Easy Ways to Observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month
There are many opportunities in the NYC area to support breast cancer research, including walks in all five boroughs and the surrounding regions.
October 2, 2019
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is dedicated to promoting education, increasing early detection resources and raising money for crucial breast cancer research. Breast cancer is one of the leading health crises for women in the United States: 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, and there is no known cure.
While breast cancer research occurs year-round, October is a great time to get involved and educated. If you’re a college student looking to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month, consider giving, calling, walking or shopping in support of those affected by this cancer at various organizations in the area.
While giving away the few things in your dorm can seem like a daunting task, many organizations make it easy to incorporate charity for breast cancer patients into your life. If you have hats, scarves or blankets that you don’t need anymore, seek out a chemotherapy center nearby to donate these items; they will keep patients warm and comfortable when undergoing treatment. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center on 16 E. 60th St. is closest to campus.
If you’re interested in a monetary donation to a breast cancer organization that you’re passionate about, there are many charities to choose from, including the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund or Breast Cancer Prevention Partners. Make sure to check the ratings of the charities you are choosing to give to to ensure the power of your donation.
Another option is to call your local congressional representative; sharing a personal anecdote or information with your Congress member can let them know what breast cancer research funding means to you. When citizens let their representatives know what matters to them through a simple phone call, change can be made and breast cancer patients can get increased funding for research.
Breast cancer awareness walks are always a popular way to get involved during this month, and the Making Strides of Central Park walk is sure to be popular on Sunday, Oct. 20. It is easy to pre-register for the walk on the Making Strides website. Check-in is at 7:30 a.m. on E. 72nd Street and 5th Avenue, and the walk will last until 11:15 a.m. The Making Strides organization is the largest network of breast cancer events in the nation, raising money to help the American Cancer Society fund research and providing patient services like free rides to chemo, free places to stay near treatment and a live 24/7 cancer helpline.
If walking isn’t your thing, the event is still looking for volunteers to check in participants, hand out water at hydration stations, answer questions, cheer on walkers and more.
If you shop this month, you can buy from companies that support breast cancer research with your purchase. From water bottles to socks to Crocs, you can be completely decked out in a bright shade of pink while also supporting a great organization with your purchase. But the simplest thing you can do to show your support is to wear a pink ribbon for the month of October. They are often handed out at stores for free, and it is a great way to open up a dialogue about breast cancer with people who are either also wearing it or want to learn more.
Wearing a simple ribbon is powerful way to show that you care: many women have or have had breast cancer, and by choosing to wear one you can show that you know their fight and appreciate them.
The most important thing during this month is to stay educated and help open discussions with others. When breast cancer enters the common forum, it means that more people will be equipped to create change.