This Halloween, Students Will Get Spooky Like Snooki
The Crazy Characters and Favorite Celebs You’ll See Wandering the Halls on October 31
July 25, 2011
Published: October 21, 2010
With Halloween right around the corner, Fordham students are finalizing their holiday plans. While most students have retired their pumpkin baskets, coming to the realization that they’re a little old for trick-or- treating, Halloween is a holiday not solely reserved for the young. From the Halloween parade in the Village to theme parties in bars, restaurants and clubs, it is hard to deny the thrill of dressing up. So what can Fordham students at Lincoln Center expect to see roaming the halls of McMahon and Lowenstein on Oct. 31? With such an eclectic student body at Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC), we set out to find what costumes are at the top of the list for Halloween 2010.

For the women at FCLC, Lady Gaga is at the top of the list. Whether it is the white two-piece outfit she showed off while performing at the VMAs or the blue, futuristic leotard from her famous music video “Poker Face,” expect to see a lot of Lady Gagas out there.
Erika Black, FCLC ’10, will be one of them. “I would love to go as Lady Gaga in her ‘Alejandro’ costume and I would totally dye my hair blonde for a day! I love Halloween, it’s my favorite holiday because I get to be someone other than myself for the day.”
Rachel Monahan, FCLC ’11, is in agreement; a day in the life of Pop sensation Lady Gaga is exciting because it’s opposite of her personal appearance. “While I always pick a costume last-minute and end up with the cliché cat, cop and so forth, this year I’m thinking of being someone like Lady Gaga. It would be fun to get completely done up with a blonde wig, excessive make-up and an outrageous outfit I normally wouldn’t wear.”
Another popular costume amongst the women is America’s famous “guidette” from MTV’s hit show, “Jersey Shore.” Expect to see many pseudo-Snookis and J-Wows out in the city. Let’s face it; most of us own a dress that’s too short, heels that are too high, and a pair of obnoxious hoops that were “cool” then, but way too large now. Piece this all together and the only thing that is missing is the signature “poof,” which can be perfected with a small tooth comb and multiple canisters of hairspray, as well as an orange glow that qualifies one to check “tan” as their ethnicity.
Keeping with the “Jersey Shore” theme, Fordham can expect to have many “Situations” on their hands this Halloween. Look for men in designer jeans and bedazzled, tight tees. Be sure to keep an eye out for a few brave souls who hit the gym on a regular basis and are willing to rival The Situation for best six-pack. Beware ladies; shirtless men can possess an unbecoming amount of confidence! Although these girls and guys contributed their ideas anonymously, we know who you are!
Another signature look for the guys at FCLC is that pinstriped uniform adorning the most recognizable insignia in sports: the interlocking “NY.” With the Yankees looking to play for the American League Championship, expect to see a lot of proud New Yorkers supporting their favorite team. It could be worse—who doesn’t love a man in uniform?
A few guys said that they might dress in drag. Anthony McGowan, FCLC ’11, said he dresses in drag every Halloween. “It’s the one day a year where nothing matters. In fact, I get more attention from girls when I’m in a dress.”
While it’s not drag, R.J. Vaillancourt, FCLC ’11, was another guy with an extreme costume idea. He intends to paint his entire body blue and transform himself into a creature from the movie “Avatar.”
“I’m a fan of the movie, so I think it would definitely get some attention, both positive and negative.” Keep a look out for a blue creature to see if Vaillancourt really follows through with his ambitious idea.
If you are looking for a costume that’s not such a head-turner, one can never go wrong with Halloween classics such as an angel, devil, cop, firefighter, witch… the list continues. This was exactly what Marisa Martin, FCLC ’11, thought in deciding to be an angel for Halloween.
“People try to get trendy or overly creative with their costumes and it can be really hit or miss, so I just wanted to go with something classic and simple,” she said.
Whether you’re classic and simple or outrageous and over-the-top, having the opportunity to be someone or something other than yourself is exciting. Halloween only comes once a year, dress up!