet person. I have little patience, I’m a germaphobe, I’m lazy and I lose interest quickly. All traits that do not match with pet ownership. Plus I’m allergic to animals from hamsters to horses. If it has fur, feathers or scales forget it.
I think people that place an animal’s life over a human life are the sick ones. And I don’t understand people that need “comfort” pets. I hate staying at hotels that allow dogs or cats, they never clean those rooms well enough. And I hate that you can’t go for a walk without some loose dog bothering you. I had a dog put my hand in it’s mouth just walking down the street. He didn’t bite, but it freaked me out and the owner just kept going. I blame the moron owners instead of the animal.
jimbo • Mar 5, 2020 at 11:10 am
I only like dogs when they are clean, quiet, smart, safe, beautiful, reliable, obedient, independant.
To bad I have never met one.
Freida • Mar 4, 2020 at 3:04 am
By the way, is there any “dog protocol” for Health Department regarding the spread of Coronavirus?
I guess these filthy creatures, who are in all likelihood the origins of this virus spreading so rampantly, are “exempt” from health considerations. These creatures are germ factories. They do not belong in densely populated cities at all.
Freida • Mar 4, 2020 at 3:00 am
Look at all these comments! I live in Manhattan. The city is smelly, noisy and dirty enough without dogs pissing and pooping all over the sidewalks. There is a dog run behind my expensive apartment. I have to listen to those dogs barking daily from 6 am.
I am also very allergic to dogs (no such thing as not allergic dog).
Animals belong in the wilderness or on a farm, not in overcrowded cities.
I never touch dogs. Germs, hair, they smell gross.
I have been in the supermarket where other shoppers put their dogs in the shopping carts. It’s so disgusting. I will never allow a dog in my home, nor do I visit people who have a pet in their home. The smell is so sickening to me. A lot of people feel this way.
And how many germs do these disgusting creatures drag into my apartment building daily? They smell one another’s rears, stick their faces in the piles of trash here, then are brought into an expensive restaurant to dine with their “family”.
About 2 weeks ago I was having a lovely time at a music venue. Spent money and was having a nice social evening. Eventually a man came in with the most foul smelling bull dog. He let the animal wander all over the place. I went up to the guy and asked him to please keep his pet close to him. The bartender and doorman were oblivious to this.
Smelled so bad I had to leave.
You love your pet? Great. You bought it and you take care of it. Let it poop/piss on your balcony or a pad in your apartment. Don’t bring it to the supermarket, restaurant, let it bark and wake up the whole neighborhood daily.
Disgusting creatures and owners who are clueless.
elizabeth • Feb 29, 2020 at 9:01 pm
its ok if you hate dogs. people shouldn’t judge the way you are. its wrong to say mean and rude things to people just because they don’t like some things that you like. its ok if you hate dogs. we all have different likings
P W • Feb 28, 2020 at 7:49 pm
I absolutely hate dogs! In our grocery stores, at dinner dogs claiming to be service dogs but barking and running around! In the grocery carts where my food has to go and no they do not wash their behinds after pooping! Every dog is not a service dog! I get so sick of crackheads claiming their dog they found on the street is a service dog! Man and his dog in a bar, the owner of the dog claims he has seizures and needs dog there while he guzzles liquor and beer down! So he and his dog got kicked out and sued the bar owner and was paid settlement money now mind your that dog barked at everybody and even growled the whole time he was absolutely not a service dog! AZ laws to the rescue and now you get more time for animals than taping or killing someone! I am just sick of this animals are people bull crap now. Get your furry asses in the damn yard, guard the house, and get in your dog house outside, that’s your job DOG, not lounging at spas and resorts, on couches, needing a baby sitter, getting their nails done, wearing clothes, getting teeth brushed, special foods, omg you are a dog, not a human, my God, and you wonder why they have so many illnesses now cause dogs are not humans! Omg, this world has gone mad now! Period!
animal lover • Feb 27, 2020 at 4:21 pm
I love all animals. I like dogs but at the same time, I’m not a fan of them. cats Rule!!!!
Ceasar • Feb 26, 2020 at 1:27 pm
Why do people hate dogss!!!!! Dogs are very cute. One man had dogs who were shot just because it got lost . You dog haters are the ones messing up. not dog loversssss!!!
Karie • Feb 25, 2020 at 2:17 pm
TATIANA!!! Well said. Thank you.
gregg • Feb 25, 2020 at 7:01 am
Not everybody has to like the same things. doesn’t matter what you’re talking about: dogs, cats, birds, fish,. That’s basic to being a member of society. Understanding that And respecting boundaries is a sign of mental health.
ralph • Feb 24, 2020 at 6:59 pm
I have allergies to dogs and cats and I really don’t like them much. To me, they smell bad and I am offended when they try to smell my crotch or lick me. I don’t mind if other people love dogs but please don’t expect me to love your dog. In fact, be a responsible dog owner. Keep your dog on a leash and let it poop in your own yard. If my neighbor’s dog poops in my yard, I pick it up with a shovel and put it on their front porch. Why should I have to clean up after your dog? Also, if you are going to have a dog, take it for walks and don’t leave it all penned up and barking at the neighbors all day long. Why even have a dog if you don’t play with it? Also, I am sick of people letting their dogs run lose and then saying “oh they won’t bite you as the dog is nipping at my legs or chasing me down the street. Be respectful. I’m sick of people taking their dogs in public, on planes in restaurants, in stores. Go to dog beaches or dog parks or play with your dog at home. Why impose these smelly, barking, pooping creatures on everyone else? Teach the dog some manners too. I have seen people who take care of their dogs, clean up after them and don’t impose them on others. I totally applaud their efforts and hope their dogs bring them joy.
Jim Jackson • Feb 22, 2020 at 9:21 pm
The ONLY thing dogs are good for is personal protection. Period. Other that that they are the most annoying, pathetic, attention seeking, stinky fucking pets. Ferrets stink and are annoying, but I would take a ferret any day over these foul beasts. The there is this weird zombie cult worship around them.
Dog owners, dogs don’t love you!! They are pack animals and you are one of the pack. Ever wonder why they don’t listen to you? Why you praise how wonderful and behaved your animal is and then it gets loose and ignores your commands? Because it knows you are passive and it can fuck you over and you will take it!! Your letting a pack animal dominate you. It is only interested in how much food and attention.
Cats are awesome. Independent, low maintenance, affectionate, chill, intelligent
Dogs are shit. Extremely needy, aggressive, rude, no sense of personal space, they eat and roll in literal feces then lick and rub on people, and on.
Fuck dogs and their weird cult owners.
Love dogs, but not all dogs • Feb 22, 2020 at 10:52 am
Understandable. My oldest daughter will not have any children. Even when others show her pictures of cute babies. She feels about kids the way you feel about dogs; they’re a chore and they require too much time and money. Oh, but she does like kids, as long as she can hand them back when they’re snooty, pooped, or crying.
I love dogs, big dogs, not the yappers and ankle-biters. I prefer dogs over people, especially over self centered people. I can walk with my dogs, sit with my dogs, and I don’t have to carry on any conversation. I’m not much of a talker, so it’s great. And they’re a great excuse to leave any type of gathering early. To each their own. Dog haters aren’t evil, children haters aren’t evil, and people haters aren’t evil, either. We are who we are, live and let live.
Doug • Feb 21, 2020 at 7:25 pm
Yeah, you are a horrible human being. A dog’s love would utterly be wasted on you.
sam • Feb 21, 2020 at 5:57 pm
because dog bite people kill people
Dog Lover U IDIOTS • Feb 21, 2020 at 10:31 am
I love dogs and all of u loosers dont know what it is like to me protected by a dog. Now DO YOU???!!! I was little and was walking my grandmas dogs and this compete stranger walkes up to me and tries to frag me to his car. I told the dogs to get him and guess what the dogs did.? They attacked. No really like they attacked attacked. SO LONG STORY SHORT FUCK ALL THIS DOG HATING CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heidi • Feb 20, 2020 at 10:53 pm
I couldn’t agree more with all these people. I grew up with dogs but never liked what they did. Always rolling in and eating cow manure and maggot infested dead animals, licking their privates, smelling mine, killing my chickens and rabbits, etc… They smelled terrible, were always in my space, and always trying to lick me, which grossed me out after what I saw them putting in their mouths. I could go on and on about what I’ve seen in my lifetime. But the thing that bothers me the most is that people don’t respect my choice of not liking dogs and that they prefer dogs over me. Animals are not humans. I would never prefer my kitties over someone else. People are more important, tho I like my cats a lot. It just hurts very much. 💔 Glad to see I’m not alone.
John Smith • Feb 19, 2020 at 11:24 pm
Personally, I love dogs. But wait, there’s more. I like every single animal out there. Doesn’t matter if it’s a raccoon or a dog, I like them. I once was just walking and I saw a raccoon. He was just chilling, so I just chilled with it. I have two dogs, but I would also like a cat. I don’t think that anything needs to be hated. Does it matter if people love something? I don’t think so. It’s not like they’re hurting anybody, and no, you not liking that isn’t hurting you. Maybe you can’t afford a dog and don’t want to deal with it. The constant attention and price. If you don’t like attention or price, you probably won’t have children. I love dogs, but I also love cats, birds, and hamsters. Now I may be a bit biased, but does it matter? You say that people hating dog haters are bad because they hate a small section of people. Wait, what’s your section again? Oh right, hating a small section of animals. That doesn’t sound hypocritical at all.
Rose • Feb 17, 2020 at 2:09 pm
That picture of that sad little dog laying on the floor is pitiful. To spend two years of her life unloved and neglected is so sad. The author doesn’t tell us what happened to the dog. So God knows where she is now, but I hope she found a happy home with people who love her. The dog is innocent. How The author felt about her it was not the dogs fault. It was the author’s own problem. She should have never gotten a dog if she didn’t like dogs. That’s ridiculous. And to see so many people comment how they hate dogs and all animals is really frightening.
Rose • Feb 17, 2020 at 2:03 pm
So what happened to poor Romy? Waiting till mid morning to take a dog out that hasn’t been to the bathroom all night is cruel. No wonder she was crying. What the author here called An aggressive howl. Poor thing. How would you like to hold your poop for hours and hours. You might be howling 2.
Rose • Feb 17, 2020 at 2:02 pm
If you don’t like animals. You can’t help it. At least have respect for them treat them kindly and don’t harm them. Animals are emotional creatures and they have feelings just like human beings do. They get lonely when they sit in the house or yard all day long alone. So yes, of course when their owners come home, they want to be with them because they don’t have a life except with the owner. Dogs need a yard to run and play in and they Need to spend lots of time in the house with their owners. They need another dog companion and they need to be taken for walks. If not daily. At least four or five times per week. To live in solitary confinement is Hell on Earth. All living beings have as much right to be here as human beings. Humans are so arrogant to think that they are the only animal that has value. So what happened to poor Romy? Waiting till mid morning to take a dog out that hasn’t been to the bathroom all night is cruel. No wonder she was crying. What’s the author here called? An aggressive howl. Poor thing. How would you like to hold your poop for hours and hours.
Rose • Feb 17, 2020 at 1:57 pm
If you don’t like animals. You can’t help it. At least have respect for them treat them kindly and don’t harm them. Animals are emotional creatures and they have feelings just like human beings do. They get lonely when they sit in the house or yard all day long alone. So yes, of course when their owners come home, they want to be with them because they don’t have a life except with the owner. Dogs need a yard to run and play in and they Need to spend lots of time in the house with their owners. They need another dog companion and they need to be taken for walks. If not daily. At least four or five times per week. To live in solitary confinement is Hell on Earth. All living beings have as much right to be here as human beings. Humans are so arrogant to think that they are the only animal that has value.
Kevin • Feb 16, 2020 at 6:03 pm
All of you dog haters are just sociopaths and you will eventually hurt someone
Andy • Feb 16, 2020 at 5:31 pm
I just don’t get how people like dogs. Dogs always smell, even when you shower them, the smell just gets worse. They clean themselves by licking their body and then they lick your skin or even your face and lips. Also, how annoying is walking out with a dog? They have to smell everything every second and when they meet other dogs they gotta bark as they’ve never had for no reason. Also, how do you let the dog sleeping on your bed or sofa after taking out your dog? It’s like you go out naked and you run and lay down on the street, and then you go home sleeping on your bed. You dog lovers r funny
zoee • Feb 16, 2020 at 11:25 am
I dont see how your inbred aversion to dogs which IS GOD SPELLED BACKWARDS AND ITS NO COINCIDENCE TO BE SURE SO its evident to me by the way you went on so, you are no mind for God?
Tracy • Feb 15, 2020 at 5:45 pm
So happy to see this post and the many comments of people who also dislike dogs. The biggest problem is certainly the owners, allowing their animal to shit everywhere, run loose, eat shit and then lick people. Some owners are not this bad, but some are even worse and leave their dogs alone barking non stop all day. Dogs are fine as long as the owners are respectful, very rare that though.
AM • Feb 15, 2020 at 2:44 pm
My dad started to take the piss out of me because I got nervy when his dog started to bark. He soon stopped when I told him that I find it scary in the same kind of way people get scaered of spiders, heights etc. I’ve never been keen on dogs, but although I have improved in recent years, the barking still sets me off. I don’t care the reason, I’ve no way of knowing why the dog is barking so I get nervous. Plus it’s so damned LOUD and can come out of nowhere.
The way he treats that animal is ridiculous. Says hello to him every 5 seconds like he hasn’t seen him in hours, while the cat gets a cursory hello every now and again,. He has improved on this when it was pointed out, though.
The dog knows what the deal is. If he damands attention, he’ll get it. People say cats are manipulative, but dogs do exactly the same thing. He’ll beg from my dad when he’s eating, stands WAY to close to him when doing so, but won’t do so to anyone else, because he knows he won’t get food from them. My dad once even held the food in his mouth and allowed the dog to eat it! Utterly disgusting. The dog is incredibly clingy to him and while, again, he has improved, I still find it pretty tragic. Perhaps that’ll fade with time as the animal gets older. The cat however, is friendly in a more respectful way and is definitely much better behaved and quiet. My brother utterly hated the dog, but loves the cat(s) we’ve had. I can see why. While typically a dog will be ‘friendly’ (needy)regardless, a cat’s friendship must be earned. The behaviour we love in a dog, we abhor in a human, and vice versa with a cat.
I do love my cousin-in-law’s bulldog though. So chill and quiet!
DOG LOVER • Feb 15, 2020 at 1:43 pm
Ya’ll are SO mean. Do ya’ll HONESTLY THINK IT’S OK to write an article about how you hate dogs and then write 200 comments about it??!!!!! I have a dog, who is a puppy, and yes, he does get a LITTLE dirty, but, I DON’T CARE!!! IT’S CUTE!!! Not like YA’LL would understand. Actually, my puppy is sitting right next to me AS I SPEAK! He is sleeping right here. He is my LOYAL puppy. MY BEST FRIEND. I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT HIM. And let me say also, dogs SAVE PEOPLE’S LIVES. So you weird CAT lovers, go look at you cat and ask them what THEY have done. Go ask them if they’re not using the restroom in a BOX. So now that I have told these thing to you, I HOPE I HAVE CLEARED SOMETHING UP! GEEZ! I am an 87 year old women! I shouldn’t be waisting my time on this stuff! GET A BRAIN PEOPLE! I’LL SELL IT TO YOU FOR 10$!!!!!!! GET REAL!!!! YOU KNOW, KEEP CALM AND LOVE DOGS!! GEEZ!!!
Amanda • Feb 15, 2020 at 12:35 pm
Ya’ll are crazy! I am completly against every thing yall are doing! It’s ok to hate dogs, but to right a whole article on it and then to have 200 comments agreeing to it? Thats insane! IDIOTS! I have a dog, who is a puppy, and yes, he does get a LITTLE dirty sometimes, but you know what? I DON’T CARE! IT’S CUTE! So all you “dog haters can crawl back into you holes and stop being mean to dogs. Geez! I am a 87 year old for crying out loud! Give me a break! NOW STOP TALKING ABOUT HOW “BAD” DOGS ARE!🤬
Urshula • Feb 15, 2020 at 8:35 am
I’m not a dog lover myself. I’ve been on family picnics, all food on a blanket on the grass, only to have a dog run through the whole thing. The owners are never that apologetic and give off the vibe that us humans are in the way of their usual walking route. We sat by a river once, chilling out and a dog wanted to take a dip, nothing wrong with that, but the dog shook river water all over our towels and continued to run in and out of the river several times and the owner stood, watched and said nothing. He was obviously annoyed that we were sat in his local dog wash stop.
I find it hard visiting a close friend as her dog constantly jumps up at me, has ripped a jumper, broke a pair of designer glasses and scratched my arm. The dog lingers around me, makes a soaking wet patch on my clothes and just won’t go away. I AM kind to dogs. I know they just want to say hello, so I stroke them, say hello and then I want to be left alone! Even in my local pub, it’s full of dogs. I have to watch where I walk in case tread on a tail. People start taking to you about their dog and insist on showing you a ‘trick.’ It’s usually giving you a paw, rolling over and sitting. What an achievement………..yawn. I just hope that we have a scorching hot summer again so no one takes their dogs out during peak times and I can go out and not be harassed every 10 seconds by an annoying dog.
Nobody • Feb 14, 2020 at 9:50 pm
I was bitten by a dog when I was 6. I kicked the effing dog cuz it hurt so much. The owner was like “It don’t bite Ima sue u” and my mom was like “WHAT YOUR F—ING DOG BIT HER!” I got two anti rabis shots. It was awful. AND everyone was like “Left hand, hater!” BUT the dog nearly bit my hand off! Holy Sh-t, how I hate dogs.
JnC • Feb 13, 2020 at 9:21 pm
I do not think you hate dogs, you just don’t like them. Everyone is welcome to their opinions.
Human companions of well treated dogs, cats, etc can be very caring and compassionate people, and animals and nature in general often are very important to these people. The man that you met on the date probably cared a great deal about his dog and loved him very much. It almost sounded like you were jealous when you joked about the sexual position. He was not looking for sex, he was looking for love. It is ironic because much of the time women complain about men just wanting sex, but yours is the exact opposite 🙂
A person that loves and cares for an animal may also love and care for a human in the same manner. It goes the opposite way as well and people who harm animals often move onto harming humans, and when people talk badly about or to strangers eventually they will treat you the same way after they get what they want. Some men never learn how to love, but a dog can teach them because dogs know how to love straight from birth.
I don’t think true animal lovers mind people that do not love animals too, they are just indifferent to them. They may not want to be around non animal lovers much, but then again you do not share their priorities and you don’t want to be around their pets and/or nature so this makes sense from both perspectives. This does not count for all men that own dogs though, some of the players get dogs just to pick up women but they don’t really love their dogs (they don’t know how to love). I am sure the players with dogs would have loved your doggie style comment.
Ceasar • Feb 7, 2020 at 1:59 pm
Dogs are very cute
Joanna • Feb 5, 2020 at 9:28 pm
Thank you for this. It is refreshing that I am not the only one who has had not so great experiences with dogs and their owner.
Here is my 2 cents:
I am not a people person and I have always been an animal lover as they don’t judge you in return. However, the time to take care of and the animal properly is too much for me at this juncture in my life. Many of my friends who have dogs are, loud, smelly (sometimes), and very lazy with their pets. It is hard to see an animal have stay at home for 8 hours alone and their owners posting videos of their dog’s “happy” reactions. Also, posting a video of them when they rip their stuff up and scolding them for doing so is not funny or cute in my opinion. Sick of seeing it actually. Puppy photos are fine but I am not longer in “awe cute” about it. I prefer cats, mice, fish, and reptiles more so than dogs. We have really trained dogs well and I hate to see all the inbreeding and dogfighting that goes on. Also, people like to justify owning dangerous breeds because they have a “bad wrap” or they believe they are “friendly” dogs. Yeah, maybe friendly to you and your family. I have visited a few of my friends who have dogs and I leave their house with ripped up shirts because they cannot handle the dog breeds.
Thank you!
Pablo Martinez • Feb 5, 2020 at 8:57 pm
Haven’t seen this many people Crying in my entire life. Nobody gives a shit whether you like dogs or not. Do you like them? Own one. You hate them? Don’t own one, realize that you are the minority and continue living your life.
dogs suck they are sh*t • Feb 5, 2020 at 7:12 pm
catluver22 • Feb 5, 2020 at 7:09 pm
And idc if u care for dogs r anything.
catluver22 • Feb 5, 2020 at 7:06 pm
Ceasar • Feb 3, 2020 at 7:20 pm
Why do people hate dogs???? Dogs are good and not disgusting can people understand
Pm • Jan 31, 2020 at 10:54 am
Thank you for writing this eye opening article and for the many interesting comments. To be honest, i didn’t know that there are so many people who dont like dogs. I found this surprising because i love some dogs, and it is difficult for me to imagine not feeling positively about their cuteness, zest for life and affection. But although i dont understand it, i can respect that some people dont like dogs and may be scared if they come near them. I dislike spiders and would hate it if one touched me or if i saw them everywhere when i went outside. And dogs are much bigger and can bite harder than spiders. But i still enjoy playing and cuddling and exploring new places with a dog.
It is interesting how many comments mention the smell of dogs. Some dog species smell more than others and thos isnt because they are dirty, its the smell of the natural oils that coat their fur. This isnt something that has ever bothered me, but perhaps some people are more sensitive to this smell.
I think its good that people are admitting they dont like dogs. I dont think you are a monster, just different from me. But i suggest telling the dog owners on your life too . You need to speak up because otherwise, how will they know? Yes they may be surprised at first, but they may come around if you relate it to things they dont like. I think dog owners find it hard to understand people who dont like dogs – because it is so different to how they feel. Like if someone told you that they hate all chocolate, your automatic response may be ‘but its so nice’ or ‘maybe you havent met a chocolate you like yet’. Dont suffer in silence, help them to understand.
I also think that some of the frequently mentioned problems, like pooping in the house, barking and jumping on you, can be solved with training. It does require the right knowledge to get your dog to behave the way you want it to. The good news is that they can be highly trainable. There are lots of dog trainers out there and free training videos on youtube.
On cats, i have never connected with cats, but im sure there are lots of lovely felines out there. I just need to meet the right one, and learn how to interact with them properly. I may be a dog person, but i think cats deserve just as much love and respect.
Finally, this view that there is something wrong with people who love dogs a lot. Maybe in a some very extreme cases it goes too far. But i think it is a good thing that people get so much joy from dogs, just as they might from their children or toy trains or painting. And i agree that dogs can be easier to be with than people – because they are simpler and more straightforward than complex humans. But why is this a bad thing? Connecting with a dog might improve someone’s interpersonal skills sp that they are more easily able to connect with humans. The wonderful thing about love is that it doesnt run out when you give it, it increases.
Have a good day all
Lee • Jan 30, 2020 at 2:51 pm
I would like to add that I don’t hate dogs, I like all animals. I hate what the dunces in this country have done to dogs. Fix yourself, if you have a gaping void in your life, do something productive, don’t just get a dog to fill up the void.
Lee • Jan 30, 2020 at 2:46 pm
I love that this article exists! Thank you!! I am so sick of the dog culture in my area! Dog poop everywhere, can’t hike down a trail without some untrained mutt savagely barking at my toddler while the owner (100 ft away yells, he is friendly!) . FU, get your freaking dog under control or leave it at home. A good friend of mine has 5 dogs, that is right, 5! One single person! They are an agressive breed (Belgian Shepards) and whenever I hike with her and the dogs they scare the shit out of people and bark scarily at them, she has no voice control over them and doesn’t want to put them on a leash because that isn’t fair to her dogs, it is embarrassing. None of her dogs are fixed, right now she is considering breeding a male to her female because her male dog “wants to be a father”! Is it just me, or is that totally crazy? I am putting my energy into human relationships, thank you. Ugh.
B A Tinsley • Jan 30, 2020 at 12:59 pm
wow, such angry people….Hate? Really? Hate???? I have 2 female cream pomeranians and they both warn me when someone is outside (major metropolitan city), they both love ALL my neighbors as i live in a townhome complex and want to play. All my neighbors (male & female) go out of their way to talk silly to them & pet them….because they WANT to. Once a young adult woman was quick to pull away, and all i said was “sorry” because it was clear she wanted no parts of my 2. She frowned and I left her alone. My dogs, on the other hand, STILL wanted to play and tried to befriend her ANYWAY, standing on hind legs. She was rigid as a board. and THAT my dear readers, is why i love my (or anyone else’s) dog…even when someone hates them, they TRY to be kind. That’s the difference between people and canines, as they, nor i…..don’t hate you at all. Remember that when someone you’re intrigued by rebuffs you.
I have no problem with dog haters… i might not like your decidedly cold reasons for hate, but my 2 would love you anyway.
Ceasar • Jan 30, 2020 at 10:02 am
For those who’s husband/wife got a pet with out permission well that is just sad but try to talk it out. This is from a kid!! Maybe they will understand.
Ceasar • Jan 30, 2020 at 10:00 am
. The people who disagree with this article I give my thanks. Their is no article on the internet that is in favor of dogs anymore!
Ceasar • Jan 30, 2020 at 9:59 am
Dogs are trained and the dog owners you met are irresponsible but most are responsible. The people who disagree with this article I give my thanks.
Ceasar • Jan 30, 2020 at 9:56 am
Also dog owners are not lost. Some dogs are bad but most are good. Get a low maintenance breed. You are a SCROOGE OF DOGSS. 375 people agree? Who likes animals anymore!
Ceasar • Jan 30, 2020 at 9:53 am
This is CRAZY. Cats and dogs are very good and if you think they are stinky and they whine too much dogs want your attention and you are lazy to say it is too much you are lazy. Dog owners are very responsible and you just met a person who’s under-reactive. Cats are good too but dogs are equally good no matter how much care. You are just lazy narcissists. Dogs and cats are VERY cute. Next you will be saying that we need to exterminate babies because they cry! You are RUINING THE US.
David Sinclair • Jan 30, 2020 at 6:27 am
This dog thing is now like a cult. They all have their own personal language and terms they use such as (and some of these make my skin crawl) “doggo”, “dog mumma”, “pupper”, “fur baby” etc. Dogs have just become the latest consumerist must have, they’re no different than “needing” the latest smart phone etc.
I walk quite a lot and listen to music or podcasts when doing so. I have to constantly have one eye on what’s going on around me because sure enough you’re highly likely to meet one of these dogs and 99% of the time they are not on a lead. I turn away and make my discomfort known to the owners who then of course repeat their learned dog owner mantra of “he’s only friendly”. As for all the dog crap they just leave everywhere, well it’s absolutely disgusting and terrible for the environment. I take no pleasure in dogs being in pain or coming to any harm however I don’t want them anywhere near me and can’t understand where this obsession has come from!
S R Thompson • Jan 29, 2020 at 6:28 pm
Hate…really? The word is used in such an offhand way, I am curious how many (how few) ever consider its meaning.
If you hate dogs, cats, spinach or any such general group, how will you describe your possible antipathy to perhaps the next Hitler or the coming plague.
Kaylene Osborn • Jan 27, 2020 at 4:18 pm
I can certainly understand people not liking dogs for whatever reason, but to hate them because your parents made you responsible for one is a really silly reason. You should hate your parents using that logic, it wasn’t the dogs fault. People blaming the introvert thing is wrong. I’m 100% introvert and do not want to be around people most of the time. Maybe there is a new term needed for people not wanting to be around animals. Talking with people is exhausting, having my dogs calmly greet me when I arrive home and then sit next to me is perfectly nice. They are TRAINED, they don’t get in my face or act annoying.
Chris • Jan 26, 2020 at 11:46 am
Why do dog-lovers feel the need to read articles like this and then make comments stating how horrible those of us who hate dogs are? I don’t go to dog-loving articles and comment on how ridiculous I think dogs and their owners are, why waste the time coming here at all? But that is not the reason I am posting.
A number of you dog-nutters have commented on certain items, and I wanted to give my honest feedback.
1) The solution of “not getting a dog if we hate them,” is not a solution at all because dogs are fucking everywhere. You can’t escape them. I currently live in a neighborhood where every fucking house around me has at least 1 dog, most have two. And as far as being in public, from grocery stores to Hone Depot, you can’t go anywhere in Los Angeles without seeing some fucking mutt. So telling us to not get a dog as if that means anything is a waste of time.
2) Commenters have stated that we are all animals, so hating animals shows human superiority. That is a foolish interpretation and I have not read in any comment where someone has even implied that their hatred of dogs translates to an overall belief that humans are better than animals.
3) Numerous commenters have stated how dogs are natural human companions, that is not true. They are companions for those who love dogs, for the rest of us, they are simply another living being that has to be taken care of. And if we are forced into taking care of a dog, then yes, there will be a lot of resentment. I had to take care of pets when I was a kid, pets that I did not want and did not decide to get. I did not get the emotional benefit that makes it all worthwhile, it was just a chore I had to deal with.
4) Dogs are not children, you want to call them your family fine, I could care less, but don’t compare them to children because children grow up. A child will not always need you to feed it, clothe it and shelter it. And yes, there is a distinct possibility that once a child grows up, they may grow apart from you, which I imagine is difficult. But if you have been a good parent, you understand that children growing up and creating their own lives is part of the process. That is what you want, and if you have been a good parent, chances are that even if you don’t live close to your children, they will still have you as part of their lives. But this is not absolute, some people grow up to be assholes no matter how good their parents were, but the main difference between dogs and children is the fact that children are more complicated, our dealings with humans are more complicated than dealing with dogs. And if you don’t want to have complicated relationships, fine, if you want to have something that will never be able to survive without you, that is your choice. But just because relationships with dogs are simpler does not make them better. And it certainly does not make dogs better than humans.
5) Stop bragging about dog loyalty, seriously. First, loyalty is a choice, dogs are dependent on their owners for survival, where is the choice? Second, if they were so loyal, would there be a need for fences? Leashes? Cages? Why are you worried about the dog taking off if it is so loyal? Lastly, where else does the dog have to go? Does the dog have a job? Friends? Social engagements? The reason why the dog is happy to see you when you get home from work is that it has not been doing anything, other than barking and ruining your neighbor’s peace and quiet. While you have someplace to go and something to do, the dog does not. And let’s be honest, the separation anxiety is a big part of why you dog-nutters get dogs in the first place, if the dog didn’t act like a nutcase every time you came home, you would be dissatisfied, like one commenter who said cats are not “human companions” because they don’t require the need of affection that dogs do. I am not saying the dog doesn’t love you, I am saying, that you don’t know it does any more than I do. My arguments are valid and practical, and again, I am not saying definitively your dog is not loyal to you, I am just raising questions.
6) Every time one of you dog nutters state how horrible we are for not hating dogs, you prove our point. I hate dogs, mainly the noise. And the fact that the owners act as if that is something we all just have to deal with. Going to talk with a neighbor about their dog barking being a problem is akin to insulting someone’s mother. If you can even get the neighbor to admit it was their dog in the first place, and that is always my problem with dog-nutters, the double-standard. The arrogance of people who truly believe that no one should be upset with their dog barking and interrupting their peace and quiet in their home, I mean man, and dog-haters, we are the ones who are assholes? Dog nutters get pissed if you address the issue at all, and they get doubly pissed if you refuse to back down. I have had numerous confrontations with dog nutter neighbors who are pissed at me because I have the audacity to come over and explain that their dog waking me up at 1:00 am is a problem, and I that I want them to stop it. Some have asked, what am I supposed to do? I tell them the truth, I could care less, I just want the fucking dog quiet. They get pissed, but that is fine with me, I am already pissed. But why they are pissed is what really pisses me off, what fucking right do these assholes have to disturb me? If I was playing music loud at night, which I have had to do with certain neighbors, they rush out the house pissed at me, screaming, making threats, and the thing I always want to impress upon them is that they are the problem, not me. I tried to resolve the situation, they ignored my complaints and assumed that I would just put up with their dog barking and when that does not happen, they are angry with me, which is the height of hypocrisy.
None of this will sink into too any of you dog-nutters, as all of you have long since lost your minds. But this does help me writing about it, which is something.
David • Jan 26, 2020 at 9:57 am
I was once in a shopping mall, walking past a stand with two guys representing The Dogs Trust. As I tried to pass, one of them stepped in front of me and said, “You look like a dog lover to me.” I replied, “Oh yes, mustard, ketchup and onions, please..” He glared and said, “That’s not funny.” I walked away, pleased with my response but horrified that someone had thought I looked like a fog lover:
Disgusted • Jan 26, 2020 at 2:26 am
FINALLY!!! I’m tired of this dog obsessed culture as well. Where should I start on the downfall in the Western world? I do not think dogs belong in small apartments. If I owned these apartment complexes, I would ban them. All dogs do is chew everything up and destroy stuff. Then you have the lazy dog owners who don’t clean up after them and the f-ing barking. I would like to go to a park one time and hear barking, see a side of turds baking in the sun or some stupid dog pitching a loaf while his owner beams with pride like he won a Nobel prize. And why do dog owners assume EVERYONE loves their dog and try to bring it everywhere? Your dog farted? Oh, how cute! Let’s see how many Instagram likes it’s clogged anal sacs can get! And I don’t care how many times you bathe it or what dental snack you give it, your dog and it’s breath will always stink. Please stop doing the wolf a disservice by saying your shaky little rat dog in a tacky sweater are cousins. 100 dollar bags of food when they eat each other’s poop and the poop of other animals? And the owners let them snuggle with them in bed? Lots of people out there need their head examined. If you want to piss away money on something that makes a lot of noise, smells and you have to clean up after it constantly, have a kid!!! If you don’t want a kid but want to piss money away, plenty of homeless people out there.
Terry Murphy • Jan 25, 2020 at 11:04 pm
Besides all the opinions about the content of this piece, I just want to tell you that you’re a hell of a great writer. I also loved your essay on your grandmother. You’re extremely talented. I won’t be surprised to see you one day on the NYT’s best seller list. I’ve been a broadcast journalist in the Seattle area for about 35 years. I have wanted to write this exact essay about dogs for years, but you did a better job of it! I don’t hate them (only certain breeds that strike fear), I’m just not a fan, maybe because people have gone mad when it comes to canines. There’s an interesting site http://www.dogsbite.org started by a woman from Seattle who survived a brutal dog attack. She is now attacked by “dog lovers” relentlessly because she tells stories and presents statistics about dangerous dogs. She’s got guts to put herself out there. I applaud both of you. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Jennifer Ilene • Jan 25, 2020 at 9:04 am
You clearly show no compassion for dogs and yes, you sound like a weird human being. Because you took the time to write all this negative stuff. I feel bad for you.
Amanda • Jan 24, 2020 at 6:03 am
“I’m suspicious of people who don’t like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn’t like a person”…Bill Murray
Amanda • Jan 24, 2020 at 5:58 am
“Dogs because people suck”
sue • Jan 23, 2020 at 12:31 pm
If you have had trauma around dogs go get some help.
Roxanne • Jan 23, 2020 at 12:14 pm
Oh, by the way…it doesn’t seem that you are “respecting the woof” by starting your article off with the fact that you hate dogs. Hate does not equal respect. Does it???
