I Hate Dogs and I Am Not a Horrible Human Being
November 7, 2018
2018 is almost over, and with it will come the end of the year of the dog. Halle-freakin-lujah. These furry creatures already get enough attention without an official 365-day period of dedication. From the endless Instagram dog accounts to the bulldogs stopping traffic on the streets, they’re everywhere I turn. You will not catch me cooing every time a furry four-legged beast comes my way. Here’s the thing: I hate dogs.
Cue the inevitable cries of shock, disgust, and terror. “How can that be possible?” friends and strangers alike always ask me. “Are you even human?” they’ll ponder after watching me remain indifferent in the presence of a palm-sized pooch.
Supposedly, humanity rests in pet adoration. Those that are decidedly disinterested in four legged-friends are stigmatized outsiders. I’m tired of having to apologize for my opinions or mitigate the intensity of my feelings just to appease the puppy-crazed masses. No, I do not like dogs, and no, I am not a cold-blooded monster.
My disdain for dogs comes from how I grew up. My family attempted to adopt a Bernese Mountain Dog when I was eight. “Attempted” is the key word. Her name was Romy and she quickly became the family chore as opposed to the family friend. She required time and energy constantly. Quite frankly, we Gallardos are simply not pet people. It’s in our genes.
Instead of adoration, I felt excessive apathy. I didn’t care for Romy at all. Hearing her aggressive howl mid-morning to be taken outside for a walk didn’t exactly motivate me to feel love and affection. Standing outside in the freezing cold every morning with a doggie bag in my hand while awaiting some fresh, warm animal poo didn’t give me a rush of excitement that an owner might feel. Quite frankly, Romy needed way too much attention, which I simply did not have enough to give. I was — and am — in a state of my life in which I would rather interact with real humans than play fetch with furry neighbors at the dog park. Romy required way too much work, and she stripped me of my independence.
After owning her for two years, I realized the undeniable: Most dogs are dirty and smelly. You can literally smell when someone owns a furry creature. Maintenance of their hygiene requires time and money that I do not have. On top of that, dogs never leave you alone. Maybe it’s my inner introvert talking, but I don’t want to come home to a dog sticking its nose in my business and begging for attention. I want peace, quiet and solitude.
The thought of having to care for a creature that can’t even hold a conversation with me is not enticing. It is a colossal waste of my money and energy. This is where I feel like I need to make a promise: I swear I am not a cold-hearted freak. I just have different priorities than dog-lovers do. I think dogs are smelly, unclean, annoying and, ultimately, too much work. I shouldn’t have to apologize for this.
Puppy bait doesn’t work on me. The number of Tinder profiles I’ve come across with the cringe-inducing “That’s my dog” bios referencing dog-owner personality shots has made me realize even more emphatically how rare I am to not be interested in swiping right.
One time on a first date (after listening to 20 minutes of stories about his little Brewster’s obedience class updates), a guy got very serious with me as he whispered, “You just can’t trust a dog hater.” I sipped my drink with a smirk and quipped, “But what if they like doggy style?” He nearly choked. I didn’t see him again.
It’s not just potential romantic prospects that don’t trust someone who doesn’t like dogs. It seems like it’s everyone. Dog disdain is met with stigmatization and shock. A quick Google search on disliking dogs leads to a downward spiral into the inner workings of online forums where people opine with zero restraints under the disguise of an internet persona. One Quora member wrote that finding out someone he knows doesn’t like dogs “is a warning signal that something is wrong with this person, and I would avoid them.”
One of the things that makes humanity so beautiful is the difference in opinions and backgrounds amongst people everywhere. Do we not believe in diversity anymore? Dog haters are the rare group that isn’t encouraged to embrace its “difference.” Instead, the entire collective is deemed appalling.
This is entirely unfair and my indignation cannot be kept quiet. It appears that we live in a society in which our personalities and distastes are warning signs. Not a fan of chocolate? You’re inhuman. Dislike music? You’re insane. Don’t want a pet? Goodbye.
These judgments and denouncements are ridiculous, especially considering we are in an age that champions inclusion and acceptance. Inclusion isn’t applied to us canine condemners. We’re just “not human.” This can’t continue because our personal preferences are exactly that: personal. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, whether they stem from family traditions, personal experience or simply a developed feeling.
Don’t get me wrong; I get the appeal of dogs. They can be someone’s best friend. They fill an emotional void with genuine unconditional love. As companions, they’re loyal, obedient and kind. They can even help those with a medical impairment. I think that’s amazing and I respect it — from a very far, very necessary distance. This respect now needs to come from both ends. I’ll respect the woof if you respect my opinion.
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Lillie • Jan 14, 2025 at 4:14 am
Absolutely love this and feel the same way. Thank you for not letting me and others be alone in this <3
Also I wanna add, does lickings faces. DISGUSTING. the crap, literally, they get into. No their saliva isn't cleaning. Otherwise they wouldn't need dental care. Just saying.
Wen • Sep 12, 2024 at 4:41 pm
seems like a lot of you didnt read the article and are judging the author based on the title alone. funnily enough, you’re also proving their point.
My Opinion • Sep 7, 2024 at 11:09 pm
I dislike them and see no use for them. They don’t make society better. They just make narcissists more covert. Dogs belong on farms. They are filthy animals. No need to be abusive or unlike them but I think people should stop breeding and adopting them. People who own mutts (not all but most, from my experience) tend to be covert narcissistic and passive aggressive. They tend to be so narcisissistic that they fail to realize THEY are the selfish, arrogant, territorial, uncompromising and annoying people they hate. the dog nuts I’ve been in the vicinity of narcissistically use their dogs to snoop on neighbors, weaponizing their mutts against people, virtue signal that they’re good because they “care” about something they keep on a leash in an apartment and feed meat flavored crackers to and the dog is utilized in displaying their owner’s spiteful, sociopathic behavior, using their mutts to crap and piss on the property of people they “don’t like” aka are gang stalking, allow their nasty mutts to sniff your door and subject their communities/neighbors that throaty, inbred, infernal shrieking, yipping and barking. Dogs are for people too arrogant or ignorant to just get therapy, deluded that dogs are emotional trash compactors, taking on more and more of their owners’ lack of conscience and lack of self-awareness. Dogs, from my observation are smelly money pits, constantly slobbering on hands and face (after eating other dogs’ asses and walking in wads of phlegm on the street) and begging for food. some people are “dog worshippers” putting their own wellbeing on a back burner for a dog. It is a form of insanity for many. Dogs have noticeably stunk up my NYC streets, noise polluting as well with their barking while their pretentious owners get their Starbucks coffee, tugging maniacally on leashes, like overgrown rats and it looks not like “love” but cruelty. A LOT of dog owners need to love themselves, get REAL, substantial mental health treatment, stop lying to themselves that a dog they have to feed and eats for its survival is “loyal” to them or loves them. passive-aggressively, covertly terrorize entire communities because they “hate people.” Yeah, we know you hate people, dog nuts, it’s kinda obvious and it’s also self-fulfilling and once many obnoxious dog “lovers” become self-aware they’ll soon see why people “hate” them too, failing to see the irony in “hating people” while also repeatedly, passive-aggressively finding their way around more people than they’d have to be around had they not had a dog, constantly walking their dogs around people, in NYC….passive-aggressively.
Deitra P • Sep 20, 2024 at 5:27 am
So been reading the comments all the way back to 2022. It’s interesting how some comments are saying the author is a horrible person just because they don’t like dogs. I think it’s ridiculous that people get judged just because they don’t like a disgusting smelly animal and don’t want to be around one. Not liking dogs doesn’t make you a serial killer and liking dogs doesn’t make you a Saint either . Someone’s entire personality should not be judged by whether or not they like dogs . I don’t like dogs even though we had a dog growing up luckily the dog stayed outside and I have been around dogs (neighbors had dogs family member has dogs) yet I still don’t like dogs never have never will and I’m not going to pretend I like them either.
Garwatch • Jul 25, 2024 at 5:30 pm
It’s odd how these animals are in homes. They evolved from wolves and people have turned them into these weaklings living indoors. It just seems unnatural. Breeding the tiny version is very unhealthy for them as well. I love birds but that doesn’t mean I want to cage one for my amusement indoors. Just because a dog has a bond with the owner doesn’t mean the owner should expect everyone else to get it. It doesn’t mean that certain dogs wouldn’t attack a stranger. It’s also rude when people take their dogs hiking unleased and it’s illegal in all National Parks. These dogs startle people and can chase children off a cliff for goodness’ sake. Dogs typically want to sniff and get attention but not all of them. How does a stranger know? I was chased up a tree by a dog in the neighborhood as a kid. My childhood friend had to run to my parent’s house only to get her leg chewed before my parents could open the door and help. I agree with the dog smell. It seems permanent. Children do not smell like dogs. I think there is something wrong with people that like dogs more than humans. It’s easy for them to love dogs. These people aren’t the humanitarians of the world. There are levels of obsession over dogs. A lot of men just use dogs to get attention from women. I know people that love their dogs but have disowned their own children. Liking or not liking a dog doesn’t determine the character of a person. Selfish and unselfish traits exist in dog lovers and dog haters alike. You can’t judge just based on that.
Bruce • Jun 14, 2024 at 11:31 pm
I assume that you are long gone from Fordham, and that is a very good thing, because our new president is the loving owner of a beautiful golden retriever named Archie. Archie comes with President Tetlow to football games, comes to campus after exams to help students destress, and has his own Facebook account with over 1000 followers. You may not be a horrible human being, but you are not someone that I care to know, as I am someone that I suspect you would want to know.
Jess • May 10, 2024 at 3:52 am
TastyPete • Mar 16, 2024 at 6:11 am
I love how you started out with “I am not a horrible person” then proceeded to dismantle your own assertion with the most smug, aloof, arrogant, self-assured nonsense I’ve read in quite some time. Honestly, the bitterness and arrogance in this entire article makes my skin crawl. You COULD have said, “I don’t like dogs, and that’s OK, because we’re all allowed to be different” but instead you chose to write a lengthy diatribe spewing vitriol about dogs for their heinous crime of simply existing, peppered throughout with a sense that you believe yourself superior for not liking them.
Absolutely rancid article.
Ned Cunningham • Feb 16, 2024 at 7:56 am
Hopefully you don’t have kids. They too are demanding and smelly, just like you were when you were a kid. One day you will be old and will be demanding and smelly.
Jerma985 • Feb 1, 2024 at 1:01 pm
I don’t know who you are but I don’t like you.
Zidders Roofurry • Jan 27, 2024 at 2:17 pm
I mean you might not be a horrible person but you’re not anyone I’d want to be friends with.
Steve • Jan 7, 2024 at 4:28 pm
To he honest, I just don’t like the dogs who only got them black beady eyes, weiner dogs, and the midget ones. Alright I’m asking for like a wolf dog or something. Chihuahua bit me after showing it kindness, I will cook it someday as revenge. One huge dog is all I need, not 3 or 4 smurf looking ones, c’mon now. Also, poodles look like they’re die any second when snapped. They look like a twig.
Eve • Dec 27, 2023 at 6:23 pm
I can’t stand these filthy animals. Why the obsession with them? They are everywhere. In restaurants, supermarkets, malls. Pushing them in carriages.. They disgust me. Some years ago a neighbor across the street had a dog that would bark day and night nonstop. I would call the cops and nothing done. How could this owner stand to have a nonstop barking dog? It went on for a whole year. I literally felt I was losing my mind. After a year it stopped. Don’t know if the owner gave it away or what. And when you tell someone you don’t like dogs they can’t believe it. WHAT THE HELL! Aren’t we entitled to like and not like? You will hear them say “I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs.” How stupid. They absolutely gross me out.
Liberty • Nov 30, 2023 at 4:44 pm
It is hilarious to see all of the triggered dog slaves in the comments. “oh how immature”, “you’re so awful”, etc etc. It figures that would be the reaction seeing as how most people can’t form any opinion past their own nose. I grew up with a couple of dogs but ours were very well trained. They were never allowed to hover in the kitchen or dinner table. We had a dog run outside, fully fenced, so our yard was not filled with disgusting mounds if uncleaned dog crap waiting to be stepped on. I’m sure my mother hated dealing with them though, as the majority of everything fell on her to deal with. My step dad didn’t ask before bringing the dogs into the home. I would never allow that in my own. I despise dogs. Those used for hunting, police work, military and service are of course exceptions, but again, they are heavily trained and actually serve a purpose. Those saying it’s immature to dislike dogs clearly have issues. Either you can’t connect with human beings on a deep enough level so you have to fill it with that kind of companionship, a robotic one that is solely instinctual. They literally would attach themselves to you even if you molest children for your past time. They follow alphas; they have no real capacity to love you. Your weak emotional state lies to you and your ego makes you blind to reality. But sure, go ahead and insult those that don’t need the empty headed space of a dog to give their life meaning. If I want something high maintenance, expensive and messy, I’ll have a child.
A • Nov 8, 2023 at 8:32 am
Ditto that! Everything you said. My health has rapidly declined over the years, just from hearing incessant neighbour’s dogs. They’re in every single household. I don’t even bother telling people anymore that I’m not fond of them, because I don’t feel like hearing their big spill of “but not my dog, not my dog”. Main reasoning, next to the noise, drool, and smelly a** licking bacteria.. A dog (any dog) can also snap and attack, even the long-life family pet! – because it is a known fact that dogs brain chemistry can suddenly change to cause such (all dogs are on that list, just some are higher on the ladder of being prone to snapping). I’ve known people’s lives who have been ruined by dogs, attacks, deaths, sickness, chronic pain etc. much like myself, that is literally caused from the daily stress of neighbourhood dogs! One should be able to live in peace and a stress free, or clean environment. I have loads I could say about dogs.. but I won’t continue. Especially not regarding people who dress them in clothing, carry them in hand bags, let them sleep in their bed with them; filthy hairy drool feces etc. on blankets and sheets…. to dog lovers who think there’s nothing gross about French kissing their dog, after it’s just had a good date and nut licking frenzy. How can none of the above, not be seen for what it actually is? It’s like dog lovers (and let’s face it, most are over the top obsessively treating them and feeding them even better than their kids) have beer giggles on, but instead of beer it’s “their dog”. Grotesque, mental,.. I also have noticed, that most dog lovers have controlling personality types too, do they get dogs they can say yes, no, sit, etc. to, to satisfy their own need for this. They are treated like kings……. yet are more DNA and temperament related, to vermin. See the human follower society’s issues there. I don’t believe they should be allowed to be just pets majority of households.. They should only be allowed as helper animals; sheep herding, blind or PTSD companions, sled pulling, security dogs, police, drug sniffers, etc. Not just done sh!t stained mop looking yapping incessant vicious, peace disturbing things that they are, sitting around a house stinking and filthimg it up. SIT dog-lovers, sit – *good dog!
Ella • Oct 22, 2023 at 6:24 pm
Dogs have evolved to cater to human losers. Humans who can’t converse with or relate to other humans. Losers.
Right now, I’m planning to leave my apartment of two decades because the neighbour next door has gotten a new dog that endlessly and tirelessly yaps, squeals, shrieks, barks, howls, whines and opines, as a form of mental torture opera, something that it’s evolved to do because dogs are the manifestation of selfish human losers. The bark is a human parent call.
My life is ruined by dogs and their codependent humans. It’s about time that someone sued a dog owner for mental distress. Enough of the barking, the attacks, the turds on the street. I hate dogs.
Flarbin • Oct 21, 2023 at 12:26 am
I also don’t have a dog on purpose because I agree with most of your premise. However, somebody that doesn’t like music is in fact probably a psychopath lol
Kae • Nov 13, 2023 at 6:57 am
I agree and don’t like dogs, their continuous barking, growling, invasive slobbering noses where they don’t belong, jumping, biting, tripping, stench, allergies…. not anything really likable and yes they do snap and kill people Every year there are hundreds, thousands of attacks, injuries needing multiple surgeries and deaths of infants to elderly helpless people strangers to owners it doesn’t matter…. So WHY ARE THEY ALLOWED IN PUBLIC. Why are they crammed down our throats & in our faces every where we go? In large part I blame TV? You can not watch tv or listen to radio without dogs crammed in your face every other minute… with their adopt one now… NO!! Even commercials and so many adds are for products to clean up after them and their shedding shitting and destruction and mask their stench so were not wrong about any of it! I was born & raised out in the peaceful country… destroyed now by overpopulation and what sounds like THOUSANDS of sick howling yapping barking dogs. It is Enough to drive anyone nuts…. Seriously, sometimes I think they are an alien invasion?
Xavier • Oct 14, 2023 at 5:38 am
I’m so glad I’m not the only person who hates dogs, I seriously have no idea why a lot of people love dogs so much.
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 2:12 pm
I know!
Anthony • Oct 9, 2023 at 10:26 pm
Tatiana, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I hate dogs, too, and you are not a horrible human being for that. There is nothing wrong with you, it’s something wrong with people. It’s society that something is wrong with them. I just don’t understand how can these people stand these animals. It’s like they just don’t care what their dogs do. They don’t care if they bark at people for no reason or any of that. And yes, when you say you hate dogs, people wanna be so quick to judge you for that, and it is very frustrating, I know. I agree that you shouldn’t have to apologize because what you said about dogs is obviously true. They are annoying, loud, obnoxious, and they are nasty. Cats are nothing like that. They are calm and quiet animals, they don’t even bother people. Like, when a cat sees a person passing by, it doesn’t do anything to that person. It just leaves him/her alone, unlike dogs, that are always barking at innocent people when they’re not even doing anything and they knock people on the ground as well. Cats also hate dirtiness just as much as I do, and those are the things that a lot of people just don’t get. It’s like people keep assuming that dogs are the only best pets to have, and then they wanna put that onto you and expect you to like dogs and to have one, or maybe more than one dog. It seems like people who love dogs and hate cats have no common sense. Like, they think it’s okay for dogs to do unnecessary things to people (like barking at them) but it’s not for cats, so they expect you to see unnecessary things that dogs do like they’re nothing and to be okay with these things, which is downright ridiculous. I’m really glad I found this article, and I don’t regret seeing this because I can totally relate, and I’m pretty sure there are some people who can relate to this article, too. Sure, some people are going to hate it and criticize you for posting this like it’s a crime to express your feelings and thoughts and make people feel like they’re not alone, but you know what, you just ignore what they got to say because who are they to tell you what you should like, what you should say, what you should wear, and all that jazz? People don’t take control over your life, only you take control over your life. You are also not responsible for anybody’s happiness but yours. I hope you read this comment, and I hope you have a great day and stay safe.
Gordon • Oct 18, 2023 at 8:38 pm
What heck Titina Dog are royal
Dorothy Vernon • Nov 9, 2023 at 10:58 am
Whut? Do you even English?
Andy • Sep 24, 2023 at 2:34 am
I disagree….. I think you’ve been getting bad advice from others…. You are in fact a horrible person..!
Dorothy Vernon • Nov 9, 2023 at 11:01 am
Advice from others? What do you mean? Tatiana made up her won mind about this.
And she’s right – dogs are awful and I avoid them as much as I can.
Gia • Sep 17, 2023 at 3:31 am
You are not nearly as bad to dogs as some dog lovers are. You realize the responsibilities and consciously choose not to have them. Thereby, you save the dogs from being hated by you and you also save yourself from misery.
There are much worse dog owners, who claim to love dogs, yet don’t realize the responsibilities of being a pet owner nor care for their dogs in any proper way. As a result,their pet is neglected to the point of utter abuse. Some people abandon dogs, after giving them temporary love, which is just as bad. Your actions are not even cruel. So, it’s okay.
Personally, I love dogs. They are my favorite animal. But I know they require time, hygiene care, food and space, which demand certain finances, grooming, and even veterinary services(=more financial responsibility). And I can’t provide all that, given the fact that I live alone and have to go to work to earn a minimum wage. After work, when I come home tired, I barely have energy to care for myself. So, I know having a dog would add more stress to me. And I don’t want to be a stressed-out pet owner. I want to be a happy and satisfied pet owner, or have no pets. Thus, I have no pets since I can’t afford to provide proper care for them. But that’s is exactly why I LOVE dogs. I love them so much that I understand having them would not be the best for them, and so, I shouldn’t own any.
Frankly, for exact same reason I don’t have children. I don’t hate human babies. I know cuddling them might feel amazing. But it’s not just that. Babies come with tons of care, financial assistance, space, food, and will demand my life energy. But again, I live alone and barely support myself. If I get pregnant and bring a child, I’ll end up homeless on the streets. And I don’t want to be a homeless single mother, or a parent relying on government assistance for my child. Nor do I want to live my life, working three jobs like a slave, so that me and my child are not homeless. I understand that responsibility and therefore, I avoid it because I know I can’t afford it.
Jesuslovesyou • Sep 13, 2023 at 9:57 pm
God made animals, it’s not mature to hate any sorts of animals.
human hater • Sep 21, 2023 at 6:36 pm
Exactly! People who claim that animal lovers are idiots are idiots themselves.
Mathew • Sep 22, 2023 at 12:24 am
God also said to mind your own sh*t, as it likely smells as bad or worse than the other’s. Shhhh.
Liberty • Nov 30, 2023 at 4:25 pm
It’s not mature? Lol what is immature about knowing what you want or not want to deal with? God does not state we must love all creatures. We are stewards of the earth, but that doesn’t mean we have to subject ourselves to misery by owning smelly, loud, obnoxious and high maintenance animals that never ever change and only ever believe the world revolves around them. The very fact you’re stating hating any animal is somehow immature, is, in fact, immature. If you were able to objectively acknowledge the differences human being have based on life circumstances and preferences, you wouldn’t be so triggered by this woman’s opinion or anyone else’s. If you had a traumatic experience that involved a certain type of animal, you’d probably end up hating it. That’s not immature, that’s called the result of experience.
Mary Wilson • Sep 2, 2023 at 5:04 pm
Wow. Hate is a very strong emotion. Crying, screaming children are not my favorite part of life, but I cannot say I hate children. If a person loves a dog, they are fulfilling a need in their life and providing a home for another of Earth’s creatures. Your intolerance for the love of others only reinforces my belief that humans are an evolutionary mistake.
