Preview: New Student Center Coming Fall ‘16
The old law school building, seen above, is currently being renovated and will contain new student offices. (ELIZABETH LANDRY/THE OBSERVER)
February 24, 2016
When FCLC students return in the fall of 2016 a Student Affairs Center will be the new hub of student activity on campus, situated in the old Law School at Lincoln Center building across the plaza from Lowenstein.
According to Dean of Students Keith Eldredge, construction has proceeded according to plan so far, with the opening slated for the beginning of the fall 2016 semester.
“It will be half club space and half administrative space,” he said. “So we’re able to move almost all the administrative offices in the Division of Student Affairs down there, but then we’re going to have a big student lounge area, a big multipurpose room, four smaller, but good-sized meeting rooms and a bigger, new and improved Student Organization Resource Center.”
Eldredge likened the space to the second floor of the McGinley Campus Center on the Fordham Rose Hill campus, which features a large hall and several smaller rooms for functions and student activities.
United Student Government (USG) President Leighton Magoon, FCLC ’17 described the new space as a long hallway of offices for student affairs, opening into a wide, circular area. Off of that will be additional rooms for programming, which according to Eldredge may have “presentation capabilities.”
Magoon said, “There were different meetings that focused on the strategic planning of the University in what exactly students need. Students are the ones who use the campus and whom the campus is for, so I know that during the planning stages those involved really believed that we should have additional facilities.” He also cited the increasing class size as a factor in the need for student space.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) will be moving out of their current office at McMahon 211 and occupy a new space in the Student Affairs hallway. Eldredge expressed his excitement about making this office more convenient for not just residents of McMahon Hall, but also the rest of the student body. “I think we’re doing our best as a country to destigmatize mental health [problems], but that’s still a barrier for some folks. So we will have a space where students can go, where it’ll be on that floor but in part of the more discreet part of the floor.”
One element which is not yet certain is the possibility of a small dining option within the Student Affairs Center. Eldredge and Magoon both confirmed that the school is now in talks with Argo Tea to have a ‘tea-osk,’ their play on ‘kiosk,’ in the style of their location at 1792 Broadway on Columbus Circle. Eldredge said that they would serve not only tea but also coffee, snacks and sandwiches, “similar to what you would see on a Starbucks menu.”
Eldredge also said that he and several other offices will be moving to the same hallway, including the Office of Student Involvement, Career Services, The Observer, USG, Commuter Student Association (CSA), Residence Hall Association (RHA) and the Campus Activities Board (CAB). “I think we do a great job on this campus already of collaborating between those administrative offices,” he said, “but it will be so much easier and I think it’ll be great for students that you see all the different activities. It’s sort of one-stop shopping for students.”
“I think [Lincoln Center] is a wonderful campus,” Eldredge said, acknowledging the residence halls, academic facilities and existing lounge areas. “We’ve known for a while that one of the things that we’re missing is some dedicated student space. I’m really thrilled that we’re going to provide this additional layer of services.”
Magoon added that this will primarily be a social center for students, but those wishing to do homework will also benefit from the new Quinn Library, which will have windows, and the proximity to the law library in McKeon Hall.
“When I was a freshman,” Magoon said, “we only had two [buildings], not counting the old law school building. Now we’ll have four buildings with the opportunity of being able to access really new and up-to-date lounge spaces and places for clubs, so I’m really excited.”
Both Magoon and Eldredge spoke favorably about the likelihood of moving popular activities such as The Bash or club events into the new space. Magoon explained, “People are definitely looking into: a, what kind of new events can we put on here, and b, what kind of events that are already pretty successful can we bring over here and make even better?”