Roxanne • Jan 23, 2020 at 12:02 pm
Ok, so…..you say you hate dogs. Who really cares about what you hate? Even if you base those feelings off of Just one dog you had umpteen years ago when you were eight years old, boo hoo. There is enough hate spread in this world as it is. If you hate them, nobody can change that. But that hate outrages and insults some people who actually feel love for dogs. Dogs who have been more loyal To them And were treated better than any other human they may have met. Dogs who come visit the sick, elderly and help save lives in war and service. Dogs have feelings. They grieve, they cry, they show happiness. People have had bonds with dogs for thousands of years. Maybe you just haven’t experienced or met the right dog. Quite honestly, I know more disgusting humans (that smell bad too) than dogs by far!! Although you are entitled too, Expressing your hate really doesn’t do anything Beneficial for the rest of us in the world. Next time, think of writing about something you do love…like cats!
Ian Mcshane • Jan 22, 2020 at 11:14 pm
I compeatly agree. If you replace the word dogs in the article with women then you would have an accurate description of my experience and observations of women and the societal expectations of having to except their accommodations that if not adhered to will vilify you to a large portion of society that insists you participate in feeding into the neuroses rather than become pariah at large.
Anonymous • Jan 21, 2020 at 4:39 pm
And to those such hateful people. Its simple DONT GET A DOG PERIOD! If you suddenly get pregnant oh now the dog is an inconvenience cuz of your new parasite you should have thought of this in the first place. An animal is not beneath you. Humans are NOT superior. Sof if you cannot take the responsibility of owning a dog. DO NOT GET ONE EVER! Simple. You people do not respect life at all. We do not throw away family members. A pet IS a family member. I do not care what you say. Some people are extreme and dress up their dogs and treat them like humans, but a dog was bred by us purposefully to be a companion. What is wrong with feeding a dog good home cooked meals if there is time? What is wrong to let them sleep on your bed? No dog is an “outside” dog and I definitely see that as abuse. If you want a dog to be outside all day. Again, DO NOT GET ONE! Do not blame the dog. Blame stupid ass people. I honestly think you people are utterly digusting. I cannot even fathom how hateful you are. It’s disturbing. To hate some creature for no actual reason. You can hate a terrorist, animal abuser, child molestor rapist, murderer, but such hate for a dog? WOW I would definitely dump everyone here and not want to be around you. Move to China. They torture dogs for fun!
Dave • Jan 21, 2020 at 3:54 pm
Solution: Don’t get a dog.
There. I’ve solved your issues.
Sophia • Jan 21, 2020 at 9:38 am
I absolutely hate dogs, I live in NYC and they are everywhere, even at grocery stores, yoga studios etc it pisses me off daily, I don’t mind when I have some distance but I hate how careless dog owners are, dog is jumping on my coat, licking me and they do nothing, I was walking in central, had a huge dog tongue out coming towards my coat and I told the owner, do something I don’t like to be licked by dogs, she was like well it’s before 9am so they don’t have to have a leash like wtf would you like if my child came to lick you, I bet you would have a problem with that, so frustrating and completely unreasonable.
Jason_Voorhees_killed_your_dumb_dog • Jan 20, 2020 at 11:25 am
I hate dogs too, and it stems from being attacked by a neighborhood Dalmatian as a child. My hatred has continued into adulthood for many reasons, but mainly because I am a runner and enjoy running outside. I can’t even count how many times I’ve been chased and attacked by these abominations. I’m not going to get into it too much, I really can’t here to say one thing, as I’ve read through the comments. You people that value animal lives over human lives are deranged. There’s something psychologically wrong with you. I see a lot of people haters saying that they like dogs more than humans, because “people are shitty”. So, in turn, because some people are shitty, or maybe you felt that one time a mean person hurt your feelings, you’re going to become a shitty person too? That makes perfect sense, you selfish, ignorant and hypocritical ingrates. I’d wager than 99% of you dog nutters don’t have kids, and that’s good. Don’t have them, because you’re not mentally stable enough to raise another human being. You don’t have the ability to love someone more than yourself, because you people are so self-centered and self-serving. Don’t bring an innocent life into your self-absorbed fantasy land.
It is impossible for dogs to love unconditionally. You people know this right? Please tell me you’re not that stupid. The concept of an animal comprehending unconditional love is beyond absurd. Try not feeding your dog for awhile. Let the mutt out in the front yard, don’t chain him up or anything, let it it leave if it wants. Then don’t feed it for awhile, maybe a whole day or two, then go out in a few days and see if your best friend is still there. The fact is that your dog could “love” a dog hater such as myself if I just fed it and gave it shelter. It’d abandon ship in a second, because IT’S AN ANIMAL, not a human being, and it’s primary goal is to survive, not to serve you. It will take care of itself first and foremost.
I’m not even going to get into the “best friend”, “good listener”, “loyal”, and all the other bullshit that you nutjobs concoct. All I have to say is if you are relying on an animal that has the mental capacity and reasoning skills of a 1.5 year old, who’s the idiot here? People who form bonds with other people, or you? What does that say about you? What, that you can’t control every person that comes into your life? You can’t make every person do exactly what your agenda calls for? So you get a dog to feel like you have control of at least one thing in your life? And those of you who hate kids are just demented. Seriously, I can’t even acknowledge you as human after a statement like that. You need help, urgently. Hate the stupid parents that brought the kid into existence, fine. No child asked to be born. Children are innocent and deserve to be protected, and I am well aware that there are shitty parents out there. Most of you dog worshippers would make shitty parents. People that hate children are psychopaths, dog haters are not. You dog buffoons don’t know what it’s like to love something more than you love your pathetic self, and therein lies the problem. Just like someone who has a personality disorder, you’ll never seek help because you‘re convinced that your way of thinking is right. You are not the center of the universe.
Finally, I’d like to comment on a rather hilarious post someone had above. Someone said that dog haters must all be liberals. This came after a bunch of name calling and saying dog haters should die, etc… Followed by the term “snowflake”. I just found that hysterical because if there’s one political group that resorts to name calling and threats for violence if others don’t think and believe in that particular group’s way of thinking and believing, it’s liberals. Liberals are also the same people who value animal life over human life. I find it ironic that dog lovers don’t accept that there’s people that, surprise surprise, don’t agree with you. But, yet you force your ideals on them and call for violence. Now who’s the fuckin’ snowflake in that scenario? Find your safe space, bozo. I feel really sorry for whoever posted that. You just don’t get life, do you? It just went right over your head.
PS. I saw a lot of people claiming that the dog owners are responsible for the dog’s crappy behaviors. That’s interesting. Never been chased, attacked or felt threatened by a cat in my life. 42 years old, not once been attacked by a cat. Or a squirrel or a chinchilla for that matter. A bird pooped on me once though, does that count.? I bet it’s owners were irresponsible. I guess we cat owners are just better at training our animals to behave.
Dogs cause me to have panic attacks • Jan 17, 2020 at 7:53 pm
I am not a dog person to begin with but after getting bit by one ( owners fault not mine) I now have panic attacks when they are around. Once when I could not reach my husband to come get me, because of a dog, a nice lady escorted me out of a store bathroom. Yes it is that bad! I have been told I should not live in my town if I don’t like dogs. I can not go walk in the park or on the bike trail because someone always has a dog off leash. I understand you love your dog but can you understand that I do not? I especially do not like your dog in stores, where I buy my groceries or eat out. I am becoming a recluse because of dogs and their not so nice owners and it ticks me off that I am allowing it to happen. But I can not enjoy myself when I am out because I am always on edge and on the lookout for dogs. What a wonderful life I am living! I am thinking about buying a taser to go with my mace, then maybe I will feel safe! So glad to see others who feel the same way I do about dogs. And to those of you with the nasty dog loving comments…..YOU are the dog owners that give dog owners a bad rep.
I'm not a dog slave • Jan 13, 2020 at 12:22 am
Honestly People who harass others that dislike dogs should go to hell, like what the fuck, ever heard of the term opinion? fucking weasels.
Nan • Jan 12, 2020 at 8:13 pm
Thank you Thank you for Speaking OUT and UP about this Insanity of Dog Obsession in our Culture. 90 MILLIION Dogs, are we deluding ourselves?? This is equal to the Human Population of Top 3 Population States (Calif, Texas & Florida) and 9x the Human Population of even the 10 Least Populated States!! I watch all the poop bags being left everywhere (or tossed into MY garbage can – NO THANK you!!) and wonder who is paying to handle the crap (literal) and somehow we are just supposed to zip our lips and allow their bad manners and obliviousness to Wash Over all of us??! This isn’t going to end well, resources are already at a tipping point, the fires in Australia, the lack of enough cropland to feed people; having millions of North American dog crazed owners “worried” that their animals aren’t going to get “quality of life” is just Insane. Step BACK and Look at the BIG PICTURE dog owners. It is unsustainable to have So MUCH Resource going to pets! I read an in depth study last year that explained what the Constant BREEDING of DOGS in American has done to this entire species – it’s SAD for these animals! I live in a neighborhood where every millenial renter HAS to have an Emotional Support Dog and they LEAVE IT alone 80% of the time @ home, unless they TRAVEL; then you end up sitting next to someone else’s “under-human-socialized” animal. Get REAL people, if you love having a Dog, love it at Your Own HOME!! Make it a personal, not a PUBLIC impact. I never let my five kids jump up on, pee and harass anyone, let alone Strangers when we were out enjoying PUBLIC LIFE. Keep YOUR Choice in YOUR Space…period!
I'm not a dog slave • Jan 11, 2020 at 9:45 pm
Dogs are fucking annoying period. From dog owners to dogs being assholes, not to mention the fact that every damn cartoon or game has a dog in it, and guess what? they get better ratings all because of a ugly ass mutt. The internet is even worse, *cough* *couch* internet artists *cough* *cough* it’s like people waste their art talent on drawing the fucker, especially furries, which is one of many reasons i hate them. I could go on, and on about how much people are bowing down their lives to these jackass showoffs but i’d rather save my energy because i’m legit getting cancer just thinking about them.
P.S for those who hate Dog haters, your just adding to the problem of others respect and wild life. Hope your gay asses are happy. 🙂
NellyNY • Jan 11, 2020 at 5:14 pm
I don’t really care if you don’t like animals or the people that like/love them as long as you don’t hurt them in any way. I personally like them more than humans for this exact reason. People are untrustworthy with their emotions, are extremely selfish, hold so much hatred and jealousy, are all drama and are destructive to themselves and the people around them. I feel bad for people who don’t enjoy being around a cute, loving, furry friend. I’m not a huge fan of people but I still do the morally correct and. ethical thing when it comes to their well being. I can only hope that the people that don’t like animals would still do the same when it comes to an animals well being. Now when someone has lack of empathy for another living creature this is a sign of a mental disorder/ defect, like narcissism or being a psychopath. Apathetic (lack of empathy) people are the people that ultimately destroy and wreak havoc on society. Apathy and hate are the root of evil and what’s truly wrong in this world.
So to the people who dislike dogs, cats, birds or any species, other than your own, I feel sorry for you and what you are missing out on in life. I wish you all nothing but the best!
Adonis C. Gables • Jan 10, 2020 at 7:44 pm
Amazing………simply amazing!! All of the dog “h8ers” cite reasons (i.e., dirtyness, neediness, time, money) reasons wholly unrelated to any character traits of the animal, which, as anyone with an IQ in the triple digits knows, are unassailable. A dog would never leave his/her parent(s) because they fell ill, were poor, physically unattractive, etc., etc., etc. we live in a world where over 90% of people prioritize money and possessions, as opposed to spiritual growth and exploration. And I will never say dogs give unconditional love. It’s conditioned on being treated with love and respect. The fact is that my animals (mostly dogs, but also, at times, 3 cats and even a chicken) are the greatest things to ever happen to me, and embody, in each of their little hearts, more character, integrity and selflessness that all the people who I have encountered in this greedy, money-is-my-god society in which we live. Do u people really think it’s a coincidence what the word “dog” spells backward?! For me, heaven would be dying only to be reunited, an “the afterlife,” with all the animals I’ve ever loved.
Adonis C. Gables
Rob • Jan 10, 2020 at 5:37 pm
Judge Judy is pure hell on out-of-control dogs. Any time a dog owner shows up in court, they have a standard list that they pick from to show that the incident was not the dog’s fault, or theirs. The fault always lies with the victim. The owner’s ability to analyze the dog’s thoughts never ceases to amaze me. None of this ever convinces Judge Judy:
“He looked at my dog when he passed it on the street. Dogs see that as a threat.”
“He didn’t look at my dog when he passed it on the street. Dogs can smell fear.”
“He passed too close to us on the two-foot wide sidewalk. He doesn’t like being crowded.”
“I told him to pet the dog, as he was harmless. But the dog didn’t have time to get ready before he stuck out his hand.”
“He was wearing all black (or all white, or a swimsuit, or a tuxedo). Most dogs see that as a threat.”
“He was whistling just before the dog bit him. That sound confuses dogs.”
“He rode his bike down the public street right in front of our house. The dog was just protecting his territory.”
“He was delivering the paper in the dark. The dog couldn’t see who it was.”
Ad infinitim.
Rob • Jan 10, 2020 at 5:11 pm
Oh, PS, I forgot this. We have caught a lady (sorry, not a lady — a woman) allowing her dog to crap in our yard THREE times. The last time, my wife caught her. The mutt was on a 25-foot “leash”, squatting in the middle of the yard while the owner stood in the street. This caused my wife, who would never do anything under normal circumstances to hurt or offend anyone, let loose with some invectives that I didn’t think she had in her. The woman responded “…well, I was going to pick it up!” How can anyone be that stupid, ignorant, disgusting, and rude at the same time? And, we live in what I previously thought was an upper-middle class neighborhood. Obviously, I made a very wrong assumption there.
I don’t hate dogs at all, as long as they don’t crap in my yard, bark all night, jump on me, growl at me, or bite me. But, I do hate their ignorant owners who stand by and enjoy letting them do all of these things, and a lot more too.
Rob • Jan 10, 2020 at 4:50 pm
There is a little park in my neigborhood that I would like to visit. I can’t, because every dog owner within a mile brings the things to the park for their bi-daily butt-licking fix. People used to have one dog. Now, most have two, and many have three. When I meet a dog owner on the sidewalk, they always make sure they let out the line on the 25-foot long “leash” so that I can “meet” the dog. My wife is deathly afraid of all of them, but she still gets to meet and greet them everywhere she goes…in the grocery store licking the food, in restaurants eating off the table, in the parking lot barking at her, in the bank trying to tear up her hose, and in Home Depot crapping on aisle 23. None of these places are off limits and none of the proprietors of these places ever feel up to saying, “…please, no dogs in here.” I’m not sure what happened to health regulations, but I guess I’m even more not sure of what happened to people’s decency and common sense.
Sophia Noone • Jan 9, 2020 at 11:56 pm
You don’t have to like dogs or have one live in your home. But if you’re honestly a human being who can, with a sound mind, say something bad about a dog – who is the purest fucking creature on earth – you are indeed a bonafide psychopath who probably doesn’t like dogs because DOGS ARE SMARTER THAN YOU AND CAN SMELL A SOCIOPATH FUCKING NUTJOB FROM A MILE AWAY. I am truly disgusted by the number of comments in support of this atrocity.
B • Jan 9, 2020 at 10:12 pm
Oh and another thing is they destroy people’s houses. Maybe not the small dogs, but people who have big dogs and keep them inside or let them inside, the dogs destroy and ruin everything. They tear up the furniture, scratch and claw everything, rip up blankets and clothes. People who have big dogs inside can’t have nice things because the dogs destroy everything.
B • Jan 9, 2020 at 9:48 pm
I don’t like dogs either. The things that bother me are the barking and how dirty they are. I shouldn’t lose sleep or not be able to read or concentrate in my own house because my neighbors have stupid dogs in their yards that bark all the time. And some of these dogs will bark the minute they are let out and not stop barking until the owner brings them back in. Just bark, bark, bark at nothing for like 30 minutes straight. They’ll bark at birds. They’ll bark because they heard a noise. They’ll bark at anything that moves. It’s so stupid. It’s noise pollution. If they are one of these dogs that are kept outside all the time, you never get a reprieve if you live next to it. Their barking is so loud you can hear it through your walls and windows. It wakes you up from sleep. It disturbs your quiet in your own house. It’s not right to subject innocent people to this. And then there is how dirty they are. They literally eat poop. They shit and don’t wipe their asses and then sit right down in your bed or chair with that same dirty unwashed ass. Gross.
Merimars • Jan 9, 2020 at 1:53 pm
Don’t be mad, they are beaten where i come from and nobody bats an eye. I also don’t care. All animals are beaten and nobody bats an eye unless its a kid.
Lynn M Cross • Jan 9, 2020 at 1:29 pm
Thanks for writing this!! I am in total agreement with you. I would never have a dog. They are smelly and goofy and their “unconditional love” only annoys me. Plus so much work and inconvenience and expense and annoyance. And letting them sleep in your bed with their paws that have been dragging around on filthy sidewalks and in poop? Unconscionable.
Alan • Jan 9, 2020 at 7:39 am
My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer nearly two years ago. We never had a dog because I always disliked them. The dog smell makes me heave- thats not a good start. Add in the neediness, obseqiousness, and aggression and you have a toxic brew.
However, my wife wanted a dog, shes not currently working and is living with an illness for which there is no cure. How could I look at her and deny what her heart desires? So a couple of months ago she brought home a puppy resembling a smow whote seal pup and my heart melted to see my wife petting it. Unfortunately an additional ingredient has now been added to the toxic brew- guilt. Guilt that I hate her dog. The remblence to a seal pup is a trap. It is dog right to its stinking core. If you are wavering, dont do it. Be free.
Random X Roads • Jan 8, 2020 at 7:01 pm
Narcissistic dog supporters are quick to denounce THE HONESTY OF human emotion of the human animal species in favor of “doggie do” what ever you want and to hell with those who don’t like other animal forms violating their lives.
They would make us believe that dogdom is in some way more honorable than parenthood. I suppose God commanded the love of dog and Jesus, people bought ’em…. Lol. Think of the Status and Prestige!
I am so glad to find an outspoken forum speaking to the truth of the Nazi attitudes expressed by dog loving maniacal control freaks.
Out of the kitchen, Damn Spot. My personal space is not for you to decide. No need to apologize… Simply, out, out, Damn Spot.
I will bark at your dog if it barks at me or mine.
I will threaten your dog if it poses a threat to me or mine. I will kill your dog to protect myself and my loved ones from you and your dog. I will also eat your dog if I like the breed.
Ashlyn Oler • Jan 6, 2020 at 5:06 pm
I guess I respect everyone’s opinions, and that you hate dog owners… But I don’t understand why you are so rude about it. I personally love dogs and my mind can’t grasp why anyone would hate them. I don’t like cats but I’m not as rude as all these people in expressing what they think. These comments could deeply hurt and affect people so please be careful with your words. Dogs are deeply loving creatures and they understand you. They show a lot of affection. Dogs are very helpful too. I don’t remember hearing that cats can sniff out diseases or catch criminals. Sure for comedic relief, they are good. Their funny I guess. But dogs are more helpful than a cat could ever be. That’s my opinion, respect it.
Cara • Jan 6, 2020 at 8:02 am
Thank you so much for this article. I thought I surely must be the only one.
Chris Alan • Jan 5, 2020 at 8:23 pm
We smell bc we have dogs huh….. ok since were making opinionated claims and judgements about people that have dogs lets state some facts about those that don’t.
I don’t trust someone who hates dogs. Dogs are a good judge of character. And since you hate dogs that means your probably a liberal pantywaist snowflake that gives new meaning too what it’s like too be a human cartoon such as yourself.
Ok have a great day snowflake!
Tessa Sisson • Jan 5, 2020 at 5:08 pm
What a great article. So many people consider not liking dogs to some kind of villainous act and not someone to be friendly with. I don’t like their smell, their fur, their slobbering or their barking. I once had a stranger’s dog jump up on me and leave two muddy pawprints on my white teeshirt. The owner thought it was “sweet” and that the dog was “only being friendly”. I keep horses in a barn, and there are cats and dogs that live in the hayloft. The dogs are well trained to protect the horses and their owners, and do not create a problem for me. I don’t mind them there as long as they leave me alone, which they do, and they respond immediately to commands. However I wouldn’t want them in my home, with their cruddy backsides on my carpet and/or furniture. The thing that really frightens me is if I might seated next to one on a plane!
Wendi • Jan 5, 2020 at 11:10 am
Doing something weird i dont understand*
Wendi • Jan 5, 2020 at 10:58 am
I was so happy to come across this. Every other article is about how anti animals is evil bad blah blah. Yet the people that know me know i am sweet kind friendly and generous. You need 10 bucks to buy food for your pet? Ok here i understand its a part of your family. But i personally hate dogs and cats alike. I dont need something doing something weird i doing understand or tearing up stuff or feeling like i have to bleach my house bc it smells like animal. I refused to be placed into the same category as a serial killer just bc i dont find your little expense (animal) endearing. I really dont like when you bring your pet over and i have to deep clean my furniture bc you didnt train it properly. So glad i seen this!
jh995 • Jan 4, 2020 at 5:32 pm
Dog owners seem to think that hating dogs = hating all animals and at the same time loving animals = only liking dogs. Truly the most neurotic, narcissistic, cancerous bunch of people on the planet.
Ms Magic • Jan 3, 2020 at 3:08 pm
THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS ARTICLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’ hate dogs (yet), but I never really liked them. I loved a dog we had when we were kids. A dog we kept in the backyard and lived there. It was fine, that’s how we grew up. We didn’t carry the dog around, the dog was not allowed in the house, we didn’t take it to a vet. The dog was a dog and our parents did not have money to spend on a dog. A dog is a dog; that’s how we grew up. We fed the dog, we bathed the dog. The dog barked if there was a stranger in our property…that was that. So, I moved to NY and I live with the daily craze of popular dog adoration. This has made me dislike dogs to a degree where I am borderline hating them. I find that dog lovers are gross selfish people who want to shove their dogs up our dog disliking butts. I go to a deli to buy food, and there is a pretentious selfish person with their full of parasites smelly dog. You can bathe a dog daily, and it will still stink. You could disinfect your house daily and it will still stink. You can walk your dog every hour and it will still pee on your floor if even by accident, tattooing the spot on the floor (and God help you if its wood) with that disgustingly barf inducing dog pee smell. Dogs are everywhere, Is insane. I dislike dogs so much, I bought a condo in a building where dogs were not allowed. Now the new wave of entitled people are moving in, and parading their dogs around. When I called management to complaint I was told they are allowed if they are emotional companions dogs, which is a joke because all one has to do is go to a doctor and get a note. If it’s your emotional companion keep it at home. I don’t need to go to buy a dress and hear a dog barking in the dressing room next to mine while it’s hair floats in the air I’m breathing inducing me allergies. I don’t need to go to the supermarket to buy food am going to ingest and see your dog lying all comfy in the shopping cart where others put their vegetables. I don’t need to go on a place, as I am terrified of flying to be further stressed out by a barking dog under your seat. Dogs are disgusting and smelly. They lick themselves and carry fleas, ticks and parasites. I have found that having dogs in my condo’s building is causing me a severe case of anxiety and emotional stress. I have found that I leave those places where I go to and there is the dog person parading their dogs like they own the space becoming myself an outcast in a society that seems to believe we HAVE to accept and live with those dogs as part of our environment. I am seriously considering looking into the laws that govern spaces as I find it extremely selfish and disrespectful that I have to live with the emotional stress for sakes of someone else’s emotional companion. Again, thank you for writing this article !!
Ms Magic • Jan 3, 2020 at 3:07 pm
..I just love how all the dog lovers come in here to attack the writer of the article. Further proving her point of their entitlement and dislike for those of us who dislike dogs. Grow up! You love dogs, we hate dogs. Period. Keep your dog in your house and out of the free public space and things will be better. Have your dog pee and shit in your lawn and keep it out of mine and it will all be better.
Ms magic • Jan 3, 2020 at 2:56 pm
THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS ARTICLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’ hate dogs (yet), but I never really liked them. I loved a dog we had when we were kids. A dog we kept in the backyard and lived there. It was fine, that’s how we grew up. We didn’t carry the dog around, the dog was not allowed in the house, we didn’t take it to a vet. The dog was a dog and our parents did not have money to spend on a dog. A dog is a dog; that’s how we grew up. We fed the dog, we bathed the dog. The dog barked if there was a stranger in our property…that was that. So, I moved to NY and I live with the daily craze of popular dog adoration. This has made me dislike dogs to a degree where I am borderline hating them. I find that dog lovers are gross selfish people who want to shove their dogs up our dog disliking butts. I go to a deli to buy food, and there is a pretentious selfish person with their full of parasites smelly dog. You can bathe a dog daily, and it will still stink. You could disinfect your house daily and it will still stink. You can walk your dog every hour and it will still pee on your floor if even by accident, tattooing the spot on the floor (and God help you if its wood) with that disgustingly barf inducing dog pee smell. Dogs are everywhere, Is insane. I dislike dogs so much, I bought a condo in a building where dogs were not allowed. Now the new wave of entitled people are moving in, and parading their dogs around. When I called management to complaint I was told they are allowed if they are emotional companions dogs, which is a joke because all one has to do is go to a doctor and get a note. If it’s your emotional companion keep it at home. I don’t need to go to buy a dress and hear a dog barking in the dressing room next to mine while it’s hair floats in the air I’m breathing inducing me allergies. I don’t need to go to the supermarket to buy food am going to ingest and see your dog lying all comfy in the shopping cart where others put their vegetables. I don’t need to go on a place, as I am terrified of flying to be further stressed out by a barking dog under your seat. Dogs are disgusting and smelly. They lick themselves and carry fleas, ticks and parasites. I have found that having dogs in my condo’s building is causing me a severe case of anxiety and emotional stress. I have found that I leave those places where I go to and there is the dog person parading their dogs like they own the space becoming myself an outcast in a society that seems to believe we HAVE to accept and live with those dogs as part of our environment. I am seriously considering looking into the laws that govern spaces as I find it extremely selfish and disrespectful that I have to live with the emotional stress for sake of someone else’s emotional companion. Again, thank you for writing this article !! We need to unite and start a class action lawsuit against these people. We have the right to a clean dog free life.
Sam • Jan 3, 2020 at 7:49 am
I love how you’ve posted that you respect dogs if your opinion can be respected, and only one dog lover in this comment section didnt attack you and all dog haters personally.
I hate the loud chewing, drinking, crotch licking, barking, whining, god I hate it all! I hate going to someone’s house and finding out all too late they have dogs and suddenly you’re covered in dog snot and slobber from the knees down. I hate the fact that i’m not allowed to be sick or exhausted on any given day and want to lie down because that’s when my husband’s dog wants to crap all over the house despite being let out on time every time, all day.
I hate that dogs feel they should be the only ones in the house that are allowed to eat, trying to snatch your food up even right after being fed. I hate how they stare at me with their big soulless eyes while i’m trying to eat my food. I hate being licked in the mouth if I bend over to tie my shoe. I hate being followed everywhere. And I hate the thought of taking care of a creature that will never grow up to take care of itself.
Its gotten to where I pretend to be allergic to dogs so that I don’t have to explain that I hate dogs, because dog lovers always attack your character. Im not a bad person. I would never mistreat a dog. But to be told im worse than a dog because I don’t love them unconditionally? Just another reason to hate dogs: how they make people act toward one another. Dont call me inhuman because I don’t like dogs, and I wont call you a bigot because you don’t think anyone is allowed to have an opinion different from yours.
Glad I could rant here. Thanks for posting this.
Mary Poe • Jan 3, 2020 at 12:54 am
I do have to say with regards to the statements about germs, that I have probably caught more germs from you and your other fellow humans coming to work when you’re sick than I ever have caught from a dog.
Kayla • Jan 3, 2020 at 12:31 am
To all the dog haters, I’m sympathetic to you since you’re the real poor animals that belong to the worst animal species. Don’t forget you’re animals yourself. Statistics show non dog person are the worst group of people who are not worth anything such as friendship. Dogs will always loyal to me. You’ve seen many children kill their parents stories. I hope none of you haters would be killed by your kids one day. I know my dogs will always love me. And let me tell you a bad news! Trump just signed into the law animal abuse is felony. Watch out you haters! I’ll be watching everyone of you and hoping you get good karma but most likely you won’t… The author here should be sent to jail because of the hate speach…
Francis • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:44 pm
“Statistics show non dog person are the worst group of people who are not worth anything such as friendship” Facts please? No study conducted with any sense of ethics or validity would say such as general statement as ‘the worst group of people’, worst at what? Disliking an animal has nothing to do with karma unless you harm it. People have different opinions, grow up.
Soph • Jan 2, 2020 at 12:43 pm
I don’t like dogs for two reasons…
1) They are dangerous. Pit bulls are the current pinnacle of this awful trend. I recommend dogsbite.org and animals 24-7, go to the pit stop area of the blog…for the true awfulness.
I think dog people are crazy. Dogs are a very badly bred wolf, and they simply cannot live with humans in a reasonable way for the most part. It speaks to the real loneliness of most people that they feel they must have a dominance relationship with one. And the responses of dog lovers on a dog free section of Quora are part of that. There is nothing pure about the love of an animal that has no choice, either environmentally or genetically.
It worries me greatly that children can no longer play safely in park because of constant dangerous off and on leash dogs.. Connection with the natural world is so important for empathy, and with our current environmental crisis we need future generations to have empathy for true wild creatures.
Dogs are a dead end. Children are the next generation of humanity. Which does a sane person prioritize? If you read about dog attacks, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the callouses that is shown to children and the elderly by dog lovers.
Just a month ago a 12 year old had to walk home from from school because of illness. He was mauled to death by a pack of dogs on his walk home. Dog people blame the child for walking home. Just this year, people have been found in ditches, killed and dragged by someone’s pet dogs, mauled to death and left to rot.
Dogs are the number one rabies vector in the world. Thousands of people each year., mostly children, die from rabies in Africa, Indonesia, and Asia. Yet some dog people won’t give their dogs a rabies shot, because of “autism” fears.
2) Dog ruin natural habitats. Their feces and urine runs into the water table, and the ocean, contributing to the pollution of our water and oceans Their urine and feces kill native plants, dog waste is not usable for crops, it’s considered a biohazard.
Dogs run off leash and chase wild animals. For a dog owner that thinks that is ok, wild animals obtain their food and warmth in a situation of scarcity. This means that a fox a skunk, a native rodent, or a quail, sea lion or bird may die of exhaustion, even if your dog does not catch it. It has probably been chased several times today already, every day dog owners go to the area.
Natural selection? Not really. Ever notice that their aren’t many wolves in an are? There never are, even in increasingly rare almost untampered environments. Nature is not equipped to deal with the sheer amount of off leash dogs. Animals are under a constant daily stress that weakens them.
It’s a natural abomination, from the digging, urine, and feces. Dogs and their owners are waging war upon the natural environment.
There is a video of Mark Kelly (the astronaut)and his daughter’s pit bull killing a baby seal at the beach. He just pulls it off and walks away. It’s easy to google. Think of that happening thousands of times. No o e actually knows the carnage from dogs, though the blog Animals 24-7 has tried to look into it. It’s mostly pit bulls for horses,alpacas, cows, and larger domesticated animals. For smaller animals, it’s many more types of dogs, including pit bulls. No one knows how many animals are mailed by dogs, but the number is astonishing, it runs into the thousands and perhaps tens of thousands. Animals unnecessarily killed and not eaten, left to rot. Rare turtles and nesting birds going extinct because of off leash dogs.
When humans hike, they are in a wild place. If anyone out there can empathize, it a bit like going over to someone’s house. Hikers should be quiet, and polite, stay on trails and follow the rules of the natural area. Yet dog owners have no respect for people, other domestic animals, farm owners, and the natural environment.
I do hope that there is backlash, Dogs and dog owners take from society far more than they add to it.
Anonymous • Jan 2, 2020 at 11:22 am
I think you do have a point there, but many of the comments, and indeed, the article, are a bit too harsh. To find comfort in animals is not a bad thing, as some people have said, just as disliking dogs is not a bad thing. There is no right or wrong, just differences, and we must learn to coexist, hard as it may be. I can see how some may think that people who like dogs are obsessive and ignorant, and how people who hate dogs may be considered almost psychotic, but both these assumptions are false. Just like differences such as being male or female, neither are bad, just different. Hating dogs could be constructed as evil and too strong, and likewise with obsessing over them. Rather, they are just two ends of a spectrum, and each should do their best to accommodate the other. Though we may have different opinions, we still are all human.
animals rule • Dec 31, 2019 at 4:05 pm
Al of you dog haters are judgmental, self-righteous and hypocritical dickwads who lump al animal lovers into category. Now wonder you’re the cause of misanthropy! You think that all fans of dogs and other aniamls are bad?! Bullshit! You’re the real monsters! In fact, you make me wish that humans didn’t exist.
FYI, all people have right to love animals. Hell, they can favor creatures people all they want. But makin’ false assumptions about them and labeling them as villains are closed-minded dick moves to make. So fuck all of you to death!
Christna • Dec 31, 2019 at 4:50 am
All you MFs are sick.
Joanne • Dec 30, 2019 at 11:02 am
I was so happy and relieved to come across this article and to know others feel as I do. I don’t hate dogs and I would never harm one. I just don’t like what they do. I have had birds, cats, reptiles, arachnids, hamsters, chinchillas—u name it. All of these creatures put together have not taking the time and energy as ONE dog has!!! None of them make annoying licking sounds, pee or poop on the floors, eat their own poop or other creatures poop, bark incessantly to go out and in, jump on people, are needy, destructive, sniffing at people and their butts, beg for food, stink, disrespect personal boundaries, wake me up at wee hours of the morning, ruin my lawn by digging holes everywhere, etc…..
I will take the dog for a walk, make sure she is fed and taking care of but I don’t need all the other shit that’s involved. My boyfriend provides that for her.
Nancy M. • Dec 29, 2019 at 11:03 pm
I was thrilled to come across this article and read some of the comments. One of my family members and her family have four smelly, dirty LARGE INSIDE dogs that run the house. The only baths these dogs get is with dry shampoo and let’s not even talk about their breath. One dog has an absess in its mouth and another dog licks the absess. After five minutes of being in their house everything you’re wearing is caked with dog hair – it’s all over the furniture, it’s in the food and as a visitor I’ve had to fish dog hair out of my water. The funny thing is that this family can barely afford food for themselves yet they’ll spend several hundred dollars and more on vet bills. When these dogs shake, as dogs will, you can see a billow of hair fly through the air. Since it’s a family member, I’ve learned to bring a sticky roller with me and bottled water, not to mention Dollar Tree socks that I can just throw out when I leave. I don’t want all that stinky hair in my car! I’ve been told, “I don’t care if you don’t like the dogs, that’s how we live.” Thank God I’m moving to another state so I don’t have to deal with this scenario any longer. No matter how clean a house may be, with that many inside dogs it’s impossible to keep up with the hair. I don’t want to pet them, I don’t want them to lick me.
Thank you for helping me feel more normal for having a hard time with this situation.
I hate you • Dec 29, 2019 at 3:48 pm
You act like they’re overrated but cats are the real problem!
You are a terrible person!