Kiona • Sep 9, 2023 at 11:12 pm
I rather deal with a screaming child than a barking dog that never stfu whenever you tell him too ,🤦🏾♀️
Jen • Oct 19, 2023 at 2:49 pm
as someone who used be a ” screaming child” (and lets face it we all used to be kids) the tantrum kids we are talking about are VERY young like 1-6 yrs old and they are just learning at this time and can’t their feelings communicate very well.
all I’m asking is just Please! give them patients and time and LOVE and set boundaries to them like a normal human being and before you know it, Poof!
Most young people will eventually grow out of it by the time they are older and become an functioning person like you and me.
Also I’m really tired of this crap on “screaming kids” and also humans are the ONLY animal that hates themselves and can go on the internet, no dog can XD
Kiona • Sep 9, 2023 at 11:16 pm
I also love how you scream at them for hating dogs then proceed, like literally proceed to call them a Revolutionary misTakE 🥺🥺🥺 they hate dogs, that’s their opinion. Can’t respect that? Then you clearly aren’t human to think everyone needs your opinion on a animal.
Liberty • Nov 30, 2023 at 4:30 pm
Yet another triggered human being that likely finds affirmation and self worth in the meaningless attachment of a drooling, smelly pack animal whose instinct is to attach themselves to an alpha figure. What is it with you dog lovers and your sour attitude of humanity? You are proving the author’s point perfectly. Children learn and grow into humans, whereas dogs are annoying their entire existence.
Juan • Sep 1, 2023 at 1:22 pm
I hate to see people spoiling there dogs and baby talking to them, I have a friend she puts ice cubes in the dogs water, the dog waits all day to drink water I don’t think the dog likes that in his water, dogs are not your kids they’re animals. After I found out that my friend feeds her dog in same plates she uses. I don’t eat there anymore. I guess I do hate her dog she is very ugly
Keith G. • Aug 30, 2023 at 4:11 pm
The title itself is an oxymoron.
Darshan • Aug 27, 2023 at 5:57 am
If you dogs , you are a horrible person. How could you say all of this about a dog , ITS AN ANIMAL. Like grow up , it has no idea what personal space is and stuff like that . You must be insane to hate them . They mean good 😊.
You are so mean to talk about a pet like that ,
Kiona • Sep 9, 2023 at 11:23 pm
But apparently it’s 100% ok to hate other animals.
C armstrong • Aug 4, 2023 at 8:19 pm
you are a very sad human being it speaks volume aboyt who you are
Igor • Aug 9, 2023 at 10:02 am
Seems like you read but you didn’t understand the word. Did you exchanged brain with your dog?
Jitka Ferstová • Jul 30, 2023 at 4:50 am
Nechápu, proč si Vaše rodina adoptovala psa, když jste s ním k sobě navzájem necítili od začátku necítili příchylnost a lásku. To by mělo být pro adopci zvířete či člověka snad prvotní. Nějak tě asi nechápu.
TChapman • Jul 25, 2023 at 7:32 pm
I’m so glad someone else out there feels like I do. People who have dogs don’t seem to care about respecting others. Unless you put up with their dog being all over you and in your space, they think you’re a horrible person. Most dog owners don’t seem to have any control over their dogs either, they don’t train or discipline them and let them bark that godawful loud bark indoors, or they let them bark at you when you’re the neighbor or a friend. Ever see a friendly, smiling person who has a dog with them that is barking at you? They look as unfriendly as their evil dogs are.
Bombastic Bilious • Jul 23, 2023 at 4:06 am
Up until your final paragraph I classified you among the sane. What ridiculous nonsense. The most vile beast I could ever imagine. I’m glad they help so many people seeing that they put thousands in the emergency room and kill a couple of people per state per year. The only cure for it is strict criminal liability for the owners where every act of someone’s dog is treated as if the owner itself had done it. That includes crapping and peeing on people’s lawns and cramming their noses into people’s private parts.
Sunny J • Jul 22, 2023 at 3:51 pm
Look at the levels of hate and this is just about a Dog. I can only imagine what you would do if you had Bill Gates money, He’s only trying to wipe out the human race except for his Globalist Friends
Matt • Jul 9, 2023 at 5:08 pm
I think I just fell in love with you. AGREE …disgusting creatures.
Gorgo • Jul 5, 2023 at 9:45 pm
Dogs are a stinking annoying busy body nuisances all by themselves even without bad owners. Such a disgusting animal.
John Annereau • Jul 5, 2023 at 8:08 pm
I’ve hated dogs as long as I can remember. I’ve given them a chance, my friend’s dog actually liked me, laying at my feet when I visited, rather than his master’s feet. I just do not feel that dogs are something to pet. For me they do not have that attraction to hold and pet like cats do. Cats spend most the day when awake washing and grooming. They are wonderfully soft to touch, do not smell or feel dirty. Dogs are the opposite to all those cat charms, they stink, can’t keep their mouth closed at all, panting and drooling germ ridden syliva everywhere. They don’t care where they poo or pee. Cats have a sweet meow noise and purr, dogs a horrible bark or yap. Fact: dogs eat poop, they love to roll in it or anything else that stinks horrible. I hear so many stories of babies, toddlers and children being bitten, mauled and even killed by dogs. Can’t blame God or nature for the existence of dogs. Man began domesticating wolves 15,000 years ago and thus we have dogs. Dogs are a mutant wolf.
Bob • Jul 3, 2023 at 4:00 am
How refreshing! I totally agree with the author 100%. That’s my type of woman and I would date her no doubt regardless if she likes it doggy-style. The girl I’ve been contemplating to stop dating is ridiculous about her dog. I don’t want that smelly dirty thing near me.
Anthony • Oct 9, 2023 at 9:14 pm
I feel you. I would like to date a woman like that, too.
Peter Page • Jun 19, 2023 at 8:33 am
A curious, seemingly paradoxical relationship, is the fact many of the most inhumane tyrants have been enthusiastic dog lovers. Putin, Hitler and Goebbels all loved dogs. When the Nazis came to power in 1933 they passed some of the most stringent animal protection laws. How can people who love animals be so inhumane?
If you consider the more abstract epistemological, psychological and social aspects of human interaction with dogs, it becomes understandable. As a philosophy major I am most familiar with the epistemology point of view. People indulge in some of our most impulsive and flawed forms of reasoning when interacting with dogs: anthropomorphism, idealism and romantic primitivism. They project human characteristics onto dogs they do not have the cognitive capacity to understand. A dog does not have the cognitive capacity to understand the ethical differences between identifying the smell of a person’s socks or explosive materials. Dog lovers like to project idealized affection onto animals merely showing authority ranking deference. As more primitive forms of life dogs benefit from people’e vulnerability to romantic primitivism.
Psychologically, and socially, the most despotic tyrants find the deference of authority ranking social relationships satisfying. They enjoy social relationships with beings who will play “fetch” more satisfying than those that require mutual respect. As people mature psychologically and socially from authority ranking to market pricing relationships they should find dominance and deference less satisfying, and eventually offensive.
Considering these aspects of human, dog relationships, not liking dogs may be evidence a person has matured philosophically, psychologically and socially to a point where anthropomorphism and authority ranking are not only not satisfying, but offensive.
Melvin • Jun 15, 2023 at 10:25 pm
I hate dogs with the burning passion of a thousand suns
Bob • Jul 3, 2023 at 4:09 am
Bianca • Jul 5, 2023 at 7:32 pm
That makes 2 of us 🐕 🔫
Josie • Jun 9, 2023 at 9:38 am
All dogs are different. I’m a huge dog lover. My dogs would die protecting me.
Cats are okay. But I.love all animals. I don’t like any abuse of animals.
I try never to say I HATE about anything or anybody.
It’s too strong of a word, and when ppl say about anything….. ppl
look at them a little different even if they kind agree.
Hating something just because it exists, is really a psychological
disorder. I can see hating a rapist, Pedophiles, murderer etc….
But a animal…..no, there is something wrong. Something has
happened in these ppls lives to hate a innocent animal.
They help humans in disasters, children get lost in woods, protect owners
from robbers and kidnapping etc….
Yes a neighbor had a yapping dog. They lived up on a slight hill.
Woods between us. That dog barked 24/7.
I got up a 3 a.m
Walked to edge of woods and screamed SHUT-UP!!!!!
IT DID, FOR DAYS. I WAS SHOCKED. Come to find out the owners,
a lot of land , beautiful home, kept dog in a fence kennel out back.
When dogs consistently bark like that it’s for love, attention.
They never spent time with it. It was bored out of its mind. And it was a work dog, worst to pen-up.
So majority of the time it’s the owners fault when dogs are a nuisance.
Ppl shouldn’t get dogs if they are just going to put them out back.
That’s abuse.
Nobody • May 31, 2023 at 9:42 pm
I used to somewhat like dogs. I work early in the morning and go to bed around 9 p.m. Newer neighbor leaves the dog outside early in the morning and until 10 or 11 at night. I was granted work from home prior to COVID to accommodate being disabled. It made life easier and my work production did not take a hit. I was happy, my employer was happy. 3 years later I have this dog barking incessantly when it is outside. Now because of a neighbor I must go back to commuting to work. I’m not going to fight my employer over it, because that is close to 50 hours of week of not hearing the dog.
The part that is bad is now I am losing sleep as I cannot get to bed any earlier, and I have to get up earlier. When you have a permanent headache the dog constantly barking is painful enough, and then losing about two hours of sleep a night does not help. Neighbors are in their early 20s and talking to them wont do anything. Filing noise complaints in my area is a revolving door of stupidity. County police say file a noise complaint with the village. You contact the village and they say contact the police. Contacting the mayor wont do anything because the problem neighbor is his niece. I have lived here for 35 year, they have lived here for 1 1/2 years almost.
I will probably just relocate to salvage my sanity.
Tatum • May 17, 2023 at 5:20 pm
I found your article here because I too hate dogs. With. A. Passion.
Scott Harris • May 14, 2023 at 9:55 pm
You can know that you hate dogs, but very few people know if they are horrible people. So, you can only be absolutely sure of one of your opening statements.
You have a great journalistic voice, and I like your writing style, let’s hope you find something a little less pedestrian to write about.
G Cook • Jul 30, 2023 at 6:00 am
Scott comin’ in hot with the facts!! tyvm 🙏
Kiona • Sep 9, 2023 at 11:37 pm
Okay? They hate dogs, you got a problem with that?
Sally • May 10, 2023 at 12:00 am
I have level one autism and sensory processing disorder and dogs are THE WORST for me. From their incessant barking, to their claws on the hardwood, to their smell, their drool, their whining, how much they cost to keep properly healthy & cared for, how invasive they are with space…. It’s too much. It makes me so angry and I feel bad but I can’t help it. My heart rate goes up and I will have physical reactions like meltdowns when they are around. They idea of humans “owning” & domesticating an animal continues to elude me as well. I am a lover of all other animals and have been vegan for a decade so I don’t know why I am bothered by them to the point of such uncontrollable rage.
Hannah • May 4, 2023 at 11:39 pm
I understand your opinion on dogs but i love them because they made the world a better place with their loyalty their company their jobs they do and being a volunteer walking dogs in the shelter. I feel the same way about children as you feel about dogs. Even a child can disturb your peace and quiet because when you are enjoying your peace and quiet at a plane church or movie theater or store they complain or whine that’s why not everyone likes children non stop crying and distracting when they keep looking at me i find that annoying too this is my own opinion.
Ceelo • Jul 26, 2023 at 8:24 am
They made who’s world a better place? Privileged folks in the west? That statement is so idiotic to me. Dog People have been force feeding us dogs for decades and some of us didn’t ask for me, honestly. Also, stop bringing children into this.
Bianca • Jul 30, 2023 at 8:25 am
Children do NOT constantly cry. And babies do tend to cry more than older children but they grow out of it. Dogs do not grow out of their whining, growling, barking or invading people’s space. Children are human beings like we are. Dogs are a mutant species getting more and more mutated by all of the mixing breeds being done. A baby will never kill a person but dogs will and have many more times than are ever reported in the news. There is a huge difference between human children and dogs. However I can understand why some people may not like kids and that is fine, we are all entitled to our own opinions. But I’ve never heard anyone (including the parents of children) say that people who don’t like kids are evil or should not be trusted or verbally abuse the child haters. Why is it that dog owners are allowed to be verbally abusive to us non dog lovers then? Why do they care so much if you don’t like their fUrBaBy (which is a term I hate more than the dogs themselves) that they feel the need to put down and even on occasion threaten those of us who don’t like these animals?
RJ • Aug 1, 2023 at 11:32 pm
Freedom is messy. You are free to dislike dogs. I am free to want nothing to do with you personally or professionally due to that. I am Jewish. There are people who hate me for only that. As long as they do not act on it I could care less. We are not all going to get along or like one another. We simply need to tolerate those we dislike.
victor floyd • Apr 29, 2023 at 11:02 am
I understand where you are coming from , I’m a dog person however not one of these judgmental A HOLES on here . It’s your right to like or not like dogs cats hell people 😂
timmy • Apr 28, 2023 at 2:21 pm
Ugh dogs. I hate them so much. Preach girl.
Lorenz • Jul 3, 2023 at 9:10 am
I love dogs. That is why I have 2 of them. Both chained with iron chains and prong collar. They don‘t bark unless I allow it and don’t disturb anyone. They live a happy life with enough attention. But they have their own space in the garden only not inside. I guess you would like my dogs
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 2:20 pm
iron chains????? You sure they happy???? (no offense but CHAINS???)
Vafty • Apr 25, 2023 at 8:29 am
As a dog lover, I respect your opinion. I love dogs but I’m okay with people not liking them.
Joe • Apr 27, 2023 at 7:01 am
Dog haters are not people
Nick • Jun 9, 2023 at 8:09 pm
And pet owners are mentally ill. Just because you gave up on human interaction for whatever reason and need to have some loud, smelly, dirty intrusive animal who has no emotion or cognitive thought. Your dog’s obsession with you is not loyalty. All you are is food and shelter. There is no affection present. Just preservation of life. All the behavior and mannerisms you equate with feelings boils down to, “I lick your face because you feed and shelter me, not because I love you.” You project humanity onto an animal who cannot reciprocate the attribute. You are not a saint for owning a pet. Canines have thrived and flourished for thousands of years without human interaction. Why do you think they need you to proliferate? Human arrogance is why. I need some furry, four-legged, mangie slobbering beast whose very survival depends solely on me to dote over me so that I can feel special and be it’s unmitigated master!…I’ll put clothing on him and treat him like an actual child and then call everyone ELSE crazy when I’m the one who needs therapy.
Heaven • Dec 9, 2023 at 9:46 pm
“Pet owners are mentally ill”
So just because you meant some insane or few insane pet owners you have to put us in the same group. Not all pet owners like the pet culture and worship their pets. The fact you think someone is mentally ill just because they have a pet shows me how mess up your world view is. Not some pet owners have social anxiety or issues but not all of them. I see my pets as family. No I don’t see them as children or furry humans, but I do see them as creatures with emotions and personalities under my care. Why do people have a problem with pets being part of the family as long as the people don’t see them as people. If you think seeing pets as family is mental illness and the family isn’t treating them like a human then that is mess up worldview you have.
Kolekalanth • Jul 15, 2023 at 7:54 am
Friend,by keeping a dog, you literally keep paying money to pick up poop.
Bianca • Jul 30, 2023 at 8:33 am
Why are you allowed to say that? That is verbal abuse which is nowhere near the same thing as saying I don’t like dogs. I honestly don’t understand this because I thought that everyone is allowed to like or not like whatever they want to. I don’t care if people don’t like something that I do because everyone is different. What makes it so wrong to not like dogs? I wouldn’t ever harm one but I just don’t like them and it shouldn’t affect you or anyone else that I do not
Just Me • Apr 20, 2023 at 7:52 am
Dogs are vile, nasty smelly, loud, intrusive animals. They are the only animal I’m aware of that will s*xually assault people. This behavior is not tolerated in humans but is for some reason tolerated from dogs. They sniff the *sshole of every animal they encounter, then stick their dirty nose in your plate of food. That’s another thing, dogs think they’re entitled to every plate of food they smell. Also, they eat their own crap, never shut up, and look grotesque. I HATE HATE HATE dogs so much
Dan • Apr 21, 2023 at 3:47 am
You can tell by your response that you are indeed a horrible person. I hope you don’t have children.
Davi • Jul 30, 2023 at 8:36 am
What do children have to do with this? He isn’t wrong
Amanda Kirkman • May 2, 2023 at 2:55 am
LOVE U !!! Couldn’t agree more. Ty !!!!
TeamCat • Apr 18, 2023 at 12:25 pm
I resonate with every word of this! I totally get the appeal of dogs (I adore cats and all other animals) but I personally find them obnoxious and the doggy smell in houses just doesn’t do it for me. Thanks for writing – it’s a bold opinion!
Chet • Apr 23, 2023 at 5:41 pm
I can smell the scent cats in a house from the sidewalk but cat owners seem to think they don’t smell. They are just nasty.
Billy H Moore • Apr 17, 2023 at 9:32 am
You hate dogs you are a big dumb ass because you should have been taught not to hate grow up you are a peace of dog craps
Forever a Cat Person • Apr 15, 2023 at 8:03 am
Thank you for sharing this and for making me feel like a normal human being. We recently got a puppy and I truly HATE it! My boyfriend is crazy about dogs whilst I don’t care about them. Most of our friends have dogs, but I never pet them and just ignore them or push them away whenever they get in my zone. I prefer my personal space as well.
So, back to our puppy… My life turned into a hell since the past 2 months 😫. My boyfriend used to have a dog when he was a kid and mentioned many times how he wanted to adopt a dog whenever time’s ready. I didn’t expect it to happen this year though and I was not ready at all. Yet I said “Okay, I want you to have your dog.”, since many people told me that it’s nice and fun to have a dog. I feel like we made a bad decision and have been experiencing breakdown after breakdown. The monster is draining my energy! I don’t even feel like playing or cuddling with this weird looking creature, as it will bite in your face or hands, jump on you like ALL the freaking time and is annoyingly hyperactive. Oh, and YES , dogs are freaking disgusting, smelly and nasty. My home is dirty all the time and it’s making me so sad 😭.
I also hate that this growling creature chases my cats all the time, which results in me being angry and frustrated with the dog. I am, and will always be, a cat person.
Returning the dog is not an option, but fortunately my boyfriend is very understanding about my feelings and tries to do the most.
And this might be the worst part of my comments, but I sooooo enjoy it when my boyfriend leaves with the monster. My cats and I are truly enjoying every moment when the dog is away. It’s like a temporary moment of “no stress” for the 3 of us.
Sanam • Apr 12, 2023 at 7:37 pm
Thank YOU for having the courage to share your opinion! And I wholeheartedly agree with you that dogs are disgusting and I don’t want anything to do with them. And frankly it’s so disrespectful for a dog owner to allow their dog to come close to other people…how do they know whether the other person likes being touched/smelled by a dog…if I’ve told a dog owner that I hate dogs and yet they insist that their dog is friendly then I have to be harsher with my insistence that I don’t want their animal anywhere near me and if they still don’t get it, then I will do what I need to in order to protect myself from that dog. And I’m not at all sorry for how I feel. My opinion of someone who doesn’t understand where I’m coming from and that I’m entitled to my opinions is that there is something wrong with them!
Kuro • Apr 12, 2023 at 10:52 am
I dislike dogs and its nice to be able to say it freely. Even if it is just on the internet.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 1:56 pm
Thank you so much for posting this article. My husband and I are not dog people because we value having a clean home and extra time to ourselves. Having a dog is a constant amount of work and it is impossible to keep a clean, smell-free home if you have a dog. I have yet to see a dog owner who has been able to accomplish that. There is always a smell. We have two house rabbits that are incredibly clean, do not smell, and do not contain the host of bacteria and parasites that dogs can transfer to humans. Not to mention the germs, chemicals, and pesticides that dogs track into your home after they have been outside. It’s the same reason that we don’t wear shoes in our house. I prefer a clean home without pets that need constant attention and I shouldn’t be shamed for that. We also have a daughter and do not want a dog that acts like a perpetual child. One child is enough. Our society is incredibly intolerant with people who have different beliefs and it really needs to stop. If a person enjoys their bacteria laden and smelly four legged friend, that’s fine. But not everyone wants that in their home and in their life and that needs to be respected.
Joanne Leone • Mar 28, 2023 at 6:16 pm
Honestly who give a heck what you think you simpleton freak .if your mommie or daddy or kitty was buried alive I hope you don’t call on the vile dog to help .if hopefully you go blind sometime you don’t call on that “smelly” dog . If your spawn has wondered off in the woods remember dumb a
Dum don’t call on man’s best friend . You sound like a brat who never grew up . And truthfully the thought of you walking amongst us sickens me !!
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 1:39 pm
And here come the infatuated dog lovers that she talked about. People are allowed to not like dogs. Dogs are gross, dirty, and annoying. That’s just a fact. If you like gross, dirty, and annoying things, that is fine, but don’t shame others for not wanting to deal with a dirty animal that needs constant attention. I’m a rabbit owner and do you know how much grief I get for having two house rabbits? Dog people make jokes about eating my pets all of the time. It’s offensive and disgusting. Dog people are the worst and they expect everyone else to love their obnoxious and smelly pets. I don’t expect everyone to love my rabbits, because that would be incredibly childish of me to do so. Respecting other people’s opinions and beliefs is part of being a mature and healthy adult. If you are incapable of doing that, you should not be posting online. I’ll take my independent, clean, and non-invasive bunnies over a dog any day.
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 2:25 pm
Joanne Leone • Mar 28, 2023 at 6:06 pm
Honestly who give a fuck what you think you simpleton freak .if your mommie or daddy or kitty was buried alive I hope you don’t call on the vile dog to help .if hopefully you go blind sometime you don’t call on that “smelly” dog . If your spawn has wondered off in the woods remember dumb ass don’t call on man’s best friend . You sound like a brat who never grew up . And truthfully the thought of you walking amongst us sickens me !!
