Commuters Find Spaces on Campus
Locations at Lincoln Center are designated to give commuters a sense of connectedness to the university
The Commuting Students Association runs events to help commuters feel more included on campus.
March 3, 2022
With midterms approaching and many students trying to recover their social lives, commuters are left wondering where they can study and meet new people on campus. To accommodate these students, Fordham has designated resources and spaces to ensure that commuters have a place on campus.
The Fordham Lincoln Center campus has around 900 full-time undergraduate students commuting to school each week, who make up nearly half of the undergraduate population. Commuter spaces at the Lincoln Center campus include the Student Lounge in the Ram Café, the Plaza, the 140 West Garden Lounge and five other designated locations with resources for commuters.
These spaces are open to all students, but Fordham encourages its commuters to take advantage of the available resources in these spaces, including the computer labs, photocopiers and fitness equipment.
“The addition of the Garden Level space in the 140 (West) building a few years ago expanded lounge space for commuters and residents.” Jenifer Campbell, dean of students
Jenifer Campbell, dean of students at Lincoln Center, spoke on the more recent additions to commuter spaces on campus over the years.
“The addition of the Garden Level space in the 140 (West) building a few years ago expanded lounge space for commuters and residents,” she said. “Additionally, the McMahon Lawn space for outside activities in warmer weather has provided another space for students to congregate.”
Campbell noted that no new commuter spaces were planned to be added to Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus at this time.
“If there are any changes in the future, the needs of all constituents would be considered as it relates to space allocation,” Campbell added.
Berk Civan, Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center ’24 and a commuter, was pleased with the options commuters had to hang out on campus.
“It is sufficient because we have the Ram Café to go to between classes. Argo Tea is also a good option — it is just like a fake Starbucks,” Civan said. “There is enough space for everyone. I do not see people who are standing up. There is always a table for me to sit in and wait, and there are multiple locations.”
Commuter First-Year Mentor (CFM) Coordinator Christian Madlansacay, Fordham College at Lincoln Center ’23 and a member of The Observer’s editorial board, echoed Civan’s thoughts.
“A lot of these spaces are filled with people you can talk to, so they are always usually very vibrant or very active.” Christian Madlansacay, FCLC ’23
“I think the commuter spaces on campus are sufficient because there are a lot of places that commuters can go to,” he said. “A lot of these spaces are filled with people you can talk to, so they are always usually very vibrant or very active.”
Those who commute to Lincoln Center in their first year have the opportunity to connect with a CFM to help them learn the ropes on campus. CFMs guide the first-years through everyday life at Fordham and can help with social navigation, academic questions and anything else related to campus life, according to commuter student services.
“As a CFM, I hold ‘drop-in hours’; they are very relaxed. Throughout the week, I will schedule an hour, for example, in Argo,” Madlansacay said. “That is the time where first-year students can ask me any questions about anything. Or if they want any advice on anything, I would be available to give them that support.”
There are also student organizations on campus that run events for commuters. The largest is the Commuting Students Association (CSA), which runs events throughout the year, sometimes in conjunction with United Student Government and the Campus Activities Board.
Around exam week, CSA is known to hold an event called “midday breakfast,” an event that is intended to help include commuters in the Fordham tradition of midnight breakfast, where Fordham will offer free breakfast foods at night to help students through finals.
CSA’s next event will be an outing to Color Me Mine on Mar. 4 at 5:30 p.m.