About the Bi-Annual Prescribe Fordham Event
The Fordham Law School is taking part of Prescribe Fordham, an awareness campaign for students in favor of reproductive justice. The event will be held on John Jay College on Wednesday March 9th, 2016. (PHOTO BY SOFIA ALVAREZ/ THE OBSERVER)
March 10, 2016
On March 9, three organizations dedicated to reproductive rights, Fordham Law Students for Reproductive Justice (FLSRJ) John Jay College’s Women’s Center for Gender Justice, and the Reproductive Health Access Project, teamed up to host Prescribe Fordham, a pop-up birth control clinic and sexual health fair located at John Jay.
Spearheaded five years ago by FLSRJ, Prescribe Fordham was created to offer Fordham students an opportunity to meet sexual health providers and gain access to affordable contraception. Up until last year, Prescribe Fordham was an annual event, but it now runs once a semester.
“We’re happy to offer two check-in points per year to give students greater access,” current FLSRJ President Hailey Flynn noted. “Cost can be such a huge barrier to obtaining effective contraception, so it’s awesome that two schools can come together to provide these affordable services.”
Because the nature of Prescribe Fordham conflicts with Fordham’s Jesuit identity, FLSRJ is not able to host the event on campus and instead collaborates with John Jay to secure a venue, according to Flynn. Flynn also said that FLSRJ is not able to advertise Prescribe Fordham to undergraduates but is able to advertise to law students.
At the event, students can choose to sign in, but also have the option to enter confidentially. Flynn pointed out there will be music and light refreshments.“We want it to be low-key, but also fun,” Flynn said.
Different areas of the room will host different services, according to Flynn.
“Last year we had a representative from Babeland do demonstrations of their products as well,” Flynn noted. “It was such a fun, sex-positive environment.”
The main attraction of the event is the opportunity to speak to sexual health providers from around the city. Doctors will be available to consult students about contraception, write prescriptions and schedule follow-up appointments if a student so desires. “The doctors have practices all around the city, a lot of which are in the Bronx and Harlem, so Rose Hill students can gain easy access as well,” Flynn said.
At the event, students will also be able to discuss options based on their insurance plans with doctors in their individual networks.
“I would encourage anyone who is even just curious about these services to come [one year], because having information is so important,” Flynn stated. The event is held biannually at John Jay College.