USG Hosts the UNDYs
April 16, 2015
On Thursday April 16, the United Student Government (USG) hosted the Undergraduate Appreciation Awards (UNDYs) in the Atrium at Fordham Lincoln Center. The ceremony honors notable undergraduate students for both personal and professional achievements in a variety of categories, such as journalism, social justice work or on-campus involvement.

Gabriella Besada, Vice President for Student Affairs and FCLC ’16, gave an opening speech introducing the event and welcoming everyone in attendance. Before the awards were given out however, attendees were treated to a complimentary meal.

As the night progressed, members of USG announced and handed out awards to the winning students, as a loudly supportive audience kept the atmosphere alive.

Louise Lingat, President of USG at Lincoln Center and FCLC ’15, ended the ceremony with closing remarks commending the students for their achievements and thanking the student and faculty bodies for their involvement. The complete list of award recipients is published below.
UNDY Recipients:
Freshman of the Year: Sophia Scott, FCLC ’18
Sophomore of the Year: Dylan Penza, FCLC ’16
Junior of the Year: Georgina Owolabi, FCLC ’16
Senior of the Year: Anitra Singh, FCLC ’15
Event Planner of the Year: Molly Hellauer, FCLC ’16
ResLife Award: Tim Gavan, FCLC ’15
Most Active Club Member: Jennifer Lei, FCLC ’17
Most Fordham Spirit: Gabriella Besada, FCLC ’16
Most Dedicated Tabler: Emma Lemar, FCLC ’15
Most Active in Dorothy Day Center for Service and Justice: Jalen Glenn, FCLC ’16
Most Active Lincoln Center Society Ambassador: Ellen Dawe, FCLC ’16
Most Active Observer Journalist Award: Adriana Gallina, FCLC ’17
Most Active Library Student Worker: Hillary Cadra, FCLC ’17
Most Active Student Worker In Any Department: Elizabeth Saballos, FCLC ’16
Most Versatile Student Actor “I Beat Meryl” Award: Meaghan McLeod, FCLC ’15
Best Dance Skills (The Billy Elliot Award): Khensani Mathebula, FCLC ’15
Best Artistic Skills: Sandra Lin, FCLC ’17
Best Musical Skills: Nicholas Chow, FCLC ’17
Club: SOL
Event: BSA Die-In