Psychic Phil Disappoints Students as He Predicts More Winter
Bundle Up! Students Yearn for Warmer Weather As Six More Weeks of Bitter Cold Looms Ahead
June 28, 2011

Published February 4, 2010
After many weeks of snow and bitter cold temperatures, Groundhog Day falls at just the right spot on the calendar. Come Feb. 2, people are either anxiously counting down the days to be jacket-less and basking in the sun on the plaza, or wishing and hoping for just a few more snow storms and cups of cocoa.
Every year on Groundhog Day, Americans turn on their televisions, putting faith in Punxsutawney Phil to predict what is left of the winter season. If the over-sized squirrel sees his shadow, tradition says that winter will continue for six more weeks. If he does not see his shadow, spring is on its way.
This year, Phil came out of his hole, saw his shadow and ran fleeing back into his den, ushering in 6 more weeks of cold weather.
So what verdict were Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) students hoping for?
“It has always seemed silly to me for people to consider a groundhog the way to tell what the weather change is going to be like, but I love the tradition anyway,” said Tatiana DiLanzo, FCLC ’13.
“I always forget what it means if the groundhog sees his shadow or not, and I always forget his name, anyway I want it to be spring so I can go back to wearing flip-flops” said Jordana Cotilleta, FCLC ’12.
“I don’t know anything about Groundhog Day, but I definitely want spring to come,” said Gabriella Varobey, FCLC ’11.
Despite the lack of faith in our pal Phil, it seems many students were praying that he didn’t see his shadow with hope that the annoyances of winter will soon be gone.
“I would love Phil to never see his shadow again, I get sick very often in the winter, but not in the spring or summer,” said Jordan Lewis, FCLC ’12. “I just like the hot weather better than the cold weather, plus it’s harder to get up in the morning when you know you are going to have to wait outside in the cold for the bus or trains.”
“I honestly cannot wait for spring; winter is the worst season. I hate how early it gets dark and how cold it is; it’s kind of depressing,” said Liz Allocca, FCLC ’13. “I love being outside so it’s going to be nice once it gets a bit warmer out.”
While many are praying that warmer weather comes fast, some students are hoping for a few more weeks of cold temperatures.
“I would rather winter last a little longer because I like snow and winter clothes,” said Kitty Buehler, FCLC ’13, “But I don’t think I’m going to take the groundhog’s word for it”.
“I personally hope that come Feb. 2, Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow and usher in another six weeks of winter,” said Michael Douglas, FCLC ’11. “It’s the best season of the year! Everything you do is harder, requires more effort; I like that winter challenges you and the cold makes everything quieter and calmer.”
While some students are welcome six more weeks of winter with open arms, the rest of us will have to sit tight, grin and bear it!