Matt • Dec 28, 2019 at 4:33 pm
Dogs may not be the best pets ever, but they’re a shit ton better than Cats, and that’s not just an opinion – don’t believe me? Well maybe you don’t believe in science and research https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/why-cats-will-probably-never-be-as-domesticated-as-dogs-9858889.html this article isn’t any sort of “revelation” this knowledge is old and very rooted in decades and decades of research, so Dogs maybe not perfect – but they’re more human than most pets
Helena Jones • Dec 27, 2019 at 2:13 pm
Well you and many readers certainly vented your spleen.! You think your strong ( I’d say excessive ) feelings were founded when you family took on a huge dog . Don’t take issue with the dog , rather your family ! Note I avoid the word hate Rather too much of that in our world as it is .Cats , dogs name any animal all deserve a better deal than most humans can give .Re dogs being smelly etc , just try sitting next to many humans in public transport, be a teacher and have lice ridden children sent to school so .Cant blame them .I have no dog now but if I had I wouldn’t expect you to want to know it see it etc . Think your over reaction is pointing the way to go speak to a Dr .
I’ve no children and trust me most of UK think you should love their children , grandchildren etc .WHY ..
No dog or cat asked to be owned , dressed up or introduced to you … Blame the owners but be rational NOT ALL people are so … Guess it got you a pat on the back off your editor for raising interest and even more hate ..Go chew a bone lady .
Janelle • Dec 23, 2019 at 9:10 pm
Thank you so much for this. I can’t stand my dog, or anyone else’s. Everyone else in my household loves him. This, after replacing all the carpeting to hard floors due to his incessant marking. Walking into the room to find that he snuck off to mark somewhere infuriates me beyond words. I shouldn’t have to watch a dog 24/7 to make sure he doesn’t destroy my house with his disgusting pee. Never again will I rescue a dog from the pound. He also follows me almost everywhere, and constantly stares at me creepily. If a human behaved that way, we’d call them a stalker.
My friend’s dogs are just as horrible. I can’t even sit in their couch without being assaulted by their disgusting, smelly bodies and horrendous breath. I use a throw pillow to make a barricade so they can’t touch me. I feel like having animals in your house is not unlike having actual livestock in there; they make everything dirty and gross. Animals are not for everyone, and I’m not ashamed to admit my disdain.
Karen Saucedo • Dec 23, 2019 at 2:35 pm
The writer is very correct. She is not a dog person and it’s great for dogs that she realizes that.
…”my family attempted to adopt…”
Her family’s poor choice and handling of the adoption situation is what led to her feeling about dogs.
If you have a properly fenced backyard, and you should if you have a dog, you don’t have to stand out in the snow with the dog.
People adopting a child are expected to be prepared for that child and know how to handle the situation.
The same expectation applies to someone who adopts an animal — any animal.
As usual in such situations, this really isn’t about the dog who had no choice in the matter. This is all about the humans.
Again it’s a good thing the writer realizes SHE is not a good choice for a dog.
Freida • Dec 23, 2019 at 5:22 am
Great post! I am allergic to most animals. I tolerate them in the wild because they are God’s creatures.
However the craze for domestic dogs in my city (New York) is insane. Every sidewalk is lined with streams of smelly dog urine and half way scooped up dog poop. Filthy.
Since when do you have to take your dog with you to pick up dish soap and some other home goods at Target?
The dogs smell, the odor is disgusting. When I see an animal in any store I either don’t go in at all or make a super quick trip.
I will not go to visit the home of someone with a dog. They make me choke and sneeze. People say “Come on over and meet my dog!” “Bring your dog to the party”.
I cannot tell you the number of invitations I have turned down due to the fact that there are animals present in and enclosed space (apartment). I get a terrible headache from their “non-allergic” pet.
I will never date another pet owner in my life and I will not set foot into a home with an animal in it for more than 10 minutes. I know what will happen next. Hours of choking, coughing, headaches, sore throat and sneezing.
People don’t really get this. Some people just can’t stand to be around animals. Why the heck would an adult person get dressed up to go to a party on a Saturday night to “play with the dog”. Good grief. Timmy and Lassie lived in the country, didn’t they? And then Timmy grew up and Lassie went to heaven right?
This fixation people have on their dogs is not normal. It is just plain rude to bring your smelly dog into the post office, the coffee shop, Home Depot or wherever. It may be your best friend, but it’s not a human being. Please keep it out of human spaces.
It is surprising the vigor with which smokers are persecuted for lighting up and puffing away for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, your dog is licking the packages of toilet paper in the drug store that someone will purchase to take home to use in their bathroom. Disgusting, and the owners are oblivious.
I also live near a park with a dog run. Daily at 6:30 am I am awakened by the howling of dogs. No peace in my place.
Take your dog to a farm and let him perform some agricultural duty, like rustling horses or herding sheep.
Dogs do not belong in city apartments, on a persons bed, sofa, ding room chair. I have a few ex-friends who are just horrified how much I dislike their furry possession jumping all over me and sitting next to me at the bus stop. Tough luck. I can’t stand being around your dog.
Rachy Cakes • Dec 22, 2019 at 11:56 pm
If you dont like or hate dogs then I hate you. Fuck you straight up. You are a disgusting and useless ‘person’ and you don’t deserve a home or anything nice. The real way America needs to be taken back is for you kind of people to get the hell out of the country entirely. I know a lot of dogs that could use and deserve a nice home instead of you. You call dogs filthy but they dont judge even pieces of shit like you and they’re cleaner than your ugly asses. Literally EVERY pathetic excuse of a person I’ve ever met that didnt like or appreciate animals or pets had serious mental problems and been disturbed hideous and deranged. So keep bragging about being someone I would stay the fuck away from so that I can keep my family away from you!! Thanks psycho bitches 🙂
Liz • Dec 22, 2019 at 7:59 pm
While I can understand you don’t like dogs, it actually does mean there is something different about you. Humans and dog co-evolved our modern society wouldn’t have been possible without them. They did some many things for us that we couldn’t do for ourselves. Hunting, defence, catching vermin ect. Not only that you might like it when people talk about fur babies but their is a scientific reasons as to why. When an owner looks at their dog if they are bonded it activates the same part of the brain as if they look at their children. The human brain typically reacts to looking a dog faces in a positive way. The ‘love’ hormone oxytocin realised when owners interact with their dogs(some studies found after 30 mins of looking into each others eyes hormone levels spike at 300% normal), so if that is broken in you and you never felt that interacting with a dog daily for two years it means your brain is wired differently at is it actually hard for ‘typical’ people to understand your point of view. It is also why some dog owners don’t trust people who don’t like dogs, after all if you like the majority of human experience a surge in the love/bonding hormone when you interact with dogs and another person casually dismisses your dog, it is like dismissing a loved one like a partner or child.
People who own dogs on average live longer, have lower rates of stress and report having happier lives than those who don’t. So if you don’t like dogs that ok but your are functionally different to those that do and you should watch what you say to dog owners because they do love their animal like any other member of their family.
Garret Rodriguez • Dec 21, 2019 at 2:27 pm
Dogs are loving to owners, a lot of dogs i had don’t listen, and a lot of dogs randomly bark, and try to attack random people for no reason 2 dogs tried to attack me once and i had to keep them away from me by punching air, i didn’t want to knock them out so i was trying to keep them away as i slowly walked away until someone yelled at the dogs and they went away. I used to love dogs but, they always cause trouble in the city i’m in so i have no opinion on them now.
Madav • Dec 21, 2019 at 2:18 pm
What if a husband has Cynophobia and the wife brings a dog and is vigorously resisting any discussion on finding a new owner and insists on keeping the dog.
In a jointly owned single family home what are the husband’s legal and non legal options in this tense family situation?
A human • Dec 21, 2019 at 1:32 pm
Dan • Dec 21, 2019 at 12:59 am
If you hate dogs you are evil. And cats suck too.
Silvia • Dec 20, 2019 at 11:26 am
It’s okay not to like, no one is obliged to like everything. What is not right is to mistreat, to abuse, to twist. Because if you do not like, there are others who like. So, respect who you like, too.
ryan • Dec 19, 2019 at 11:57 pm
I HATE dogs. They are dirty, disgusting, dangerous, smelly and i don’t trust them. OMG try to even mention that you dislike dogs in the UK and you will probably get beaten up and it’s not unrealistic to say that you would get bullied and sacked at work. The brits love dogs more than people. I can’t stand being near someone who keeps these vile creatures. They piss in the owners house, poo everywhere, drip there saliva on things, they stink too. I cannot belive how people lete these vile animals sleep with them. Alot of the brits let dogs share food from there plates and let the dog stick its tongue in there mouth. This si especially common among the working class British who generally can have poor hygiene-they will keep dangerous dogs eg pitt bulls and let the dog ‘look after’ there kids. You hear of so many dog attacks by pitt bulls on kids, some of them horrific and worse! This is how stupid the working class brits are when it comes to dogs. Esp if you go to big working class cities like Manchester.. A dogs home burnt down here and dogs dies, which is awful as i do not want anyone to harm dogs or be cruel to them in anyway, but the brits gave more money in charity to the dogs home, than a flood in India affecting 10000s of children and people! It’s insanity! In britian, many owners let there ugly dogs of the lead and you simply cannot walk in parks or beaches without a lethal dog coming running towards you with teeth bared.people who think animals are more important than humans espa dog, need to google the word ‘ my closest psychiatrists’
Anonymous • Dec 15, 2019 at 5:17 pm
Do you hate the two legged animals or the four legged ones? The two legged are the worse ones of all.
willow edmond • Dec 15, 2019 at 4:12 pm
I don’t hate dogs. I think hate is a bit strong.
I do however and honestly hate this current breed of dog owners who think their dog is pure, holy, and human. Who insist that doggie goes everywhere they do, especially places that have food! Dog at a hardware store? All right, I’ll live with it. Dog at Starbucks? At the grocery store? No.
I am allergic to certain types of dogs. Well, all dogs actually, but in the case of some dogs, it’s really bad. Those fuzzy little long haired dustmops in particular, and those are one of the biggest breeds for, “My widdle poopsie whoopsie has to go everywhere with Mommy! And if you don’t like it, well, I just went to Chewy.com and paid six bucks for a vest that lables poopsie as an emotional support animal, so suck it up.
Service dogs? I will leave a place agreeable if an true service dog comes in and my nose starts running and I’m sneezing. But I’m sick of having to leave places where food is served because some selfish owner seems to think it’s perfectly okay to bring Mr. Snuffybottom everywhere. I’m a paying customer, keep your damned dog outside.
Relitard • Dec 15, 2019 at 3:50 pm
Like anyone should care how you judge yourself, dog owners are to blame, it is not a dog’s choice to be part of society.
Lee Rose • Dec 15, 2019 at 3:08 pm
Thank you for the great article. I have never been and never will be a pet person. They smell, they are dirty, and their owners have no regard for people. I also have allergies and have had owners tell me to medicate more so the pets can be around me. Guess what? NOPE!!! I like my house clean and NOT smelly and ripped up and chewed to shreds. I am a kind hearted person and I feel for people, not animals. Keeping animals in the house for12-16 hours a day is cruel to the animal. Sure they have a conditional love, you feed them they love you, try not feeding them and they will eat you. Saying that people who don’t like pets are not empathetic is silly. Its the owners that are that way. Think about it, you as owners can’t make a human to human relationship work so you go to animals. I see so many human children that need love and affection and the pets owners want easy love. Human children need real attention and love. You can’t just throw a treat out for a human child and think your job is done. Pet owners are the ones that have no idea how to interact with humans. Scary for todays society, sad really. Sorry for the vent. I am always going to side with humans, even when they hurt you we are all here to help one another.
Joe Jackson • Dec 14, 2019 at 5:48 pm
what a bunch of wussies. my dog would eat you for lunch.
Dave • Dec 14, 2019 at 4:06 pm
WOW! Plant a seed and look what pops up! Incredible how pathetic and ridiculous some “people” have become about man’s best friend. The animals aren’t and never were the problem. It’s people and bad owners who have made it this way. Shelters are full of unwanted, abused, and neglected animals. It’s a no-brainer as to who is responsible for that.
That’s right. People. To come up with so much hate for an animal speaks volumes about the person. If we got rid of everything someone disliked, there would be nothing left. You can always find something someone dislikes. The list is endless. Think about it…. the puppy or kitten bought at Christmas time for a kid who gets bored with it. Another one ends up in the shelter or worse. Or the person who buys a large breed or a barking breed , and lives in an apartment. They then bitch about it. You have to put a little thought into things. It’s called Common Sense. I’ve seen plenty of out of control kids also. If these types of people won’t be responsible for kids, why would they be for dogs?? One writer above says smelly, stinky, etc. I’ve walked past people who smelled worse and acted worse than any dog I’ve been around. Yes, I love dogs, cats, animals, and yes, people too. But, be smart. Don’t blame the tool when you’re supposed to be at the controls.
So, why blame an animal for something a human should be responsible for. We’re supposed to know better.
I HATE DOGS • Dec 13, 2019 at 6:49 pm
Mary Dossey • Dec 12, 2019 at 10:08 am
Thank you! Now I know I am not alone.
Jessica • Dec 11, 2019 at 11:06 pm
Ok, you don’t like dogs, scratch that…. you HATE dogs. Remember, all the rest of the animals on this planet are our neighbors. This home isn’t just ours alone.
And hating dogs doesn’t make you a “horrible” human being. Just know that it’s hard to put a finger on whether or not we have the power to name who/what is a horrible human being and a good human being. But it is wrong to hate. Hate an animal for simply existing. Do you believe in God? God created everyone and everything on this planet. You hate dogs because you’re self projecting something you see within yourself that you dislike. To hate creation is to hate yourself,. You’re feeding this hatred, and for all the wrong reasons. This is the essence of so called life, we must love, respect, and appreciate all living things on this planet. We are all connected. Learn to view our friends in a more positive light than throwing shade like this. The animal did you no wrong. Soften your heart, you’re not a horrible human being for hating dogs or any animal. But you harden your heart when you give power to hatred
BlackTar • Dec 11, 2019 at 1:44 pm
“I think dogs are smelly, unclean, annoying and, ultimately, too much work. I shouldn’t have to apologize for this.”
^^^^ This is how I feel about people! I also hate people and I shouldn’t have to apologize for this.
People suck!
YOU are a narcissist, plain and simple. The majority of Americans are narcissists. The Narcissist States of America is what I call it.
Looking at some of the comments there are plenty of mentally ill people in this country who should get help, you need it. 2% of the world’s population are sociopaths, it’s 5% in the USA. Do you see the problem?
Before you get your undies in a tight bind, I don’t own a dog and never have and never will. Not because I don’t like dogs but because life is very busy and challenging.
Sal • Dec 9, 2019 at 4:41 pm
After reading through these comments my view of how disgusting human beings can be has been confirmed. Regardless of the animal, to say you hate a certain animal, whether it’s a dog or any other animal, to me just shows how horrible the human race has become, how disassociated with nature we are and how self-absorbed we are. Making sweeping generalisations about how dogs ‘stink’ is disgusting and clearly naive and stupid… I feel sorry for anyone who never feels the selfless and unconditional love an animal, especially a dog, can give … humans cause so much hurt and harm.. and animals heal and comfort people in times of need … dispicable people .. how dare you talk about innocent creatures this way !
K8 • Dec 8, 2019 at 11:29 pm
I’m really glad to see this post. I have always been a cat person. The ironic thing is I work at an animal hospital. I like other people’s dogs. I like working with dogs, but I never ever want a dog ever again. My husband (before he was my husband) had 4 pos dogs that had no manners and no training. He let them piss and shit in the apartment and they tore holes in the couch. Then he got evicted and I let him move in with me and my 3 cats, temporarily. I told him the dogs would be in my finished basement, and if he wasn’t down there with them they had to be in crates. I wasn’t going to have my house destroyed like his gross apartment because of those damn dogs. We ended up getting along well for 3 years. He would bitch about how the dogs were in crates, but if he didn’t like it he could have moved out. One day, I was at work, and his dogs killed one of my cats. He “forgot” to lock the pos dogs cages, and they got into the living room and killed my cat. This was 2 years ago. I’m not over it, I will never get over it. He got rid of 3 out of the 4. The 4th dog should have left with the others. We still have one damn dog left. She is the bane of my existence, she is obnoxious and I despise her living here. Every time I see her, or hear her it just reminds me of what happened. It is going to take a LONG time before I can accept a dog in the house again.
Taylor • Dec 7, 2019 at 11:08 pm
Yupp, although I love and respect animals, I am not one bit interested in dogs as pets. I am also afraid of some dogs. I was bitten badly on the leg by two Springer Spaniels, and on another occasion, a big dog charged at me and my son ready to attack before the owner finally grabbed it away. I prefer cats. We have a really cool cat though, who has been spayed, has all her shots and flea meds. She is trained to use the bathroom outside. She rarely uses the litter box except occasionally in the winter. She doesn’t stink ever and keeps herself so clean. Her fur is gorgeous. She is somewhat aloof, quiet, sometimes cuddly and never needs constant attention. I love that independence about her. Up with cats, down with dogs! lol
Blazey • Dec 5, 2019 at 4:39 pm
Ah. I’m seeing a pattern here.
After reading a few more posts, I have noticed that most of the posters here have had bad experiences with dogs that were caused by… drumroll, please…
Bad owners.
Terribly bad owners that don’t brush their dogs, love their dogs and let their dogs do things to people.
These owners got dogs but didn’t take into consideration that not everyone likes to hear their “fluff muffin” howling at 4 AM.
However, I have an emotional support dog(I’m autistic with serious anxiety, as well as selectively mute) and he’s the sweetest thing I will ever know. They can really help you if you get the right one.
Another issue I’ve seen was problems with dogs from shelters.
Oftentimes, this isn’t the best choice. These dogs can be traumatized and aggressive, clingy and unfriendly. Most dogs at shelters are rescued from abusive homes or the street. I support adoption, but only truly experienced dog owners should adopt from shelters. If you don’t want to deal with those types of problems, look online to see someone advertising young puppies for sale near you. Maybe a friend of your friend’s dog recently had twelve puppies for $150 each(that was the case for my dogs). You should even go as far as going online to see what breed would be the best for you.
If you want to reconsider, I found a site for a place in my county(which is very dog-friendly) if you live in the area. Here’s the link:
Blazey • Dec 5, 2019 at 3:47 pm
You might be dog haters, but I honestly can’t see how someone can hate my dog.
Just kidding, he’s a whiny boy.
But if anyone here wants to try again, it’s surprisingly easier to get two dogs, especially siblings. They keep each other occupied.
Also, a lot of people here are going a bit overboard. You can hate dogs… just don’t go talking about them like they’re the most disgusting things on the planet. You don’t need to express your dislike through terrible imagery and insults. We get it. A simple “I hate dogs” would suffice. I’m not one to drool over them, but it makes me kind of sad and angry to see people listing off the things they hate about them. No, I’m not being unreasonable. Again, I understand. But it’s almost the same as talking about another human being. If you do talk about other people like this, having to say every single reason why you hate them, I worry for your social life.
One last thing. If you truly are an introvert, a dog can help. Speaking as an introvert, my first dog, which I got in March, really took my focus off of my anxiety. It was like having a child, except for less stressful. Since I got him he’s helped me because I believe he’s the only thing on this planet who worries more than I do.
Steve zissou • Dec 5, 2019 at 9:09 am
Wow look at all these untrustworthy people.
No one is saying people that don’t like dogs are horrible human beings, but that it’s hard to trust them. It’s also a warning sign that you may have certain characteristics in a relationship that other people aren’t looking for. Being a loner, being selfish, doesn’t make you a horrible human being but it doesn’t make people want to flock to you.
If you don’t like a dog being happy to see you when you get home how will you react to your children? Get away from me kids you’re underfoot, you stink, you’re “pesty”, and you’re always seeking attention.
Can’t trust you to give you a baby, that’s for sure.
Now you’ll probably find another person that doesn’t like dogs for similar reasons and you can both have the experience of trusting dog haters. Good luck!
Chris • Dec 5, 2019 at 12:44 am
It’s so refreshing to read this post and the many supportive comments. I live with now 3 of the idiots and they always want some kind of attention. I’m REALLY not interested in communing with dogs, though the rest of the family seems to like them. There’s nothing wrong with hating dogs, they are absolutely disgusting.
Jason Klinger • Dec 4, 2019 at 8:42 pm
I hate dogs. im forced to live with 3 of them now temporarily and i cant stand them. they are annoying, smell bad, always in the way and always want food. I have a weird psychological problem with small dogs. i hate them so much and enjoy taunting them. i can appreciate a pic of a cute dog or a cute dog in passing or one that is calm and just lays around and doesnt get in the way. I especially hate people who sleep with dogs, get pissed when you dont show them the same level of affection as they do and let their dogs lick their face and lips. sorry thats where i draw the line. i even observed a man sharing a popsicle with his dog once. the amount of bacteria , parasites and filth that live in the dogs mouth and sharing a popsicle? are you f’n kidding me? im not a bad person for this but i can see every dog freak out there retaliating against me. im just glad im not the only one who hates dogs
John J • Dec 2, 2019 at 6:47 pm
As a former cop (among a few other things), I can tell you there are only three categories of dogs I can stand (and preferably as far away as another continent, thank you very much). They are 1) a trained police dog (a dog that actually does something good); 2) a search-and-rescue dog (another dog that does something good); 3) a guide dog for the blind (another dog good for something).
However, all three of these “good” dogs should just shut the heck up. Once they’ve done their good for the day, just remove those sounds from hell they make (some call it “barking”) or give them animal sleeping pills, a few too many to keep them quiet for a longer period.
Nothing beats these horrible sounds that these creatures make, but something does come close: When a dog lover (who thinks her/his fleabag is clean and that other people are interested in seeing and hearing “animal children” abominations) bring these creatures into a public place like a shop, etc. And then they talk to these noisemakers and say stuff like, “ooh, look what mama’s gettin’ you for tonight.”
No. Go away. Train cats or lions to do those 3 things. The world does not need dogs, just as it does not need polio or Lady gaga.
Eileen • Dec 2, 2019 at 1:17 am
Dogs are useless. They somehow fill this horrible void in our society – for people that don’t want to make an effort to form relationships with other humans.
Everyone has the right to enjoy their choice of pet. I have a cat – he’s wonderful and I think he is the cutest thing to have ever graced this earth. But I would never judge someone for not liking cats.
I wouldn’t even judge someone for not liking children.
But dog owners have somehow developed this cult mentality where they truly believe dogs are better than humans and that society owes dogs – I know people that truly do t understand why the government doesn’t subsidize pet health care – when there aren’t even enough tax dollars to go around for our senior citizens.
When I tell people I do t like monkeys – every nods and understands. It’s practically a national pastime to not like cats. Why are people that hate dogs judges so harshly. Dog people are like an irrational mob. Could you imagine a world where people felt the same way about cows? How ridiculous that would be? Dog culture is this ridiculous to me – I’ve spent too many hours trying to u defat a d dog people. Now I just treat them like people that have dementia – you will not be able to have a rational conversation. I see it as a disease of self indulgence in our society. Dog culture is toxic. So sad.
Todi • Dec 1, 2019 at 7:35 pm
So grateful to hear I’m not the only one sick of this doggy idolotry. I just went to Cabela’s, and after immediately entering the store, I saw three different people with their mangy large dogs on leashes. A Cabela’s employee stopped to pet one of the dogs and then resumed her job in the fudge room WITHOUT even washing her hands. Needless to say, we walked out. I don’t hate dogs, indeed I really appreciate real service animals that help people with diabetes, blind, or whatever LEGITIMATE disability. These trained animals are life savers for many people. The emotional/therapy animal craze is rediculous and oftentimes these animals attack the trained service animals. Stores and restaurants need to STOP allowing people with pets nto the stores….period. A TRAINED dog can be a wonderful pet.
TP • Dec 1, 2019 at 2:16 pm
This is a hive of psychopathy. Seriously the police should just go down the list of commentators and look for suspects in unsolved crimes.
Sandy • Nov 29, 2019 at 12:28 am
I agree 100%. I have a cat, but I never make you pet it or take it to stores with me. I love my cat as much as any dog lover loves their dog. But I don’t feel the need to take my dog everywhere and tell the world. There’s something so insecure about that to me. Also, a couple times when a friend with a dog has brought their furry friend with them I have to vacuum everywhere to get all the dog fur up and mop the prints off my floor. People, if you really love your pets then clean them. My cat is brushed once a day, it takes about two minutes. And bravo, I don’t live in a disgusting fur laden house. How can these people stand their own homes with all the fur and sticky floors? I don’t get it. I like things clean, but I’m no neat freak. But these dog people, seriously it can get really gross. If you have the time to walk, feed, and pick up after Fido every day, then take two minutes and brush the lose fur off! Nobody wants that all over their floor when you come to visit!!! (No matter how polite they acted, they think you’re a rude slob.)
CKR • Nov 28, 2019 at 8:41 pm
I’m not a fan of most dogs, as I don’t see the point of spending time and money on something that barks loudly and constantly, jumps on me, nearly knocks me over, and/or would bite my face off for no reason. Dogs that are worth having around are those that have a practical purpose, such as police dogs and other service dogs. The only reason they are kept as pets is because most owners want to control other people on some level. These types of people would have been slave owners hundreds of years ago, but because slavery is now *technically* illegal (in the US anyway) they choose dogs instead.
I do have to laugh at the delusional pet “parents” or those who claim that dogs are “loyal” and give “unconditional love”. Try not feeding your dog food or treats for a day, and see how long it sticks around…THERE’S the “condition”!
athea marcos amir • Nov 28, 2019 at 7:40 pm
Like most of you, I hate dogs; I always have and I always will. It’ a settled matter. The barking, the stench, the butt-sniffing, the feces eating, the slobber, the panting, the shedding, the vicious attacks on people from infancy to old age, it’s all too repulsive and horrendous to catalog. But my overweaning question is “What is wrong with people who either like all these behaviors or can overlook them?” Because I would like to understand how people of the same species can be so different. I have several hypotheses, none proven, but I think I’ll die never having understood what is the allure of dogs for so many people. I can’t even get my head around the two people who recently had to have all their limbs amputated because of their dogs licking them. I like to think in terms of intuitive and non-intuitive, and attraction to dogs is in the second category. I go gaga for babies but it doesn’t bother me in the least if people don’t like them. It just makes me feel grateful they don’t have one. The analogy I like to use for dogs is this: if I offered someone a cool drink of fresh spring water or a chipped cup of warm cat pee and you chose the latter, what explanation would satisfy you? All I’m ever offered from dog lovers is “unconditional love.” They aren’t even smart enough to grasp that a dog would demonstrate the same affection for a Trump or a Hitler if he fed it. Please, somebody: help me understand!
D double • Nov 26, 2019 at 11:03 pm
Animal people are full of anthropomorphic nonsense . I avoid them and their pets with great vigor . Especially the fake service dogs , those are a real treat . Pay a few bucks to get a certificate that says your beast is now special so you can take into places it doesn’t belong . Nice .
. Sorry for the rant , I apparently have a lot of unresolved irritation towards the doggists .
pooo • Nov 26, 2019 at 10:51 am
This article is 100% correct. I live in a stupid neighboorhood full of stupid moronic devil dogs.
Mike • Nov 25, 2019 at 12:41 pm
I love this comment section, so much cheaper than therapy. My relationship is being strained by dogs, my gf has 10 of them and they all pile into her room. Whenever I visit, she has to put one in a cage because there are only 3 people in the world that he wouldn’t tear to shreds, this dog bites at the cage to try to get to me. Her room is like an obstacle course with all of the dogs and there is no place for me to even sit down without first moving one of them. We had plans to get a house together, I’d have loved it if she was willing to get rid of even half her dogs because houses here in the pacific northwest are not very big. At the very least, I wanted to aggressive one that wanted to kill me gone, but even that was unthinkable to her. I had to put that plan on hold, call me crazy, but I want to live to see my next birthday.
Eve • Nov 25, 2019 at 5:31 am
I heard an actor on TV say that he doesn’t trust people who do not like dogs. How stupid is that? Just because you people like dogs does that mean I have to like dogs too? America has gone insane with these animals. I love many animals but I don’t want an animal that eats his own crap and vomit near me. So you people who like dogs have common sense and respect us who don’t.
Eve • Nov 24, 2019 at 8:26 am
I heard an actor on TV say that he doesn’t trust people that do not like dogs. How stupid can that be? Why don’t you people just respect us that do not like dogs? Are we supposed to like dogs just because you do? Give me a freaking break! America has gone insane with these animals. I would never hurt an animal but dogs I do not want near me. Give me an animal that is clean and doesn’t eat his own crap and vomit. So just have common sense and respect us. Thank you.
Kate • Nov 23, 2019 at 1:28 am
If you changed “dogs” to children this is exactly how I feel. Kids are all disgusting, loud, expensive, sticky and time consuming. I’m a 32 year old woman and people think I’m a monster for saying babies are fucking repulsive. Well they ARE. I see zero appeal. No I do not want to hold that gross wrinkled bag of organs, it’ll probably spit up all over me. Don’t look horrified when I set it on the ground after I told you I absolutely do not want to hold your stupid newborn. Like idgaf, no means no.
Dogs are cool though. I’ll take a puppy over a baby ANY day.
Tyler • Dec 5, 2021 at 11:47 pm
I agree. Babies are nauseating. Better than toddlers, though, toddlers are FULL ON GROSS. I don’t like all dogs, but I think I like all dogs more than all toddlers.
Frank • Nov 22, 2019 at 3:31 am
Its about time! I dont understand why people choose to treat dog / animals like humans. When they are okay to eat meats, what about the feelings of a cow or chicken? And before someone says dogs are just pets so we don’t eat them. That’s just a matter of opinion, some countries do eat them…The thing that bothers me the most is that there’s always articles about how dogs are so sad or whatever. When they really do not bring awareness to homeless, people, broke p8, child abuse or how our USA Vets struggle so much once they get back…
Jack • Nov 21, 2019 at 9:47 pm
A Delta Air Lines jet at LaGuardia Airport in New York. A man mauled by a emotional-support dog is suing the airline and dog owner following a 2017 incident.
By Paulina Firozi
May 29, 2019 at 4:09 PM EDT
An attack on a plane by a fellow passenger’s emotional-support dog left Marlin Jackson needing 28 stitches, according to a negligence lawsuit filed Friday against Delta Air Lines and the dog’s owner. In the suit, Jackson claims he bled so badly that a row of seats later had to be removed from the plane.
Jackson had just taken his window seat in the 31st row for a June 2017 flight from Atlanta to San Diego when the dog, sitting on the lap of the passenger next to him, lunged for his face, pinning him against the window of the plane so he couldn’t escape, the lawsuit alleges.
The complaint filed in Fulton County state court in Georgia alleges that Delta “took no action to verify or document the behavioral training of the large animal.” It also alleges that the dog owner, Ronald K. Mundy Jr., a Marine, “knew or … should have known that his large animal was foreseeably dangerous.”
Jack • Nov 21, 2019 at 9:44 pm
Bus stop dog attack hospitalizes Maplewood middle schooler
Tim NelsonSt. PaulNovember 21, 2019 11:58 a.m.
An 11-year-old Maplewood boy is expected to leave the hospital Thursday after a pair of dogs seriously injured him in an attack moments after he stepped off his school bus.
A boy in a yellow shirt smiles while sitting.
Carter McKay, 11, of Maplewood, shown before he was attacked by dogs on Monday as he walked from his school bus to his front door. Family photo
Carter McKay, a sixth grader, got off the bus after classes at John Glenn Middle School in Maplewood Monday afternoon.
Jack • Nov 21, 2019 at 9:24 pm
A woman lost her hands and legs to an infection from puppy kisses. Days after returning home from a Punta Cana vacation, Marie Trainer called out of work with a backache and nausea. Then her temperature spiked and dropped, sending her to a local Stark County, Ohio, emergency room in the early hours of May 11.
When Trainer woke in a hospital bed nine days later, her hands and legs had been amputated.
It took doctors seven days to discover Trainer incurred a severe infection, not from a “tropical” travel disease as they first suspected, but from her German shepherd’s kisses.
Trainer contracted a rare infection from the bacteria capnocytophaga canimorsus, probably when her German shepherd puppy, Taylor, licked an open cut.
Kelsey • Nov 21, 2019 at 7:43 pm
Yeah I honestly think you’re a horrible human being. Did you know we’re all animals. You know what I hate the most in this world?! people. Next time I’m going to write an article that says I hate people and I am not a horrible human being. Animals are so much better than people in my mind. Because they don’t have dumb opinions like you. Most dogs are more well behaved than your kids (if you have any). I know my dog is probably smarter than any of your children. I’m also glad my dog has the same personality as me. I trained him to hate other people. Does he bite them? No. He just rather not be touched by you. Oh and if people try to hurt me he will attack them for real. You know what’s the best thing about my dog? He doesn’t even shed. At all! I don’t have for all over my place like some people do. he probably smells better than your ass does. He’s a pure white dog. Smells like lavender every time I see him. You know why? Because I really do take care of my dog really well! Did I mention how smart my dog is? I lived on a farm my whole life. He rounds up the chickens, hangs out with the donkeys, his best friend is a turkey, his other best friend is a cat. You know why some of you hate dogs? It’s because the people you interacted with don’t know how to train their dogs properly. Which does piss me off. I tell people all the time do not touch my dog. My dog doesn’t want anything to do with you. Individuals that say animals shouldn’t be near health systems, restaurants, wherever else, well I don’t want your children near those places. Could we argue about that? I don’t think children should be in restaurants at all. I don’t wanna hear your kid crying and I don’t wanna smell shit coming from your child’s ass. When my dogs ass smells clean as shit. Animals are amazing creatures, people aren’t. This is probably the worst article I have ever read in my life. I’m wondering if you have a heart. Okay. Rant over. 😂 btw I will never show non-loving animal people any respect.
Cheyenne Sutton • Nov 21, 2019 at 9:52 am
Thank you for this article! I agree with you 100 percent. I don’t hate animals, however, I hate being in close proximity to them. I have no desire to be touched, sniffed, licked, poked, etc., by a dog. I can’t stand dog hair all over the place. I don’t care how much a dog is brushed or bathed, I can still smell them. Every living mammal has a smell. I don’t want to sit on furniture where a dog has lain with it’s smelly, nasty butt. I hate it when someone’s pet tries to jump on me or get in my lap, and when I tell my friend or family member to “please get your dog off of me,” then I get stared at like I am a two-headed murderer. Dog owners must understand that not all of us are created with the “I-must-have-a-dog-in-my-life” gene. Please show us non-animal loving people some respect.
Nobody • Nov 20, 2019 at 9:04 pm
And after that, the owner was like to my mom:
“My dog bit your daughter? You’re just joking. Besides it was her left hand LOL”
Nobody • Nov 20, 2019 at 2:10 am
Garrett Zorn • Nov 18, 2019 at 12:38 am
Babies!!! Don’t get me started on this issue! We need to confine every last one of those little bastards! Cribs and all!! When they shit themselves hearing my plan! We need to chastise them in plastic wrapped cotton girdles! We can’t allow them to rule! Smother them in vicks rub so that they cant breath an ounce of fresh non menthol air!! I say!!! Kill them all with swaddled blankets! Pre Chewed food and mothers milk!
