Model UN & Russian Forum Endorse Azrilyant for USG President

(Courtesy of OrgSync)
April 1, 2015
Updated: April 8, 2015 at 10:31p.m.
With one day left of voting, Model United Nations (UN) and the Russian Forum have endorsed Jacob Azrilyant, FCLC’16, for United Student Government (USG) President, joining the Archery Club who announced their support early today, on Wednesday, April 8.
On Tuesday, April 7, Leighton Magoon, FCLC’17, earned the endorsements of the Basketball Club, Soccer Club, Amnesty International, the Roosevelt Institute and CIAO!. The Gamer’s Guild announced their support for Azrilyant, as well.
On the night before the United Student Government (USG) Election, more clubs have endorsed both candidates for President. Club endorsements will no longer be accepted by the Elections Committee by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8. Polls close Thursday, April 9 at 6 p.m. Below, you will find all club endorsements.
Students can submit their ballots via OrgSync. Graduating seniors cannot participate in this election.
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″]Club Endorsements for Jacob Azrilyant
Fordham Songwriting Club (Tues, March 31)
Student Arts Guild (Wednesday, April 1)
Commuting Students Association (Wed., April 1)
Jewish Students Organization (Mond., April 6)
Gamer’s Guild (Tues., April 7)
Archery Club (Wed., April 8)
Model UN (Wed., April 8)
Russian Forum (Wed., April 8)
[/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″]Club Endorsements for Leighton Magoon
Basketball Club(Tues., April 7)
Soccer Club(Tues., April 7)
Amnesty International(Tues., April 7)
Roosevelt Institute(Tues., April 7)
CIAO!(Tues., April 7)[/vc_column][/vc_row]