No Problems Reported During H1N1 Vaccine Distribution, Turnout “Lower Than Expected”
June 28, 2011
Published: December 10, 2009
Andreina Laucet, Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) ’13, was one of the students who received the H1N1 vaccination, provided by Fordham’s Student Health Services on Nov. 17 and 18.
“The process was really simple and the nurse who did it seemed like she knew what she was doing,” Laucet said.
According to health services at Fordham, the university expected a higher turnout for the vaccine. Approximately 600 students received the vaccine at both campuses. Both the nasal spray and injection were available to students in the Lowenstein Plaza, although injections were required for those with medical conditions. Students were required to show ID and present a signed consent form, along with a $15 co-pay.
Malara said that no problems were reported during the vaccination distribution and that the entire process went “smoothly.”
“[There was] plenty of the vaccine,” Malara said, though “more students wanted the injectable version of the vaccine [than the nasal spray].” According to student health services, the vaccination is now the best possible way to protect against the virus.
Despite the advice, some students say they are still not comfortable with the vaccine.
“I’m not getting the vaccine, but, if I were, I wouldn’t feel comfortable getting it from my school,” said Asal Khanbilvardi, FCLC ’11. “I’d just feel more comfortable getting it from a facility such as a hospital, or a clinic, that has more experience in this area.”
Sam Wong, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) ’11, said, “[I think] universal vaccination does not put an end to the viral infection. Students need to exercise proper hygiene and that should be good enough.”
Since the beginning of the school year, there have been 165 cases of swine flu at the Rose Hill campus and 12 at Lincoln Center. The seasonal influenza vaccine is no longer available at either campus; however, students still interested in getting the H1N1 vaccine can do so. According to Kathleen Malara, there are a limited number of injection vaccines and approximately 300 nasal vaccines still available. So far, no vaccines are available for faculty and staff.