Garrett Zorn • Nov 18, 2019 at 12:17 am
They don’t judge us… and hell! Some even eat their own babies! You should all try it by the way… the other white meat! What I intend to say truly however is love and let live! I agree on a certain aspect that dogs should not be allowed anywhere near health concerned establishments! Food stores… Restaurants… and any other establishment that health concerns become an issue. So now I would say the owner becomes an issue!! Control your fin pet!! Don’t let them obstruct other peoples lives! Keep them on a god damn leash! If you have mental issues and or health issues… have a trained dog! If there weren’t sooooo many idiots owning animals perhaps this thread would not exist!
Garrett Zorn • Nov 17, 2019 at 11:50 pm
I personally love dogs! Does that mean I am some sort of fanatic and unwilling to understand those who dislike the fluffy little through full 180 pd beasts? Nope! All comes from experience and personal preference! Do I hate every anti somatic asshole in the world?! Most likely yes!! Do I hate every child that comes kicking and screaming through my store when their parents wont buy them a Melisa and Doug toy off our turn display?! Nope! Do I hate this entire thread even though its “”opinionated” towards dog lovers and the hatred towards dogs? Oh wait i’m sorry!!!! YES!!! Dogs are not at fault… Cats are not at fault… we are at fin fault. Kids not having a home?! Oh wait! NM We are at fault. If you look towards my internet history I don’t post much… I will say this however… ANIMALS ARE MUCH BETTER THEN PEOPLE!!!!
lol • Nov 17, 2019 at 9:28 am
And look at all the comments in this chain of people who are so offended by other people not liking a particular animal. Why on earth does it matter so much to these people whether others like this animal or that animal? Oh right, it’s only *dogs* that this happens for. Why do dog lovers feel the need to mandate that everyone love their preferred pet? Is everyone now required to love cats, too? How about other kinds of pets? Universal pet adoration mandate?
How about no. We all have our preferences and those who cannot handle it can just go sit down and stew in their anger while everyone else goes on about their lives not worried so much about whether that guy over there likes dogs, of all things in this life to get so worked up about.
Cameron David • Nov 17, 2019 at 7:38 am
Dog worship in the U.K especially London has got extreme. Dog owners take their filthy animals in restaurants, cafes and grocery stores. Also onto public transport and get filthy dog to sit on the seats. Dog walkers happily let their dogs piss all over my front wall, even if I’m witnessing it there is no apology they seem to think it’s the most natural thing. In Holland park we have a playing field which clearly marked no dogs but the amount of people that insist on bringing in their dogs is ridiculous. I suspect they want to keep their own dog away from all the other nasty dogs in the park designated dog areas. It’s a troubling phenomenon we are witnessing and not good for society. Some peoples infatuation with their dog while stroking it is more like molestation. Animals have a place, not inside food places or shops not in the house either. They are spoiling the ecosystem with waste, damaging plants and other wildlife. If you live in a city it’s selfish having a dog
Liberico Carrasco • Nov 16, 2019 at 10:33 am
I knew I didn’t like dogs but after living with a roommate that has 5 I can confirm I strongly dislike dogs. They’re destructive too energetic, stink, require too much attention, spend tons of money and are in general overrated. Luckily the house is big enough to where I can avoid the dogs most of the time. On the other hand, cats are chill don’t need much attention just feed them change the litter and pet them once in a while.
Kathleen Auclair • Nov 16, 2019 at 7:07 am
People who don’t like dogs are assholes.
Hey • Nov 15, 2019 at 7:37 pm
Then allow me to say that I hate babies & I too, am not a horrible human being. Hey, assuming you don’t support animal abuse then I would hope that you would know that my take on the former is no different than yours.
Chris • Nov 15, 2019 at 6:41 pm
The only thing worse than the dogs are the owners who worship them. The same ones who take the time to come on here and admonish all of us for having the audacity to express our hatred of dogs. I want all of you dog-nutters to know that your anger amuses me, it is also covered in crap. Seriously, you dog-loving shitheads are probably the most full-of-shit people on the planet.
You proclaim how loving, kind, empathetic dog-people are, while at the same time showing none of that when it comes to anyone who is not as enamored with your dog as you are. If somebody complains your dog barks, so what, cause “dogs bark, that’s what they do”, right? No one wants to see your mutt in the supermarket, so what, “children are dirtier than dogs’, right? Your dog can’t come to the restaurant with you, so what, just slap a fake vest on Rex or Rover and pretend they are service animals, cause anyone who cares about eating next to your dog is a loser who has no life, right? I love how dog-nutters insult those who complain about their dog being in stores where they are not allowed, from what I can tell, the general attitude is “if you don’t like it, tough, I want my dog with me whether I am allowed too or not and anyone who does not like it is just some sore-headed loser”, right? And we are the ones who are “bad people”?
Also, I want to make a point to state that any rational adult who has an I,Q. over 50 actually believes that “you can’t trust anyone who does not love dogs”, I just want you to know how stupid you sound when you say that. And the only people who do not think you are a grade-A idiot for making such an asinine comment are your fellow dog-loving-morons.
That comment is as stupid as me saying any man who does not ride a motorcycle is a pussy. If I went around saying that, everyone I know would be calling me a retard and with good reason, that is a very ridiculous comment for me to make and I just wanted to let you dog-shitheads know how not only dumb but arrogant you sound when you say that.
And stop bragging about how loyal your dog is, where else does it have to go? How can you brag about loyalty when you are talking about a creature that depends on you for their very survival? Where is the loyalty in that? Does the dog have friends? A wife/girlfriend? Kids? Does the dog have any other commitments in the day other than taking a shit in the living room and then taking a drink from the toilet? If not, stop saying how loyal your dog is, if that is your standard for loyalty, you should aim higher.
Have a nice weekend.
Deni • Nov 15, 2019 at 4:39 pm
You are certainly well within your rights. I am not so fond of mediocre writers desperately looking for a subject they think will get them noticed
Chris • Nov 15, 2019 at 2:33 am
You hate dogs but I hate you and your opinion. Random authors on the internet as if their personal bullshit is suppose to matter.
Tara • Nov 14, 2019 at 5:30 pm
I used to love dogs very much until my friend bought her shih tzu puppy , at first i liked it. but only at first ! they treat her like a child not a dog and it is so annoying . tonight , she was going to bite me . when i complained they told me that if i do not try to bother her she won’t bite ! thats stupid ! i only wanted to hug her ! but she was begging for food and didn’t have time for my love ! she only follows the person who has something to eat . tonight i discovered : dogs aren’t loyal ! they’re just those weak wolves who couldn’t hunt , so they came near humans for food . that’s not love . that’s only need !
Bloo lagoon • Nov 12, 2019 at 10:32 pm
I used to be a dog groomer and I have nothing against dogs either but I get it dogs being dirty sucks, and some dogs constantly needing attention can be weird, I wouldn’t go as far to say I hate dogs, but I’ve encountered some real bad dogs but yet again I can’t blame the dogs it’s the owners fault they act/smell/are that certain way. I will say if ur human and a you have a dog and it isn’t trained and it’s not being treated well or taken care of because of your incompetence I do hate you. I live on a military base and see people these young married couples move in n out all the time and the biggest mistake they do is even before they have furniture they buy a dog, it baffles me like that’s insane, before you get a dog you should be in a situation where you can take care of it, letting your dog shit all over the back porch isn’t taking care of your pets, honestly bad owners are the worst kind of people because they got a dog to feel dominant or needed or even feel worshiped yet they can’t even take care of themselves. I’ve had a dog before and I loved that dog my step father has him now and he’s a good dog because he trained him bathed him and actually takes care of him. But if your dog is shit like dirty extremely needy and has no manners I hate ur dog because of you. I would never harm any animals or anything crazy like that but what do you even do in a situation where there’s a bad owner and their dog comes up to a baby and eats the damn toes off because that dog was a little to rough and the owners didn’t realize that dogs are exactly that rough. Most bad dog owners lack the ability of thinking straight or have common sense. I’m sitting here saying this because I’ve lived seeing people mistreat their pets I’ve seen some terrible people out there that say they love dogs that they are all about dogs yet they get and get rid of many of them. Since I was a groomer you can tell with dog behavior if the owners are good ppl or not, people would bring there dogs and when I tried to clean them the dogs flinch and it’s so heart breaking to see that. It’s like if humans would actually take responsibility of dogs, there wouldn’t be as many dog haters out there. I don’t like being around dogs because they are rough and I’ve seen dogs tear up like maul animals and it’s messed up, just like that baby toes story above that happened to my brother in law, he grew being made fun of because some entitled dog owner. Like for me if your gonna be in my life and you have a dog I’m fine with that as long as you actually take responsibility for said dog, if not I’ll straight up tell you hey you need to start taking care of your dog if not Ill get animal control involved for animal neglect and abuse. Also for being ridiculed for not liking dogs is stupid, if someone says they hate dogs move on people have experienced Traumatic events or somthing to lead them to that, I mean I never liked the smell of dogs it sucks and it’s a strong scent, I hated getting strong pokey hair all over, and I also hate getting saliva all over me and petting dogs with that dirty gritty feeling look that’s terrible animal hygiene, it all sucks I get the love they give is special but it’s not my dog I’m not obligated to love your dogs and being a dog owner you should know that like hey the world don’t fucking revolve around you. I honestly just hate entitled pos that think the world has to cater to them.
Bob • Nov 12, 2019 at 5:41 pm
And before someone goes off on a tangent, I am talking about ESA pets, not Service animals.
Bob • Nov 12, 2019 at 5:29 pm
I haven’t read every post in this chain, so I apologize if I am repeating what someone else stated.
I love animals! I have had various types of animals, as pets, throughout my life, but for the most part I have had dogs.
I have a question for, I guess the law makers out there. If there is a person, in a restaurant, who gets anxiety attacks when they are around dogs (or maybe other animals), and a person comes in who has one of these untrained “ESA dogs”, causing the first person to have an anxiety attack, who should have to leave?
Supposedly the ESA dog helps calm it’s owner, so restaurants have to allow them to come in. But on the other hand, there are a lot of silent people out there, who are getting stressed out by these ESA animals.
Some smokers would tell us that smoking calms them, yet we’ve kicked smokers out of public places, due to the risks of second hand smoke, why wouldn’t we kick ESA dependent people out of public places, due to the second hand emotional stress risks they cause to others? Or maybe smokers should get letters from their doctors, stating that they need tobacco in order to keep their emotions in check (“EST” Emotional Support Tobacco). We set up areas outside for smokers to go to, why not do the same for people who needs ESA’s? They could have their ESA tied up in a specified area, outside, and every time they felt the need, they could go hug their animal.
anonimo • Nov 11, 2019 at 4:56 pm
Shut up you idiots because you know that I love dogs and they are our best friends since the world is world we should not abandon them and now if you disliked my comment I suggest you lick soap or treat your head.
Animal Lover • Nov 11, 2019 at 11:49 am
I love pets! On the other hand humans gross me out. Humans are dirty and disgusting despite being shown how to clean themselves and their surroundings. They cause issues for each other, they don’t let things go etc. Give me a world of pets!
Diana Trimble • Nov 11, 2019 at 11:19 am
While not a “hater” of dogs I am super frikkin’ irritated and dismayed by most humans who choose to have dogs in their lives, but don’t really care for them properly, leading to a host of neurotic and irritating behaviors, Number one of the inexplicable points that I have regarding pet owners is the degree to which they neglect their beloved beasts! I have lived at numerous properties adjacent to dog owners who leave their animal out in the yard where it howls and wails for attention. There the family sits, safe behind their double-glazed, sound-proofed windows, happily eating their dinner, while their beloved pets screams insanely for hours; noises they cannot hear or willfully ignore, while I have to listen to it. When I lived in the French countryside and used to go on long runs and bike rides, the one horrible spoiler was that which would occur every time I passed a house that had a pet dog. My serenity, my morning meditation would just be RUINED by the horrible sound of barking, for absolutely no reason, as soon as I came into view. It destroyed my day. Last night I was at a dinner party where there was an unruly, excitable, loud, drooling, untrained dog that frequently interrupted the conversation, had to be taken outside, or had to be paid cooing attention towards to make it shut up. My current neighbor frequently leaves her beloved dog alone locked up inside the house for hours, even days, and I have to listen to it whine and cry and generally freak out for hours until she can get back to pay attention to her fashion accessory, oh excuse me I mean beloved pet. I have a friendship that was completely derailed by my friends’ irresponsible adoption of somebody else’s unwanted, neglected husky while they had a free-range rabbit – another rescued discarded pet. I had to rescue the rabbit from the husky lunging at it when the irresponsible pet owners were not paying attention to what it was doing and ever since that time, the dog acted scared of me which ultimately led to me moving out. I agree with having working dogs: dogs for the blind, dogs for the military, cadaver dogs, hunting dogs, sheepdogs etc. If I lived in the countryside, I would have dogs. But in largely residential areas populated by humans, I do not think dogs belong
Aubree • Nov 10, 2019 at 3:58 pm
Some of us try our best to be good to dogs for the sake of our loved ones. But just because we don’t have those warm and fuzzy feelings for them, i doesn’t mean that we’re horrible people. I don’t abuse the family filthy little furry thing and I rub his tummy when he begs enough for it. I’ve seen so many people who willingly get dogs and like them, but yet they keep them fleece infested and neglected in their backyard with poop all over. I wouldn’t do that, I who don’t feel much for dogs treat them better than some dog lovers. We don’t have to love them to treat them well and with respect. Through his presence I’ve gone through desperation, depression, frustration and what not but the nasty little fury thing has eventually taught me not to be so germaphobic and to be more tolerant. I think it’s great that some people have the capacity to develop deep connections to their dogs; I don’t get it so maybe those people have something in them that I don’t have. But weather you like dogs or not, I respect you the same. Just like I respect you the same weather you’re a Democrat or a Republican. But now that the two parties are more divided than ever, people truly need their dogs because at least their dogs will love them regardless of which political party they belong to : )
Nat • Nov 10, 2019 at 3:26 am
I hate dogs. When I was little I was bitten by one. In 2018, 3 members of my family almost lost their lives from dog bites. I don’t care what anyone says but dogs don’t belong with humans
yeah • Nov 9, 2019 at 8:51 am
actually you are a monster. all of you. gross, you should be ashamed.
Mr X • Nov 8, 2019 at 1:14 am
Dogs r asome & great creatures; sadly there r some “dog lovers” that abandon them backyard & neighbors have to endure all day barking 😡
Rina • Nov 6, 2019 at 7:51 am
It’s not clear from your post, are you indifferent to dogs or you hate them? You say hate, then you say apathy, then something else. Not wanting to have pets is fine. My dad did not want any pets, but when I got them, he grew attached to them and he never harmed them. Hating them and not caring for their suffering is not OK. Even if you are scared of them. I’m scared of insects and I never feel like I want to pet an insect. I scream as crazy if I see an insect walking on me. Still, if some insect gets stuck in my house, I don’t kill it. I take a glass and catch it and let it out in the window. It’s not their fault that I’m scared of them. Hating dogs is like hating babies. Babies also can’t have an interesting conversation with you. They are on the same level intellectually and emotionally. So why do you wonder? Most people would think something is wrong with you if you don’t feel at least sympathy to animals. By the way, the fact you can’t connect with pets and develop some kind of attachment to them, might be a sign of low empathy and mental health issues.
Allen • Nov 3, 2019 at 8:47 pm
People have a right to sleep in their own bedroom and not be awakened at 4AM by the neighbors barking dog. You dog owners just think the world revolves around you. Increasingly you people bring them with you in grocery stores, airplanes, restaurants, and everywhere else as if you have a right to do that by calling them “emotional support animals” which is a load of excrement. People choose apartments because there are no dogs allowed and you dog owners move in with them anyway under this “emotional support animal” lie. And you get away with it because businesses don’t want a lawsuit or bad publicity.
Joe C • Nov 3, 2019 at 3:17 pm
I love all animals, they’re amazing creatures each in their own way. I have more friends than I need, but my dog gave me some of the best memories of my life.
The article is good, but man, with some of these comments, it’s no wonder why you’re labeled horrible people. I can tell who you folks voted for back in 2016.
Amelia • Nov 2, 2019 at 3:54 pm
Finally, others who share my views👍. Today I have had the day from hell after being forced to sit in a car for 2 hours to visit a puppy. I refused to go in and waited in the car. My mum and sister completely ignore my views which I make very clear. I have tried everything from reasonible convos to crying to screaming to silence and hunger strikes(which tbf didnt last long). This is because I hate dogs,😡 they are unhygenic, unreliable, unpredictable and to be honest I have a huge fear of them. Despite this, my mum has bought the puppy and we will be picking up the horrid thing on the 1st of December. I actualy feel sick just thinking about it. I cant help but feel disapointed, angry and depressed😤😫😱😣☹️😥. I know this all sounds very dramatic but it is very genuine. I dont know what to do. I am just going to have to come up with something before the pick up date. 🙏
Lou • Nov 1, 2019 at 7:28 pm
first and foremost, having had pets since childhood, mostly a variety of rescues, even a squirrel and a raccoon, as a longtime practicing litigator, I respect your right to find animals cumbersome, messy, smelly, dirty, hard to take care of, permitting very little freedom and whatever other complaint all of you have.
On the other hand, I sincerely hope none of you who do not love animals never have children or you will be in for a really big shock.
May I just remind those who disdain these animals, that you, yourself, are an animal, a mammal, homo sapiens and the last of its line, other “homos”” having gone extinct. (and we are all smelly at some point).
I, personally, am more of a cat person because my work has enough drama so I appreciate their relaxed and calm attitude. It is precisely why I prefer cats to dogs but I still love dogs and have always had one or two with two-three cats. Love me ? Love my animals or buh-bye.
I am a lawyer by week and a rescue person on occasion on weekends.
I have saved so many people’s rear-end, or their business, or the custody of their kids, or saved them for a horrible fate or event, and I save strays, cats dogs and whatever someone may call me about, that are filthy, hungry, terrified and often pest-ridden.
I can guarantee all of you that I have received more true gratitude and honest affection from an animal taken from a bad situation to safety that any human I have ever represented.
You prefer the company of people, good for you. I prefer the quiet communion with a dog while walking or cat in my pillow.
I feel sorry for you whose couch, or evening tv time, or white rug, or immaculate car is more important than a living breathing companion.
You will never know the joy and beauty of animals being friends and sharing their person.
Oh yes
P.S. Duck Fawg
P.S. I would never date or have a friend who is not and animal lover…they are indeed more empathetic.
The Romans said “De coloribus et de gustibus non disputandem est”, you cannot dispute colors ortastes Can’t believe animal
PaleMoon • Nov 1, 2019 at 5:09 pm
Wow, kind of a lot of hate in here. Shows just how closed off peoples minds are from communicating with their brain. You know, I think something that always left an incredible impact on every aspect of my life was a scene from the movie “They Live.” It’s the scene where Roddy Piper amd Keith David have a fight scene. You would literally have to beat someone down and additionally had an object that clarified the situation to them for them to understand. People are ultra selfish and don’t want to take the time to think about how they are impacting others especially in situation where people don’t care for their dogs properly, which SURPRISE SURPRISE MOST OF YOU DON’T. It bothers those of us who watch little humans bring something into their life that they do not intend to treat the way they should with respect, care amd concern. All of you that act like you do properly care for your dog are straight up liars. I’ve seen about 10 people that absolutely love their dogs and also treat them as self. So they are not disgusting and filthy. All of you who say “DOG’S ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DIRTY IT MAKES YOU STRONGER.” You’re literally an oxygen thief, please die. Also when you choose to look at something remember that you need to look at it from every window in your vicinity because you’re not the only one present. Clean your dog, brush your dogs teeth and care for the dog you took responsibility for. Don’t make it a burden to other people because your mentally weak and think you cannot make it through life without a pet. Get some fucking metal and be a human, stop relying on something that is less intelligent than a bird to keep you happy. Maybe if you require an animal to be happy there is something wrong with you amd your mental state! You ever think of that? Everybody else is the issue mindsets generally are indicative of YOU’RE THE ISSUE.
James • Nov 1, 2019 at 8:49 am
If you like dogs, that’s fine, but don’t be surprised if someone like me has absolutely no interest in your hound. That doesn’t make someone like me soulless.
James • Nov 1, 2019 at 8:47 am
I have been lumbered with a dog because my wife wanted one. We already have two children and a cat and we both work full time. I cannot stand having a dog; the constant attention it requires is infuriating. If my dog were a person it would be locked up for stalking. I have to take the dog to work with me, which is hugely distracting, or I pay for someone else to walk her. It’s like having a smelly, furry, 2 year old that will never grow up. We cannot take her on holiday or to restaurants – she is a massive burden. The situation makes me very anxious. I cannot stand having a dog.
Melinda • Oct 31, 2019 at 2:49 pm
It’s frightening how many soulless people there are out there. I feel so sorry for all of your and for your children, if you’ve dared to have any. Very sad … It’s always proven true that if my dog doesn’t like someone, I find that I don’t either. Animals have an amazing sense of character.
Dana • Oct 31, 2019 at 1:12 am
There is a special place in hell for all you miserable dog-hating people!! This is quite hilarious because I can’t imagine how much it would suck to be you!! I LOVE DOGS and absolutely can’t stand in-compassionate people yourselves. You all should move to your own dog-free island and live superiorly amongst each other. You’d be doing us all a favor!! So, yes please stay in your homes and stay away from us and our dogs!!!!
Kaii • Oct 30, 2019 at 3:28 am
I am a dog person, and I am sorry some people feel this way. I am also a cat person. I have an assortment of pets. Honestly, while I do not understand, I respect your opinion. But as well, I would like to point out that the respect must be mutual. I dont appreciate anyone wishing harm on canine companions or casting them off as just disgusting nonsense. To say a dog will merely die if abused is terrible. Dogs perform amazing tasks for humans, including search and rescue. So what if someone decides to “humanize” aka spoil them? Please do not feel sorry for me. I love my animals, and they are my angels. Some people have a hard time forming connections with others for one reason or another, and animals provide that companionship or help them form those connections as a common foundation with others. While I strive to respect diversity, I do not take kindly to some of the grotesque comments. That’s the same disrespect the writer insisted be avoided on both sides. And for the record, my spoiled mutts not only assist me, but they are trained as therapy dogs for the elderly and children alike. Please do not underestimate the value of a good dog or pet in general, even if you do not like them. Just like I respect your viewpoints, respect mine. The facts speak for themselves.
MARK • Oct 28, 2019 at 3:42 pm
WOW it’s about time someone posted this article. It is so true! Our society thinks its ok to degrade people for not liking dogs, and feeling bad if there is abuse on a dog (which of course there should be) but our society has cast this hate toward cats. This trend of “cats are evil” and “cats are jerks” trend on youtube and in movies it’s always “funny” when a cat gets electrocuted or kicked over a fence. I don’t get it at all. That’s a living creature.
I personally don’t like dogs but a lot of times I find the dog owners to be worse! Expecting everyone want to share their food with them, or put that gross dog tongue in their mouth after its had its nose all over the floor and licking toilet bowls. And no, the dog doesn’t have healing bacteria in its saliva. Otherwise it would be bottled and sold.
Dawg H8er • Oct 27, 2019 at 8:30 pm
Duck Fogs.
Dwill • Oct 27, 2019 at 5:48 pm
All of my brothers have dogs. I love my brothers but I am extremely uncomfortable around their dogs. Luckily they respect me and my discomfort when I or they visit. All of my neighbors have dogs. Only one cannot control their dog. It’s this neighbor that I struggle with most. All the others do great in walking their dog and keeping it under control. Hardly hear any barking (except for the one). I’m sad for the extremely negative comments on both parties. I don’t mind people owning dogs but I do not like them in the grocery store. I have no problem with dogs that help people, that is amazing to me. Never had a problem with a dog on an airplane. Most of my negative experiences with dogs are from irresponsible dog owners. I also don’t like cats. But that’s for another forum. Thanks for allowing me to comment here.
Aubree • Oct 27, 2019 at 2:04 pm
We adopted a puppy that’s now 10 months old. He is so cute and playful but the more time that goes by, the more I can’t stand him. I wish I could learn to accept and enjoy him. I hate that he goes on my couches. I hate it when he roams in my kitchen sniffing and licking the floor among many other things. My kids love him and he’s a lot of fun to play with but all the things that stress me out about him makes it not worth it. He’s a small breed so he’s not as annoying as other dogs I’ve seen and he does’t bark that much. He thinks he’s human and I feel that I don’t deserve him because I can’t be really nice to him and love him.
Yay • Oct 24, 2019 at 6:44 am
You can don’t like but just don’t hurt them. Animals or human has the same right to live in this planet.. you have your right to speak out but just don’t let this virus go around.. coz each of these comments sound disgusting..
M • Oct 23, 2019 at 4:27 pm
Thank you for writing this. I cannot agree more. You articulated EVERYTHING that I feel. You totally nailed it with having different priorities than spending hard earned money and even harder to find extra time to care for a filthy, needy, animal that I have zero positive emotional response to. I bend over backwards daily to help humans with real issues and problems. Why on earth would I spent that precious energy on an animal that just sits there instead of humans who actually need it. I’m dumbfounded how people are co-dependent on their Dogs. It’s mind blowing. I fucking hate dogs.
Len Shields • Oct 23, 2019 at 1:33 pm
I came here, because I own a dog. I dont like my dog. Never owned one. My bf got me one because I asked for one after my mother died. Only after the fact, did he suggest I should have volunteered at a kennel or borrowed someones dog before getting one. Now he wont let me get rid of it cause spite and the money invested. I live near a bunch of dog lovers, who love my dog and their dogs love her. They all make me feel inhuman when when I say I am not appropriating my dog and her love for me. I say she isn’t looking at me with love. She is looking at me to give her play time, treats and other forms of stimulus. I am an introvert, so running to every human we see is stressful and they dont just let her pass by either. I just want to enjoy my walks, have a quiet home(without sound buffers running so she doesn’t freak at every noise) and maybe not feel like I am trapped at home when I want to go somewhere, because she needs to eat or she needs to go potty first. She isn’t even 2 yet, we can save more money then we spent if we give her to a home that has lots of laughing people and things for her to do. Nope, no my bf thinks this a good lesson for me in buying something. Cept its a punishment for me and the dog. I am also not looking forward to another year of being trapped in a home through the winter with a hyper dog who needs to be worn out to behave. I agree with everything here. I would also like to point out that I got this dog because they said it would be good for me as I have bipolar disorder and dogs help when you have a mental illness, but I am beginning to think that applies to people who have help. If I have an episode, the dog is left bored and understimulted, leaving me with added guilt about making sure the dog doesn’t get sad and depressed. Someone with at home help or in a special home can ask someone to take the dog and care for it on those days. I was in a car accident and had a surgery this year that put me on the couch for 2 months, took longer to heal because the dog needed to be taken care of when my bf works 12 hours a day year round. They are just so needy. I seen an article where it was stated that dogs are the best because they can’t be taught to control as much impulse and be brought into a low mood, they bring life and vitality ti who ever they live with. I have tried to be like a dog person. Cheerfully saying her name, tug of war and ball, even my bf rolls his eyes if I ask him to play with her, cause its to much work. Dogs dont stop themselves, you have to set that bar or a dog will eat them selves sick or walk themselves raw. I have a cat, I tell myself that I am not a bad person. Cats make friends way harder than dogs. Cats are picky, dogs just love everybody. I figure, my cat loves the ground I walk on, maybe I am not as bad as all the dog lovers would have me believe???
brian • Oct 21, 2019 at 11:53 am
I’m laughing at many of these comments. Why not? It’s refreshing to hear some experiences that are similar to mine. I’m not sure where our culture is going with this dog worship. I have a neighbor that my HOA contacted about their barking dog. I then met the family myself. They seem like nice folks. What I think happens with dog owners is they forget that their barking dog really does interfere with the quiet that people deserve in their homes. My neighbors are a little like this. They’ve told me to let them know if it’s a problem. This can be awkward because nobody really wants to keep going to their neighbor to rehash old news. Think how bad it could be if we were nasty with each other?
Homes are expensive! I have a hard time with the fact that an animal can destroy the quiet that I invested money in to obtain. I’ve purchased table fans to run in each room in an attempt to negate some of the barking. I’ll take the whir of a fan over the startling interruption of barking any day or night.
I see a similarity between some dog owners and parents that let their children misbehave in public. The truth is most people want to get away and have some peace.
Jane Osborne • Oct 20, 2019 at 8:17 pm
I met a lovely guy. He bought a dog about 4 weeks after I met him. I told him I didn’t like dogs. He told me obviously my feelings came first. 16 months later after I had tried absolutely everything to try and like the dog; hypnosis, counselling. I had to end the relationship. I very uncomfortable around the dog and dirty.
He says it’s a way of life for him and he cannot be without this dog.
I hate dogs • Oct 20, 2019 at 12:02 pm
All dogs will sexually assault someone in their lifetime. I would like to Beale to go into someone’s house to work and not have a dog jam their nose in my butt. Or even worse lick me with their poop mouth. If I walked up to a person and licked them or stuck my face in their privates I would go to jail. Why is it okay for these mutants to do this?
Laura • Oct 18, 2019 at 10:32 pm
agree 100% I wanna start by saying that I do like animals, I just don’t like the dog worship culture and I don’t like the experience of having a dog,
I don’t see what’s so great of having one (as a dog owner myself), it seems like the “unconditional love” comes from humans and not from them, after all we’re the ones feeding, cleaning, giving shelter to them, picking they’re poop and cleaning all the messes they make. I think they’re the ones walking us and not the other way around. I just don’t see how they make up for all of that dirty work and all the sacrifices (YES, sacrifices). I have two dogs myself (my sons dog and my boyfriends) and I am so tired of feeling demonized when I say that I don’t like dogs, in this society you can say that you don’t like kids, old people or people in general, but god forbid you say you don’t like dogs, you become instantly a bad person., of course I still feed them and walk them and give them what they need (which is A LOT),
Also ..
I find it funny that the “love” and companionship that my boyfriend (dog worshipper) claims that he gets from his 10 years old dog is so “unconditional”, that we can’t even leave the door open for more than a second cause the dog will scape and won’t come back!! LOLOLOL
Isabella • Oct 18, 2019 at 12:15 pm
First of all, your dislike of dogs stems from the fact that your family clearly got a dog that they couldn’t handle. Bernese Mountain dogs are for experienced owners. Most people get them because they’re cute without acknowledging the fact that will have to put it the work. And your point about them being gross can also be said about children(who are honestly nasty little monsters.)
And I was reading through the comments from all the other comments and their idiocy had me laughing. One of them was talking about how they are just irritating gross animals and guess what bitch? You’re an animal too. Another was talking about constantly having to clean up after them and taking the time to teach them, well guess what you have to do the exact same with children but no one talks about that. And one more talking about how the dog refused to follow directions, was biting and barking at everything. How dumb can you be? You have to TRAIN your dog. Jesus christ you fucking idiots. You have to research before you get a dog. They are a lot of work but it’s worth it. And not to mention everyone who doesn’t like dogs are usually stupid as hell and not to mention incredibly lazy. You just want a nice cut little dog that will obey your every order without acknowledging that they are living breathing creatures. Stupid fucks
outdoor mom • Oct 17, 2019 at 8:14 am
Thank you for this article.! It seems everywhere I go dog owners are allowing their dogs to impact the environment and others peoples lives, without any concern whatsoever. While hiking on a beautiful trail in the Scottish Highlands we observed a patch of rare wild orchids that only bloom under certain conditions. They were tiny little pink flowers that pop up in long grass, just beautiful. We photographed them and then moved up along the trail. On our way back down the trail we followed a family that had brought along a very large dog, which was on leash. Well, just as we approached the patch of orchids the dog decided it needed to do its business and the owner extended it’s leash and let it poop right on top of the orchids. They did not remove the pile. Nice. Unfortunately this seems to be the norm for today’s dog owner. It’s sad, really.
We had a wire fox terrier for 13+ years and we never allowed the sort of behavior current dog owners seen to think is OK. We trained him not to bark, even when someone came to the door he would just look out the window and wag his tail. He was kennel trained so that when we had guests he was a happy camper in his own little cabin. He also stayed in his kennel when I was out on errands and at night while we slept. He was not allowed on the furniture unless his blanket was laid out and he was invited. This can all be done very easily with the right training. Our neighbors have a beautiful Irish Wolfhound that is kennel trained and he has been trained not to bark, as well. We always picked up after our dog while on walks and we bought the little poop disposal bags at the pet store. It’s very bad for the environment to leave dog feces out. It eventually ends up in the watershed and is very bad for fish and other animals.
Bringing your dog out in various public places is also not good for your dog. It can be very stressful for the animal to be in busy shops and in parks where there are numerous strange dogs and people. This can lead to unexpected behavior, like jumping up on people or small children or even biting. Remember Barbara Woodhouse? She was a dog trainer who had a TV series and she had a marvelous way to train dogs. It is something I wish modern pet owners would consider. You’re not entitled to allow your pet to impact others lives. Be considerate, be wise, train your dog and keep it to yourself.
Toleshi • Oct 15, 2019 at 10:42 pm
This gross obession with dogs is ANNOYING. Everyone here has said everything I believe. No need for me to reiterate. But no one ABHORS those disgusting animals more than I. Dog people are so needy. It’s annoying.
Janet WRIGHT • Oct 15, 2019 at 9:14 am
It is so refreshing to have young people & others have aplace to speak openly & honestly about the ridiculous shift that has taken over the human world.
I am an older lady from the Gold Coast Australia & I am increasingly upset by the rapid increase in the presence of dogs in cafes, beaches & stores!!
What has changed so much that people have more of an attachment to a smelly, pooping, animal instead of there fellow human being!! Thse of us that don’t feel the same, including poor store or cafe staff feel powerless to protest this infringement on our peace & security!
Can we please bring back common sense & common courtesy & leave the animals at home or in the car???
Lancentcx • Oct 14, 2019 at 11:58 pm
Finally a post about those filthy things that I can relate to. Good to know I’m not alone.
Nunu • Oct 13, 2019 at 4:53 pm
Thank you … I hate dogs … they are all that u say and more … and I have always been the one to apologise for it … I don’t anymore. Respect the fact I don’t like your dog and I respect the fact that u do … the dog doesn’t need to be in my face or life.
Thankful my husband hates dogs too • Oct 12, 2019 at 10:20 am
My hubby was raised by a very irresponsible and negligent single mother. She always kept a hoard of dogs, but worked all of the time and left him alone with the dogs pretty much all of the time. He didn’t want the responsibility. He never asked for any of those dogs, but she is mental and just kept bringing home more and more stray mutts. When he was only 7, one of her dogs tore half of his face off. He had to go in for emergency plastic surgery and still worries about that scar to this day. My dad would have shot that dog in the head, but his mom let it keep staying there even after maiming her only child. He said one time he went to play basketball with his friends while his mother was at work. She beat him home and found the dogs had shit everywhere. Again. This was a regular deal. However, on this day, she decided to take her shoes off and beat my husband until he was black and blue. They were never his dogs, but somehow he was constantly punished for their bad behavior. Her new leather couch stayed new for less than one week before the dogs literally ate it. Everything in her house was COVERED in fur and the whole place smelled like wet dog.