Shabretha Jennings • Apr 5, 2023 at 8:42 pm
Lol dog worshippers are crazy your subspecies mutt is too dumb to help anyone out. You can enjoy living with your parasitic disease carrying mutt. Keep enjoying those gross licks in the mouth after they have eaten their on shit and piss. Keep living in your delusional because you’re incapable of having meaningful relationship with people. Keep being delusional about the worthless mutt who doesn’t care about you but the food you provide it.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 1:48 pm
Not to mention the host of illnesses that dogs transfer to humans on a regular basis. The most common being noroviruses, pasteurella, salmonella, brucella, campylobacter, capnocytophaga, as well as certain types of staph infections. Dog worshipers are in denial about this, as most other things involving dogs. Not only are dogs natural carriers of a lot of different bacteria that can be transferred to humans, they also track in a lot of bacteria, pesticides, chemicals, and viruses from being outside and then coming into the house. It’s the same concept of wearing your shoes indoors: it tracks in a host of different chemicals and bacteria. The dog owners that I know are sick a lot more often than I am from having a dirty animal in their home. If you don’t mind being sick, get a dog. I value my health way more than that. Going on year 4 of not having a single illness, not even a cold.
meow meow😻 • Jul 11, 2023 at 6:33 pm
my religion completely forbids dogs because they are “dirty.” my newly bought kitten agrees, when she sees a dog, she walks away.
Connie Lockhart • Mar 26, 2023 at 8:24 pm
I too, hate dogs! By the looks of my yard, on a daily basis, you would think I owned a kennel! NOT a fan!!
Ro. Billing • Mar 23, 2023 at 10:40 am
So, I’ve read alot of the opinions stirred by the editors original post about “not liking dogs”, and I respect everyone’s right to voice that opinion, (when done so respectfully).
I too am one who does not desire ownership of a dog, however, I love my cats… (love may be a bit strong, but I do consider them my animal family).
We recently brought 2 puppies into our home and my lifestyle has been completely upended. The cost, the time, the destruction has solidified my dislike for owning a dog. My family refuses to let me return them to the breeder, there is tension between us now.
I’m not saying I hate dogs, I’m simply saying that a person should know their limitations, and I am not a dog person, and that does not make me bad.
Elizabeth Ratcliff • Mar 5, 2023 at 12:29 am
No, you are a piece of shit female instead. #FuckYouSorryNotSorry
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:20 pm
Do you fuck your dog? Weirdo.
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:21 pm
People who hate people have the problem, love. Try a real relationship.
Tessie • Mar 15, 2023 at 10:41 am
I have an better question. Do you?
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:23 pm
I would class this as hate speech. Very narcissistic indeed. Not adoring dogs does not make you a ‘piece of shit’. Some of us love our fellow human beings, warts and all. You should give it a try one day?
Tessie • Mar 15, 2023 at 10:44 am
Some of us love our dogs…warts and all.
Dupe • Apr 5, 2023 at 1:27 pm
The problem is you want us to love your dogs too.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 1:58 pm
Preach, Dupe! I love my rabbits but I do not expect other people to love them. I keep them in their room when people visit and only let them out if my company says it’s OK. I respect that not everyone may be “into” rabbits. If only dog people could be the same way instead of allowing them to slobber, jump up, and get all over us without out consent. Not everyone likes dirty germ laden animals that smell, and that’s OK!
Reese • Mar 10, 2023 at 4:30 pm
I don’t like to own dogs. I don’t like their exposed buttholes all over my house. I don’t like how some of them literally try to eat your house. Which to me is a sign that they belong outdoors. Not a fan of drool. Not a fan of the way my hand smells when I pet them. I think some are cute, even adorable and some are useful for certain things. But I don’t want or need one myself.
climaglobal2000 • Feb 24, 2023 at 10:18 am
I don’t hate dogs. They are God’s creature after all. What I hate is how humans ended up domesticating these stinky and noisy creatures. I live in the Philippines and the smell and the noise of these animals are everywhere.
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 2:27 pm
just because “god” spelled backwards is “dog” doesn’t mean its made by god
JenAgainstDogsAsPets • Feb 22, 2023 at 10:06 am
I’m so glad I found this article. I cannot stand dogs. Never have, never will like them – and I’m far from a monster. I’m a very helpful and loving person who simply sees absolutely no point in dogs as pets. I don’t mind a service animal of any kind, but I have never understood or related to people wanting to have a dog live amongst them just for the sake of having it live there. I don’t find them enjoyable in any way. They’re obnoxious and annoying. People mistake their neediness for love. I hate the stupidity of a wagging tail of excitement. Dogs were meant to serve a purpose (to hunt, herd sheep, etc) which humans have stripped them of by breeding them only for meaningless ownership. Their owners think the animal loves them because of their servility and desire to please them, but actually the dog is eager to fulfill some genuine purpose. Sorry pooch, “go fetch”. The question I have for dog lovers is, what do you love about dogs? Is it that they lick you? Is it that they bark? Is it their smell? Is it that it’s your responsibility to feed them and pick up their poop? But wait! Before you answer, there’s one rule: you cannot say it’s because they “love” you unconditionally. (The most common response, which I don’t accept for two reasons. 1 – it’s selfish. Apply that same logic to human relationships if you don’t think so. 2 – it’s not true anyway. Dogs’ servile nature doesn’t mean they love you.) I’m asking WHY you love the dog itself – apart from anything IT ‘does’ for YOU.
Parker • Feb 23, 2023 at 8:01 pm
I agree! With every single point. Dogs are endlessly needy and smelly and gross. End of story!
Sabi • Feb 22, 2023 at 4:47 am
I despise dogs. Not to a point that I would hurt them. I firmly believe in harm none and do as ye will. But dogs have irritated me in my soul for as long as I can remember. I’m a cat fanatic. But dogs are just disgusting, ugly, vile creatures in my opinion. The smell bad, they are dirty, they invade your personal space, they have an anxious energy about them, the “loyal” thing comes off more mindless and less endearing to me, they’re incredibly ugly and unpleasant to look at, they drool, they stick their yucky wet nose all over you and your stuff, and they’re loud af with incessant barking that makes me want to rip my hair out. It’s infuriating. Nothing they do is cute to me. But what sucks even more is how people EXPECT you to interact with their dog. Their like “they just wanna smell you” ya and I DONT WANNA BE SMELLED. Like why don’t I get a say in my own personal body and space. Their dog gets all up in your business and if you move away, they look at you like you’re horrible. Like bruh, I’m not hurting your dog, I just don’t want to have to interact. Why is that so bad?? Why can’t I just be like, um, hey your dog is annoying tf out of me and making me extremely uncomfortable right now, get your freakin dog. And also my cat doesn’t bother my guests or neighbors but my neighbors dogs bother me all the time with their dumb barking. What an obnoxious noise. Dogs are pure nuisances.
macpro • Feb 19, 2023 at 10:28 pm
I’m not a fan of dogs and have never owned any type of pet in my entire life. Dogs smell and animals in general are an added, unnecessary expense except for those that end up on my lunch and dinner table.
Mimi • Mar 3, 2023 at 3:13 pm
I think he worst waste of time are people like you, not animals…
Nick • Jun 9, 2023 at 8:22 pm
And here come the weirdos …Seek help lady. Animals are not meant to cohabitate with humans. That’s why they are a separate species. Animal and domesticate have no business in the same sentence. You stripped away an entire species ability to survive on its own. This is a perversion of nature. What you people do isn’t noble. It’s egomaniacal posturing. You are all clinically disturbed.
M. Jay • Feb 17, 2023 at 6:56 pm
This is true. The more people humanize dogs and put them even at the sme level as humans, make me dislike dogs even more. The poop, the stink and the 24/7 barking, jumping… I wonder if those dog lovers would accept a human with dirty genitalia and dirty butts rubbing them at the sofa, bed or pillows. I have seen people using masks the last 3 years, who kissed their furries and even let them lick their mouths. But there is clearly a difference between a responsible dog owner who educates his animal and those irreponsible dog owners who let their dogs do whatever they want. Disgusting to hear people saying “my son/daughter”, even more if they actually have human children. All those dog lovers are utterly extremistic when it comes about thier poopers. I like to go out for a running. I don’t know how often I have been attacked by dogs and how often I almost fell over one of these stinkers. But their owner generally tell ME it was MY fault.
Omar Samir Hameen • Feb 17, 2023 at 12:20 pm
This article speaks to my soul. God, which is dog spelled backwards btw, I feel the exact same way. People who love dogs be irritating af lol. That dog only like you cause you feed it. Dogs would much rather be with other dogs im sure. And if they dont, domestication has f*cked their brains up.
Rachel • Feb 15, 2023 at 8:41 pm
I could have written this entire article. I came across it after googling ‘why do I hate dogs?’ Of course I know why, but I wanted to know the psychology behind it. This was very well written and summarizes quite well the feelings I share with you towards dogs. My entire life I have hated them and have been told I’m a bad person because of it. I considered getting one because my husband loves them but I know that I would actually be miserable with one. The worst part of hating dogs is not being able to tell people, I have to pretend to be friendly to the dog or they assume you’re either a monster or incredibly self-absorbed, neither which are true of me. Dog lovers simply will never understand.
Diva4Jesus • Feb 13, 2023 at 11:57 am
Dog lovers are narcissists?? Really??? Have you even stopped to remind yourself of the definition of f a narcissist?? It’s a person who is stuck up on themselves and idolizes and lauds themselves as the best thing since cottage cheese, and looks down on everyone else. Dog lovers, however, love dogs because dogs do the opposite of what narcissistic people do – they love unconditionally, they are selfless, loyal, and non-judgmental.
Your article is mean-spirited and full of vitriolic hatred for the dogs and those that love them. Judging on your vomit of demonic hatred that your so-called “article” is, my dog Lassie has more humanity than you do. You’re the vicious one here. Where’s the muzzle? I need to mail one to you.
Pissed of even more with bloody minded dog owners • Feb 17, 2023 at 12:24 am
Do you seriously believe this crap you’re spruiking.? Little wonder people hate such dog owners & their blinkered inflexible minded owners.
Omar Samir Hameen • Feb 17, 2023 at 12:16 pm
You need a leash. You dont love dogs. If you did you wouldnt have cut their nuts off
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:32 pm
A narcissist has a fragile ego that cannot feed itself. They rely on those around them to make them feel validated and ‘special’. A dog that ‘loves’ you (actually it doesn’t. It just needs you for food and shelter) will perfectly fulfil that role. Classic narcissism on the owner’s part. And I’m deeply suspicious of people who hate people. Your dog has more humanity than me? How dare you. That’s an insult to your dog according to your warped logic. A dog is a dog. Respect it for being just that.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 2:26 pm
Do you own a rabbit? Did you know that domestic rabbits are one of the most abandoned pets because irresponsible people buy or adopt bunnies without doing any research on how to properly care for them? Did you also know that a rabbit will bond for life? Once you form a bond with your rabbit, they will be bonded with you until they die. If you do not understand this and dislike rabbits or do not want to own one personally, you are a ragging narcissist. If you do not allow me to shove my rabbit in your face and show it love, even if you are allergic, you are a hate-filled horrible person. I demand that you love rabbits as much as I do because they are unique, loving, extremely clean pets. My rabbits bring me so much joy and happiness and I can’t possibly fathom how anyone else could have a different opinion that doesn’t align with my own.
See how stupid that sounds? Expecting everyone else to love your smelly, dirty, germ-filled obnoxious canines is incredibly narcissistic because you are expecting everyone else to think like YOU. We are all entitled to our own preferences and beliefs, especially when it comes to pet ownership. Dogs are dirty, annoying, and carry a real risk of diseases that can be passed to humans. They track dirt, germs, poop, and sometimes insects into your home every time they are outside and come back in. Did you know that the majority of homes in America contain trace amounts of dog feces on every single surface of their home, even if they don’t own a dog themselves? They track in dog shit when they wear shoes in the house because so many people own dogs that their shit (and traces of it) is literally everywhere. As someone that values my health and a clean home, I will never own a dog (or wear shoes inside). My house rabbits stay inside, are incredibly clean, and pose a much lower threat to my health than a dog does. And yet when someone visits my home, I do not push my pets in their face. I don’t even let my rabbits out of their room unless my guests want to see them. A narcissist would be allowing their dog to invade their guest’s personal space because they view their dog as an extension of themselves. I respect that not everyone will be into my rabbits as much as I am, and that’s OK. Not everyone has to think exactly like I do about rabbits. Dog owners should do that same and not expect the world to love their dogs just because they love dogs themselves. Expecting everyone else to think just like you do is a form of narcissism. I’m a rabbit owner for life and will never, EVER own a dog, just like you will probably never own two house rabbits. And guess what? That’s OK.
rat • Feb 10, 2023 at 1:25 am
Click. Bait. Badly written click bait at that.
Jerry Turner • Feb 5, 2023 at 8:03 am
I believe in an old school way of life. Cows and horses stay in the fields and if they are lucky have some form of shelter or barn. Chickens live in Chicken houses. Pigs live in pig pens. You get where I’m going with this. Dogs and cats belong in the outdoors. Dogs with whatever comforts is fitting for the freeloader ! After taking care nurturing all these dependencies and needs. In my old age I don’t want anything with a hungry mouth or stinking butt. This includes any type of species of dead beat spoiled rotten flesh ! To each his own. I Love all of Gods creatures! Man has got limitations.
Mimi • Mar 3, 2023 at 3:09 pm
Someone might not want your dirty butt as well…
Dee Uk • Feb 1, 2023 at 9:07 pm
Seriously you have issues that cannot be helped! I imagine your relationships with humans may also be complicated. Wish you luck anyway.
Parker • Feb 23, 2023 at 8:09 pm
Haha! So agree with all of it! Dogs are the WORST.
Lou • Jan 30, 2023 at 1:29 am
Dogs are a massive pain in the arse. I think there’s been a radical change in the way people breed and bring up dogs that means many are now obnoxious jumpy, neurotic or aggressive canine brats.
Every day I pass an elderly owner being pulled down the path by a barely controlled Springer that has never learnt to walk at heel and a nervous looking girl who hasn’t a hope of controlling her menacing looking German Shepherd with a dangling muzzle it’s not wearing even though it’s blatantly harbouring some latent homicidal tendencies towards any dog it can see.
Don’t even start me on pit bulls and the mutated looking Bully XLs that seem to be the mutt of choice for anyone with testosterone issues who doesn’t care if someone gets mauled.
L • Jan 27, 2023 at 4:51 pm
bla bla bla I hate children , so what?
Sal Marino • Jan 27, 2023 at 8:41 am
I recently published a funny book called, “Why I Hate Dogs-Confessions of a Grump” (Amazon books) and ever since there have been groups gathering calling for my crucifixion. It seems that the haters of dog haters have zero tolerance for those who don’t share their point of view. It is my belief that if am expected to accept the pyramid remnants of dogs in the deep treads of my sneakers, then the opposing side of the argument should, at the least, accept my disdain for their poop factories. Besides, cruciixions are still illegal. Aren’t they?
Sal Marino, Author
David • Jan 25, 2023 at 3:39 pm
I don’t like dogs never have. The entire dog experience is not for me. They are dirty, smelly and unsanitary. They consume all the attention. I had a Liver Transplant and am on immunosuppressants, which means I have practically no immune system. Dogs and other animals carry lots of disease and other insects that also carry disease. The friendly animal is a loaded gun of disease.
Mimi • Mar 3, 2023 at 3:10 pm
People also carry diseases, so…
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:35 pm
Yes, but they don’t generally try to lick your face after licking their own balls or eating shit.
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 2:39 pm
People do not rub their butt holes on your furniture, jump up on you with dirty shoes, or invade your personal space by touching and licking you without consent. They also do not rub their exposed butt holes all over your house, leaving trace amounts of feces everywhere. Dogs are carriers of disease with absolutely no hygiene whatsoever, making them a very real threat to your health. Dog owners get sick a few times a year on average from their pets and do not even realize it. I haven’t been sick in 4 years despite being around humans because humans have a least a little hygiene awareness. Dogs are not capable of that.
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 5:27 pm
Dogs are a nuisance. There are more people that dislike them than many of us realize. You have to kind of be in the closet about it. Their incessant barking. The stink. The waste everywhere. The staring. The lunging. Non stop jumping on you and invading your personal space. I don’t care if “he’s friendly!”. That is completely irrelevant. Dogs serve no purpose unless they are actually service dogs and not part of this ESA scam. They fill a gap for the insecure.
Sal Marino • Jan 19, 2023 at 11:00 pm
I just published a funny book called, “Why I Hate Dogs-Confessions of a Grump”
If you hate dogs, you’ll love me. If you love dogs, you’ll hate me. Either way, it’s full of funny stuff. You can find free sample chapters by searching the title. Have fun!
Sal Marino, Author
joe • Jan 14, 2023 at 9:42 am
just another form if collective insanity. pet worship.
Idc • Jan 12, 2023 at 1:25 am
Dogs are disgusting and anyone arguing that they aren’t probably has poor hygiene themselves. They’re actually pointless pets, just something else for weirdos to enslave and control. They were used for hunting, fishing, partners to explore with. Tell me what one would need or want a dog now for unless just to fill their own loneliness with something dumber than them that they can let obsess over them. Weirddddd.
dogh8ter • Jan 8, 2023 at 10:55 am
nah i understand , my hatred roots from my childhood as well i cant be near them without getting upset they are some of the most annoying things to exist
GC • Jan 5, 2023 at 1:22 pm
You know who else was an animal lover? A certain German dude who orchestrated a well known world war and killed thousands of people.
So yeah. Think twice before saying you hate someone and think they are a horrible human being because they dislike your stupid furball.
To be honest, I dislike pet owners more than the critters themselves. Animals are overall innocent – it’s dumbass humans that make them larger than life.
I find that extreme pet lovers are extremely insecure people. Animals are easy to please – give them some modicum of care and food, and they’ll pretty much never leave your side and love you “unconditionally” even as you deep down are downright horribly unpleasant to be with.
Mimi • Mar 3, 2023 at 3:20 pm
The most secure people are these who pose with imagined nicknames (even the first letters, not full names) on the internet 😀 Plus spit on others. Security and well-being as hell!
Oldbitchwho loves all animals • Jan 5, 2023 at 3:04 am
Do you consider yourself narcissistic?
Amber • Mar 13, 2023 at 9:15 pm
I’ve noticed that the dog nutters are the narcissists. Yall hate other humans because we can talk back, tell you your faults and when you’re in the wrong and yall can’t stand it. Dogs can’t do any of that. You can be as shitty of a person you want to be and your shit beasts will stay by your side because you feed and shelter it. Humans won’t put up with your narcissistic shit.
Shabazz • Jan 2, 2023 at 8:51 am
Most people that go gaga over dogs and treat them like humans have no problem treating an entire group of people like animals. They love the stink of dog and loud, obtrusive barking. They should be grouped and sent to mars, or some abandoned island somewhere, yet they would still find a way to spread and infest the rest of the world.
Shabazz • Jan 2, 2023 at 8:37 am
Well, they are SMELLY and LOUD. They smell horrible, and if anyone wants to play obtuse and pretend they don’t stink says alot about their own personal hygiene.
Ally • Jan 1, 2023 at 2:24 pm
I’d say, in 99.99% the dog owners is the problem, not the dog. Just imagine somebody puts smth disgusting for you right under your nose, and says ‘isnt that beautiful?’ No, it’s not! Just leave us alone, you and your dogs. Stop insulting us, calling mental and psycho for being sensitive to smell and noise. Or, don’t got offended, when we mirror your rude behaviour. It’s not us who bark and try to touch you against your will.
CoCo • Dec 25, 2022 at 11:15 pm
Well, I HATE people who hate dogs. So there!
No one cares • Jan 12, 2023 at 1:22 am
Good, because we don’t want you or your gross creatures near us.
Lisa • Feb 19, 2023 at 6:53 am
Sociopaths/ psychopaths do not like dogs/ animals,all of you should be culled. God hates you,we do not want you to share our space. Find your own planet. Get spayed & neutered also while you are at it.
Chase • Feb 21, 2023 at 5:33 pm
God is a very ugly filthy dog altogether.
climaglobal2000 • Feb 24, 2023 at 11:28 am
Hahahhah Lisa must be as filthy as her noisy, pesky, disgusting barking animals 😄
Amber • Mar 13, 2023 at 9:28 pm
Or how about you dog nutters move to a deserted island with your filthy mutants and see how long it takes for it to turn on you and eat you lmao
The Annunaki • Dec 25, 2022 at 9:58 pm
I respect that people don’t like dogs or animals in general, as long as they respect that I can’t relate to them and would rather not be around them. And who doesn’t like music? That person WOULD be insane in my opinion. What a horrible boring life that person would live!
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:43 pm
Trouble is that people don’t respect the people who would rather not have a
strange pooch invade their space. I’d rather not be forced to pretend to think your dog is cute when I am trying to enjoy a meal in a restaurant. It’s just plain rude on the owner’s part.
Debra R. Simons • Dec 25, 2022 at 12:08 am
Good if you feel it necessary too express your feelings about hating something that is innocent and hasn’t harmed you. I personally hate child abusers and animal abusers. And I disdain those who adopt animals and then regard them as nothing but nuisances.
So therefore if I have to choose something to hate it will be standing upright and walking with two legs and called a human being who does not have empathy and affection.
Larry E Harmon • Jan 4, 2023 at 3:13 pm
I take it you have empathy for rats as well maam? Oh it’s just dogs you want to treat as humans. Yeah, well we dog haters choose to hate you to. Thanks for the heads up.
Amber • Mar 13, 2023 at 9:34 pm
They (mainly shitbulls) have harmed way too many innocent children, adults and other animals to justify liking them. They’re opportunistic predators who kill out of pure enjoyment. The world would be a million times better off without these mutants.
Sofi • Dec 24, 2022 at 12:04 pm
My dogs are truly my fam, the thought of them not being there when I get home is heartbreaking. You don’t understand real love if you have never loved an animal unconditionally.
Nathan • Mar 9, 2023 at 1:47 pm
Funny…I felt the same way about my late husband. Breaks my heart that he’s not here when I come home now, and how DARE you say I don’t understand real love.
DiamondPr0 • Dec 24, 2022 at 3:39 am
I simply hate dogs. Cats are definitely my type. I think dogs are way to overrated.
Oldbitchwho loves all animals • Jan 5, 2023 at 3:01 am
Cats are independent and low maintenance emotionally. They poop and pee in a box in you’re house so if you’re chill with that I guess you can be happy. My dog rushes to me every morning like I’m some amazing thing. Cats will eat you if you die lol. I love cats too but dogs have a naive love and devotion cats could never have. I had a cat who “loved me the most” out of everyone and I was always afraid of that mfer. One minute he’s purring and nussling the next minute he’s biting the shit out of me! My dog has never done that! Dogs can read people. I’ve always believed if a nice dog, who gets along with everyone is tripping on someone there is something very wrong with that person.
