Changes You Need To Know To Start the Year Off Right

August 28, 2014
For those coming to call Fordham “home” for the first time, the new campus layout will soon become standard. But for those returning to Fordham after a well-deserved summer vacation, some things will seem very different. Besides the opening of the new freshman residence, McKeon Hall, and the new Fordham Law Building, there have been some changes in Fordham administration and location changes. A message from Rev. Father Grimes, dean of Fordham College at Lincoln Center, to The Observer outlined some of these key changes.
Communication and Media Studies not only has added a new program, namely New Media and Digital Design, but also a new set of offices. Instead of finding your favorite CMS professor on the fourth floor of Lowenstein, they can now be found on the second floor of 33 W. 60th Street.

Associate Chair Gwyenth Jackaway wrote to CMS majors, “We are thrilled to be in a wonderfully spacious new set of offices.” Office hours will be announced soon.
Taking advantage of the vacancies left by the communication and media studies department’s move, the history department will now be based out of Lowenstein 422.
“The academic advising office looks rather different,” Grimes wrote.
Josie Grégoire, J.D. will be replacing Joseph Creamer as assistant dean for seniors.
Milton Bravo will be replacing Joseph Desciak as assistant dean for juniors and transfers.
Arleen Pancza Graham is returning as assistant dean for sophomores.
Joseph Desciak, formerly assistant dean for juniors and transfer students, will be returning as assistant dean for first year students, replacing Father Vin DeCola.
Additionaly, Robert Moniot, a professor of computer science, will be returning to the associate dean’s office. Mark Mattson will be making his return to the psychology faculty. He held the position of associate dean for five years.