The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer


It’s okay to be friendly, but it’s not okay for waiters to talk so much that you find you know their life story by the end of the meal. (Bob Doran/ Wikimedia Commons)

Waiters, Just Pass the Check, Don’t Indulge on the Conversation

December 7, 2011
Lately, I’ve noticed many waiters seem to take liberties with their job. They do whatever they please, trampling over the sanctity of a proper meal.
It’s better to avoid eye contact if you want to prevent peddlers from trying to garner your support for their organization. (Ai Elo/The Observer)

The Art of Saying No to Sidewalk Peddlers: Sidestepping the Cause

November 16, 2011
Look at him standing over there like he owns the street, fingering his pen, those predatory pupils darting to and fro like a beast caged in the whites of his eyes. You know of whom I speak; you see them all the time standing in the middle of the sidewalk trying to raise money and awareness for Greenpeace, Amnesty International or whatever cause they represent.

The Morning Commute: Worthy of a Greek Tragedy

November 2, 2011
The morning routine is like an overture: It sets the tone for the day. Because of my New Jersey commute, from the moment I wake up until the moment my subway train comes howling into my final destination, I am assailed by anxiety.
No matter how much you hate him, you simply can’t resist the piercing gaze and subtle smile of Mr. Shatner.

Holy Shat: William Shatner is a Character Worth Your While

October 19, 2011
Who gives a shat about William Shatner? Oh, that pompous windbag? Why there’s more girth than good in him!
2012 Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, Friday, September 23, 2011.  (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/MCT)

Debating the Obvious: Farcical Politics

October 5, 2011
A look at the Republican Party candidates for president and how the emergence of Rick Perry has affected the campaigns of other candidates.
Even Darth Vader disapproves of the changes George Lucas has made to his Blu-ray release of Star Wars. (Gerry Melendez/The State/MCT)

Star Wars Gets a Blu-Ray Makeover: The Force is Not with this Re-Release

September 21, 2011
With each rerelease of his famed “Star Wars” trilogy, the director George Lucas further tacks on digital alterations to the film. The additions are almost always incongruous, creating dissonance in the harmony of the films’ narrative and imagery.
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