During the beginning of our marriage he would tell me how bad it was growing up with her dogs, but I had no idea. He told me stories of how they pissed and shit all over the house. She would go to work and just expect him to get up and clean 4,5,6 dogs shit up. He said they literally ate the furniture, ate everything in sight and even somehow figured out how to get in the cabinets to steal food and somehow even ended up learning how to open jars like PB. They could not keep food in the house. Then came the day that we needed a temporary place to stay during a move–we ended up at her house. OMFG! First night in, I needed to get up in the night to pee. As soon as I opened our bedroom door the smell of pure raw shit hit my ultra sensitive nose and I started to gag. As I made an attempt to run to the toilet, I slipped in IDK how many piles of wet, slippery shit and busted my ass. 5am and there I was lying IN the hallway covered in dogshit, gagging my head off and crying, while the fucking bastards stood at the end of the hall and barked at me! Then the mother in law got pissed as if me falling in HER dog’s shit was MY fault. She did not even attempt to clean it up either. Just yelled at hubby to do it. She ingrained a deep seated hatred of dogs in him and I’m so glad because they stink, and they pretty much just live to eat and make shit piles. My husband now inspects cars for a living. You’d think he could get away from dogs at that jog, right? Aw, hell no. People show up to his job with their vehicles full of dogs who either want to bite at him, bark at him, slobber on his OR he has to worry about what the fuck he might sit in when he has to get inside their car. Many times the dog owner will leave the dog IN the car while it’s being worked on. Several of his employees have threatened to quit if the company didn’t make it a rule for people to leave their dogs at home during their car service. The people that work there SHOULD NOT have to deal with your rude, smelly ass dog while they’re trying to work!!!
For those of you out there wishing death on us dog haters, get the fuck over yourself and be a responsible dog owner. Do you think people decided for no reason just to hate dogs? You intrude them onto us. You let them jump on us, bark at us bite or nip at us,, slobber and lick us after they’ve been licking their ass or eating shit. You let them shit EVERYWHERE and pretend you don’t smell it. MY GOD people! Have you lost your fucking minds!?
Cats aren’t much better. They might bury their shit in some sand, but that stays on the bottom of their paws and they then track that nasty mess everywhere they go. Sorry, but I don’t want traces of litter mixed with cat shit on my kitchen counters or in my bed. And yes, YES their boxes STINK! Trust when I say if you have an animal in your house, EVERYBODY can smell it. Whether you care or not. Ugh. That just makes you nasty.
LR • Oct 12, 2019 at 9:33 am
OMG Thank you for writing this article! I didn’t grow up hating dogs, but have learned and been conditioned by them and their irresponsible owners for so long now that I absolutely HATE dogs. Growing up in the country on a tobacco farm, we always had animals, dogs included. There was one very strict rule, though. NO ANIMALS IN THE HOUSE! I was raised very clean and there was no way in hell my mother would ever let a nasty animal in the house. Grandmother was the same way. So I was raised with being fine with dogs/cats/any animals as long as they were outside. FF to me growing up, moving out, getting married, having a baby. I ended up with traumatic brain injury from the epidural and things went very wrong. I went temporarily blind (long story) it was bad. I even had post partum psychosis. I needed bed rest and quiet to heal. BUT I couldn’t because the old lady next door had a fucking german shepard that LITERALLY ran a small circle in her backyard 24/7 while endlessly going “yap yap yap yap yap…” I mean it NEVER stopped! That circle he ran in was bare dirt in the middle of her grassy yard. My baby couldn’t sleep, I was near madness so my husband went to her house and asked her to at least put the dog up at night. After getting cussed out for picking on her dog (bc dogs are way more important than human babies and the mothers that almost died giving them life), the old bat would alternate between putting him in her basement (which only made the barking echo and even moreloud and annoying) and just leaving him in the yard where you could hear him across the entire neighborhood. He NEVER stopped barking. I literally lost my mind. We called the county bubbas who said nothing could be done since the dog was fenced in the yard. Her son even came to MY door while I was holding a 7 day old baby (and still partially blind) to cuss me out for bothering his old mama. Ugh. We put the house up for sell and moved away because of that goddamn dog. That was 25 years ago and I still despise a german shepard. The next incident involved me trying to foolishly adopt from the animal shelter. Friends, even the doc, said I needed a companion, so I took in this little rat terrier mix. He was sweet with me, but everyone else got snapped at. He attacked 2 other dogs in my complex and caused me to get a lease violation. So back to the shelter he went. I’m NOT getting evicted bc of a dog! So last week I tried once more to “find a companion” that people keep telling me I need. I took in a mix whose owner had gotten knocked up 4 too many times and couldn’t keep him. Very first day here he went straight to my room and decided it was okay to get on my bed and fucking STAY THERE. He literally took up my entire queen. Dog lovers are chuckling at how adorable that is right now, but for someone who was raised to be CLEAN, this filthy smelly HUGE beast that I didn’t even KNOW just took for granted that it was okay to flop his big drooling ass all over my bed. Red rockets, wet balls and shit drool was on my favorite blanket. Stupid fucking dog just assumed he could do that and if I told him no, get down he just paced and paced the hall and howled. Fucking pest. He would whine and whine and I knew he was missing the white trash that dumped him off on me. I tried to baby that dog. I talked sweetly to him. I bought him the best dogfood (they had brought him to me with dogfood in a paint bucket that smelled like chemicals). I fed that bastard, I walked him, I picked up his massive shits while I gagged. He wouldn’t wag his tail, he wouldn’t stay in the room with us, just came in and flopped up on my bed to drool and fart ( my gma is rolling over in her grave at this point). The 3rd night he was here he got off of his collar and proceeded to SPRINT down the very busy road I live on. I mean he ran down the MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD IN THE DARK INTO ONCOMING TRAFFIC. And what did I do? I stupidly chased after him running into oncoming traffic SCREAMING PLEASE DON”T RUN OVER THE DOG and COLBY COME BAAAAACKKK!! He just kept running. After 3.5 blocks of this stupid shit he circled back towards my apartment complex. Cars were literally swerving, blowing their horns, screaming obscentities at us. I’m positive that a few non dog lovers wanted to run us both over. I could have been held liable for any damages that POS dog could have caused! Who the fuck needs that in their life? By the time I was ready to fall down from panic and sheer exhaustion a nice couple in a Volvo pulled up and told the dog “lets go for a ride…’ The fucker jumped into their backseat and looked at me like you’re the most stupid human I’ve ever met. At that exact moment is when I realized I fucking HATE dog and I literally wanted to KILL THAT ONE. But I was still going to TRY and make it work UNTIL the very next night I went to take him out, he saw a cat and dragged me to the pavement, breaking my wrist, shredding the skin off of my fingers to the bone and causing me to hit my ear on the sidewalk. I took a bloody pic of myself and sent it to said white trash and told them to get their goddamn dog out of my house IMMEDIATELY! He’s gone, but I’m left with some bad injuries AND still have to deal with my neighbor;s 2 dogs. They literally take them outside to shit on the corner of the building where my patio is. During this last summer of record breaking heat, I got to smell dog shit ALL summer long. When I complained to the leasing office, they did respond to tell the owners to start picking up their shit and they DID! But GUESS WHERE THEY PUT IT NOW? At their front door which is literally 6 paces from MY door!!! OMFG are they mental? Do they not realize how disgusting feces is? Do they not fucking smell it? It bakes in the sun all day and smells up the entire stairwell. Once, their dogs had diarrhea and they shit ALL down the stairs before they could get to the grass, so now the stairwell just smells like rancid dog shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
I know you people that love dogs are mad at us folks who don’t and that’s okay. We don’t all have to love the same things. That’s what makes us different. However, when you choose to fester up my entire community with the smell of DOG SHIT and you have NO ethics in regards how others feel about YOUR pest, then I don’t think either of us needs a dog.
And to the cat people out there, bless you for thinking your cat’s shit box doesn’t stink. You tried.
Louisa • Oct 10, 2019 at 4:21 am
Wow so much venom. Thanks for proving the point about SOME dog lovers though. I can’t stand dogs and it’s not easy to avoid them actually as proved yesterday when some woman decided to bring her smelly old slobbery bassett hound in a lift with me. It then covered my leg in slobber whilst the owner just smiled and said “oh sorry” as if that’s ok! I also stayed with someone who has a dog and cat (not a cat lover either) and the cat did a shit into the litter except it never made it to tray the the dog ate the shit right out of the cat’s rear end. It then vomited up the shit and ate it again. People who let these animals sleep in thier beds and lick they’re faces are you plain weird when you think about how revolting they are. I mean i wouldn’t kiss a person who’d just eaten shit!!!!!
Beth • Oct 9, 2019 at 9:35 pm
I love living with cats, two at most. I don’t hate dogs, I allow well-behaved dogs to visit my home. Most dogs aren’t, though, thanks to owners who don’t assume leadership, responsibility for, or set boundaries with their dogs. I prefer cats because they are more closely related to their wild ancestors, and do not require as much attention and effort as dogs do, while being just as loving and cuddly.
Jessica • Oct 9, 2019 at 1:41 pm
To all ya’ll attacking us people that don’t like dogs and using “virtues” of dogs like friendliness, loyalty, unconditional love, constant companionship and all, have you ever stopped to consider that maybe those are the problem or that it’s just too easy? Since you are so keen on comparing humans to dogs then let’s do so.
Friendliness: ever been forced into caring for a child? The child is so friendly they never shut up. They never go off to draw, read a book, or watch TV because they view you as a superhero. Sure, that’s great in theory, but I KNOW that after long enough of the same thing over and over and over again, you’d get tired of it and annoyed. But at least the child will grow up and learn personal space. The dog will never grow, will only breathe in your face for constant attention that you don’t always have the time to give, and whine and pee on the carpet when you don’t give it.
Loyalty: loyalty means nothing when they are dependent on you for survival. Loyalty only bears weight as a virtue when you have the option of forsaking someone. That’s why- for all you Christians out there- Jesus gave Adam and Eve free will and the option of eating from the tree. Because loyalty only means something when the one being loyal chooses to be loyal. Dog’s loyalty is cheap and paid for. They are loyal because they don’t have an option not to be, and are therefore little more than considering Siri your best friend.
Unconditional love: this goes back to the points made for loyalty. Unconditional love only means something when the lover chooses to love you unconditionally. Thats why humans value the love of another human being so highly, and why we’re so violently uncomfortable with the idea of someone kidnapping another person and holding them there until they “fall in love” with their captor. That’s called Stockholm’s syndrome, and quite honestly I equate dog ownership to that. And to try and use that as a virtue for dogs when they have no choice? Appalling.
Constant companionship: this one comes down to personality type of the human. Constant companionship- if you need it- is a great reason for dog ownership. But other than that? It’s annoying as all hell. All I know is that when I get up to go pee, I hate that the dogs are constantly on my heel- tripping me as I walk and right outside the door so I can’t leave the bathroom. I HATE that. I hate that I wake up to stinky dog breath in the morning when I’d rather wake up to stinky human breath from my boyfriend- something that I chose and that I was lucky enough to be chosen for. I need my space. I need my me time. I need time and space to think and be alone with my thoughts so I don’t get overstimulated. Dogs are just too much all at once.
All in all. These “virtues” of dogs that you value so much are smoke screens. Cheap and as common and easily accessible as dirt. Sorry not sorry.
Sadler • Oct 9, 2019 at 10:46 am
The last comment was really sad. What a poor broken person that is. You have to feel sorry for them really.
Nobody has mentioned the amount of people killed by dogs it must now be in the thousands!! One person killed by dogs is one to many, let’s get them out of our lives unfortunately there are to many and too many owners. But why not tax them heavily and make even more money from them they seem daft enough!
In the meantime just ban them from all public spaces and keep them away from me and my family.
Janice • Oct 8, 2019 at 11:20 am
Wow !! People over here you all need serious help, like a serious fucking medical help. I seldom choose to revert to any bullshit I come across but this so cringy that I had to waste my time on low bugs like you. This has to be the most fucked up piece of shit I have ever read. People who don’t like dogs guess what?? Noone gives a cent of a damn to it. You don’t like them then fucking stay away from them. You can’t stand your partner’s dog then guess what? That’s your fucking problem. The amazing fact is that if a dog doesn’t like you guess what? You are an unpalatable & an obnoxious person with a heinous personality. The biggest problem that this world has is trolls like you. If there should any eradication it should be of people who say they would love to massacre all of the dogs, you are the one that has no purpose, you should be the one thing that should be fucking omitted from the earth. With my experience people who despise dogs are ALWAYS the UGLIEST, the FATTEST, the GOOD FOR NOTHING, the LAZIEST TROLLS, the ILL-BRED or people with NO REAL FRIENDS; the one that’ll DIE FUCKING ALONE, OMG if any of you have said it to me about my dog I wouldn’t blink before breaking your ugly face. WORLD WILL BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT YOU FUCKING CUNTS. DIE BITCHES. FUCKING DIE.
patricko • Oct 8, 2019 at 10:34 am
I feel so relieved after reading this and realizing I’m not the worst person in the world because I dont like dogs. One things is caring for an animal and other thing is changing your whole way of life because of one. I dont hate dogs I just dont like the whole culture that people has created around them starting with the thought that there’s something wrong with a human that doesnt enjoy the company of a dog. And the problem is this circle of loving-dog-people dont realize this is all a business that keeps growing and growing. Heck people are spending more in the dog than in themselves nowadays, they think of them as if they were human babies. In 6-7 years a human baby will not be a baby anymore and will be able to grab a cookie and go to the restroom by himself. the dog will always need some one to care after them for life. they cant eat by themselves, they cant take themselves out, they cant clean themselves, and the worst they cant be by themselves . I grew up.without a dog , until I got married and for some reason I accepted for her to get a puppy after a few yrs of marriage. 3 yrs later the dog has become a burden. Everytime we have to travel , we have to pay a pet sitter ( super costly) and no, none of my neighbors will take him. If he gets sick, the freaking vet industry fed by all those crazy dog lovers, will take advantage of it and charge you like if it was the last time for you seeing that dog. I can stand a dog for 5 min, but dont want to be jumped on, licked, sniffed or followed by any dog. End of the story . You were very brave to write this and many will criticize it but it’s the truth, you’re not alone.
Maxwall silver hammer • Oct 7, 2019 at 2:56 am
I can understand some people not liking animals or being forced to coo at a little furry imposition, I don’t like having to make a fuss or being forced to find kids cute specially when they’re inflicting or trying to hit you with something, now I’m not a child hater or abuser I treat them as young adults with respect and donate to kids and animals welfare, but some people seem to forget that they are animals, and I’ve seen many People who were slobs and filthy in restrooms,in their homes , total slobs I know I’m ocd and I’m always cleaning up after them in the restrooms,restaurants etc. seen their homes in shambles ,so to feel superior over the non talking ones is conceited and who has done more harm to the habitats then the non furry creatures called humanes?
Agnes • Oct 4, 2019 at 7:57 pm
Thank you so much, I’ve found support in this article. Dogs are ugly (with their mouth open all the time and wet tongue sticking out), acting childish or insane, smelly, always follow and need attention. Before I started living together with my partner, I nearly had no contact with dogs – I was never attracted to those animals. Cats and parrots were my favorite. Unfortunately, my partner has had a dog and now I’m forced to stand its stupid behaviors for 3 years. Plus I’m a strong introvert. Imagine now, this dog following me everywhere 24/7. I can never have peace without being controlled by the dog. It scratches the door when I try to hide in a separate room. It stinks, leaves poop unexpectedly in the garden and then jumps on our (!) armchair only to lick butt, yuckkk. It all makes me hate dogs but I can’t even talk about it with my partner ’cause she gets angry.
Alexander • Oct 4, 2019 at 10:27 am
Whoever wrote this sounds like a lazy a**hole, it’s ok to not like dogs. But you’re just negative and arrogant, this planet isn’t just for humans all animals are here for a reason. But the way you talk about dog owners in general is disgusting. Who hurt you ? Animals are smart the fact that you’re an idi*t and can’t teach your dog anything because is too time consuming is a petty excuse. I’ve had different animals through my life and dogs can be very easy. The fact that others have called out the fact that you’re piece of sh*t isn’t the dogs fault. THE PROBLEM IS YOU. How embarrassing to be an adult and have hate towards creatures that can’t and will never comprehend your stupidity and low intellect. You feel inferior than pets and that not the animals fault.
Fido • Oct 4, 2019 at 10:02 am
Hi Everyone! I am a 2 yo golden retriever. Everyone thinks I’m super cute. My owners bought me when I was eight weeks old because their little girl badly wanted it dog and they are not going to have more children.
The mother thinks I’m smelly. Well, that’s true! I’m a dog! what do you expect! She also thinks i’ve changed their lives. They used to be able to get in the car and go somewhere for a short trip to a pumpkin patch or a vineyards or a new and hot restaurant. Now they constantly on rover.com looking for a dog sitter before they can even go anywhere. If they can’t find a dog sitter they have to stay home. I love it when I ruin their vacation plans because that mean I get to see more of them.
My dog mom also thinks I am too sheddy. I can’t do anything about that. I feel bad that she has to live in a house that is now covered in dog hair. And every week she’s had to spend an additional two hours to clean up. That means last time for her to read her books. Or read books to her daughter.
This past winter my dog daddy had to be out of town am I talk mom had to be alone taking care of me. One day she was not feeling well but she had to take me out for walks.
Her least favorite thing is definitely picking up my poop.
I think I have shorten her life span by a few years. But it makes her daughter happy to have me as a pet. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t ask to be born. They bred me because a lot of humans need something furry to touch. And they don’t seem to mind the fact that I am smelly stinky and I lick my butt every day. I think they could’ve spent less money on psychotherapy than on me. Oh my! You should see the vet bills and the rover chargers
All the dogs icy on the sidewalks, myself included, got a call around our necks. We don’t like it but what can we do. The so-called dog lovers want us here. I think we meant to give them something they don’t have. It’s not fun first to be all the dogs I see on the sidewalks, myself included, got a call around our necks. We don’t like it but what can we do. The so-called dog lovers want us here. If I could talk in human language, I would’ve said to those dog lovers, “Thank you very much for bringing me into this world and leaving me at home for hours while you’re at work. For putting a collar around my neck. For ruining all the sidewalks with dog poops. I’m a nice dog but I’ve heard some other dogs have killed babies and children. They even killed some grown-ups. I really don’t think humans are that smart after all. How could they be when they picking up my poop every day and then say, “Good girl” or “Good boy” after I gave them a pile of shit.
Some humans think robots and artificial intelligence are going to take over the world. Yeah right! It’s going to be us dogs!
Have a great day.
Regina • Oct 2, 2019 at 7:44 pm
Thanks for this.
I don’t like dogs since when I was a kid. My family had many. I saw my uncle dog ripping apart my family dog (he survived after a critical surgery in another country with all his legs broken, lungs punctured and most if his teeth broken,..)
Another family dog attacked me and bit me in the face cos he prolly thought I was playing too near his food.I still have a scar near my nose after 30 years. Dogs smell bad and are viscious and they can be very dangerous if they want.
I own 2 beautiful cats that are actually very caring and interested in our daily life. I am pregnant and people keeps asking me if I am going to give away the cats once the baby is born. It makes me so ANGRY that they keep asking this. I am sure that if I owned a stinky dog the thought of giving that away wouldnt even cross their minds. Makes me sick. I love my cats.
Grace Getman • Oct 1, 2019 at 9:37 pm
Retweet! Have to show my kids this article – it is so true!!
Haley • Oct 1, 2019 at 4:42 pm
As Im currently trying to get rid of my husbands ridiculously hyper pit boxer mix… we have 3 toddlers that consume all my energy and this dog does is poop in the house, throw up everywhere, knock the kids over, and jump on all guest. Not to mention the dog hair EVERYWHERE . Also jumps on the counter and has eaten our dinner we didnt even get to touch a number of times. Posted my same feelings on another group online got called heartless a bitch and outright evil.
Joyful Chaos • Sep 30, 2019 at 10:23 pm
I don’t care if someone isn’t a dog person, but I have never attempted to build or maintain a friendship with anyone who is dog intolerant. You don’t have to like my dogs. You can be offended, scared, or allergic. But that just means my dogs are an insurmountable barrier that will come between me and anyone who seeks to spend time with me. It’s not that I dislike non dog people per se, it’s that they don’t fit into my personal life. I’ll be happy to see them in public and at functions outside my home, but I just don’t see the sense of trying to build a more intimate friendship if it means they expect my pooches to be banished in order to extend them an invitation of hospitality. It ain’t gonna happen. The only exception I make is for repairmen who must come to my home, as they don’t have a choice.
Mona • Sep 27, 2019 at 4:37 pm
Edit: “Sued” the homeowner, not “sewed”.
Mona • Sep 27, 2019 at 4:36 pm
I was badly bitten by a St. Bernard mix in 2011 while riding my bicycle near a grade school! There is a leash law where I live that the owners ignored. I sewed the homeowner and was granted $20,000. $2000 went to medical bills, $6000 went to the lawyer, and I make regular donations to charity with the balance. I wouldn’t mind dogs if they would just leave me alone. Whenever a dog tries to approach me, I tell the owner that I am extremely allergic to dogs. They accept this and are much more cooperative than if I tell them what I’m really thinking, which is, “Keep your damn dog away from me!”
Nick • Sep 26, 2019 at 1:10 am
Thank god, I dont feel so alone anymore. Dogs are inherently stupid animals, and I’ve noticed that as dumb as the dog is, usually the owner is proportionately so. Delivering food one day, I had to listen to the owner on the other side of the door going “get back… come on, get back” for THREE AND A HALF MINUTES while I waited outside in the snow… Needless to say, the dog was right there when she finally opened the door. It really made me ponder the question: in this situation, which is the dumber animal?
gemma • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:38 pm
well first off due to bad experience with dogs and cats i began dislike them 1 they stink 2 they carry germs 3 if provoked inapproaite;y someone has to suffer because some irresponsible dog owners im not saying all they are i saying few are 4 they can’t be trusted around children or other animals i have bad phobia of dogs due to being bitten by one as a teenager when i do have children or husband i refuse to have dog its plain simple they are not for me
JD • Sep 25, 2019 at 9:57 am
Oh Thank God I am not alone.
Pluto • Sep 23, 2019 at 12:14 am
@Lexx I can infer that you are making your comments from a device that supports the World Wide Web. If you are going to make a racist claim about Asian people eating dogs, at least be correct and educated in your racism. Luckily, I am educated about racist people like you, and I am here to tell you that it would be a Vietnamese market that you would sell these dogs to. Take your hate elsewhere.
Jeanne • Sep 22, 2019 at 4:17 pm
Thank you for this article. I feel I’m not alone. I absolutely detest dogs. My husband owns one which he’s had since I met him. Not a day goes by without me wishing it were dead. They smell, they are needy and extremely hard work. Not to talk of expensive. Vets Bill’s alone run into thousands. The dog gives me no pleasure whatsoever…I’m constantly having to vacuum its hair off the carpets. Friends have commented that my house stinks of dog…I honestly cannot wait till the dog dies as it’s now an old dog. I’m afraid the way I feel, I cannot tolerate another dog once this one is gone. I have spoken to my husband about it and would be prepared to divorce if he went ahead and acquired another dog . I hate them with a passion
Jen • Sep 22, 2019 at 1:18 am
I’ve had several friemds over the years who owned dogs and everyone of them would allow their dogs to bark, sniff, jump up, and lick me whenever I visited. I do not want to be scratched or licked and I dont want to stink. I’ve had people say that the dog was just washed, then why the hell does it still smell?? The barking gives me the biggest headache. And they all bark at the same stupid shit: every little movement, every car that drives by, EVERYTHING! Why do dogs have to bark at every damn thing???
A friend of mine had a terrier that constantly jumped up, so much that her knees went bad. Not to mention that she would get overly excited and have seizues. Dogs are stupid and they must be trained to behave. If she had it trained to not jump and act like ass, her knees wouldnt have worn out and she wouldnt have had seizures so much. Her other dog is the whinest piece of shit. He has really bad separation anxiety and has destroyed many of her things, damaged her house, and shits and pisses on stuff. And he has the most ear piercing bark. The second she steps out of the house he immediately starts up. What is the appeal??
I had a neighbor with a huge dog. One day I was walking past his house and the dog was outside and lunged at me. Thankfully the owner had it on a leash and he grabbed it and yanked the dog back. The dog ended up flipping over and landed on its side on the driveway. Again why dont dog owners train them???
Billie • Sep 19, 2019 at 10:54 am
Oh my goodness ! This surprisingly makes me feel a lot better . I felt like I was accepting the bias of believing society about “be inhuman” if you didn’t like dogs. I seriously thought there was something wrong with me. I can’t stand the little creatures and sadly I live with one since my gf owns one. I can’t stand the smell , the shedding of the hair, it constantly wanting to sleep on our bed and stick its noise right up your bum, the constant attention seeking! OMG! It makes me insane! I can appreciate the fact that they can be great companions for people, but I’m not that person and can do without the slobber and constant begging for food. I am however , a cat lover . And I can’t stand the people that think it’s ok to hate on cats but if you hate dogs then your a horrible person. And if you hate cats, cool, I’m not gonna throw it in your face and tell you your horrible.
Venting over ..
Ashley DeFilippis • Sep 18, 2019 at 5:28 pm
Even though this article is alittle old it made me feel a lot better. I am somebody that always thought I wanted a dog and so as I got older I decided I wanted a corgi and as I still live at home talked to my parents about getting one. I did soooooo much research on corgis and my parents agreed to let me get one so as I looked around I finally found I wanted it was a 3 month old corgi. We drove all the way to pa to get her and within one night of getting her I realized i couldn’t do it. The first night piper that’s her name woke me up at 530am in the morning to go
To the bathroom and as I’m sitting in my yard I had a breakdown lol and I quickly realized this wasn’t for me. I had to a talk with my mom which quickly became into me crying uncontrollably lol. I wanted to give her away I had a few people in mind that would take her but my younger sister decided to take her and wanted her and got mad when I said I wanted to get rid of her. The problem is my sister lives at my parents with me too. So I still have to see the dog everyday which at times hard lol. I just realized I’m not the biggest dog person and reading this made me realized that it’s ok lol
Angel • Sep 18, 2019 at 4:47 pm
I too dislike dogs as well as a lot of dog owners. Many dog owners seem to be incapable of generating any rationale logical thoughts. I don’t wish harm on them as I can’t stand to see anything suffer, I’m just not a pet person. I hate how people automatically assume I’m heartless or that because I dislike dogs that I must love cats. I hate the smell of animals, I hate touching them, I hate the sounds they make. I also hate the myth that every single dog owner is empathetic and incapable of doing any harm. I knew some dog lovers who would buy litters of puppies, because they liked them so much, just to starve them and throw the corpses in their shed and buy a new litter. I also knew a girl who threw her dog and didn’t care that she had broken its teeth. But you know, dog lovers are so much better and so much more empathetic than those of us who don’t care for them. 🙄
Tammy • Sep 18, 2019 at 1:44 am
I feel the exact same way the writer does… but for kids. I don’t think you’re a bad person for not liking dogs, just as I’m not a bad person for not liking kids.
Jon Thomas • Sep 16, 2019 at 11:14 am
When I was with my ex we had dogs for six out of eight years during our relationship. While I always found our rat terrier and min-pin entertaining, the level of care, attention, and responsibility canines require never ceased to amaze me. With that in mind, I should also state that I don’t like children, either, particularly toddlers; bumbling, idiotic, chaotic morons that require constant supervision, germ-riddled, smelly, and disgusting in so many ways, shapes, and forms. Conversely, I have always been a cat-person, and have been quite fortunate in that every cat I’ve ever had the pleasure to have in my life has been loving, extremely low-maintenance, and well-behaved regarding destructive habits and/or litter-box use.
I recently got it into my head (for some unfathomable reason)that perhaps I was ready to take on the responsibility of being a dog parent. No significant other, human children, or college studies to divide my attention. Five months later and I have come to the conclusion that despite not having those other distraction, dogs are just entirely too consuming of one’s time and patience, and are very much like a toddler that never grows up. I won’t say that I “hate” dogs, but will avow that I possess an intense dislike with extreme prejudice. I’m in the process of finding another home for this canine, one that will be more dog-centric and appreciates all the shit that must be picked up, grass eating induced vomit, the constant rancid corn chip smell, the intense neediness and invasion of personal space, walks in all types of inclement weather, and utter chaos they bring to a normally calm and ordered existence.
Sheena, Toronto • Sep 14, 2019 at 1:25 pm
Nick, only you know how you arrived at your senseless, impaired comment. Really? “Conservative”? You need help.
Melissa • Sep 13, 2019 at 2:39 pm
I have a dog. I will love and care for him until he crosses the rainbow bridge. That being said, I will never own another dog ever again. I have come to realize that, while I love cats, I don’t share the same positive feelings for dogs. That is not to say that I hate dogs. I like dogs. I just like other people’s dogs…from a distance…for a short period of time. I dislike the high maintenance a dog requires. I find their constant need for attention and reassurance exhausting. They seem like perpetual toddlers to me. I understand the allure of dogs and I recognize the bond that can form between a person and their dog. What I don’t get is the open hostility that happens when the phrase “I really don’t care for dogs” is uttered. I overheard a conversation recently where a man was talking to his date about how much he hated cats and “would not hesitate to shoot one if it came into my yard” Later, when his companion mentioned that she “wasn’t really a fan of dogs” the man responded with “I think there is something seriously wrong with a person who doesn’t love dogs.” She called her Uber soon after that.
Sheena, Toronto • Sep 9, 2019 at 12:59 pm
Oh, and I met this guy in Toronto and the first thing he told me on our first (and last!!!) date was: “you gotta love my dog too. It’s non-negotiable.” I never saw that shallow, idiotic bastard again. Good riddance!
Sheena, Toronto • Sep 9, 2019 at 12:55 pm
Noisemakers. Dirty. Most dog owners deserve their dirty, noisy pets. Two exceptions: guide dogs and police dogs. The rest? Noise polluters and DIRTY.
Nick • Sep 9, 2019 at 1:21 am
I bet the author of this article is conservative. It’s the only way this makes sense. Also, trash article.
steve Mishue • Sep 7, 2019 at 10:46 pm
I do not idolize dogs and I am not a bad person as a title for this article would maybe less offend someone idolizing dogs. I would like to but am reluctant to recommend this article to anyone idolizing dogs because the title is to harsh. I don’t hate dogs though they can be very disgusting. I do hate the behavior of people idolizing any animal especially a dog. Working as a building inspector for years and having family with animal derangement I can identify with many people in this article. I well know if a dog has teeth it will bite. The following is a good read for anyone respecting the bible. https://truediscipleship.com/bible-says-dogs/ A good video also https://www.facebook.com/prageru/videos
AntMike • Sep 5, 2019 at 3:42 pm
I have seven cats. They’re clean, fastidious, quiet and non destructive. I like dogs. I’m just not into them. They’re wayyyy too demanding. My kitties are part of my family and I do the best I can to take care of them. I don’t foist them upon others and they don’t, either. They may come up for a “hello” but most of the time anyone visiting they just hide somewhere. Cats are like roommates. Dogs are like children. Huge difference there.
My #1 complaint about animals isn’t about them…it’s about their OWNERS. My GF has a toy dog (Papillion). While he’s smart, he’s extremely annoying. She never trained him on anything. He barks a lot just because someone is entering or leaving the room. Sometimes I go to bed late and when I enter the bedroom, she’s sleeping and her dog barks like crazy when I enter and wakes everyone up. He barks like crazy and jumps all over people and kicks them with his rear legs to get attention when we have guests. People think it’s cute. It’s NOT. The little fucker jumps up and nips the back of my leg or my butt sometimes when I leave the house. “Oh it’s just a little nip don’t be such a baby.” Ummm..broke my skin a few times. He has a Huh pitched whine that won’t stop. She…well anyone in her family just yells at the dog to stop doing….whatever, getting into things, chasing my cats, eating their food and destroying their toys, barking, etc. There was NEVER any yelling or shouting commands at anyone until she moved in with her dog. Everywhere we go….take the fucking dog crate and all his shit along. We have a fenced yard but the little asshole squeezes out and runs around, which means I gotta go look for him. And when he barks, he’s NON-STOP until he gets what he wants.
Then her DAUGHTER has a medium sized Mutt of mixed breed. But….she can’t keep him in the new house (with fenced yard, doggy door, etc.) with her and her boyfriend because their roommate is afraid of the dog. Plus he’s bit a couple kids in the city and they required him to be tagged and identified as a dangerous animal so she can’t have him seen in her county otherwise they’d confiscate him. Plus all the fines and shit. This dog also has had NO training whatsoever. So….we got stuck with him. Rather, I did. My GF works all day in a home office and can’t really leave. So it’s up to me to let them out, feed them, pick up after them (unless they crap in her office…that’s her problem), control them, etc. This dog can be aggressive when worked up. Most of the time he’s fine but I often worry. These two just run around the house like a pair of Mexican Jumping Beans on uppers. The little one has to have a leash attached to coffee table to keep him from being a nuisance. The big one stays in her office and sleeps there. A few times the big one has also gotten out of the yard to chase a raccoon or something and I’d find him on the other side of our small town.
These dogs go apeshit anytime a car drives by the house or a deer goes by. And they shed….BAD. The big one’s fur is that stiff stuff that doesn’t come out of anything. They both STINK. When her daughter is here they let the dogs run all over the place (my cats hide) and let the big one sit up on the top of the sofa back and the top of the easy chair back. Forget me disciplining them….everyone thinks I’m being mean to them. Jesus H. Salt n’ Chips. Oh, plus the house is harder to keep clean (I work part time so I’m home a lot and I do all of the housework, yardwork and cooking) because they track in mud and if they’re not let out/walked they’ll shit or piss somewhere and I sometimes gotta clean it. We can’t just get up and go somewhere for the weekend spontaneously because….the dogs. Have to board them. Not my cats. Over my career I’ve worked 24 and 48 hour shifts away from home. They’re used to that. So I’ve been able to get up and go for 2-3 days without a problem. Plus…they take care of their own business at all times. I don’t mind policing of the littler boxes. Takes 5-8 minutes.
The problem isn’t the dogs. It’s the OWNERS. I love my GF but she IS lazy and puts no effort into her dog. She plays with and coddles him, treats him fine, but that’s it. He’s a hyper animal that would be great with a bunch of little kids. Nope. He just sits near my GF, acts up whenever a fly goes by and is all neurotic and shit when she’s gone. I get it some pets have separation anxiety. This one is bored out of its skull. I have ZERO interest in taking either dog for walks. I have too much stuff going on and, frankly, I’d rather spend the time with my kitties, brushing them and playing with them or just hanging out to watch football (three of them literally sit and watch with me).
We have a family in town that has Rottweilers and they breed them. Their dogs are always getting out and causing trouble (like killing someone’s chickens). Another guy has some bird hunting dogs with big antenna collars on them but he’s often out looking for one or more of them. Then there are a bunch of dogs that are allowed to roam everywhere. They get into the food I set out for other critters, shit in my front yard (not that my nice big back yard has all kinds of dog crap in it…..I can’t enjoy my backyard anymore). People….if you love your pets and don’t want someone to shoot them, keep ‘em corralled!!
