Fordham will required all students of its undergraduate, graduate and professional schools to be vaccinated for the fall 2021 semester.
Students in all undergraduate, graduate and professional schools at Fordham will be required to be vaccinated for the fall 2021 semester, according to an email sent to the Fordham community from the Office of the President on April 16.
The announcement clarified that medical and religious accommodations will be considered and that on-campus vaccinations will be available for unvaccinated international students upon arrival.
Faculty, staff and administrators are strongly expected to be fully vaccinated for the fall semester, but the email did not specify that expectation as a requirement similar to the one set for students.
University President Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., said the university’s goal through the new policy is to provide a safe environment for students, faculty and staff to “pursue our mission” and to protect off-campus community members.
“These are not merely Fordham priorities, but a duty as citizens and members of the University community,” McShane said.
Fordham is among a growing list of colleges and universities that are requiring students to be vaccinated before returning to campus in the fall, including Syracuse, Cornell and Rutgers Universities.
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