Tips for Staying Safe During Hurricane Irene
August 25, 2011

Fordham University is closing school on Sunday, Aug. 28. With the forces of Hurricane Irene still unseen, the people of New York need to be prepared! Here are some safety tips and precautions suggested by officials of the Fordham College at Lincoln Center’s Office of Residential Life and Office of Student Leadership and Community Development:
1) AVOID GOING OUTDOORS: Stay indoors, especially since the Metropolitan Transit Authority has shut down as of 12 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 27. The rain will be patchy and fluctuate from weak to strong, so do not assume the storm is over when the rain gets lighter.
2) KEEP WINDOWS CLOSED: Close and lock all windows as soon as possible because the rain will get heavier throughout Sunday, Aug. 28.
3) SECURE OUTDOOR OBJECTS: Prevent outdoor objects from being thrown by the wind by moving them indoors or chaining them to a sturdy place. Outdoor objects can easily fly into windows from the strong winds brought on by the hurricane.
4) STOCK UP ON FOOD: Stock up on food and drinks to avoid traveling outside for meals. Try to return home quickly before the wind and storm picks up later this evening.
5) HAVE SUPPLIES HANDY: Keep a working flashlight on hand in case of a power outage. If you are not living in McMahon, candles and matches are good to have ready, too.
6) STAY INFORMED: Check for updates on If you live in McMahon, contact security at 212-636-7111 if you notice damage or flooding in your room or apartment.