Dog owners, in general, I’ve found, are shitheads who don’t give a fuck about anyone else. They shouldn’t have dogs because they really don’t want to put in the time, money and effort to train them. 95% of all animal/pet problems are DIRECTLY attributable to their owners. Period. Why we have so many homeless animals…people are lazy, selfish and ignorant slags when it comes to animals. There are good dog owners everywhere but man, they’re sooo hard to find anymore. I hate it when one dog goes off and every other dog in town joins in. At night.
This dog situation here has put a huge strain on our relationship. She won’t stand up to her daughter about the big dog. This girl is 29, no driver license (suspended but she can get it back if she pays up her $1800 in fines which include the dog bite fines), bought a nice $4000 car, no insurance (on ours but she is supposed to be paying her amount) yet can’t send her mother a few bucks for dog food, boarding, etc. Yes, dogs are like children. They cost money and require your time. If you don’t have both, you shouldn’t have a dog. Period.
Danny • Sep 4, 2019 at 11:34 pm
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is seriously one of the best and most spot-on essays I’ve ever read. Thank you for speaking up. So happy to know we are not alone!
May • Sep 4, 2019 at 1:53 pm
You have the right to hate dogs but you lot share something in common: shrewd difficult and false
Lmkchyd • Sep 3, 2019 at 8:40 am
Finally, I know that I am not alone in my opinion of dogs. I have rescued several and I would never see one harmed. Amish puppy mills and dogfighting are abhorrent to me. That said, I started out in life very ambivalent to the canine species. As time went on, this feeling turned to contempt. For the most part, I feel the burden of culpability lies on the shoulders of dog owners. Two of the worst being my own family members. For some unknown reason, they feel the need to bring these animals to the home of my elderly parents. My parents are frail and dislike these animals in the house. One poor dog is beyond his expiration date by several years and is obviously ready to succumb to some type of malignancy. He smells as though he is literally rotting from the inside out. The stench lingers in the house for days after he has been there. I wish my sibling would see fit to give him rest. The other one is an obnoxious, high energy, large dog who terrorizes the house, knocks people over and leaves large clumps of hair everywhere in his wake. My parents have voiced dislike for these animals in the house but my siblings insist on bringing them despite that. This seems to be the attitude of most people, that the entire world loves their dogs as much as they do. Judging from these posts, it seems that this is a newsflash, and an unhappy one at that, for these dog owners. Much of the population of the planet does not appreciate, nor enjoy the company of your dog!
To all of you canine enthusiasts out there, please keep your smelly, drooling, sniveling, servile animals on a leash and in your own home.
Pietro • Sep 1, 2019 at 11:32 pm
Train your dog to be disciplined… Just check what I found…
Chelsey • Sep 1, 2019 at 6:35 pm
Yeesssssss this is exactly everything I feel 😑😑!!! Pointless waste of space that I have to clean up after constantly(hair , poop, doesn’t listen , lies all over all the furniture and bed after constantly being yelled at NO by me) and always in my way!!!!! (my boyfriends dog ) literally the most annoying thing ever that does nothing good at all ….
Lex • Aug 30, 2019 at 5:49 pm
I cannot begin to describe how much I cannot stand my boyfriend’s 2 pitbulls and “doggo” culture in general. They are the worst. They are so vicious that when we walk them we have to cross the street if a person (and especially other dogs) comes near us. They beg for food all the time and god forbid you get up from your dinner for a second to pee or I can promise you that lovely steak you worked hard cooking will be gone. And they spite piss regularly. Even if we leave the house for 10 minutes to go to the corner store and have walked them before we left and I’m not talking little chihuahua puddle of pee. They lay about the couches and dirty them up and lick every surface in sight. He tried to have these very large smelly dogs sleep in the bed with us but I was definitely not having that. And any time his shitty dogs misbehave he makes excuses or blames other people when they get bit. Our elderly downstairs neighbor had a home health aide that was literally just opening her door and one of his flea bags bit her hard enough to draw blood and my boyfriend legitimately blamed her for walking outside when his dog was out! It’s disgusting this entitlement these delusional dog obsessed people think they have! If my son randomly bit a stranger in the street how well do you think that would go? Dog lovers, stop expecting a free pass every time your horribly trained mongrel exposes themself on one of your fellow people! If that behavior is unacceptable for people and you wanna hold your disgusting (don’t even get me started on the hygiene) animal to people standards, then do it in all aspects. You don’t get to cherry pick! And to say all non-dog lovers are heartless sociopaths is ignorant in of itself. I volunteered at shelters and let me tell you cats are just as mistreated as these abused dogs everyone has pity for. Understand I would never and have never hurt an animal as I have had both dogs and cats. But your precious pooch is no angel and their owners are not these caring understanding empathetic people just because they own a dog. Hitler had a dog too. Keep your pooch in check and train it properly and stop imposing them on everyone. If you have so much empathy, have it for people too. And honestly, I very much believe that these “dogs are better than people” nuts definitely have no concept of a complex human relationship and are so lazy and selfish that it’s easier for them to have a relationship with an animal that has no choice but to love you. Dogs are food driven scavengers by nature ( why nature? They are man made and not even natural creatures!) so of course they don’t generally bite the hand that feeds. To me dogs are nothing but a sad emotional crutch. My boyfriend’s dogs are 12 now and I count the days until I dont have to deal with either of these horrible burdens anymore. We literally can’t go anywhere because no one will watch them. It’s really straining our relationship and we’ve been together for 5 years. I feel like I’m just wait out nature to take it’s course. Thank you so much for this article. It made me feel not so alone.
Dog hater in Australia • Aug 30, 2019 at 3:57 am
I’ve only recently discovered my burning hatred of dogs. I made the mistake of moving into a share house with friends, who all lived together previously with their massive rescue dog.
I hate that dog so much. His barks resemble bombs going off, they’re so loud. And he barks incessantly at every person he doesn’t know.
Our neighbors love being in their yard, which means he’s constantly barking at them. We’ve tried putting a fence up to stop him from getting to that side of the yard but he’s so massive he just either rips it up from the ground or jumps over it.
Apparently because I share a house with that fucking dog, I have to help pay for all of his shit. I didn’t adopt him, why the hell do I have to pay for him?
I’ve not told them yet but I’m moving out when the lease runs out. Fuck that dog.
An Urgent Message to all DOG parents • Aug 27, 2019 at 4:30 am
I’m not sure if I hate dogs or not. I guess to each their own. However, I know for a fact, most dog owners I meet, I personally do not like at all. And it took me a couple decades to piece this together from honest observations.
I don’t appreciate how dog owners assume that you will be comfortable with their dog as they are.
Dear dog people, this is not the way things work, maybe you are used to your dog, but remember I’m not! and other people are also not used to your dog! Respect that!
You don’t know my history, phobias, allergies, tolerances, experiences with dogs, so BE RESPECTFUL for once, and ASK if it’s okay BEFORE your dog approaches me and invades my space.
Dog people, learn to be a responsible dog parent, it is absolutely rude to allow your dog to run up to another person. I often hear a tag on a random dogs collar jiggle, only to turn around and watch some random dog charge me while i’m outside, having a disrespectful idiot dog owner stand and watch like some incompitent dolt.
NO! Bad Dog Parent! BAD!
Dog people, understand that it’s RUDE of you to allow your dog to climb on me, or sniff my private parts, or any parts of me. I don’t want my shoe laces chewed on and tugged, and I don’t want your dogs drool on my shoes or pants, I don’t want my hands licked.
And for the love of the dog creating god,… Dear dog people, shut your obnoxious sounding gibberish yapping barking dog up, no one wants to hear it, daytime or night time, its bark is punchy, obnoxious and loud, hurts our ears, and causes anxiety to people around.
Shut up! Stop making excuses for your dog, and stop expecting people to be understanding towards your dog. Im not going to be understanding at all. I don’t walk up to random people and sniff their crotch, climb and jump on them, harassingly shout at them, startling them for no known real reason, shed hair and foul smelling skin oils on them, leave brown stains on carpets, drooling and slobbering on them, chewing on their belongings, and take a dump on their property.
Dear dog parent, or whatever the dog absorbed delusional thing you have morphed into, stop buying those service dog patches. People are able to tell when a dog is focused and trained, and when its not. Dog people who have attempted to pull this off are deceitful liars and Its not a far fetched idea to wonder why you dog people think humans are so bad, its your guilt! Dog people, you’re right, humans do suck worse then your dog, but remember the decline of humanity all begins with you as a contributor in your own head. You see, I don’t care if you Love the dogs that use you for your food, time and money. It’s not like they’re able to move on without you, trade you for another owner. Im sure they would if they could. They can’t tell you what they really think, its only how you interpret what you think they are feeling, doing, or “saying” to you, so of course its “unconditional love”. I don’t judge you for that.
Thats how life is, whatever you invest in, and how well you learn what you’re investing in, and how to properly use it, the proper timing of when to use it, that’s what gives you the most fulfillment, love, and richness in life.
But hey Whatever floats your boat dog parents. Just because you believe in restricting travel, and investing your time, money, and convert your home into a dog toilet, doesn’t mean you need to force your delusional dog beliefs on others who still have some sanity left in them.
Dear Dog people, understand and come to peace that Other people have different goals in life!
Don’t call non dog lovers cruel or insensitive for choosing to spend their time, money, efforts, and sanity elsewhere.
Dear dog parents, stop being judgmental sacs of excrements. I was attacked by dogs different times of my life, early as the age of 7. I suffered because of dogs and it robbed my life of joys. Who the hell are you to judge anyone? Learn how to respect other people unlike yourself that is, if you’re able to break free from the dog absorbed narcissistic closed minded mindset.
Im by default the most loving, and chillest person, but how dog owners have disrespected my space and freedoms with their arrogance and ignorance, it callused me towards dog owners. I hope dog lovers who read this little bit. I haven’t even scratched the surface of how you guys appear to sane people of the world, but I did mention just a handful of observations laced with my frustrations at why I don’t like dog owners. If you’re that rude, arrogant, and disrespectful, and are raising a uncontrolled dog that’s as much as a dolt as its dog parent, then I don’t care who saved who.
Jesus • Aug 26, 2019 at 12:48 am
Maryellen King • Aug 25, 2019 at 12:18 pm
HOORAY!!! I was just on my morning walk when I had to step into the dangerous street to allow a woman with 3 hyper, barking dogs to continue on the sidewalk. I din’t want to get bit. I resent paying taxes and having to endanger myself walking in the street or risk getting bit. I said angrily to her, “Dogs mean more than the humans?” They were on leashes, but come on, sidewalks are NARROW. I have always been a cat person and have been expected to tolerate “I hate cats” comments and all the mean jokes at the cat’s expense. Let’s compare to dogs, 1) not smelly, 2) bury their poop, 3) quiet, no barking, 4) don’t attack visitors, most run and hide, 5) don’t need to walk them, etc! Insecure people hate cats because they don’t drool and beg for attention when you show up. Cat is an ideal animal if you want a four-legged fury friend. This recent obsession with bringing your dog everywhere is getting to me. I figure after enough bitten people, when the lawyers are done, the pendulum will swing the other way. If you don’t like dogs, take heart, this too will pass. Meanwhile, is there a group I can join?
Eve • Aug 23, 2019 at 7:28 pm
Terry Butler, I absolutely agree with you that the title of man’s best friend should go to the noble, most beautiful animal in the world – the horse. My absolute favorite animal. Majestic.
Tim McCauley • Aug 22, 2019 at 10:34 pm
If you hate ANYTHING, you are a horrible human being.
Rxshana • Aug 22, 2019 at 3:49 pm
Hooray for your article. I couldn’t agree more. To all those irrational dog owners who are busy anthropomorphising your dog: I don’t want to pet your dog, I don’t want it slobbering on me, I don’t want it jumping on me, keep it out of my yard and it’s certainly not coming in my house. It’s a dog, not a person. It’s not a fur baby and it’s not a child. What is wrong with you guys? Stop taking your dog into stores. Leave it at home. You bought the thing, you deal with it and stop making it my problem. I’m tired of my tax dollars funding public dog parks because you selfishly bought a dog that you can’t provide land for. It’s your problem, not mine.
Dog Hater • Aug 22, 2019 at 1:54 pm
This was worth the multiple scroll to also be a dog hater. They piss me off, everytime I want to go for a walk or run, owners just let them up to me.
Kay • Aug 21, 2019 at 10:00 am
100% respect for service dogs and their masters – they don’t cause trouble, and their masters keep them on a tight leash.
It’s the hyperactive leapers and barkers I can’t stand, like when owners say their growling pit-bull “just wants to play”, or expecting you to pat their butt-ugly puppy.
Michael • Aug 19, 2019 at 5:42 pm
“…it sounds to me you are one of those fucking sick bastards who go out of there way to watch them hurting, simply because you have been bitched all your life… IM VISUALIZING STABBING YOUR FUCKING EYES OUT YOU DIRTY WEE PRICK,”
Is this an example of the much heralded ‘empathy’ that those of us who don’t care for dogs can only hope to imagine? I think I’ll stick to being a cold, unfeeling husk of man. You can have all the eye stabbing, supposed emotional superiority, and bizarre grammar, P. Cair.
Terry Butler • Aug 19, 2019 at 11:04 am
Certain dogs are fine, they can be useful for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings, as guide/companion animals etc. But what I dislike is the dog dirt on pavements in my neighbourhood, the damn pooch in a nearby house that seems to bark all day long at every sound and the owners who will not tolerate any criticism of their precious four-legged friends. Annoying, smelly, needy creatures. As for being man’s best friend, well in my opinion that title goes to the noble horse.
Kristin • Aug 16, 2019 at 5:35 pm
Thank you so, so much for this. It really is an amazing article. I couldn’t agree more with everything that you said but especially the part about diversity. You’re right, society automatically judges you based on stereotypes and it’s absurd. We all have different likes, dislikes but that just makes us human.
Growing up, I always wanted a dog but when I got one, I realized that animal didn’t bring me any joy whatsoever. More of an annoyance than anything. Throughout the years, I became more bothered by them and now I’d rather not deal with them or ever own one again. I don’t have anything against dog people, either, but personally, dogs are not for me.
It’s so great to read through all these comments and know I’m not alone. Everyone that I know is a “dog person,” and they can’t seem to grasp the idea that I’m not.
Junie • Aug 15, 2019 at 1:11 pm
Yes. I am so over this whole my dog is my baby business. It’s annoying. I don’t particularly hate dogs / animals…but they don’t freakin belong on my bed, living room, everywhere! I think its gross. They belong outside. It is overwhelming how ppl act towards these dogs.
Anyone knows of a support group for spouses/partners, family, friends stuck with an obsessive dog lover in their life??? My hubby n I have issues cuz I dont let dog on our furniture or past the living-room. Cuz I leave him outside in the yard instead of inside the house all day! Its crazzy. I need someone to vent and get advice from.
P. Cair • Aug 15, 2019 at 1:19 am
U hate dogs, Did they ask you to like them ? It doesn’t make you look hard not given them a pat or that , plus why the word hate , it sounds to me you are one of those fucking sick bastards who go out there way to watch them hurting, simply because you have been bitched all your life ,and it’s easier taking it out on helpless animals, also I noticed your bit above to respect your hate of animals when leaving comments, IM VISUALIZING STABBING YOUR FUCKING EYES OUT YOU DIRTY WEE PRICK,
Natasha • Aug 14, 2019 at 4:49 am
I really enjoyed this article. I SO, SO wish private dog ownership was totally banned. Working dogs are all right I suppose … though I have heard of police dogs attacking the wrong person, just some bystander, instead of the fleeing criminal… and I read about a guide dog leading one blind man over a cliff!
I just loathe these filthy creatures. I see them for what they are – unnatural, man-made animals that are foreign on our landscapes. They are freaks who couldn’t survive in the wild. They are also predatory animals that dog owners have to work hard to ‘train’ and ‘socialize’ and make fit for human society, an ongoing business that an owner can’t let up on. Humans fashioned these unnatural beasts for their own pleasure and vanity and use and look at all the problems that have resulted. Our society is overrun with these revolting creatures.
To the people who write in angry about the comments, and calling those who hate dogs names, why do you come here and read this kind of article? You should know what you’re going to get, with a caption like this article had. Why do you comment here? Do you think you’re going to change our minds? We have the right to our preferences, our likes, dislikes and yes, hates!
Why don’t dog fanatics just stick with dog-worshipping sites and forums and comments, and let those who can’t stand dogs have their place to vent and get support from others who feel (rightly) as they do!
Eve • Aug 12, 2019 at 2:38 pm
I detest dogs. They eat their own crap and vomit. There was a neighbor who had a dog that would bark day and night non-stop. I would call the police and the hotline and nothing was ever done. I felt that I was literally losing my mind. After a year the barking stopped, he probably got rid of the dog. Whenever I tell people that I do not like dogs they look at me as if I am not human. Give me a freaking break! I do not want an animal licking his ass, eating crap and vomit and then licking me. So don’t look at me as if I am not human. I like different animals but cats and dogs I do not like.
Eve • Aug 11, 2019 at 8:43 pm
I HATE dogs! They are filthy creatures who eat their own crap and vomit. There was a neighbor who had a dog that would bark day and night. I would call the police and the hotline and nothing was ever done. I felt like I was literally losing my mind. After a year the barking stopped, don’t know if he gave the dog away. When I tell people that I do not like dogs they look at me as if I am not human. I just don’t understand this obsession with these filthy animals. Thank God that I am not alone.
Helen • Aug 9, 2019 at 4:08 am
I hate dogs too. I even do not find puppies cute. I find many other animals cute and want to pet them. But dogs…never.
Rory • Aug 6, 2019 at 11:37 am
It’s absolutely fine to be indifferent to dogs and just not want them near you or don’t find them cute ect. But what I find odd is how much hatred you have for something that has never purposely set out to do you wrong…
I’m sorry your family were stupid enough to get a dog like that without doing actual research, though.
Jenny • Aug 5, 2019 at 12:35 am
I am literally in tears right now 😅 While reading your article, I couldn’t relate more. Feels good to know I’m not the only “freak” that likes dogs from far away. Thank you for sharing this! 🙂
Darren Tudor • Aug 4, 2019 at 4:40 pm
At last, like yourself I detest dogs. They smell and the owners believe you have a black heart and will die in a pool of flames if you don’t go ahhhhhhh when you see a poxy poodle or a Cockerpoo crossing the road. As a young child my family had a dog that never left me alone, pestered me with its jumping around and constant barking. Many years later a yappy Yorkshire terrier savaged my ankle (drew blood) whilst I delivered Sunday papers. The owner said “Its never normally like this, did you annoy it”. Well I must have annoyed it when I walked down the street and opened your gate (the usual mad things paperboys do). So I say hooray to you for an article I can relate with, maybe just maybe dog owners should respect the fact that some people do not like dogs, instead of letting them sniff and approach people with those stupid bloody leads that let their obnoxious little parasite walk 5 miles in front of them.
TM • Aug 1, 2019 at 6:00 pm
I really don’t like dogs I think it’s nasty when people let dogs pee and poop in they house and not have a problem. I don’t like nor want them in my house period, or on my furniture. They stink even after a bath and I do not like them around my child.
Carrie • Jul 31, 2019 at 6:01 pm
It is a breath of fresh air to read I am not the only one that doesn’t care for dogs. I won’t say I hate them because that is far from true, but they would be my last pet of choice. I am a bird person and also love cats. I have to agree with the others on here that dogs are needy, and most of all they stink. The dog odor is the worst in my opinion. Almost every person that has a dog in there house, I can smell it the minute I step through the door. It’s like smelling dirty feet. The fact that they will go outside and roll in dead animal, eat poop, lick there butt holes and then try to lick a persons face makes me want to puke. Small ankle biting dogs drive me nuts with there constant yipping and growling like they are tough. I often feel that some of the things that make me dislike dogs are the fault of the owner. I have been around dog owners who’s dogs don’t have a strong, fowl odor and are pretty well behaved simply because the owner takes the time to bathe them and teach them not to constantly jump and get in peoples faces. On the flip side, there are other dog owners who are just plain lazy at taking care of there pet. Those are the ones with the dog stink in there house, hair everywhere, etc. I also agree that a lot of dog owners seem to think they are entitled to take there dog everywhere, and just assume its ok. I have had boyfriends and friends think they could just bring there dog right over to my house knowing that I have 2 free roaming pet birds. Um, hell no! The dirty looks they gave me when I told them they couldn’t bring there dogs in my house because of my birds was priceless! Sorry but my birds live here, your dogs don’t. One friend literally opened my front door and just set her dog free in my house without asking me and it almost got one of my birds. I mean, would they like it if I took an animal that would harm there dog into there house without asking? I bet not.
Negan • Jul 31, 2019 at 2:47 pm
Nah, you actually are a horrible person. Only sociopaths don’t like dogs. I definitely wouldn’t trust you.
Negan • Jul 31, 2019 at 2:45 pm
Nah, you actually are a horrible person. Only sociopaths don’t like dogs.
Robert • Jul 28, 2019 at 10:46 pm
So here is my view though most will not like it. 1. I have had dogs all my adult life and will as long as I am able to age wise. We do not approach other people, I work from home and control barking and we also dislike dogs roaming around without leashes as it is a pain and dangerous. 2. I really do not care if you like dogs or not. However, I am not obligated to like you or socialize with you or approve of your views. Don’t be my friend, come to my home, ask for my help…. pretty clear. 3. Why a person who does not like dogs would date someone who does is beyond me. If I was clear on owning dogs etc and went on a date and got some of the stuff I have seen here or by the author I would ask for the check, take my food to go and let my date get an Uber or Lyft as they were lying to themselves and me and wasted my time and money. I had a few who tried the old well I can change him and he will and they got the boot. 4. If someone commented on my spending on my dogs medical needs etc I would tell them to sod off as it is my money. I earned it and I will choose how I spend it. 5. I tend to be the employer these days. So if I decide to have a dog friendly workplace you can choose not to apply. I am the one who took the risk. Go find a job where you will fit in. I taught martial arts and always had my dogs playing. Don’t like dogs don’t train with me. 6. If I know you hold the views like some folks here and I see you being assaulted or in need even though I could help I have no legal requirement to do so…so I would not. 7. If one of my friends has passed and I am grieving and you tell me to get over it or some other stuff you will find yourself dealing with a person who took being called implacable and remorseless as a compliment. 7. and finally.. Get in my face about this stuff in the real world and I will shred you verbally. Try to hurt my friends, raise a stick etc and I will use decades of skills to defend myself and them within the letter of the law which leaves a lot of room. I don’t care about your hate as being a Jew plenty of folks hate me for that. Try to act on it and a good time will not be had.
Vonny • Jul 28, 2019 at 3:52 am
Thank you for writing this! My husband does not understand me right now this feeling has been going on with me for 2 years now. I feel like his dog is going to break our marriage thank you for posting this no one understands me.
Matt • Jul 25, 2019 at 11:03 pm
Yes! Thank God that this was written. I hate cats, birds, snakes, snails, and everything else that shouldn’t be owned from wild habitats. But, above all else, I…HATE…DOGS.
Molly • Jul 25, 2019 at 1:14 pm
Ive watched a dog drink out of a toilet and a few seconds later go in and lick his owner’s face…chilling
Mindy • Jul 25, 2019 at 12:46 pm
I agree with you even though i have a small dog myself! I like them, yes, but not all of them! I work as a pediatric home health nurse and have been in several homes where they have several large dogs. They were mostly disgusting with hair everywhere, they stink bad, chewed up toys and so many things that cost money, pooped, urinated, vomited slobbered, and must i go on..?! They were always in my way, and at my feet and literally up my butt! Ive tripped over them alot. I worked in one household with children in wheelchairs and they had 3 golden retrievers. The one was super old and had trouble getting up from laying. I would have to get on my hands and knees and scoot her across the floor or i couldnt get by with the wheelchairs to do my job! Must i add that after touching her my hands smelled like rot i swear! How unsanitary! My biggest problem i had that i completely despised was when i would eat my lunch! They would go nuts! Always sit there staring at every bite with their heads way too close for comfort to my food and they would salivate! Disgusting! Like i want to see and smell them while im eating! Uggghhh! I would get so pissed! I had to literally fight and tackle them to get them out of the room! I dont think all dogs are this way, but you need to teach your dog to know where their place is in a household! They also need to be cleaned after human home can become a nasty dog house quick! Dogs are intelligent creatures and can be taught to be “respectful” so to speak, just like humans! Most dog lovers hold their dogs right up there with people, so shouldnt they be taught discipline and manners just like people too?
Ashley • Jul 22, 2019 at 8:59 am
This article is so validating. I do not enjoy being around dogs and I’m disappointed when dog owners simply assume I’m ok with being licked or touched by their dog. If it’s in their house I accept that I’m in their home, though still it seems reasonable to put the dogs away when there’s company. But when it’s a public place and their dog is invading my space, and they just laugh and do nothing because they think I’m enjoying it, I’m confused. I wouldn’t tolerate this from a child or another person so why would I want it from your pet. I now use “how do you feel about dogs” as a screening question for dates. Tells me a lot.
Alex J • Jul 22, 2019 at 12:33 am
What really pisses me off is when dog nutters ( people grotesquely obsessed with their mutts) spew these insane tropes: “If you don’t like dogs you’re a heartless sociopath”, ” If my dog doesn’t like you, then you must be a bad person” , ” I trust my dog’s instincts about people”… Um, WTF??? Do you shitbeast lovers realize that Adolf Hitler himself was a devoted dog lover?!? And his dogs never ran for the hills due to their master’s evil deeds. Jeffrey Dahmer loved dogs FFS. Most dogs are about as intelligent as the shit piles they leave on every surface ( then promptly eat, then vomit, then eat again ad infinitum). Look, I don’t really give two shits if you love your dog, that’s fine and all. But, don’t foolishly expect everyone to glorify your mutt. Perfectly nice, wonderful people have their reasons for not liking your dog and not wanting to come in contact with it. Whether it be fear, allergies, hatred, indifference, anxiety etc it should not matter! Respect people who don’t want your mutt near them! Fuck dogs, but most of all fuck their entitled owners and their rampant misanthropy!! Humans first!
Lt w • Jul 18, 2019 at 10:22 am
Also, i sadly see here that many people are afraid of voicing their opinion about dogs. Fear not! I have been doing it for years, and the process has allowed not only to stay away from those creatures as much as possible, but also get rid of most people i didnt want anything to do with in the first place (not all, there are Indeed some worthy dog owners).
I guarantee your life will be better. You dont even have to be rude, just a “dogs? Not a fan” will do wonders.
Lt w • Jul 18, 2019 at 9:32 am
I despise dogs because they are biological abominations that should not even exist. People that get offended because some people don’t like those filthy lame creatures should not exist either.
Nah • Jul 17, 2019 at 9:42 pm
Maybe you’re just not ready for a dog yet. It’s not a dog’s fault most of the time – although I’d say you’re lucky to have a good dog that doesn’t suffer from previous abuse or have behavioral problems. I think you might not like dog, but you hate people who’re extreme dog-owners – I get that. But don’t put it on the dogs – please, I never imagined I could be cozy with a dog in the past, and now I love my puppy like my own baby. He really changed my perspective. Just hope people respect the fact that it’s ok to view dogs as equal to people – I don’t like human babies but my puppy is my baby, and I have the same reason you have against dog. And if I have to, I’ll protect my dog like a family member.
Cody Carson • Jul 17, 2019 at 6:14 pm
i hate all pets but i hate dogs the most. they are the most useless creation ever to come into existence and serve no purpose other than to fill the emotional voids of weak pathetic people. it sickens me to my core the adoration people have for dogs, and pets in general, these creatures are abominations and are scum and the owners of them are scum too. they all deserve to be removed from existence, i would support a massive domesticated animal genocide and if it weren’t for the societal norms and status quos of the current world paradigm i would be personally be killing every single one of these abominations without remorse. **** them to hell and **** all you ******* owners just as much. pets are weak pathetic dependent useless and worthless and are an exact reflection of the humans who own/condone their existence. indescribable is the totality of my hatred for domesticated animals that i might as well stop typing because it is impossible to convey how much i hate them. pet owners go jump off a bridge or jump in front of a moving train and do the world a favor…. and yourself.
Bruce Almighty • Jul 16, 2019 at 6:13 pm
Henceforce, all domesticated dogs are to be destroyed without reserve! To those individuals that are incapable of forming any meaningful human companionship and need a dog as an emotional slave, you are also to be eradicated!
Stacey • Jul 16, 2019 at 9:51 am
I get overwhelmed by too much energy for too long, and most dogs are exactly that. I met one dog in my life that I actually loved, and he was more like a cat. He was a huge mix breed, and he would come around once in a while and present himself for attention, but would do so in a non annoying way. I actually let him get on my bed, and would lint roll the hair away because I loved him so much. Here is a question for those of you that have dogs. When someone comes over to your house, do you just let your dog jump all over them? I went to a potluck once where there were a group of people that didn’t really know each other, and the host just let her dog run wild and jump all over everyone, including a lady that had a hurt leg that she had propped up on a chair. I was the only one who tried to keep the dog from doing this to my friend. No one else said anything about it, they just dealt with it, and acted like they liked the dog. I know I wasn’t the only one who was annoyed. Why is it socially acceptable to allow a dog to infringe on someone’s personal space? I get that they live there, and we don’t, but I don’t think anyone whether person or animal should have the right to infringe on my personal space.
Chris • Jul 11, 2019 at 1:17 am
You are definitely not a warm person. You need to look in the mirror and re assess your cold blooded statement. Dogs are the friendliest creatures on Earth. Much more so than out human counter parts. If they are too much work for you the same could be said about your own family if you have kids or your home maintenance etc. Life is what you put into it. A dog wants to be your best friend, that is worth the extra effort of caring.
Kathleen Sweetser • Jul 6, 2019 at 1:51 am
When I stayed with my son and his girlfriend I had a strong reaction to their dog. It was allowed to sit on the lounge and even the cushions. There was nowhere to sit that was clean. I ended up at the doctors twice for meds. They have no children and treat their animals like their children. They put them first. On the last day when our daughter-in-law took the dog in the car and left us at home we left and won’t be staying there again. Dogs smell and make many people sick but they are still treated better than visitors who are told if you don’t like our dog don’t come. So rude!
I would never treat guests like that. The dog should be kept away from the guests unless a prior arrangement was made.
I did have dogs but they lived outside not in the home on beds and furniture. Nowadays they have become humans but they are not and the rest of us have to like it or lump it.
Neighbours allow dogs to bark and annoy everyone. I think councils have culled them in the past and they may do so now without advertising that they do. They should not be on beaches and in parks unless a designated area has been set aside for them. Rules need to consider everyone not just stupid dogs and their stupid owners who think it is their right to flaunt their smelly babies on us all.
michelle • Jul 4, 2019 at 11:05 am
I LOVE (MOST OF) YOU!!!! This thread is amazing. I’ve been terrified of dogs since before I could even walk, and my parents kept trying to throw them in my face to “get me over my fear” and went as far as getting a dog to “get me over it”. Spoiler alert: their forcing the issue has only made it worse, and me that much more resentful. Doesn’t help that they didn’t defend me when relatives’ dogs actually bit me and the other kids when I was younger.
Besides being afraid of biting and scratching, I find dogs overstimulating to the nth degree. The jumping (ouch), the licking and slurping (ewww), the smell (ugh). I’d be more than happy for someone else to enjoy their own dogs, but my experience is that nearly all dog owners will try to force their dog on me “because my puppy-wuppy is so SPESHUL and will cure you instantly!”. I’d love to get to a point where I can legitimately be happy for someone who gets a dog, but instead I end up in a panic attack because they’re likely to force it on me or get offended that I’m afraid. (Which begs another question – why do people actually get offended at someone else’s fears? I don’t get offended when someone is terrified of something I like, so why should they get offended that I’m afraid of something they like?)
Dog person • Jul 1, 2019 at 9:07 am
I have mixed opinions on dogs cause like people, you got your good ones and your bad ones. But I generally like dogs more than humans cause they don’t get offended when you call them whiney shite talkers like humans do. They accept whatever you give them cause as long as you feed them, they love you unconditionally. Meanwhile humans tend to make you work for everything little emotion or action from them, otherwise your a freeloader or ‘taking advantage’ or weird or whatever else they feel like judging you as. Humans like to judge, and this whole article is a great example of why I tend to dislike humans. Dogs don’t judge, they only experience and move on. My motto is Dogs love, Humans Judge.
Now, I do NOT like a dog that doesnt have any sort of training and only purpose in life is to be ‘cute’ and take up resource. When I got my dog, first thing I did was teach her how to identify and hunt. Being someone who knows how to clean meat, its nice to have food brought to you on random outings. I also taught her a healthy bought of mannerism as she only bathrooms outside, she rarely barks, she bows in gratitude, I can’t even get her to jump on me when I want her to, and I can leave a plate of sausage out overnight without fear of thievery. She can even point at stuff and basically tell me to look at something with her body.
Then comes in my boyfriends dog with NO training what so ever. This bloody dog leaves the biggest shite’s on the floor, will whine and jump on you for attention, sounds like a pig and worst of all STEALS FOOD!! (Thats like my biggest peeve with dogs, like I will destroy a thieving dog so quickly) And its not like he’s a puppy! He’s a spoiled 3 yrs old (27-30 human uears) Cocker Spaniel that my boyfriend refuses to unindulge. And has greatly changed my attitude on dogs to one a bit more fair I feel.
So like people, you have your good ones and bad ones. Dogs with jobs or that participate in sports and competitions I have great respect for as they are great examples of what a dog can and should be like and a healthy human/dog relationship is. But dogs that exist purely to sap up resources, like the human counterparts that get them (author) and then refuse to teach them anything meaningful (yet feel entitled to get mad whenever they act up), are plagues that need to wiped out to free up space for those actually willing to teach and be taught. Dogs are like young children, they only know what you teach them. If you don’t teach a toddler to use the toilet, can you really get upset if it pees on the floor?
Arla • Jun 30, 2019 at 6:19 pm
Finally! I have found people who hate dogs as much as me! They’re nasty, they’re a nuissance, and presently I have to live with two of them.
I love my man, but I hate his dogs. One eats feces and used condoms and the other snores so loudly that I have to lock myself in my bedroom just to escape the noise.
I love our home, but hate that I have to share it with these two Boston Terriers. Every day I fantasize about their demise. They are 13, so they might actually live another three years! What can I do? They are bringing out the worst in me and I don’t know if I can control my hatred and resentment.
Dreaming of a dog-free life….
Fer • Jun 20, 2019 at 7:59 pm
Agree!!! I am so over the “give yourself the chance to be loved unconditionally by getting a pet”. I’ve had pets, I don’t enjoy it. I don’t hate animals, I think they are cute, but I don’t enjoy their company that much and definitely don’t enjoy them depending on me, poor guys! I don’t enjoy having to get home early because the god need a walk, I don’t enjoy picking up the poo or cleaning the cat litter, I don’t enjoy the hair everywhere (I shed my own share of hair and I annoy myself XD)
That on the other hand doesn’t make me the worst person around! I know a lot of people that claim that animals are better than people and those same folks say hurtful stuff, backstab, are mean to others, indifferent to other people’s needs… thinks I’d consider “bad”. So let’s live and let live 😀
Luca • Jun 18, 2019 at 7:21 pm
Wow until now I thought that all girls were in love with dogs and if you don’t like a dog then there’s no hope of a date. I was never fond of dogs; not that I hate them, I just don’t want anything to do with them. I’ve also been scorned by many for not having one or simply not liking them. What can I say, they’re not for me.
zeena • Jun 18, 2019 at 2:55 am
I have tried for years to understand why I don’t like dogs or cats. puppies are cute then they grow into ugly dogs… smelly.irritating..poop everywhere…pee everywhere..locking their bits then trying to luck you too yuck!!!! they whine and look stupid.
