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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

SAIRA ANEES, Staff Writer

All content by SAIRA ANEES

The Buzz About Britney: Will She Break Free From the Paparazzi?

June 3, 2011

Published: April 17, 2008 Britney Spears went from being a teen role model and pop star to a troubled tabloid icon whose biggest task right now is becoming a normal person again. You’re probably...

Fighting Words with Some More Words

June 2, 2011

Published: April 3, 2008 Barack Obama is certainly one presidential candidate that will be very difficult to forget.  He seems to have everything going for him, from having a very charming,...

Would You Sacrifice Your Dignity for a “Moment of Truth”?

June 1, 2011

Published: Febrary 14, 2008 Reality TV has taken public embarrassment to a completely different (and much scarier) level.  FOX’s new television game show “The Moment of Truth” is...

Apples Are Better Than Oranges

June 1, 2011

Published: January 31, 2008 When you hear the word “apple” these days, the discussion is more than likely not about fruit; what’s probably being referred to is Apple Inc., the company...

New Study Finds College Students Are More Spiritual

June 1, 2011

Published: January 31, 2008 FCLC—When it comes to answering life’s many challenging questions, college students are now seeking spiritual answers, according to a recent study by two University...

Leave Hillary Alone!

May 30, 2011

Published: November 15, 2007 So, I know that Hillary Clinton may not be the most perfect person in the world, but I think whenever Americans see Mrs. Clinton, we forget the important question, “Who...

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