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 5:37 pm
They “love” you because you are the food dispenser and know they’ll get food and treats when you get home. That’s it. Any time I go to a dog owner’s home I bring treats to show my friends that I can keep the dog by my side the whole time I am there and even lead it out of the house with treats, because obviously it “loves” me. LOL
Erin Ungy • Apr 10, 2023 at 2:45 pm
Dogs will also eat you if you die. They also track in dirt, germs, and trace amounts of feces into your home. They have a perpetual smell and the intelligence of a 2 year old. If you’re cool with that, good for you. I value my health and a clean home.
Janella • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:57 am
There are a lot of simpleminded people lingers around here. If you hate them or just simply don’t want them please don’t do anything that can harm them. Humans can think and decide what’s right and improper, they don’t but they do have feelings too so, can’t we all just be understanding enough. I am also an intovert and is kind of busy but it’s fine by me whenever they enter the house then come running towards me while I am doing something and there are times that I’ll be annoyed for a moment but it won’t last long for I just can’t be mad at them nor simply hate them. Calling them smelly and needy, seriously?! Well I can tell the same for humans.
jesse soloman evans tai • Jan 31, 2023 at 6:25 am
we’ll we still hate dog’s…
J. Bright • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:26 am
There are a lot of simpleminded people lingers around here. If you hate them or just simply don’t want them please don’t do anything that can harm them. Humans can think and decide what’s right and improper, they don’t but they also have feelings so, can’t we all just be understanding enough. Calling them smelly and needy? I can tell the same for humans.
Shabazz • Jan 2, 2023 at 8:39 am
They smell disgusting.
GG • Dec 11, 2022 at 10:40 pm
I am so glad to have found this article. People think I’m insane because I don’t like dogs. It’s not as much anything against the dogs themselves, they’re just animals. It’s dog PEOPLE that treat dogs like more than what they are, and expect others to do the same. They think that a dog has every right to bark and then stick their nose in my crotch, which is apparently okay because it’s just the dog “saying hi.” No, no, no!!!! And I want to know how people deal with the smell of dog. I simply cannot understand it! Bagh! I needed to find a place to vent because I’m sick of the dog people forcing their smelly dogs on me. Thank you for providing that hahah
Alex • Dec 15, 2022 at 9:17 pm
Dog lovers are narcissists, period. They hate you if you don’t worship their dogs. They don’t love dogs, dogs are props for them to make them feel they are wonderful people for imprisoning an animal in their home and their lives. They like it when their pet frightens or bites you, and blame it on you. Avoid these people, they are the ones who can’t be trusted.
Debra Simons • Dec 25, 2022 at 12:11 am
That is very ridiculous to say most people are thrilled when their own dog would bite someone. In fact it is silly and completely erroneous unless you’re talking about some sort of violent Criminal. No one wants their own dog to bite someone else. This is really too silly to address.
Dogs not allowed • Dec 7, 2022 at 1:15 am
My boyfriend had bought an English Bulldog that is just disgusting, entitled, and sneaky. She is a completely butch of a dog and I no longer want to take care of her because she continues to soil her cage even if I had intentions on taking her out. Not much time will pass by and she will still pee and poop in her cage. I have three young children and am very anxious when it comes to dog urine. It’s very hazardous and can be extremely hazardous when it comes to small children (which I have: 6,5,&1) When it comes to my health I am BIG on it. I am also very big on my Children’s health as well obviously and smelling dog urine from a bitchy dog who consistently pees in her cage is just — I hate it. We have tried everything and nothing seems to work. It’s as if these dogs are truly retarded. They say that they are stubborn but I really just think they are as retarded as their droopy eyes look. I hate when she’s outside the cage because she dirty’s the floor and shakes obsessively which gets hair all over the house. I even got a few of her hairs stuck in my foot that I thought were small pieces of glass but no, it was her hair. Stuck in my foot. It felt as sharp as glass or a splinter— I enjoy walking around my house barefoot. Not anymore. Now I’m disgusted by it. Because I’m a busy Mom of three I barely get out and I feel like this dog just takes the last little bit of joy that I have left in the world which is my time, sense of smell, and walking barefoot in a clean floor. English bulldogs or bulldogs in general have beenped up. They’re cute when they’re small but they are straight up BITCHES! Like they legit feel that humans are their servant not to mention they constant blow their noses which means yeah.. they’re blowing not on you and everywhere else. They’re obnoxious when they hear the door or anyone at it or anyone coming in the house they do a weird back and for to scoot in the cage when guests are in the house just to get out and pry for a pet from someone they don’t even KNOW! Our is always scrounging for food left on the floor by the kids after just having ate so they’re also str8 up pigs.. The list goes on. Our is also right by our room so anytime she soils her cage, the smell seeps into our bedroom and it’s just got damn annoying. There’s nowhere else for her to be either because she has destroyed the corner she is in right now. We’ll be moving soon and all I’m thinking about is where in the house is she going to go. I don’t want her by the kitchen, or our bedrooms, by the laundry room, or the dining room which she is already in currently, no dining room table exists here because just EW! And I don’t want her to have to go through the entire house just to go on a walk to use the bathroom and she’d fur everywhere and poop and pee trails from the grass… it give me anxiety to be honest. So far I’ve found no house that will seclude her from all the things I want poop pee and fur-free. I hate dogs they’re loud they stink they’re pathetic they’re useless they’re free loaders they smack loud af but ppl get annoyed when other ppl smack ?????? Make it make sense!!! They’re attention whores and they’re fucking disgusting. I hate picking up warm dog shit and smelling it on the way up, just dog lovers your guys are they’ll crazy ones who willingly wants to do that??? An insane mf – that’s right. A nasty mf at that! You guys like filth and the smell of pee and dog poop. And shit and poop and fur all over your clothes feet and food and mouth.
Laura • Dec 13, 2022 at 10:22 am
Jesus, that poor dog. I hope you’ve found her a real home, free from you. Maybe she’s anxious because you keep her in a fucking cage? Maybe she picks up in your hyper personality and it’s too much??? You’ve mentioned you’re a ” mom of three” several times. I feel for your poor kids too.
Maybe try a little empathy? Maybe relax a bit?
You seem like a lot.
The BatDan • Dec 15, 2022 at 1:34 pm
Seriously!!! It boggles the mind how many people out there abuse the shit out of their pets and wonder why their pets are so ill behaved. Sadly, you could swap “pets” for “kids” and the statement would ring equally true.
Ms. Marvel – Oops, I mean Ms. Must Not Love Dogs over here is all “paranoia, paranoia, everybody’s coming to GET me” (thank God I haven’t met her) and I’m just (flagpole) sittin here like… I haven’t been around the world, but sometimes it sure seems like only stupid people are breeding. I mean I don’t care who does or doesn’t like animals, kids, the word galoshes, cars of a certain colour or whatever, but DAMN. The amount of hate being levelled at pets as opposed to their owners is just plain sad.
Thanks for reminding me that intelligent (and compassionate) life still exists in this galaxy, Laura. If you have a preferred deity that you venerate, may they smile upon you. If you don’t, then hopefully you at least get some warm & fuzzies from giving some agnostic internet stranger with a rapidly deteriorating sense of hope for humanity a little bit more hope.
Alex • Dec 15, 2022 at 9:29 pm
What is wrong with you? Your BOYFRIEND brought the dog and you and your CHILDREN are putting up with this animal he brought home? Um, how about “This dog has to GO!” Why are YOU cleaning up the filth and not the boyfriend? Yes, dogs are filthy animals but its the stupid, selfish humans that breed them and trap them inside human homes, which isn’t “loving” the animal, it’s just plain selfish cruelty. Blame your boyfriend, he brought the dog in the house, and make him responsible.
Christy • Dec 2, 2022 at 8:18 pm
Can I just say thank you for speaking the absolute truth about what it is to have a dog or two, this has really touch a string in my heart that nobody else has gotten in my house. The benefits other then my 9 year olds idea of owning a pet are zero. The work and constant attention when you are at full time work not to mention the destruction you have to maintain after your day is just not in my opinion worth any affection they may give wether it’s love or your finger smells like dinner which is nothing at all. I am not a bad person maybe just see past the bull shit, who knows
Anon • Nov 20, 2022 at 1:10 pm
Why are people still commenting on a blog post from 4 years ago? Jesus Christ let it go already!
LOL • Jan 21, 2023 at 5:42 pm
Why are you?
Dogs stink • Jan 31, 2023 at 5:02 pm
Yet here you are, ironic.
Simon • Nov 19, 2022 at 4:16 am
Well, this article shows some proofs for what it tries to object to.
J decarl • Nov 26, 2022 at 11:09 pm
What a piece of human shit?what’s your problem maybe someone just came across your disgusting lil tirade there and had to tell the person or you ,what a stupid moron you are,you f—
Joanna • Nov 12, 2022 at 12:26 pm
Thank you! I believe in God and that Jesus and Buddha are brothers. I never see dogs attempt to go to church or pray like cats do. I had a Siamese that would try to play instruments and would literally go around and hug loved ones when they would come over to my house after they sat down. Show me one dog that does that. Show me a dog that cuddles in the laps of religious figures made by saints and people that believe in the right things like birds and cats do.
Kim Byrd • Nov 30, 2022 at 5:52 pm
Thank you. I hate dogs. They are needy, disgusting, smelly and not to mention their breath. They smell everything including our genitals. They make me sick. And dog lovers let them run around to jump up on those of us who just pretend to be ok with it, while they attempt to eat from our plates. Every chance I get I kick them off so I can find peace and try to enjoy my friends. So keep your fucking dogs away from guests believe me they don’t like it. Even though they put up with your nasty dogs.
S • Nov 9, 2022 at 9:27 am
Thank you for being my voice. I’m stuck with a dog, and resentment for it and the spouse that wants it, who is a trucker so I’m really stuck all day with this actual hate for this smelly stupid destroyer of things money pit of a dumb ass dog. When I just want to be free. But alas, I can’t afford to live alone alone.
Dave • Nov 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm
I entirely agree. I see all these triggered comments, like someone is forced to like those loud night barkers, road sh*tters, crazy maulers (like pibulls, yes stats don’t lie and there’s a reason all family insurances laugh at your face when you own such a demon). We’re entitled to not like your smelly fleabag. You can keep it, really, for us it’s enough that it stays your problem and doesn’t become mine, this implies:
-not barking to the point that neighbours can hear that (especially at night),
-make the sh*tteer sh*t under your control, so you can grab with your hands his warm love without leaving it in the streets,
-ALWAYS have the leash on the sh*tter, they’re animals, unpredictable, nobody wants to see a dog running after cars or attacking other people or other animals,
-don’t drag us into conversations about dogs, we don’t give a flying f about your childfree love surrogate.
David • Nov 6, 2022 at 4:34 am
I just need to say with all seriousness. Can I very strongly and with compassion suggest you seek mental health support. The writer of this articles is literally just ranting and reading it is actually very concerning. No accurate information, no scientific evidence to support anything being said. Literally just someone ranting and not like dogs.
Please seek help.
Jazzy Bell • Dec 13, 2022 at 1:48 am
So… someone expressing an opinion about not liking dogs requires therapy? That’s stunningly ridiculous! People are allowed to not like dogs. And it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them. Where is it written that liking dogs is a requirement for life. Stupid and ridiculous opinion. And yes, it’s your opinion, not fact.
Parsnip • Dec 31, 2022 at 7:24 pm
Lol David. You absolute moron. People don’t need to provide scientific evidence to support their personal opinions.
Alis • Jan 1, 2023 at 2:04 pm
David, I just need to say with all seriousness. Can I very strongly and with compassion suggest you seek mental health support. blah-blah, no scientific evidence, just attempt to humiliate a person who has a well based (unlike yours) opinion that dog is a smelly and noisy animal, which demands a lot time but cant even speak or be independent. We have reasons, and all you have is insult
Jaynip • Oct 23, 2022 at 10:17 am
I GUARANTEE this person voted for Biden
Cc • Nov 18, 2022 at 5:36 pm
I voted trump and I hate dogs
Laura • Dec 13, 2022 at 10:25 am
Voted for Biden. I prefer dogs to almost every human. Biden has beloved pets. Trump seems to hate and fear them at the same time.
Pharah • Oct 18, 2022 at 6:24 pm
Considering your argument is built upon the belief that dogs don’t grow out of their puppy phase, I would like to say your whole point is invalid. I understand how you would see that, but dogs grow with their owner, and if their owner is content to sit around not telling their pet what’s wrong or right(as you would a c h i l d) and just consider the fact that the d o g is meant to be t a u g h t. Like the fact that you were taught to write(definitely) and if someone sees you as dumb because you don’t know how to write I’m sure you’d say its not your fault because no one taught you. You don’t have to try hard to take care of a pet, and you definitely don’t have to go on the internet spreading mis-information, hate, and trying to convince children who love to be validated to learn to be extremists. It’s not all or nothing, you can dislike something yet be civil about it. Personally if you are going to be supporting some fanatical article which is less of an informational subject and more of a persuasive crusade I feel like no matter what you say your opinion will not be as validated as a positive or neutral inclined response.
Zeeshan Mahmud • Oct 29, 2022 at 6:57 am
You do realize it is her opinion? Only thing fantatical about this is your entitlement and lack of respect for her opinion. Point no fingers.
Pharah • Oct 31, 2022 at 4:18 pm
I don’t feel like it being an opinion really matters at this point. Really, a opinion more emotionally charged can do so much more harm than a fact. If the author really wanted to express her opinion maybe she shouldn’t have used excessively violent wording. All I’m doing is reciprocating. I never once said the opinion was wrong; just that it can be dangerous and is vile. If you looked through this whole comment section it wouldn’t take long to realize that the article written has expanded some petulant feelings. I agree I might have been a little harsh with my points, buuut it is still important to explain it in a way that more expressively shows what I am saying because online conversation can be difficult to decipher. Once again, I don’t lack respect for her opinion it is just based wrongly, so I’m trying to give perspective(a wider view.)
Say What • Nov 5, 2022 at 12:45 pm
Jesus Christ, you are a deluded fool that proved the author’s point smh
Nah • Nov 3, 2022 at 11:51 am
Its their “opinion” and to say who’s is fair and who’s isn’t is a paradox. My opinion is you need to practice what you preach and YES the OP is a terrible person. That’s my opinion.
richard • Oct 7, 2022 at 7:21 pm
dogs are great, in soups stews and burritos…
filthy, noisy, vicious, unstable mentally, extreme disease carriers, on and on and on…
dogs have hated me all my life; now why i have no idea…
all other critters love me…
i can walk up to any other creature and they come to me and want to be with me…
dogs go absolutely bat s*** insane at the sight of me…
i am sick of some dips****s dog going insane and trying to get at me or throwing itself against the window of the car its in…
i gave up on dogs a long time ago…
Pharah • Oct 31, 2022 at 5:57 pm
Thanks for the copypasta lol
CM • Oct 3, 2022 at 12:33 pm
OMG! I feel like you are describing my emotions. I came across your article as i am looking for ideas how to live with dogs. My Adult SD will be moving in with us in order to save money and hopefully go to school. In short we will be helping her with food and lodging.
Before i married his father he already knows i do not want any pets at all, that time his kids didn’t have any. This was a deal breaker for me, i have stopped dating men that had pets, because i just can’t see myself living with one.
Now I understand how to dog owners, they value them as family. I really try to be ok with it, to the point we stayed at SD’s apartment one time to see if i can live with a dog. The answer is just NO!, hairs are everywhere .. EVERYWHERE!!! and that little dog, keeps jumping around and slobbering everywhere. I just cant do it.
Here’s the problem, we welcome her in our home, but not the dog. I understand she can’t give up her dog, but i can’t also give up my sanity. Anybody have a solution or a better compromise? No one wants to take the dog, and me and my husband just know I can’t live with a dog.
Sharad Sharma • Sep 24, 2022 at 10:14 am
Thanks for putting in words so effectively, I literally felt you are reading it out what’s in my heart.
R J Mays • Sep 23, 2022 at 7:21 pm
You don’t have to like dogs. It’s your right. People should except it as your freedom of choice.
Mike • Sep 2, 2022 at 10:46 am
People who hate anything as a generalization, unless it’s objectively considered taboo within the prevailing cultural mores, are not of sound and healthy mind. Obsessive hate, which is clearly the motivation behind this article, is not healthy and is the prime contributor to poor values such as racism, sexism, and homophobia. You whine about diversity, equity, and inclusion and in the same breath malign an entire group of people, based on no other dimension but their tolerance of dogs. You position yourself as superior by questioning the intelligence, dependency, and even hygiene of dog owners. Dogs are not natural, they are the product of thousands of years of human interference in normal breeding, their needyness a product of that same interference. Humans have a responsibility to provide care for an entire species that they handcrafted to be lame and ill-equipped to deal with the rigors of life. You’re clearly a victim, but one of choice and opinion, certainly not a martyr of society. Finally, the beauty of free speech and public forums is that unpopular, dangerous, or obscene beliefs, thoughts, and ideas can be appropriately challenged, condemned, and dismissed according to the values of society. I would argue that your opinion is one that meets the requirements of defensibility, and should have to be defended when you express it. If you expect to be able to say “Gee, I sure hate something you really like,” and expect the other person to just be like “Oh, that’s completely valid and I respect you even more now,” then you’re a child. That’s not how discourse and argument work. If you don’t want to explain yourself, keep your mouth shut. I’m very tired of the idea that all opinions are equally valid, it’s simply not true and is a driving force behind completely mindless nonsense in self-entitled op-eds like these today
Romulus • Sep 16, 2022 at 11:09 pm
Such hateful vigor. The article expressed respect towards dog ownership yet a desire not to be participant of it. It’s main issue being with the widespread ideas that villify these sentiments as unnatural. You should re-read from the beginning.
Andrew • Sep 19, 2022 at 2:16 pm
What a terrible reading comprehension
Mikael • Apr 10, 2023 at 5:34 am
Must be a mentally stunted dog owner that wrote that, completely missing OP’s point.
Say What • Nov 5, 2022 at 12:46 pm
Jesus Christ, you are another deluded fool that proved the author’s point smh
Ally • Jan 1, 2023 at 2:13 pm
But… But your speech is full of hate
Chelsea • Feb 15, 2023 at 1:16 pm
Exactly, their neediness, neuroticism, and inability to take care of themselves is the fault of humans because we continue to breed them so lonely and socially inept people don’t have to interact with other humans to get their needs met. It’s a horrible thing that we bred out all the independence and dignity of the wolf to meet the selfish, narcissistic needs of man. You just proved the authors point.
Mary • Aug 31, 2022 at 3:02 am
I hate dogs! I hate that I can’t sleep outside in rural country side without hearing someone’s GD dog barking at 2am for 2 hours. Or that at Stanley Idaho where they mark “ no dogs allowed on beach” at red fish lake, there was about 15 dogs and 7 if them constantly barking. Walking in the woods in Montana and you come upon 4 dogs running loose on trails chasing f****** wildlife. Jumping at you and their owners saying ~ don’t worry it’s friendly- like we all love your dog jumping on us… one more … dog crap on any mentioned trail because some lazy ass owner won’t pick it up. If you wanna get pissy and say it’s the dogs owners, no I’m past that… it’s dogs, dogs that bark , dogs that chase, dogs that poop. If you have a well behaved dog? Then get on other non well behaved dog people and call them out cause not enough people do…
Dave • Nov 8, 2022 at 4:38 pm
I feel you, I share exactly the same feelings
Bil MacIntosh • Aug 31, 2022 at 12:59 am
I think you may have misjudged the likelihood you just might be a horrible human.
Jimbo Jenson • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:24 am
Crazy how most of these issues that are bought up here and in the comments all just have to do with people being lazy and shitty pet owners and then blaming it on the dog. A dog that is well looked after should not stink, should not eat poo, should not bark and whine all the time, or do many of the other things that have been bought up. A lot of this seems to be people basically saying “I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to look after a dog properly, and I hate responsibility, therefore dogs are evil and disgusting”. If people could just be logical and leave it at “I am too lazy to look after an animal, and I don’t like the responsibility, so pets aren’t for me”, that would be one thing, but no, instead people have to bring it to “I hate dogs and they are evil and disgusting”.
Chaser • Aug 30, 2022 at 5:47 am
Well Jimbo, you may be correct in some instances but you can’t categorise everyone who hates dogs, as lazy pet owners. I have a dog who listens to my (almost) every command and doesn’t eat faeces nor smell. However, do I like him? No I do not. He isn’t loyal, he is subservient to me as I’m the dominant ‘pack leader’. He follows my every move with his gaze and sits waiting for my command. It’s irritating and quite frankly, pathetic. If a human acted this way, we’d all think them insane. Dogs cannot survive without their human owner, so they may wag their tail and prance happily when you’re home, but ask yourself; is this because they are genuinely happy to see you or because they know they’ve not been abandoned and will now be fed/watered/walked?? In all honesty, for the most part, dogs are dumb, incapable of self sufficiency and for me personally, annoying as hell.
Bob • Sep 15, 2022 at 2:55 am
sounds like you are dumb and insufficient
Say What • Nov 5, 2022 at 12:47 pm
No that’s you
Max • Nov 5, 2022 at 3:56 pm
No, it’s a valid point, and your comment has no value.
Rain • Oct 1, 2022 at 8:26 am
Dogs, like most animals, are highly intelligent. When properly trained and cared for, they help us much more than we help them (i.e., seeing eye dogs, rescue dogs, police and service dogs, therapy dogs just to make a few). Humans are to blame for their tendency toward ‘neediness.’ Wolves, their ancestors, have no need for our interest in us, but humans weren’t satisfied with that. They wanted loyal, helpful, easily controlled companions. As is the case in most situations, humans are to blame; not dogs.
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 6:04 pm
You claim dogs “are highly intelligent” then you make two statements that counter that claim. The first was “properly trained and cared for”. If you can train something easily it has nothing to do with intelligence. Dogs have to trained to not be dog like just to make them tolerable. So you are training it to be something not even resembling a dog.
