What do Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga and Swine Flu Have in Common?
The Year’s Infamous Characters Fill the Streets on Halloween Night; Who Will Be the Stars of 2009?
June 26, 2011

Published: October 8, 2009
Last Halloween, the streets were filled with scantily clad Sarah Palins hawking political campaigns and men in heavy clown make-up paying homage to Heath Ledger’s joker character. Every year there seems to be those few characters that make such a splash in our pop culture pool, people can’t help but become them for a night. With only a couple weeks left to plan an oufit for this years’ festivities, it’s time to start searching for that perfect costume. Stumped for ideas? Try one of these!
Michael Jackson
The pop legend’s recent death is definitely going to inspire young people everywhere to put on a sparkly glove, grab their crotches and moonwalk it out this Halloween. Just make sure you’re wearing this costume after the kiddies have finished trick-or-treating; depending on how committed you are to making your costume believable, that is.
For all you men who have a secret desire to strap on some tight yellow overalls and show off a butt cheek or two, this is your costume. Make sure you perfect your Austrian accent before attempting this one; you wouldn’t want to be mistaken for Borat. That was so three years ago.
Billy Mays
Glue on a scruffy beard, wear a hip denim button down shirt, carry around your OxiClean bucket and collect treats all night long. Just don’t eat them all at once; we all know how it ends when Billy Mays gets carried away…
Swine Flu
Make people really scared of you this Halloween. Find a surgical mask, grab a hospital gown and stumble down the streets looking like you’re an inch away from death. Curse the heavens, cry out in pain and try to make people nervous in general. It’ll be fun!
Lady Gaga
How easy is this costume? Just look like you’re completely out of your mind. Grab a couple of tight-fitting things from your closet that don’t go together and pair them with ridiculous shoes and a wig of your choice. Add some fake eye lashes and a single fake testicle dangling from your crotch, and you will probably still look better than Lady Gaga does on a good day. Keep your “poker face” on all night, and if someone asks about the testicle… you know what to do.
Jon and Kate Gosselin
If you’re looking for a couples costume this Halloween, this is the ultimate. Girls, find some wig that resembles a porcupine, put on some hip mom jeans and bronze yourself ’til you’ve got that mother-of-eight glow. Guys, deck yourself out in head-to-toe Ed Hardy, down to your shoes, belt and boxers. Freak out at each other all night, but make sure that Kate always wins.
Kanye West and Taylor Swift
Who could resist making “Imma let you finish” jokes all night long? Girls, find a sparkly dress and an awesome blonde wig and play the sweet and innocent card. Guys, find a black pleather button-up and some dark shutter shades. Make sure whatever Taylor tries to pick up throughout the night, you promptly take away. “Yo Taylor, Imma let you finish, but this alcoholic beverage is the best of all time.” When Taylor gets upset, just fake some tears.