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The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer

The Student Voice of Fordham Lincoln Center

The Observer



Alejandra (Alex) Carrasco, Fordham College at Lincoln Center ’22, is a Staff Writer for the News section of The Observer. She is a Comparative Literature major and a Marketing minor. Alex is fluent in Spanish and native to the small island of Puerto Rico where she’s lived all her life. Her interests include reading, buying overpriced bathing suits, and eating good Latin food.

Kiese Laymon signs Fordham students' copies of his memoir, "Heavy."

Author Kiese Laymon Visits Rose Hill, Talks ‘Heavy’

April 10, 2019
Since 2008, the Reid Family Writers of Color Reading Series has hosted some of the most acclaimed writers of color to Fordham’s campus in a hope to celebrate diversity in literature.
Presidential Candidates Present Radically Opposing Ideas in USG Elections

Presidential Candidates Present Radically Opposing Ideas in USG Elections

March 27, 2019
As election day for the 2019-20 United Student Government officers approaches, two presidential candidates have emerged running on nearly opposite platforms. Tina Thermadam and Austin Tong have laid out their plans to win the hearts — and the votes — of Fordham students.
ASILI, the Black Student Alliance at Rose Hill, hosts Angela Davis to observe Black History Month.

Angela Davis Connects International Struggles

March 8, 2019
For much of the evening, Davis focused on the connections between the black experience and those of other oppressed peoples. “When we talk about black struggles,” she said, “we should realize that not all participants have been black.”
Chief Diversity Officer Rafael Zapata discusses efforts to diversify staff and faculty at Fordham.

CDO Aims to Improve Diversity Hiring Process

February 20, 2019
Fordham’s administration has long been working towards creating a more diverse faculty and student body. Chief Diversity Officer Rafael Zapata believes that process starts with diverse hires if the university will allow for the time that takes.
Mariam Wahba, the sole attendant of the Witt/Kieffer student information session in the search for a new dean of FCLC. (CARMEN BORCA-CARRILLO/THE OBSERVER)

Search for Dean Lacks Student Support

December 6, 2018
Despite attempts to include community voices in the decision, the search’s current state of affairs shows little promise for further student involvement.
Try again. May I suggest something from Fortnite?

Halloween Retrospective: Why You Still Can’t Dress as “Mexican”

November 16, 2018
Chad, I hear you. But your freedom of expression does not supercede the right to dignity and respect for every American and their culture.
Wertz is the interim dean of FCLC while the search committee finds a successor for Grimes.

Search Committee for New FCLC Dean Announced

November 10, 2018
On Tuesday, Nov. 6, University President Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., and Interim Provost Jonathan Crystal announced the formation of a search committee to determine the next dean of Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC).
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