On Thursday, Oct. 21, Dana Perino, former White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush and current Fox News contributor, addressed students in Keating Hall at Fordham College at Rose Hill (FCRH).
Institutions like Fordham have remained committed to delivering a true education that nurtures all aspects of the person, rather than mass-producing perfect, ambitious graduates that have one goal in mind—a narrow notion of success that translates into money, prestige and social status.
Promising everything from unparalleled connections to invaluable career experience, internships are to a college student what candy is to a child—and the compensation is often no more than an afterthought. Every day, thousands of college students across the country pay to work. In theory, internships are a great opportunity for students. Yet, with roughly half of the intern work force making no money—and in some cases paying for academic credits—it is only appropriate to ask who is really benefitting here.
Egypt’s attack on foreign correspondents can be read as an attempt to discourage unbiased, proper journalism in Egypt, and these injustices have not gone unnoticed.
One cannot underestimate the importance of knowing English when living in America. Though everyone should feel accepted regardless of language, having a “common language" is beneficial for both a society and its immigrants.