Mary Catherine Music • Jun 16, 2019 at 3:15 pm
Ah, what a pleasant crowd of people…. The question is not about dogs, or any other pet…. It is the nuisance of personal engagement…. Animals are only dirty, smelly, and demanding, when unattended, and dismissed—by the very people who are responsible, for them….. Just like the dirty, smelly, demanding, unattended, dismissed Medicaid crowd, in Long Term Care…. Now, there’s a (homo sapien) group that is repulsuve, second only to those noxious homeless beggers, wanting to talk, getting in the way; why don’t they floss, or bathe….? No, wait—-dirty, smelly, demanding, dismissed children are the worst….. Yuck…!!! The apex is (probably) the dirty, smelly litterboxes, left unattended by a dismissive cat owner…. I can always tell ( at the door), if you have a box of feline waste, anywhere in your home, really—-the Jo Malone air sticks, just ain’t doing the job, Honey… In short, the entire business of living is quite a mess—-if left unattended, by the unengaged…… Kate Hepburn put this annoyance, toward the general “bother,” into Shakespere’s proverbial nutshell, when she opined, ” I have found 95% of Life is doing things, that you absolutely dislike—-Good, that adds starch to an otherwise weak species……
Jimi Conroy • Jun 16, 2019 at 6:34 am
Indeed, what a pleasure it is to read articles and comments from like-minded people! I’ve spent most of my life trying to get away from dogs. It’s come to the point where you can’t go anywhere without dealing with someone’s idiotic canine. For over 25 years, I lived in a neighborhood which started out nice, but eventually went downhill. I had an upstairs apartment in a four-unit, very old building. One “outfit” after another would move in and out of the house next door, and they ALWAYS had multiple dogs. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to do the right thing, so I’d go over and talk to the offenders. I’d patiently and intelligently explain to them that their barking dogs were upsetting not only ME, but the entire neighborhood. Their kids were ALSO out of control, but that’s a story for another day. The “lady of the house” told me that “dogs bark, and that’s just the way it is”. My reply was, “well, if you’d rather pay a 95-dollar fine, PER DOG, then I can always call the cops and have them ticket you”. The barking would stop completely for several days, then it’d be back to the old routine. I gave these people several chances to get with the program, but they never came around. I called the cops, and they DID ticket the “dog people”. It wasn’t too much longer before the offenders stopped making house payments and got evicted. Once they were gone, the house remained unoccupied for the rest of the time I lived in my apartment. I just purchased a house, and the neighbors were thrilled when I told them that I live a very quiet life, and DON’T like dogs. The young family that had previously lived there, had THREE mutts; two little yapping ones, and a coon hound that was chained to a steel pole. Needless to say, I “jumped” too soon in buying this place, and literally moved in on top of their filth. Had to rip up all of the carpeting due to the dogs “doing their business” inside. During the final walk-through on the day of the closing, there was actually DOG POOP on the floor in the upstairs, “Dormer” room! When I got to the bank, I gave them a HUGE dressing-down and almost called the whole thing off. I made a big mistake buying this place, but again, that’s another story. At the very least, I feel that everyone who owns a dog should have to live WAY OUT in the middle of nowhere, all together with OTHER people who have dogs. The area should be unincorporated, and walled off for the sake of those of us who prefer to live our lives in peace and quiet, and enjoy the outdoors without worrying about being attacked. I have lots of other dog stories as well, but I’ve gone on long enough. Thanks to all for letting me have my say. You may also want to check out noisefreeamerica.org. They offer stories and great advice about how to deal with problematic dogs and their clueless, and often ignorant, owners. Best regards……
Hxcp • Jun 15, 2019 at 7:42 pm
Great post, clever rant. I’ve bookmarked it.
Let’s test the iq lovers of dog lovers and dog non-lovers.
I can guess with confidence what the outcome will be, but I fear that the latter group wont have nearly enough statistical representation. Dog haters are social pariahs and everyone who is inclined to canine apathy is afraid to speak up about it.
Chris • Jun 12, 2019 at 12:26 pm
There have been several emails from dog lovers professing that the responses here by those who are not dog lovers are evil, sociopaths, incapable of love, etc., that judgemental attitude is the reason why dog loving owners are insufferable.
Having said that, dog haters with judgemental attitudes are also just as immature and ridiculous as those who make the claim that people who are not in love with dogs are somehow less than human. It is fairly prevalent for one to assume that what is important to them personally is normal and/or good, which is why if someone does not share the same affection for the same things, people tend to look at this person as being at the very least different. Difference breeds fear and misunderstanding, from way too many people.
There are many things that go into a personality, not loving dogs in and of itself does not make anyone bad, evil, cold, selfish or any of the other things that have been used to describe someone whose heart is not warmed by the thought of a dog waitjng from them to come home from work.
I mean does this even have to be said? What kind of rational adult would make such an asinine comment?
If someone wants to hurt dogs, if someone wants to torture them, that is an indication that there is something wrong, I think we can all agree with that.
But the mere fact that I am not in need of dog’s “unconditional love” marks me as some inhuman monster? I am cold and don’t have joy in my life simply because I do not love dogs? Any adult who truly believes that, well to each their own as we are all entitled to our opinion, but man, seriously, what is that? That is the thinking of a child, not an adult. If someone wants to love dogs, fine, I could care less. I do not believe that humans are above or below dogs and if someone chooses to build their life around a dog if it makes them happy, good for them. But to the several commenters here who truly believe that I am a lesser human being simply because I do not share their love for dogs, you can believe that if you want, and I won’t waste time trying to convince you differently, other than to say, you are wrong and I enjoy many things in life, just none of them are dogs.
On a slightly different point, I do have a serious question for dog lovers. The loyalty of dogs is championed by those who love them, and I am not taking that away because maybe they do care for you as much as you think, but my question is; how can you say they are loyal when they have no other option but to be so?
I mean look, it is not like dogs have jobs, or wives/girlfriends, or friends, or kids, what I mean is, where else is the dog going to go? Of course, the dog is “loyal” to you, you are its survival. The dog has no other responsibilities, nothing that requires it to be somewhere else, does this enter your mind at all?
Before all of you jump down my throat, let me reiterate that I am not claiming that they don’t love you, or that they are not loyal to you, I am simply asking that how can you be so certain they do when they have no other options?
Relationships with people are more complicated than dogs, without a doubt, but complexity is not necessarily a vice. Just because there is no way to 100% way to guarantee that human relationships will work out the way you want them too does not make dog-human relationships better, it just makes them different.
Anyway, this is the first time I have ever commented on something like this, I do so now because I am curious to see what happens.
Thank you
Heather • Jun 10, 2019 at 3:59 am
I do not hate dogs or cats but do not want to be around them or near them. For one thing I am allergic to both dogs and cats. Dogs are smelly creatures who are very annoying if they bark and keep you up all night. I could never understand the concept of keeping a dog in the house. I am from a country with a fairly warm climate and dogs are always kept outside. Besides dogs stinking, they want to lick anything. You never knew what nasty thing their tongue has been on yet dog lovers let them lick them on the face. So so nasty. I have gotten to the point where I won’t date someone if they have a dog or cat. I used to hold my tongue and pretend to tolerate a dog or cat with friends, which was miserable but now I just put it out there. If your dog come close to me he has to get the fuck away from me. Just saying. I’m glad I’m not alone in my distaste for dogs .
Mike Benson • Jun 9, 2019 at 11:15 am
My sister has two dogs and personally I do like dogs BUT they really do smell and are dirty. Whenever they come in to the house from outside, their paw prints are all over, not to mention their hair. In the summer, they smell especially bad. I think it’s a good thing that some dog lovers give their dogs unconditional love; however, please be respectful and considerate to others who are not crazy dog lovers. You can be a crazy dog lover just like others can also be a non dog lover.
Lynn weston • Jun 6, 2019 at 10:41 am
Wow , I am so glad you dog Hater’s don’t live near me, I am so sickened by your comments, I guess I was trying to understand your sought, why use word hate , I have always rescued Collie’s they don’t smell or lick faces, they are intelligent and have a great sense of humour, I have never shared my home with a cat but to use the word hate is something I would never say. I also don’t push my dog onto others and the person who says he is fat because he can’t jog in park, my dog in park is only off his lead to play ball in the parts where it is dog friendly, I am very respectful of others and know not all humans like dogs, you are right on one comment free speech, yes ok but not the word HATE I have never had children and my siblings have and most of them where spoilt and screamed when didn’t get there own way ,just because they gave me headache doesn’t mean I HATE them.
Andrew • Jun 6, 2019 at 1:22 am
Going to share some facts here. Believe what you want to believe, but this goes to show the reality of the situation. They did a poll lot too long ago. They asked married couples that if they had to choose, would they give up their spouse or their pet? 50% said that they would give up their spouse in favor of their pet. Now that’s terrifying. When did animals start replacing human connections? I had a really hard time believing it myself until I started to look into it further. The more I learned, the more I realized that people have lost their way. I’ve read countless stories of people leaving their significant other in favor of their dog. Some of the reasons included their significant other having allergies. Others were because the primary dog owner didn’t respect their significant other’s need for space and rules. Stuff like not having the preference to have the dog sleep in the bed with the couple, or not letting the dog on the couch. So they left their spouse or significant other for these reasons. It’s alarming to say the least, to learn how dogs are now the priority over relationships and marriages, at least a large portion of them. I’m not sure how that got started but it’s sad.
Angie • Jun 5, 2019 at 5:16 pm
I don’t find them appealing at all..indifferent to them and would never intentionally harm them, but will never have a dog as a pet. I am one that believes that pets should not coexist under the same roof as humans, BUT if I ever had to choose, it would be a cat over a dog. Cats are peaceful creatures that pretty much mind their business. I have a friend who has a cat and the cat greets her when she gets home with a meow and a rub against the leg and then it goes on about its business, unlike a dog that has to jump on you and be in your personal space the moment you step foot in the door until the time you go to bed. Most people try and de-stress when they get home from work. A dog is too stimulating for me and the way my brain is set up.. I get grossed out over everything so I know a dog as a pet wouldn’t work for me. I like a clean hygienic environment,
ew • Jun 5, 2019 at 3:25 am
I never want to understand what it is like to be a dog person. Why would I? They are noisy, annoying, potentially very dangerous and consider the world their latrine! Disgusting 💩
MK • Jun 4, 2019 at 10:51 pm
I am so happy I found this forum! I stumbled across it by googling “Is it normal to hate dogs”. We decided to move with my Mother in Law while house hunting to save more…
And I hate her dog! And he knows it now! He goes right to sit down or gets it dodge when I am in sight. Prior to, when we sat down to eat dinner at the dining room table he would bark constantly! So I had to start maming him sit while we ate. Because he began to snatch food from the stove, food from my daughters hand while walking around the table and he even ate her cookie ornament she made us from school. You can tell that his behavior was a learned behavior! We’ve been here 10-11 months and he has yet to bathe. He stinks, smells like outside and his breath is HORRIBLE! So I purchased a water free shampoo…He just rubbed himself against the couch or whatever he could. Sheds terribly because he doesn’t have a brush. Could use a nail clipping. He even has a towel laid on the couch where he lays and blanket as well. And also sleeps in my Mother in Laws bed when he can hop up there because he’s getting pretty old. I just can’t. I love when he’s outside because I don’t have to see him, hear him or smell him. But he stinks more coming back in. I thought we’d get a puppy for the kids once we move. But nope! He’s eaten toys, has found snacks in my son’s backpack just to puke somewhere and lay. As a child I didn’t really hate dogs. But, uhh…I think I do. My sister has a really well trained dog, the totally opposite of this one I am currently watching sleep on the couch. He even knows German commands. However, he too seeks too much attention. Whines, cries and is very hyper.
I am not a fan of dogs. Though MIL would like us to stay here longer for the enjoyment of her grandchildren…As I do too, I HATE THIS DOG!
Ellie • Jun 4, 2019 at 5:59 pm
It’s really nice to find that others feel the same way about dogs as I do, I’m SICK of pretending to like them. Honestly, there really seems to be a societal taboo about disliking dogs – I’m allowed to not like dogs, that’s ok! Completely agree with the person who said that people have all kinds of fears, including a fear of dogs; tbh being afraid of dogs is quite justifiable as they can be dangerous, they are also horrid, smelly noisy s@#ts! Guests came over today, with their dogs and completely terrified my cat, who ran off and I don’t know if she will come back; I’m really upset, worried & the guests didn’t even say sorry, just that I was lucky the dog didn’t bite or hurt the cat; really typical selfish, single-minded dog owners, they’re in-laws & I just have to put up with their horrid dogs; my husband wants a dog and seriously I am NEVER living with a dog, he can have one but he can go and live with it without me. Also, I totally sympathise about the barking – our next door neighbour has a dog and they just leave it out to bark and poop all over their lawn, they’re all disgusting, dirty, vile creatures. Dangerous dogs should be put down – if they have attacked someone that should be it – they should just have a lethal injection, before they harm or kill anyone else. Yup, I totally hate dogs – they should soo not be allowed, except service dogs, who work and are useful. Cats are clean, independent and cute!
David • Jun 3, 2019 at 9:50 pm
It is so nice to finally find people who do not like dogs. I have had my share of dogs and cats and other critters for pets and I see their value but honestly, man should be man’s best friend, not dog. They are all so nasty and smelly and the cost and emotion people put in.to them could be used so much better used to help-people. I miss having a best friend. He died awhile back. But a pet will not replace him.
I do wish there was a group I could join, so to speak, that was full of people with similar sentiment. I would like to see what their personalities are like, other than not liking pets. I am not a hater of animals or a mean spirited person. And I know I am not alone. I have forgotten what it is like to talk to people who don’t own an animal and who frankly think it is “freakish” how people treat animals like people. Anyway, there is my 2 cents. My hope is that those who are anti pet like me can find others to associate with and find solace in each other rather than a thunder vest! Please…
Candace • Jun 1, 2019 at 1:06 pm
Also, to the people who have had bad experiences with dogs… imagine the people who have bad experiences with….. people. You’re no different just because it’s an animal. We live on this earth with animals and we need to co-exist. Just like people who have been attacked by other people still need to co-exist with other people. Dogs aren’t the problem in any of your lives. If you don’t like dogs (or an animal) for any reason, you really should find it somewhere deep inside to know they belong here just as much as we do and deserve the same respect that all living things under the our sky should have.
Yes, I am a fan of dogs… no, I don’t like all dogs. Not all dogs are the same just like any individual. It’s very small minded to think one dog is the same as the next based off a couple similar or even one experience living with one (this goes for any animal). Also, how does an 8 year old even have sound comprehension on being with a large working dog for 2 years? I’ll admit, I didn’t like my family dog… she ran away any chance she got, rolled in dead animals and always stunk because of it… it didn’t help that she was ugly and had a cherry eye – heck, we had her into her teens and I didn’t cry when she passed away. But, I was a young/selfish and I enjoyed some other dogs aside from her since. My dogs now don’t stink, don’t shed, don’t lick themselves while I’m trying to sleep, don’t bark too much if not at all, they are genuinely pleasant because I did research on what BREED would fit my lifestyle because I do like dogs… just not all dogs. That’s the one major thing most people who have shitty dogs have in common… they get a dog that doesn’t fit their lifestyle or their capacity to train the dog. Ya’ll need some help. I’m not saying buy a dog or force yourself to like them (hell no, if you don’t like something no one is pushing you) but have some knowledge. Most dogs that I don’t like are owned by a person who made a poor choice and wasn’t able to give the dog the training and or the life that it needed… so it became an unruly, ill tempered, disobedient or neglected animal… which makes it hard for them to be likable because this is where most bad habits hail from. Make your own choices but don’t be a whiny fool about it.
… so can you.
Candace • Jun 1, 2019 at 12:48 pm
It sounds like the person who wrote this article doesn’t like any pet. And no, you can’t “smell” who has a dog at home. The reason why dog “lovers” don’t trust those who don’t is because it takes a special kind of person to care for something other than themselves on a daily basis… it shows compassion, commitment and for some, a fabulous excuse to leave a party early to feed the dog. It’s all there is to it and it doesn’t have to be a dog.
Martina • Jun 1, 2019 at 12:37 pm
Thank you for posting this. I loathe dogs and always have. I just don’t get the dog worship thing.
My daughter, who is learning disabled, has been barked at and lunged at from behind a fence by our neighbour’s five dogs for years now and has grown up with a fear of dogs as a result. What really gets me is when she flinches when a dog comes past us and the owner says it’s a friendly dog and brings it over! We are not interested in your dog. We don’t want the thing near us! Meanwhile my daughter is hanging on to me and burying her face in my clothes while I’m telling the owner to take it away, and then the owner gets offended.
Don’t these owners ever to stop to think that there are countless dog owners who are scared of flying (which is why they bring the things into the plane cabin and stuff anyone who is allergic, scared or doesn’t like them), scared of blood, spiders, heights, enclosed spaces and so on, yet NO-ONE is allowed to be scared of dogs and if they are, there’s something wrong with them.
Last year my daughter’s special school announced that they were going to get a school dog. I don’t think I’ve campaigned against anything with such gusto in my life. At the end of the day the governing body chose not to get the dog (alleluia) but I will forever be known at the meanie who wouldn’t let the disabled kids have a dog. The bottom line is that dogs are a personal choice and should never be inflicted on people in a communal setting.
Don’t even get me started on their excessive barking, the fear factor when some large lump with big teeth who is ‘only being friendly’ bounds over, the piles of crap and bags of it in trees and so on. Oh, and furbabies and dogs giving unconditional love (they’re not – they know who feeds them) and people who don’t like dogs being untrustworthy.
Thanks again for this article!
jay charles • May 29, 2019 at 1:25 am
Wow. I’ve never agreed with an article so much lol. I went to the lengths of muting every word associated with these piece of shit creatures on my twitter account. I’ve grown tired of people fighting over rights for these things (not saying i want to see one abused or mistreated) harder than they fight for human rights. Dogs are needy, aggravating, unintelligent, assholes who don’t know how to leave people alone. And to the people in the comments call use dog haters “sociopaths”, “bad people” and saying we don’t know what empathy is: Shut up. Please God. You’re literally proving the point of the article you idiots. We’re bad people because we don’t like this ragedy things? A dog will “love” anything that will show it attention and feed it at the time. They literally serve no purpose in the grand scheme of things, except being nasty and guzzling money. Have a child. Then you’ll experience true, pure love.
Tracy • May 28, 2019 at 1:31 pm
It is very refreshing to see that there are others out there that hate dogs. They stink,they shed,they beg and bark constantly,they drool and they are far to needy! If someone loves dogs idc that they do,but i do not think that i should have to love their dogs. I also think that dog lovers should be respectful of us who do not love dogs,such as not allowing your mutts to jump up on us,or lick us,or expect us to pet your dirty smelly dog because we do not want to. If we say please do not let your dog near me,just understand that this is what we want and that it is ok for us to not like your dog or any dogs for that matter. This doesn’t make any of us in human it makes us each individual/different from you. Diversity of opinions should always be welcomed. I am happy that i came across this and even happier to see that there are people out there that share the same feelings that i can escape the crazy dog cult world we all now live in. I am hoping that one day this crazy dog cult like insanity will go away Because #Humanlivesmattermore
Ana • May 28, 2019 at 3:23 am
I hate dogs. I hate the dog i adopted trying to fill the void of moving states and having no friends or family nearby. I want to get rid of him so badly! But my husband wants him. Im expecting and due in 2 months. And his hair is all over my damn apt. It grosses me out. To think im bringing a tiny human in this apt that has dog hair flying all over bothers me so much. To top it off he shits and pisses himself constantly. So imagine what my living room smells like. I honestly hate the thing. Seeing him makes me so mad. But im putting my husbands feelings in consideration since as a mid he never had a pet of his own they always got rid of his dogs. Lord give me the strength to put up with him. I just really hate dogs.
timy582 • May 27, 2019 at 12:02 pm
I tried to respect dog haters at one point, but they’re such rude and vile people. There’s no middle ground with them, hint, black and white thinking is for tennagers, mentally healthy adults grow out of that mode of thinking. Dogs have been partners to our society for thousands of years, just because you don’t need them anymore doesn’t mean you can verbally assault every dog owner you encounter. If dog haters weren’t constantly demanding every dog dissappear from their path in life, maybe I’d care more about your feelings, but I can’t cater to unreasonable.
Nancy • May 26, 2019 at 3:59 am
Thank you for posting this. Do you know what I don’t hate dogs I just don’t like living with them! I just moved in with my boyfriend and he brought his dog who sleeps with us in our room every night and makes a snoring sound like a pig. He jumped on my bed at 4am this morning bashing me awake. AND he will not stop following me around the house and staring at me every time I have food which he never learns isn’t for him. He also excessively licks his paws and makes this swallowing sound which makes me feel sick. I have a cat too and love cats they don’t bother me, they don’t smell and are really small AND independent to an extent unless they want food. My dog literally does my head in…. I wish my boyfriend would make him sleep in the living room on his own for just 2 nights a week. I feel so terrible saying all this because on the face of it he is a cute dog and helped my boyfriend get through a difficult time with depression but I’ve never lived with a dog and never want to again after this experience. I go to counselling (not solely for this reason lol) but my counsellor always tries to pin the hate for the dog on something else but aren’t dogs just fucking irritating without having some deep seated psychological issue?? At least I know it’s not just me… Thank you again for posting.
Bobby • May 25, 2019 at 9:54 pm
Most dog owners are the worst. Im fat and out of shape becuz dogs run rampant without leashes affecting my 3 favorite outdoor activities swimming, hiking, biking. Doing the necessary substitutes but it sucks. The best beaches, and forest trails have been taken over by dogs and their asshole owners.
Johnny Hernandez • May 25, 2019 at 5:14 pm
Thank you!
Thank you! A thousand times, Thank you!
Dogs Are Terrible • May 24, 2019 at 6:40 pm
Shout it from the highest hills! Dogs are a leading indicator of the fall of the human race.
OnMySoapBox • May 24, 2019 at 2:55 am
I am SOOO glad to meet all of you! I have felt like a horrible person for years because I literally can’t stand dogs. They snot on your pants, usually jump all over you and bark when you are trying to get in the damn door, usually carrying 50 things. They shed everywhere, they smell, and people look utterly miserable walking their dogs at 5am before work and picking up poop. I literally have purposefully not dated people that I otherwise liked because I didn’t want to deal with their dogs. They eat your panties while your having sex or sleeping or showering, they are in your face every time you try to eat something, there is literally NOTHING appealing about any of that to me. It’s a very cliche way to have company and get attention I feel like. “Oh you like dogs, that’s so weird because i like dogs too! We have so much in common!” So dumb. I have been around well behaved dogs but the majority of the time they are not. They over peoples furniture and ruining everything. I just don’t need that kinda of attention but I guess other people do. Which is fine,! But please don’t assume that I want to stop and pet your dog as im walking by and the only reason I do it is because your dog comes up to me and stops me so I have to. That sounds harsh I’m sure but this is going to sound harsher… all I ask is that if you chose to have a dog, or kids for that matter, that you keep them off and out of everyone else’s way. I would think that would be common sense but apparently it’s not. I would NEVER let my dog jump on people, or my kids scream their heads off for 45 min in a restaurant, or on an airplane. That’s your job as the person that wanted these things. If your child is sick and fussed on the plane you can’t really help that because you likely had to get wherever you are going. But you do not need to take a sick child to a restaurant. And honestly, nobody ever wants to hear a dog bark. It’s fucking obnoxious and it’s not saving you from anything because it barks every time anyone walks by or if hears anything at all so you begin to ignore it anyway. But the rest of us have to hear it still! If someone wants to get in your house, your dog isn’t going to stop him, trust me. You will likely ignore the barks because it barks at the wind all the time anyway and then the intruder will give the dog a cookie and that’s that. Clearly I’m not referring to actual trained dogs that will tear an intruders arm off, because those dogs don’t jump on you, beg for food, and bark all day long at nothing. So, to sum it up, please handle your shit so the rest of us don’t have to deal with it!
AntiDog • May 22, 2019 at 9:35 pm
I live with PTSD after being nearly killed by 2 pit bulls in my own neighborhood. Never ceases to amaze me how insensitive people are and how they are offended when their dog is not welcome at my house, nor a family picnic, or when I meet them on a trail and their @#$%$ dog is off leash and my experience is ruined, or the latest one… a restaurant, store or AIRPLANE! I don’t walk down my own street any more because the pitbull owners still have a third beast. No one cares that the other ones ran out into the street, knocked my head against the pavement and ripped flesh from my body in suburbia USA. What is beyond comprehension is how the pet industry takes advantage of people who are just plain stupid. How stupid are people who pay for products designed to hoodwink them into believing they are a good person? How stupid are people who pay for medical treatment for a useless animal when humans are suffering? How do we live in a world where you can own animals that try to kill your neighbor and you pay a $100 fine and your insurance company settles a lawsuit while you get to keep your home and your other killing machine?I dream of a world where domesticated animals don’t exist, where people value actual human beings rather than assigning human characteristics to a non human just to make themselves feel good.
dog hater • May 22, 2019 at 12:49 pm
I love this and I hate dogs from the bottom of my heart with every atom I own. I agree with everything, they stink even when you bath them. Try to let dog run around and see what he will do: he will dig the trash to eat everything that stinks, he will eat shit and carcass and roll all over that shit to get nice stink, he will look for buts to lick, he will piss everywhere, and come back to lick your face. Dog is your best friend because he depends on you. He is not able to get his own food, and he loves food more than he will ever love you, and you are his source of food so the math is clear. That is the only animal that have the “ability” to get itself food by begging. I am a cat person, but that doesn’t matter. I love all the other animals, I would help and feed a bird, a rabbit, I even had a snake and a rat, but dogs are worse than rats. Rats have the purpose in nature, and dogs don’t. Their only purpose is to be disgusting, but I guess some people love that. I saved more than 200 cats in my life, feed the homeless and give them food and clothes, but I still hate dogs, and if you still think I’m a bad person you can go stick your head back in your dogs ass.
KM • May 22, 2019 at 10:40 am
My husband has a 120 pound black lab that is very sweet. The dog also sheds constantly, tracks in dirt and smells disgusting the day after his $50 bath. I work constantly to get rid of the hair, dirt and stench, but it is a losing battle. My yard is a cesspool with brown patches of dead grass from dog piss. Dog lovers are just nasty dirty people. I am done with the dog and the man. I have to take my vacations with girlfriends because he won’t leave the dog alone for more than a few hours. This dog culture is sick, sick, sick.
Lucy • May 21, 2019 at 2:07 pm
I love love love dogs and hate people…enough said!
pino • May 20, 2019 at 3:09 am
I agree!! i think i have even grown to dislike them more since apparently most humans only “love” animals when theyre talking about a dog or pets. Almost any animal could be a “pet”
Ria Montana • May 19, 2019 at 7:47 pm
Finally! I’ve been looking for you people! I’m a forest steward and am constantly dealing with destructive dog encroachment in wild places. I started this website https://leashdogs.wordpress.com/ , wrote this essay https://veganprimitivist.wordpress.com/2017/12/02/dog-versus-wildlife/ , and invite fellow dog haters to join this site I just created https://antipets.home.blog/
Feel free to get in touch, offer submissions, and support one another in the comments section.
Susie Brown • May 19, 2019 at 10:01 am
I thought I was the biggest dog hater! The only good dog is a dead dog. They stink, they are expensive and just gross.. Pet owners need to keep them at home or go to the dog park or pet store. There is no reason ever to bring a dog to a grocery store. They are depositing hair and feces on the produce. When I see a dog I am disgusted. Please quit petting and praising dogs reinforcing pet owners to bring them out. They obviously have social issues if their best friend is on a leash.
I was recently on a cross county flight with 5 dogs on board. If a pit bull gives you comfort maybe you should be committed because it makes the rest of us uncomfortable.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Taylor • May 16, 2019 at 1:47 pm
I’m currently trapped in a car on a road trip with my best friend (not bad at all) and her huge dog (very bad) and the only thing helping me cope with the fact that, not only can I not escape from it’s smelly breath and tongue in my face every time it decides to try and climb in the front seat, I also cannot be honest with literally anyone about how much I hate dogs without being met with disgust and harsh judgment. So thanks for this! You’re not alone and everything you said about inclusion and acceptance is something I’ve thought for a while now. It’s sad that people can’t expand their acceptance of others’ uniqueness to this type of opinion.
Jim Dougherty • May 15, 2019 at 2:29 pm
Can’t stand dogs. The damned things bark and bark and bark. All these lousy dogs cost me about $700 and I don’t even own one. Had to buy two pairs of Bose noise-canceling headphones…one for home and one for work. It’s the only way I can stay sane.
Leinard • May 14, 2019 at 10:33 pm
What is the quickest, most effective and humane way to get rid of dogs? Thank you for any advice?
fatpunk bedtaker2 • May 14, 2019 at 9:36 pm
someone on here said that shelter cats don’t get abused like dogs do. baloney. cats are more abused and killed because they’re smaller than most dogs so they’re easier to harm. while i like small dogs i really can’t stand most large dogs and hate puppies. all that yapping all the time. i have never been kept awake by cats making noise at night and i have not once been bitten,snarled at or harassed by a cat while i’m out walking or riding my bike. there are all of these “studies” by cat haters who say dogs are smarter than cats. sure, cats don’t chase cars and they don’t repeatedly get quilled by porcupines or sprayed by skunks. cats learn their lesson the first time. there’s also the complaint that cats kill birds and other wildlife. well dogs not only kill the same birds “they” claim cats do but the damn things also kill raccoons, foxes, possums, geese, ducks, swans, porcupines,skunks, deer including fawns and a multitude of other wildlife. i worked with some biologists years ago who were monitoring leatherback sea turtles in Costa Rica and dogs would dig up the nests of these and other endangered sea turtles and eat the eggs. they’d also tear up the turtles. dogs kill not only wildlife but livestock like chickens, goats, sheep and will tear up anything they can get their nasty teeth on. they kill other pets too and of course humans. but it’s cute when dogs kill EVERYTHING so don’t you dare criticize them. cat people don’t train their cats to hunt like men do with their dogs so the hunting dogs will go after anything smaller than themselves because they’re trained to but everyone thinks that’s just fine. oh, and the jumping on cars and scratching the hell out of them. ugh. just nasty. as one guy i know said: dogs are only good for turning food into shit. yup!
Jacob • May 12, 2019 at 10:07 am
You people are sociopaths. Dogs are the purest things on this earth. Their love is unconditional. You want to know what is the most dangerous and disgusting animals on the planet? HUMANS! Fuck all of you dog haters. Go to hell! Every last one of you should be ashamed of yourself. When I meet a person who hates a dog, I am disgusted by them.
Robert Wyman • May 12, 2019 at 5:25 am
I stumbled upon this article written by someone who must be a narcissist or even sociopath then the comments section arrived! While I am up to my limits in hearing youth go on and on about racism and “toxic masculinity” it is worse to hear they hate free speech and the President and need safe space the out-pouring of hatred for dogs here is beyond my comprehension. It is as though everyone is in a constant battle with foul creatures dripping saliva on them but that is not so. This is a put-on right? If not then I hope never to cross paths with any of you and your wretched self-absorbed soul less forms.
The many hardships and trials of life your ancestors dealt with and thus provided you with existence today dogs were a part of. Your parents will depart and you will find yourselves older weaker and living in the shambles that were built by those who came before you, protected by dogs and firearms they had short lives and no time to spew vitriol about one of God’s creatures. Every one of you is prone to murder another person at some point and see it as a birthright. You have my fear and disrespect which means nothing to you. I no longer have anything to live for after reading this page, mindless hatred…
Joanne Frame • May 8, 2019 at 4:48 am
I find this article very interesting. I would love to explore this subject more closely. I have dogs in my life. I don’t say I love them, and they do present me with obligations that I wouldn’t have to do otherwise. Like having children, or a partner does. But I use them in my own personal development of self-awareness.
I provide a unique counselling service for dog owners, called Anubis Therapy, because the problems we have with our dogs usually reflects emotional blocks in ourselves. I agree, it’s pretty surprising, the vitriol that can arise when someone says they don’t like dogs. And it’s really interesting to see the counterbalance, of ‘I hate dogs and I’m not a bad person’.
Dogs are social by nature. They have evolved to connect with us emotionally (whether you have them in you life or hate them in your life). They actually mirror the emotional energy in people. Which is why we get the behaviours that we like and don’t like like. So it has me wondering, what is going on in a society where a growing number of people want dogs in their lives? What does that bring up for people who don’t like dogs? I’d love to hear people’s thoughts. I have a blog on https://www.houndsconnect.co.uk if you want to find out more
KK • May 8, 2019 at 12:13 am
Ugh I completely agree with all of it!! Mu husband decided to get us a chihuahua…an ankle biting, yapping chihuahua out of all dogs! And I’m not a pet person at all so it’s been very difficult living with this thing. Soooo much work and money. And the sad part is that when I brought up the possibility of having a baby, he said they were too much work and money -_- This is why I don’t understand the obsession with dogs!! There are so many kids that need adopting and people would rather spend their time and money on an animal then a human being. No wonder the world is so messed up!! The constant food hunting/stealing/ the lip smacking, the licking, always following us around, I can’t even get close to my husband without her getting in the middle of us. This dog is only 1 yrs old so we still have at least 13 to 15 years with her so I don’t know what I’m going to do…*tears* Maybe hypnosis before I go out of my damn mind.
TL • May 6, 2019 at 12:07 pm
Thank you for this article. It had to take a lot of thought and bravery to write it. I basically have the same sentiment. I used to be indifferent to dogs but it steadily grew to a dislike. Then the more I was around a hardcore dog lover I slid further down the hill. The pedestal That dogs have been placed on confuses me. I honestly feel that it is more of a crime to dislike a dog than it is to harm a child. I have only told close friends that I can’t stand dogs. My boyfriend and I had a bog fight that we almost called it quits. During the argument I added that I don’t like dogs and pointed out that maybe he should be with a ‘dog child’ mother. It’s just not in me. He swears it doesn’t matter to him but I can’t help but feel that it matters a hell of lot more than stated. I have read article after article asked therapists about it. The articles all say I am a horrible person and shouldn’t be trusted. That dog children should be put above everything in life. I have grown up with cats. I have had past relationships that the boyfriend didnt like cats. As long as he didnt beat on my cat or caused some harm to the cat, I understood. As long as it wasnt going to harm the cat, plans were made fpr me and my boyfriend. Thats how I felt it should be. But that is not a shared feeling. I understand that dogs give a lot of people a missing piece in their lives. From just having a close friend since childhood, an escape from an abusive home, a distraction from illness or pain. But i feel any animal can do that and even other humans. So why are dogs the new entity among people now? And why do people say you can’t have children if you don’t like dogs? I was reading this and people were saying you wont be able to connect with your children of you can’t connect with a dog. Is that not too far?
