Aaron Carter Still Wants Candy After All These Years

Aaron Carter talks with The Observer about childhood stardom and what he is doing now. (Courtesy of Big Machine Media)
February 20, 2013
Aaron Carter is ready to remind his old fans the reasons they loved him in the first place with a new album and tour, but this time as an adult. The Observer was able to chat with Aaron about his past, his present and his future.
The Observer: Hi. How are you?

Aaron Carter: Pretty good. Just got out of the shower from rehearsals so I’m a little hot and sweaty…
Observer: How are rehersals going?
A.C.: It’s great. Going really good. I have a great team of people helping me with the show and putting it together as I see fit. It’s been going really well and I’ve been incorporating a lot of the elements from some of my other tours into it and stuff. So a lot of the stuff that people grew up seeing me perform like I when I did “American A.O.” and I performed with the American flag and if I had a Shaq jersey on then I’m going to have it in the shows this time.
Observer: You achieved success at a very young age—have you felt pressure to maintain that, and has it been hard growing up the way you did?
A.C: I guess in order for it to feel hard for me I would have had to know something about the other side of the spectrum of life. So technically, I don’t know. I don’t know what it feels to be what you would call “normal,” I only know my lifestyle. It’s what’s normal to me. My normality lies within myself. So, it’s hard for me to answer that.
Observer: Do you feel like you missed out on anything growing up the way you did?
A.C.: I feel like I got to see a lot of things that other people didn’t. I got to be introduced to different cultures and different lifestyles that most kids were only learning about in text books, while I was actually there studying on my tour. That was a blessing. There have been flaws, but most of what I have done has been really positive.
Observer: Was there any moment that you realized that you were a really big deal to a lot of people?
A.C.: I still don’t really realize that kind of thing. I try to just live my lifestyle the way I live my life and just appreciate those who support me.
Observer: Why did you choose to focus on theater and “The Fantasticks” instead of jumping back into music?
A.C.: Well, it just wasn’t time yet and honestly that’s just not how it happened. A lot of people didn’t think I was capable of doing tours anymore or releasing albums or even if I could sing anymore or if I’m a rapper or what I even do anymore.
When “The Fantasticks” came along it was like alright here’s an opportunity that diversifies me and sets me apart. And if I’m able to do this and be able to do what I love then that’s the ultimate goal. So, when I first came into the show with my manager, Jason, we were like, our plan is to do this and let it be an experience and something that shows me in a good light and puts me in a family show and shows that I’m dependable and have discipline with myself and that I take care of myself and that any of the negativity that has happened in my life I was able to conquer and defeat.
And here I am today a year and a half later after 450 performances and all kinds of different obstacles and things I had to deal with this year. My grandpa died, my sister died of a drug overdose, I was in a relationship that wasn’t good and I got out of that relationship. So I dealt with a lot of loss, but I also gained a lot from it too. It’s been an incredible life experience. Honestly that’s the first time I’ve ever been able to sum all of that into words, so you’re like the first person who’s getting the real deal of what has happened and how it’s affected me. It’s been difficult, but it turned me into a real man.
Observer: Is all this loss going to appear on your album and in your new songs?
A.C.: I don’t know. Being arrested was the least of my worries. That was just whatever. Yes. Love songs and stuff to relate to my fans. I’m 25 and I like to have fun. I’m not like a completely clean and sober kind of guy. I still like to have fun and I like to do what I like to do, but I’m just different at it now. I know how to be mature and be modest and do things in moderation.
Observer: Are you worried that your fans have grown up and might not be there anymore?
A.C.: I’m not worried about it. My shows are doing great and selling out and that’s all I can ask for. It’s pretty amazing how it’s worked, since I haven’t put on a show in a few years. It’s not like I disappeared. My fans have always had some sort of content from me, whether they see me on reality shows or a cooking competition show or a dancing competition show.
I’ve been on Broadway and doing those kinds of things. So, I’m always immersing myself in performing. It’s their choice whether they want to see me or not. I don’t force anybody to do anything. If somebody wants to come see me then cool you come see me, if they don’t then I don’t really care. It doesn’t matter to me. It’s none of my business what somebody else’s opinion of me is.
Observer: Can we expect more collaborations on the new album, like your song with Flo Rida?
A.C.: I’m going to have Nikki Flores on the album. I’m actually going to be contacting Wiz Khalifa to be on the record. It’s just an idea right now, but we’re going to be reaching out to him. I want things to be organic for me. I did collabs for a couple albums and then for a couple albums I was able to be myself, so for this album I’m just going to be myself. And if you don’t like it you ain’t going to buy it.
Observer: What do you think of the current teen popstars who are doing what you did in your heyday? And do you like One Direction?
A.C.: It’s cool just as long as they remember who their big brother is. Yeah, all of those kids, The Wanted and One Direction. I know them. We talk.
Observer: Can you still beat Shaq?
A.C.: It was all a dream, baby. I actually just had a rematch with him last year and you’ll probably see that on TV soon.
Observer: Any last thoughts?
A.C.: aaroncarternow.com to see the latest dates being added to “The After Party” tour. I’m going to be doing UStreams every week for my fans so I can talk to them and they can expect to see that.
Sean • Feb 20, 2013 at 7:01 pm
Why, though? To this whole article.
Jackie Brown • Feb 20, 2013 at 6:31 pm
What a tool.