Fordham Students Shine in Annual Competition
Students filled the Atrium on April 14, where the Fordham’s Got Talent! show was being held. (PHOTO BY JESSE CARLUCCI/THE OBSERVER)
April 22, 2016
A one-man stand-up act, a trio of sisters dancing a traditional Red Ribbon dance, an acoustic version of “Feeling Good” and an acapella rendition of “Fallin’.” These were just some of the acts that highlighted the talent of several Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC) students at the annual Fordham’s Got Talent! event on April 14.
Sponsored by Campus Activities Board (CAB), Fordham’s Got Talent! allows students to not only showcase their talents to their peers, but also compete for monetary prizes. This year, 11 acts, comprised of either solo or group performances, highlighted the vocal, comedic and artistic abilities of many FCLC undergraduates. With the atrium full of students and a plethora free food and glowsticks, the house was eager to enjoy a night watching what their peers had to offer.
Judging the students at the event was a panel of familiar FCLC faces; with Joseph Desciak, assistant dean for freshmen, Samantha Tymchyn, resident director for upperclass students and Erin McLaughlin, assistant director of experiential education, providing comments at the end of each act and determining the winners at the end of the show.
Dean Desciak commented on the talent of the participants and what judging the competition meant to him: “It’s refreshing actually to be able to participate in an event like this because so often my job has me doing academic issues that come out that are not enjoyable because we’re trying to figure out problems.” He continued, “It was really an honor and a privilege to participate in something like this where I can see Fordham’s finest.”
In order to be selected to participate, FCLC students were asked to send an audition video to CAB for review.
Christina Frankovic, assistant director of programing at FCLC and advisor to CAB noted the level of talent that she saw through this year’s submissions: “I think that every year we get more and more talented students and it’s really great for the Campus Activities Board to honor them annually.”
At the end of the night, winners were selected by the panel of judges from two categories based on whether their act comprised of a solo or group performance. While the judges deliberated on the winners, audience members were treated to a surprise act by Frankovic and Georgina Owolabi-Encarnacion, FCLC ’16, both performing “Falling Slowly” from the musical “Once,” Frankovic singing “Make You Feel My Love” by Adele and Owolabi-Encarnacion performing a guitar solo of “Blackbird” by the Beatles.
After much deliberation, the judges decided the winners for this year. In the solo category, first place went to Jayanna Roberts, FCLC ’19, for her acoustic performance of “Feeling Good.” Second place went to Audrey Fenter, FCLC ’19, for her rendition of “The Chain” by Ingrid Michaelson and third place went to Shannon Costantine, FCLC ‘19, for her musical comedy performance of original song “I’m Moving to Canada.”
In the group category, first place went to Katrina Bernhardt, FCLC’18, and her sisters Claudia and Francesca Bernhardt for their performance of a traditional Red Ribbon dance. Second place went to FCLC’s F#’s for their acapella performance of “Fallin’” by Alicia Keys and “Butterfly” by Rajaton and third place went to the band Red Velvet, comprised of Conrad Zajkowski, FCLC ’17, Navi Bajwa, FCLC ’17, and Jerry Rodriguez for their performance of original song “If She Could Walk, She Could Talk.”
If you think you have talent, polish your acts for next year’s competition, as Fordham’s Got Talent! is an annual event. Maybe next year you’ll join the ranks as Fordham’s most talented.
Below is a full list of the 2016 Participants:
- Maggie Fischer, FCLC ’17
- Shannon Costantine, FCLC ’19
- F#s
- Jayanna Roberts, FCLC ’19
- Audrey Fenter, FCLC ’19
- Alexandra Rebosura, FCLC ’18, Nopell Wong, FCLC ’18 and Sunny Kim, FCLC ’18
- Will Meckley, FCLC ’16
- Emily Polonia, FCLC ’18
- Katrina Bernhardt, FCLC ’17, Claudia and Francesca Bernhardt
- Burrito Thieves – Carolyn Guerrero, FCLC ’17, Michael Figueroa, FCLC ’17, Ross Lampert, FCLC ’16,
- Red Velvet – Conrad Zajkowski, FCLC ’17, Navi Bajwa, FCLC ’17 and Jerry Rodriguez