Snoop Dogg • May 6, 2019 at 5:14 am
Fuck dogs, just my two cents.
tf • May 5, 2019 at 3:32 am
i hate dog-haters and I’m not a horrible human being
perhaps cats are publicly hated because they aren’t social beings and they don’t want the affection that dogs do? they aren’t human companions? they’re practically just pieces of art that you have to feed and clean (i love how they pee and poop in your house). i mean, why waste time and money cleaning and feeding an animal when it adds nothing to your life? that renders a pretty meaningless relationship to me. sure, i respect that you HATE dogs… but you don’t have to bash all dog lovers. as you’re naturally not empathetic, you will NEVER understand what it’s like to be a dog person (clearly, same with the people in the comments, because a light switch doesn’t just randomly go off like that). i feel bad for you and i hope you get some type of life-changing love at some point before you die. it hurts my heart that you have so much hatred for such a loving species and im just so bewildered as to why you would hate those creatures. clearly as a kid you didn’t understand the neglect and abuse that shelter/rescue dogs face. cats don’t face the horrible abuse that shelter dogs do. the dog you adopted as a child most likely came out of an awful environment, and it’s just terrible that you didn’t have the capacity to comprehend that. all dogs want is a little love. how can you call yourself a human being if you’re not able to show compassion and empathy? to me, that’s simply counterintuitive.
tickyul • May 4, 2019 at 12:32 am
The bizarre and disturbing idolization and worship of smelly Poopgobblers in the USA just makes me shake my head in
How on earth does such a smelly, reeking, dumb, often dangerous animal reach such lofty heights in so
many Americans minds………………….beyond pathetic.
Tim soloviov • May 3, 2019 at 2:43 pm
You’re not alone; it’s disturbing how depressed and lonely dog owners are. If you’re not lonely and sad as a dog owner, then explain why you’re willing to give up all of your freedom, all of your peace, and a truck load of money just to have a worm carrying, nasty ball sniffing, food stealing, begging, farting, pooping indoors, killing grass with its potent urine, disease carrying, biting, needy, not entertaining, time consuming, distraction? Unless you were desperate for attention and and need a void to be filled. Why own dogs? I get it if you participate in the Iditarod, or you live out in the boonies in alaska and the beast lives outdoors 100% and is there to eat your left over scraps and deter you when there is a threat from other wildlife, but to own a dog indoors is just the stupidest thing I have ever observed. The funny thing is While I was reading the page I looked out the window and saw someone walking their dog and needed to cross the street, the dog was a corgi, yuk! And so he bends down to pick the useless thing up and when it came to his chest level the dumb thing was upside down and this dude carried the dog across the road. Screw that! Such a waste of energy. Evil thoughts came across my head hoping someone wouldn’t see them and cream them! Here’s another thing, I read the comment about the guy from Oregon. It’s true.. people do throw their dog shit in the bag all over the place. What’s wrong with you sick animals? Then I thought about it, these puppy worshipping dog butthole sniffing excuses for people probably have a worm from the dog that travels to their brains and takes the cockpit piloting your flesh. Epidemic!!
sfsfsd • May 2, 2019 at 5:27 pm
U are a BAD person. At least you didnt beat your dog with a basball bat
Mike shuetem • May 2, 2019 at 4:16 pm
Only thing I hate more than dogs are the simple minded bafoons that own them. They usually have the same I.Q. As their “children”.
Frankie • Apr 30, 2019 at 8:53 pm
Thank you for bringing this out in the open. For some reason, it’s considered perfectly normal to hate cats, but if you dare to say you hate dogs, suddenly your humanity comes into question. What?! I love cats, particularly, but have had rabbits and chickens (I’m a country girl), and have felt deep bonds with all of them. I currently have two kitty “daughters” and I’d do anything for them. The love they give is unconditional. But I had to EARN that love. It wasn’t given out of some stupid idea of obedience. That makes a cat’s love deeper. Plus, you don’t see them EVERYWHERE (literally) in public, they don’t naturally stink, they aren’t ALWAYS up in your face, they don’t attack other people, there will never be a cat version of Cujo, etc. I say it loud and proud: I HATE DOGS.
sarfi • Apr 30, 2019 at 5:44 pm
I can’t stand dogs or most dog owners. Dogs are dirty and they pee on every available surface. Dogs smell like shit and insinuate themselves on you..I wish they would all die. I wish moronic humans had never domesticated the worthless pieces of shit to begin with.
I carry a cattle prod, when walking , biking or gardening..I won’t hesitate to use it either, in fact, i’m looking for ward to it. I’d prefer to use it directly on the dog owner( they deserve it more than the dumb dog), but I’ll take what i can get.
Giang • Apr 23, 2019 at 12:59 am
Me too! They bite stuff, all they want is food. Shhhh. Smelly and annoying. Stupid!
Anna • Apr 23, 2019 at 12:28 am
I agree! I have always disliked dogs and now I foolishly married a man who likes them and whose children love them. Of course none of them really care for the stinky needy annoying creature. I love my cat precisely because he is smart independent and sassy. The dog is anything but those things. Just dumb needy and mopey. Oh yeah. And she destroys things. I hate her and would NEVER recommend to anyone to get a dog.
Pineapple62 • Apr 19, 2019 at 11:33 pm
I hate dogs. I don’t hide it. I’ve been bit and knocked down too many times to count as a kid from irresponsible neighbors. So, when the in-laws first talked about adopting a beagle I said, “I no longer will be comfortable in your home. We won’t be visiting much if you do.” She thought I was lying. Well, now we go up ONCE a year. And when we do, the stench and air quality is repulsive. She basically picked a dog over us. So, live with your decision! Ha
Fuck Dogs • Apr 18, 2019 at 10:38 am
The stench of dog is what kills it for me most. I had one of these greasy, nasty furballs in my car last year and I swear I can still smell the nasty friggin’ stench of dog whenever I turn on the AC on a hot day.
I also just hate their characters. The needy, attention seeking stuff. Barking angers me like nothing else. The drooling and dog hair everywhere, it’s so gross. When they come at you and stare you in the eyes with their dumb void gaze most people see the cutest thing alive. I see another motherfucker who should fish for attention somewhere else. Worst thing is if you don’t respond they will come and claim it by jumping to you and licking you in the face – the grossest action of them all. Goddamnit I feel so filthy when that happens. It makes me want to shower.
I hate petting them because the gross fur makes my hands feel all gunky and filthy. I can’t pet a dog without immediately washing my hands afterwards. They feel too gross to touch anything else. I especially hate this during dinner when friends are over (who of course always bring their fucking dog because hey that’s entirely normal! You’re crazy if you don’t like it!), halfway through my plate the furfucker comes at me and looks at me with sad eyes begging for my friggin’ food. Instantly triggers me, but next thing I hear is “awww she looks so cute but she can’t have a bite – at least give her a nice pat on the head!” If I don’t, I’ll be met with the worst judging gazes on Earth and won’t be hearing the end of it anytime soon. So I do it. And feel fucking disgusted finishing my plate with my gunky gross hands. Which I don’t wash because leaving the table mid-dinner to do so only because of a pat on the head will be met with, guess what, judging gazes.
Which brings me to another point I hate about dogs: their uppity, entitled piece of shit owners. Goddamnit!!! You have to like their stupid stinking beast or you’re insane. Like the one muppet above already proclaims. Yeah, the way you’ll be treated if you hate dogs is just the icing on the cake.
Marc • Apr 16, 2019 at 10:58 am
Canine aggression is my beef against dogs. I spend a lot of time walking and hiking, and I’m attacked by off-leash dogs about 3 or 4 times a year (on average). Last year, a dog came at me while I was getting the mail! It’s outrageous how society accepts this as the norm. When a wild animal attacks, people are up in arms about it. When a dog attacks, it’s ho-hum. Wild animals generally avoid people. Dogs, on the other hand, target people. I would say that over 50% of dogs have aggression issues. I always carry a walking stick with me for defense, and I’m not afraid to use it.
Pennt • Apr 12, 2019 at 2:34 am
YES!! Thank you for this. Canine haters unite!!
Bri • Apr 11, 2019 at 12:18 pm
Thank you for this great article. Finally someone who agrees with me. I also enjoyed reading all these comments. Dogs are smelly, needy, and disgusting and I couldn’t agree more. On top of that, all dog people I know are rude and inconsiderate. They just can’t accept the fact that we don’t like their nasty creatures all up in our face and chewing our legs off. Ugh. I can’t even go out on walks anymore since they are EVERYWHERE. Our neighbors have 2-3 dogs each and they all bark all day for no reason. Can’t even have peace in my own house.
We have 2 cats and they are clean and wonderful. My husband was a dog lover and he hated cats. You should see him now. He loves them and asked why we didn’t get them sooner. They greet us at the door and comfort me any time I am down. Dog people think cats are heartless but they are the ones who are cold.
I was attacked just last week for the 100th time by a big nasty dog at my mother in laws house. It wanted to kill me and I got to the point of just shivering and crying in front of everyone. The owner didn’t even care and now anytime they see me, they refer to that night and make fun of me. Disgusting, heartless people.
Can’t wait until the day these big, nasty rats leave this planet.
Just a Normal Person • Apr 7, 2019 at 11:06 pm
I just want to say that you seem to be the type of person that cries “I’m a minority!” because you hate dogs. Let me tell you, you are not a minority because you hate dogs, you are just cold and undeserving of the love that a dog can give you. A dog’s love is the purest thing on this planet and if you can not understand that, I am so sorry for you. You don’t have to love dogs, there are cat or lizard people – we get it. What I don’t get is you not appreciating the kindness and unadulterated happiness a dog can bring into someone’s life. They are not just a liability, they are love and happiness to someone on the darkest of days. Stop trying to be unique with your unempathetic feelings towards these fur bodies of amazement. While maybe they aren’t your best friend, they are called man’s best friend for a reason.
Roxy • Apr 7, 2019 at 6:05 pm
I’m not a dog or a pet person. But I never said it out loud until recently when people kept coming over to my house with their dogs and/or asked me to keep their dog for a week or two. The thing with the dog people is if you don’t SPECIFICALLY SAY THAT YOU DON’T LIKE DOGS they will keep coming and bringing their dogs with them and take advantage of you by being a dog sitter!!! HEEEEECK NO! No more of that I had to start specifically saying I hate dogs just so they will leave me alone! I have a very high sense of smell and I just can’t even… thank you for this article!
Zoh • Apr 2, 2019 at 6:15 pm
Thank you !! At least I’m not the only one who thinks that dogs are disgusting creature…please don’t get me wrong I would never harm or let anyone harm an animal or mistreated…but I just don’t get it why people have decided to let go of important issues such as children who are in need of help but to be at the pinnacle of humanity WE MUST LOVE DOG” and trust me there are idiots out there who think that feeding vegan diet to dog is better for the animals. Not to mention the smell, filthy food habits, constantly asking for attention a dog is just a liability…and I simply hate them…I know hate is a strong word but I truly hate dogs with a passion.
Bruce • Mar 30, 2019 at 3:47 am
All meaningful comments and yes none should have to ever feel lessened by not loving or liking dogs. My wife and I have two dogs…originally her animals and she and I have had to both make compromises… because I like dogs…but do not have an infactuation with animals. I simply tell my doggie loving/worshipping wife to accept the fact that I treat them as pets and training is required. No licking my face as I watch one of them gobble poop like it’s candy (it’s just disgusting) on walks and no sleeping on our bed as I get a place of my own as well. But as my wife doesn’t like a lot of outdoor activity… at least I’ve a new buddy that is game for adventure. Have no doubt… dog ownership reduces many aspects in life…and adds a bit more flavour as well.
It’s true many pet owners themselves need to be trained with better behaviours as it us their lack of courtesy and responsible animal husbandry that creates the problems so many previous posts have pointed out. My wife and I pick up those poop bags others leave… as well as the garbage of many others deposited without care on the trail sides. It’s our planet…let us please take care of it. Or as I say to conservatives… It’s my planet…so get the f@@k off of it….lol
Corina • Mar 29, 2019 at 7:39 pm
I just think it’s SO absurd that in our world it’s okay to hate cats, you’re not target as a soulless beast, or a terrible human being if you hate cats, but if you just don’t like dogs you are automatically a monster! Cats don’t bark in the middle of the night waking up half of the neighborhood they rarely meow loudly, but when they do, it’s not cause your simply passing by the street they live), cats don’t just run and attack people for nothing, they don’t mark territory all over the place, they are not needy creatures who can’t stand not being the center of the whole world’s attention. Cats don’t eat poop and they are mostly very careful about where they poop and pee. And also, if someone doesn’t like or want to have physical contact with a cat, they just softly push the cat away and 99% of them will respect your space, unlike many dogs who will keep on throwing their awkward hard boddies at you after a million attempts to push them away.
Many humans love dogs because dogs seem to worship humans and because our kind is very needy as well, meanwhile cats are independent, they won’t submit to every order you give just because you want to feel dominant and they enjoy having their space and timing, unlike some dogs who do anything for any attention.
Dog lovers, sorry not sorry.
Cleia • Mar 29, 2019 at 7:21 pm
I used to think that I really, reeeally liked dogs, that was right before living with one. You see, at the begining, when me and my bf adopted her from the streets, I liked her a lot. I liked to take walks with her, to pet her all the time, to have her laying on my lap, and so on, but that started to change when I realized she stopped obeying me for (probably) seeing me as submissive to her, because I used to act and talk to her very gently. She just stopped coming when I’d call her (and she would obbey and follow my bf around all the time), she stopped obbeying me, and seemed to be challenging me. It was partially our fault, we were knew at having a dog and we spoiled that creature away too much. When we’d kiss, she would jump between us trying to separate us, she started peeing everywhere to mark her territory (even shoes and clothes), we couldn’t have a freaking carpet (once she got inside our bedroom and was alone for less than 30 seconds and peed on our carpet)…Anyway, that fucking beast was a nightmare, I had many fights over her with my boyfriend, 2 months after that thing started to live with us I was already tired, but he wanted to have her because he loved her. So, 1 year and 6 months later I still have to live with that thing which I hate (I never thought I could hate anyone SO much, mainly an animal!). Now even my boyfriend is tired of having her cause she demands too much attention and patience, so it’s been over 5 months trying to find that dog a home and nothing yet! Now we have cats (cause I love cats, a lot and for real) and that disgusting dog loves eating cat’s poop, so we have to do all the sort of thing in our home to keep her from eating it, and she stinks even more!
Tammy Michelle • Mar 28, 2019 at 12:06 am
Loved this article and all the comments. Agree 100% and glad I’m not alone.
I grew up with a dog and always considered myself a “dog person”. But since my sister-in-law got a dog our life has changed for the worse. She’s single in her 40s and the dog has become the center of the universe. She cannot do anything without the dog and she plans every outing around the dog. I’m sure she’s lost friendships over it. She actually left two good jobs because they didn’t want the dog to come with her to work. Whenever we go to my husband’s parents’ home for any occasion, and she’s there with the dog, the conversation constantly revolves around the dog, which is annoying enough, but the worst is when we sit down for a meal and the damn dog is circling the table drooling, panting, shedding, and smelling (a golden lab). We move to the living room and the dog is still there drooling, panting, shedding, and smelling. My in-laws do nothing to curb this behavior, instead they encourage it – feeding the dog from the table and fawning all over it. They also feed the dog with it licking their hands and then prepare leftovers for us to take home – where we promptly toss them in the trash. It’s to the point where we barely visit anymore. I could go on with more examples. If we dared to say anything or complain about this we’d likely not have a relationship with them anymore. I’ve tried to ignore it, live with it, put up with it, but the dog has become more important to the three them than anything else, including us. Honestly, I think they’ve lost their minds – and I did not see this coming
– we used to have a good relationship. Obsessive dog culture indeed!
Matthew • Mar 27, 2019 at 10:39 pm
Im not even gona bother reading your trash, anyone who hates dogs is a horrible human being.
athea marcos amir • Mar 26, 2019 at 4:28 pm
It’s good to know the entire population has not succumbed to dog worship, but my ongoing concern is why thus far no mental health professional has explained to my satisfaction the attraction people have for dogs, or any animal, which to me seems totally counterintuitive.
M-A • Mar 26, 2019 at 11:59 am
I couldn’t agree more! People look at me funny when I say I don’t like dogs. I’m ok with seeing other people’s dogs for short periods of time but they always end up annoying me. They smell bad, they slobber, they’re always right in your face looking for attention and they beg for food constantly (the worst part). If I wanted a creature that needy in my home, I’d have another child; at least there’s more of an upside and they will almost certainly outlive me!
I’m happy for people who love their dog – more power to them – but I don’t have to love it. Don’t let it lick the table we’re eating at, don’t let it snatch food out of my hand and don’t let it jump on me! And yes, I can love my friends without loving their dog. So keep your “love me, love my dog” comments to yourself.
I’m not selfish or Satanic either. I have four grown children and raised them with much love and care. I just don’t like dogs. I’m a cat lover 🙂
BK • Mar 22, 2019 at 9:14 am
I’m a dog owner and I agree 100% with everything you said. When I meet someone who feels the way you do about dogs, I don’t questions their moral fiber or any of that nonsense. I accept them for who they are and keep it moving. I look at my dog for what he is: an animal, a pet. He’s not my furbaby, my furkid, or any of that nonsense. I’ve been attacked by other dog people because of the following: feeding him dog food instead of cooking for him, not letting him sleep in my bed, putting him away when we have guests, not trying to take him every single place I go, etc. I also have no issue with people who have to rehome a dog because of certain circumstances, whereas dog people will call you the spawn of Satan for doing this. Don’t ever be ashamed to make your feelings known. This dog owner will always respect them.
Joshua • Mar 22, 2019 at 9:13 am
I’m so glad more people are starting to raise their brow at this toxic mutt worshipping trend that seems to have just exploded out of nowhere. :/
(This rant of mine isn’t aimed at responsible and actually likeable dog owners. I’m just really fed up with all of these bad dogs and their bad owners!)
I. Do. Not. Like. Dogs…. Reason is, 90% of dogs you have running around nowadays have the manners of a repulsive, uncivilized, untamed goblin! And the same damn thing can, unfortunately, be said about a lot of their equally as uncivilized owners.. Oh, and did I mention that most dogs are unclean, greasy, and stinky? A lot of them seem to have that dirty pooch smell, even AFTER being bathed! Ew. I guess dog perfume could MAYBE help with that???
I don’t care if people like them, I don’t care if people have them, just as long as they don’t develop a creepy insane obsession with them and try to force me into liking their freaking dog. You like your dog? Cool, but I don’t… so PLEASE respect that and keep it AWAY from me!
My nasty jabs are really mainly being directed at snobby untrained dogs and their irresponsible dog owners that just refuse to see the problem and want to continue acting like inconsiderate pricks. (If you’re one of these unlikeable dog owners and you’re on here to whine about or make fun of us for not liking dogs, F you, you’re part of the problem.. and so is your dang dog! I really suggest that you keep your repulsive furry four legged pet cockroach the F away from me and everyone else!)
Sorry for the long comment! Sure did feel great to get all of this off of my chest. 🙂
NOTE: I do not wish to harm dogs (unless provoked, obviously), I just want them all to respectfully stay the HELL away from me!
Craig • Mar 18, 2019 at 9:31 am
Pet (especially dog) Free Pride!
(I just laugh at the idea of a parade.)
Mariana Bell • Mar 18, 2019 at 8:27 am
I like dogs but I do not like physical contact with them (same with birds, fish, the Queen of England). The so called dog-lovers are nothing but. In France (where I live) they call their dogs “their best friends” as if you would normally castrate your friends and drag them around on a piece of rope to defecate and urinate in public places. The dog is a libidinous pack animal, if he does not have a dog bum handy to lick he will lick your face, thence the conclusion that “my dog loves me”. Again, dog-ownership does not give some sort of evidence that you love nature or animals, on the contrary, dogs pollute nature, they do not normally exist in nature, they are produced in horrific puppy farms to satisfy the existential boredom or self-gratification of humans who do not like reading books or like to have control over some living thing or just want a toy or they follow some celebrity. It’s a symptom of decadence, of isolation, of mindless consumerism, emotional poverty, that sort of thing.
Lili • Mar 15, 2019 at 12:50 am
I wanted to scream to the world how much I hated dogs especially living with dogs, my husband adopted no one but two dogs without my opinion. I have never live with any type of animals, till now and believe me is the worst experience I have, they are gross, smelly, disgusting, disrespectful, destructives evil beast, they Cause so much damage, they are useless, every time we leave are home we come back to poop, my house feels dirty. I ratter be in prison partner my English not my first language. My husband said you’re not normal Americans we love are dogs, I tell him that’s a cult to the point his is more attached to those dogs than his kids.
Don't like Dogs • Mar 11, 2019 at 3:54 pm
Dogs are animals, period. They’re dirty and carry lots of germs. There’s a reason why they stink
BooBooPants • Mar 8, 2019 at 12:10 pm
Smelly, loud, inconsiderate…. and that’s just the owners! Dogs are useless animals. I hate them and am so glad I’m not alone.
Liz Ishma • Mar 7, 2019 at 12:58 am
I couldn’t fucking agree more! I just got in an online fight on a baby website over this exact thing. My question was “How to persuade my husband to put his dog outside”. I have bad allergies and can’t take the medication I use before getting pregnant. It might cause birth defects.
To my surprise everyone….and I mean Everyone jumped to the dogs defense instead of mine. Said I should take benadryl and that I was insensitive.
Apparently to dog lovers their animals are more important than ppl. Im truly disgusted with humaity and the way I was treated on there. Like the dog had more right than me and my unborn child.
Phil Bridges • Mar 3, 2019 at 12:05 pm
And dogs are also terrific at causing neighbors to fight. Just try telling your pooch-loving neighbor that his dog’s incessant barking is becoming a nuisance. Might as well forget about any future neighborhood barbecues. I tried putting up a sound detector that emits a high-pitched frequency only dogs can hear when it detects barking – in my yard – and they came over and ripped it off my tree. Man’s best friend my keister!
David • Feb 26, 2019 at 4:25 pm
Dogs are bad but dog owners are worse. I tried to go a quiet walk today along the beach but the walk was ruined by horrible little rat like dogs approaching me aggressively and barking which set off my tinnitus. Needless to say I got the usual “Oh they won’t hurt you” from their anti-social owners who must know that their dog off lead will behave like this. Too late, they already had hurt me by triggering my ears. This interruption to my quest for a quiet walk happened not once but twice in the space of five minutes. And this despite my efforts to keep out of their way. Dog owners appear to think they have a God given right to be a nuisance to other people. I think it is important to make your displeasure very clear to the dog owner if you think it is safe to do so. If people do this more often they might just get the message.
Have you noticed to that most dog owners are no longer content with owning one noisy, aggressive hound? Most of them in my part of the world have two or three. Going a walk these days involves trying to avoid the dog packs. What gives owners the right to spoil life for other people? Given how much noise, dirt and aggression dogs cause they should really be taxed just as we tax other pollutants such as motor vehicles. There should be some compensation to society for the menace dog owners cause. Of course there are exceptions. Some owners are responsible and some dogs are quiet and polite. Alas, this is becoming rarer. The smaller dogs seem to be the worse.. Unfortunately the dog lobby is so powerful that it will be difficult to change things or educate idiot owners the way we educated people who drink and drive. Oh, and these stupid twenty foot leads that owners use nowadays mean the beasts are out of control even on a lead. I am so sick of it but it is good to know I’m not alone. Thanks for raising the issue. What we need is an anti-dog society. I’m going to carry some biscuits with me in future as nasty dogs are also greedy and throwing a biscuit in their direction can distract them. Shouldn’t be necessary but it is.
Jon Anderson • Feb 25, 2019 at 10:12 pm
Love it! So glad to see others feel the same as I do. I feel that people who aren’t completely in love with dogs have to keep their mouth shut and hide their feelings. My biggest problem with dogs are the owners. In my experience, the vast majority of dog owners could care less if their dogs bother anyone else.
We moved into a really nice new home three years ago. Our nearest neighbor’s house is about 50 feet from us. The lady that lived their owned a very large boxer. After we found out we were really worried. It turns out, this lady was one of the extremely rare good dog owners. She would let the dog out for a few minutes, the dog would take care of business, run a few circles and go back inside. No barking, no property destruction or anything! I thought wow, ok maybe not all dogs are bad!
We had about one year of quiet no barking when one day to our dismay, a for sale sign was in our neighbors yard. Dammit!!
One day the new neighbors start moving in, with a large yellow lab in tow. Fast forward two years and our new neighbors have six total dogs. These neighbors epitomize the typical American dog owner. They don’t care what the dogs do as long as they don’t bother them. One dog runs freely through the neighborhood, leaving huge piles of feces in my yard along with even larger craters he decided to dig. They have another dog they literally tie in front of their front door who barks hours on end. Yet another little dog will run over onto my front step and bark at my door!!!
The weird thing is, their house has a fenced in back yard. Do they put the dogs in the back yard? Hell no! They let the dogs run free while the humans go into the back yard!!
Long story short, after only three years of living in our new awesome home, we are looking at moving. This time, we will move to a house in the country as far as possible from terrible people and their annoying dogs. I hope someday soon, this infatuation with all things canine will pass.
Kent • Feb 23, 2019 at 1:08 am
Dogs are a plague on our planet. Doesn’t matter where you live you can’t escape them. I live in the country to try to escape the noise but you can still hear dogs barking on any given night (and day). I am an outdoors person and spend a lot of time hiking and cycling the trails of Oregon. No matter where you go all our public recreation areas are becoming littered with these plastic bags of dog crap that are being left behind for our next generation. I even see them hanging from the trees like ornaments because people throw them from the trails and they get stuck in the fir trees here. I have been attacked numerous times while on my bicycle and the owners will never take responsibility for their dogs actions. I don’t hide my hatred for dogs, if you have a dog with you, you are NOT allowed in my house. I wish there was some kind of united opposition against these filthy creatures, I would join in a second and work to rid the planet of these annoying beasts.
MJ • Feb 23, 2019 at 12:28 am
I agree 100%. My marriage nearly ended when my husband came home one day with a “surprise “ for our oldest daughter: a puppy. I nearly packed my bags and left right then and there. This puppy turned into a dog that was aggressive ( not mistreated in our home), who barked and growled constantly, and seemed to enjoy crapping in his kennel despite being walked several times a day. He bit all of our children and was extremely unpredictable ( he was a German shepherd mix). My anxiety was through the roof. My husband knew I didn’t like dogs, yet he made this life changing decision without my input. I finally gave him the ultimatum: it’s me or the dog. He wisely chose to surrender the dog at the local shelter. Dogs are annoying, needy, smelly, and often dangerous. The rampant dog culture in the US is disgusting. These fanatics falsely equate dogs to humans, oftentimes even stating they prefer their smelly canines over human companionship. I prefer a clean house and keeping my children safe!
JuJu • Feb 22, 2019 at 9:00 am
I hate dogs. They constantly require special accommodation, and dog-owner always expect special treatment (warm fazzies) from others because they own the dog. Really!? Dogs are animals and they should be treated that way. I understand service dogs, military dogs, police dogs, – they play important role and being treated appropriately. But when you start referring to your dog as you baby, I can’t trust your judgement. It tells me your perception of reality is skewed and I should wonder what other areas of life your judgement is lucking. Thank you for this article.
Apg • Feb 21, 2019 at 7:45 am
I’m in agreement with the article. It’s about time.
Thank you
Lena • Feb 20, 2019 at 6:39 pm
THANK YOU for writing this! To me, it’s amazing how obsessed people are with dogs. If I had my cat in a tinder profile, talked about her 24/7, took her everywhere, constantly posted pictures of her, PLUS literally ended or threatened to end friendships/relationships over my cat, people would think I’m seriously insane. If you do all of that stuff with a dog, you’re considered completely normal. Our culture is warped. We are all different and we should constantly advocate for individuality.
K.A.L. • Feb 15, 2019 at 7:56 pm
Here is a GREAT way to shut up these people: I always say to some dummy who says to me people who are not crazy about dogs are not “as good” as dog people (whatever that means) “well hey, what do YOU do for CHILDREN? I mean we have a crisis that more children are aging out of foster care than ever before. More needy, hungry, abused, neglected children. You abuse a dog, it dies, end of story. You abuse a child, we are all in danger when they grow up. Then I launch into everything I’ve done, past or present to try to further humanity’s most vulnerable whether it is donating bone marrow or giving money, etc. Heck even just reading to under-privileged kids after school might help change a life! Then watch these single minded A-Holes stutter and back pedal. So I tell them whatever you do for “animal welfare groups” fine. Just make sure you do as much, or more, for children. Otherwise you are not as good a person as you think you are. In fact, you, are not good, period. Try it, I say it all the time, to strangers even. P.S. You can also remind them in most far eastern countries they eat domestic dog. As Jim Gaffigan says, “I love animals, fun to pet, Better to chew”!
Roy Fielding • Feb 11, 2019 at 1:15 pm
The big problem with disliking dogs, in modern society, is that it is impossible to avoid them, unlike with cats, who are generally kept at home and will probably run from you if you visit their home. Dogs, because they are social creatures, are literally everywhere. People now take them to stores (even grocery stores), restaurants, church, movie theaters, and even to work. Unless you remain in your home all day and never go out, you will encounter them most days of your life, and you will likely have to interact with them on a frequent basis. And the more social your lifestyle is the more you will have to interact with them. Because of their social nature you are likely just going to have to put up with them barking and growling at you, jumping on you, and licking you even though you don’t own a dog yourself. There are 90 million of them in the US, more than at any time in history, and the US is the number one dog owning country in the world. Moreover, as the writer her describes, there is great intolerance against those of us who don’t like them. I appreciate the dog loving commenter above who actually apologized on behalf of dog owners. I wish for more understanding dog owners like that.
athea marcos amir • Feb 10, 2019 at 11:10 pm
I hate dogs and cats, every last one of them. I would no more touch one than I’d touch a pile of vomit. But you guys who talk about keeping your hatred of dogs a secret, stop it! I let people know I can’t come to their home if they have an animal. Lately I try to stay home as much as possible and I tell people why; I don’t hide it. We’re not the freaks, they are.
Jen • Feb 9, 2019 at 6:53 pm
I owned a lab mix & absolutely hated that whining and begging for my food. Not to mention chewing and destroying my things, trying to eat my rabbits & eating rabbit poo.. Jumping on me & resting it’s heavy paws on my legs wanted to be scratched. It was like a large overgrown Rat. I did not hate dogs until I owned this one. Very annoying & needy. I eventually gave her away & got my peace & sanity back.
Jen • Feb 5, 2019 at 8:58 pm
Yes!!!! I don’t hate them nor do I want them to be mistreated. I just don’t care for them. I don’t want to be licked. I don’t want them in my bed or couch, I think it’s freaking nasty hiw people let them lick thier children. I don’t need the attention from an animal to feel worthy. I actually feel sorry for people who humanize these animals.
Linda • Jan 1, 2019 at 8:39 pm
Dogs don’t even belong in the wild. They are a broken product created by humans. I hate them with a passion! And no matter what day, time or where I go there is ALWAYS people walking their stupid dogs! Seriously there is no escape from this dog invasion HELL!!!
Thank you • Dec 30, 2018 at 7:54 pm
Ugh, bless you. I am so tired of having to hide the fact that I don’t like dogs. People act like you’re inhuman, yet cat haters have zero problems voicing their disgust or even pretending to have allergies to avoid them.
Dogs are so high maintenance, and maybe you hit the nail on the head with the introvert thing. I despise being followed around and having stinky breath shoved in my face when I get home. I think my misophonia exacerbates the problem…panting, lip smacking, whining, loud crunching and slurping. Makes me ragey just thinking about it, but unfortunately I have to dea with it as my bf has a dog
Trisha • Dec 29, 2018 at 6:00 pm
I agree I’m not a dog or cat person I’m a human person. I don’t care to have these animals in my life. If that’s the case I’ll have more kids which I can raise to walk talk and pee and poop and eat and learn to cook and clean up after themselves. That’s a better deal than a dirty filthy animal that I have to constantly clean after, and feed, it’s constant work with dogs. No thank you!!
Lily • Dec 24, 2018 at 10:42 pm
I love love love dogs, but I 100% respect your opinion.
If you don’t like dogs, even if I can’t understand that, it’s ok, I would never call you inhuman or evil just because we have different opinions, sorry dog lovers have been rude to you in the past.
Anonymous • Dec 24, 2018 at 8:16 pm
I’m with you. To me, dogs stink even right after they’ve been bathed. I can’t stand how needy and pesty they are. Always following, underfoot, skulking around and looking for food or attention. And the BARKING. Don’t even get me started. Definitely not for me.
John • Dec 22, 2018 at 1:35 pm
Bingo you nailed it. I had a person I was dating actually say to me dog people are better than regular people, as you might guess she was a dog person. Don’t want to sit on the furniture or lay in a bed where the dog has had his personal area and rear end rubbing all around. My son’s un-neutered dog Will get right in the middle of the living room when you’re watching TV and dry hump a pillow or stuffed animal with his outstretched unit in Plainview right between the people and the TV, I’m not a dog lover
Borislava • Nov 20, 2018 at 3:51 pm
You are not ALONE!
Gumana Attal • Nov 15, 2018 at 2:44 pm
Hey there!
Let me just say, you finally said what was on 16274728 people’s mind!!! I’m 100% a cat person, but even if I wasn’t, I do not understand the “puppy trend”
So I can totally relate, you are NOT alone sista!
Gumana Attal • Nov 15, 2018 at 2:39 pm
I love love love this. I’m 100% a cat person and don’t feel any kind of connection to this “puppy trend.” Finally, someone is speaking what was on the mind of 78405987643 other people in hiding!!!
Love this!
Jane • Nov 9, 2018 at 2:39 pm
I agree 100%. I’m not a dog person. Indeed “dogs are smelly, unclean, annoying”. No thanks.
Carmen M Smith • Nov 9, 2018 at 7:52 am
It’s about time someone published an article like this! Not everyone likes canines – some of us suffer from cynophobia, which is one of the top phobias around – and some people just don’t care for animals, period (like my brother). I don’t hate dogs, but I can’t say I am enthralled by them either. I don’t understand the mentality of those who claim that dogs are ‘better’ than people, and I find Dog Worship Culture an extreme circlejerk of hive minds and insanity. Dogs are just animals, and to be honest, are more irritating than endearing.
Chad • Nov 9, 2018 at 3:12 am
Dogs are the worst.
Melissa Sims • Dec 10, 2021 at 8:07 pm
Dog haters r fuckin disgusting..how dare u..dogs r the most loving creatures ever..SO FUCK ALL OF U THAT HATE THESE LOYAL CREATURES
jesse soloman evans tai • Jan 31, 2023 at 6:29 am
climaglobal2000 • Feb 24, 2023 at 11:06 am
Disgusting is the smell of these evil barking creatures
American Patriot • Jan 28, 2022 at 9:22 am
jesse soloman evans tai • Jan 31, 2023 at 6:31 am
true,although im a cat guy i try to act like i like dog’s but then get dumbfounded…