Friday Finds

April 24, 2015
Well, the semester is coming to a close. You may think that you have absolutely no time for anything else but studying, but you have to enjoy the city that we live in! Fordham Friday Finds is here to let you know what’s going on in the city this weekend to make sure you are taking advantage of the big apple.
Fordham’s Spring Weekend Is Here!: First and foremost, Fordham’s Annual Spring Weekend is here! On Saturday, April 25, if you go to the Rose Hill Campus you can enjoy outdoor food and music on Martyrs’ Lawn starting at 12:30 p.m.. The musical guest this year is Twenty-One Pilots, and there’s also delicious snacks served. The festivities are all hosted by the Campus Activities Board (CAB). This is a great opportunity to enjoy our other campus this weekend with food, music, and probably a little bit of dancing. For more information check out CAB’s Facebook and Twitter
Gorge Yourself on Pizza: NYC arguably has some of the best pizza in the country. So why not treat yourself to some of it? Try the pizza at Don Antonio’s in Hell’s Kitchen. This stuff is partially deep fried so it’s sinfully good. Or, you can try my personal favorite: Artichoke Basille’s Pizza, more commonly known as Artichoke Pizza. First off, the slices are huge, making just one slice fairly filling. Second, it’s just really good pizza with a range of options, and always piping hot. They say there’s no such thing as bad pizza, so put that theory to the test this weekend and eat all the pizza you can. Don Antonio’s is located at 309 W 50th St. and for locations for Artichoke Basille’s Pizza go to
Running with the Dogs: Have you ever wanted to see a group of Dachshunds run around Washington Square Park? Well, this Saturday, that wish is being granted! The 23rd Annual Dachshund Spring Fiesta, hosted by the Dachshund Friendship Group, will have these adorable pups and their owners taking over Washington Square Park. This meet and greet is open to all, even if you don’t have a dog of your own. The event starts at noon, but you’ll want to stay all day to play with your new furry friends. Washington Square Park is located off the ACE line from Columbus Circle.
Hit a Few Balls at Chelsea Piers: Want to enjoy something a little more active but can’t decide what? Chelsea Piers is the place for you then! With options like gymnastics, rock climbing, and batting cages, there are a number of activities that you can choose from at the Piers, and the experience is made even better if you bring friends. Drop-In classes are available, or you can book classes in advance. You may have to spend some cash (classes cost about $25 each), but enjoying a new experience is worth it! To see the list of events and prices, visit the website at:, then go to the Drop In tab.
Tribeca Film Festival: The Tribeca Film Festival is one of the most exciting film festivals for movie lovers, and it’s finally here! The event is held at several different theaters, such as Spring Studios and Tribeca Cinemas both located on Varick St. allowing moviegoers to jump from venue to venue. Tickets range from $10 to $35 per film — a steal when you consider the chances of seeing a celebrity at their movie premiere. For tickets visit the TIFF site at: Spring is finally here, so get out and enjoy NYC! Exploring the city and seeing all it has to offer are just some ways that you can become more comfortable, and Fordham Friday Finds is here to help make the process a little easier.