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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

ALEXA FRANK, Staff Writer

All content by ALEXA FRANK

Influenza: Not the Kind of Cold Worth Catching

June 6, 2011

Published: December 11, 2008 Flu season is underway, and with McMahon residents living in such close quarters, the spread of contagious diseases is almost unavoidable. Besides stocking up...

iHear: Let’s Keep It That Way; High Volumes Lead to Higher Risk

June 5, 2011

Published: November 13, 2008 Last April marked the sale of the 100 millionth iPod, making it the “fastest selling music player in history,” according to Apple. Though not surprising in today’s...

New Technology Complicates Teacher/Student Protocol

June 5, 2011

Published: October 30, 2008 FCLC—Who needs office hours when students have a “send” button right at their fingertips, ready to ask questions, make complaints or request assignments at...

Student-Generated Digital Guidebook Rivals Princeton Review With Reality

June 4, 2011

Published: October 16, 2008 Without college guidebooks, the world of a high school senior would instantly become more stressful—if that were even possible. Not quite on the brink of adulthood, these...

Don’t Know How to Vote? Here’s the 411 for Election 2008

June 3, 2011

Published: October 2, 2008 Voting season is upon us, and during such a heated political time, some people have forgotten about the simpler things in life—the minor details, like registering to vote....

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