Monthly Music Review: October Release Party
October 5, 2011

“Metals” released Oct. 4
It’s been four years since her critically acclaimed album, “The Reminder,” dropped. Now the Canadian songstress Feist is back with her newest album, “Metals,” a batch of her traditional smoky, whispered songs that start out strong but quickly begin to lack the tenacity and pop that Feist is known and loved for. Feist has been the type of artist where letdowns are very rare and her craft is celebrated everywhere, from commercials to late night television shows. “Metals” has built up an aura of anticipation that has had many impatiently bubbling over waiting for the set release date. However, the quality of songs on this album is lacking in musicianship and prove to be as boring as watching paint dry.
With the release of the first single off the album, “How Come You Never Go There,” Feist had the music world abuzz. It showed that she was back and still possessed the same Mom and Pop-like approach for which everyone loved her: minimalist, few instruments, but strong melody. “How Come You Never Go There” is jazzy, calm and collected—easily the best on “Metals.” The same can’t be said for any other song on the album. Although songs like “Comfort Me” and “Woe B” go to places that are more familiar to Feist fans, the album itself has an angry vibe to it—a vibe that I can never see Feist falling into.
Feist tries to come off as a wolf in sheep’s clothing with a majority of the songs. You can tell she pushed herself a little more on this album as far as grandiose choruses and guitars go. Sadly, the album as a whole made me feel lost and wandering for something that was never there to begin with.
Real Estate
“Green Aisles” release date Oct. 18
For anyone whose parents grew up in the suburbs of New Jersey in the mid 1970s and ’80s, they will tell you that Bruce Springsteen was the soundtrack for those lazy days of summer where jobs at the local burger shop ceased, and the race down the parkway to the Jersey Shore was in full effect. In 2010, the sons and daughters of those parents have a new group of Jersey idols to listen to in the lazy surf rock stylings of Real Estate.
This group of four Ridgefield friends will be releasing their sophomore album, “Days,” on Oct. 18, but you don’t have to go to great lengths for some Jersey hospitality. The group has released the single “Green Aisles” upon the indie world and what a hospitable treat it’s been. While the group still features their signature treble-laden, lo-fi guitar work that evokes images of neighborhood heat waves and kids playing in lawn sprinklers, “Green Aisles” is a more ordered and thought out piece. It is a narration, if you will, of sitting in the backyard , beer in hand and doing nothing.
Although Real Estate may never get to the legendary status of The Boss, there is something very appreciative and special about a small Jersey band getting acclaimed recognition. Jersey, as small as it is, has allowed the band to build up their status and popularity. Real Estate uses this small town-connection fantastically in “Green Aisles,” using images of “wasted miles and aimless drives” to evoke a sense of commonality not only for Jerseyans, but for everyone.
Deer Tick
“Divine Providence” release date Oct. 25
“A pack of cigarettes and a fake I.D.! Let’s all go to the bar!” screams Deer Tick singer John McCauley as he reminisces of the hard times and good memories of late night bar crawls in the song, “Let’s All Go to the Bar” off the Providence, R.I. group’s most recent album, “Divine Providence.” The idea of late night, drunken debauchery is a common theme to songwriting; it’s been done for years. But the guys of Deer Tick stay true to this time honored tradition of hazy memory loss and invite you along for the ride through a combination of heartfelt balladry, raucous rock, and sing-along choruses.
“Divine Providence” equivocates itself best to that of a house party: it’s loud, you can’t hear what the person next to you is saying and you have at least seven different people’s sweat wiped on you along with newly formed beer stains and cigarette burns on your favorite flannel shirt. “Divine Providence” allows you to reminisce and live those feelings all over again with songs like, “Let’s All Go to the Bar,” “The Bump” and “Something to Brag About.” Deer Tick takes cues from other alt-country greats like Old 97’s, Uncle Tupelo and a bit of Bruce Springsteen. The guitars are crunchy and fast, the singing aching and vulnerable.
As with any riotous house party, it’s only a matter of time before the cops show up. When that time comes, everyone does their best to quiet down, only to raise the volume once again after they leave. “Divine Providence” does its best to quiet down with ballads like “Now It’s You” and “Chevy Express,” but turns it up again as a big middle finger to anyone who has any complaints of unnecessary noise.