Then and Now: Club Day, 1992


Black and white photos of Club Day 1992 laid over present-day Lowenstein Lobby reminds us all that we are not the first, or the last, to walk these halls. (Photo Illustration Ian McKenna/Observer Archival Photo).


Black and white photos of Club Day 1992 laid over present-day Lowenstein Lobby reminds us all that we are not the first, or the last, to walk these halls. (Photo Illustration Ian McKenna/Observer Archival Photo).

Welcome to our new multimedia segment, Then and Now, where I’ll show you the people, events, and locations of Fordham College at Lincoln Center (FCLC).  Pulled straight from The Observer and Fordham Archives, these photos aim to show in what ways FCLC has changed, or hasn’t, when it comes to our campus.

Club Day was celebrated today on the Indoor Plaza, an event occurring every September to welcome FCLC and encourage new and returning students to get involved in our Fordham community.

Found in The Observer office, the following photo shows just how friendly the FCLC community can be.

The Chess Club at the FCLC Club Fair in September, 1992. (Observer Archival Photo)

Taken at the Club Fair in 1992, this photo shows a smiling, approachable and fun faculty member, rocking an intense bolo-tie wrapped in a snake pendant, playing a friendly game of chess to support the Chess Club. While the club is no longer with us,  the club is memorialized in this photo taken by an unknown Observer photographer in 1992.