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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

HAILEY MOREY, Staff Writer

All content by HAILEY MOREY
Fordham students and professors gathered to discuss whether Robert Moses was master builder or great destroyer. (PHOT BY LAUREN LEVINE/ THE OBSERVER)

Fordham Discusses Robert Moses’ Legacy

April 14, 2016
The Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) Urban Studies program held an event, “Robert Moses: Master Builder or Great Destroyer,” on April 6.
Pictured here, Nopell Wong,  FCLC '18, president of APAC, who led the discussion on Asian-American stereotypes. (ANA FOTA/THE OBSERVER)

APAC Holds Open Discussion on Asian-Americans

December 11, 2015
The Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC), a Fordham Lincoln Center club, held an open discussion during their last general meeting of the semester, on Dec. 3.
The talk was held in the 12th floor lounge of the Leon Lowenstein building. (HAILEY MOREY/THE OBSERVER)

Fordham Guests Talk “The Bloomberg Years”

November 18, 2015
The purpose of the talk was to offer students and faculty insight into the management style used by former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg.
Jerry Brown, governor of California, recently signed into law a policy banning concealed weaponry on campuses, but many more conservative states are taking a vastly different route. Pictured above shows the states with guns on campus bills. (COURTESY OF EVERYTOWN FOR GUN SAFETY VIA

Backpacks Don’t Fit With Kevlar On

November 12, 2015
In the event of a tragic event on campus, the likeliness of a student accurately and effectively employing a firearm to neutralize a threat, without collateral damage, is incredibly unlikely.
Students presented at the conference held at the Rose Hill Campus (HAILEY MOREY/THE OBSERVER)

AFAM Students Come Together to Share Research

October 24, 2015
Students presented their work in Rose Hill's Walsh Library
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