July 9, 2011
Co-Winner Academy of American Poets Prize
Published: April 22, 2010
I. Beyoncé
their business
the neighbors
was none of
should have said something but it
the neighbors should have none of their business.
but it said something.
their business
should have.
none of the neighbors said something was.
something. none of something was none of their business but it should have said it was the neighbors.
none of the neighbors said their business
was none
but should have said the neighbors should have none.
none of their business but something.
it was something the neighbors said.
it was their business, the neighbors said.
their business should have said it was the neighbors.
but it was none of their business.
II. The Neighbors Should Have Said Something, But It Was None Of Their Business
all the single ladies
all the single ladies
III. Nothing Of My Businesses
who ever told you it was any of my business what the boy was playing a to’a alta volúmenvolume bien bien loud por las paredes even if I did see him sleeping outside in the bushes with a bloody arm?
eso no es nada de negocios mios.