Then you say “easily controlled companions”. Another indicator they are not intelligent.
So which is it? Are they intelligent or not? All they care about is where there next meal comes from and who gives it to them. That is the extent of their “love”. I think dog owners know many people secretly hates their dogs and that really revs their insecurities. Well, there is eff all you can do about it, and that also drives you all mad.
Amber • Aug 30, 2022 at 12:15 pm
Just because someone doesn’t like dogs doesn’t mean they’re lazy. It means human relationships are more important. Dog owners are the ones who are too lazy to form real relationships with humans. And yes they do stink, even after a bath, because they naturally have oil and yeast on their skin. No amount of bathing the filthy things will get rid of it. I have to question the hygiene of a person who owns indoor dogs.
Alex • Sep 3, 2022 at 5:45 am
I have never heard a dumber comparison in my life. You really think pet owners are too lazy to form human relationship and THAT is the reason they choose to own a pet? Delusional at best.
LASL • Aug 23, 2022 at 2:03 pm
As the author has shared her opinion, so shall I. To me, it doesn’t sound like you hate dogs although that was your choice of word. The fact is taking care of another being, whether it’s a human or animal requires a lot of effort. It’s a responsibility not many would be able to bare. I grew up having all sorts of pets/animals/aviary in my house(surrounding) and I can vouch it is a lot of work but I love them all and so, I do it. At the end of the day, you choose what works for you as long you don’t harm them. They too are just trying to make it through their short lives the best way they can. Compassion goes a long way. Remember one day, we too will grow older and needy. The hope is that there will be someone around to show us the empathy we’ll need during those times.
Jim • Aug 17, 2022 at 11:08 pm
I don’t hate dogs, but I am most definitely sick of them, and the public pressure to love them. All my life I’ve had to deal with dogs – mine when I was younger, or else friends’ or GFs’ since then, and they’re nearly always undisciplined when they come into my life, so I have to train them (been told by several dog-trainers that I’m a natural) and eventually teach their owner that they have to scold them occasionally – Gee, what a surprise… Amazing how many people who have raised kids will NOT scold a dog when they actually see it poop in the house, or ignore them and continue barking to no end. The other annoying thing about clueless dog owners is watching them reward their Fido for bad behavior, when it’s so painfully obvious that as a dog owner they have no brain. I actually dated a gal once who’s dog would wake up at 2 AM every night and start barking, totally out of control, and she would actually give it love, affection, and a WHOLE BAG OF TREATS to get it to shut up. Told me I didn’t know what I was talking about about when I scolded it, and the “proof” was that her way worked – the dog did finally shut up after 20 or 30 minutes – that is, once it got it’s belly filled with treats, of course. She should’ve been a brain surgeon. Current GF is much smarter and has a nice well-behaved dog (now that I trained it, and her) but I’m still sick of it dominating everything, and having to take it to a dog park for 1½ hours just before dark, EVERY bloody day. Everything else takes a back seat – #1 priority in life.. She & I are on the rocks right now for unrelated reasons, but ole’ “Pepper,” as sweet as she is, might just be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, or at least tips the scales in the wrong direction for the end results. Next GF definitely won’t have pets (I’d rather not have a GF any more, and I’m sure many of you hope that’s the case because I’m “so evil”). I especially look forward to one day taking a peaceful, evening walk around a neighborhood (somewhere, some day) without a hundred dogs barking and going crazy. We definitely live in a dog-infested and completely dog-obsessed society. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the original poster’s feelings or comments. In fact, I’m glad she spoke up. More people need to.
Michael • Aug 17, 2022 at 2:23 pm
Dogs are awful, but dog people who try to tell me I just haven’t met their dog who will convert me are 100x worse. 🤮
Mary • Aug 31, 2022 at 3:12 am
Agree!!! I got bit so hard as a kid by someone’s dog who ran up to me like it was buddy buddy. Now hiking on trails ( marked dog on a leash ) and a dog runs up to me and the owner is a hot few minutes behind dog “ oh don’t worry he’s friendly!! As I’m backed up against a tree terrified
Erin • Oct 23, 2022 at 6:18 pm
This is for me the biggest thing that can spark my anger toward a dog owner. My daughter was bit by her Uncle’s dog (German Shephard) 3 years ago. She was only 5 at the time. She received 17 stitches in her arm; they had to sedate her because she was so terrified. 10 days of screaming everytime we had to change her bandage over the rainbows (we couldn’t call them stitches because she would freak out). All she did was stand by her Aunt who was standing by the dog and he bit her. They all said “He is a good dog, he doesn’t bite), he has been through dog training, etc.” Listen don’t tell me your dog is harmless, don’t tell me that he is gentle, don’t tell me that he wouldn’t hurt anyone. They are an animal and they have animal instincts. Period. People in this world have become so self absorbed that they lack empathy. “Oh you hate dogs well you must be terrible, I question your state of mind to hate a cute dog. ” Please….you own a dog and let it lick your face, lay on your furniture, buy it sweaters, and spend thousands of dollars on it if it gets sick or hurt and I am the one whose state of mind you are questioning. My child was harmed by an animal, my state of mind and clarity is perfectly in tact and your dogs can piss off!
Ivana • Aug 15, 2022 at 4:39 pm
You don’t have to like them but to hate them?! You are a psychopath!
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:45 am
you are literally part of the problem that’s being described in this article. lol. you can hate something without being a psychopath. you can hate dogs and not wish them any harm
Ashy • Aug 11, 2022 at 5:23 pm
bro my dog literally saved my life YOU SAW THIS YES SAVED MY LIFE! so not all dog are bad and calm down there not even that bad. My dog isn’t even trained and she saved me
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:46 am
Just because your dog supposedly saved your life doesn’t mean that dogs still aren’t annoying and have behaviors that are irritating… or that we have to like how clingy and reward-seeking they are as a species
Atalia • Aug 11, 2022 at 5:17 pm
meanwhile me having 4 dogs..
Megan • Aug 7, 2022 at 5:51 pm
I don’t judge you a bit.
I don’t hate dogs, but I don’t particularly like them either. Some of them are cute, but cute is not enough to overlook their annoying behavior.
I don’t see the appeal of dogs for all the reasons you described. Occasionally, I meet a dog that is very well-behaved and doesn’t jump, lick, beg, and follow at the heels – but this is very rare and I’m aware that some people pay very good money to train the dog behaviors out of their dog.
And if you’re one of those people that lets your dog lick you on the mouth then I’m judging you harshly. That dog just finished licking it’s rear-end prior to licking your lips and it’s disgusting. Not sorry.
Don Lee • Aug 1, 2022 at 3:11 pm
I feel like this article was intentionally annoying or you might not get sarcasm. No one actually cares that you don’t like dogs. You might have a persecution complex.
Toastboast2000 • Aug 13, 2022 at 8:29 am
There are plenty of people who care, I get the same reactions.
CM • Oct 3, 2022 at 12:40 pm
You definitely have not been on the receiving end. I got bullied online just because i asked in a cleaning group, advise on how not to get the dog’s hair everywhere. I was called a monster, that my husband should leave, i should be the one that be left outside .
You must be living under a rock, I actually don;t hate dogs, i can look at them, pet them. I think it’s the dog “parents” i hate.
Coco • Dec 7, 2022 at 3:08 am
Dog hair everywhere is annoying and gross. It ending up on countertops and in your food or worse, your mouth is disgusting! The difference between dog lover and non dog lover is that dog lovers are nasty and disgusting social attention seekers who want to dominate an animal just to be able to tell it what to do. It’s like they never grew up and decided to play house w/ and animal for the rest of their life. Talking to something that cannot talk back — psychopath. I mean, cmon. And in comparison we just like our peace and quiet and clean space!
Say What • Nov 5, 2022 at 12:51 pm
Clearly you care since you took time to comment about it
CJ • Jul 31, 2022 at 4:24 am
Thank you for writing this article. I am glad to discover I’m not the only one who feels the same way about this. Perfectly stated. Thanks again. 🙂😇
E. Ram • Jul 25, 2022 at 8:02 am
I had to google a bunch of stuffs to find out if I was truly a horrible and rude person as my colleague commented to my “I don’t like dogs, I just can’t stand their need for attention”. Thanks for this opinion piece. Glad to see people having the exact same opinion as I do.
Martha Beck • Jul 23, 2022 at 9:41 pm
Dogs stink. They bark. They drool. They’re pesty as hell! They put their nose in your crotch. They’re stupid enough to eat their own crap; or the crap of some other animal. They chew up furniture. What’s there to LIKE? Let alone LOVE.
Chelsea • Aug 25, 2022 at 5:24 pm
WHY WHY do dog owners bring their yapping mutts to restaurants? What about the people who want a quiet, peaceful lunch without hearing yapping, panting, drooling, just gross. Dog owners need to have more consideration for non-dog owners, it is not all about them and their stupid mutts. My neighbors have a yapper and I asked her why her dog barks so much and her reply was “I don’t even hear it”, yeah, lady, it is all about you and your mutt. Have some class dog owners.
Alex • Sep 3, 2022 at 5:50 am
You say your neighbour should have some class but you yourself sound like you have no class. Just because you don’t like dogs and their barks doesn’t mean your neighbour has to accommodate you and your quirks. Grow up.
Shabazz • Jan 2, 2023 at 9:18 am
Nobody should have to listen to your loud noise pollution. There are laws against that. Also a giant chocolate bar is a dogs favorite treat!
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 6:53 pm
Not enjoying incessant barking is a “quirk”? That’s bizarre. I don’t think quirk means what you think it means. People actually enjoy non-stop barking??
Adam • Feb 6, 2023 at 11:44 pm
My dog does not stink unless you count occasional bad breath but even thats mild. Barks maybe once or twice a year. Is the opposite of pesty. Honestly wish she would be a bit more pesty. Does not stick her nose in my crotch.. Has never eaten her own poo or anyone elses. Has never chewed the furniture or been destructive in any way save for a few bathroom accidents inside. Will add that she has never climbed on the furniture or jumped on guests but she does like to meet new people.. Oh and let me add that she is a pitbull/lab mix.
Gary • Jul 21, 2022 at 12:38 pm
I’m not a dog person, or even a pet person. The amount of overzealous pet owners around me leads me to believe that they must have some sort of mental illness. They do not behave rationally.
D.B Cooper • Jul 17, 2022 at 9:47 pm
She’s really not going to like being a mom then. Think she’ll drop it off at a fire station or church? 🙄
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:50 am
Lol you’re funny. Perhaps she’s not interested in being a mom? And if she was, although dogs are just as much work as human chimdren, at least children grow out of that toddler phase. Dogs never do; they act clingy and reward-seeking for their whole lives
Pharah • Oct 18, 2022 at 6:16 pm
Considering your argument is built upon the belief that dogs don’t grow out of their puppy phase, I would like to say your whole point is invalid. I understand how you would see that, but dogs grow with their owner, and if their owner is content to sit around not telling their pet what’s wrong or right(as you would a c h i l d) and just consider the fact that the d o g is meant to be t a u g h t. Like the fact that you were taught to write(definitely) and if someone sees you as dumb because you don’t know how to write I’m sure you’d say its not your fault because no one taught you. You don’t have to try hard to take care of a pet, and you definitely don’t have to go on the internet spreading mis-information, hate, and trying to convince children who love to be validated to learn to be extremists. It’s not all or nothing, you can dislike something yet be civil about it. Personally if you are going to be supporting some fanatical article which is less of an informational subject and more of a persuasive crusade I feel like no matter what you say your opinion will not be as validated as a positive or neutral inclined response.
Leslie • Jul 16, 2022 at 11:52 am
I respect your honest view and feel the same way about children. Guess what? I don’t have them either. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. You are hurting no one and why must everyone own a pet? Or have a child for that matter? If you had written that you beat dogs or otherwise abuse them… but you didn’t. I do love my dog. I don’t love every dog, as they are often reflections of irresponsible owners. The comments show more of the “if you aren’t like me, well fuck you” mentality that is tearing our country apart. Best regards to you for your future opinion pieces.
Jimbo Jenson • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:30 am
I’m pretty sure the issue is that this person didn’t just say that dogs aren’t for them due to the responsibilities and things like that, instead they say they hate dogs. I don’t think I’ve seen one comment that implies that anyone thinks that everyone must own a pet, just that hating an animal due to your own laziness and unwillingness to take on responsibility is dumb. There is nothing wrong at all with not wanting to take on the responsibility of looking after a dog, but to hate the dog because of it? That just makes you some kind of weird psycho.
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:54 am
Yeah disliking the responsibility of taking care of dogs is definitely one thing brought up in the opinion piece, but also dogs are inherently reward-seeking (be it treats, affection, etc) so they are literally clingy and stifling by nature. Like the author isn’t hating dogs just because she doesn’t want the responsibility, she hates how they are as a species and how humans enable them.
Tatiana Gallardo • Jul 11, 2022 at 11:05 pm
Hey everyone,
Tatiana, the author of the piece, here. Never expected such a heated dog debate in the comments, but I knew this one was going to be controversial. Thanks to everyone for checking out this essay — it means a lot to have you read it and opine with such passion!
If you want to check out more of my writing (and hot takes), I’m currently crafting and illustrating stories on my Substack, where I’m doing everything that terrifies me for a year — like admitting I somehow love New Jersey.
Would be stoked to have some fellow dog haters (and lovers) following along. : )
abhishek • Jul 16, 2022 at 1:21 pm
well I hate dogs to a extend that i don’t go to anyone’s house who owns a dog. Main reason for my hate is the attacks they commit on small helpless children and kill them if not intervened timely, whereas would never dare to challenge anyone with a stick, even if he is a thief.
Stupid and useless pet.
Soren • Jul 25, 2022 at 9:38 pm
Bwahaha, are you for real? Yeah, there’s an epidemic of dog attacks slaughtering children.
Quentin Asparria • Jun 25, 2023 at 5:23 pm
from 2018-2021 226 people were killed by dogs. Do you know how many homicides were recorded in 2018 ALONE? 16,214! with the human population scaled down to the dog population, that works out to 1821 human deaths, by humans.
Peter M Page • Jul 19, 2022 at 8:26 am
As a university student I majored in philosophy but also took courses in psychology. In one of those psychology courses we studied Harry Harlow’s controversial monkey social separation experiments. Harlow separated monkeys from their mothers at birth and then did experiments to see if they could be comforted by different types of surrogates. Some would be tactile, covered in wool. Some could provide nourishment. They had different heads with particular eyes or faces.
Harlow found monkeys found tactile and specific facial features most comforting. As a philosophy student the question I found myself asking was not wether we could find means of comforting ourselves but was it more important for humans to live authentically. I felt being comforted in a similarly deluded way would not be sufficient for a human. I would rather live authentically than be comforted. Humans have the cognitive capacity to consider such abstract considerations. I believe we are the only animals capable of such abstractions.
When I see people getting emotional comfort from interaction with a dog I feel the same pathos I felt watching the monkeys in Harlow’s experiment. A dog has a brain 1/15th the size of a human’s. A dog is cognitively 14/15ths of the way to being one of Harlow’s wire, wool and wood surrogates. Not capable of having the emotions dog owners project onto them.
I fear people who indulge in deluded beliefs because they do not react well when asked to question their beliefs. No one no longer believing the Earth is the centre of the universe has ever burnt anyone at the stake for still believing it is. Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for trying to cure humanity of this delusion. Hell hath no fury like a deluded person asked to examine their beliefs.
Francis • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:31 pm
Thank you for your fact based well formed reply.
Mc • Jul 21, 2022 at 12:51 am
I am with you, do not stinky dogs!
Mc • Jul 21, 2022 at 12:58 am
I am with you! People are so hateful! What happened to freedom of choice? Sad
Azy • Aug 1, 2022 at 11:21 pm
She has discovered that hate also generates income. LOL
Paul • Aug 13, 2022 at 1:26 pm
Wow! It really stirred people up.
I will join the line up of dog dislikers, choosing that work with less venom.
To clarify, would I wish harm to them…no!
Would I jump in to save one in distress.. yes! Would I feel emotionally upset to witness or hear of cruelty to a dog….yes!
I don’t coo at your dog, I don’t want it to lick me, jump up at me or anyone else in my family. I don’t want it dribbling at my shoe when eating out or barking in the hotel room next door or sharing the hotel breakfast table and plates.
But of course dog lovers only wish the love pendulum to swing one way.
I don’t think that makes for a bad person.
Jen Smith • Aug 29, 2022 at 1:23 pm
Dogs hate you more, of that I am certain. So there.
CM • Oct 3, 2022 at 12:45 pm
This is exactly why the author wrote this, for people like you.
Belliana • Jul 8, 2022 at 12:43 pm
As a pet owner myself with 2 dogs and now a cat, it took me getting a cat to realize I’m not so much of a dog person as I thought I was. I had all the dog books growing up, studied the different types and how to care for them, begged my mom for a dog and never got one until I went to college and my bf one day brought me 2 mix breed puppies, I fell in love and it was great then. Then I got older, got pregnant, and suddenly I began feeling just like OP. My dogs began to annoy me and the things that never bothered me before like sniffing, licking and staring now became super annoying. The smell didn’t help either while being prego. And it was like Chloe was constantly acting out at the worse times, I blamed it on the fact that I was no longer fit to be a fur parent till I moved in with my roommate who had a cat and immediately knew that was a bold face lie. Cats do none of the crap dogs do, my life has been so much easier. I already felt like a terrible person so I never voiced my opinions so I applaud OP for having the balls to do so. And I don’t hate dogs, they’re just not my favorite anymore.
Poopy • Jul 7, 2022 at 1:12 am
Fuck you. All the dogs should have teared you to shreds by now
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 9:55 am
Real mature, just like the dogs you’re obsessed with. People like you call people like the author psychopaths, but I think the opposite is more true
Not a dog nutter • Sep 18, 2022 at 8:12 pm
This is exactly what she’s talking about, ya’ll are just ridiculous. Why don’t you go share a bowl of ice cream with your walking biohazard and let him lick your face after tonguing it’s asshole and eating a pile of shit and puke, your mutt is repulsive as are you by proxy, I imagine your house smells like a zoo and is covered in smelly, greasy hair and remnants of the dead, decaying animals it rolled all over, fucking barf.
Max • Nov 5, 2022 at 4:00 pm
Go lick your dog’s butt, then, if you love it so much.
Susan M Justice • Jun 28, 2022 at 7:27 pm
Anyone who hates animals… There is something dark and wicked about them… And that’s all I got to say… And I thank God for all those in the world that are fighting on a daily basis to save the lives of animals…
Jay • Jul 26, 2022 at 1:34 am
Every time I get out of my truck back from work, the neighbors little dog is jumping on the fence barking etc. I wanna kick a field goal with that rat dog. Everybody has a dog now it’s super trendy. They’re annoying as hell. I like what Robert DeNiro said about dogs and dog owners on ‘Meet the Parents’. Hilarious and spot on.
Chris • Aug 20, 2022 at 11:38 pm
You want dark and wicked, watch hyenas eat prey alive.
I never believed or understood the origin of the narrative that animals are less-violent or more humane/morally-righteous then humans. Nor do I believe that they can teach humans how to love, when male lions fail to protect their pride when challenged by another male lion, the first thing the victor does is kill all of the cubs in that pride.
That would be like every time a man marries a woman, he takes out all her kids out just on spec. Nature is vicious, it is truly a Darwinian existence, only the strong survive, and the only reason humans are at the top of the food-chain is our ability to communicate, our ability to work together and the fact that we have conscious thought.
If lions and tigers were able to come together and work towards a common-goal, their innate savagery would spell doom for humans. We would be the ones on the endangered species list.
Having said that, I will say that I admire your ability to care about beings that would eat you without a second thought. That shows a lot of compassion.
Me? I say animals and humans are on the same level in regards to inherent worth, I do not believe that humans are above animals at all. I believe humans and animals are both capable of horrific things, neither of us are innocent.
And the animals who’s life you save on a daily basis would not return that favor. But I believe that is not something that bothers you, I believe you save animals just because you are a good person.
Which again, is admirable.
Mara • Jun 28, 2022 at 7:43 am
The author and everyone else is entitled to their opinions. Furthermore those opinions do not make them neither good nor bad people. I read on a website that your behavior (not your beliefs) make you a good person. There is a stigma for people who aren’t fond of dogs. Everyone who makes pet ownership out to be a dream has to understand it is not everybody’s dream. It is a lot of time, energy, effort, and money even in the best of cases. Not getting a good night of sleep is nothing to sneeze at when you are epileptic like me. I did so much research before I got a dog and none of the resources tell you how tough it can be. Last night I was woken up at 2 AM, 4 AM, and 6 AM. If you think me an @sshole then so be it!
Eliott • Jun 24, 2022 at 12:19 pm
Nobody who isn’t hiding something ends sentences with ‘I’m not a horrible person’
Thiago • Jun 21, 2022 at 8:14 pm
your view of dogs is so simple and immature… You know absolutely nothing about dogs to say you hate them. you say you don’t want to take care of a creature that doesn’t talk to you. Omg dogs talk in a thousand ways, my dog senses when I’m sad and tries to cheer me up before I even realize I’m sad. Maybe one day you’ll realize that these smelly, irritating creatures teach you more about life than many humans.
Gavin • Jul 7, 2022 at 7:45 pm
How many other lies have I been told by the Council
Chris • Aug 21, 2022 at 12:04 am
Jesus Christ, I was going to scroll down and not comment, but I gotta ask, how the hell do dogs talk?
They don’t have the capacity to understand the concept of “talking”.
I do believe your dog reacts to you being sad, as dogs senses are sharp and humans secrete different pheromones depending on what mood/environments we are in. Dogs respond to chemical changes, they are not capable of understanding the concept of “sadness” anymore than talking.
But I am hardly a dog expert, so I can obviously. be wrong. Your dog might really respond because it knows you’re sad and it wants to make you feel better.
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:02 am
Or perhaps they know plenty about dogs and still hate them. The method of communication isn’t the issue here, nor was it the main point of the piece. And human-to-dog communication isn’t inherently more valuable than human-to-human communication. You can have meaningful interactions with a dog, but you generally have way more potential growth interacting with other humans, unless you’re the type who refuses to listen (at least you don’t have to truly listen to a dog, huh?)
