Foregoing the Morning Grind with Yoga
April 8, 2016

I have a complicated relationship with mornings. I love getting a head start on my day before classes and work begin. But when my alarm goes off at 6 a.m., I struggle to pull myself out of bed. Coffee is helpful, but it can be an expensive solution.
In order to receive my certification as a yoga instructor, I had to complete 200 hours of training. For three months, I spent the hours between 6:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. taking and teaching classes, working with guest lecturers, breaking down poses and learning about the spiritual base that yoga is built on. Our days started early, but I don’t remember ever being tired or having a coffee in hand. The key to waking up (besides commuting in -20 degree weather) seemed to be a sequence of stretches that we began with every morning.
We started each day with a short sequence of poses aimed at opening our hips and warming up our spines. These poses were aimed at balancing the body after sleep. We often sleep in a fetal position, which gives us a sense of comfort and security. Sleeping in this position rounds our hips and spines. By stretching in the morning, we reverse the curvature of the body.
Stretching and straightening your hips and spine naturally stimulates the body and promotes energy, which means you may be able to skip the Starbucks line. The following poses can be done in the time it takes for you to brew a cup of coffee.
1) Spinal Stretch
Sit cross-legged, either on the floor or on a pillow. Extend the crown of your head toward the ceiling as you inhale, lengthening your spine. As you exhale, place your right hand on your left leg. Inhale, lengthening your spine once more, and as you exhale, twist your upper body to the left. Remain twisted for three breaths, and unwind as you exhale. Repeat on your right side.
2) Lunge Pose
Start in downward facing dog pose with your feet hips-width (roughly two fists) apart and your hands shoulders-width apart. As you inhale, step your left foot forward, placing it in between your hands. Let your right heel come off the ground, placing your weight on the balls of your feet. As you exhale, shift your weight to your front leg, stretching your hips. If you wish, you can rest your back knee and shin on the ground. Remain in this lunge position for five breaths before returning to a downward facing dog pose once more on your exhale. Repeat on your right side.
3) Extended Triangle Pose
Begin once more in downward dog pose, breathing deeply. As you inhale, step your left foot forward, placing it between your hands. Exhale and center your weight between your legs. Inhale and reach your hands and the crown of your head towards the ceiling, lengthening your spine. As you exhale, open your arms from side to side and turn your torsos so that you are facing outward. Spin your back (right) foot outwards so that it is perpendicular to your front foot. Your body will be open, with only your front foot facing forward. Inhale, straightening your front leg and reaching your left arm forward. As you exhale, drop your left hand to your knee, shin or ankle. Be mindful of keeping your spine straight and your chest and hips open. Hold for five breaths and repeat on your right side.
By introducing yoga into your morning routine, your day can be centered on natural energy. Taking a few minutes for yourself is a wonderful way to set the tone for the day. It may even save you a few Keurig cups!