Dean • Jun 21, 2022 at 10:07 am
Definitely not a horrible person. I don’t like dogs either. Smelling and attention whores. I have plenty of cats at home and love them plenty.
PetsAreAwesome • Jul 24, 2022 at 1:32 pm
You sound like someone who would have “plenty of cats at home”, with all due respect. You also talk as if all dogs reek to high heaven and as if cats (or any other animals) aren’t capable of the exact same lol. Absolutely delusional, along with the author of this mess of an article. Everything you complain about falls on the owner and how well they care for and train their pet. This has nothing to do with the animal itself, and it doesn’t really matter what species it may be. Crappy pet owners net crappy pets, be it behaviour, odor, etc, regardless of the animal.
Also to the author, using “I’m not a horrible person” in the title of an article to add legitimacy to your opinion (haha!). I’m sure when asked, some people who’ve committed heinous crimes didn’t think they were horrible people either, just take their word for it…
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:05 am
Mmm, you talk about being deluded but are you sure you don’t need to do some introspection yourself? All animals stink. They have an odor. But the level of dogs stinking vs. the level of cats stinking is entirely different–if your cat reeks just as much as a dog does, there is something wrong with your cat’s wellbeing or its environment. Granted, you should be bathing your dog and cleaning house regularly so it doesn’t reek, but they’re just naturally smelly animals. And there’s reason for it
Rain • Oct 1, 2022 at 9:01 am
I agree. Try going a week or 2 without a bath (like most dogs have to) and you’ll find that most people smell much worse than dogs. Also, some dog breeds have very little odor even after a week or two.
On another note, like Don said, “It’s not that serious.” This is a controversial opinion piece designed to garner attention, so in the end whether you hate dogs, cats, or babies, as long as you’re not harming any of them, it’s all good.
Don Joe • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:04 am
How can you say dogs stink when you have cats, which stink even more, and take all sorts of stinky and nasty things into the house. Most dogs I’ve had have been very clean and had no bad smell at all. Some dogs have a different kind of fur and need to be washed a bit more often, but even then, most dogs really don’t smell any worse than a cat unless you really don’t look after them or something. Most dogs, in my experience, smell way better than most cats.
Amber • Aug 30, 2022 at 12:34 pm
Yeah, you’re delusional if you honestly believe dogs are cleaner than cats lmao. Dogs absolutely cannot stand being clean. Cats literally clean themselves.
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:06 am
I think you might just be noseblind. Spend some healthy time away from a dog and then try again.
Rachel • Jun 20, 2022 at 12:26 pm
I’m hearing more and more people using disturbing terms like “my dog and I are in a loving relationship.” Gross? That’s an understatement. I’ve read studies showing some spouses love their dog more than their spouse and even their own babies. It’s truly horrific. What is happening to our society? I’d venture to say this is a step toward outright beastiality. Why is society so bent on making this kind of behavior normal and even something pet owners should strive for? It’s sickening to me.
Curly • Jul 31, 2022 at 4:43 pm
I couldn’t agree with you more. Thank you so much for comment. It echos my thoughts exactly!
Don Lee • Aug 1, 2022 at 3:09 pm
Wow, take a breathe. It’s not that serious.
Jimbo Jenson • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:20 am
Crazy how most of these issues that are bought up here and in the comments all just have to do with people being lazy and shitty pet owners and then blaming it on the dog. A dog that is well looked after should not stink, should not eat poo, should not bark and whine all the time, or do many of the other things that have been bought up. A lot of this seems to be people basically saying “I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to look after a dog properly, and I hate responsibility, therefore dogs are evil and disgusting”. If people could just be logical and leave it at “I am too lazy to look after an animal, and I don’t like the responsibility, so pets aren’t for me”, that would be one thing, but no, instead people have to bring it to “I hate dogs and they are evil and disgusting”.
Jimbo Jenson • Aug 25, 2022 at 1:23 am
Accidentally replied to the wrong comment because the comment system is really dumb on this website
Francis • Dec 15, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Do you think it could be possible that you might admit you find the comment system difficult to navigate? Rather than the system being inherently floored?
Gorgo • Jan 21, 2023 at 6:55 pm
*flawed not “floored”.
Jules • Jun 16, 2022 at 7:43 pm
Im realising that I hate dogs. Especially my boyfriends dog, who is not well trained, not in the slightest. Shes allowed to sleep in the bed with us, which I absolutely hate. Im a light sleeper, and she constantly wakes me up with barking and growling when my 2 cats try to jump up and cuddle. Every single day, one of us has to clean up the mess she’s made. Either peeing on a carpet, or taking a shit somewhere. Not to mention any sexy time we might have is ruined by her acting out and doing her business somewhere around the apartment. I just hate the whole “small dog energy” (pomeranian) she brings, nonstop barking at every fucking thing. I swear sometimes I just wanna kick this yappy bitch across a field and see how far she’ll go.
Dustin • Jun 13, 2022 at 5:58 pm
I’m blown away by the ignorance of the author of this brainless article….. literally every thing you say is beyond reprehensible, and misinformed. Not entirely shocking, coming from a person who hates dogs. Whenever I meet someone who so boldly states their hatred for animals, I typically unravel a hateful critique of everything they are, from how they look, and how irrational and repugnant they are. Which is very easy to do, considering people who hate animals are rarely aware of their own self absorbed nature, or annoying idiosyncrasies. It’s always nice to put them in their place.
Lesha • Jul 1, 2022 at 12:51 am
So you throw a judgemental hissy fit when someone has a differing opinion about dogs? It’s not like the OP was advocating for animal abuse or something repugnant like that. They just don’t like dogs. Why are you so upset by that?? Do you not hear your own hypocrisy? Because a “hateful critique” of how someone looks is also pretty repugnant.
Mc • Jul 21, 2022 at 1:07 am
Not true! I am from a different culture! I like dogs but not in a house! Stinky, hair all over, in food, in refrigerator, enough to make you sick! Am not a horrible person, I am a loving human being! Stop accusing people who do not like dogs horrible person! People like you are the problem! She has a choice bot to like dogs and you have a choice to like dogs! She has not called you a horrible person! Typical Americain!
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:09 am
And it sounds like you react just as impulsively towards people who don’t really wish you or others harm, just like many poorly-trained dogs do. People are entitled to their opinions, but the author was at least not attacking the character of a general dog lover on a single encounter, unlike you who is attacking the character of the author after reading this article once.
CM • Oct 3, 2022 at 12:55 pm
WOW! you are definitely triggered easily. This article is not about you. She was expressing how she feels towards dogs, not human. I actually came across this article and just like you , because i have voiced out my opinion that i do not like dogs, and don’t want dogs in my house, i have been accused that i am a horrible person. It made me question my own self, but thanks to this article and your comment, it’s the obsessive dog owners that are the most annoying.
Cherry • Jun 13, 2022 at 1:04 am
I wonder why would a human like to live with an animal, a lonely man can not find a partner? A woman really like to clean after a dog? Or a owner itself really dont mind living in a house full of dog hair, poop mark constantly left on the couch, carpet and bedsheets, I think those dog owners is the most generous person that let the human house become a dog house
Steph • Jun 9, 2022 at 2:44 pm
Thank you for saying out loud. Lots of people who love dogs just verbally abuse other people if they have slightly negative impression from dogs. I found r/ dogfree on Reddit and now this with lots of comments supporting! Gives me hope that one day we can change dog culture!
Marie • Jun 8, 2022 at 11:09 am
Thank goodness some one honest and not sfraid to speak out for fear of reprise. I can see the appeal for some,but there is no thought or understanding for those of us with allergies./ anaphylatic reactions.
Yes we should have priority of being allowed in restaurents,shops etc without being subjected to dogs, there are parks forest etc for dogs,unless of course assistant dogs which I have the utmost admiration for. A young boy and his family had to leave a flight and wait for the next one,due to a dog being taken on their original flight,behind had an allergy,but the dog got to stay.Disgusting!
Ricky • Jun 6, 2022 at 11:26 am
I totally agree with you. I hate them crotch sniffing yappy vermin too
Chimera • Jun 3, 2022 at 11:10 pm
Yeah, you’re a horrible person. Spoiled, lazy and immature too.
Gavin • Jul 7, 2022 at 7:52 pm
Stfu and stop talking to a mirror. Go outside, touch some grass and get bitches
Ivana • Aug 15, 2022 at 4:47 pm
You are a scum! We need psychos like you and this bitch who wrote the article-gone forever. Go F yourself!
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:11 am
Omg way to totally prove this article LOL. You seriously can’t handle it when people don’t share your mindset exactly? Typical dog owner. You guys love the control you have and the absolute adoration and worship you get from your mutts.
Cats dont annoy guests • Jun 2, 2022 at 11:04 pm
When people let dogs lick their mouth 🤮 i think about that parasite ‘toxicara’ that lives in their poop and makes people blind.
i hate untrained dogs. trained dogs are nice. dogs that beg for food because their owner feeds them from their own plate… or a dog that continuously climbs on the furniture and invades your personal space , because it (a genetic pack animal) thinks it ranks higher than the humans it lives with, because the damn owners never taught the thing where it fits in their ‘pack’…those dogs are the most annoying, off-putting, tests of politeness and patience. and the owners smile and coo until you push it off you. morons 😂
Toni • May 25, 2022 at 10:22 am
You’re not a horrible person. Ignore these comments, they come from lonely people who need the constant attention that dogs require. You are not alone, the rest of us are just tired of being nailed to the cross for enjoying our peace.
Ken.C • May 23, 2022 at 9:31 am
You hate dogs?……. Sorry…. You are a horrible person. Perhaps you should have said you don’t care for dogs or even if you said you didn’t like dogs would’ve been ok, but to say I HATE dogs means your putting out a serious message about hatred towards dogs. Do you also enjoy harming small animals? Because if you do, you might want to talk to someone about it…. And writing an article doesn’t make your problem ok,it just lets people see who you really are and it also shows you must really have something against dogs to write an entire article about your hate for them. It almost sounds like your looking for someone to tell you it’s ok to hate dogs, but in reality you need to find some help with your problem and stop bothering people with your silly article…Which truly is nonsense. Hope you find the help you need!
Beau • May 29, 2022 at 6:26 pm
He is not alone. Please understand you cannot point he finger at another fellow human and his disdain for an animal from hell. Seriously consider he is human, dogs are not and should not even be called him or her. They are sub-human. All they do is beg for food, disrespects the rules, stink up the home, litter it with hair and bark annoyingly at everything.
Cee • Jul 18, 2022 at 2:02 am
She never said she enjoys harming small animals. Where did that even come from? Dog lovers are judgemental psychos.
Ivana • Aug 15, 2022 at 5:05 pm
Thank you!! 👏🏻👏🏻
She is seriously a psychopath and needs help! Writing this disgusting blog something to be concerned with. There’s a reason behind the gross overreaction, that should probably be examined by a trained professional.
Ivana • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:13 am
I wish I could report your comments. I think you’re absolutely insane extremism needs to be looked at professionally, myself.
Tuffy • May 15, 2022 at 10:28 am
You’re seriously trying to suggest that animals (dogs in this instance) are somehow dirtier and smellier than the two legged human animal? I tell you what – I’d much rather share my bed with my dog than share my space with a farting, nose picking, burping moron that stinks of stale body odor and who generally behaves like a Neanderthal. At least a dog is exactly what it’s purported to be unlike the duplicitous, unhygienic, smelly, dirty and disingenuous human animal that should know better but rarely does.
The reason why people are shocked at other people who “hate” animals (dogs) is because animals have no ulterior motives, they aren’t duplicitous, they have no agenda, they aren’t conditional, they don’t play with emotions, they’re dependable, loving, loyal and don’t expect anything in return for their loyalty, etc. I could continue to list all the awesome positives about dogs, but it’d be wasted on you because in order to like/love dogs (or any animal) you have to have empathy and you have to have something intrinsic in your psyche that connects with them and understands them on a very profound level. You are clearly lacking in the empathy arena. You just sound a bitter and, quite frankly, angry individual that I’d keep as far away from as possible. Also, if you’re going to make the kind of statements that you have made here you better make sure your own shit doesn’t stink and I mean that literally and figuratively speaking. I don’t trust anyone who dislikes animals with good reason – psychologists/psychiatrists/scientists/scholars are in agreement with the findings that show that people that dislike (“hate”) animals are likely to have psychotic disorders/tendencies
Bradshaw • May 20, 2022 at 12:31 pm
You would let a dog in your bed? Thats disgusting.
josh • May 29, 2022 at 6:28 pm
Imagine that person getting out of bed and going to the store in broad daylight smelling like a dog and wearing its hair all over their clothes. Disgusting
Davey • May 23, 2022 at 5:17 pm
Dogs are nasty they belong outside in your backyard. I’m guessing your an American since the love to sleep with their pets. You know dogs have germs that can kill you? Humans that wash every other day smell better than some nasty 🤢
shiva • May 28, 2022 at 3:38 am
you are nasty little shit
EJ • Jun 5, 2022 at 11:07 pm
Agree! I can’t stand their overwhelming stench, the licking of me or themselves with their sloppy sounding slobber, scratching themselves, their hair everywhere, drooling, their destructive chewing digging nature, their peeing and poop with their tendency to EAT poop and vomit 🤢, begging or staring while I’m eating, jumping on people, humping on people or pillows or ?, barking, whining, constantly being on your lap or in your face…the list is endless. I’m sure there are exceptions, but I’ve not seen them.
Carrie • Jul 12, 2022 at 12:23 pm
What about people who bring their dogs to restaurants? Talk about being inconsiderate, listening to the slobbering dogs yapping while trying to enjoy a peaceful lunch with someone. Restaurant owners allow dogs to increase their revenues, what about people who do NOT like dogs? We are living in a very sick society where dogs rule over consideration & brains. Dog owners, keep your mutts home, nobody wants to see one while eating a meal at a restaurant. It is plain gross and disrespectful.
EJ • Jun 5, 2022 at 11:18 pm
YES. I’m strongly stating that DOGS STINK more than the two-legged human variety. I’ve never awakened with a migraine due to the overnight body odor of my husband.
Moonie • Jun 6, 2022 at 4:15 pm
I’d say you clearly lack empathy.
You maybe good with your animals but am pretty sure you are salty with your human counterparts.
Just as disliking a dog doesn’t make one a bad person so is liking a dog doesn’t make one a good person either. And not one is better than the other
Dustin • Jun 13, 2022 at 5:35 pm
I couldn’t agree more. Anyone who hates any animal is typically a self absorbed, pretentious prick. Usually when I hear peoples pitiful excuses for disliking animals, it’s almost always an owner issue…. but these ignoramuses don’t seem to make that connection. You don’t need to own an animal, you don’t need to save them all, but when you express disdain for them, its apparent that these people are merely snobby, smug, self abosrbed narcissists. Do I want to swim with great white sharks, or sleep with tarantulas? No. But do I hate them? No. It’s a ridiculous and irrational sentiment. Most of what I’ve read in these comments as to why these prudes hate animals is chalked up to the most trivial, and mind numbing excuses. If you want a well behaved dog, train it. If you want a clean dog, bathe it. If you don’t have the capability of caring for an animal, don’t get one, also, don’t have kids…. now kids… I hate kids…. i’m actually a misanthrope… but mostly because of absurd articles such as this one that exhibit the inherent self adoration humans seem to fundamentally encompass…. as if humans have proper hygiene and manners. Gimme a break.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:23 am
“etc. are in agreement with the findings that show that people that dislike animals are likely to have psychotic disorders/tendencies” – maybe you should look at studies that look at overzealous animal attachment as well? It will broaden your knowledge and perhaps you should also exercise some empathy yourself. Why are you preaching about it while also not extending the same towards this author that you are reading an opinion piece from? Where is your empathy, as you try to understand where the author is coming from, instead of immediately jumping in and claiming that their opinion and they themselves as a person is wrong and inferior? You say an animal has no ulterior motives, and while that’s true since they don’t have the exact cognitive abilities as humans, it doesn’t mean that communicating with an animal isn’t tiresome and not as fulfilling to some people. Also, your perception of dogs is warped, in my opinion. They do demand things in return for their loyalty – they demand food, affection, a sense of stability. If you don’t provide these things or someone else around you provides them better, you are no longer in the picture for them. All things have pros and cons, learn to look at both sides of the coin.
Shanny • May 14, 2022 at 10:09 pm
I do not disagree!! I prefer cats and babies. The latter of which requires a lot of time and effort but in my opinion: so much less annoying! If I’m going to invest this much time and effort at least they will be able to speak, laugh, live their lives and carry on my genes
Ken.C • May 23, 2022 at 9:40 am
If you actually get your cats to talk, I would ask them about sharing the genes thing first.
OliviaLovesCats • Nov 11, 2024 at 3:05 pm
cats talk with their movements and eyes unlike dogs do
Julia • May 13, 2022 at 9:48 am
I don’t hate dogs, but I despise most dog owners because we are being robbed of proper access to green spaces. Many people can no longer go to local parks because so many dogs are off lead. When a dog is off lead it is a potential threat to people, it makes us tense up with the fear of being jumped up at yet again, licked again (aaggh!!), sniffed again (aaggh again!!) or bitten again! A walk in the park has become ‘dog watch walk’ …how does that help my blood pressure! Elderly people who might be slightly unsteady on their feet avoid parks because a dog bounding over to them could cause a fall, mums with young children are constantly on ‘dog watch’ and can’t relax proerly.
Dog owners have taken control of green spaces. I would love to enjoy a relaxing walk in the fresh air in a green space, but I can’t do that. Instead if I want to go for a walk I am often restricted to streets, where I can be sure dogs are on leads. I think dogs should have freedom to run off lead, but in very strictly designated areas, say 40% of open spaces, with proper patrols and heavy fines. You don’t need to spend much on patrols if the fine is big enough to deter. Unpaid fines should have other consequences.
I also despise dog owners for allowing their dogs to bark unnecessarily i.e. in situations where dog feels justly threatened perhaps. Barking is a very unpleasant, stress inducing sound. In my local parks dog owners play with dogs, throwing ball, dog fetches, returns it, barks for it it be thrown again, this gets repeated 10, 20, 30, 40 times. It is distressing to other park users and extremely selfish behaviour. Pay attention to your dog and throw the ball sooner or train it not to bark or don’t play that sort of game if you are too lazy. These owners have no regard at all for their fellow human beings. The barking of one dog playing in this way can be heard all over the park and all around the neighbouring houses at least half a km away. In a just world this type of dog owner should be given an anti-social behaviour order, given community service work and have to attend a community awareness course (and pay for it) as a minimum.
Disease from poo and ticks is also a concern in local parks because dogs can run off lead in every open space…some go in woods and fields…pick up ticks in the process and then come into a park. Some ticks will be brushed onto grass and shrubs in the park where children are playing. Regarding poo even if it is picked up, there’s always bits left….park grass is essentially like one great big piece of used toilet paper. Would you have your children playing on the grass full of used toilet paper!
We desperately need some dog free space. The only dog free spaces where I live are small concreted children’s play areas. Dogs can run and play freely on grass and as a result many children can’t. Adults have no dog free areas to access green open spaces. Yep, the dog owners have taken over.
Bradshaw • May 20, 2022 at 12:33 pm
Dog owners are some of the most rude, self righteous people on earth.
Carrie • Jul 12, 2022 at 12:31 pm
I was speaking with my next door neighbor recently and asked her why her dog barks so much? Her reply was “oh, I don’t even hear it”. Yes, dog owners who allow their dogs to bark are rude, self-righteous and ignorant. NO CLASS.
Ken.C • May 23, 2022 at 10:05 am
Move and stop saying you don’t hate dogs or there owners….Try saying that your a picky person that wants what they want and leave it alone….. You would be happier without dogs and that’s ok, but don’t try to hide it inside the owners! I happen to love all animals…. And I’ve owned many…..MOST CATS!….. Let’s talk about cats and their owners shall we? The dirty flea bags fill up every neighborhood and alley way in the US and you complain about dogs? At least there’s dog catchers,try to catch a cat! (without a cage) I think you’re a little bit self-absorbed and need to explore all the good things in life and stop worrying if you are going to fit in with others arguments that your not meant for……In other words>>>Feed your baby and pet your kitty and don’t get envolved with something you know nothing about. Wait until someone has an article on CATS AND BRATS! lol…. sorry, that last part just kinda slipped in perfect, but you understand what I’m saying…. I’m not trying to give you a hard time, just defending what the article is truly about. DOGS AND PEOPLE WITH HATRED TOWARDS THEM…. not people who don’t care for dogs….It says HATE! and I don’t know you, but I bet your not a hater right? I don’t mind if someone doesn’t care for dogs, but when I hear the word HATE….It gets my attention and not in an agreeable way either! I hope I didn’t upset you, because I wasn’t trying too.
Mc • Jul 21, 2022 at 1:21 am
Oh please! Respect her choice! It is her choice not to like dogs, accept and stop the hatred comments
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:26 am
Just because someone says HATE doesn’t mean they wish for wrong on the thing they are hating. Yes, they HATE dogs. They hate the stigma around hating dogs even when they literally state they wouldn’t wish harm on any dogs, or even dog-lovers. Anyway, at least I’m self-aware enough to admit that I’m a hater, unlike you.
Ken C • May 23, 2022 at 10:26 am
Move and stop blaming your discontent on dog owners!….. You say you don’t HATE dogs, but you dived into the conversation and put down dogs the entire time…..I myself am a animal lover and I could care less about people who don’t like them, but don’t pretend that it’s the owners that make you upset when you’ve already said what you had to say about dogs….. There’s plenty of places that don’t allow dogs….So why not put your energy in to finding them and less writing about your secret hatred towards dogs and leave the animal people ALONE!….. Not trying to be mean, I’m just defending something you shouldn’t even be bothering with…. I’m sure you can find a tree to sit under without dogs licking you continuously.
Beau • May 29, 2022 at 6:37 pm
there is no secret. There are more people that hate dogs than like them. Even dog owners hate them.
shiva • May 28, 2022 at 3:43 am
don’t tell me that you are a helpful member of the community, or sorry you are Anishtin and dogs are not, shame on you, for hating animals, you are useless, taker and selfish little person
Jonathan White • May 9, 2022 at 7:30 am
Well you know you have a right to hate what you like, but then so do I as I hate self opinionated people like you.
Human beings are the problem not dogs, as they do not ask to be tortured and abused by psychotic idiots who take their pathetic anger out on something that cannot hit back.
Try hating the drug barons who through their greed make our world even sicker than what it is right now.
And to mention, to reply to a previous comment, My dogs DO NOT stink and I would add that many human beings smell a darn site worse than my dogs do!!
Amber • May 12, 2022 at 10:19 pm
You’re just nose blind lmao. ALL dogs naturally stink, sorry.
𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚊 • May 13, 2022 at 9:06 pm
Every dog I’ve ever been around in my entire existence stunk. Most of them even stink literally right after getting out of the bath.
Bradshaw • May 20, 2022 at 12:35 pm
Your dogs stink, every dog on the planet stinks. You are right dogs arent the problem, dog owners are the problem.
Ken.C • May 23, 2022 at 10:12 am
Chris • Jun 20, 2022 at 2:41 pm
Who is torturing and abusing dogs? Why are bringing drug-barons into this conversation?
And dogs get abused but they also kill as well, and while the overall number usually does not top 50 people in a 12-month span, the majority of victims are toddlers, less than 4 years of age and senior citizens.
You want to blame every dog mauling a baby or older-person to death on humans, you are free to do so, but that is a far way to go just to keep the idea that dogs are “innocent”.
Lenk • May 8, 2022 at 7:59 pm
You speak from my heart
Jana • May 7, 2022 at 4:04 pm
I agree with everything you wrote about.
Jesse • May 4, 2022 at 7:51 am
Also im not a dog lover nor hater. If anything I feel people are more to blame for the misunderstandings between them. I read this because I was mad that my neighbors dog was barking at me while i stood on my porch minding my own. After reading the comments tho i realized theres much bigger problems and i fear greatly for our own kind because in general we are a terrible species. And most of all to each other. I wish you all the best in your lifes journey.
salmantania • May 16, 2022 at 12:11 pm
oi esta história que você escreveu foi realmente algo que não é apreciado
Jesse • May 4, 2022 at 7:40 am
Dog were pretty much enslaved by humans…. so i think all this hate is misguided. Maybe we all should look at ourselves. With all due respect. I mean it seems this is just another of the many fuck ups of our own “genius”. I mean do we really need to hate?…. Ive read points i agree with on both sides of this argument and then i have my own opinion that maybe we should stop fucking with the flow of things.. Dogs are dogs cause we made them dogs. We breed them for show and work and in ways that are often detrimental to their health. Wheres the love in that?
Common Sense • May 17, 2022 at 10:27 pm
Dogs can’t survive in the wild on their own, nor can they live peacefully in the house without being “crated” (locked in a cage) while the owners are away.
Their existence is cruel. They ALL suffer from .anxiety and have a host of medical conditions from their shallow gene pool.
The humane thing to do is let them peacefully go extinct through neutering/spaying every dog.
Chris • Jun 20, 2022 at 2:53 pm
If you are not able to sleep because your neighbors all have dogs that suffer from separation-anxiety and all flip out when left alone, you might re-think your question, “do we really need to hate?”.
And before you say it, I am not exercising in hyperbole or exaggeration, I am literally surrounded by dogs, who all go nuts when their “dog-parents” aren’t around. A situation made worse when the “parents” of the dogs come home because they engage in such a over-the-top lovefest that it only makes the dog go even nuttier next time they are left alone for 5 consecutive seconds.
And since I am the only one who does not love dogs and cherishes peace and quiet, the vitriol I receive when I yell at the dogs to shut up or go to the owner and tell them to shut their dogs up, I am hated by majority of my neighbors.
Because me, someone who pays money, am upset because they all treat their dogs like babies, and then dump them outside when they leave for hours. They leave them outside because they know their house will be destroyed if they left them inside. So they leave them outside, so the dog can practice high-pitch barking and wailing for hours straight, until your brain feels like its melting out of your head.
Imagine living like that Jesse. Think on it.
Samantha B • May 4, 2022 at 7:31 am
I truly did not expect to see so many people agree with you. I feel the very same way. I am just not a dog person and it’s wrong for people to make you feel bad because you aren’t. I don’t care for dogs for all of the reasons that were mentioned. They are too much work and require too much attention and money. I hate the whining in the morning soon as I wake up. I hate the random piles of shit in my yard that I didn’t see. In my opinion, having a dog I not worth it. Aside from the people who need support dogs, I believe a lot of dog people can be very judgmental and slightly narcissistic due to their need for admiration from their dog and for owning a dog. I’m not impressed.
Kathryn • May 9, 2022 at 4:15 pm
I don’t own my dog, he owns me….my horrible Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. What a nightmare. Guess what? He has the unmitigated gall to sleep in my bed on the pillow next to me! What a jerk. It’s weird though, he doesn’t whine ever. There is never random piles of poop in my yard either. Weird! I have a feeling you are being targeted by the neighborhood dogs, they know you’re on to them so they have it out for you. It’s so nice to see there are kind, intelligent selfless ppl out in the world like you Samantha…….LOL.
TheRescueMuttRescuedMe • May 17, 2022 at 10:51 pm
“I don’t own my dog, he owns me…”
Then let it outside, without a leash or fence. If you don’t own it, and it owns you then why do you have to lock it up 24/7?
What will happen when your MASTER is allowed to roam free that’s so terrible?
Samantha B. • Jun 1, 2022 at 4:30 am
……And all you can resort to is insulting me because of my opinion.
I thought that being a dog owner made you a better person but reading your comment and others like it proves that people like you are only unkind because you lack intelligence. (Arrogant & Ignorant) The proof is in the threads.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 5:18 pm
The comments are more negative, rude and downright offensive than the original article! It actually says something about the dog people. And it’s nothing too good. But no wonder! Dogs respect only strength and authority. That’s not a real love and definitely not friendship. It’s cowardice and subservience. Not a surprise, all badly trained dogs are dangerous and aggressive. This maybe say something about dog lovers’ personalities. They mistake servants for friends and want submission, not love. I’m not even speaking about their aggressive barking over different opinion.
Christian Minassian • Apr 27, 2022 at 8:29 am
I feel your pain as well. I’m 100% blind, and I can’t tell you how many people have told me to get a seeing eye dog to help me around. Sorry, I prefer a human hand over a dog harness. They don’t seam to recognize that my lifestyle would not allow dogs, even if I did like them. Worst of all in their eyes is that I can’t stand puppies. I love cats, but I can’t stand dogs, especially puppies and smaller energetic dogs. Seams to me like cat haters are not stigmatized in the same way as us who don’t like dogs, and say that you don’t like puppies, OMG you are Satan himself, worse than Hitler, and need to be exorcised or something like that. But, as Demi Lovato says, Sorry, I’m not sorry. people need to quit demonizing those of us who don’t want a dog. I’m also sad that I would have to put “no dogs please” on a dating profile, and when I do, I get labeled one of those guys to avoid like the plague. That is just sad in my opinion. Rant over.
DogsAreGarbage • May 17, 2022 at 10:36 pm
Cats are relaxing, peaceful and chill. Dogs act like drug addicts, can’t relax around them/. I remember when my childhood cat used to join me on the couch, sit on my lap and purr. The way the cat moved was so fluid, and the body limber and soft.
Tried the same thing with my friend’s dog and it’s body was so hard, heavy and unpleasant. Dog moved in a. very clumsy and clunky way. Smelled awful, DROOLED, fur was bristly and not soft like the cat. I had enough and had to move the dog off the couch.
Lyra • Apr 22, 2022 at 3:19 am
I don’t hate all dogs. I like ones that are ACTUALLY well trained (As in, they don’t charge at me, beg for my sandwiches, lick me uncontrollably if I merely sit down, don’t ask for attention constantly even when I’m carrying plates down stairs and don’t smell like the devil) But I hardly ever meet these well trained dogs. Most dogs end up annoying me, scaring the living crap out of me or both. And it’s not always the dog’s fault. Let me be clear. Owners choose to train their dogs like this. Dogs can be clean, patient and well mannered. But most are not. And I shouldn’t be stabbed over and over just for saying I dislike most of them. I do not condone harming them either. Anyone who does that deserves life in prison without parole. But a lot of dogs urk me. And just because the owner is responsible for that, doesn’t absolve my opinion on disliking the dog too.
Rational Humanoid • May 17, 2022 at 10:42 pm
If dogs supposedly “evolved” with us for tens of thousands of years, why do owners have to constantly train, train, train, train the natural aggression and other awful behaviors out of them?
Professional training didn’t stop Cesar Milan’s dog from killing Queen Latifah’s dog and mauling that teenager who was a future Olympian (not any more).
Agreed • Apr 19, 2022 at 4:42 am
My girlfriend has two dogs. I detest one of them precisely because it’s so needy, sheds, pees on the floor, and it smells. I prefer not to go to her house because the dog does not leave me alone. Some people like/need that but I find it annoying. She lets them get all over the furniture and my gf is “hurt” because I don’t want to care for them the way that she does. I’ve informed her that I do not want to take care of dogs, hers or any others.
Bitty • Apr 18, 2022 at 10:09 pm
Wow, You are soooo NEGATIVE !! I don’t know if you are a bad person or not, seem like u are ! And based on this i would say ur a selfish person who has serious issues !! Dogs may not be for everyone but what ur saying is a reflection of ur own issues in life. I’m not a cat person but I would NEVER say I HATE them. Go to therapy !! You don’t deserve a dog anyway !! Low life !! Ur article just waisted ten minutes of My life !!
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 4:29 pm
You remind me of Alexander of Macedon — only difference is he got all upset over horses, not dogs. Once some villagers stolen his horse and he threatened to kill them all if they won’t return it. I can imagine you doing the same if someone steals your dog.
Ella • May 3, 2022 at 5:10 pm
Actually, you wasted 10 minutes of your life. Once you realize the article isn’t for you, whether that be from reading the title or 3 minutes into it. It is ENTIRELY up to you whether or not you want to finish it and “waste your time.” Don’t blame other people for your doing simply because you don’t agree with what they wrote. Grow up.
Deez • Mar 3, 2023 at 4:57 pm
Fuck you and fuck dogs you should off yourself tbh.
Your Worst Nightmare • Apr 15, 2022 at 3:26 pm
“You hate dogs? Well I hate cats.”
Funny how the article didn’t even mention cats.
Mutt nutters finding some way to deflect criticism away from their worthless mutts, as usual.
Most of these comments prove this article’s point:
Say one bad thing about Fido and the mutt cult lynches you like you just danced on a relative’s grave.
I hate dogs and dog owners, and I always will.
Their homes stink (something they criticize of cat owners), their mutts defecate everywhere (something they criticize of cat owners), they blame the owner instead of the animal (something they NEVER criticize of cat owners because they want the cat to take all the blame) etc. etc. etc.
Last time I checked, there’s no “list of fatal cat attacks” in wikipedia, but you’ll find quite a lengthy “list of fatal dog attacks”.
Go to a park, or a nature reserve, or ANYWHERE.
Stores, buses, hospitals, trains, etc.
You’ll find these worthless, dander-spreading fart-fans in all of them, but not cats.
How many dog owners compared to cat owners again?
You’re hypocrites, dog owners.
Deflection artists. Narcissists. Anti-social lunatics stuck in a filthy backwards cycle.
Kat-Marie • Apr 16, 2022 at 5:11 pm
So do you want to come over to my house? Because guess what? It’s clean and doesn’t smell. And shock l have a dog. I’m not a slave to her either. I’m just an overall clean person who also likes a clean home. So do you hate me? Even though you don’t know me. I’m a nice person and get along with everybody. I bought my dog for me to live with and not l live with her. Do you have any beef against service dogs? Because they can be everywhere too. I’ve grown up with many cats through out my life and dogs from my childhood. I’m not particularly fond of cats, buts that’s just me. By the way my dog is very well behaved, doesn’t smell and my home doesn’t smell. (Like l said earlier) She doesn’t beg, only barks when someone is at the front door. Like she is suppose to do, but goes and sits and minds her manners. She is only 8lbs and knows her place. I betcha if you were my neighbor we’d be friends. We are not bad people..promise.
J.OY • Apr 26, 2022 at 6:01 pm
Listen no matter what, they have a sent that turns my stomach. We are all different and it’s totally ok. But no matter how much you even bathe your dog, they still smell. I have a dog, my partner insists on having it, and tbh I can’t stand having a dog…it grosses me out, it irritates me, and I can’t stomach the thought that every time he shakes, his fur flies all over like eww!! How do ppl do this. I think Dogs should live outside and or in a different living space. Of course with warmth and as much comfort as possible, but please not in my human space!!!!
Kat-Marie • Apr 30, 2022 at 6:42 am
I’m sorry you feel that way, but you are wrong my dear. My dog does not have a smell if she is clean lol. The only thing she smells like is shampoo. You are so grossed out by your partner dog and the dogs hair…but have you put in any thought about us humans? Do you know we drop dead skin cells every day? And how about eyebrow and eye lash hair..not to mention the hair off your head. What do you think happens when you go to eat at a restraunt? Those people’s skin cells are dropping into your food. And you think dog hair is gross. 😂 Have a nice day hun.
Amber • May 12, 2022 at 10:30 pm
You’re just nose blind. They all smell like the greasy, filthy animals they are. I don’t care how clean you are or how clean you think your mutts are. They all stink.
Kat-Marie • May 17, 2022 at 1:19 pm
@Amber because you live with me and my clean nonsmelling pet?😆😆 No dear, I’m not nose blind. My dog or house does not smell, because l run a very clean house hold. And if she did l would know. And where did you get mutts from? I never said plural. 😆 My dear you’re not just stupid, you’re also dupid. Case closed! Court dismissed.😉
Kathryn • May 11, 2022 at 1:43 pm
Actually all dogs don’t have a scent. But I know what you’re talking about. I’ve petted dogs b4 when walking my dog, and afterwards, my hand reeked of that certain smell. I still love the dog but anyhoo. And no matter how clean, some dogs smell like that. I have a Cavalier and he truly doesn’t smell like a dog, but they have hair not fur which may be why. Thankfully he doesn’t smell like butt bc I’d still let him sleep cuddled up next to me lol.
Boopboopadoop • Apr 14, 2022 at 7:49 pm
Finally, someone else who feels the way I do. Well, maybe not exactly the same. I really don’t hate dogs. There are some dogs (especially puppies) that I love. There are certain dogs I’ve grown quite fond of.
But lately, I have come to the realization that I hate MOST dogs. I don’t find the vast majority of dogs to be cute and appealing– and that includes most of today’s most fashionable breeds; French Bulldogs, Pugs, Poodles, etc. Even the omnipresent Doodle-dogs don’t do much for me. Then there are a few breeds that I find so grotesque, I practically lose my lunch: Yorkshire Terriers, Pit Bulls, Chihuahuas and those hideous Chinese Crested dogs come to mind. But there are many, many more on that list.
I keep asking myself, “How is it that so many people – seemingly everyone on the planet – finds almost ANY dog irresistible? They (the dogs, but maybe even some of the people) smell, they have bulging eyes, they slobber – I don’t get it.
I actually consider myself an animal lover — I’m always glued to “Animal Planet”, “Too Cute” and endless animal videos on YouTube. And yes, I do love cats — but not every cat (those skinny, hairless breeds give me the willies). I haven’t even completely ruled out getting a dog someday.
I know it’s almost sacrilegious to say you don’t like dogs. But please don’t waste your time telling me I’m a bad person. Instead, I just want to know that there are others out there who feel the same way. Because I feel like I must be lacking the Dog Lover gene…or something.
Amber • May 12, 2022 at 10:36 pm
If you think those are ugly, you haven’t seen those “exotic bullies” aka micro bullies, toad line bullies, pocket bullies. It’s like a competition to see who can breed the most unhealthiest, deformed, ugliest miserable looking mutants. It’s animal cruelty to the fullest extent.
DogsAreTrash • May 17, 2022 at 10:45 pm
All bully breeds should be bred to microscopic size, then then the owners can watch them through a microscope and we won’t have to see their ugly, beady-eyed, wide faces and nasty, nasty mouths.
Tracy R • Apr 13, 2022 at 9:43 am
You’re a pretty bad person if you hate another animal species. Merrium-webster writes that “hate implies an emotional aversion coupled with enmity or malice or violent antipathy.” This is now you feel about a non-human animal you can avoid?
Hate is a very strong feeling, and is inappropriate given that the dog doesn’t have the capacity to feel that toward you nor was it it’s choice to be bred by humans. Now if you said you disliked them or didn’t care for them, then you’re not horrible, you have your right to not like things.
Anna • Apr 14, 2022 at 1:55 pm
I can understand your feelings, I like animals, I don’t hate dogs, but, I do feel foe your feelings too because my family hates me for not wanting dogs in my house… I don’t like dogs or cats in the house because they pee and poop because i do not care to train them much less bother with them. I was raised knowing that animals belong outside not indoors….I like a clean house and don’t like feeling that I have to take care of a dog or cat…
I was raised with 7 brothers and sisters my mother was very clean, I grew up to love a clean house…
I do not understand people that don’t understand that….
Your Worst Nightmare • Apr 15, 2022 at 3:15 pm
Oh shut up.
feel intense dislike for.
Maybe learn to spell Merriam before quoting from it.
I quoted from Oxford.~
Just because some stupid mutt can’t hate me doesn’t mean I can’t hate it.
That argument is ridiculous, not that I expect a mutt sympathizer to ever make a good argument.
All you’re doing is proving this article’s point.
Someone says bad about Fido and out come the bleeding hearts.
Pharah • Oct 31, 2022 at 6:41 pm
Bruh. You just searched for what you want to see instead of what’s actually there.
[ heyt ]
Definition of hate
verb (used with object), hat·ed, hat·ing.
to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest:
to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
to be unwilling; dislike:
I hate to do it.
def: to dislike someone or something very much
Let me list some other sites with the same def
Britannica, collinsdictionary.
Well, it seems you used the only definition that clarifies your argument. Also, just think… “Hate, Stupid, Pathetic.” Do you feel that this is a little harsh for someone to feel towards dogs and their owners. I’m not talking about the extreme end of dog “lovers”, just the majority of dog “lovers” who actually care about the life of their pet, and who came on here to convince others that while your opinion is yours… Vile /heɪt/ is only enhancing your distaste for others and your slight narcissistic core can grow into a n i c e beautiful tree.
Amber • May 12, 2022 at 10:42 pm
You can’t avoid these things. They’re literally everywhere. Dog worship and dog culture is one of the main reasons for our disdain for these creatures. Hate means “a strong dislike for something”, it’s not that deep. Just because we don’t want anything to do with these slobbering beast, it doesn’t mean we want to harm them.
Mark • Apr 10, 2022 at 6:03 pm
Some recent comments are so very uptight. I presume that such contributors have lengthy complaints on many subjects….much more than just pets.
Truth is no one gives a whiny rat concerning your appreciation for critters. Let the continued “dog”, “cat”, “fill in the blank” negativity stimulate your mind accordingly. In other words, you be stewing in useless complaint(s).
Ted • May 21, 2022 at 10:09 am
We get it, you have no personality so you got a dog to make people like you.
It’s not a personal attack on you and your entire being. Whiny dog freak.
Josh • Apr 9, 2022 at 3:22 am
Just as not all humans are good
All dogs aren’t good too
How hard is that to accept?
The constant care you have to give them 365 days a year can tire and annoy anyone
My dog will show his puppy eyes and do all the tricks passionately when food is being served to him
But the moment he finishes the food, he will come to rip the flesh out of my bones
They are just a baby that will never grow
Always being stubborn and trying to over smart us
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 4:58 pm
The problem is that all untrained dogs are bad and aggressive.
Karma • Apr 7, 2022 at 11:52 am
You have the right to not like something. I despise cats, I hate them with a passion! (I would never hurt one because as you said, I’m not a monster) I can’t stand how they come on my property and destroy my garden, my yard furniture, do their business on the sidewalks and my driveway, scratch up my car with their claws. They stink to high heaven, the smell of a litter box is enough to make you puke. We all have our reasons not to like certain things, even though I do love my dog, I do not condemn you for hating them either, as long as you cause no harm to them, then that’s your right to have your own opinion
Amanda Jane Bruce • Apr 3, 2022 at 9:35 am
Couldn`t agree more. I can`t stand them.
Houston • Apr 6, 2022 at 4:32 pm
You don’t hate dogs. You despise ignorant people who should not own them. Couldn’t agree more.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 8:23 am
No, she does hate dogs. You know you can tell? Cause she said so.
Its not a zero-sum situation, a person can hate dogs and their owners at the same time.
Are you one of those people who claim that dogs are beings of pure love and affection and as such, are incapable of causing someone to hate them all on their own?
And if so, why? Do you feel this way about all animals? Do you believe that tigers, rats, rattlesnakes, etc., are incapable of causing someone to hate them?
Cause I have heard that argument before, I mean, I am sure that most if not all of the people who have commented to this article has heard the phrase “No bad dogs just bad owners”, something that is said even after a dog mauls a baby to death for the crime of taking attention away from the dog. Dog-lovers will bend over backwards trying to prove how the dog’s owners and even the baby itself, is responsible for the baby being killed.
The dog has no responsibility at all, why? Cause it is only capable of giving unconditional love. It didn’t give that to the dead baby, but I guess the dog deserves a pass for that, right?
David • Mar 30, 2022 at 10:28 pm
You’re just a sad person looking for attention. I hope you find decency in your life. I haven’t ever found a decent person who ‘hates dogs’. Just terrible, selfish, snobbish, cruel people. Not preferring dogs to cats is one thing but a whole article about hating them? Definitely glad you’re not in my life. And sorry for all the people in yours.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 8:33 am
If you think she only wants attention, why respond? Why not deny her the attention she believe she craves?
And come on, dogs are the biggest attention whores on the planet. Most dogs today can’t stand to be alone for 5 fucking seconds, separation-anxiety, where dogs whine, bark insanely loud and for extended periods of time, tear up furniture/clothes/shoes, etc., piss and shit all over the place because they literally need to be right up under someone 24/7. And the neighbor of the person with the dog had better not complain about the dog barking because “Dogs bark, its just what they do!!”.
No disrespect, but go fuck yourself, David.
And in my personal experience,
Sasha • Apr 24, 2022 at 9:15 am
“No disrespect but go fuck yourself” – in a comment about hating dogs, of all things. Yeah, you sound super mature and emotionally stable. Exactly the kind of person I would expect to hate an entire species.
I truly can’t fathom investing so much mental energy in hating an animal. I guess you must have a lot of free time, eh?
Chris • Apr 26, 2022 at 2:55 pm
Not as much as you would think, and since you are obviously much more mature than I am, you should have read the comment I was replying too. The person who made that comment showed over-the -top hatred to the author of the article.
I defend the author not because I know her, or care about her, but because the hate she receives is unwarranted in my eyes. Her article displays her feelings about dogs, and while she personally does not like or want a dog(s), she goes out of her way to try and meet dog-lovers halfway by stating how she can see the reason why people love dogs and how they can be good companions, and what does she get for that concession?
Assholes calling her cruel, selfish and a snob, and exclaiming how they are glad that the author is not part of their life. The author is a grown-woman, who put herself out there and wrote a public-article, so people are free to say what they want, but so am I. And I think that anyone who has that much hatred for a person merely because she does not love dogs, can stand to hear what I think about them.
And believe me or not, I don’t hate dogs. I don’t like them, I have no desire to be around one, but in general, like anything else I don’t like, if I don’t have to be around them, my dislike turns to apathy instantly.
But when I am forced to hear barking and walk thru dog-shit and have dog-lovers thrust their dogs on me in places where they are explicitly not-allowed and get indignant when asked to leave, my opinion of dog-lovers and dogs in general goes down the drain. And then I come here.
Chris Jr Sr • May 11, 2022 at 1:23 am
DOGS SUCK!! Fight to the death BRO. DIE ON THIS HILL!!!
100% worth it.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 8:36 am
And in my experience, most owners of attention-needy dogs tend to be emotionally-needy, you might be the exception, but I think you’re are projecting your own insecurities to this author.
Just my honest opinion, I am more than willing to stipulate I may be incorrect.
Phetros • Apr 9, 2022 at 11:59 pm
Speaking about needy Jesus you have replied to every post hoping for attention just to spread hate for no reason other then to feel like you have won an argument against someone who won’t respond %99 of the time because they won’t come back to this site to check.
Chris • Apr 14, 2022 at 9:49 pm
Yes, you got me Phetros, you have exposed my neediness. I am so ashamed now that you have unearthed the hidden me, that I try to hide from everyone.
Oh, oh, please have mercy.
Look holmes, I’m certainly wasting my time, but I will explain to you why I am commenting.
As I have said in my many, many comments that have become my entire life by the way, I am hoping that one of these irrational dog-lovers, the ones who make claims like “never trust people who love dogs”, will explain that to me. I want to know where that mindset comes from. Dog-lovers are full of shit, they claim that you can like what you want and no one judges you for not liking dogs until you don’t want to pet their dog, don’t want to shop in public at places where people bring dogs even though they are explicitly not allowed, you don’t want to hear their fucking dog barking for hours at a time because it loves its owner so much, spending 5 goddamn seconds away is a torture that the dog can only solve by barking non-stop in a high-fever pitch, no mater how many times you yell at it to shut the fuck up because unlike the dog, the human has to get up and go to work so they can maybe one day be able to afford living somewhere, where dogs do not interfere with their personal life.
That is why I am in this site Phetros, believe me or not, my answer is the truth.
Another reason is simply because I enjoy discussing things with people who have a different opinion.
And while I will not claim that I have always been proper, for lack of a better word, and I do admit freely, my written opinion of dogs in general are not pleasant, however, I have not been rude to anyone who has not been rude to either me or the author first.
And I don’t know her, and I am not trying to get into her pants, as one comment suggested, I defend her because simply stating dislike for something should not bring the sort of vitriol and unabashed hate this woman has endured for sharing something with the public.
Make no mistake, people can criticize her all they want, she opened herself up for that when she made a public post, but I am free to criticize those who criticize her.
And I am not spreading “hate”, I am trying to spread common-sense.
Chris • Apr 15, 2022 at 1:52 pm
If you really believe I am needy, you should have just ignored me, and denied me the attention you think I am desperate for.
Phetros, I engage in these comments for 2 reasons, I want to understand the mindset of maniac dog-lovers who make comments like “Don’t trust people who don’t love dogs”, the other reason is a mostly for my own entertainment. I like engaging with people who disagree with me, I want to learn why they think the way they do. This is just one of the many topics I do this with.
I don’t think I have won any arguments, and the fact that most people don’t reply are why I make so many posts.
And as to your post below, I am not the author. I have no reason to lie about this. We are on the internet, all of this is anonymous.
If I was the author, I have absolutely no incentive or reason to hide that.
Phetros • Apr 10, 2022 at 12:01 am
Also I bet you are the author, right? Who else would pay this much attention to a random article.
Chris • Apr 14, 2022 at 9:58 pm
We don’t know each other, obviously, but if you did know me, you would know that I am not someone who hides. If I was the author, I would say so.
And why would I hide? Why would I care what anonymous people think about me?
No one’s opinion of me is not something I tend to care about, now, there are times when someone’s opinion of me matters, but it only matters because the person this can make decisions about my life.
Then it matters, but personally, I really could give a shit.
Chris • Apr 15, 2022 at 1:53 pm
Are you not replying to this as well?
Tammy • Apr 15, 2022 at 5:10 pm
Oh my God another dog lover. I absolutely hate dogs they’re disgusting I’m watching my neighbor’s dog and on a walk today she stuck her nose in a pile of another dog s*** or vomit then she comes in my house gross. I think people who love dogs are severely impaired
coevolved • Mar 29, 2022 at 10:40 pm
There’s some unhinged responses all over this thread… of course everyone should respect your opinion, I would never let my dogs bother you, or bother your with my dogs. But it cuts both ways, whether I’m shortsighted or on the money to think you’re probably a horrible person, well that would be my opinion. You don’t get to tell other people they can’t or shouldn’t judge you on a choice you made. The appeal to inclusion and diversity of opinion is misguided, you have no grounds to ask that because anyone else do anything from celebrating your opinion to tolerating it without judging you. Your opinion is your right as it is everyone else’s right to judge you, even wrongheadedly or on meager evidence. Or to decide that they wouldn’t want to associate with you out of their own closed mindedness. Personally, but liking dogs is a red flag for me. You can’t have it both ways.. Of it’s OK for you not to like dogs (it absolutely is) it’s OK for others to not like you. You want to have opinions, the consequence are that others get to have their opinions about you.
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 8:57 am
I couldn’t agree more. We are all free to think what we want and we are all obligated to deal with the consequences that the decisions we make lead too.
I do not share your opinion that appealing to inclusion and diversity of opinion is misguided, I think that just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean you cannot co-exist. I mean, I could care less if someone I meet loves dogs, I don’t see the act of loving dogs as a sign a person definitely has something wrong with them.
You are the opposite of me, you believe that someone not liking dogs is a red-flag, and while I think that is short-sighted, I respect your opinion.
The world today, it is filled with people who think as you do about this subject, and this tends to lead to situations where someone who has no desire to be around dogs has to deal with the intrusion of dogs more than in the past.
So many people view dogs as family, that they are out in public in places where they have not been allowed in the past. And while some businesses have opened their doors to dogs, even businesses that have not, still have people bring their dogs in, and when told to leave or admonished because they are breaking the rules of wherever they are, dog-lovers tend to get indignant, claiming how their dogs are so much cleaner and well-behaved than human-children while not understanding that their opinion is irrelevant. If a place does not allow dogs they don’t allow dogs.
And while I can only speak for myself, I think this is the biggest issue with dog-lovers today. Their insistence on forcing their dog(s) onto people in places that they are not allowed. And then getting upset when told they have to follow the rules like everyone else and just because they treat their dog like it is one of their own children, is not mean the rest of the world has to do the same.
And if another consumer has an issue, dog-lovers of the mindset of “Lighten up, there are bigger problems in the world”, bring the vitriol they and their dogs face on themselves.
That is my issue at least, cause while I genuinely believe that anyone who truly believes I have a personality-defect because dogs don’t appeal to me in anyway are somewhat foolish, the real problem I have is the entitlement.
Emily • Aug 31, 2022 at 10:40 am
“You want to have opinions, the consequence are that others get to have their opinions about you” – except that it is an opinion that doesn’t hurt others (including dogs), but then there is backlash and vitriol spewed at the person making that opinion (and not the opinion itself) which is harmful. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and thoughts but that does not mean it’s generally socially/morally acceptable to degrade someone for having a particular opinion (unless that opinion is genuinely harmful and advocating for the harm of someone/something – then there needs to be some serious rebuttals).
Adrienne Sanders • Mar 27, 2022 at 12:14 am
I’m 62 yr old female, never married. I have invariably found that men who don’t like dogs are totally jackasses, 100%. I think that people who hate dogs are selfish and egotistical. Sorry, that’s just how I feel. The kindest man I ever dated was super smart, patient, and his first word at 8 months was “dog.” Says it all!
Chris • Mar 29, 2022 at 4:38 pm
You were there at 8 months? Serious question.
Amber • May 13, 2022 at 6:53 am
I’ve found that dog nuts are egotistical. They love that a mindless creature is up their ass 24/7.
DogNuttersSuck • May 17, 2022 at 10:54 pm
@ Amber
And don’t forget all the peanut butter in their cupboards.
DogNuttersStink • May 17, 2022 at 10:55 pm
@ Amber
And don’t forget all the peanut butter in their cupboards.
CaT • Mar 26, 2022 at 5:44 pm
Agree with this statement as a cat owner,
Lisa Kistler • Mar 25, 2022 at 10:44 am
All I could think of was your poor dog. You do not deserve the love, loyalty and honor of having unconditional love in your life. Please never own or engage with any pet – they are way too good for you! I’ll admit that your ugly views made my skin crawl, and I also hope that you never reproduce!!! Stay in your animal free zone – child free too because they definitely would require some of your precious time. Living and protecting the innocent instead off only looking after our own selfish asses is a sign of maturity, evolution and compassion. Go back to your cave – we’ll all be happier!
CaT • Mar 26, 2022 at 7:11 pm
Imagine liking dogs! You sound utterly stupid,to ever think that those little shit of dogs are cute and will ever be,you sound like a white mom complaining about a parking space!
Michael Kelly • Mar 27, 2022 at 8:19 pm
You watch your mouth!! You ever call my dog a little shit again, I’ll knock your ugly fat ass out!!!
Michael Kelly • Mar 28, 2022 at 7:54 am
You fucking racist doghating asshole!!
Emily • Mar 28, 2022 at 12:46 pm
You’re fucking disgusting, go back to eating your cats shit out of it’s litter box you utter waste of space. Have fun with your piss demons Karen!
Michael Kelly • Mar 29, 2022 at 10:14 am
Jayman • Apr 1, 2022 at 2:58 am
Cat’s are dicks
Christian Minassian • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:34 am
Ok then, mr. Einstein, bastian of maturity and dear friend of the great god Fido, tell us again how someone not liking dogs and comparing someone to a Karen makes them racist and means they eat cat shit? Also do you think saying “I HATE CATS!” is going to change their opinion of dogs? Oh, this guy hates cats? Oh no, oh god, what ever shall I do? My whole world has been shattered, I’m now floating aimlessly in the ether because a dog lover said “I hate cats.” God help me, I’m about to die!
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 5:21 pm
It’s because he is as intelligent as a dog.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 4:48 pm
So it’s fine to hate cats, but not dogs? Dogs are cowards with slave mentality. They are not real friends. They respect only authority and dominance, they do not respect humans out of their love for them. This is not real love nor friendship.
If they feel someone is afraid of them or someone is a weak link in a chain, they are mean to such person. Badly trained dogs are a real menace and true danger. They simply aren’t able to behave on their own. I avoid such kind of coward creatures no matter whether they are dogs or humans. I prefer these who like someone of their own volition, not these who like some form of one’s power or strength.
Erika Shults • Apr 4, 2022 at 10:29 pm
Amen!! That poor dog wanted to be taken out and this girl just hated it and said it demanded too much attention. She sounds like a total evil brat
Sharron • Mar 25, 2022 at 6:04 am
What a horrible bitter person you are !! Look at what humans are doing to the world ??? Animals don’t ask to be born . God help any animal or child you have .
Chris • Mar 29, 2022 at 4:38 pm
Humans didn’t ask to be born.
Phetros • Apr 10, 2022 at 12:31 am
This is true
Chris • Apr 15, 2022 at 1:55 pm
I appreciate your fulfilling my need for excessive attention.
Now that you have replied, I can die happy.
Sammy • Mar 25, 2022 at 2:02 am
Guaranteed this was written by a boomer who probably has 2-3 crotch goblins running around her house and shows off ‘how clever and thoughtful’ they are for such small children.
What in the world would motivate you to post such drivel, did one of your little brats get bitten by a dog for pulling its tail so you feel the need to lash out?
I guarantee you’re the kind of person that thinks being a ‘stay at home mommy’ is a full time job.
Chris • Mar 29, 2022 at 4:52 pm
You are the inspiration my friend, people like you truly believe that not loving dogs is an indication that someone has something wrong with them.
I wonder how many of you actually read the article? Despite the author’s personal feelings about dogs, she goes out the way to say that she understands why people love dogs and why people value them as companions, she just says that she does not.
Dog-people, y’all take the cake for crazy.
Erika Shults • Apr 4, 2022 at 10:30 pm
Does she, though? The final paragraph? “Out of her way” ?
Chris • Apr 8, 2022 at 9:02 am
“Don’t get me wrong; I get the appeal of dogs. They can be someone’s best friend. They fill an emotional void with genuine unconditional love. As companions, they’re loyal, obedient and kind.”
Literally, the first 3 sentences.
So to answer your question, yes she does go out of the away.
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 4:57 pm
It’s interesting how aggressive dog lovers are when someone says sun doesn’t shine out of dog’s posteriors. It reminds me of Alexander of Macedon, but he did drama over horses instead of dogs. Once his horse was stolen by villagers and he threatened to kill them all if they will not return the horse at once. People say, oh, he was bonkers! But they don’t see dog people act in similar fashion when it comes to dogs. If dog lovers were in Alexander’s position (means: have an army) they would respond exactly the same.
We want to fly to space but still have excrements on streets and smelly peed on fences and so on.
Dave • Mar 22, 2022 at 1:33 pm
I would far rather you be honest with yourself, and never “own” a dog, than do like so many others. They acquire living “pets”, and then once realizing that time, work, and expense are required, they then frequently neglect, abuse, and/or abandon them. Those people should be publicly horse whipped!
On the other hand I have no issues with anyone choosing not to have pets. That is an appropriate and responsible choice for those not inclined to want the responsibility of properly caring for living creatures. Whatever their motivation(s)!
Pat • Apr 28, 2022 at 5:07 pm
Wise words! I agree, I strongly dislike these who ignore the pets they got or who get pets without thinking everything over in advance and then realize everything isn’t rainbows and unicorns. Animals have feelings and don’t deserve to be treated badly or neglected.
Mazy • Mar 20, 2022 at 9:31 pm
Ok so you dont like dogs, thats fine
But why oh whyyyyyy are you being so nasty and awful in your article about it
It it doesnt even sound like a i hate dogs article, it sounds like absolute pure and utter hatred beyond belief what im reading, an almost obsession to tell the world just how much you absolutely cannot stand the fact they are on this planet, im not for the life of me sure why you even tried to adopt one if it isnt in your family genes to want them or like them
And as for tinder, instagram accounts of people with pics of their dog, i think you will infact find that people have ones of their children, cats, boy/girl friends, rats, how good they look when theyve altered their pic to make them look 20 years younger, young girls with practically no clothes on n pouting their lips n posing, meals theyve cooked, etc etc etc, everyone has their own thing, and they are all unbelievably passionate about it beyond belief, but im guessing you dont do nothing at all like that, i guessing you post nothing on any of your accounts
Theres things i dont particularly like ive come across on some of my accounts that may pop up rarely now and again, and might go ,yuk, realy realy dont like that and scroll past, but i dont go and post a hatred article about it
But omgg ive never come cross a post so nasty about them
Its amazing how you seem to see so many owners who have accounts of their dog on instagram etc than anything else if you hate them so much
Usually on my instagram, fbook etc account i seem to have recommendations coming up of other groups that i might like of the same things i follow on there, maybe you should have a word with instagram, tinder etc and tell them how you seem to be bombarded with pics n accounts of them
I know a girl who has hate in her life for a particular thing, and it consumes her, everytime she comes across it, sees it, hears about this thing she hates its like she cannot stop going on and on about it for days with a twisted up face, its ridiculous how she goes on, like nothing else in the world matters except this thing
So what you had a dog when you were like 7 yrs old, and am guessing you havent had one since, there you go, over and done with, it will be dead by now im guessing and wow good riddance to it for you, you must have been jumping for joy and dancing on is grave thinking, yey no more smelly poo bags or cold mornings for me
So much hatred for whay you would have to go through in your adult life away from being a little girl and your family and actually having a dog aside from that, abso pure hatred for something youve never experienced in adult life
The worst things on this planet arent horrible smelly, takes up to much of my time dogs
Did you know how exceptionally brainy dogs are and the absolutely amazing things they can do to help people, they have the same emotions as us and their emotions are just as strong as ours, i wonder what it thought of you
Maybe if something absolutely awful happened in your life like blindness, or crippled and had no one to help you, im guessing the answer would be, dont offer me one of those horrible things to help me, or if you were attacked raped etc, an officer with a dog was on hand to help you would refuse it
Lady theres little kids in their lives right now even, who are being, raped, physically seriously abused and emotionally, forced into marriage some girls so young they end up dying bcoz their bodies are to young and not ready for childbirth, some starving to death, dying from cancer etc
Also dogs who are having their bones broken, half beaten to death, left tied up somewhere to starve to death etc etc
But im so sorry what happened to you as a young girl has left you so emotionally scarred for life about dogs, it must have been unbearable
But for what its worth, the worst thing on this planet isnt big smelly i havent got time for cant be bothered in my life with just a chore dogs…its humans
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 9:55 pm
All due respect, you don’t have the right to advise anyone about what is the worst thing in the world to them.
To some people, maybe someone who is forced to co-exist with dogs in a manner that disrupts their life, the worst thing in life are dogs. Although, judging by most dog-lovers, I am guessing that you will say “there are no dogs just bad owners”, am I right?
I always wonder, what would a dog have to do to be considered “bad”? I have read stories of dogs killing babies and the parents of the dead baby fight to explain why the dog is not at fault. And who knows? Maybe the dog is not at fault, cause it is a dog, so it has no conscious thought to make decisions like “I want to kill this baby because I hate it”. I have heard from dog-lovers and even those who merely like or stand them, that dogs are not capable of hate, they are only capable of “love”.
Course, if dogs cannot hate, it goes that they cannot love either, Both require conscious thought. If a dog is not capable of hating something/someone, how would they be capable of loving something/someone?
It is only logical to come to that conclusion. But I have no real idea either way, and I have no problem admitting it.
Adrienne Sanders • Mar 27, 2022 at 12:16 am
Couldn’t have said it better! AMEN!!!!
Phetros • Apr 10, 2022 at 1:01 am
It’s for the best that people put this in their tinder for this exact reason. If I were on tinder and a girl showed a pic wither her and her 3 kids I would likely avoid them, sorry just have no interest. So I don’t really understand her complaint.
Unknown • Apr 18, 2022 at 8:36 pm
Calm down it’s just a post. They didn’t even sound that offensive. Is it bothering you? Then don’t read it. Here you are wasting your whole day typing a whole 10 paragraph story just to hate on them. It’s their opinion. You have yours. Do you not have a life? You don’t have to tell them all the bad things they already know. You’re guessing everything in their life. Leave them alone.
BitchUGonnaCry • May 17, 2022 at 10:59 pm
@Mazy TL;DR
U gunna cry?
Nicole • Mar 18, 2022 at 3:04 pm
Are you done deleting comments that paint you in a negative light? It’s been four years since you posted this. You can’t possibly have that much free time.
Chris • Mar 21, 2022 at 1:57 pm
You obviously have not reviewed most of the comments.
So, so, so many of the dog-loving community have taken the time to come here and express their dislike and hatred of this woman.
Why? Cause she dared to say that hating dogs does not make her a horrible person.
The real question you should be asking is why an article like this had to be written in the first place?
Answer is people like you, who truly in your heart believe that not loving dogs is a sign that someone has something wrong with them.
Where does that mindset come from?
Emily • Mar 27, 2022 at 12:24 pm
Probably from memories of watching those awful aspca commercials that show beaten up animals whose owners have done stuff as bad as pouring boiling water on them before throwing them out the window. Now, do you think those people loved dogs? Or that they felt neutral to them, or even just dislike them? No, that kind of violence comes from hate. Disliking and hating are as close to each other as liking and loving.
Would it make her a bad person if she didn’t like dogs? No. But that fact that she doubles down on hating them is concerning.
I think its interesting that you’re concerned over this woman, who has a voice of her own and isn’t confined to whining or barking to show what she means, being disliked and hated, when this whole article is about her hate… very interesting.
Hope your day goes as good as you wish it to be.
Hare Krishna
Chris • Mar 29, 2022 at 5:41 pm
So what she hates them, is she hurting them? Is she beating dogs? Is she starving them? If not, who cares if she hates them?
When bad-things happen to anyone or any animal that does not deserve it, that is not good. I don’t condone torturing dogs anymore than I condone torturing babies. You don’t have to love dogs to not act like a psycho with them.
“I think its interesting that you’re concerned over this woman, who has a voice of her own and isn’t confined to whining or barking to show what she means, being disliked and hated, when this whole article is about her hate… very interesting.”
I don’t even know what you mean by this. I’m being honest.
Yes, this woman has a voice, she is not confined to barking and howling, so we agree on that.
My concern is not for her per se, it is really for you and people like you.
I want to know why simply disliking something garners this much venom?
What dog-lovers either don’t get or choose to ignore is that the very things you love about dogs are typically the things that people who don’t like dogs can’t stand.
The nonstop need for attention, the barking, the separation-anxiety, the hair, the never growing out of toddler-phase, none of that is appealing to me, and for anything else, I would be allowed to feel what I want without judgement, but for dogs, the rules are different. You have to like do